Produced by Millennium Pictures Pty Ltd

Creators:Karl Zwicky, Margarita Tassone
Producers: Posie Graeme-Evans, Andrew Blaxland
Director: Karl Zwicky
Writers: Anthony Ellis, Ray Harding, P.J. Hogan, Richard Tulloch, Alister Webb
Original Music: Chris Harriott

Aired: 1991, 1992 (Ten)

The Miraculous Mellops concerns the Mellop family. Father Bill Mellop runs a nursery, aided by his children - Samantha, Michael, Jason and his sister Jocelyn. After the recent death of their mother, Jocelyn acts as housekeeper. A strange star arrives from space and confers uncanny powers on the children and their surroundings. The visitors from outer space complicate the struggle the Mellops already have on their hands with neighbour Bernie Dump, who wants to take over the land which houses the nursery. (40x30min)
Starring as
Troy Beckwith Michael Mellop
Davud Walters Jason Mellop
Sally Warwick Samantha Mellop
Bill Conn Bill Mellop
Julie Godfrey Aunt Jocelyn
Max Phipps Bernie Dump
Michela Noonan Harmony Dump
Ilan Ostrove Darren Dump
Drew Forsythe Ralph
Kim Walsh Jane

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