
Births and Deaths




Based on statistical data on life births, it is obvious that their number is declining In particular, the synthetic coefficient of fecundity (average number of children per woman). There are many causes to explain the decline of this index. There are some of them hereinafter:


  • High values for migration of fertile population
  • Increase of marriage average age for both men and women
  • Application of family planning methods, etc.


From the statistical data for mortality is obviously a stable ability of her level. In the total number of deaths, is noticed that men die more, compared with women, is 56 % of men died from the total number of deaths.
Albanian women live more that men, life expectancy in Albania in 2006 was 77.2 years old for women and 72.4 for men.


Marriages and Divorces




One other indicator on which the transition period of the country did not have any influence is the marriage. During 1993 - 2001 the number of marriages has decreased with 12 percent. In Albania in 2007, the average age of marriage for women is 23.3 years old and 29 years old for men.  Comparing the data of the years 1960-1970, there is an increase of the average age of marriage in 2 years for both sexes. From youngest   up to 34 years old for both sexes is obvious the same level of marriages. In the age-group of 34-39 years old,  the number of married men over 30 years old are more than the number of the married women of this interval. The increase of the average age of marriage brings in general creation of families more stable.  The indicator of "resolve of marriage", (divorce) per 100 marriages is increased from 9.6% in 2001 in 15% in 2007.
Comparing these indicators with other countries, we can say that the number of divorces is still low, this is depended on the fact that Albanian women with children and with a low economic level, accept their husband even they actually suffer psychologically or they suffer violence from their husband.
The percentage of divorces is higher in the couples without child. Nearly 40 % of divorces registered in 2002 are couples without child. One of the reasons of this situation is the migration of men out of the country and they abandon their family.






According the data related to population, the population is growing in low rates. The main factors for this decrease of population are: -Migration that is relatively high and the continuously decrease of the number of births. From 82 thousand of births in 1990, at the end of the year 2007, their number was 33 thousand and obtaining in this way the decrease of 60 %. From the 1960 the total fertility rate (TFR)  is in continuous decrease. In 1960, TFR was enough high, more than 5 children per each woman of the reproductive age-group. In 2007 this index is decreased in 1.4 children per each woman of the reproductive age-group. This indicator is important because its directly connected with the reproduction of population.
According the previsions of population based on the Population and Housing Census in 2001, this indicator will be decreasing continually and will start the elder of population. In general Albanian population is considered a young population. Its average age is 32.5 years old, for men is 32.1 years old and 33 years old is for women.
Albanian population is considered a young population. After 1990 the population was faced with new phenomena like migration, which greatly affected not only the structure but also its growing rate. The statistics for 2001 are taken from the results of Population and Household Census accomplished in April 2001. Population statistics for 1990 - 2000 were based on population prognosis referring to the results of population Census of 1989. Migration theory, according to the 1995 prognosis did not come true as this phenomenon significantly grew in the coming years. Population free and uncontrolled movements have affected the change of ration of urban population and that of rural population. In 2007 year the urban population has grown to 48.5% and the rural population is decrease from 57.3 % in 2001 to 51.5 % in 2007. Urban population in 1989 Population Census consisted in 35.8 % of the total population. 
New administrative division of the territory of Albania in 36 districts since 1992 (from 26 districts they were in 1989) does not allow calculation of the growing rate of population per districts or certain towns, as a continuous process.


Data Sources


Information obtained from Civil Registry Offices in districts
Population Prognosis
Results of Population Census of 1989
Albanian Population, 2001
Population Projection for Albania 2001 - 2021