subject:"Law / Military" from books.google.com
This revised edition of Eichmann in Jerusalem contains further factual material that came to light after the trial, as well as Arendt's postscript commenting on the controversy that arose over her book.
subject:"Law / Military" from books.google.com
Using the pretrial files and extensive trial audiotapes, Rebecca Wittmann offers a fascinating reinterpretation of Germany’s first major attempt to confront its past.
subject:"Law / Military" from books.google.com
This book explains why some cease-fire fall apart quickly while others last for years. "This is a first-rate work of political science. Page Fortna does something all too rare in contemporary international relations research.
subject:"Law / Military" from books.google.com
Drawing on a wide range of archival sources, this book provides a comprehensive history of the Frankfurt Auschwitz trial.
subject:"Law / Military" from books.google.com
Mary Dudziak's original analysis of American wartime and its effect on law, policy, and our ideas about time itself, now available in paperback.
subject:"Law / Military" from books.google.com
This book examines the legislative, judicial and executive rights of the occupying power and its obligations to the civilian population.
subject:"Law / Military" from books.google.com
Yet the hidden story of Lincoln's code, and of the decades of controversy that lay behind it, has never been told.
subject:"Law / Military" from books.google.com
This is the long-awaited second edition of a landmark book on the law of occupation.
subject:"Law / Military" from books.google.com
It is the best book on the subject, a humane plea for justice as the only alternative to unacceptable oblivion or vengeance, and a worthy addition to the company of brilliant first books."--Stanley Hoffmann, Harvard University