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Politikere i Albanien

Udgiver: Kultursociolog Bj�rn Andersen


Denne side indarbejdes i l�bet af 2006 i: dansk Wikipedia

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Angjeli, Anastas

Finansminister til han nedlagde sit embede December 2001.

�Minister of Finances Mr. Angjeli, 45, Minister of Finances. Born in Sarande. Angjeli graduated in 1980 in Tirana University, Economic Faculty, Finance branch. In '95 he specialised in Public Finances in Italy. He has received the scientific titles �University teacher� and �Doctor of Economic Sciences�. In '91 he became the member of the SP Steering Committee while in February-July 1991 he was appointed deputy/ minister of Finances. Deputy in 1992-1996 and deputy/chairman of the Commission of Economy, Finances, Budget and Trade, Angjeli was re-elected deputy in the 15-th legislature where he was primarily appointed minister of Labour and Social Affairs in the cabinet Nano and one year later in '98 minister of Finances in the cabinet Majko. Anastas Angjeli is married and father of two children�.

Angjeli var �n af dem Fatos Nano �gik efter� i slutningen af 2001. Fik ikke Regeringsembede ved dannelsen af Majko-Regeringen Februar 2002. Fik ikke Regeringsembede ved dannelsen af Nano-Regeringen Juli 2002. Blev Formand for et s�rligt '�konomiudvalg'.

December 2003: �konomiminister. Udn�vnelsen har vakt nogen furore eftersom Nano angreb Angjeli meget h�rdt for korruption i efter�ret 2001; forklaringen er givetvis partitaktisk - der er tale om en indr�mmelse til at del af partiet for at styrke Nano's position i opg�ret med Meta-, Meidani- og Rama-fl�jene.

Bejtja, Engjell


December 2003: Arbejds- og Socialminister efter Valentina Leskaj, der blev afskediget af PM Nano.

Biografi p� Regeringens internetside (0203): �He is Member of Parliament after the parliamentary election June 2001. He is graduated from the University of Tirana, Faculty of Foreign Languages Major in French in 1985 and in the period 1998-2000 he won the Doctor Degree on Juridical Sciences and International Relations from the State university of Krajova, Rumania. Since 1998 he worked at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in various positions. In the period 1997-2000 he was Albanian Ambassador in Rumania. In 200-2001 he was Deputy Minister of Defense. He speaks French, English, Rumanian and Italian Language�.

Fik ikke Regeringsembede ved dannelsen af Nano-Regeringen Juli 2002.

Indstillet som UM Juli 2003 (efter at Ilir Meta og Sokol Nako havde nedlagt deres regeringsposter), men Parlamentet afslog at godkende udn�vnelsen.

Bello, Marko

Integrationsminister i Majko-Regeringen Februar 2002.

Biografi p� Regeringens internetside (0203): �He is Member of Parliament after the parliamentary election June 2001. He is graduated from the University of Tirana, Faculty of Foreign Languages Major in French in 1985 and in the period 1998-2000 he won the Doctor Degree on Juridical Sciences and International Relations from the State university of Krajova, Rumania. Since 1998 he worked at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in various positions. In the period 1997-2000 he was Albanian Ambassador in Rumania. In 200-2001 he was Deputy Minister of Defense. He speaks French, English, Rumanian and Italian Language�.

Fik ikke Regeringsembede ved dannelsen af Nano-Regeringen Juli 2002.

Indstillet som UM Juli 2003 (efter at Ilir Meta og Sokol Nako havde nedlagt deres regeringsposter), men Parlamentet afslog at godkende udn�vnelsen.

December 2003: Integrationsminister (Minister u.p.)

Berisha, Sali

Klik her:

Blushi, Ben

Vice-UM 000302 Vice-UM Ben Blushi (som tilh�rer Fatos Nano-fl�jen hos Socialisterne) er blevet fyret for et fejltrin (lack of discipline at work) - hvis art dog ikke straks blev pr�ciseret n�rmere. Efterf�lgende er det kommet frem at han skulle have l�kket forskelligt fra de fortrolige dr�ftelser mellem UM Madeleine Albright og den Albanske Regering.

(1) Han skal have sagt at Albright havde lovet at arbejde for at Albanerne kunne f� et �forbindelseskontor� i Prishtina; denne sag er vitterlig meget �mt�lelig, og det er noget overraskende hvis Amerikanerne skulle g� ind for det umiddelbart.

�D�t h�r kan �del�gge hvad vi har arbejdet for l�nge�, skal UM Milo (Socialdemokratiet) have sagt.

(2) For det andet skal Blushi have viderebragt nogle kritiske Albright-bem�rkninger om Europ�erne ift Kos�va (men dem kendte Europ�erne givetvis i forvejen).

(3) Endelig skal Fatos Nano v�re blevet grundigt irriteret over at Meta - efter rygterne - har omtalt ham i mindre fordelagtige vendinger i samtalerne. At dette sidste kan v�re tilf�ldet underst�ttes af at der har v�ret heftig m�deaktivitet blandt ledende Socialister og af at der er blevet truet med at afholde en tillidsafstemning i den Socialistiske ledelse om Meta-regeringen.

Undervisningsminister. �Minister of Education and Science Blushi, 32, has graduated from the University of Tirana, Albanian Grammar-Literature branch. With the completion of higher studies, he worked in various newspapers of Albania and later he was named editor-in-chief of the newspaper Koha Jone. In 1997, Blushi was a member of the cabinet of former premier Fatos Nano, and later of the cabinet of Premier Ilir Meta. In October 1999, he was appointed to the post of the deputy minister of Foreign Affairs, a post which he held up to February 2000 [hvor han afgik pga en l�kage: Han refererede offentligt til fortrolige udtalelser fra dav. UM Albright]. On December 28, 2000, Blushi was appointed Prefect of the Region of Korca, by decision of the Council of Ministers. Ben Blushi is married and has two children�.

Fik ikke Regeringsembede ved dannelsen af Majko-Regeringen Februar 2002.

Lokalstyreminister i Nano-Regeringen 0207. ATA skriver: �Ben Blushi - Minister of Local Authority and Devolution Blushi, 32 years old, is of the young generation of the Socialist Party. He graduated from the branch of Albanian language and literature of Tirana University. Then he worked as a journalist in various organs of the Media and he was also editor in chief of �Koha jone� independent newspaper. Mr.Blushi was involved in the Socialist Party in 1997. In October 1999-February 2000 he was deputy Foreign Minister. In December he was appointed Prefect of Korca. In Meta government, Blushi was Minister of Education�.

Ceco [�e�o], Makbule

Hun er Medlem af Socialistpartiet og har tidligere v�ret VicePM og Arbejds- og Socialminister. Hun har opn�et et kredsmandat i Parlamentet: Nr. 89 - Gjirokastra - og er blevet valgt som N�stformand i Parlamentet.

Cipa, Stefan


Minister for Offentlig Sikkerhed i Majko-Regeringen Februar 2002.

Biografi p� Regeringens internetside (0203): �He was born in 20.01.1959 in Saranda. He is married and has two kids. He is graduated on Economics and had pursued several qualification courses abroad mainly on economy, tourism, and industry. He is Member of the Parliament since 1997 representing the district of Saranda. He is member of the Parliamentary Commission on industry, transport and tourism. He is member of the Socialist Party since its foundation and member of Steering General Committee of this party since 1999�.

Fik ikke Regeringsembede ved dannelsen af Nano-Regeringen Juli 2002.

Dade, Arta

Kulturminister. Senere Sekret�r i Socialistpartiet for Udenrigspolitik. UM. Senest igen Kulturminister.

UM i Majko-Regeringen Februar 2002.

Biografi p� Regeringens internetside (0203): �Distinguished Teacher of University of Tirana and Secretary for Foreign Relation in the Socialist Party. Previously Mrs. Arta Dade has been MINISTER OF Culture, Youth and Sports. From 1998 and on Mrs. Arta Dade has been Vice Chairwoman of the Foreign Affairs Parliamentary Commission. She is Member of Albanian parliament and speaks fluently English, French and Italian Language�.

�Minister for Foreign Affairs Dade, 48, was born in Tirane. She has graduated from the Philological Faculty, English Language Branch, at Tirane University. In 1997 she received the degree �Doctor of Linguistic Sciences�. Dade worked as a teacher at the Foreign Languages school in Tirane while in the year '85-'97 she worked as a teacher at the English Language Department at the University of Tirane. In the year 1998 she was appointed Minister of Culture. In 1991 she joined the ranks of the Socialist Party and a year later she was elected member of the Socialist Party presidency. In 1996 she was appointed Foreign Relations secretary at the Socialist Party. She was elected deputy at the 15th legislature of Albania's Assembly�.

Kulturminister i Nano-Regeringen 0207. ATA skriver: �Arta Dade, Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports Ms. Dade, 48, was born in Tirana. She has graduated the Philological Faculty, English language branch, in the Tirana University. In 1997, she defended the title �Doctor of Linguistic Sciences�. For a period of time she has worked as a teacher in the foreign languages secondary school in Tirana, while over 1985-1987 as teacher in the English Language Department of the Tirana University. She joined the ranks of the Socialist Party in 1991 and a year later, in 1992, Ms Dade was elected member of the Presidency of the Socialist Party. In 1996, she was appointed Foreign Relations Secretary in the Socialist Party. She was elected a deputy in the 15th legislature of the Assembly of Albania. In 1998, Ms Dade held the post of the Minister of Culture in the Government led by Pandeli Majko. In the government formed after June 24, 2001, Ms Dade was elected Minister of Foreign Affairs. She held the same post also in the government formed some months later, hence in the Majko government, which has just resigned�.

December 2003: Afskediget af PM Nano.

Dervishi, Besnik

Turismeminister i Nano-Regeringen 0207. ATA skriver: �Besnik Dervishi- Minister of Territory Arrangement and Tourism Mr.Dervishi is 39 years old. He has graduated in Justice. He has got scientific title �Doctor of Sciences�. At the beginning he has worked as Director of Regulation Department of Transport Ministry. Then he was appointed deputy Minister of Economy. He is also a lecturer of Faculty of Economics�.

December 2003: Afskediget af PM Nano / fratr�dt.

Doda, Victor

Industriminister og Energiminister i Majko-Regeringen Februar 2002. Har tidl. v�ret Trafikminister.

Biografi p� Regeringens internetside (0203): �He is graduated from the University of Tirana, Faculty of Geology-Mines in 1979. He had worked as Geology engineer in some of the cooper mines in the Northern Albania. He had carried out various research projects in mines and geology. He had performed a number of important tasks in the Albanian executive, such as Vice Minister of Public Economy and Privatization during the period 1997-2001. In 2001 he had been Minister of Transport. He is Member of Parliament since 2001�.

Industriminister og Energiminister i Nano-Regeringen 0207. ATA skriver: �Viktor Doda - Minister of Industry and Energetics. Mr.Doda was born in Rubik in 1955. He graduated from University of Tirana at Geology and Mining branch. In 1997-April 2001 he was deputy Minister of Economy. In April 2001 Doda was appointed Transport Minister. He kept the post up to September 2001. In Majko government he was Minister of Industry and Energetics, a post he is expected to keep even in the new Nano government�.

Dokle, Namik Hamza

Parlamentsformand 2001 - 2002 hvor han nedlagde Formandshvervet efter Rakipi-sagen. Dokle blev efterfulgt af Servet Pellumbi. Blev VicePM December 2003.

F�dt 11.03.1946, Durr�s. Uddannet som Landbrugs�konom, men har arbejdet som Journalist og Redakt�r p� �Puna�, senere p� �Z�ri i Popullit� - og som Politiker (Socialisterne). ... Taler Spansk, Fransk og Russisk.

ARSIMI: 1965-1970, Diplomohet n� Institutin e Lart� Bujq�sor, dega "Ekonomi Agrare", Tiran�; 1968-1970 Fakulteti i Gazetaris�, Tiran�.

1970-1983 gazetar pran� gazet�s "Puna";
1983-1989 Kryeredaktor i gazet�s "Puna";
1989-1990 Sekretar i Bashkimeve Profesionale;
1991 Kryeredaktor ne gazet�n "Z�ri i Popullit";
1991-2000 deputet i Kuvendit t� Republik�s s� Shqip�ris�.;
Korrik 1997 Zv/kryetar i Kuvendit t� Republik�s s� Shqip�rise;

1991 an�tar i Kryesis� s� Partis� Socialiste;
1992-1997 kryetar i grupit Parlamentar t� Partis� Socialiste;
1992-1996 n�nkryetar i Partis� Socialiste;
1996-1997 Sekretar Organizativ i Partis� Socialiste;
1999-2000 Sekretar i P�rgjithsh�m i Partis� Socialiste;
1992-2000 p�rfaq�sues i Kuvendit t� Republik�s s� Shqip�ris� n� Asamblen� Parlamentare t� K�shillit t� Europ�s

GJUH�T E HUAJA: Spanjisht, Frengjisht, Rusisht - DEPUTET: Zona Elektorale, Nr 55. - Subjekti PS

Duka, Agron

�Minister of Agriculture and Food Agron Duka, 43, has graduated from the Higher Agricultural Institute in Tirana, branch of agronomy. Over the last 10 years, Mr Duka has been one of the renowned businessmen in the field of the production of eggs and livestock products, and in the trading of electric house appliances and foodstuff. He is owner of the company AIBA, centered in Shkozet. In February this year, Agron Duka was appointed to the post of the prefect of the Region of Durres and Kruja, a post which he resigned when he stood for a deputy in the June 24 elections. He is married and has two children�.

Nedlagde sit embede December 2001.

Landbrugsminister i Majko-Regeringen Februar 2002.

Biografi p� Regeringens internetside (0203): �He is graduated on Agronomy and he has been the Prefect of Durresi. Mr. Agron Duka, 43, independent, has performed various duties in the agricultural sector and that of agricultural education. He is Member of Parliament for Durresi. Speaks fluently Italian and French�.

Landbrugs- og F�devareminister i Nano-Regeringen 0207. ATA skriver: �Agron Duka - Minister of Agriculture. Mr.Duka, 43 years old, doesn't represent any political party in the new government. He has graduated in Agronomy, then he has carried out various tasks in the agricultural sector and in teaching agricultural lectures. Up to 2001 he has been Prefect of Durres. At elections of June 24, 2001 Mr.Duka was elected by the structures of the Socialist Party to represent Shijaku Constituency in Parliament. At Meta government he held the post of Minister of Agriculture. He kept the same post during Majko government and is expected to do so even in the new Nano government. He speaks English and Italian�.

Fino, Bashkim

�Minister of Public Works and Tourism. Mr. Fino is 39 years old. He graduated in Tirana University, the Economic Faculty, Finance branch. Mr. Fino has worked as economist and served as the chairman of the Economic Studies branch in the Computers and Economic Centre. Over the period 1992-1996 he has been the Mayor of Gjirokaster, while in March-July 1997, chairman of the Council of Ministers in the National Reconciliation Government [= PM]. From '97-'98 Mr. Fino has served as deputy/ premier and from '98 until 2001 as minister of the Local Government. He has gained the deputy mandate two times. Mr. Fino is married and father of two children�.

Nedlagde sit embede December 2001.

Fik ikke Regeringsembede ved dannelsen af Majko-Regeringen Februar 2002. Fik ikke Regeringsembede ved dannelsen af Nano-Regeringen Juli 2002.

December 2003: Turismeminister. Erstatter Besnik Dervishi der blev afskediget af PM Nano / fratr�dte.

Gjinushi, Skender

Undervisningsminister fra 1987 til 1991. Senere blandt stifterne af Socialdemokratiet; Partiformand. Parlamentsformand frem til 2001.

Vice-PM og Arbejds-. og Socialminister i Meta-Regeringen. Fortsatte som s�dan i Majko-Regeringen Februar 2002.

Biografi p� Regeringens internetside (0203): �Prof. Dr. Skender Gjinushi has been the Speaker of Parliament of Republic of Albania. Previously, he has been the Minister of Education. Well known university teacher and scientist. Mr. Gjinushi is also the Head of Social-democratic Party of Albania. From 1992 and on he is Member of Parliament. He speaks some foreign languages, such as English, French, etc.�

�Deputy Premier and Minister of Labour and Social Affairs Mr. Gjinushi aged 52, was born in the city of Vlora. He graduated in year 1972 in Tirana University, Faculty of the Nature Sciences, branch of mathematics where he was immediately nominated university teacher. In years '73-'77 he attended a post-university specialization in the University �Pjer Mari Kyri� [Curie] of Paris where he received the doctor's degree on the basis of which he was given in Albania the degree �Candidate of Sciences�. In year '83 he received the title �Doctor of Sciences� and in '86 received the title of �Professor�. He has held the office of Minister of Education in years '87-'91. In April 1991, Gjinushi was chosen the head of the Social Democrat Party of Albania. One year later, in '92, he was elected deputy of parliament in the constituency of Peqin while in year '97 the deputy of constituency 107 in Vlora. In the 15-th legislature of the Albanian Parliament he was again elected the SDP deputy during which he held the office of Parliament Speaker of Albania. Mr. Gjinushi is married and has two children�.

Fik ikke Regeringsembede ved dannelsen af Nano-Regeringen Juli 2002, afslog tilbud fra Fatos Nano.

Gjoni, Ilir

�Minister of Public Order Gjoni, 38, was reelected as Minister of Public order, which he has held since November last year. He graduated from the University of Tirane, English language branch, in 1985. In the years 1985-1994 he worked as a diplomat at the Foreign Ministry, while during this period he received the �Master� degree in diplomacy. For two years (1995-1997) Gjoni devoted himself to the field of journalism in the daily �Koha Jone�, while in the years '97 - '99, he served as a functionary of UNHCR in Tirane. In September '99 he was appointed Head of Cabinet of Prime Minister Pandeli Majko and in July, 2000 he was appointed Minister of Defence in the Government of Premier Meta. He held this office only four months as he was later appointed Minister of Public Order�.

Fik ikke Regeringsembede ved dannelsen af Majko-Regeringen Februar 2002. Fik ikke Regeringsembede ved dannelsen af Nano-Regeringen Juli 2002.

Hajdaraga, Luan

Forsvarsminister frem til 000706.

F�dt 480802. Medlem af Socialisterne. Psykologisk uddannelse fra Universitetet i Bukarest (67-72). Dr. i psykologi. Forskning og Direkt�r for P�dagogisk Institut 73-92. N�stformand for Socialisterne, senere N�stformand for Parlamentsgruppen. Taler Engelsk, Italiensk og Rum�nsk. Erstattet 000706 med Ilir Gjoni (hidtil: Kabinetschef for PM Meta).

0203: Korruptionssag verserer (vedr�rer tiden som Forsvarsminister). Fmtl. er sagen opgivet sommeren 2002.

Vice-UM (siden 2001?). Fg UM ved Ilir Meta's fratr�den 0307. Igen ViceUM fra 0312 hvor Kastriot Islami blev UM.

Imami, Arben

�Minister of Local Government and Decentralization Arben Imami, 43, was born in Tirana. He has graduated from the Fine Arts Academy in Tirana. He takes active part in the Student Movement in 1990 becoming one of its leaders and later one of the founders of the Democratic Party, the first opposition party in Albania. After his withdrawal from DP, Imami becomes one of the founders of the Democratic Alliance Party, where he is still adhering to. After June elections in 1997, Mr Imami held the post of the Minister of Legislative Reform and Relations with Assembly. He has made his contribution to the drafting of the Constitution of Albania and was co-chairman of the Commission set up for this purpose. Since July, 2000, Imami had the post of the Minister of Justice in the Government Meta�.

Fik ikke Regeringsembede ved dannelsen af Majko-Regeringen Februar 2002. Fik ikke Regeringsembede ved dannelsen af Nano-Regeringen Juli 2002.

Islami, Kastriot

Finansminister i Majko-Regeringen Februar 2002. UM fra December 2003.

Biografi p� Regeringens internetside (0203): �The current Albanian Minister of Finances was born on 18.02.1952 in Tirana. He is married and he is father of two kids. Kastriot Islami is graduated from the University of Tirana, Faculty of Nature Science, Physics Dept. in 1975. He holds the degree of Professor and Doctor in Physics. He had pursued the post-graduate studies in France and had completed several qualifications in physics abroad. He has very intensive scientific and pedagogical activities starting from 1976. He has also conducted several studies projects with important international organizations, such as World Bank, UNICEF, etc. He is Member of the Parliament of Albania since 1992 and Member of the Socialist Party of Albania since 1996. He had been Minister of State to Prime Minister during the period 1997-1998 and Deputy Prime Minister in 1998. He speaks several foreign languages, such as English, French and German�.

Finansminister i Nano-Regeringen 0207. ATA skriver: �Kastriot Islami - Minister of Finances Mr.Islami, 50 years old Tirana born, is one of the most distinguished figures of the Socialist Party. He graduated from the Faculty of Natural Sciences in the branch of Physics. Then Mr.Islami graduated from Paris University with a Decoration in Physics. He has also the title �Doctor of Sciences�. At the beginning he worked as a physician at Geology Enterprise and then as a lecturer of Tirana University. In 1991 Mr.Islami was appointed Minister of Education. In March 1991 up to March 1992 he was appointed Speaker of Albanian parliament. During the period 1992-1996 he was deputy of Socialist Party and was re-elected as deputy even during the last elections of July 24, 2001. In Majko government he was Minister of Finances, a post he is expected to keep even in the new Nano government�.

Officielt CV p� UMs site 0401:

PROF. DR. KASTRIOT ISLAMI Date of Birth: 18.02.1952

Place of Birth: Tirana, Albania

Married with two children

Minister of Foreign Affairs 30-12.2003.

Member of Albanian Parliament : 1991- Present

Minister of Finance: Feb 2002- Dec 2003

Special Coordinator. Emergency Coordination Unit (Kosova Crises): March 1999-Dec 1999

Deputy Prime Minister April- October 1998

Minister of State [Minister u.p.]: 1997-1998

Speaker of the Albanian Parliament: 1991-1992

Minister of Education: 1991


Graduated in Physics in Tirana University: 1971-1975

Master Degree. Tirana University, Branch of Physics: 1975-1982

University Paris XI Orsay France �Field and Fluid�: 1981-1982

Diploma of Deep Studies (DEA) in Atomic and Molecular Physics. University Paris XI, Orsay France: 1982-1983

�Doctor of Science�. University Paris XI, Orsay France: September 1985

Awarded �Professor of Science�: July 1999

Institute of Nuclear Physic. Research on "Application of lasers in industry": 1986-1991

Post Graduated Studies. Laboratory of �Physikalisch � chemisches Institute� Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany: 1994-1995

Deputy Dean of Natural Sciences Faculty. Tirana University: 1987-1991

Vice President of Scientific Council of Natural Sciences. Tirana University : 1987-1991

Member of the Executive Committee of Balkan Physicists Union: 1989-1991

Member of the Editorial board of � Fisica balkanika� Journal: 1989-1991


Member of Albanian Parliament, representing Socialist Party: April 1991-present.

Secretary of Parliamentary Foreign Affairs Commission: 2001-2002

Member of the Parliamentary Law Commission: 1998-2001

Member of Parliamentary Committee for Drafting the Constitution of Albania: 1997-1998

Member of Socialist Party Presidency: 1996- 1999

Head of the Electoral Affairs Commission. SP: 1998

Head of �Media and Information Department�. Spokesperson of the Socialist Party: 1996-1997

Head of Parliamentary Committee for Drafting Constitution of Albania: 1991- 1992.

Member of Parliamentary Commission for the verification of Mandates and Immunities: 1992-1996

Member of Parliamentary Committee for Drafting Constitution of Albania: 1992-1996

Head of Albanian Parliamentary Delegation in the Inter-Parliamentary Conferences of OSCE: 1991-1992


English, French, German

Kacalidha, Niko

�State Minister Niko Kacalidha, 52, has graduated the Philology Faculty, Albanian Grammar and Literature, in Tirana University. Mr Kacalidha has written poetry in Albanian and Greek and his 10 books are published in Greece and in other countries. He is a famous translator from Albanian to Greek and vice versa, while many or his poetry are published in Literary Anthology. He is a member of OMONIA organization�.

Fik ikke Regeringsembede ved dannelsen af Majko-Regeringen Februar 2002. Fik ikke Regeringsembede ved dannelsen af Nano-Regeringen Juli 2002.

Klosi, Blendi

Anti-korruptionsminister [Minister of State on Anticorruption] i Nano-Regeringen 0207. ATA skriver: �Minister of State Mr.Klosi is known as one of the best experts on electoral and judiciary issues. He is a deputy of the Socialist Party and he has been working for some years at various commissions on electoral issues. He has been deputy Minister of Local Authority. He is also Co-chairman of bipartisan commission on electoral reform�.

December 2003 Kulturminister efter Arta Dade, der blev afskediget.

Koja Gjergj

�Minister of Health Gjergj Koja, 29, has graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, Tirana University. From November 1999 - September 2001, Mr Koja was deputy minister of Health. Over the last year, he worked as a part time teacher in the Faculty of Medicine in Tirana. He has had professional specializations in and outside Albania. For 4 years (1995-1999), Mr Koja has been a member of the socialist General Leading Committee, while since 1995 he holds the post of deputy chairman of Albanian Socialist Youth Forum, FRESSH. From October 2000, he is member of the municipal Council of Durres, while in the general parliamentary elections of June 24, 2001, he was elected a deputy of the Assembly of Albania. Mr Koja knows English and Italian. He is married�.

Fik ikke Regeringsembede ved dannelsen af Majko-Regeringen Februar 2002. Fik ikke Regeringsembede ved dannelsen af Nano-Regeringen Juli 2002.

Lakrori, Maqo

�Minister of Transport Mr. Lakrori, 53, was born in Tirana. He graduated in the Polytechnic University in Tirana, Electric Engineering branch. In year '82 he finished the studies in "D.E.A" in France and in '84 he received the Doctor's degree in France. From year '82 he is known as a Scientific Collaborator in University of France, Belgium, Italy and Canada. He got involved in political life in year 1991 where he was appointed Minister of Education. Over '92-96 he has been deputy in the Albanian Parliament while in '96 he was appointed Secretary of Foreign Relations in the Socialist Party. In September '98 he was appointed Secretary of State for the Euroatlantic Integration. Maqo Lakrori is married and has two children�.

Fortsatte i samme Regeringsembede i Majko-Regeringen Februar 2002. Biografi p� Regeringens internetside (0203): �Prof. dr Maqo Lakrori, 54 , rewarded thrice doctor of engineering sciences by the Polytechnic University in Grenoble, France. Distinguished teacher of University of Tirana. At the same time Maqo Lakrori has a rich political career. He has been Minister of Education, Secretary of State for European Integration. Since 1992 Maqo Lakrori is Member of Parliament. Speaks fluently English, French, Italian, Russian and Spanish�.

Fik ikke Regeringsembede ved dannelsen af Nano-Regeringen Juli 2002.

Legisi, Ndre

Biografi p� Regeringens internetside (0203): �Ndre Legisaj, 43, re-elected in the seat of Minister of State. He is graduated at Agricultural University of Tirana and Faculty of Law. Previously he has also been Minister of State in Internal Ministry. He is Member of Parliament since 1992�.

�Minister of State Mr. Legisi is 42 years old. He graduated in the Agricultural University, Faculty of Agronomy and Tirana University, Faculty of Jurisprudence. In year 1992 he was elected deputy of the Albanian parliament as well as the member of Laws Commissions. In year 1992 he served as Secretary of State in Ministry of Interior of the cabinet Nano. Over the years 1998-1999 he served as Organisative Secretary of the Socialist Party. In July 2000 he was appointed Minister of State close to Prime Minister Meta. Mr. Legisi is married and has two children�.

Fik ikke Regeringsembede ved dannelsen af Nano-Regeringen Juli 2002. Minister for Korruptionsbek�mpelse i Majko-Regeringen Februar 2002 (�State Minister�).

Lesi, Nikolle

Klik her:

Leskaj, Valentina

Arbejdsminister og Socialminister i Nano-Regeringen 0207. ATA skriver: �Valentina Leskaj - Minister of Labour and Social Issues Mrs.Leskaj represents civil society. She has been Head of Family Planning Society. She is the second female Minister in Nano government�.

Blev Parlamentsmedlem for Elbasan ved et suppleringsvalg i slutningen af 2002.

December 2003: Afskediget af PM Nano.

Majko, Pandeli

Klik her:

Malaj, Arben

�konomiminister i Nano-Regeringen 0207. ATA skriver: �Minister of Economy Mr. Malaj, 41 years old Vlora born. He is one of the best contributors of the Socialist party. Malaj graduated in 1986 from the University of Tirana, Business branch. From 1986 up to 1992 he worked as a bank employee, and in the period 1993-1995 he was Manager of Regional Business Agency Durres-Tirana-kavaja, �PHARE� program of the EU. While during the period 1996-1997 Malaj opened a studio offering Economic Advisory. Arben Malaj got the scientific title �Doctor of Economic Sciences� in 1997. In 1993 he used to work as a lecturer of Faculty of Economics in Tirana. While in 1997 he began to deliver lectures abroad, at Boconi University in Italy. While in 2001 he began to deliver lectures in Bamberg University in Germany and Kosova University. Malaj has made a series of studies, he has written a number of scientific articles published in Albania and abroad. Malaj began the political career as a simple member of the Socialist Party. Beginning from 1997 he is a deputy. At government of �National Reconciliation� he was Minister of Finances, and he was going to keep the same post in the coming government. At the same time Malaj chairs parliamentary commission on Economy, and he also chairs Albanian parliamentary delegation to the European parliament. After the last elections of June 24, 2001, Malaj was elected Head of Parliamentary Group of the Socialist Party and he kept the post until recently when the Steering Committee of the Socialist party decided to combine it with the post of the Secretary General of the Party�.

December 2003: Finansminister.

Meksi, Ermelinda

�Minister of Economic Co-operation and Trade Mrs. Meksi is 45 years old. She graduated in Tirana University, in Economic faculty. She got involved in political life in year '91 when she became the member of the Socialist Party leadership while during the years '92-'96 she has been the SP deputy in the Albanian parliament. Re-elected deputy in the 15-th legislature, she has held the office of Minister of Economic Co-operation and Trade. She retains the title �Doctor of Economic Sciences�, �Doctor in Demography� as well as the title �Assistant Prof.Dr.�. Mrs. Meksi is married�.

�konomiminister i Majko-Regeringen Februar 2002. Biografi p� Regeringens internetside (0203): �Prof. Ermelinda Meksi re-confirmed in the seat of Minister of Economic Cooperation and Trade. Mrs. Meksi, 48, is graduated as economist on industry. Distinguished teacher of University of Tirana. She has performed various important duties, such as Minister of State for Economic Development and Cooperation, National Coordinator of Stability Pact and she has also led the negotiations on Albania membership in WTO. Since 1992 she Parliament Member. Speaks fluently English and Italian�.

Fatos Nano bragte i begyndelsen af 2002 Meksi i forslag som PM efter Meta. Hun oplyste at hun - med nogen t�ven - accepterede at kandidere. Som det fremg�r blev det i den sidste ende Pandeli Majko der blev PM. Ermelinda Meksi fortsatte i samme Regeringsembede i Majko-Regeringen Februar 2002.

Fik ikke Regeringsembede ved dannelsen af Nano-Regeringen Juli 2002.

VicePM og Europaintegrationsminister Juli 2003 (efter at Ilir Meta og Sokol Nako havde nedlagt deres regeringsposter).

Fratr�dt som VicePM, men forts�tter som Europaintegrationsminister December 2003.

Memushi, Luan

Undervisningsminister og Forskningsminister i Majko-Regeringen Februar 2002.

Biografi p� Regeringens internetside (0203): �He is Member of Parliament of Albania since 1997, and Member of Parliamentary Commission on Education and Science during all this time. He is graduated from the University of Tirana, Major in Biochemistry in 1974, and he had been University Teacher at the Agricultural Institute of Tirana in the interval from 1982-1987; University Teacher at the University of Tirana, Faculty of Nature Sciences in 1992-1997. He receives the Professor degree in 1999. Prof. Luan Memushi is author of many scientific publications and numerous school texts for the pre-university and university level. He speaks English, Russian and Italian Language�.

Undervisningsminister og Forskningsminister i Nano-Regeringen 0207. ATA skriver: �Luan Memushi-Minister of Education and Science Mr. Memushi is 51 years old. He has graduated from the Faculty of Natural Sciences, branch biology and chemistry of Tirana University. In 1985 Memushi gets the first scientific title �Candidate of Sciences�, then �University reader�. Later he got the title �Doctor of Sciences�. He is a University lecturer. At the beginning he used to work as teacher in Tepelena and Memaliaj and later he joined University of Kamza as lecturer. Then Mr. Memushi joined Ministry of Education. In 1997 he was elected deputy of Socialist Party. During Majko government he was elected Minister of Education. He will keep the same post in the new Nano government�.

Meta, Ilir

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Milo, Paskal

UM 1997-2001. Derefter 'Minister for Europ�isk Integration'. �Minister of State for European integration Mr. Milo, 52 , graduated in History-Geography Faculty in Tirana and retains the title Professor-Doctor in History. In year 1991, he served as Secretary of State for Education while from year 1997 until 2001 he held the office of Minister of Foreign Affairs. Mr. Milo got involved in political life in year 1991 as a member of the Social-Democrat party. Over the period 1992-1996, he was elected the SDP deputy. Mr. Milo has served for five years as the deputy/head of the SDP. In year 1997 he was re-elected the SDP deputy in the 15-th legislature of the Albanian parliament. Mr. Milo is married and has three children�.

Fik ikke Regeringsembede ved dannelsen af Majko-Regeringen Februar 2002. Fik ikke Regeringsembede ved dannelsen af Nano-Regeringen Juli 2002, da Socialdemokraterne afslog Fatos Nano's tilbud. Det menes at Milo i d�n forbindelse var irriteret p� Partiformanden, Skender Gjinushi; han mente formentlig at Gjinushi spillede 'for h�jt'.

Moisiu, Alfred

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Muci, Mustafa

�Minister of Economy and Public Works Mr. Muci is 30 years old. From year '89 until January '93 he has attended higher studies in the Law Faculty in Tirana and during the period January-June '93 he attended studies in the Law Faculty Leiden in Netherlands. After a job experience in Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Muci was appointed in 1999 Legal Councillor of the Prime Minister Meta and in January 2000 he was nominated Minister of Public Economy and Privatisation. He has attended training courses in University Guildhall London, University of San Diego California, professional programme in USA and Participant in the Executive Programme of the Governing School �J. Kennedy Harvard�. Mustafa Muci is married�.

Nedlagde sit embede December 2001.

Fik ikke Regeringsembede ved dannelsen af Majko-Regeringen Februar 2002. Fik ikke Regeringsembede ved dannelsen af Nano-Regeringen Juli 2002.

Nako, Sokol

�Justice Minister Nako, 31, is one of the newest ministers of the Meta cabinet. He was born in Tirane on December 28, 1970. He graduated from the Tirane University for Jurisprudence, and also graduated from the Justice Faculty, Komenski University, in Bratislave of Slovakia, where he received the title �Magister of the Law�. He studied at the Law Faculty of Widener University in the U.S., where he received the Master degree in the Law and Finances of Corporations and won the title Honoris Causa for high results in studies. For around six months he worked at the court of Corporations in Delaware of the U.S. Nako worked for some time at the Magistracy School of the Republic of Albania and at the Law and Philological Faculty of Tirane. He was juridical advisor of Premier Met until May 2000, when he was appointed Minister of Transports�.

Nako fratr�dte �ret efter - 0104 - da han p�k�rte en ung pige som kort efter d�de p� hospitalet. Han blev dengang efterfulgt af Viktor Doda.

Fik ikke Regeringsembede ved dannelsen af Majko-Regeringen Februar 2002.

Integrationsminister i Nano-Regeringen 0207.

ATA skriver: �Sokol Nako - Minister of State on Integration Mr.Nako, 31 years old, is one of the young Ministers in Nano administration. He graduated from Tirana University in Jurisprudence and later from Bratislava's University in Slovakia where he also got title "Magister of the Right". He has also studied in Widener University in the States where he also got "Honourees Cause" title. He worked for 6 months at the Delaware Corporation's Court in the USA. In Albania he has worked as a lecturer of Tirana University, advisor to Premier and in May 2000 Transport Minister�.

Trak sig tilbage som Integrationsminister juli 2003.

Nano, Fatos

Klik her:

Peci, Spiro

Justitsminister i Majko-Regeringen Februar 2002.

Biografi p� Regeringens internetside (0203): �He is graduated from the University of Tirana, Faculty of Political Sciences, Major in Law in 1969. He worked as Lawyer since the completion of the university studies. In 1991 he is nominated as Vice General Prosecutor of the Republic, and later on he worked at General Prosecutor�s Office. Since 1995 he had worked as attorney to Attorney Camber of Tirana. He had pursued several qualifications on law and speaks several foreign languages�.

Justitsminister i Nano-Regeringen 0207. ATA skriver: �Spiro Peci - Minister of Justice Mr.Peci was born in Delvina in 1947. He graduated in Jurisprudence in 1969. During the period 1970-85 he worked at Saranda Prosecution office, while after 1985 he worked as a prosecutor of Durres town. By the end of 1991 he was appointed vice General Prosecutor and then as Manager at General Prosecution office. In Majko government Mr.Peci was Minister of Justice, a post he is expected to keep even in the new Nano government�.

Afskediget af PM Nano i December 2003

Pellumbi, Servet

Parlamentsformand. F�dt 14.12.1936, Kor�a. Uddannet i filosofi i det dav�rende Sovjetunionen, nemlig i perioden 1955-1960 p� Leningrads / Skt Petersborgs Universitet. Universitetsl�rer og partiideolog i 'Kommunistpartiet' 1960 - 1992. Mange artikler i 'teoretiske tidsskrifter'.

Fra det officielle CV p� Parlamentets internetside: 1991 - 1996, Deputy Chairman of the Socialist Party. 1992 - 2001, MP Member of the Permanent Parliamentary Commission on Foreign Policy and International Relations. 1997 - 2001, MP Head of the Albanian Parliamentary Delegationto the Parliamentary Assembly of the Blach Sea Economic Cooperation. 2001 - 2002, MP Deputy Chairman of the Permanent Parliamentary Commission on Education, Culture , Science and Sport.

Parlamentsformand efter Namik Dokle.

Jf. flg. nyhedsklip:

011204 Et fremtr�dende medlem af Partiet - Servet Pellumbi - sagde fra talerstolen at Nano savnede at have ud�vende magt og at han i virkeligheden �nskede at v�re en ubestridt Leder som alle ville f�lge. Nano replicerede temmelig 'personligt'. Han mente at Pellumbi ikke fulgte med tiden.

020501 Parlamentsformand Namik Dokle har - i forl�ngelse af Forfatningsdomstolens kendelse [om ulovligheden af at afskedige Chefanklager Rakipi] - nedlagt sit hverv; Socialisterne har foresl�et Servet Pellumbi [Servet P�llumbi] som ogs� blev valgt (70) fordi Meta og Nano var enedes herom. Andre Kandidater var tidligere Minister Prec Zogaj (34) fra Demokratisk Alliance og Nikolle Lesi (19), Pressemand og Politiker.

Poci [Po�i], Spartak

Trafikminister i Nano-Regeringen 0207. ATA skriver: �Spartak Poci - Transport and telecommunications Minister Spartak Poci was born in Tirana in 1949. He has graduated from Engineering Faculty in Construction branch of Tirana University. Mr.Poci has led the construction work of Metallurgical Combine in Elbasan in the period 1971-74. While in the period 1974-79 he led the work for the construction of three railways in Albania. During the period 1979-1993 he was technical Manager on the pavement of national roads. And in the period 1993-1996 he led a private construction firm. In 1992 Poci was vice chairman of Socialist Party branch for Tirana. In 1997 he was elected deputy. In 1999 he was Minister of Public Order and then Minister of Labour and Social Issues�.

Poci har nogle gange fors�gt at opn� en 'h�j post' i Socialistpartiet, men har ikke haft synderlig held med sine bestr�belser.

Poci kom - som Minister for Offentlig Sikkerhed - 'galt afsted'. D�n bil han k�rte til Gr�kenland viste sig at v�re stj�let og blev beslaglagt af de Gr�ske myndigheder. �TV2's Station2� kom ind p� h�ndelsen i en reportage i 2002. Klik p� billedet, hvis du vil se det i lidt st�rre format.

Prifti, Dritan

�Minister of State for Energetics Mr. Prifti, aged 33, graduated in Tirana University, the History-Philology Faculty, Department of English. During '99-2000 he received the Master degree in Public Administration in Harvard University in Cambridge while over the period 1993-1995 he received the Master degree in the Business Administration, management school R.O Anderson in university NEW MEXICO. During the years '97-'98 he served as the chief of cabinet of Minister of Labour and Social Affairs. Over the period '98-'99 he served as the chief of cabinet of Minister of Finances. In the period July-October he held the office of Director of the premier's cabinet. He left this office in November 2000 and until September 2001 he held the position of the Director General of the Albanian Power Corporation. Mr. Prifti is married�.

0203: Korruptionssag verserer (vedr�rer tiden som Energiminister).

Fik ikke Regeringsembede ved dannelsen af Majko-Regeringen Februar 2002. Fik ikke Regeringsembede ved dannelsen af Nano-Regeringen Juli 2002.

Rama, Edi

Edi Rama er billedkunstner af profession, men har mange �rs politisk arbejde bag sig. En tid har han v�ret uafh�ngig Kulturminister i en Socialistisk Regering. Han blev Borgmester i Tirana ved valget i 2000 og genvalgt i 2003. Han er (har v�ret?) Formand for Kommunalforeningen. I efter�ret 2003 meldte han sig ind i Socialistpartiet og kandiderede til Formandsposten p� Partikongressen i December 2003, men fik kun ganske f� stemmer.

Rama, Luan

�Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports Luan Rama, 35, graduated in 1990 in the Faculty of Philology, Albanian Grammar-Literature branch in the Luigj Gurakuqi university in Shkoder. He involved in politics in 1991, when he was named member of the General Leading Committee of the Socialist Party, while in 1997 Rama was a member of the SP presidency. Rama was a SP deputy in the 15th legislature and is reelected deputy in the June 24 elections. Actually, Rama is Secretary of Public Relations in the SP. Luan Rama is married and has one child�.

Forsvarsminister (efter Pandeli Majko) i Majko-Regeringen Februar 2002.

Biografi p� Regeringens internetside (0203): �Luan Rama, 35, distinguished publicist, has been Socialist Party Secretary for Public Relations. Since 1997 is has been selected Member of Parliament. Speaks fluently English and Italian�.

Minister for Offentlig Sikkerhed [Politiminister] i Nano-Regeringen 0207. ATA skriver: �Luan Rama - Minister of Public Order Mr. Rama, 35, was born in the city of Peshkopia. He graduated in 1990, in the Faculty of Philology, Albanian Grammar-Literature branch in the Luigj Gurakuqi University in Shkoder. After the completion of the studies, Mr Rama worked for 3 years as a reporter in Zeri i Popullit newspaper (SP organ) while over 1993-1996 he was deputy editor-in-chief of this newspaper. In 1996 Mr Rama was appointed the editor-in-chief of Zeri i Popullit. Mr Rama involved in politics in 1991 when he was named a member of the General Leading Committee of the Socialist Party while in 1997 he was a member of the SP Presidency. Mr Rama has been elected a deputy of SP in the 15th legislature and has been reelected in the June 24, 2001 elections. In the Meta Government, Mr Rama was appointed Minister of Culture while in the newly-resigned government of Mr Majko, he held the post of the Minister of Defence. Luan Rama is married and has two children�.

Ministeriet for Offentlig Sikkerhed skriver p� sin internetside: �Luan Rama - Minister of Public Order, Member of Leadership of Albanian Socialist Party, Member of General Leading Committee of Socialist Party.Date of Birth 9 March 1966. 1990, June Graduated at Philological Faculty of "Luigj Gurakuqi" University Shkod�r. 1990, September Editor of the newspaper �Z�ri i Popullit�. 1991, onwards Member of General Leading Committee of Socialist Party. 1992-1994 Member of FRESH leadership. 1993 Vice/ Editor in Chief of newspaper �Z�ri i Popullit�. 1992-1996 Member of Municipality Council of Tirana. 1995-1997 Member of Leading Council of RTVSH. 1996 Editor in Chief of the newspaper �Z�ri i Popullit�. 1996 (March-April) Training course in Washington D.C (Attached to �Voice of America� and USIA, and Journalism Faculty in Chico� University in California). 1997 Deputy in the Albanian Assembly. 1997-2001 Member of Foreign Policy Commission in Albanian Assembly. 1998 onwards Member of Leadership of Albanian Socialist Party. 1999 (January- June) Post Graduate Specialization in �George C. Marshall Center� in Garmish - Partenkirchen, Germany, international center of strategic studies. 1999- 2001 Secretary of the Public Relation. 1999- 2001 Head of Delegation of Albanian Assembly in the Parliamentarian Assembly of NATO. 2001 Deputy of Albanian Assembly. 2001 (September) Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports. 2002 (February) Minister of Defense. Place of Birth: Peshkopi. Residence: Tirana. Marital Status: Married, one child. Profession: Publicist . Foreign Language: English.

Afskediget i efter�ret 2003 efter at have sl�et p� en Journalist.

Ruka, Et'hem

�Minister of Environment Mr Ruka, 54, graduated in 1971 from the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Biology-Chemistry branch, in Tirana. He carried out post-university studies in Marie and Pierre Curie University in Paris. Since 1994 he holds the title Docent Professor-Doctor. For 21 years Mr Ruka has been teacher in the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Tirana University, and from 1997 up to 2001 he was Minister of Education and Science. For ten years he is a member of presidency and has been a deputy thrice. Mr Ruka is married and has two children�.

Biografi p� Regeringens internetside (0203): �He is Member of Albanian Parliament since 1992. Prof. dr. Et�hem Ruka, 54, is graduated at University of Tirana, Faculty of Nature Science and he is rewarded twice on Endocrinology in France and Albania. He is Former Minister of Education and Science in the Government Meta 1, and Minister of Environment in the post-elections government. He is famous scholar with enormous publications. Speaks fluently French, Italian and English�.

Fik ikke Regeringsembede ved dannelsen af Nano-Regeringen Juli 2002. Minister for Lokalstyre og Decentralisering i Majko-Regeringen Februar 2002.

December 2003: P�ny Milj�minister efter Lefter Xhuveli.

Solis, Leonard


December 2003 Sundhedsminister efter Mustafa Xhani, der er fratr�dt / afskediget.

Tato, Agron


Kulturminister i Majko-Regeringen Februar 2002.

Biografi p� Regeringens internetside (0203): �Prof. Dr. Agron Tato is graduated from the University of Tirana, Faculty of Nature Sciences, Major in Mathematics in 1972. He worked as University Teacher at the University of Elbasan, and later on he was nominated as the rector of this university. He had pursues some qualifications in Germany and Albania. He is Member of Parliament, representative of Elbasan District, in two legislations : 1997-2001 and 2001-on�.

Fik ikke Regeringsembede ved dannelsen af Nano-Regeringen Juli 2002.

Toska, Igli

Politiminister December 2003.

Biografi p� Ministeriets internetside (0401):

Birthday: December 16, 1969, Place of Birth: Tirana, Habitation: Tirana, Tel/Fax: 258 625

e-mail :


1988-1993: University of Tirana, Law Faculty, Graduated on Law Issues


September 1993-November 1993: Judge Assistant at the Court of Tirana District

November 1993-March 1996: Judge at the Court of Tirana District and an Extern Pedagogue at the Law Faculty as well as at the Economic Faculty

May 1996-May 2000: Legal Counselor

May 2000-February 2001: Head of the Sector at the Directorate of Public Property Administration, at the Ministry of Public Economy and of Privatization

Chairman of the Supervisor�s Council of Anonymous Association �Profarma� �Tirana

Member of the Supervisor�s Council of Anonymous Association � Sea Port �- Durresi

February 2001-September 2003: Member of the Central Commission of Elections

October 2003: Deputy Minister of Public Order


April 1994-May 1994: UNICRIS Course of Magistrate in Rome (Italy)

February 1996-May 1996: UNICRIS Course of English Language in London (Great Britain)

June 2000-July 2000: Training Course on Privatization of Public Economy in Kajro (Egypt)


English: Very well, Greek: Excellent

Xhafa [Xhafaj], Fatmir


Justitsminister i Nano-Regeringen December 2003, indtil da Minister for Turisme og Omr�deregulering.

Biografi p� Parlamentets internetside (0401):

XHAFAJ, Fatmir. Lindur m� 17.05.1959. Edukimi: Universiteti i Tiran�s, Fakulteti i Shkencave Politiko-Juridike, dega Drejt�si. Deputet i Legjislatur�s XVI. Grupi parlamentar PS. Funksioni: An�tar �Komisoni i ��shtjeve Kushtetuese dhe Ligjore"; "Komisioni i Mbrojtjes" Zona elektorale nr. 84. Rrethi: Pogradec. Kariera Politike: An�tar i Partis� Socialiste. Kariera Profesionale: Shkurt /Shtator 2002: Minist�r i Rregullimit t� Territorit dhe Turizmit; 1999/01: Jurist n� profesion t� lir�; Avokat: Studio Ligjore; 199799: Sekretar i P�rgjithsh�m i K�shillit t� Ministrave; 1994/97: Konsulent ligjor. Administrator n� shoq�ri t� p�rbashk�t konsulence; 1992/94: Jurist. Profesion i lir�. Avokat; 1986/92: Funksionar n� organizatat rinore dhe shoq�rore; 1982/86: Jurist n� sistemin e drejt�sis� (K�shilltar ligjor, gjyqtar etj.) . Sh�nime: Ka kryer kualifikime brenda e jasht� vendit (Rom�, Bruksel, Lond�r etj) n� periudha t� ndryshme n� fushat e konsulenc�s ligjore, menaxhimit dhe administrat�s publike

Adresa: Rruga "Ymer Kurti", Pall.2/1, K.10, Ap.41, Tiran�. Tel: 0682027444

Xhani, Mustafa

Sundhedsminister i Majko-Regeringen Februar 2002.

Biografi p� Regeringens internetside (0203): �He is Member of Parliament, elected in the June 24, 2001 elections. He is graduated from the University of Tirana, Faculty of Medicine in 1970. After the completion of the studies he had worked as physician at Urology Clinic at the University Hospital Center of Tirana, which he conducted for many years. Since 1997 till his election ad MP he had been the Director General of University Hospital Center �Nene Tereza�. He has the Professor degree and he also member of World Urology Association. He speaks some foreign languages".

Sundhedsminister i Nano-Regeringen 0207. ATA skriver: �Mr.Xhani, 55 years old Tirana born. He graduated from the Faculty of Medicine in 1970 and from that year on he used to work as a surgeon at Hospital number 2 in Tirana. In the period 1997-2001 he was Manager of University Hospital Centre. Mr.Xhani is a Professor. At the beginning of the current year he also joined Tirana University as a lecturer. During the last elections he came out as deputy. At Majko government he was Minister of Health, a post he is expected to keep even in the new Nano government�.

December 2003: Fratr�dt / afskediget af PM Nano.

Xhuveli, Lufter

�State Minister Lufter Xhuveli, 60, graduated in 1962 from the Higher Agricultural Institute in Tirana, branch of Economy. In 1980 Xhuveli gained the title �Candidate of Sciences�, in 1984 the title �Doctor of Sciences�, in 1986 the title �Professor�. Deputy of the People's Assembly in 1991-1992, Xhuveli was elected deputy of the Agrarian Party in the 15th Legislature of the Assembly of Albania and in 1998 he was appointed Minister of Agriculture and Food�.

Milj�minister i Majko-Regeringen Februar 2002.

Biografi p� Regeringens internetside (0203): �Minister of Agriculture and Food since 1997 till now. He is the Head of Agrarian Party of Albania. Professor Xhuveli, 60, is the author of various scientific publication in and abroad. He has been Member of Parliament thrice�.

Milj�minister i Nano-Regeringen 0207. ATA skriver: �Lufter Xhuveli, the 60 years old known for his long stay in left wing governance, is the main figure of the Agrarian Party, an ally of the Socialist Party. He was born in Vlora town and graduated from The Institute of Agriculture in Tirana in 1962. He worked for 8 years as chief agronomist at the Agricultural Co-operative Kutalli in Berat. During the period 1969-72 he was Head of Agricultural Department, in Berat . During the period 72-74 he was vice chairman of the Executive Committee of this district. Up to 1975 he worked as chief agronomist of Agricultural Enterprise �29 Nentori�, in Lushnje. While during the period 1975-1988 he worked as Rector of Institute of Agriculture in Tirana and later as a lecturer of that University. In 1980 he got the scientific title �Candidate of Sciences� and four years later �Doctor of Sciences� and in 1986 �Professor�. Mr. Xhuveli has been a deputy in the period 1991-92, he was re-elected and in 1998 was appointed Minister of Agriculture and Food. He kept the post even in Meta government, while in Majko government he was appointed Minister of Environment, a position he keeps even in the new government�.

December 2003. Fratr�dt som Minister / afskediget af PM Nano.

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