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Funding Type

Charitable Contributions – Donations to 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organizations, used to support patient education and advocacy, improvements in patient care or general operating support, among other things.

Fellowships – Support provided to US medical schools, teaching hospitals and other institutions intended to aid junior faculty and talented researchers early in their careers.

Independent Grants for Learning & Change (IGL&C) – Medical education grants from the office of IGL&C in support of healthcare quality improvement initiatives and independent education for healthcare professionals (HCPs), including but not limited to, continuing medical education (CME).

Non-Medical Education Grants – Funding to medical, scientific and patient organizations for a variety of non-medical education purposes, such as general operating support and support of meetings.

Scholarships – Funding to augment specialty training and encourage development of senior faculty scientists, similar to fellowships.

Visiting Professorships – Funding that enables schools and teaching hospitals to recruit an expert of their choice to lead a 3-day information exchange on pre-determined topics with students, faculty, nurses and others.

Funding Requests for Healthcare Activities – Funding in support of a wide array of initiatives and charitable causes including patient advocacy and education.

Collaborations – Funding a healthcare related activity or project in which Pfizer and one or more Organizations work as equal partners on the design, development and implementation of the project with the purpose of advancing specified shared objectives. In addition to funding and partnering on the project, Pfizer also receives the right to use the output/materials created.

Sponsorships – Funding opportunities provided to organizations that are healthcare-related and non-promotional in nature.

Recipient Type

Academic Medical Centers – Accredited medical schools or academic hospitals in which a majority of the physicians are faculty members; may include other health professional schools, such as public health, nursing, or graduate schools in the life sciences.

Other Medical Centers – A single entity or loose conglomerate not directly affiliated with a medical school or university, usually focused on patient care and residency training.

Medical Associations – Professional membership organizations for physicians.

Professional Associations – Professional membership organizations for health care professionals such as nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants and pharmacists.

Patient Organizations – Non-profit organizations that represent the interests of patients by providing information and services, support for increased medical research, and/or access to health care.

Scientific Associations – Organizations that exist to promote an academic or scientific discipline through activities including regular meetings or conferences for the presentation and discussion of new research results, and publishing or sponsoring academic journals.

Civic Organizations – Non-profit organizations that promote social welfare.