Why does Texas (Taxus) have the highest property taxes and 3rd highest sales tax?

According tο thе non–profit Tax Foundation, Texas hаѕ thе highest property tax іn america аt 1.76% &#959f уουr home’s value еνеrу year.

Texas аlѕο hаѕ thе thrid highest sales tax іn america.

Finally, thе state &#959f texas taxes аll energy produced аt 4.6%

Here іѕ thе link…gο tο thе map, click table аnd click thе heading "tax аѕ % &#959f value"


9 Responses to Why does Texas (Taxus) have the highest property taxes and 3rd highest sales tax?

  1. team

    maybe because they have one of the lowest unemployment rates in the country

  2. itsamini1

    Yes Texas has had high property taxes since the 40′s, this is how they fund their schools. It is better than a sales tax which effects even the poorest of the poor.

  3. Commander McBragg

    Property taxes are administered by counties, not states. A significant part of the sales tax is too. The state had an average sales tax last I was there. It does not tax food and some other things that many "lower" tax states do.

  4. truth seeker

    Because it is a "Red State"…

    Texans love to brag that they have no State income tax. Yet for some reason they haven’t figured out that the property tax and sales tax MORE than makes up for it.

  5. annie

    we are the second largest state and it takes money to care for it people roads and bridges.

  6. Rob E

    But no state income tax.

  7. Silver

    Texas has no state income tax.
    Texas has a state sales tax of 6.2% which can be as high as 8.2% with local use tax. California, Tennessee, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Mississippi, Indiana, Minnesota, Nevada, and Washington all have higher effective sales tax rates than Texas.

    he property tax is the largest source of funding for local services in Texas. Property taxes help to pay for public schools, city streets, county roads, police, fire protection and many other services.

  8. Captain Marvel

    True, but you seem to have forgotten that Texas also has NO income tax. Didn’t figure that part in, did you?
    Lived there for 13 years and did very well financially, not rich, just comfortable.

  9. Jimbo

    Yeah, we pay taxes but we also have a business friendly state legislature that only meets twice a year. We have a balanced budget with an 8 BILLION DOLLAR rainy day fund for any shortfalls that may come in the future. We also don’t have a state income tax and we are third in the lowest unemployment ranking. so sit your liberal self down and worry about your own state. We are doing just fine thanks to a REPUBLICAN state government and a REPUBLICAN Governor. Oh as far as the energy taxes go, we can stop those anytime. All you need to do is to tell YOUR state to stop buying our gas and oil. We’ll keep it here and keep the money also. No problem!

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