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    Ümit Turgut

    Mass attenuation coefficients for 12 selected moderate-to-high atomic-number elements have been obtained from good-geometry measurements made at five 241Am photon energies of significant emission intensity. Particular interest focuses on... more
    Mass attenuation coefficients for 12 selected moderate-to-high atomic-number elements have been obtained from good-geometry measurements made at five 241Am photon energies of significant emission intensity. Particular interest focuses on measured values for photon energies close to absorption edges. Comparisons with renormalized cross-section predictions indicate agreement to within stated error limits for the majority of cases. Significant discrepancies (>10%) are noted
    Bu arastirmanin amaci, onuncu sinif fizik dersinde uygulanan farklilastirilmis ogretimin sinif iklimine etkisini arastirmaktir. Arastirmada nitel arastirma yaklasimlarindan birisi olan durum calismasi metodolojisi kullanilmistir.... more
    Bu arastirmanin amaci, onuncu sinif fizik dersinde uygulanan farklilastirilmis ogretimin sinif iklimine etkisini arastirmaktir. Arastirmada nitel arastirma yaklasimlarindan birisi olan durum calismasi metodolojisi kullanilmistir. Arastirmanin calisma grubunu, Erzurum ilinde uc farkli lisede ogrenim gormekte olan toplam 84 onuncu sinif ogrencisi olusturmustur. Bes hafta suren uygulama boyunca fizik dersi farklilastirilmis ogretim ile islenmistir. Dersleri ogrencilerin kendi ogretmenleri anlatirken arastirmacilardan birisi sinif ortamini gozlemlemistir. Arastirmanin verileri “Sinif Iklimi Gozlem Formu” (SIGF) kullanilarak toplanmistir. Toplanan verilerin analizinde betimsel analiz kullanilmistir. Sonuc olarak farklilastirilmis ogretimin olumlu bir sinif iklimi olusturdugu gozlemlenmistir. Bu sonuctan yola cikilarak ogrencileri ile iletisim kurmakta zorlanan ogretmenlerin siniflarinda farklilastirilmis ogretim kullanmalari tavsiye edilebilir.
    Calismada; elektrik konusunda 5e ogrenme modeline dayali ogretimin universite ogrencilerin bilimsel islem becerilerine ve fizik laboratuvarina karsi tutumlarina etkisi arastirilmistir. Arastirmada on test-son test kontrol gruplu yari... more
    Calismada; elektrik konusunda 5e ogrenme modeline dayali ogretimin universite ogrencilerin bilimsel islem becerilerine ve fizik laboratuvarina karsi tutumlarina etkisi arastirilmistir. Arastirmada on test-son test kontrol gruplu yari deneysel arastirma yontemi kullanilmistir. Arastirmada orneklem olarak 2007–2008 egitim-ogretim yilinda Ataturk Universitesi Kazim Karabekir Egitim Fakultesi Fen Bilgisi Ogretmenligi Anabilim Dalinda ogrenim goren ve Genel Fizik Laboratuvari II dersini alan toplam 42 1.sinif universite ogrencisi kullanilmistir. Deney grubundaki ogrencilere 5E ogrenme modeline dayali ogretim yapilirken, kontrol grubuna ise dogrulama turu laboratuvar metodu kullanilmistir. Calismanin verileri bilimsel islem beceri testi ve fizik laboratuvari tutum testleri kullanilarak elde edilmistir. Elde edilen veriler SPSS programi ile analiz edilmistir. Analiz sonuclarinda ogrencilerin bilimsel islem becerilerinin gelisimi ve fizik laboratuvarina karsi tutumlari acisindan deney grubu...
    Calismada, 5E Ogretim Modelinin Fen Bilgisi Ogretmenligi birinci sinif ogrencilerinin, bilimsel islem becerileri ve Genel Fizik I Laboratuarina karsi tutumlarina etkisinin incelenmesi amaclanmistir. Yari deneysel on test son test deney... more
    Calismada, 5E Ogretim Modelinin Fen Bilgisi Ogretmenligi birinci sinif ogrencilerinin, bilimsel islem becerileri ve Genel Fizik I Laboratuarina karsi tutumlarina etkisinin incelenmesi amaclanmistir. Yari deneysel on test son test deney deseninin kullanildigi calismanin, orneklemini altmis universite ogrencisi olusturmaktadir. Genel Fizik Laboratuari I dersinde 2007/2008 ogretim yilinin birinci donemi boyunca, deneysel grupta 5E Ogretim Modeli, kontrol grubunda ise geleneksel dogrulama laboratuar modeli uygulanmistir. Veri toplama araci olarak fizik laboratuarina karsi tutum testi ve bilimsel islem basari testi kullanilmistir. Bu testler, donemin baslangicinda ve sonunda her iki gruba on test ve son test olarak uygulanmistir. Iki testten elde edilen on test ve son test verileri SPSS paket programi ile analiz edilmistir. Istatistiksel analiz sonuclari, ogrencilerin fizik laboratuarina karsi tutumlari ve bilimsel islem becerileri acisindan, deney grubu ve kontrol grubu arasinda onemli ...
    Bu calismanin amaci Newton'un 1. ve 3. Hareket Kanunlari ile ilgili, ogrencilerin sahip olduklari kavram yanilgilarini belirlemektir. Arastirmanin orneklemini, Erzurum il merkezinde Ibrahim Hakki Fen Lisesi, nevzat Karabag Anadolu... more
    Bu calismanin amaci Newton'un 1. ve 3. Hareket Kanunlari ile ilgili, ogrencilerin sahip olduklari kavram yanilgilarini belirlemektir. Arastirmanin orneklemini, Erzurum il merkezinde Ibrahim Hakki Fen Lisesi, nevzat Karabag Anadolu Ogretmen Lisesi, Mecidiye Anadolu Lisesi ve Mehmet Akif Ersoy Lisesinde ogrenim goren 186 lise 2.sinif ogrencisi olusturmaktadir. Arastirma da durum calismasi yontemi (case study design) kullanilmistir Arastirma 2005-5006 ogretim yili bahar doneminde yapilmistir. Arastirma verileri, Newton'un Hareket Kanunlari Kavram Testinden elde edilmistir. Elde edilen verilerin degerlendirilmess sonucuda ogrencilerin Newton'un Hareket Kanunlari ile ilgili kavram yanilgilarinin oldugu belirlenmistir.
    Bu calismanin amaci Newton'un 2. Hareket Kanunu ile ilgili ogrencilerin sahip olduklari kavram yanilgilarini belirlemektir. Arastirmanin orneklemini, Erzurum il merkezinde Ibrahim Hakki Fen Lisesi, Nevzat Karabag Anadolu Ogretmen... more
    Bu calismanin amaci Newton'un 2. Hareket Kanunu ile ilgili ogrencilerin sahip olduklari kavram yanilgilarini belirlemektir. Arastirmanin orneklemini, Erzurum il merkezinde Ibrahim Hakki Fen Lisesi, Nevzat Karabag Anadolu Ogretmen Lisesi, Mecidiye Anadolu Lisesi ve Mehmet Akif Ersoy Lisesinde ogrenim goren 186 ortaogretim 2. sinif ogrencisi olusturmaktadir. Durum calismasi yontemi (case study design) arastirma modeli olarak belirlenmistir. Arastirma 2005-2006 ogretim yili bahar doneminde yapilmistir. Arastirmanin verileri, Newton'un 2. Hareket Kanunu ile ilgili ciddi yanilgilarinin oldugu belirlenmistir.
    The Ll, Lα, Lβ and Lγ x-ray production cross-sections were measured for seven elements in the atomic range 74 ≤ Z ≤ 92 at 31.635 keV. The values of Li subshell fluorescence yields (ω1, ω2 and ω3) were measured for the same elements using... more
    The Ll, Lα, Lβ and Lγ x-ray production cross-sections were measured for seven elements in the atomic range 74 ≤ Z ≤ 92 at 31.635 keV. The values of Li subshell fluorescence yields (ω1, ω2 and ω3) were measured for the same elements using these measured cross-section values and the theoretical Li subshell photoionization cross-sections, Coster–Kronig transition probabilities and emission rates. The measured x-ray production cross-sections values are in general agreement with the theoretical values evaluated using L subshell fluorescence yields, Coster–Kronig transition probabilities, emission rates and subshell photoionization cross-sections. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
    ... 0. Dogan, 6. SimSek, U. Turgut and M. Ertugrul ... Inner-shell ionization cross-sections for atoms by electron and photon impacts are needed in many areas of ... Earlier experimental X-rayfluorescence cross-sections were measured... more
    ... 0. Dogan, 6. SimSek, U. Turgut and M. Ertugrul ... Inner-shell ionization cross-sections for atoms by electron and photon impacts are needed in many areas of ... Earlier experimental X-rayfluorescence cross-sections were measured using radioisotopes as excitation sources [2, 31. ...
    ... M. Ertugrul Atatiirk University, Faculty of Education, Department of Physics, 25240 Erzurum, Turkey (Received January 6, 1997 ... studied the total atomic attenuation (~), the total atomic photoelectric (~v) and the total atomic... more
    ... M. Ertugrul Atatiirk University, Faculty of Education, Department of Physics, 25240 Erzurum, Turkey (Received January 6, 1997 ... studied the total atomic attenuation (~), the total atomic photoelectric (~v) and the total atomic scattering (o'~) cross sections of Gd, Tb, Dy, and Er at 60 ...
    The total mass attenuation coefficients for element Fe and compounds FeF3, Fe2O3, FeCl2·4H2O, FeCl32NH4Cl·H2O were measured at different energies between 4.508–17.443keV range by using secondary excitation method. Ti, V, Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn,... more
    The total mass attenuation coefficients for element Fe and compounds FeF3, Fe2O3, FeCl2·4H2O, FeCl32NH4Cl·H2O were measured at different energies between 4.508–17.443keV range by using secondary excitation method. Ti, V, Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Br, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Mo were chosen as secondary exciter. 59.5keV gamma rays emitted from an 241Am annular source were used to excite
    Bu çalışmanın amacı; i. ortaögretim fizik derslerinde ögrencilerin zor olarak algılanan konuları belirlemek, ii. bu zorlukların nedenleri ortaya çıkarmak, bu nedenlere çözüm önerileri sunabilmektir. Bu amaçla, ögrenme gUçlüklerini... more
    Bu çalışmanın amacı; i. ortaögretim fizik derslerinde ögrencilerin zor olarak algılanan konuları belirlemek, ii. bu zorlukların nedenleri ortaya çıkarmak, bu nedenlere çözüm önerileri sunabilmektir. Bu amaçla, ögrenme gUçlüklerini saptamak için bir anket geliştirilerek ...
    Bu calismada, elestirel pedagoji ilkelerine gore yapilan fen ogretiminin, ogrencilerin akademik basarilarina olan etkisini, ogrencilerin derse devam durumlarini ve elestirel pedagoji ile ilgili ogrencilerin goruslerini belirlemek... more
    Bu calismada, elestirel pedagoji ilkelerine gore yapilan fen ogretiminin, ogrencilerin akademik basarilarina olan etkisini, ogrencilerin derse devam durumlarini ve elestirel pedagoji ile ilgili ogrencilerin goruslerini belirlemek amaclanmistir. Arastirmanin nicel kisminda cok gruplu zaman serisi deseni, nitel kisminda durum calismasi kullanilmistir.  Arastirmanin calisma grubunu bir devlet ortaokulunda uc subesinde geleneksel pedagoji ilkelerine gore bir subesinde ise elestirel pedagoji ilkelerine gore fen ogretimi yapilan, dort farkli subedeki 77 sekizinci sinif ogrencisi olusturmaktadir. Veri toplamak icin basari testleri, bireysel gorusmeler ve devamsizlik cizelgeleri kullanilmistir. Verilerin analizinde Kruskal-Wallis H testi, Mann Whitney U testi ve icerik analizi kullanilmistir. Sonucta, deney grubundaki ogrencilerin akademik basarilarinin kontrol gruplarindakine gore daha yuksek oldugu bulunmustur. Ogrenciler, elestirel pedagoji ile yapilan fen ogretiminde kendilerini, sorgul...
    Bu arastirmada, ogretmenlerin, ogrencilerin bireysel farkliliklarinin ogretim surecine etkisi hakkindaki goruslerini ortaya cikarmak amaclanmistir. Bunun icin on bir ogretmenlere yari yapilandirilmis bireysel gorusmeler yapilmistir.... more
    Bu arastirmada, ogretmenlerin, ogrencilerin bireysel farkliliklarinin ogretim surecine etkisi hakkindaki goruslerini ortaya cikarmak amaclanmistir. Bunun icin on bir ogretmenlere yari yapilandirilmis bireysel gorusmeler yapilmistir. Gorusmeler yaklasik yirmi dakika surmustur ve ses kaydina alinmistir. Yazili hale donusturulen gorusmeler betimsel ve icerik analizi ile analiz edilmistir. Ogretmenler, ogrencilerdeki bireysel farkliliklarin bilincinde olduklari ve dikkate aldiklarini belirtmislerdir. Fakat ogretim programini yetistirme kaygisinin ve bazi noktalardaki bilgi yetersizliklerinin ogrencilerin bireysel farkliliklarina yeterince cevap verememelerine neden oldugunu belirtmislerdir.
    Bu arastirmanin amaci, elektromanyetizma konulari icin 7E Modeline gore calisma sayfalarinin hazirlanmasi ve hazirlanma surecindeki uygulamalarin detayli anlatimini sunmaktir. Ayrica hazirlanan calisma sayfalarinin uygulanmasi ve bu surec... more
    Bu arastirmanin amaci, elektromanyetizma konulari icin 7E Modeline gore calisma sayfalarinin hazirlanmasi ve hazirlanma surecindeki uygulamalarin detayli anlatimini sunmaktir. Ayrica hazirlanan calisma sayfalarinin uygulanmasi ve bu surec ile ilgili ogrenci goruslerini tespit etmektir.  Uygulama bir devlet lisesinin 11. sinifinda ogrenim gormekte olan farkli iki subedeki toplam 52 ogrenci ile gerceklestirilmistir. Calisma durum calismasi deseninde yurutulmustur. Calismanin verileri; calisma sayfalari ve bireysel gorusmelerle toplanilmistir. Kavramsal degisim ve gelisim saglamak amaciyla deneysel etkinliklere dayali gelistirilen calisma sayfalari, 7E modeline uygun bicimde hazirlanmis ve uygulanmistir. Arastirmada, calisma grubundaki ogrencilerden altisi ile calisma sayfalarina yonelik bireysel gorusmeler yapilmistir. Ogrencilerin puan ortalamalarina gore uygulanan etkinlik ve materyallerin, elektromanyetizma konusunda ogrencilerin kavramsal gelisimlerinde etkili oldugu tespit edilmi...
    The purpose of this study is to investigate whether students are more successful on abstract or illustrated test questions. To this end, the questions on an abstract test were changed into a visual format, and these tests were... more
    The purpose of this study is to investigate whether students are more successful on abstract or illustrated test questions. To this end, the questions on an abstract test were changed into a visual format, and these tests were administered every three days to a total of 240 students at six middle schools located in the Erzurum city center and surrounding districts. After the data obtained from the study were examined, it was concluded that students were more successful in illustrated (visual) tests. Keywords: Illustration, Achievement, Concrete, Abstract
    The aim of this study is to investigate high school students? views about teaching with 7E model in the unit of electromagnetism. This study carried out with 52 eleventh grade (15-16 years) in two classrooms of a public high school. This... more
    The aim of this study is to investigate high school students? views about teaching with 7E model in the unit of electromagnetism. This study carried out with 52 eleventh grade (15-16 years) in two classrooms of a public high school. This study was designed as an action research. The data for the study were collected means of individual interviews. In the study, 12 students were interviewed. Six of the interviews focused on the students? conceptual developments while the rest of the six interviews were about the process and teaching models. The interviewees were selected on the basis of their achievement levels such as high achievers, moderate achievers and low achievers. According to the interviews, it is identified that students have positive views about the application of 7E learning model.
    Bu calismanin amaci, Fizik Ogretim Programindaki 11. Sinif Elektrik ve Manyetizma unitesini icerisinde yer alan “Manyetizma ve Elektromanyetik Induklenme” konusu ile ilgili ogrencilerin kavramsal basarilarini olcmek icin test... more
    Bu calismanin amaci, Fizik Ogretim Programindaki 11. Sinif Elektrik ve Manyetizma unitesini icerisinde yer alan “Manyetizma ve Elektromanyetik Induklenme” konusu ile ilgili ogrencilerin kavramsal basarilarini olcmek icin test gelistirmektir. Bu amac dogrultusunda 30 coktan secmeli sorudan olusan bir test hazirlanmistir. Hazirlanan bu test 219 lise ogrencisine pilot test olarak uygulanmistir. Pilot calisma sonrasinda madde analizi yapilmis ve 12 sorudan olusan testin son hali olusturulmustur. Testin guvenirlik katsayisi r=0,768 bulunmustur. Gelistirilen bu testin, ogrencilerin konu ile ilgili kazanimlarini belirlemek amaciyla hem ogretmenler tarafindan hem de ilgili calismalar yuruten arastirmacilar tarafindan kullanilabilir oldugu dusunulmektedir.
    The aim of this research is to reveal the results in the planning, implementation and evaluation of the process for learning environments to be designed in compliance with 7E learning cycle model in physics lesson. "Action... more
    The aim of this research is to reveal the results in the planning, implementation and evaluation of the process for learning environments to be designed in compliance with 7E learning cycle model in physics lesson. "Action research", which is a qualitative research pattern, is employed in this research in accordance with the aim of the research. The research was implemented at a public high school in Turkey. The research continued for twelve weeks. Two-hour class periods were included on a weekly basis. Study group of the implementation consists of 52 students attending to two different classrooms. The ages of students vary between 15 and 16. Triangulation method was employed in collection and evaluation of data in order to increase research reliability. Observation, interview and peer assessment were used in this study for process description. It is revealed from the observations that the majority of students perceived the lessons as more pleasing by virtue of the discuss...
    This research aims to investigate the ways in which pre-service physics teachers interact with computers, which, as an indispensable means of today's technology, are of major value in education and training, and to identify any... more
    This research aims to investigate the ways in which pre-service physics teachers interact with computers, which, as an indispensable means of today's technology, are of major value in education and training, and to identify any misconceptions said teachers may have about computer-aided instruction. As part of the study, computer-based physics course packages were designed by the researchers and computer-aided assignments were prepared by the pre-service physics teachers. At the end of the study, Physics Achievement Tests were administered to the sample pre-service teachers. The research study group included 50 pre-service physics teachers who were taking classes under the Physics Education Department of Kazim Karabekir Faculty of Education at Ataturk University during the 2015-2016 Fall semester. The research data were analysed using SPSS software packages. The study concluded that the computer-aided science courses were effective, and that pre-service physics teachers had misco...
    Bu arastirmanin temel amaci, modern fizik dersi alan lisans ogrencilerinin modern fizige yonelik kisisel epistemolojik inanclarinin neler oldugu ve bu inanclarin nelerden kaynaklandigini tespit etmektir. Arastirmada nitel arastirma... more
    Bu arastirmanin temel amaci, modern fizik dersi alan lisans ogrencilerinin modern fizige yonelik kisisel epistemolojik inanclarinin neler oldugu ve bu inanclarin nelerden kaynaklandigini tespit etmektir. Arastirmada nitel arastirma yaklasimlarindan durum calismasi yontemi kullanilmistir. Gerekli verilerin toplanmasi icin 36 ogrenci ile odak grup gorusmesi, 12 ogrenci ile de modern fizige yonelik sahip olduklari kisisel epistemolojik inanclarin nelerden kaynaklandigina dair bireysel gorusmeler yapilmistir. Veriler icerik analizi yontemiyle analiz edilmistir. Analiz sonuclarinda ogrencilerin modern fizige yonelik endise, soyut, on yargi, yabancilasma, kavramsal zorluk, matematiksel ve gorsellestirmek zordur seklinde kisisel epistemolojik inanclara sahip olduklari belirlenmistir. Bu inanclarin aciga cikma nedenleri olarak ise daha cok ogretim elemanlarinin alanlarinda donanimli olmamalari, analoji kurma becerilerindeki eksiklik, modern fizigin gunluk hayat ile olan iliskisinin kurulmam...
    The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of the course materials developed in accordance with 7E model in the unit of electromagnetism in high school physics class on students' conceptual success. The present study was... more
    The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of the course materials developed in accordance with 7E model in the unit of electromagnetism in high school physics class on students' conceptual success. The present study was conducted with a total of 52 11th grade students in two separate classrooms at a high school. The action research design was used as the research method. The data of the study were collected through worksheets, open-ended and multiple-choice conceptual achievement tests and individual interviews. The worksheets, which were developed in order to ensure conceptual change and development based on experimental activities, were prepared and administrated in accordance with 7E model. In the research, 6 students with high level, moderate level and low level of conceptual changes were interviewed about their achievements. The activities and materials, which were applied according to the average scores of students, were found to be effective on conceptual develo...
    The most common learning theories in science teaching are developed by Piaget, Vygotsky, Bruner, Gagne and Ausebel. In addition to these, learning cycle approach and constructivism which are defended by many educational researchers and... more
    The most common learning theories in science teaching are developed by Piaget, Vygotsky, Bruner, Gagne and Ausebel. In addition to these, learning cycle approach and constructivism which are defended by many educational researchers and studied on effectiveness of science education in last 30 years have an important place. In this study, these theories are discussed briefly and especially application types of constructivist approach on science teaching are described in detail for models 4E,5E and 7E. Besides, necessary suggestions are made with emphasis on contributions which the laboratory studies of constructivist teaching approach were made.
    The purpose of this research was to determine the effectiveness of conceptual based instruction and traditionally designed physics instruction on students? understanding of projectile motion concepts. Misconceptions relevant to projectile... more
    The purpose of this research was to determine the effectiveness of conceptual based instruction and traditionally designed physics instruction on students? understanding of projectile motion concepts. Misconceptions relevant to projectile motion concepts were specified by related literature on this subject. Projectile Motion Concepts Test was developed according to misconceptions. The data were gained through 43 students in an experimental group taught with learning activities based on conceptual change instruction and 39 students in a control group who followed traditional classroom instruction. The results showed that conceptual change-based instruction caused significantly better acquisition of conceptual change of projectile motion concepts than the traditional instruction.
    Bu calismanin amaci, fizik ogretmeni adaylarinin 12. sinif “Elektrik ve Elektronik” konusundaki kavramlarla ve kazanimlarla ilgili bilgi duzeyleri arastirmaktir. Bu amacla 12. sinif fizik ogretim programinda yer alan kazanimlara yonelik... more
    Bu calismanin amaci, fizik ogretmeni adaylarinin 12. sinif “Elektrik ve Elektronik” konusundaki kavramlarla ve kazanimlarla ilgili bilgi duzeyleri arastirmaktir. Bu amacla 12. sinif fizik ogretim programinda yer alan kazanimlara yonelik bir basari testi gelistirilmistir. On sekiz coktan secmeli maddeden olusan bu test, 2012-2013 egitim yilinda Ataturk Universitesi’nde ogrenim gormekte olan 88 fizik ogretmeni adayina uygulanmistir. Olcumlerin guvenirligini test etmek amaciyla KR-20 guvenirlik katsayisi hesaplanmis ve .65 olarak bulunmustur. Arastirmanin sonucunda, fizik ogretmeni adaylarinin diyot, bobin ve kondansator konularinda bilgi duzeylerinin yetersiz oldugu soylenebilir. Ayrica, ogretmen adaylarinin alternatif akim olarak bilinen degisken akim ile dogru akim arasindaki farklari kavramada da zorluk cektikleri belirlenmistir.
    ... 1. Introduction. When an atom interacts with electromagnetic radiation, it can ionise in an inner shell and deexcite either by X-ray emission or by the ejection of an electron from one of the outer shells. ... 2 (a). It can be seen... more
    ... 1. Introduction. When an atom interacts with electromagnetic radiation, it can ionise in an inner shell and deexcite either by X-ray emission or by the ejection of an electron from one of the outer shells. ... 2 (a). It can be seen from the Table 1 and Fig. ...
    The L shell X-ray intensity ratios ILα/ILβ, ILα/IL1 and ILα/ILγ for Ta, W, Re, Au, Hg, Tl, Pb, Bi, Th and U have been measured at excitation energies of 59.5 and 122 keV with a Si(Li) detector. Measurements have been performed using... more
    The L shell X-ray intensity ratios ILα/ILβ, ILα/IL1 and ILα/ILγ for Ta, W, Re, Au, Hg, Tl, Pb, Bi, Th and U have been measured at excitation energies of 59.5 and 122 keV with a Si(Li) detector. Measurements have been performed using Am-241 and Co-57 radioisotope sources. A comparison is made of the experimental results with calculated values obtained using
    ... References. 1. M. Ertugrul, R. Durak, E. Tirasoglu, E. Buyukkasap and H. Erdogan, Angular dependence of differential cross-sections of LX-rays from Hg,Tl, and Pb at 59.5 keV. Appl. Spectrosc Rev 30 (1995), p. 219. Full Text via... more
    ... References. 1. M. Ertugrul, R. Durak, E. Tirasoglu, E. Buyukkasap and H. Erdogan, Angular dependence of differential cross-sections of LX-rays from Hg,Tl, and Pb at 59.5 keV. Appl. Spectrosc Rev 30 (1995), p. 219. Full Text via CrossRef. ...

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