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Country, November 14, 2007

The gastronomy in the World

The argentine gastronomy is the result of all the dishes that the European immigrants brought and the foods of the indigenous cultures.

A great Creole barbecue, a gourmet salad, pasta with an excellent Malbec wine, is a dish that can’t be rejected. Argentina has different flavors, aromas that invite us to know them. The weathers of the country clarify every bite, every food; tradition and modernity join in every of the best restaurants.

A gastronomic little route

In the City of Buenos Aires there are dishes of different regions. La Costanera Norte and Puerto Madero are known by its barbecue; the Avenida de Mayo is the heart of the Spain Food; the most traditional pizzas can be found in Corrientes street, and the zones of Cortázar square, Palermo, Recoleta and Las Cañitas offer the most elaborated and exotic dishes.

All the Latin American and Europeans communities that live in Buenos Aires are represented by: Bolivian, Peruvian, Armenian, Spanish, Italian or Uruguayan restaurants. Moreover, there are restaurants that are specialized in Hindu, Thai, vegetarian, Japanese, Chinese, Mexican food, among others.

In many places of the Provinces of Santa Fe and Córdoba and the north part of Buenos Aires, where many Italian people lived, the preparation of salames, bondiolas, salamines and longanizas, and also the Bagnda Cauda. This last dish of the Italian Piamonte and it consists of putting in a bowl of terracotta a sauce using oil, nut and crushed garlic and salty anchovies. It is heated without coming to a boil.

The gastronomy of the North and west part of Argentina has the influence of the American indigenous. The inhabitants of the provinces of Jujuy, Salta, Catamarca, Tucumán, Santiago del Estero, Mendoza, San Juan or San Luís eat food of Andean origin such us corn, potato, peppers and red peppers and others of European origin. The “Empanadas” of this region are famous in all the country. The empanadas from Salta, Tucumán or Santiago del Estero are the most outstanding ones, specially the ones prepared with minced meat.

It is also prepared other typical dishes, for example the “humita” or the “tamale” using corn and a tasty stew prepared basically with grains of corn or beans: the Locro. In the wetter regions, beans, tomatoes, pumpkin, pepper or avocados are cultivated and the introduced species that abound this region: vines, olives and different kinds of peaches, pears, damsons, plums and apples.

In Corrientes, Chaco, Misiones and Formosa and part of Entre Ríos, Santa Fe and Santiago del Estero, the most common food has in its ingredients the tapioca, rice, fishes and the “mate”, that in this zone is also drunk cold. As regards fishes, the pacu, the Dorado, Surubí, Boga, Patí and Pejerrey are delicious. They are usually prepared roast, but sometimes they are flavored with lemon and other flavorings.

In the southern zone of the Patagonia is very obvious the influence of the North and Central part of Europe. The Welsh immigration introduced in Chubut the “black cake” and the Chubut cheese. The Central Europe has spread the preparation of certain desserts and sweets, chocolates, and also the smoked meat of wild boar, deer and salmons. The pre Hispanic communities contributed with bread and cakes made with pehuén flour, the flavoring called “merken” and cherry fruits.

The oceanic coasts and the lakes of this region have fishes for “pate” and casseroles. The Seafood Stew, pulp, Pollack, trouts, spider crab, conger, oysters and prawn are very famous dishes. In the Andes region beers (form Ireland and Center of Europe) are produced. In Río Negro and Neuquén valleys are produced white wine (the most southern vineyard of the planet).

Hay 3 comentarios
willi dijo:
24 de Diciembre de 2011 14:15:00

la anotacion es buena, pero estoy interesado en como se preparan las papas fritas que van en bolita y los sirven en diferentes sitios de argentina, reemplazando la tradicional papa a la francesa.
Alicia dijo:
21 de Octubre de 2010 20:36:00

Estuvo lindo pero porfis la proxima pogan las comidas y las recetas pliss
franco dijo:
29 de Agosto de 2010 16:35:00

q bueno eso
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