A beautiful view from within central Playa del Carmen-mobile

How to get from
Tulum to Playa del Carmen

Tulum to Playa del Carmen Trip Overview

Distance 61 km (38.1 miles)
Price range $6-$215
Ride Duration Range 15m-1h 30m
Earliest Departure 05:27
Latest Departure 23:40

There are lots of buses and shuttles that will transport you from Tulum to Playa del Carmen. You would be most wise to plan a trip in the winter or early spring before the weather gets hot and sticky. Playa del Carmen is the perfect getaway if you’re looking for some beach time. Its white sand beaches and turquoise waters will make you feel like you’re in paradise. Take advantage of many different activities, such as kayaking, parasailing, snorkeling, and scuba diving. When the sun goes down, you will want to hit the restaurants and bars and take part in the fun nightlife.

Travel Schedule Options from Tulum to Playa del Carmen

Taking a bus from Tulum to Playa del Carmen

Fastest bus: 15m

Cheapest bus: $6

The fastest: 15m

The cheapest: $6



Reclining Seats


The fastest: 1h

The cheapest: $7






A beautiful view from within central Playa del Carmen

About the ride from Tulum to Playa del Carmen

Tulum to Playa del Carmen Route Information

The distance between Tulum and Playa del Carmen is 38 miles, or approximately 61 kilometers.

There are 3 ways to get from Tulum to Playa del Carmen, including minivan,car,bus.

The earliest departure leaves at 05:27 and has a duration of 1 hour.

The fastest way to travel is by bus, which takes approximately 15 minutes.

Depending on how you choose to travel, the following amenities are available: .

Tulum to Playa del Carmen by minivan

  • Starting Price: $7
  • 162 departures a day, or 1134 departures a week

There are 2 travel classes for this journey, including: Standard and Tourist.

Each minivan ticket offers an individual seat with basic passenger necessities. Conditions and amenities vary by provider. For more detailed information and availability see all options.

Tulum to Playa del Carmen by car

    The only travel class available is Standard.

    Each car ticket offers an individual seat with basic passenger necessities. Conditions and amenities vary by provider. For more detailed information and availability see all options.

    Tulum to Playa del Carmen by bus

    • Starting Price: $6
    • 110 departures a day, or 770 departures a week

    There are 6 travel classes for this journey, including: Economy, Primera Class, Conecta Class, Standard, First Class and Executive.

    Each bus ticket offers an individual seat with basic passenger necessities. Conditions and amenities vary by provider. For more detailed information and availability see all options.

    Companies Operating from Tulum to Playa del Carmen


    Average time

    15m - 1h 25m

    Average price

    $6 - $8


    Average time


    Average price



    Popular stations and stops in Tulum and Playa del Carmen

    Departure stations in Tulum


    Tulum bus stop

    Tulum - Any hotel in Zona Hotelera Tulum

    Tulum - Any hotel

    ADO Terminal Autobuses Tulum

    View more

    Arrival stations in Playa del Carmen

    La Pasion Hotel Boutique

    Playa del Carmen bus stop

    Playa del Carmen - Any hotel

    ADO Terminal Alterna Playa Del Carmen

    ADO Terminal Turistica Playa Del Carmen

    View more

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