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GPI 2023







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Safest Countries in the World 2024


  • Iceland has been the safest country in the world for the 14th year in a row, according to the Global Peace Index.

  • The Nordic countries of Europe (Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, and Finland) rank among the 25 safest globally, most of them also being among the top 10 happiest nations worldwide.

  • Common attributes of the world's safest countries include high levels of wealth, social welfare, education, effective criminal justice systems, and positive government-citizen relationships.

The Global Peace Index (GPI) ranks the safest and most peaceful countries in the world. This report is published annually by the Institute for Economics and Peace, which defines itself as "an independent, non-partisan, non-profit organization dedicated to shifting the world's focus to peace as a positive, achievable and tangible measure of human wellbeing and progress." The report researches countries to determine which are the safest and which are the most dangerous.

A total of 163 countries are featured in the GPI report, which ranks each country's level of safety or danger based upon 23 different indicators. The indicators used to compile the GPI include the number of internal and external violent conflicts, level of distrust, political instability, potential for terrorist acts, number of homicides, and military expenditures as a percentage of GDP. These indicators are grouped into three broad categories—Ongoing International Conflict, Societal Safety and Security, and Militarization—and a score is calculated for each of the 163 nations featured in the report. The lower the score, the higher the nation is ranked in terms of safety.

Top 15 Safest Countries in the World (Global Peace Index — lower is better):

GPI 2023
GPI 2022
Iceland 1.124 1.107
Denmark 1.310 1.296
Ireland 1.312 1.288
New Zealand 1.313 1.269
Austria 1.316 1.300
Singapore 1.332 1.326
Portugal 1.333 1.301
Slovenia 1.334 1.316
Japan 1.336 1.336
Switzerland 1.339 1.357
Canada 1.350 1.389
Czech Republic 1.379 1.318
Finland 1.399 1.439
Croatia 1.450 1.440
Germany 1.456 1.462
Netherlands 1.490 1.522
Bhutan 1.496 1.481
Hungary 1.508 1.411
Malaysia 1.513 1.471
Belgium 1.523 1.526

The United States ranked 129th in the Global Peace Ranking for 2022. The United States' ranking has fallen every year since 2016, a drop usually attributed to a decrease in life satisfaction, rising political division, and an increasing wealth gap.

Is the World Becoming More or Less Safe?

According to the 2022 GPI report, the world has become less safe over the past 14 years, with per-country scores deteriorating by 3.2% on average. The report further notes that safety and peacefulness have decreased for eleven of the past fourteen years. For example, global peace declined by 0.3% overall between the 2021 and 2022 GPI reports. While safety improved in 90 countries, it dropped in 71 countries (and remained stable in two), for a net loss.

The 2022 report also states that declines tend to happen more swiftly and precipitously than do improvements, and pointed out that the most significant deterioration occurred in countries in conflict, such as Russia, Ukraine, Guinea, Burkina Faso, and Haiti. Europe remained the most peaceful region in the world, a position it has held for all the 16 years in which the Global Peace Index has existed.

World peace also decreased between the 2020 and 2021 reports, though by a much smaller margin of 0.07%, with 87 countries improving and 73 deteriorating. The COVID-19 crisis and increasing tensions among major world powers were cited as two main causes for the decrease. A comparison of the 2020 and 2019 reports, to step back a year, reveals a total of 81 countries growing more peaceful and 80 deteriorating. The average country score deteriorated by 0.34%.

The Safest Continent in the World

A majority of the top 25 safest countries are European countries. Most notable are the Nordic countries of Europe. Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, and Finland are not only among Europe's safest countries, they are among the top 25 safest countries anywhere on Earth. This region is thus considered the safest in the world, with a homicide rate of 0.8 incidents per 100,000 inhabitants. These five Nordic countries are all in the top 10 happiest countries in the world as well. The second-safest region among the top 25 safest countries is Asia. Both Europe and Asia have the world’s lowest homicide rates of 3 or fewer per 100,000 inhabitants.

Qualities the World's Safest Countries Have in Common

There are some commonalities among the safest countries in the world. For instance, safe countries tend to display high levels of wealth, social welfare, and education. Additionally, safe countries typically have effective criminal justice systems and governments that maintain very healthy relationships with their citizens.

Profiles of the World's 10 Safest Countries

1. Iceland

According to the Global Peace Index, Iceland is the safest country in the world for the 14th year in a row. Iceland is a Nordic nation with a relatively small population of 340,000. Iceland has a very low level of crime, which is typically attributed to its high standard of living, small population, strong social attitudes against crime, a high level of trust in its well-trained police force, and a lack of tension among social and economic classes. Iceland has no military, and the police do not carry firearms (only extendable batons and pepper spray). Iceland also has laws in place to guarantee equality, such as legal same-sex marriage and same-sex adoptions, religious freedom, and equal pay for men and women.

2. New Zealand

New Zealand is the second-safest country in the world. Like Iceland, New Zealand has a very low crime rate, and violent crime is especially rare. Theft is still worth guarding against, especially in tourist areas (which holds true in every country in the world), but overall risk is minimal. Unlike its neighbor Australia, which is known for its dangerous wildlife (box jellyfish, taipan snakes, stonefish, funnel web spiders, and more), New Zealand has no deadly animals. New Zealanders are generally open-minded and have laws in place to prevent the violation of anyone's freedom of speech or expression. As in Iceland, police in New Zealand do not carry personal firearms.

3. Ireland

Ireland became notably more peaceful in 2021 and vaulted from 11th place to 3rd in the 2022 rankings as a result. Crime is quite low outside of a few city neighborhoods ( as in any country, one should be wary of pickpockets and scammers in tourist-dense areas), and there is little threat of cultural violence or terrorism. In fact, the Irish landscape may pose a greater safety risk than its people—the country's breathtaking cliffs and winding country roads must be treated with respect, especially during a sudden rainstorm or in areas with no cell reception.

4. Denmark

Ranked fourth on the 2022 Global Peace Index, Denmark is another one of the safest and happiest countries in the world. Denmark is one of the few countries where people report feeling safe at any time of day or night, even children. Denmark has a high level of equality and a strong sense of common responsibility for social welfare — two qualities that contribute to its citizens' feelings of safety and happiness.

Corruption is rare in Danish business or politics, as honesty and trust are top priorities. While Denmark has a high personal income tax, it funds social programs that ensure all people receive services and perks that help them live comfortable lives. For example, everyone in Denmark has access to tuition-free higher education and healthcare with no additional fees to them, and the elderly are provided at-home care helpers.

5. Austria

Austria ranked as the fifth-safest country in the world for 2022. While violent demonstrations in the wake of ongoing social unrest remain a concern, these are relatively easy to avoid, and otherwise, Austria is a very safe country to visit. Serious crimes are uncommon (with the usual caveat to watch for pickpockets and purse-snatchers). Additionally, Austria has been spared any major acts of terrorism in recent years.

6. Portugal

Portugal comes in sixth in the most peaceful countries rankings for 2022. In 2014, Portugal was ranked 18th globally and has since made significant strides. Unlike Iceland and New Zealand, Portugal has armed police; however, an increased police presence has resulted in a decreased crime rate in the country. In recent years, Portugal has experienced an economic resurgence, decreasing its unemployment rate from over 17% to under 7%. Portugal consistently ranks among the best countries for retirement, due in no small part to its high level of safety.

7. Slovenia

One of the former constituents of Yugoslavia, Slovenia has a high safety ranking that can be attributed to its excellent scores in three categories: travel security, medical risks, and road safety. Like many Slavic states, Slovenia installed a democratic government in the mid-1990s and is now focused on improving quality of life in many areas, including safety and sustainability.

8. Czech Republic

Crime rates in the Czech Republic have steadily decreased over the years, with rates of violent crime in particular dropping significantly. The Czech Republic also has a low incidence of terrorism and natural disasters. Finally, the country boasts many clean and efficient hospitals and a state-run health insurance system that offers affordable rates and enables near-universal coverage.

9. Singapore

Singapore ranks ninth on the GPI for 2022. In a Gallup report from 2018, Singapore residents felt the highest sense of personal security and had more positive experiences with law enforcement than did residents of any other country. Singapore has one of the lowest crime rates in the world, possibly due to the severe penalties that are issued for even small crimes. The government and police strictly control guns and other firearms, and violent and confrontational crimes are rare in Singapore.

As a city-state, Singapore also ranks as the second-safest city in the world according to the Safe Cities Index from the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU). In 2019, Singapore ranked first for infrastructure security and personal security, second for digital security, and eighth for health security.

10. Japan

The tenth-safest country in the world for 2022 is Japan. Japan has been in the top ten countries in the Global Peace Index for 14 years, consistently receiving high marks for low crime rates, minimal internal conflict, and virtually nonexistent political unrest. Japan's proximity to potentially hostile neighbors China and North Korea could become a threat to its safety at some point, but has not thus far.

Japan is known for citizens having limited access to firearms, as the Japanese do not view carrying a firearm as an individual's right. According to the Safe Cities Index from the Economist Intelligence Unit, Tokyo was the safest city in the world in 2019, ranking first in cybersecurity, second for health security, and fourth for infrastructure security and personal security.


IEP applies a rigorous research process to arrive at its GPI rankings. According to IEP, “The GPI covers 163 countries comprising 99.7 percent of the world’s population, using 23 qualitative and quantitative indicators from highly respected sources.”

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GPI 2023
GPI 2022
GPI 2021
Iceland 1.124 1.107 1.100
Denmark 1.310 1.296 1.256
Ireland 1.312 1.288 1.326
New Zealand 1.313 1.269 1.253
Austria 1.316 1.300 1.317
Singapore 1.332 1.326 1.347
Portugal 1.333 1.301 1.267
Slovenia 1.334 1.316 1.315
Japan 1.336 1.336 1.373
Switzerland 1.339 1.357 1.323
Canada 1.350 1.389 1.330
Czech Republic 1.379 1.318 1.329
Finland 1.399 1.439 1.402
Croatia 1.450 1.440 1.480
Germany 1.456 1.462 1.480
Netherlands 1.490 1.522 1.506
Bhutan 1.496 1.481 1.510
Hungary 1.508 1.411 1.494
Malaysia 1.513 1.471 1.515
Belgium 1.523 1.526 1.496
Qatar 1.524 1.533 1.605
Australia 1.525 1.565 1.470
Mauritius 1.546 1.570 1.592
Norway 1.550 1.465 1.438
Estonia 1.563 1.662 1.612
Slovakia 1.578 1.499 1.557
Latvia 1.582 1.673 1.686
Sweden 1.625 1.564 1.460
Poland 1.634 1.552 1.524
Bulgaria 1.643 1.541 1.577
Spain 1.649 1.603 1.621
Taiwan 1.649 1.618 1.662
Romania 1.649 1.640 1.530
Italy 1.662 1.643 1.652
Kuwait 1.669 1.739 1.688
Lithuania 1.671 1.724 1.689
United Kingdom 1.693 1.667 1.658
North Macedonia 1.713 1.704 1.744
Costa Rica 1.731 1.732 1.735
Vietnam 1.745 1.786 1.835
Albania 1.745 1.761 1.824
Botswana 1.762 1.801 1.753
South Korea 1.763 1.779 1.877
Mongolia 1.765 1.775 1.783
Montenegro 1.772 1.801 1.847
Laos 1.779 1.809 1.809
Sierra Leone 1.792 1.803 1.813
Oman 1.794 1.889 1.982
Timor Leste 1.796 1.839 1.873
Uruguay 1.798 1.795 1.817
Ghana 1.799 1.759 1.715
Senegal 1.827 1.916 1.864
Indonesia 1.829 1.800 1.783
Argentina 1.837 1.911 1.945
Madagascar 1.846 1.995 1.963
Namibia 1.859 1.908 1.927
Moldova 1.873 1.882 1.909
Chile 1.874 1.840 1.831
Gambia 1.888 1.792 1.853
Greece 1.890 1.838 1.932
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1.892 1.850 1.970
Jordan 1.895 1.849 1.916
Zambia 1.898 1.841 1.964
Cyprus 1.904 1.903 1.912
Serbia 1.921 1.832 1.797
Armenia 1.929 1.992 2.075
France 1.939 1.895 1.868
Paraguay 1.942 1.976 1.997
Panama 1.942 1.876 1.919
Liberia 1.946 1.973 1.998
Trinidad and Tobago 1.946 2.005 2.029
Cambodia 1.947 1.882 2.008
Malawi 1.970 1.895 1.909
United Arab Emirates 1.979 1.865 1.848
Kazakhstan 1.980 2.071 1.936
Jamaica 1.986 1.990 1.992
Bolivia 2.001 1.989 2.140
Nepal 2.006 1.947 2.033
China 2.009 2.010 2.114
Tunisia 2.010 1.996 2.108
Equatorial Guinea 2.013 1.863 1.915
Dominican Republic 2.019 1.990 2.024
Morocco 2.020 1.969 2.015
Angola 2.020 1.982 2.017
Uzbekistan 2.033 2.001 2.062
Guinea Bissau 2.045 2.156 2.113
Bangladesh 2.051 2.067 2.068
Rwanda 2.051 1.945 2.028
Ivory Coast 2.053 2.144 2.123
Tanzania 2.058 2.001 1.892
Thailand 2.061 2.098 2.205
Gabon 2.068 1.973 2.074
Georgia 2.071 2.065 2.054
Azerbaijan 2.090 2.437 2.334
Algeria 2.094 2.146 2.310
Ecuador 2.095 1.988 2.044
Papua New Guinea 2.095 2.046 2.149
Cuba 2.103 2.083 2.042
Turkmenistan 2.107 2.116 2.154
Kyrgyzstan 2.110 2.028 1.998
Tajikistan 2.114 2.031 2.095
Peru 2.130 2.091 2.034
Guatemala 2.130 2.139 2.195
Togo 2.130 2.094 2.239
Guyana 2.134 2.140 2.114
Sri Lanka 2.136 2.020 2.083
Bahrain 2.145 2.085 2.121
Eswatini 2.168 2.033 1.955
Benin 2.177 2.125 2.093
Lesotho 2.191 2.089 2.202
Djibouti 2.196 2.213 2.146
Republic of the Congo 2.210 2.184 2.291
Mauritania 2.228 2.193 2.290
Philippines 2.229 2.339 2.417
Belarus 2.248 2.259 2.285
Kenya 2.254 2.303 2.254
Mozambique 2.259 2.316 2.123
Saudi Arabia 2.260 2.288 2.376
Honduras 2.265 2.269 2.371
Egypt 2.267 2.342 2.397
El Salvador 2.279 2.231 2.184
Nicaragua 2.294 2.334 2.445
Uganda 2.300 2.309 2.219
Zimbabwe 2.300 2.350 2.490
India 2.314 2.578 2.553
Guinea 2.359 2.332 2.069
Burundi 2.393 2.470 2.434
Haiti 2.395 2.254 2.151
South Africa 2.405 2.283 2.344
United States 2.448 2.440 2.337
Brazil 2.462 2.465 2.430
Eritrea 2.505 2.494 2.555
Palestine 2.538 2.552 2.610
Lebanon 2.581 2.615 2.797
Mexico 2.599 2.612 2.620
Libya 2.605 2.930 3.166
Niger 2.625 2.655 2.589
Cameroon 2.660 2.709 2.700
Colombia 2.693 2.729 2.694
Venezuela 2.693 2.798 2.934
Chad 2.699 2.591 2.489
Israel 2.706 2.576 2.669
Nigeria 2.713 2.725 2.712
Myanmar 2.741 2.631 2.457
Pakistan 2.745 2.789 2.868
Iran 2.800 2.687 2.637
Turkey 2.800 2.785 2.843
North Korea 2.848 2.942 2.923
Burkina Faso 2.868 2.786 2.527
Ethiopia 2.872 2.806 2.613
Central African Republic 2.934 3.021 3.131
Mali 2.963 2.911 2.813
Iraq 3.006 3.157 3.257
Sudan 3.023 3.007 2.936
Somalia 3.036 3.125 3.211
Ukraine 3.043 2.971 2.660
Russia 3.142 3.275 2.993
DR Congo 3.214 3.166 3.196
South Sudan 3.221 3.184 3.363
Syria 3.294 3.356 3.371
Yemen 3.350 3.394 3.407
Afghanistan 3.448 3.554 3.631
Total 2.072 2.070 2.081
showing: 162 rows

What is the safest country in the world?

Iceland is the safest country in the world, with a Global Peace Index of 1.124.

What are the 5 safest countries in the world?

The 5 safest countries in the world are Iceland, Denmark, Ireland, New Zealand and Austria.

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