The Lancet Microbe Homepage

“Brains are usually drained from places, not whole areas of research, and such brain drain from a fundamental field in modern medicine is concerning.”
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(mp3, 26:25mins, 24.5MB)

In conversation with... Edwin Armitage, Saffiatou Darboe, and Lamin Jaiteh

Elena Dalla Vecchia of The Lancet Microbe speaks to Edwin Armitage, Saffiatou Darboe, and Lamin Jaiteh about Streptococcus pyogenes carriage and transmission in households in The Gambia.

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(mp3, 35:18mins, 27.8MB)

In conversation with... Martin Hoenigl

Rebecca Barksby of The Lancet Microbe speaks with Professor Martin Hoenigl about the impact of climate change and natural disasters on fungal diseases.

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(mp3, 21:25mins, 17.7MB)

In conversation with... Nancy Chow

Rebecca Barksby of The Lancet Microbe speaks to Dr Nancy Chow about sporotrichosis and discusses a genomic epidemiology study of this zoonotic fungal disease among people and cats in Brazil.

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(mp3, 19:01mins, 16.7MB)

In conversation with... Deborah Williamson and Michael Moso

Elena Dalla Vecchia of The Lancet Microbe speaks to Deborah Williamson and Michael Moso about non-SARS-CoV-2 respiratory viral detection from COVID-19 rapid antigen test devices.

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Impact factor
Measures the average number of times citable items published in the previous two years have been cited in the JCR year. 2021 Journal Citation Reports®, Clarivate 2022.
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Measures the average number of times citable items published in the past five years have been cited in the JCR year. 2021 Journal Citation Reports®, Clarivate 2022.
Measures the average number of citations for peer reviewed content published over the previous 4 full years. 2021 CiteScore © 2022 Elsevier B.V.

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The Lancet MicrobeISSN 2666-5247