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Eugene O'Neill

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Anna Christie
The Ford Theater
Broadcast: CBS - Friday, January 21, 1949
     Adapted: Vincent McConnor     Director: Fletcher Markle

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Host - Fletcher Markle
Anna Christopherson
- Ingrid Bergman
Mat Burke - Broderick Crawford
Chris Christopherson - John Qualen
Marthy Owen -
Ann Revere

  Act 1  (22:40)
  Act 2  (19:52)
  Act 3  (16:12)

The Ford Theater, sponsored by the Ford Motor Company, presented hour long dramas first on NBC for only one season. The series moved to CBS for its second and last season.

The show initially received a bad review from the New York times for bad script adaptation but was still highly rated for the actors' performance and overall production. Initially, the show was supposed to feature only original scripts, but had to forgo that plan due to lack of quality material.

The first season relied on radio actors under the direction of George Zachary. The series moved to CBS for the second season, using Hollywood screen actors in the lead roles, supported by radio actors. Fletcher Markle, who previously produced CBS's Studio One series, became the producer for the second season.

The announcer was Nelson Case. The director was George Zachary. The musical director was Cy Feuer.


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