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Research Article

The effect of ingestion of red dragon fruit extract on levels of malondialdehyde and superoxide dismutase after strenuous exercise in rats (Rattus norvegicus)

[version 1; peer review: 2 approved with reservations]
PUBLISHED 18 Oct 2021
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Background: Prolonged activation of skeletal muscles causes a decrease in the production of fatigue. Exercise with strenuous intensity causes an increase in Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS). An increase in free radicals causes oxidative stress resulting in damage to cell function to mitochondrial dysfunction, and fatigue. This study aimed to determine the antioxidant potential of red dragon fruit (RDF) to delay fatigue due to oxidative stress, which improves cell function in mitochondria.
Methods: 25 male rats (Rattus norvegicus) aged three months were divided into five groups: Group K1 was N.A. (No Activity) but drinking and eating; Group K2 performed strenuous exercise without RDF treatment; Groups 3, 4, and 5 (P1, P2 and P3, respectively) performed strenuous exercise and were treated with 75 mg kg-1.bw, 150 mg kg-1.bw, and 300 mg kg-1.bw of RDF extract, respectively. The exercise for the rats involved intense swimming for 20 minutes every day, four days a week for 31 days.  Malondialdehyde (MDA) was measured with the ELISA and histopathology for muscle soleus and lung tissue.
Results: Strenuous exercise followed by RDF extract ingestion was compared for fatigue in terms of duration and time; before (24.55±1.38 minute) and after (95.31±7.82 minute) and led to a significant difference of 39% (p<0.01). The study also compared MDA before and after RDF extract ingestion in the K2 vs. the P1 group (p<0.05). At the same time, P2 differed more significantly (p<0.01). This indicated a spread of free radicals and featured histopathological damage of muscle cells. However, ingestion of RDF extract leads to improvement of soleus muscle cells; thus, repairs cell function, delaying fatigue.
Conclusion: This study confirmed that strenuous exercise, which causes an increase in ROS, intensifies free radicals with RDF extract ingestion and declines oxidative stress, repairing cell function and delaying fatigue.


Red Dragon Fruit (RDF), Strenuous exercise, MDA, Improve function cell, Fatigue


Increased frequency, intensity, and duration of regular physical exercise improves performance and delays fatigue in daily work.1,2 All living things, except those that are anaerobic, require oxygen to produce energy efficiently. Oxygen is an essential component of cellular metabolism. Exercise causes an increase in oxygen consumption by 10-12 times in the body, causing oxidative damage to the lipids of various tissues.37 Moderate to high-intensity exercise can result in an increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS), free radicals in the body, which is characterized by an increase in malondialdehyde (MDA), and a decrease in superoxide dismutase (SOD) which is an endogenous antioxidant to suppress excess of free radicals. Several studies showed that reactive oxygen species (ROS) formed due to tissue hypoxia during muscle contraction have an adaptive physiological role during physical exercise. Light to moderate amount of ROS is formed during moderate-intensity activities to increase endogenous antioxidants, preventing oxidative stress in the body.8,9 Oxidative stress is an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants. Endogenous antioxidants cannot neutralize free radicals if they are formed excessively.8 Oxidative stress causes damage to muscle cells and lungs, known as oxidative damage. It is the breakdown of biomolecules that make up cells due to reactions with free radicals.10 Strenuous physical exercise will increase the growth of the free radicals found in muscle and liver tissue 2 to 3 times in experimental animals, which also will increase ROS. As a defence action, the body will be countered by the endogenous antioxidant system,11 which is known as oxidative stress. This can be seen based on the ability of antioxidants in the tissue to neutralize ROS,12 particularly the antioxidants produced by the body known as endogenous antioxidants that come from outside or exogenous antioxidants. These antioxidants come from food, such as fruit. Red dragon fruit (RDF) has been proven to protect the tissue from damage caused by ROS in the body.8,9,13 This study aimed to examine the impact of strenuous exercise on changes in MDA and SOD with RDF extract (Hylocereus polyrhizus) treatment to improve muscle and lung tissue and to delay fatigue in rats (Rattus norvegicus).


Animal experiment

Animal models, particularly rodents, are widely used in biological sciences, and the findings of animal research are traditionally projected to human response similar to physiological stimuli.14 This article was reported in line with the ARRIVE guidelines. The study was a randomized post-test-only control group approved by the Animal Research Ethics Committee, Department of Biology - Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Universitas Sumatera Utara (approval number 0005/KEPH-FMIPA/2020).

The subjects of this research consisted of 25 male rats (Rattus Norvegicus), aged three months with an average weight of 200 g. The subjects were obtained from the Animal House Unit of the Biology laboratory, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia. All of the subjects were sustained and maintained in groups in experimental animal cages in the laboratory. The cages were made of plastic (30 × 20 × 10 cm) and covered with fine wire mesh. The cage base was covered with rice husk as thick as 0.5-1 cm that was replaced every day during the research. The room light was controlled strictly at day and night for 12 hours, respectively. The temperature room and humidity were adjusted to a normal range of 25–27°C. The subjects were fed with standard rat pellets and provided with enough drinking water.

Study design

The experimental method in the laboratory was applied with a proper experimental design and randomized post-test-only control group. Simple random sampling was implemented with the experimental animals being divided into five groups (5 rats/group): Group K1 was N.A. (no activities) and no RDF (Negative control); Group K2 was without being treated with RDF or NRDF (No RDF) subjected to strenuous exercise (Positive control); the other three groups performed strenuous exercise and consisted of Group P1 treated with 75 mg kg−1.bw; Group P2 with 150 mg kg−1.bw; and Group P3 with 300 mg kg−1.bw of RDF extract.

Experimental procedures

The strenuous exercise given to all rats involved a morning swim between 08 – 09 AM for 20 minutes a day three times a week for four weeks.15 The rats were treated with RDF extract every day for four weeks respectively at half an hour before the strenuous exercise. All rats completed the strenuous exercise test. At the end of the study, the results were obtained in the fourth week of exercise testing until the maximum exercise was swimming until almost drowning.


One of the biomarkers of oxidative stress is a high level of malondialdehyde (MDA) and decreased SOD activity due to excessive lipid peroxidation processes in cells. One way to control excessive oxidative stress is by consuming antioxidants from food (exogenous antioxidants); one source of exogenous antioxidants is RDF, which consists of Group P1 treated with 75 mg kg−1.bw; Group P2 with 150 mg kg−1.bw; and Group P3 with 300 mg kg−1.bw of RDF extract. The consumption of RDF extract suppresses the increase in free radicals due to strenuous exercise. It increases SOD, an endogenous antioxidant, so oxidative stress does not occur, and repair mitochondrial cell function has fatigue delaying effect.

Red dragon fruit extract

The RDF extract obtained from farmers in Indonesia was peeled, washed, cut into small pieces, and dried in the drying cabinet. Then, the fruit was blended using a blender.

The RDF extract was isolated with a maceration method using 96% ethanol, which had been distilled as much as ten times the weight of RDF. RDF powder was stored in a container with 96% ethanol (ratio 1:7, fruit powder: ethanol) and then soaked for three days. After that, the RDF powder was filtered and sealed. The RDF collected in a container was macerated and then processed with a rotary evaporator at 45°C until the extract was thickened. The same process was repeated for three days until the remaining ethanol reached 96%. The less thickened extract was then evaporated in a water bath until a thick extract of 100 mg of red dragon fruit was obtained. Then, it was gently ground using a pestle and mortar. After that, 0.5% carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) Na solution was slowly added and ground until it became homogeneous. Finally, the suspension was added to a 10 mL measuring flask until it reached the marked line. The allocation of RDF extract, a dosage of 75 mg kg−1.bw, for instance: a rat with a weight of 200 g took 1,5 ml RDF extract suspension. Dosage of 150 mg kg−1.bw was taken with 3 ml extract suspension, while the dosage of 300 mg kg−1.bw was taken with 6 ml extract suspension.

The soleus muscle and lung tissue were analysed to discover degrees of damage with Hematoxylin Eosin (H&E) staining. The muscle tissues were stored in pots filled with formalin, and then histopathology of the muscle tissues and lungs was conducted. The preparations were observed under a microscope with 400× magnification. From the microscopic picture, changes in the muscle cells and lung tissue would be able to be seen.

Analysis of blood, muscle tissue, and lung organs

All of the rats completed the strenuous exercise course. They experienced maximal physical activity, i.e., swimming, until they almost drowned. Blood for MDA was taken consecutively, and the MDA was assessed with enzyme-linked immune sorbent assay (ELISA) method and spectrophotometry with a wavelength of 450 nm. The assessment was done by using Mouse Malondialdehyde Elisa Kit, Brand Bioassay TL, catalog: EO625Mo for MDA levels. The SOD level was determined using the equation obtained from the standard curve.1618 The muscle tissue was taken through biopsy to analyze degree of degree with H&E staining.

Statistical analysis

Normality was assessed with Shapiro-Wilk test (p > 0.05). Data Analysis was done by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) to indicate the effect of treatments for each group. The data were analysed with SPSS version 25 software and presented in tabulated and graphical forms as means and standard deviation. Significant differences were determined at p < 0.05. The Post Hoc Bonferroni test was conducted after the significant results were obtained.

Ethical approval

The animal subjects' research was performed according to the ethical standards by the Animal Research Ethics Committees/AREC, Faculty Mathematics and Natural Sciences Universitas Sumatera Utara, Indonesia (approval number 0005/KEPH-FMIPA/2021).


During consumption of the antioxidant RDF extract, all rats were accustomed to reducing stress-related disorders and seemed to be in good condition. No rats were poisoned, and there were no deaths in the experiment period.

A normality test indicated that the data are normally distributed (Table 1).

Table 1. Normality for test MDA and SOD, with Shapiro-Wilk test, p > 0.05.

Parameter Group Normality test
Statistic p-value
Malondialdehyde (MDA) K1 0.791 0.068
K+ 0.969 0.867
P1 0.853 0.204
P2 0.790 0.068
P3 0.959 0.804
Superoxide dismutase (SOD) K1 0.892 0.369
K+ 0.968 0.864
P1 0.906 0.446
P2 0.806 0.090
P3 0.862 0.236

The effects of strenuous exercise on MDA before and after RDF extract treatment

The results of One-Way ANOVA test for groups K2, P1, P2, and P3 showed significant differences (Table 2). It is known that the measurement of MDA levels is a marker for assessing the increase in free radical production in rats treated with physical activity.

Table 2. Comparison of the MDA level results before and after treatment with RDF extract and the results of the One-Way ANOVA test.

Groups MDA level (μg/dL) p-value
K1 0.4191 ± 0.2080bc p < 0.05
K2 0.5471 ± 0.0399c
P1 0.3120 ± 0.1357ab
P2 0.3159 ± 0.0377ab
P3 0.2531 ± 0.0284a

MDA expression (Table 2 and Figure 1) was decreased after treatment with RDF extract (0.4191 vs 0.5471 vs 0.3120 vs 0.3159 vs 0.2531 μg/dL). The P3 group had the lowest score compared to the other groups. This study showed a significant reduction between groups. The relationship between the provision of antioxidants after treatment with RDF extract is that the administration of exogenous antioxidants helps suppress the spread of free radicals in the body because antioxidants can come from within the body (endogenous) or come from outside the body (exogenous), simultaneously suppressing free radicals due to exercise.


Figure 1. Graph changes of MDA levels (μg/dL) before and after treatment RDF extract; Mean ± SD.

Note: The different notation letters on the bar graph are significantly different (p < 0.05).

The study results compared the MDA of rats after ingestion of RDF extract, which was tested with the Post Hoc test - Bonferroni. In the K2 vs. P1 group, there was a significant difference of p < 0.05, the K2 vs. P2 group had a significant difference of p < 0.05, and the K2 vs. P3 group had an increased significant difference of p < 0.01.

The effects of strenuous exercise on SOD before and after RDF extract treatment

The free radicals in the body are balanced with endogenous defence mechanisms, and the body will produce antioxidants with an anti-free radical effect. In this study, the K2 group performed physical activity and SOD levels were 0.4632 ± 0.2449 ng/mL. There was an increase in SOD levels in the K1 group (0.8647 ± 0.1744 ng/mL) that did not perform physical activity. The increase in SOD continued with RDF extract treatment in groups K1 (1.3499 ± 0.1359 ng/mL), P2 (1.9370 ± 0.0236 ng/mL) and P3 (1.9521 ± 0.0239 ng/mL). The three groups were given RDF treatment and showed significant differences (p < 0.05), analysed with the One-Way ANOVA test (Table 3 and Figure 2).

Table 3. Comparison of the results of the SOD level before and after treatment RDF extract.

Groups SOD level (ng/mL) p-value
K1 0.8647 ± 0.1744b p<0.05
K2 0.4632 ± 0.2449a
P1 1.3499 ± 0.1359c
P2 1.9370 ± 0.0236d
P3 1.9521 ± 0.0239d

Figure 2. Graph changes of SOD levels (ng/mL) before and after treatment RDF extract.

Note: The different notation letters on the bar graph are significantly different (p < 0.05).

Histopathologic changes in muscle and lung tissue

The histopathological examination were observed under a microscope. It was seen that in group K1 changes in muscle and lung tissue did not occur. Ingroup K2 the changes were very significant, and many inflammatory cells and necrosis were observed in both the muscles and lungs. In contrast to P1, the P2 and P3 groups showed a decrease in inflammatory cells. In addition, in these two groups compared to P1, the lungs in the intra-alveolar and the alveolar sacs were dilated, and tissue repair was shown by the hyalinization process. Results showed changes in free radicals that could damage tissue in the positive control group K2. In contrast, the histopathological features of the P1, P2, P3 groups showed lung tissue and muscle cell repair, after being given RDF (Figures 3 and 4).


Figure 3. A picture of changes in muscle soleus cells before and after treatment RDF extract (antioxidant exogen).

Arrow yellow: inflammatory cells, Arrow red: necrosis.


Figure 4. A picture of changes in the lung organs in the rat before and after treatment RDF extract (antioxidant exogen).

Note: Red arrow = inflammatory cells; SIA = interalveolar septum, KA = alveolar sac.


Free radicals in the skeletal muscles cause muscle fatigue. The free radicals significantly reduce muscle strength, contributing to muscle fatigue during prolonged training.7,19,20 The role of oxidants in muscle fatigue has been investigated in various animal models in vitro and situ during exercise. Oxidants are detectable in muscle at low levels during rest and at higher levels during contractions. RNS depress force production but do not appear to cause fatigue of healthy muscle. In contrast, muscle-derived ROS contribute to fatigue because loss of function can be delayed by ROS-specific antioxidants.2123 A study showed that exogenous antioxidants derived from food to capture ROS slowed down muscle fatigue, and enzymatic and nonenzymatic antioxidants delayed muscle fatigue during contraction. In the study, the subject characteristics have been standardized in accordance with WHO, adjusted to the provisions of the criteria2426 in the Research Guideline for Evaluating the Safety and Efficacy of Herbal Medicines.

In skeletal muscles, antioxidants are enzymatic (e.g., Glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and catalase) and nonenzymatic (for example, GSH, uric acid, bilirubin, vitamin E, vitamin C, etc.) function as an integrated antioxidant complex that acts to capture ROS.27,28 These intracellular antioxidants are usually present in cells, cytoplasm, and organelles (for example, mitochondria) whose role is to protect muscle fibres from damage caused by ROS.27,2931 Endogenous free radicals are formed as a normal response to the chain reaction of respiration in the body. The free radicals in the body are balanced by an endogenous defence system mechanism,32 in which the body produces antioxidants that have an anti-free radical effect. One of the endogenous antioxidants is SOD, which is the body's first line of defence against ROS activation.8 When the level of ROS rises beyond the endogenous defence capacity, oxidative instability, known as oxidative stress, occurs.9,29 Oxidative stress conditions due to free radicals will cause lipid peroxidation of cell membranes and damage cell membrane organization. One of the biomarkers of oxidative stress is a high level of MDA33 and decreased SOD activity due to excessive lipid peroxidation processes in cells.9 One way to control excessive oxidative stress is by consuming antioxidants from food (exogenous antioxidants).34 One source of exogenous antioxidants is RDF that can be found in Indonesia.

In this study, the endogenous antioxidants in the body were superoxide dismutase (SOD), and they are unable to neutralize free radicals. This condition results in an imbalance of free radicals and antioxidants, leading to oxidative damage, as reported in previous studies.35 Unstabilized oxidative stress produces free radicals, which can damage muscle tissue and lungs and cause impaired cell function, which is involved in muscle fatigue. RDF treatment can increase SOD significantly (P < 0.05) and function as a good source of several natural antioxidants, such as betalain, polyphenols, and ascorbic acid, as evidenced in previous studies.36,37 During strenuous exercise, the increase in ROS formation during contractile activity is directly related to increased oxygen consumption. This condition results in a 50 or 100 fold increase in mitochondrial activity in the formation of superoxide in skeletal muscle during aerobic contraction.38,39 An increase in oxidative stress, as observed, leads to an increase in lipid peroxidation accompanied by a decline in SOD level activity, as the antioxidants are given depending on the dose affect the increase in SOD levels.28 This improvement in oxidative status suggests that the natural antioxidants in the extract with high doses were responsible for delaying fatigue in this study, as reported in previous studies.40,41 In this study, it was found that the higher the dose given, the greater the SOD, as shown in group P3 that was on treatment so that this SOD level could neutralize free radicals. The SOD enzyme is the first defence system against free radicals. Thus, moderate-intensity regular exercise has been shown to increase antioxidant defences by increasing the activity of endogenous antioxidant enzymes, such as SOD, glutathione peroxidase, and catalase.42,43 These enzymes can suppress or inhibit the formation of free radicals by breaking the chain reaction so that the product is more stable. This process is known as the antioxidant chain-breaking reaction.

RDF is rich in antioxidants, such as phenol and flavonoid compounds. Phenolic compounds that function as antioxidants neutralize free radicals and peroxide radicals to inhibit lipid oxidation effectively. Flavonoids are exogenous antioxidants that are beneficial in preventing cell damage due to oxidative stress. Its role is to donate hydrogen ions to neutralize the toxic effects from free radicals due to exercise. RDF consumption can also increase the VO2max value.44

Anthocyanin is one type of flavonoid widely found in dragon fruit,45 which is able to improve mitochondrial function by influencing free radicals. Anthocyanins can suppress the occurrence of lipid peroxidation as an inflammatory response due to free radicals, thereby suppressing the production of MDA.46

An increase in the free radicals in the body causes an imbalance between oxidants and antioxidants. This condition leads to oxidative stress. The earliest known and widely studied cell or tissue mechanism is lipid peroxidation. RDF extract contains anthocyanin pigments which function as antioxidants.18,47,48 Anthocyanins can play a role in inhibiting free radicals that occur due to strenuous exercise. This study examined the provision of RDF extract comprising anthocyanins, one of the types contained in flavonoids, which provides a response to inflammation in the muscles and lung tissue. The presence of anthocyanins repairs damaged tissue so that physiological mitochondrial function returns, as anthocyanins can suppress the occurrence of lipid peroxidation and suppress MDA production so that MDA levels decrease.49,50 Anthocyanins can quickly bind metal ions to form a stable anthocyanin-metal complex. This means that anthocyanins bind to the transitioned ion metal to prevent highly toxic and reactive hydroxyl reactions. In the end, anthocyanins can suppress lipid peroxidation and suppress MDA production to reduce MDA levels.


Strenuous exercise causes an increase in ROS, resulting in increased free radical levels, leading to oxidative stress to occur. Ingesting RDF extracts suppresses the increase. The group that was given RDF doses of 150 mg, and 300 mg performed better than the group with a dose of 75 mg in responding to oxidative stress with strenuous exercise. RDF extract dose resulted in decreased oxidative stress, repaired muscle and lung tissue, so that cell function returned physiologically, which delayed fatigue.

Data availability

Underlying data

Figshare: Datasets, https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.15074544.v5.51

This project contains the following underlying data:

  • - MDA RAT.xls ( MDA levels for all groups)

  • - SOD RAT 23 Maret 21.xls (SOD levels for all groups)

  • - Table HEnew.docx (scoring for microscopy results)

Reporting guidelines

Figshare: ARRIVE checklist for ‘The effect of ingestion of Red dragon fruit extract on levels of malondialdehyde and superoxide dismutase after strenuous exercise in rats (Rattus norvegicus)’, https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.15074544.v5.51

Data are available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC-BY 4.0).

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Rusip G, Ilyas S, Lister INE and Ginting CN. The effect of ingestion of red dragon fruit extract on levels of malondialdehyde and superoxide dismutase after strenuous exercise in rats (Rattus norvegicus) [version 1; peer review: 2 approved with reservations] F1000Research 2021, 10:1061 (https://doi.org/10.12688/f1000research.54254.1)
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Version 1
PUBLISHED 18 Oct 2021
Reviewer Report 07 Jun 2022
Ermita I. Ibrahim Ilyas, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medical Physiology, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia 
Approved with Reservations
This study was quite informative. There are some suggestions to improve this article:
  1. The title should be in accordance with the result of the study.
  2. Abstract should be rewritten since there
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Ilyas EII. Reviewer Report For: The effect of ingestion of red dragon fruit extract on levels of malondialdehyde and superoxide dismutase after strenuous exercise in rats (Rattus norvegicus) [version 1; peer review: 2 approved with reservations]. F1000Research 2021, 10:1061 (https://doi.org/10.5256/f1000research.57721.r137352)
NOTE: it is important to ensure the information in square brackets after the title is included in all citations of this article.
  • Author Response 30 Jun 2022
    Prof Gusbakti Rusip, Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, University Prima Indonesia, Medan, 20118, Indonesia
    30 Jun 2022
    Author Response
    It has been a great sense of delight to receive your very friendly and professional comments. We want to thank the reviewer for the time and willingness to assess the ... Continue reading
  • Author Response 28 Jun 2022
    Prof Gusbakti Rusip, Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, University Prima Indonesia, Medan, 20118, Indonesia
    28 Jun 2022
    Author Response
    We would like to thank the reviewer for the time and willingness to assess the quality of our manuscript. In the new version, the suggested changes in all sections have ... Continue reading
  • Author Response 30 Jun 2022
    Prof Gusbakti Rusip, Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, University Prima Indonesia, Medan, 20118, Indonesia
    30 Jun 2022
    Author Response
    It has been a great sense of delight to receive your very friendly and professional comments. We want to thank the reviewer for the time and willingness to assess the ... Continue reading
  • Author Response 28 Jun 2022
    Prof Gusbakti Rusip, Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, University Prima Indonesia, Medan, 20118, Indonesia
    28 Jun 2022
    Author Response
    We would like to thank the reviewer for the time and willingness to assess the quality of our manuscript. In the new version, the suggested changes in all sections have ... Continue reading
Reviewer Report 29 Mar 2022
Farzaneh Taghian, Department of Exercise Physiology, Faculty of Sport Sciences, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran 
Approved with Reservations
The author evaluated the effect of ingestion of red dragon fruit extract on levels of malondialdehyde and superoxide dismutase after strenuous exercise in rats. I think this study was informative and practical.

However, there are some comments ... Continue reading
Taghian F. Reviewer Report For: The effect of ingestion of red dragon fruit extract on levels of malondialdehyde and superoxide dismutase after strenuous exercise in rats (Rattus norvegicus) [version 1; peer review: 2 approved with reservations]. F1000Research 2021, 10:1061 (https://doi.org/10.5256/f1000research.57721.r127975)
NOTE: it is important to ensure the information in square brackets after the title is included in all citations of this article.
  • Author Response 07 Apr 2022
    Prof Gusbakti Rusip, Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, University Prima Indonesia, Medan, 20118, Indonesia
    07 Apr 2022
    Author Response
    We would like to thank the reviewer for the time and willingness to assess the quality of our manuscript. In the new version of our manuscript, suggested changes in all ... Continue reading
  • Author Response 07 Apr 2022
    Prof Gusbakti Rusip, Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, University Prima Indonesia, Medan, 20118, Indonesia
    07 Apr 2022
    Author Response
    We would like to thank the reviewer for the time and willingness to assess the quality of our manuscript. In the new version of our manuscript, suggested changes in all ... Continue reading

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