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Suez Canal

canal, Egypt
Alternative Title: Qanāt al-Suways

Suez Canal, Arabic Qanāt al-Suways, sea-level waterway running north-south across the Isthmus of Suez in Egypt to connect the Mediterranean and the Red seas. The canal separates the African continent from Asia, and it provides the shortest maritime route between Europe and the lands lying around the Indian and western Pacific oceans. It is one of the world’s most heavily used shipping lanes. The canal extends 120 miles (193 km) between Port Said (Būr Saʿīd) in the north and Suez in the south, with dredged approach channels north of Port Said, into the Mediterranean, and south of Suez. The ... (100 of 3,310 words)

  • Ships in the Suez Canal in Egypt. One of the world’s most important shipping lanes, the Suez Canal …
    © Oleksandr Kalinichenko/
  • The Suez Canal.
    Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
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