Forces News & Stories

Providing compelling content

BFBS provides news and stories about the armed forces, for the armed forces.

Our unique insight

Given our long-established relationship with the military, we are the ideal place for people to come to have a unique insight into their work and lives.

We are the home of military content and a champion of the armed forces. We produce, broadcast and stream compelling content to anyone interested in the work of the UK military.

Quality is important to us, so our team strives to find the best stories, news and programming: from technology and innovation, to history and heroic tales as well as stories from everyday life.

The latest with the armed forces

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Forces News on

Forces News covers impartial stories that other broadcasters cannot or choose not to.

Our website,, is where we surface news, stories and video content about and related to the UK armed forces and the wider military community.

BFBS provides compelling content for the armed forces around the world.

Forces News on You Tube

Our most popular military-related videos can also be found on our Forces News channel on YouTube..