"Krupp" -wikipedia from books.google.com
... Krupp , where , thanks to a range of 16,800 metres and the latest appara- tus , they can be pursued on the most extended scale . XVII . AN EPITOME OF THE KRUPP PLANT . - KRupp . We conclude our task with some data which will give a ...
"Krupp" -wikipedia from books.google.com
Harold James situates the story of Krupp within the main strands of the history of modern Germany, modern industrial capitalism, and globalization. This is also a fascinating story about a family and their business.
"Krupp" -wikipedia from books.google.com
... Krupp Exhibit at the Great Fair . " Scientific American , July 15 , 1893 . " Krupp : Father or Child of History ? " Newsweek , September 23 , 1963 . Krupp Heute . Essen : 1963 . Krupp : Information über den Konzern ; seine Geschichte ...
"Krupp" -wikipedia from books.google.com
... Krupp had not been to dental quarters on December 16 , 1937 . 4. On the evening of December 16 ex - Midshipman Krupp told his roommate that he had given " dental quarters " as an excuse for missing his recitation that morning . 5. On ...
"Krupp" -wikipedia from books.google.com
... Krupp, Matthias, 8, 9, 10. Krupp, Georg Dietrich, 9, 10. Krupp, Henrich Wilhelm, 11. Krupp, Jodokus, 11, 12. Krupp, Helene Amalie, 12, 13, 14, 19, 20, 224. Krupp, Fried. Wilhelm, 13, 14. Krupp, Petronella, 13, 21, 33. Krupp, Friederich ...
"Krupp" -wikipedia from books.google.com
... Krupp had not been to dental quarters on December 16 , 1937 . 4. On the evening of December 16 ex - Midshipman Krupp told his roommate that he had given " dental quarters " as an excuse for missing his recitation that morning . 5. On ...
"Krupp" -wikipedia from books.google.com
... Krupp built a small iron foundry in the city of Essen . During the next 100 years , through expansion and acquisitions , Krupp grew to a dominant position in the economic life of Germany . Krupp metallurgists played an important part in ...
"Krupp" -wikipedia from books.google.com
... The proper dimensions and temperature and best methods of casting , all of which are kept secret. TWENTY - EIGHT CENTIMETRE ( 11 - IN . ) GUN L / 40 IN SEACOAST CARRIAGE WITH IN THE GUN ASSEMBLING SHOP. 102 KRUPP'S STEEL WORKS.
"Krupp" -wikipedia from books.google.com
... Krupp Grusonwerk A.G. , Magdeburg - Buckau Fri ed . Krupp Germaniawerft A.G. , Kiel - Gearden Fri ed . Krupp Berthawerk A.G. , Markstädt bei Breslau Kurbelwellenwerk G.m.b.H. , Reinbeck Bez . Hamburg Súdwerke , Bamberg + Berndorfer ...
"Krupp" -wikipedia from books.google.com
... Krupp , at Essen , in Germany , and of M. Schneider , at Le Creusot , in France ; also to the gun factories of Bourges and Ruelle , in France ; and to the establish- ment of the Compagnie Fives - Lille , at Lille , where the Schultz ...