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The Doctor Who Fooled the World: Andrew Wakefield’s war on vaccines (English Edition) eBook Kindle

4,6 4,6 de 5 estrelas 278 avaliações de clientes

A reporter uncovers the secrets behind the scientific scam of the century.

The news breaks first as a tale of fear and pity. Doctors at a London hospital claim a link between autism and a vaccine given to millions of children: MMR. Young parents are terrified. Immunisation rates slump. And as a worldwide ‘anti-vax’ movement kicks off, old diseases return to sicken and kill.

But a veteran reporter isn’t so sure, and sets out on an epic investigation. Battling establishment cover-ups, smear campaigns, and gagging lawsuits, he exposes rigged research and secret schemes, the heartbreaking plight of families struggling with disability, and the scientific deception of our time.

Here’s the story of Andrew Wakefield: a man in search of greatness, who stakes his soul on big ideas that, if right, might transform lives. But when the facts don’t fit, he can’t face failure. He’ll do whatever it takes to succeed.

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Sobre o Autor

Brian Deer is a veteran British investigative journalist, best known for his inquiries into the drug industry, medicine, and social issues for the Sunday Times of London. Among his awards, Deer was twice named the UK’s specialist reporter of the year, and in 2016 he was made Doctor of Letters (honoris causa) by York St. John University.

Detalhes do produto

  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B081DBDGH2
  • Editora ‏ : ‎ Scribe (1 setembro 2020)
  • Idioma ‏ : ‎ Inglês
  • Tamanho do arquivo ‏ : ‎ 1849 KB
  • Leitura de texto ‏ : ‎ Habilitado
  • Leitor de tela ‏ : ‎ Compatível
  • Configuração de fonte ‏ : ‎ Habilitado
  • X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Habilitado
  • Dicas de vocabulário ‏ : ‎ Habilitado
  • Número de páginas ‏ : ‎ 381 páginas
  • Avaliações dos clientes:
    4,6 4,6 de 5 estrelas 278 avaliações de clientes

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Avaliações de clientes

4,6 de 5 estrelas
4,6 de 5
278 avaliações globais

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Debra Moffitt
5,0 de 5 estrelas interesting
Avaliado nos Estados Unidos em 25 de agosto de 2023
my daughter used this for a college report. She found it well written and very interesting
Bloodstain Pattern
5,0 de 5 estrelas Das ist ein wichtiges Buch
Avaliado na Alemanha em 10 de setembro de 2023
In heutigen Zeiten ist es en vogue geworden Impfungen ohne Wissen zu kritisieren, um sich selbst als sehr gebildet darzustellen. Oftmals ist der Lancet Fraud nicht bekannt und dieses Pseudo-Wissen setzt sich weiter fort, da vielen Menschen dieser Betrug nicht bekannt, man hört etwas und geht davon aus, dass es wahr ist. Aus diesem Grunde ist dieses Buch wichtig, denn es schildert aus der Sicht des Journalisten. DIeses Buch rollt den Betrug gründlich und systematisch auf. Man sollte dieses Buch unvoreingenommen lesen, den hier ist viel über die Frühphase des Impfskeptizismusses beschrieben. Selbstverständlich gab es medizinisch gesehen Impfungen, die kritisch waren, so z.B. die frühen Masernimpfungen und so nicht mehr zum Einsatz kommen. Aber es gibt auch Fälle wie diesen, in denen falsches Wissen zum Zwecke des Betruges benutzt wurde. Lancet zog die Studie zurück und Wakefiel verlor seine medizinische Zulassung. Wichtig ist es auch diese Seite zu kennen.
Pete Boyd
5,0 de 5 estrelas Compelling
Avaliado na França em 21 de junho de 2021
Fascinating book. Also horrifying that so many people were drawn in and had their lives ruined by the charlatan Wakefield.
a fish out of batter
5,0 de 5 estrelas A Remarkable Book
Avaliado no Reino Unido em 4 de dezembro de 2020
This book is a tour de force. I am old enough to have lived through the Wakefield scandal and remember part of the story that is recounted here. But I never knew the whole story, and it is an absolutely shocking tale that deservedly shines the spotlight on an unrepentantly awful human being.

The fact that there is a Wakefield fraud story is well-known. The details I think are not so well known, and certainly weren’t to me. Brian Deer takes the reader through a chronological account of Wakefield’s life from his upbringing to his current situation. I think Brain was trying to shine a light into his background, trying to unpick the pathologies that lead to a health catastrophe that is still playing out over two decades later. In this he fails not because of lack of skill but because, to me, Wakefield’s motives for his sustained actions are simply incomprehensible and I don’t think any amount of explaining can illuminate.

The research is amazing – the depth of the evidence, who Brian managed to get on record, the compassion for the afflicted (but not by MMR) children. All these shine through, making it a very human book as well.

Even if the book was only a forensic demolition of Wakefield’s fraud it would be excellent. But it also works on another, more chilling level. A profound part of the book, and possibly one of the more important, was the chronicling of the start of social media as a tool for misinformation.

The book starts with Wakefield at a Trump inauguration event publishing on social media. This ties the start and end of the story together in a disquieting way. The events in the late 1990s and the ripples from the retracted and discredited Lancet MMR paper have borne rotten fruit in the present day. You can see the same lies being propagated over social media in relation to the COVID vaccines (and every other technical advance). The difference is in the 1990s there were gatekeepers and accountability and ultimately retraction. Now that the social media owners have renounced all responsibility for their creation, the poison flows unchecked and uncontrolled across the modern world. Wakefield, it turns out, was merely a harbinger, and later a midwife, of the misinformation age.
21 pessoas acharam isso útil
5,0 de 5 estrelas Excellent book
Avaliado na Austrália em 26 de outubro de 2020
I knew some of the story but not all of it. To have all of the discovery and fact assembled in one clear, concise and informative narrative is just brilliant. The book lays bare, in great detail, the fraud that Andrew Wakefield attempted to execute and the havoc he wrought on public health and the families he basically victimised. That the book also captures recent movements of Wakefield and the anti vaccine mob is a bonus. Recommended reading for those who want to understand this fiasco, key players and impacts. Well told story that is incredibly interesting.
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