Chrestomanci Castle

The Diana Wynne Jones Homepage

or Travels in the Land of Ingary

Site navigation:

Diana Wynne Jones died on 25 March, 2011, after a long battle with cancer. She will be greatly missed.


26 March 2012:
On 22nd April, 2012, Diana's family and friends will be hosting Diana Wynne Jones -- a Celebration of Her Life and Work. Come and remember Diana's extraordinary imagination. The public is welcome to attend.


Welcome to Chrestomanci Castle, a fan site for Diana Wynne Jones. If you are new to Diana Wynne Jones (perhaps you were introduced to her work through the Miyazaki film Howl's Moving Castle Movie / Hauru no Ugoku Shiro?), come in, have a look around. Learn more about her books, contribute to the wiki, or join the mailing list.

Imaginary Letters

"Dear Deborah," asks my imaginary letter-writer. "Why is this site both Chrestomanci Castle and Travels in the Land of Ingary? And why do you occasionally call Kingsbury 'Kingsport'?" Well, imaginary letter writer, let me explain. Back in the old days, when puppies were the oldest animals, we didn't have these fancy things called "web design" and "standards for content". This was back in 1995, and basically, we just spewed whatever the heck we wanted onto pages. Let's face it, back then, nobody was online but geeks, students, and AOL-users, so nobody with any standards for quality.

But now we seem to be coming up to our tenth anniversary! Oh my goodness. Let's see if I can bring this page into the 21st century, eh what?

To recap: despite the title, the theme of this website is Ingary.

About this site:

This a fan site for Diana Wynne Jones, an author of childrens' fantasy books. Here you can find, among other things, information on all of her books and information on the author personally. Below is an explanation of where the links on the navigation bar at the top of the page will take you.

News is a page with all of the news announcements ever posted to the site and their origional dates. The 2-4 most recent announcements can also be found at the top of this page.

Personal will bring you to biographical and autobiographical information on Diana Wynne Jones, including some photographs.

Books & writings will take you to information on all of the books by DWJ that have ever been published, as well as information about her articles, reviews, and anything else she's written. There's reviews and critical articles about her work, as well. There are cover scans and publishing information for some editions, and in some cases, quotes written by Ms. Jones about her work, first chapters, or plot summaries. There are also links that will take you to Powells (in the United States of America) and Heffers (in the United Kingdom) to buy the books or to buy books on tape.

Links is a page with links to other web sites with information on Ms. Jones or her work.

Quotes is a script that gives a different random quote from a Diana Wynne Jones book every time you load the page. You can download the file that the quotes come from, if you like, and you may submit new quotes to be added by sending them in an email to

Howl's Moving Castle Movie (Hauru no Ugoku Shiro) links directly to information about the animated film by Studio Ghibli.

Wiki is an user-contributed encyclopedia about DWJ. Go and add some information yourself, or look for some.

Mailing List links to information about the current DWJ list members, information about how to join, archives, and some interesting threads.

If you have any comments about what you'd like to see on this site, please mail them to I am very bad about answering email and only update my page once every few months; if you email me to nag, I may not answer, but I will be more likely to update the page, so go for it.