"It met as one body, and its members represented the entire Spanish world" de books.google.com
... It met as one body and its members represented the entire Spanish world.When the Cortes convened, 104 deputies were present, thirty of whom represented the overseas territories. Twenty—seven Americans and two Filipinos had been selected ...
"It met as one body, and its members represented the entire Spanish world" de books.google.com
... It met as one body and its members represented the entire Spanish world. When the Cortes convened, 104 deputies were present, including 30 representing the overseas territories: 27 Americans and 2 Filipinos were substitute delegates ...
"It met as one body, and its members represented the entire Spanish world" de books.google.com
... sovereign power ^ Rodríguez. Independence of Spanish America. Cambridge University Press. [1] citation: "It met as one body, and its members represented the entire Spanish world" 9. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62.
"It met as one body, and its members represented the entire Spanish world" de books.google.com
Las Siete Partidas constituyen un cuerpo normativo redactado en Castilla durante el reinado de Alfonso X (1221-1284) con el objetivo de conseguir una cierta uniformidad jurídica del reino.
"It met as one body, and its members represented the entire Spanish world" de books.google.com
Sus más de 1.500 entradas, seleccionadas y redactadas por un equipo de especialistas bajo la dirección de Jaime Alvar Ezquerra, recogen no sólo nombres y acontecimientos, sino también conceptos y cuestiones metodológicas, lo que, unido ...
"It met as one body, and its members represented the entire Spanish world" de books.google.com
La lengua de los dioses no es un manual tradicional, un ensayo académico, una clase impartida desde lo alto de una tarima: es una síntesis del alma a través de una lengua antiquísima como la griega que, sin embargo, no ha sido nunca tan ...
"It met as one body, and its members represented the entire Spanish world" de books.google.com
El Cantar de mío Cid es una obra épica que supuso un hito en la literatura española al ser considerada la primera obra narrativa extensa en lengua romance.
"It met as one body, and its members represented the entire Spanish world" de books.google.com
Durante casi ocho siglos convivieron cristianos y musulmanes en la Península Ibérica, y su historia nos ha llegado en buena parte mediante cronistas de ambas comunidades, que iban escribiendo su relato.