Volume 36, Issue 2 p. 204-226

Speech Variation in a Piedmont Community: Postvocalic r*

Lewis Levine

Lewis Levine

New York University and University of Nebraska

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Harry J. Crockett Jr.

Harry J. Crockett Jr.

New York University and University of Nebraska

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First published: April 1966
Citations: 15

This research has been supported by the National Science Foundation under grants G 24969 and GS 779. The National Science Foundation Program for Summer Undergraduate Research Participation has also supported the following persons as summer assistants during the study: in 1962, Edgar B. Warren and Clarence Dillard; in 1963, Jane Arndt, Gwathney Tyler, and Elaine Welnreib; and in 1964, David Britt and Judith Housermann.

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