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Cardiff Records

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Cardiff Records 17 October 2006
New Ordnance Survey maps 03 October 2006
Records of Cardiff 20 September 2006

Cardiff Records: volume 1
Digitised: 22 September 2006
John Hobson Matthews (editor) (1898)

Contains the charters of the city (1147-1687), and ministers' accounts. It also provides Cardiff-related extracts from records of The National Archives, including: inquisitions post mortem; proceedings in Star Chamber; Exchequer records; Patent Rolls and State Papers.
Cardiff Records: volume 2
Digitised: 22 September 2006
John Hobson Matthews (editor) (1900)

Includes: notes on the manors and lords of Cardiff, and other manorial records; Glamorgan Calendar Rolls and Gaol Files, and records of the Great Sessions; Cardiff Custom House records, and; miscellanea of the Corporation.
Cardiff Records: volume 3
Digitised: 18 October 2006
John Hobson Matthews (editor) (1901)

Includes: select wills from 1470-1778; selections from the muniments of Margam Abbey; Glamorgan county records, including Quarter Sessions records (18th century); parochial records of St John's church (1669-1820) and church memorial inscriptions. It also includes augmentation proceedings (1540-53), plea rolls (1542-74), chancery procedings, and charters and patents supplementary to those in volume 1 (1205-1576).
Cardiff Records: volume 4
Digitised: 18 October 2006
John Hobson Matthews (editor) (1903)

Contains extensive extracts from the Corporation Books, the Town Book and Council minutes from 1708 to 1880. It also includes minutes of the Cardiff Street Commission and Board of Health, various miscellanea, and addenda to volume 1.
Cardiff Records: volume 5
Digitised: 18 October 2006
John Hobson Matthews (editor) (1905)

Includes: extracts from the Llandaff Chapter Act Books (1573-1816); minutes of the Council (1879-97); lists of Members of Parliament, mayors, clergy and other officials; a schedule of place names.

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