Christmas Specials | The Ottoman caliphate

Straddling two worlds

Worldly, pluralist, hedonistic—and Muslim, too

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi: less Goethe and champagne

ORHAN OSMANOGLU cradles a French handkerchief embossed with the letter H. “This is all I have left that’s my great-great-grandfather’s, the caliph’s,” he says. His family has fallen far since those illustrious days. Abdulhamid II lived in a palace, Yildiz, in the heart of Ottoman Istanbul; Orhan lives in a high-rise at the end of an Istanbul bus route. Europe’s royals flocked to caliphal functions, but when Orhan’s daughter married, Turkey’s present rulers stayed away. Worst of all, an Iraqi impostor has stolen the title his family bore for hundreds of years. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s barbaric outfit, Islamic State (IS), promises to restore the caliphate. Does Mr Baghdadi know what he is talking about?

This article appeared in the Christmas Specials section of the print edition under the headline "Straddling two worlds"

Christmas double issue

From the December 19th 2015 edition

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