Guidelines for Applying Protected Area Management Categories from books.google.com
These guidelines provide as much clarity as possible regarding the meaning and application of the Categories. They describe the definition of the Categories and discuss application in particular biomes and management approaches.
Guidelines for Applying Protected Area Management Categories from books.google.com
The central aim of this publication is to consider the key elements of a modern, comprehensive, and effective legal framework for successful management of protected areas.
Guidelines for Applying Protected Area Management Categories from books.google.com
A system plan is the design of a total reserve system covering the full range of ecosystems and communities found in a particular country, identifying the range of purposes of protected areas and the relationships among the system ...
Guidelines for Applying Protected Area Management Categories from books.google.com
This book describes the state of the art of tourism planning and management in national parks and protected areas.
Guidelines for Applying Protected Area Management Categories from books.google.com
This handbook, produced by world renowned experts from the World Conservation Union (IUCN), spans the full terrain of protected area management and is the international benchmark for the field.