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GameSpot's TenSpot

Reader's Choice: Best Villains


Villains 10-6
• Villains 5-1
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Number 4
The Ur-Quan

Did they make GameSpot's list? Yes.
Most likely to be voted best villain by the Society for the Oppressed.

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Here's what GameSpot said about the Ur-Quan

OK, we admit our mistake in our history of the Ur-Quan. However, we were glad that the errors didn't discourage any of the hundreds of you who agreed that they were indeed fantastic villains. Our mistakes, as pointed out by many who know Star Control 2 better than we do, were that the Ur-Quan were peaceful herbivores (they were savages who climbed up the food chain by killing their native predators), that the Dynarri found the Ur-Quan (it was the other way around, as the Ur-Quan were acting as scouts for the Sentient Milieu), and that the Ur-Quan continued to wear the Excrutiator (they took them off after they annihilated the Dynarri). But give us a break; it was seven years ago that we played Star Control 2, and we loved it. Our memory may not be perfect, but the gist of our message remains the same: The Ur-Quan were very cool, very tragic villains indeed.

What you said:

"I love the Ur-Quan. I will grow up to be one. I try to hang from the ceiling and cleanse as many people as I meet. Long live the Ur-Quan!"

"They were not peaceful to begin with, and had extreme difficulty tolerating each other long enough to get into space in the first place. ('Civilization did not come easily to us. We earned it.') They encountered the Dynarri on a scouting mission - which they often got sent on by their allies in the Sentient Milieu, because they were generally too aggressive to keep alongside others. Most importantly, and by far the most tragic point in their story (and also mainly why I brought up the aggression thing in the first place), was their relationship with the Taalo. The Ur-Quan, as you've probably gathered, generally had a hard time getting along with other species. But since the Taalo resembled nothing more than big rocks, they were the only species that did not trigger aggression in the Ur-Quan. However, there was one small problem - the Taalo, due to their unusual physiology, were immune to the Dynarri mind control. Thus, seeing them as a threat, they ordered the recently enslaved Ur-Quan to obliterate the Taalo... and they did. Every last one of them, all while they were helpless to control their own actions."

"They're a lot more evil than you give them credit for - the whole imprisonment or slavery choice? That's just sick. Either die slowly (as a species) on one planet, or never truly live as slaves - that's worse than annihilation!"

"Surprised to see them here, Star Control 2 being another cult hit - surprised but pleased. They were very intimidating but at the same time had a background that made their villainy more than just simple cartoon evil; their racial trauma, deep in their history, was what could eventually be used to defeat them."

"Star Control 2 is an oft-overlooked title, one with superior depth and inventiveness. The Ur-Quan were definitely one of the most chilling villains ever created, and I can still remember the fear I felt as I fled in my fledgling spacecrafts from one of their dreadnoughts."

"'You will now die. Make whatever rituals are necessary for your species.' Now that's a line worth quoting!"

"Godlike to his followers and merciless to his enemies."

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