The chemopreventive activity of apple against carcinogenesis: antioxidant activity and cell cycle control : European Journal of Cancer Prevention

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The chemopreventive activity of apple against carcinogenesis

antioxidant activity and cell cycle control

Ribeiro, Flávia A.P.a,*; Gomes de Moura, Carolina F.b,*; Aguiar, Odair Jra; de Oliveira, Flaviaa; Spadari, Regina C.a; Oliveira, Nara R.C.c; Oshima, Celina T.F.b; Ribeiro, Daniel A.a,b

Author Information
European Journal of Cancer Prevention 23(5):p 477-480, September 2014. | DOI: 10.1097/CEJ.0000000000000005


Apples and their derivatives are rich in phytochemicals, including flavonoids (catechins, flavonols, quercetin) and phenolic acids (quercetin glycosides, catechin, epicatechin, procyanidins), vitamins, and fibers, that confer an important antioxidant property. Chemoprevention is defined by the use of natural or synthetic agents to interfere with the progression, reverse, or inhibit carcinogenesis, thereby reducing the risk of developing clinically invasive disease. The aim of this article is to present data generated from the use of apples as a chemopreventive agent in carcinogenesis using in-vivo and in-vitro test systems. Apple and its bioactive compounds can exert chemopreventive properties as a result of antioxidant activity and cell cycle control. However, future focus of research on apple such as identifying the specific phytochemical responsible for the anticarcinogenic effect, timing of consumption, and adequate amount of apples to achieve the best preventive effect using human large randomized-controlled trials is needed. Furthermore, animal studies are also relevant for better understanding the role of this fruit in human health as well as modulation of degenerative diseases such as cancer. Therefore, this area warrants further investigation as a new way of thinking, which would apply not only to apples but also to other fruit used as promising therapeutic agents against human diseases.

© 2014 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.

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