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Last Updated: Tuesday, 27 January, 2004, 12:49 GMT
Motherwell plans still on course
Motherwell have been in administration since April 2002
Motherwell have been in administration since April 2002
Motherwell say they are still on course to come out of administration despite a Court of Session ruling that the Inland Revenue are preferred creditors.

The Inland Revenue and HM Customs and Excise are to be paid first, meaning the dividend to other creditors could be affected.

But a spokesman for the club said this would not delay the emergence from interim administration.

"That will happen before the end of the season," he said.

Scottish Premier League clubs in administration on 31 May will be hit with a 10-point penalty under new rules, but Motherwell should avoid that having already started the process of coming out of administration.

The club will now finalise a proposal to its other creditors.

"We had to wait until we received the decision from the Court of Session on the status of the Inland Revenue and Customs and Excise before we could put a proposal to creditors," added the spokesman.

"But the administrator and directors are now exploring every way to maximise the dividend to creditors as a matter of urgency.

"The decision may affect the dividend and is at odds with what is happening in Scottish football now as a result of recent legislation being introduced.

"Clubs such as Dundee would not have to pay the Inland Revenue ahead of other creditors but Motherwell do.

"That said, the decision will not affect or delay the club's progress in coming out of interim administration."

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