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Camelot The Musical

Music by Frederick Loewe
Book & Lyrics by Alan Jay Lerner

Recommended Resources

Plot Summary & Audition Tips for Camelot

List of Characters in Camelot

Camelot Sheet Music (Vocal Selections)

Camelot Karaoke Background Tracks CD

Camelot Original Cast Recording

Camelot 1982 Film Version on DVD

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Camelot sets to music beautifully T. H. White's The Once And Future King. As young Arthur ascends the throne, he prepares to receive his bride, Guenevere. Both are aprehensive of marrying someone they have never met, but are pleasantly suprised when introduced and are happily wed. Their happiness is shortlived, however. Lancelot hears in France of the Knights of the Round Table, and travels to Camelot in hopes of joining. Although he proves himself arrogant and insuffrable, Guenevere eventually falls in love with him. When Arthur learns of their love, he remains silent for the sake of the peace that Camelot has enjoyed for some time. Arthur's illegitimate son arrives and while attempting to ascend the throne, uncovers Guenevere's infidelity. Arthur is forced to declare war on his friend and wife, but forgives them both before the battle.

Arthur (Baritone, 18 - 28)
Honourable yet unsure young King. Richard Burton type.
Guenevere (Mezzo, 16 - 24)
Arthur's bride. Young, thoughtful. Julie Andrews type.
Lancelot (Baritone, 25 - 35)
Arrogant, yet dazzlingly attractive & talented.
Merlin (Non-Singing, 40 - 70)
The most famous wizard of all. Wise, mysterious, and full of riddles.
Mordred (Non-Singing, 15 - 22)
The evil young son of Arthur and the witch, Morgause.
Nimue (Mezzo, 35 - 99)
A witch.
King Pelinore (Non-Singing, 65 - 99
An elderly man condemned to following the Questing Beast.
Sir Lionel (Non-Singing, 25 - 55)
A dead man who comes back to life after Lancelot defeats three knights.
Morgan Le Fey (Non-Singing, 40 - 65)
Keeper of the Enchanted Forest.
Thomas Mallory (Non-Singing, 15 - 22)
A round-table hopeful. Longs to fight for justice

Camelot Related Websites

Audition Preparation Materials

List of Songs in Camelot (Click the song title to download digital sheet music)

Camelot Libretto - Script & Song Lyrics

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