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Steve Sneyd was born in 1941 in Maidenhead, England, son of an English father and an American mother.  His childhood was spent in both England and the United States, the frequent moves providing him with an outsider's perspective of two cultures more often separated than united by a common language. In addition to his own work, he has supported genre poetry in general, compiling numerous lists of SF/F/H poems in publications genre, non-genre, and fannish.

Sneyd's Hilltop Press publishes a number of other writers, including science fiction poetry by Lilith Lorraine, Gavin Salisbury, Andrew Darlington, and Peter Layton; and fantasy poetry by Frances Campbell; as well as both types of poems and more by Steve Sneyd himself, including his publications about science fiction, fantasy, and horror poetry in the US and UK from 1750 to the present.  For current information on availability go to The Hilltop Press Catalogue.

In August of 2015 Sneyd was recognized as a Grand Master by the Science Fiction Poetry Association.

He died in June 2018.

For reviews, short samples of his work, and links to still more, go to New Hope International Review Online.  For an alternate version of his life go to In A Foreign File of Dokumenti I Fakti.  For an online exclusive 1999 interview with him, go to Things Unseen But Dreamed Of. And for a 2015 interview and article about him, rich in pictures and links, go to Andrew Darlington's From Mars to Marsden.

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Portrait copyright 2007 by Catherine Mintz