Hesperophobia: On blaming the Jews
            John Derbyshire 
            From National Review Online

	    September 13, 2001 5:00 p.m.
            Back in 1982 there were some horrible massacres at two Palestinian 
            refugee camps in Lebanon. Christian Lebanese Arabs actually did the 
            killing; but the Israeli army was in the neighborhood, and was 
            responsible, at some theoretical level, for keeping the peace in the 
            zone that included the camps. Because of this, the Israelis took 
            much of the brunt of the world's outrage at the killings. Commenting 
            on these events, the Israeli Prime Minister, Menachem Begin, 
            remarked in disgust: "Goyim kill goyim, and they blame the Jews!" 
            I've been getting the same feeling from some of my e-mail. The 
            fundamental reason America is under attack by Arab terrorists, 
            several dozen people want me to know, is that the U.S. supports 
            Israel. And the only reason we do that, several of them have said, 
            or hinted, is because of the political power of the Jewish lobby 
            here in the U.S.A. A few of my correspondents have expressed 
            themselves more ... bluntly than that. Put it this way: While I have 
            not yet encountered the word "bloodsuckers" (perhaps my readership 
            isn't "diverse" enough), some of this stuff comes pretty close ? 
            though I should say in fairness, most is argued on cold 
            national-interest grounds. At any rate, a lot of people feel that 
            the mass killing of Americans by Arab terrorists is all the fault of 
            Israel and those American politicians who, for low and disreputable 
            motives, or from sheer blindness to America's true ideals and 
            interests, support her. Goyim kill goyim, and they blame the Jews.
            Setting aside the statistical certainty that some of the dead 
            Americans are Jewish (as, in high statistical probability, some were 
            of Arab origins), and at the risk of yet more ill-tempered or 
            abusive e-mails, I am going to declare that I don't think these 
            recent outrages can be blamed on the Jews, nor even on pro-Israel 
            American politicians. The root phenomenon is not American 
            involvement in Middle Eastern affairs: The root phenomenon is 
	    This word was coined by the political scientist Robert Conquest. Its 
            roots are the Greek words hesperos, which means "the west" and 
            phobos, which means "fear," but which when used as an English suffix 
            can also carry the meaning "hate." Hesperophobia is fear or hatred 
            of the West. [While I'm in the classical stuff, by the way, I 
            committed a breach of good manners in my last posting by inserting a 
            Latin tag without translation. I am sorry. Oderint dum metuant means 
            "Let them hate us, so long as they fear us." Seneca rebuked Cicero 
            for saying it, though it seems to have been current among educated 
            late-republican Romans.] 
 	    Here is the news: A lot of people out there hate us. The name 
            "Durban" mean anything? In China, in India, in Pakistan, in 
            Indonesia and Malaysia, in Africa, and in the Arab countries, 
            European civilization ? the West ? is widely hated. Matter of fact, 
            quite a lot of Europeans and Americans hate it, too, as you will 
            know if you spend much time on college campuses. 
            I can't see any strong reason for believing that if the state of 
            Israel were to disappear from the face of the earth tomorrow, 
            hesperophobia would disappear with it. Not even just Arab 
            hesperophobia would decline. A common word for Europeans in the 
            Arabic language is feringji, from "Frank," i.e. crusader. Arabs 
            don't hate us because we support Israel. They hate us because we 
            humiliated them, showed up the gross inferiority of their culture. 
            To them, and similarly humiliated peoples, we are the other, 
            detested and feared in a way we can barely understand. Things got 
            really bad in the 19th century. When European society achieved 
            industrial lift-off, Europeans were suddenly buzzing all over the 
            world like a swarm of bees. They encountered these other cultures, 
            that had been vegetating in a quiet conviction of their own 
            superiority for centuries (or in the case of the Chinese, 
            millennia). When these encounters occurred, the encountered culture 
            collapsed in a cloud of dust. Some of them, like the Turks, managed 
            to reconstitute themselves as more or less modern nations; others, 
            like the Arabs and the Chinese, are still struggling with the trauma 
            of that encounter. Neither the Arabs nor the Chinese, for example, 
            have yet been able to attain rational, constitutional government. 
            For a devastating look at the paleolithic condition of politics and 
            society in the Arab world, I strongly recommend my colleague David 
            Pryce-Jones's book, The Closed Circle.

            The 1991 Gulf War showed how little has changed since those first 
            encounters. Here were the armies of the West: swift, deadly, 
            efficient, equipped and organized, under the command of elected 
            civilians at the head of a robust and elaborate constitutional 
            structure. And here were the Arabs: a shambling, ill-nourished, 
            shoeless rabble, led by a mad gangster-despot. (That was their 
            Arabs. There were also, of course, our Arabs ? the Kuwaitis and 
            Saudis, cowering in their plush-lined air-conditioned bunkers being 
            waited on by their Filipino servants while we did their fighting for 
            them.) Final body counts: the West, 134 dead, the Arabs, 20,000 or 
            more. The superiority of one culture over another has not been so 
            starkly demonstrated since a handful of British wooden ships, at the 
            end of ten-thousand-mile lines of communications, brought the 
            Celestial Empire to its knees 150 years earlier. The Chinese are 
            still mad about that: They are still making angry, bitter movies 
            about the Opium Wars. A hundred and 50 years from now, the Arabs 
            will not have forgotten the Gulf War. 
	    If you haven't spent some time in its company, the depth, and 
            bitterness of hesperophobia in these cultures is hard to imagine. As 
            Thomas Friedman points out in today's New York Times, Palestinian 
            suicide bombers do not target yeshivas, synagogues, or religious 
            settlements. They go for shopping malls or Sbarro's outlets. Sure, 
            they hate the Jews, but they hate the West as much, or more.
            Israel is not a cause of any of this, except to the degree that 
            Israeli culture is essentially Western. If the present state of 
            Israel were inhabited by Christian Lithuanians or Frenchmen, the 
            hatred would be nearly as intense. Nearly, not completely: Hatred of 
            the Jews has been built into Arab-Moslem culture since the time of 
            Mohammed. There is a tale you will hear from Arab apologists that 
            the Jews were contented and well treated in the old Arab-Moslem 
            empires. This is nonsense: More often than not, they were treated 
            like swine. For a true account, read Joan Peters's From Time 
            Immemorial, or Gil Carl Alroy Behind the Middle East Crisis. 
            From the Arab point of view, Israel, or any Western state on "Arab 
            land," is an outrage, an illegitimate creation, a crusader state. 
            The fact that the Jews had a wealthy and powerful nation on that 
            land three thousand years ago counts for nothing. Israel is, from 
            the point of view of most Arabs, an alien graft that must not be 
            allowed to "take." It is a reminder of what can barely be thought of 
            without acute psychic pain: the squalid, hopeless, irredeemable 
            inferiority of one's own culture by comparison with another. 
            So, so, so, is this any of America's business? What are we doing, 
            meddling in the Middle East? Where is our interest? Well, U.S. 
            politicians must speak for themselves, but if I had any position of 
            authority in any Western nation, I would be urging full support for 
            Israel, and I am not Jewish. (Following my Passover column, in fact, 
            a lot of NRO readers, along with at least one ex-editor of The New 
            Republic, believe I am an anti-Semite.) It's a matter of cultural 
            solidarity. We of the West must hang together, or else we shall hang 
            separately. American isolationists simply do not understand how much 
            we are hated in other places. 
            What, after all, does the Buchananite program offer us, if carried 
            through? We have no troops in Israel to be withdrawn. If we withdraw 
            our aid, the Israelis will be less able to defend themselves against 
            the Arabs. Should we just let the free market take over, U.S. arms 
            manufacturers selling weapons to them cash on the nail? Apparently 
            not: Several of my correspondents have explained to me that what so 
            enrages the Arabs is the sight of their people being killed "by 
            American weapons." Oh. No weapons, then (and presumably we should 
            try to repatriate the ones they already have ? lots of luck with 
            that, guys). But if we don't arm the Israelis, who will? While other 
            hesperophobic countries ? China, for example ? are gleefully arming 
            the Arabs and other Israel-haters like Iran, and pocketing the 
            And the end of it all will be ... what? Inevitably, without our 
            support, it will be the destruction of Israel. They are so few, and 
            the Arabs so many. The Arabs will overwhelm that tiny state, and 
            there will be such an orgy of massacre as has not been seen since 
            the Rape of Nanking. And we shall be doing ... what? Watching it on 
            our TVs, with a six-pack and a bucket of Nacho chips in hand? That's 
            the Buchananite vision? If so, it is a vision of cowards and fools, 
            and I want no part of it. 
            Israel's culture is ours. She is part of the West. If she goes down, 
            we have suffered a defeat, and the howling, jeering forces of 
            barbarism have won a victory. You don't have to be Zionist, nor even 
            Jewish, to support Israel. You don't have to be in the pocket of the 
            Israeli congressional lobbies, or a suck-up to "powerful pro-Zionist 
            interests." You don't have to pretend not to notice the occasional 
            follies and cruelties of Israeli policy. You don't have to forget 
            about the U.S.S. Liberty or Jonathan Pollard. You just have to think 
            straight. You just have to understand that the war between 
            civilization and barbarism is being fought today just as it was 
            fought at Chalons and Tours, at the gates of Kiev and Vienna, by the 
            hoplites at Marathon and the legions on the Rhine. It is, as you 
            have heard a thousand times, this past few days, a war; and the 
            thing about war is, you have to take sides, and close your eyes to 
            your allies' imperfections for the duration. There isn't any choice. 
            What happened this week was not, or not only, an act of 
            anti-Americanism, anti-Israelism, or anti-Semitism. It was in part 
            all those things: but more than anything else, it was an act of 