The elderly and vulnerable were murdered in care homes and this Government convinced you Covid-19 was to blame

Rights and Freedoms


Democide is the murder of any person or people by their government, including genocide, senicide, and mass murder. Her Majesty’s Government, its scientific advisors, medical advisors, and NHS chiefs have committed all of these acts since March 2020, but they couldn’t do it without convincing you Covid-19 was to blame. Here’s how they did it…

Firstly they created mass hysteria. You were shown images such as this on programmes such as BBC News, or on the front pages of newspapers.

Infamous images of Chinese medical officials in hazmat suits collecting bodies off the pavements of Wuhan, where we were told they had collapsed and died in the street because of a new strain of coronavirus, now known as COVID-19.

Have you ever seen anybody die in the street because of Covid-19?

It wasn’t until Covid allegedly hit the Lombardy region of Italy that…

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