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Volume 279, Issue 8 p. 1375-1385
Free Access

Kynurenines: from the perspective of major psychiatric disorders

Aye M. Myint

Aye M. Myint

Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich, Germany

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First published: 08 March 2012
Citations: 174
A. M. Myint, Psychiatric Hospital, Ludwig-Maximilian University, Nussbaumstrasse 7, D-80336, Munich, Germany
Fax: +49 89 5160 5890
Tel: +49 89 5160 3433
E-mail: [email protected]


Psychiatric disorders are documented to be associated with a mild pro-inflammatory state. Pro-inflammatory mediators could activate the tryptophan breakdown and kynurenine pathway with a shift toward the neurotoxic arm where excitotoxic N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor agonist quinolinic acid is formed. An unbalanced metabolism in terms of neuroprotective and neurotoxic effects, such as reduced kynurenic acid to kynurenine ratio, has been demonstrated in the major psychiatric disorders such as unipolar depression, bipolar manic-depressive disorder and schizophrenia, and in drug-induced neuropsychiatric side effects such as interferon-α treated patients. The changes in serum or plasma are shown to be associated with central changes such as in the cerebrospinal fluid and certain brain areas. While currently available antidepressants and mood stabilizers could not efficiently improve these neurochemical changes within the same period that could induce clinical improvement, some antipsychotic treatments could reverse certain metabolic imbalances. Some of these changes were tested also in animal models. In this review the role of this unbalanced kynurenine metabolism through interactions with other neurochemicals is discussed as a major contributing pathophysiological mechanism in psychiatric disorders. Moreover, the biomarker role of kynurenine metabolites and future therapeutic opportunities are also discussed.


  • α7nAchR
  • α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor
  • BBB
  • blood–brain barrier
  • BCG
  • bacillus Calmette-Guérin
  • HAA
  • 3-hydroxyanthranillic acid
  • 5HI
  • 5-hydroxyindole
  • IDO
  • indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase
  • IFN
  • interferon
  • IL
  • interleukin
  • KAT
  • kynurenine aminotransferase
  • KMO
  • kynurenine-3-monooxygenase
  • KYN
  • kynurenine
  • KYNA
  • kynurenic acid
  • MDD
  • major depressive disorders
  • NMDA-R
  • N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor
  • OHK
  • 3-hydroxykynurenine
  • QUIN
  • quinolinic acid
  • TDO
  • tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase
  • Th
  • T helper
  • XAN
  • xanthurenic acid
  • Introduction

    Major psychiatric disorders are heterogeneous disorders in which abnormalities occur in both the body and the brain through gene–environment interaction. These psychiatric disorders are neither just a state of mind nor disorders only of the brain. There are several biological systems involved in the pathophysiological mechanisms of the disorders. The crosstalk between (a) different biological systems in the body, (b) those biological systems and the environment and (c) the peripheral immune, endocrine, metabolic systems and the brain neurochemicals of the central nervous system together play as an orchestra in the pathophysiology of major psychiatric disorders.

    Mood disorders, the major depressive disorders or major depression (MDD) and bipolar disorder are the most common of the psychiatric disorders. In Europe, MDD accounts for approximately 13% of the lifetime incidence with 4% being diagnosed with major depression within the past 12 months [1]. The lifetime prevalence of bipolar disorders is 2% and they are characterized by pathological disturbances in mood ranging from extreme elation (mania) to severe depression. Depression in general has a major detrimental impact on the quality of life of patients regardless of geographical, educational, socioeconomic and racial backgrounds. According to the 1990 Global Burden of Disease of the World Health Organization, depression has a greater negative impact on quality of life than cardiovascular disease and has been projected to be the second most important cause of disability, as disability adjusted years, by 2030 [2]. The pattern of occurrence, increasing severity and the frequent resistance to treatment are some of the reasons for the high burden of depression. There are different hypotheses upon which antidepressants and mood stabilizers have been developed. However, the currently available antidepressants are not adequately effective to treat the disease. This may be due to the fact that major depression is a heterogeneous disorder in which gene–environment interaction has effects on several systems in the body, which results in some neurochemical and mood changes that cannot be easily treated by manipulating one molecule or one neurotransmitter system.

    Schizophrenia, another major psychiatric disorder, is a devastating psychotic illness characterized by impaired thinking, emotions and behaviour. The key symptoms are auditory hallucinations, paranoid or bizarre delusions, or disorganized speech and thinking with significant social or occupational dysfunction. Earliest manifestation of this disorder typically occurs in young adulthood and affects around 1–1.5% of the population worldwide. Schizophrenia belongs to the so-called ‘complex disorders’ in which both a genetic component and environmental risk factors contribute to the vulnerability to develop this disease. It is a major problem for schizophrenia research that the disease is so heterogeneous that several discrete syndromes with different patho-aetiological mechanisms may be categorized as schizophrenia. However, there is a general consensus that an alteration of distinct neurotransmitter systems is crucially involved in its pathophysiology.

    During the second half of the last century, the body and brain crosstalk through the immune system became of interest in the pathophysiology of major psychiatric disorders. The role of tryptophan as a precursor of serotonin was also of interest especially in the pathophysiology of depression. The depletion of tryptophan, which is the precursor of serotonin, the neurotransmitter of normal mood state, could lead to depletion of serotonin, which in turn induces a depressed mood state. At the beginning of the 21st century, the connection between the immune system and tryptophan metabolism, especially catabolism through the kynurenine (KYN) pathway, was highlighted in the pathophysiology of psychiatric disorders based on the fact that a clearer body–brain crosstalk could be explained and observed through this pathway.

    Tryptophan metabolism in health

    Tryptophan is an essential amino acid which has an indole ring structure and is obtained from dietary sources, approximately 20 nmol·day−1. The reference value of plasma tryptophan ranges from 45 to 60  μmol·L−1 [3]. Of this, 50–85% is bound to albumin in an unstable manner [4]. Serotonin is synthesized from about 1% of the available tryptophan in the body. The main serotonin synthesis occurs in the enterochromaffin cells in the gut and 10–20% occurs in the brain after crossing the blood–brain barrier (BBB). The central availability of tryptophan mainly depends on competition by the large amino acids for transport across the BBB and partly depends on the cerebral demand [5]. About 99% of tryptophan is metabolized in the liver by the tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase (TDO) [6]. TDO activity is mainly controlled by the tryptophan level itself and therefore its activity is generally stable.

    After tryptophan is catabolized into KYN, it is further catabolized into 3-hydroxykynurenine (OHK) by the kynurenine-3-monooxygenase (KMO) enzyme. The activity of KMO needs both NADPH2 and flavin co-factors although an association between human riboflavin deficiency and decreased blood OHK level was never reported [7]. After OHK, further degradation continues to 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid (HAA) through the action of kynureninase. After that, the catabolism proceeds in the liver either into the complete oxidation pathway and forms ATP or into quinolinic acid (QUIN) which is finally degraded into NAD. Picolinic acid is also formed in small quantities from the complete oxidation pathway. Under physiological conditions, the catabolism goes mainly to ATP formation and only a minor portion goes to NAD formation [8]. KYN can also be catabolized by the kynurenine aminotransferases (KATs) into kynurenic acid (KYNA) (Fig. 1). This metabolism in the liver is more or less stable and age and gender has an influence on it [8]. Vitamin B6 plays an important role in the metabolism since pyridoxyl 5-phosphate, the co-enzyme in the KYN pathway, is derived from this vitamin. The effect of vitamin B6 could be observed not only in conditions associated with B6 deficiencies but also in healthy conditions, since vitamin B6 supplementation to healthy subjects can influence the enzyme activities and formation of metabolites [8,9]. In the case of impaired function of this co-enzyme, urinary excretion of KYN, OHK and xanthurenic acid (XAN) are increased because of the reduced activity of kynureninase which converts the OHK and XAN into HAA, the activity of which is sensitive to the activity of the co-enzyme [7,10]. The final formation of nicotinic acid and its derivatives through different conversion steps in the tryptophan breakdown pathway is important for our nervous system and there will be insufficient formation of these derivatives in the case of vitamin B6 deficiency. Moreover, since ATP formation in the cells is dependent on NAD, depletion of NAD is fatal to the cells especially if they are under stress. In the normal state, to get normal NAD requirements, QUIN synthesis occurs only transiently in the liver and QUIN does not accumulate in the hepatocytes [11].

    Details are in the caption following the image

    Tryptophan metabolism in health. This figure depicts the tryptophan breakdown metabolic pathway in healthy condition. The green arrows show metabolic processes. The thickness of the arrow indicates the degree or weight of action or reaction. The red arrows show negative effect or toxic effect and the blue arrows show the positive effect. Dotted arrows indicate inhibition.

    Since KYN itself can be transported across the BBB, on top of the KYN formed in the brain by tryptophan breakdown, extra KYN is available from the periphery for further KYN metabolism in the brain. Sixty per cent of brain KYN is contributed from the periphery [12]. In the brain, tryptophan catabolism occurs mainly in the astrocytes and microglia [13–15]. Although some neurons also possess indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) and/or TDO2 [16], neurons are not the main sites of the KYN pathway in the brain. While astrocytes are shown to produce mainly KYNA because of lack of the KMO enzyme, microglia and macrophages produce mainly QUIN [17–19]. The astrocytes metabolize QUIN produced by the neighbouring microglia [18].

    The KYN pathway also plays a role in glucose metabolism. While the ATP and HAA formed from this pathway activate glycolysis [20], through which glycogen is stored in the cells to be utilized in case of stress or glucose need, the QUIN inhibits gluconeogenesis [21]. The latter process may prevent the cells from getting glucose from sources of fat and protein. In the central nervous system, glycogen storage and glucose availability are indeed important for neuroprotection in the case of inflammation and microglia activation. It has been reported that inhibition of the enzyme glycogen synthetase kinase 3, which in turn enhances the activity of glycogen synthase, could reduce the toxic effects of microglia on neurons in the case of immune activation in the brain [22]. Under physiological conditions, in the brain, this KYN pathway serves mainly for glycogen storage and synthesis of small amounts of NAD required for the central nervous system.

    Tryptophan metabolism in inflammation

    Under physiological conditions, as mentioned above, tryptophan metabolism takes place mainly in the liver through TDO as the first rate limiting enzyme. In cases of inflammation, infection or oxidative stress, which activate the enzyme IDO in the extrahepatic tissues such as the lungs, placenta, kidneys, spleen, blood and brain [23,24], the extrahepatic tryptophan metabolism shifts the tryptophan metabolism away from the liver [25]. Tryptophan breakdown through the KYN pathway then occurs mainly in the blood and lymphoid tissues [26]. The IDO activity is enhanced by pro-inflammatory cytokines such as interferon-γ (IFN-γ) [27,28] and inhibited by the anti-inflammatory cytokine interleukin 4 (IL-4) [29]. In cases of stress or related conditions where cortisol secretion is enhanced, TDO activity is also further enhanced by glucocorticoids [30,31]. Under these circumstances, KYN formation becomes much higher than in physiological conditions. Since the liver cell uptake of KYN is not efficient for extrahepatic KYNs, the metabolism of these KYNs mainly occurs extrahepatically. The activity of KMO is also enhanced by pro-inflammatory cytokines [24]. Therefore, during inflammation, the formation of OHK becomes enhanced much more quickly than KYNA formation and the balance between the formation of OHK and KYNA is shifted to the OHK side (Fig. 2). When OHK formation is increased, formation of XAN, which is reported as diabetogenic [32], and formation of QUIN are enhanced. In the presence of inflammation, activated monocytes are found to be the robust producers of QUIN [33]. In the midst of inflammation, QUIN production persists until the inflammatory process is completed [34]. Since some of the KYN metabolites activate an inflammatory reaction this could further prolong QUIN synthesis [35], whereas some of the metabolites inhibit the proliferation of T cells and natural killer cells [36], inhibit the further inflammatory process and stop further QUIN formation. In this way, immune tolerance is achieved through tryptophan depletion and homeostasis in the KYN pathway is maintained.

    Details are in the caption following the image

    Immune–tryptophan metabolism–neuroendocrine interaction in inflammation. This figure depicts the interaction between the immune system, the tryptophan breakdown metabolic pathway and the neuroendocrine system in inflammation. The green arrows show metabolic processes. The thickness of the arrow indicates the degree of reaction. The red arrows show negative effect or toxic effect and the blue arrows show the positive effect. Dotted arrows indicate inhibition. ROS, reactive oxygen species.

    In the brain, the enhanced tryptophan breakdown induces low availability of tryptophan for serotonin synthesis. Moreover, with inflammation and IDO activation, serotonin is degraded not only by monoamine oxidase into 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid, but also by IDO into formyl-5-hydroxykynuramine [37], and therefore less serotonin is available for optimal serotonergic neurotransmission. During inflammation and enhanced tryptophan breakdown, extra amounts of peripheral KYN become available for further KYN metabolism in the brain, since KYN can be transported across the BBB. When there is a pro-inflammatory state in the brain, the KYN metabolism in the astrocytes and microglia might also be enhanced. Therefore the KYN pathway is highly activated in the brain from its own central source of KYN and extra KYN from peripheral sources. The KYN metabolites contribute directly to the neuroprotective–neurodegenerative changes in the brain through direct effects on several neurotransmissions. QUIN is an N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor (NMDA-R) agonist [38] and accumulation of QUIN could result in excitotoxicity. OHK causes neuronal apoptosis [39] while QUIN causes excitotoxic neurodegenerative changes [40,41] (V. Pérez-De La Cruz & A. Santamaría, unpublished results). However, KYNA is an NMDA-R antagonist [43] and is protective against excitotoxicity of QUIN [44] (Fig. 2). In central nervous system inflammation due to Lyme disease, the cerebrospinal fluid QUIN is increased and this might contribute to neurological and cognitive deficits [45]. In human stable multiple sclerosis patients who are relapsing and remitting, the KYNA levels in the cerebrospinal fluid are lower than normal controls [46] although KYNA levels increase during relapse [47]. Alzheimer’s disease is known to be associated with pro-inflammatory status and amyloid formation in the brain. Amyloid peptide Aβ1–42 induces expression of IDO and increases QUIN production [48].

    In the pro-inflammatory state, although the balance between OHK and KYNA might generally shift to the OHK side, because of the general increase of KYN the formation of KYNA may also be higher than in the normal state. Since it is an NMDA-R antagonist, a well balanced increase may counteract the negative effects of QUIN through NMDA-R and homeostasis will be maintained. Even though KYNA is generally considered as a protective metabolite against QUIN, since it is also an antagonist of all ionotropic excitatory amino acid receptor activities [43], its abnormal accumulation beyond physiological levels could induce glutamatergic hypo-functioning and might disturb cognitive function [49]. Moreover, while one of the tryptophan metabolites, 5-hydroxyindole (5HI), activates the α7-nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (α7nAchR) and induces glutamate release [50,51], KYNA is an antagonist of α7nAchR [52]. Since KYNA downregulates the permissive role of 5HI activation on α7nAchR, the accumulation of KYNA could suppress α7nAchR function and induce disruption of auditory sensory gating [53]. Moreover, 5HI inhibits the non-α7nAchR mediated release of noradrenaline, dopamine and acetylcholine [54] while KYNA regulates the activity and expression of non-α7nAchR based on dosage and time of exposure [52]. In addition, it was reported that KYNA inversely regulates the dopaminergic tone [55] (Fig. 2). In this context, 5HI and KYNA exert synergistic action on dopaminergic neurotransmission. These interactions of KYNA with other neurotransmitters such as 5HI could contribute to some behavioural or cognitive consequences such as psychosis and cognitive impairment other than neurodegenerative changes.

    On the other hand, 5HI has antioxidant activity and protects mitochondrial integrity, which, in combination, is anti-apoptotic [56], whereas OHK enhances formation of reactive oxygen species [57] which would further enhance the activities of IDO and KMO and shift the pathway to the OHK and QUIN side. Therefore, the synergistic action of 5HI and KYNA may contribute to a neuroprotective effect since KYNA antagonizes the toxic effect of QUIN.

    These interactions between different KYNs indicate the importance of a well balanced state of the KYN pathway through which neuroprotection could be achieved in the case of inflammatory challenges.

    Tryptophan metabolism in major psychiatric disorders

    Tryptophan metabolism in mood disorders

    The pro-inflammatory status in patients with major depression has been well documented [58–67]. These reports demonstrate the increase of pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-2, IL-6, soluble IL-6 receptor, tumour necrosis factor α and IFN-γ and the decrease in anti-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-4 and IL-10. As explained before, in the case of a pro-inflammatory state and IDO activation, there will be reduced serotonin availability for serotonergic neurotransmission. This pro-inflammatory status in major depression would activate not only IDO but also KMO enzyme activities and this might in turn shift the KYN metabolism to the OHK and QUIN arm. It was proposed that the increase in these toxic metabolites, unbalanced to formation of KYNA, might prime the astrocyte–microglia–neuronal network to be vulnerable to environmental factors such as stress. It was also proposed that an impaired glial–neuronal network induced by the unbalanced KYN pathway might contribute to the recurrent and chronic nature of major depression [68]. The neurotoxic metabolites might induce astrocyte apoptosis and certain neuronal apoptosis, which would make the glial–neuronal network weaker, cause a reduction in syntheses of neurotrophic factors and prime the system to be vulnerable to stress with psychiatric consequences. The apoptosis of astrocytes or loss of astrocyte function might further induce impaired synthesis of neurotrophic factors such as glial derived neurotrophic factor, which is synthesized in the astrocytes [69]. Loss of astrocyte function could also impair glutamate–glutamine metabolism through the glutamine synthetase enzyme, which occurs mainly in astrocytes [70].

    In patients with major depression who are drug naïve or medication free for at least 4 months, an imbalance between those neuroprotective and neurotoxic pathways with lower protective metabolites has been demonstrated [71]. The ratio between KYNA and KYN, which indicates how much of the KYN would be degraded into KYNA, was significantly lower in depressed patients than healthy controls. Moreover, 6-week medication with currently available antidepressants, mainly selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors, could not reverse the metabolic imbalance in the KYN pathway back to normal. We have hypothesized that such an uncorrected imbalance with higher OHK and QUIN to KYNA ratios might, in the long term, induce neurodegenerative changes and these in turn might induce chronicity and treatment resistance. A very early study of QUIN concentration in the blood of patients with different major psychiatric disorders and neurodegenerative disorders failed to show a high QUIN concentration in depressed patients [72]. However, our recent study [73] on QUIN immunoreactivity in post-mortem brain tissues from patients with major depression and bipolar depression and normal controls demonstrated that QUIN immunoreactivity was increased in the prefrontal cortex area in the brains of both patients with major depression and patients with bipolar depression. A similar trend was observed also in the hippocampus area.

    In major depression, there is evidence of neurodegenerative changes and loss of astrocytes [74]. These changes might be partly due to the increased toxic KYN metabolites resulting from the pro-inflammatory state induced imbalance between KYNs with potentially toxic and protective effects. Such changes might induce further vulnerability of the neuron–glial network to stress. These findings point out the possible therapeutic role of the manipulation of the KYN pathway in MDD.

    The KYNs seem to play a role not only in adult depression but also in adolescent depression. A recent study reported that in magnetic resonance spectroscopy in melancholic depressed adolescents, the choline levels, which indicate the turnover of cells, showed a positive correlation with serum KYN and the HAA/KYN ratio [75]. This study also demonstrated that the serum KYN and HAA/KYN ratios were significantly increased in those adolescents with melancholic depression compared with adolescents with non-melancholic depression. Moreover, it was observed in this study that serum KYN and HAA/KYN were positively correlated with depression scores. It could be concluded that the shift in the KYN pathway more in the direction of the OHK, HAA and QUIN arm is involved also in adolescent melancholic depression.

    In cases of cytokine therapy induced depression, such as IFN-α therapy induced depression, increases in IL-6 and decreases in KYNA or increases in KYN/KYNA showed a significant association with the development of depressive symptoms [76]. However, another study showed that both KYNA and QUIN were increased in IFN-α treated patients [77], although the ratio between metabolites from these two arms was not reported. Nevertheless, both studies indicated the enhanced tryptophan degradation and change of KYN metabolites after immune challenge with IFN-α with consequent depressive episodes.

    Regarding bipolar mania, increased expression of TDO2 was reported in the anterior cingulate gyrus of post-mortem brain tissues from bipolar patients [78]. There is only one study published on KYN changes in the plasma of bipolar mania patients [79]; no significant reduction in KYNA was observed, even though there was a trend of a decrease. Moreover, it was mentioned in that study that 6-week treatment with currently available mood stabilizers did not show any changes. Although the pro-inflammatory state in bipolar disorder was not clearly stated, there are some reports on the pro-inflammatory state in bipolar disorders [80]. The pro-inflammatory state induced KYN imbalance may also be involved in the pathophysiological mechanism of bipolar disorders.

    There is evidence from animal experiments that the manipulation of the KYN pathway could be a possible therapeutic strategy in MDD. O’Connor and his group demonstrated that lipopolysaccharide induced depressive behaviour through the action of enhanced IDO enzyme activity [81]. This group also demonstrated in the bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) mouse model of depression [82] that immune activation using BCG could induce depressive behaviour and activation of IDO enzyme activity followed by activation of 3-hydroxyanthranillic acid oxidase enzyme, which enhances degradation of HAA and in turn enhances formation of the neurotoxic QUIN. Moreover, blockade of IDO was demonstrated to prevent the depressive behaviour. In another study, IFN-γ knockout mice did not show depressive behaviour when challenged with BCG since IFN-γ is the inducer of IDO enzyme [83]. This evidence indicates that manipulating the KYN pathway could be a novel therapeutic strategy for counteracting depression. Moreover, this type of manipulation could reduce the production of neurotoxic KYNs that induce astrocyte apoptosis and in turn prevent further loss of astrocytes and enhance the response to treatment.

    If the imbalance in KYNs plays a role in the pathophysiology of depression, how can we explain the female preponderance of depression? This could be explained through the effects of steroids on some of the KYN pathway enzyme activities. Mason and Manning [84] have reported that female ovarian steroids have a negative influence on KAT enzyme levels in rats. Treatment of male rats with oestrogen could decrease the KAT levels. This finding should be considered since a reduction in KAT levels could induce unbalanced KYN pathway metabolites by reduction in the formation of KYNA and XAN, which could in turn shift the pathway to the OHK arm.

    Another issue raised from this neurodegeneration hypothesis of depression involving unbalanced KYN pathway metabolites is how this hypothesis could explain childhood depression and prenatal maternal infection or stress-induced depression. During pregnancy, the maternal immune system is kept less cytotoxic through enhanced T-regulatory cells [85]. A large degree of tryptophan degradation occurs in the placenta to induce T cell depletion through tryptophan depletion. Maternal stress or infection/immune activation could shift the tryptophan catabolic kynurenic pathway to the OHK arm and may increase formation of neurotoxic metabolites. Since the foetal BBB is not well developed, these neurotoxic metabolites could affect foetal brain cell differentiation and might prime the glial–neuronal network of the foetus to be vulnerable to the environmental challenges in its later life. However, this is still hypothetical and it should be tested in animal models of prenatal immune challenge or prenatal stress.

    Tryptophan metabolism in schizophrenia

    Schizophrenia is also a disorder in which immune activation is observed. A pro-inflammatory change with increased soluble IL-2 receptor in schizophrenia has been reported [86] whereas other reports on a defect in the interferon system [87] have led to the T helper 2 (Th-2) hypothesis of schizophrenia [88]. An imbalance between Th-1, Th-2 and Th-3 immune responses [89,90] has been reported and a meta-analysis showed agreement in terms of a pro-inflammatory state [91].

    In cases of schizophrenia, a study of post-mortem brain tissue in different cortical regions revealed increased KYNA levels in schizophrenic samples compared with a control sample, particularly in the prefrontal cortex [92]. In another investigation in the amygdala, a small and non-significant increase of KYNA in medicated schizophrenics was observed [78]. These studies raised the question of whether the increase in KYNA might be associated with antipsychotic medication. However, increased levels of KYNA were also observed in the cerebrospinal fluid of schizophrenic patients [93]. Since most of the patients in this study were drug-naive first-episode patients, this increase could not be caused by antipsychotic treatment. It was hypothesized that accumulation of KYNA may lead to schizophrenic symptoms [94]. An experiment in rats demonstrated that the KYNA concentration was significantly reduced in the hippocampus, striatum and prefrontal cortex after 1 month’s treatment with the antipsychotics haloperidol, clozapine and raclopride [95]. This study also demonstrated that 1 year’s treatment with haloperidol still continued to reduce the KYNA concentration in the interstitial fluid of the rat brain.

    Since the prefrontal cortex area is involved in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia [96] the increase in KYNA might be involved in the pathophysiological mechanism. As explained before, the effect of KYNA on both NMDA-R and α7nAchR in combination with the action of 5HI might be involved in development of the positive symptoms in schizophrenia.

    However, not only the positive symptoms and cognitive impairment but also the negative symptoms and loss of brain volume [97] are components of the psychopathology of schizophrenia. Unfortunately, in tryptophan research on schizophrenia, most studies concentrated only on KYNA and its role in positive symptom development and cognitive impairment. There is only one group that reported on OHK [98,99] although no clear change was demonstrated and no balance between the potentially neuroprotective metabolite KYNA and neurotoxic metabolites such OHK was investigated. Nevertheless, this group has demonstrated the association between OHK and (a) total symptom score at the time of recruitment and (b) response of positive symptoms to 4-week neuroleptic treatment in first-episode neuroleptic-naïve schizophrenia patients. The associations between negative symptoms, brain volume changes and potentially neurotoxic metabolites in the pathophysiology have been ignored in schizophrenia research. Most of the therapeutic possibilities proposed are to manipulate KYNA [100]. Without knowledge of the interaction between different potentially neuroprotective and potentially neurotoxic metabolites, manipulation of just one metabolite would raise an issue regarding the potential untoward neurotoxic effects in the patients. Our recent finding in medication-naive schizophrenia patients indicated increased plasma OHK and decreased plasma KYNA compared with healthy controls [101] and this was reversed by 6 weeks of antipsychotic treatment. This would be an indirect indicator of the accumulation of OHK due to enhanced KMO activity on the one hand and reduced activity of kynureninase on the other. This might further induce low glycogen storage and glucose availability of the cells which might in turn induce an increase in blood sugar and consequent metabolic syndrome in schizophrenia.

    Future perspectives and conclusion

    The findings discussed above are clear evidence that tryptophan degradation or the KYN pathway is involved in the pathophysiology of major psychiatric disorders. There are some differences and similarities between different psychiatric disorders in terms of changes in tryptophan and KYN metabolites. The manipulation of this metabolism is of interest for future therapeutic development and several studies are focusing on this aspect. Some enzyme inhibitors are already developed. However, it is important to consider the possible occurrence of an imbalance between different metabolites when a particular enzyme is blocked or manipulated to enhance or reduce the particular metabolite. Therefore, such manipulation should be carried out with a clear indication such as the evidence of a change in metabolites or ratios between metabolites as biomarkers. Moreover, close monitoring of those changes during therapy would also be necessary. Since tryptophan metabolism is the metabolism in which there is crosstalk between different systems in the periphery and the central nervous system, use of peripheral biomarkers as indirect evidence of central changes for diagnostic and prognostic purposes is not unrealistic.

    Future studies should be carried out not only on manipulation of the metabolism for therapeutic purposes [102] but also on use of the KYN pathway metabolites as biomarkers in evidence based management for early detection, choice of correct medication and monitoring. The normal values of those metabolites in different populations are not yet known. Clear association between central and peripheral markers should be investigated. The validation of the usefulness of these biomarkers should be carried out in multidisciplinary approaches. Since currently available technologies to detect these metabolites are expensive and sophisticated, studies on the development of user-friendly and cost-effective technologies for detection of the metabolites are also necessary.

    The indirect manipulation of this pathway through anti-inflammatory medication could also be another strategy. Manipulation or prevention of inflammation and oxidative stress using either some medications such as omega-3 fatty acids which are harmless or lifestyle intervention through diet, exercise and mindfulness practices could also be an option. However, this type of treatment should start as early as possible and for this purpose KYNs could be the potential biomarkers as timely indicators of immune–metabolic–neurochemical imbalances.


    The work of the author is partly funded by the European Collaborative Research Project FP7/222963 ‘MOODINFLAME: Early diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mood disorders targeting the activated inflammatory response system’ and partly funded by Advanced Practical Diagnostics n.v., Belgium. The author would like to express her gratitude to Dr Lilian Garret for her help with language and grammar as a native English speaker.