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Egypt aims to attract $30 bln in investment in Suez Canal Zone within 5 years: Investment minister

Ahram Online , Tuesday 25 Jul 2017
Suez Canal
A cargo ship is seen crossing through the New Suez Canal, Ismailia (Photo: Reuters)
Views: 3118
Views: 3118

Egypt’s Minister of Investment Sahar Nasr said that cooperation is ongoing between the ministry and the General Authority for the Suez Canal Economic Zone to attract nearly $30 billion in foreign direct investment to be allocated to infrastructure and logistics hubs in the Suez Canal Economic Zone within five years.

The minister’s statement came during the Fourth National Youth Conference held in Alexandria on Tuesday.

“The ministry aims to create one million direct and indirect jobs in the region in an effort to eliminate unemployment and boost production,” the minister said.

Nasr also revealed that she will be visiting Singapore next month along with Mohab Mamish, the chairman of the Suez Canal Authority. The visit will aim to promote investment opportunities in the Suez Canal Economic Zone.

The Suez Canal Economic Zone extends over 461 square kilometres across the three Suez Canal governorates of Suez, Port Said and Ismailiya, and will include six maritime ports to be completed by 2045.

The mega project is part of a government plan to upgrade energy infrastructure, boost the economy, and create jobs.

Throughout the past couple of years, Egypt has been seeking foreign investments for the Suez Canal Economic Zone, which is expected to include an international logistics hub and areas for light, medium and heavy industry as well as commercial and residential developments.

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