Erica Friedman

creating Okazu Yuri Anime and Manga Reviews

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Okazu Hero
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Become an Okazu Hero!

For your support, you will receive my thanks and the thanks of all the Okazu readers. You'll also get invitations to Okazu online events, like Yuri panels.

Your name will be added to the roll of Okazu Heroes for everyone to marvel at and you will receive a coveted Okazu Hero badge, suitable for display on website or social profile.

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Okazu Superhero
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Become an Okazu Superhero!

For your support, you will receive my thanks and the thanks of all the Okazu readers. You'll also get invitations to Okazu online events, like Yuri panels.

Your name will be added to the roll of Okazu Superheros for everyone to marvel at and you will receive a coveted Okazu Superhero badge, suitable for display on website or social profile.
  • Discord access 
Okazu no Miko
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Okazu Producer
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Okazu no Kami
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You are a god of Okazu. You will get a special rank on the Okazu Hero Roll, and a prayer nightly from me. (Not really.) But you will get my eternal thanks and the Yuri Network will be constantly reminded of your support and generosity.

You will receive all the benefits of the previous tiers, but none of those can ever really thank you for your kind support!

  • Discord access 
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Erica Friedman

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