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A Next-Gen Multivendor Marketplace Mobile App for CedCommerce Marketplace developed on Magento platform to boost sales and performance

Multivendor Apps allows you to build a native mobile app for your CedCommerce Magento Marketplace within minutes and without KNOWING a single line of code.

Start making MultiVendor Mobile App for your Cedcommerce Marketplace.


Platforms we integrate with

MultiVendor Marketplace app is fully compatible with the CedCommerce Marketplace Magento extension.

Quick view of MultiVendor App

Take a look at MultiVendor Marketplace app by the CedCommerce. This will provide a quick view of different screens of MultiVendor app. MultiVendor Marketplace app can be split into two different apps – One is Customer App and other is Vendor App.

Features Rich MultiVendor Shopping App

Customer End App

Features Rich MultiVendor Shopping App

Vendor End App

Easy Steps to Build App

Build your MultiVendor Marketplace app easily in few steps

Download Magento App Connector

Download Connector

The first step in building the MultiVendor Marketplace app is to place an order for Connector extension. This connector will allow providing useful data feeds for the App.

Generate license for the connector extension on our My Purchased Extension in account section.

Install Magento App Connector

Install Connector

Install the connector extension on your license generated Magento shop. Save app unique key from MultiVendor App dashboard to your magento shop.

Configure the connector to set up the banner, category and product show on the app. Set up the splash screen, the logo for the app and choose the color scheme for the app.

Build Magento App

Build Your App

After completing the step 1 and step 2 you can build the app from the app creation dashboard.After building app it can be previewed on phone devices.

If app fulfills all your requirement then you can either publish on the app stores or can ask CedCommerce to publish the app on your behalf.

Mobile Platform Supported

The MultiVendor Marketplace Magento app supports Android and IOS platform will be made live soon.