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Influence of Weekend Hospital Admission on Short-Term Mortality After Intracerebral Hemorrhage

Originally published 2009;40:2387–2392


Background and Purpose— There is expanding literature to show that certain patients admitted during the weekend have worse outcomes than similar patients admitted during the week. Although many clinicians have hypothesized the presence of this “weekend effect” with patients with intracerebral hemorrhage, there is a paucity of studies validating this conjecture.

Methods— We performed a retrospective cohort study of patients with intracerebral hemorrhage (International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification=431) extracted from the 2004 Nationwide Inpatient Sample. Multivariable logistic regression analyses and Cox proportional hazards regression were conducted to calculate the odds of death (within 7, 14, and 30 days) and the hazard ratio of death for patients with weekend intracerebral hemorrhage admissions compared with weekday intracerebral hemorrhage admissions. All analyses were adjusted for concurrent differences in length of stay, patient demographics, and comorbid disease.

Results— Weekend hospital admissions accounted for 26.8% of the 13 821 patients with a diagnosis of intracerebral hemorrhage in the National Inpatient Sample. Admission during the weekend was a statistically significant independent predictor of death within 7 days (OR, 1.14; 95% CI, 1.05 to 1.25), within 14 days (OR, 1.15; 95% CI, 1.05 to 1.25), and within 30 days (OR, 1.15; 95% CI, 1.05 to 1.25). The adjusted hazard of in-hospital death (hazard ratio, 1.12; CI, 1.05 to 1.20) indicates that the overall risk of in-hospital death with intracerebral hemorrhage is 12% higher with weekend admission.

Conclusion— Weekend admission for intracerebral hemorrhage was associated with increased risk-adjusted mortality when compared with admission during the remainder of the week.

Approximately 37 000 to 52 400 people experience an intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) each year in the United States.1,2 Primary ICH accounts for between 8% and 15% of all strokes,3 and with the increasing age of our population as well as other changes in the demographic composition of the United States, the number of cases of ICH is expected to increase significantly over the next 50 years.2 Mortality rates for these patients are quite high, with some estimating a 30-day mortality rate close to 50%.4

Prior studies suggest that mortality rates for certain diagnoses are affected by whether the patient is admitted to the hospital on the weekend. This has been dubbed the “weekend effect,”5 a concept that has understandably called into question the idea that patients receive equal care regardless of when they present to the hospital. This literature has demonstrated the presence of this “weekend effect” for a variety of diagnoses, including stroke, myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism, and ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm.6–9 For this study, we hypothesized that patients with ICH had a higher mortality risk if they were admitted to the hospital on the weekends than if they were admitted during the week.


Data for this study were drawn from inpatient hospital discharge records available from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Health Care Utilization Project Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS) data set for 2004.10 This is the largest all-payer inpatient care database in the United States. The NIS data set for 2004 includes records from over 8 million hospitalizations from 1004 US hospitals across 37 states. This represents roughly 20% of all community hospitals in the United States, including academic hospitals.

The study population included all hospital admissions with ICH listed as the principal cause of the admission. Appropriate patients were identified and extracted from the NIS data using the International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification diagnosis code for intracerebral hemorrhage, 431.11 Multivariable logistic regression analysis was used to calculate the adjusted odds of death occurring within 7 days of admission among patients with ICH who were admitted on either Saturday or Sunday compared with the adjusted odds of death for this event among patients admitted during other days of the week. The odds of death associated with weekend admission were adjusted for differences in patient age by decade, sex, the hospital’s quartile of ICH admission volume, the density of patient’s locality of residence (metropolitan area with more than 1 million residents, metropolitan area with 1 million or fewer residents, micropolitan area, or nonurban local), median income of the patient’s locality of residence (<$25 000, $25 000 to $30 000, $30 001 to $35 000, or >$35 000), and by primary payer (Medicare, Medicaid, private insurance, self-pay, no charge, other payer). Baseline mortality risk was also adjusted for differences in comorbid disease among patients measured by assessing the independent effect of 30 categories of comorbid disease defined using the method of Elixhauser et al.12

Multivariable logistic regression analysis was also used to calculate the adjusted risk of in-hospital death within 14 and 30 days of admission using the same multivariable model formulation. Cox proportional hazards regression was used to calculate the adjusted overall hazard of in-hospital death associated with admission on either Saturday or Sunday adjusted for the same set of covariates included in the logistic models. The c statistic was used to assess each multivariable model’s capacity to discriminate between survivors and decedents. The proportion of the total log likelihood of the outcome explained by each multivariable model was measured using the maximum rescaled R2 statistic.


The 2004 NIS data set included 13 821 hospital discharge abstract records for patients with ICH. In this study population, 26.8% of the discharge records were for patients hospitalized on either a Saturday or Sunday. Complete data for each model covariate were available for 13 441 records (Table 1).

Table 1. Study Population Characteristics

Percent Among Patients in Total Population (n=13 821) Percent Among Patients With Weekend Admission (n=3708) Percent Among Patients With Weekday Admission (n=10 113)
Weekday or weekend admission
    Saturday or Sunday admission 26.8 100.0 0.0
    Monday through Friday admission 73.2 0.0 100.0
Age group, years
    <50 12.8 13.9 12.4
    50–59 14.6 14.9 14.4
    60–69 16.9 15.4 17.4
    70–79 25.8 25.2 26.0
    80–89 24.7 24.8 24.7
    90+ 5.3 5.8 5.1
    Female 51.0 48.8 49.1
    Male 49.0 51.2 50.9
Hospital quartile of ICH admissions volume
    First quartile (1 to 2 patients with ICH) 2.3 2.3 2.3
    Second quartile (3 to 6 patients with ICH) 5.4 4.6 5.7
    Third quartile (7 to 20 patients with ICH) 16.5 17.4 16.2
    Fourth quartile (21 or more patients) 75.8 75.8 75.8
Locality population density
    Metropolitan area with more than 1 million residents 53.3 53.2 53.4
    Metropolitan area with 1 million or fewer residents 27.6 27.9 27.4
    Micropolitan area 11.0 10.9 11.1
    Nonurban local 8.1 8.1 8.1
Locality median income
    <$25 000 29.2 29.9 29.0
    $25 000 to $30 000 26.4 26.2 26.5
    $30 001 to $35 000 22.5 22.9 22.3
    >$35 000 21.9 21.0 22.2
    Medicare 61.6 61.5 61.6
    Medicaid 8.0 9.0 7.7
    Private insurance 21.9 20.8 22.3
    Self-pay 5.7 5.9 5.7
    No charge 0.5 0.7 0.4
    Other payer 2.3 2.1 2.4
Comorbid diseases
    AIDS 0.3 0.4 0.2
    Alcohol abuse 5.1 5.3 5.0
    Deficiency anemias 7.5 7.2 7.6
    Rheumatoid arthritis/collagen vascular diseases 1.5 1.2 1.7
    Chronic blood loss anemia 0.4 0.5 0.4
    Congestive heart failure 10.1 9.6 10.2
    Chronic pulmonary disease 11.6 10.9 11.9
    Coagulopathy 5.4 5.2 5.5
    Depression 5.6 5.3 5.7

Table 1. Continued

Percent Among Patients in Total Population (n=13 821) Percent Among Patients With Weekend Admission (n=3708) Percent Among Patients With Weekday Admission (n=10 113)
    Diabetes, uncomplicated 19.0 20.1 18.6
    Diabetes with chronic complications 2.6 2.5 2.6
    Drug abuse 2.7 2.9 2.7
    Hypertension 71.6 72.0 71.4
    Hypothyroidism 7.7 7.5 7.7
    Liver disease 1.8 2.0 1.8
    Lymphoma 0.4 0.4 0.4
    Fluid and electrolyte disorders 21.1 21.5 21.0
    Metastatic cancer 2.4 2.1 2.5
    Other neurological disorders 2.1 2.3 2.1
    Obesity 2.8 2.5 2.9
    Paralysis 4.2 4.4 4.2
    Peripheral vascular disorders 3.9 4.0 3.8
    Psychoses 1.4 1.0 1.6
    Pulmonary circulation disorders 0.7 0.7 0.7
    Renal failure 5.1 5.6 4.9
    Solid tumor without metastasis 1.5 1.6 1.5
    Peptic ulcer disease excluding bleeding 0.0 0.1 0.0
    Valvular disease 5.0 4.5 5.2
    Weight loss 2.9 3.0 2.8

Weekend hospital admission was a statistically significant independent predictor of death within 7 days (OR, 1.14; 95% CI, 1.05 to 1.25), within 14 days (OR, 1.15; 95% CI, 1.05 to 1.25), and within 30 days (OR, 1.15; 95% CI, 1.05 to 1.25; Table 2). The multivariable logistic regression model demonstrated adequate discrimination among patients with in-hospital death within 7 days (c=0.65) and explained 7% of the total log likelihood of in-hospital death within 7 days predicting death within 7 days with similar discrimination and explanatory performance obtained using the same model to predict death within 14 days and death within 30 days (supplemental Table I, available at

Table 2. Multivariable Model Adjusted Risk of In-Hospital Death Associated With Weekend Admission

Percent In-Hospital Deaths Percent In-Hospital Deaths Among Patients With Weekend Admission Percent In-Hospital Deaths Among Patients With Weekday Admission Adjusted Risk of In-Hospital Death Among Patients With Weekend Admission 95% CI
Note: OR (and hazard ratio) are adjusted for age group, sex, hospital quartile of ICH admissions volume, locality population density, locality median income, insurer/payor, and for 30 categories of comorbid disease.
Multivariable logistic regression model results OR
    In-hospital death within 7 days of admission 25.95 27.72 25.35 1.14 (1.05–1.25)
    In-hospital death within 14 days of admission 29.05 31.05 28.36 1.15 (1.05–1.25)
    In-hospital death within 30 days of admission 30.33 32.40 29.61 1.15 (1.05–1.25)
Proportional hazards regression model results Hazard Ratio
    In-hospital death anytime over available follow-up 30.79 32.88 30.02 1.12 (1.05–1.20)

Table I. Multivariable Regression Model Details

In-Hospital Death Within 7 Days of Admission OR (95% CI) In-Hospital Death Within 14 Days of Admission OR (95% CI) In-Hospital Death Within 30 Days of Admission OR (95% CI) In-hospital Death Anytime Over Available Follow-Up Hazard Ratio (95% CI)
Weekday or weekend admission
    Saturday or Sunday admission 1.14 (1.05–1.25) 1.15 (1.05–1.25) 1.15 (1.05–1.25) 1.12 (1.05–1.20)
    Monday through Friday admission Referent Referent Referent Referent
Age group, years
    00–49 0.81 (0.69–0.96) 0.81 (0.69–0.96) 0.79 (0.67–0.92) 0.83 (0.73–0.95)
    50–59 Referent Referent Referent Referent
    60–69 1.13 (0.96–1.32) 1.14 (0.98–1.33) 1.15 (0.99–1.33) 1.14 (1.01–1.29)
    70–79 1.40 (1.19–1.65) 1.45 (1.24–1.69) 1.43 (1.23–1.67) 1.38 (1.22–1.57)
    80–89 1.82 (1.54–2.14) 1.87 (1.6–2.2) 1.82 (1.56–2.13) 1.65 (1.45–1.87)
    90+ 1.51 (1.21–1.88) 1.48 (1.2–1.84) 1.45 (1.17–1.8) 1.43 (1.2–1.71)
    Female 1.09 (1–1.18) 1.06 (0.98–1.15) 1.04 (0.96–1.12) 1.06 (1–1.13)
    Male Referent Referent Referent Referent
Hospital quartile of ICH admissions volume
    First quartile (1 to 2 patients with ICH) Referent Referent Referent Referent
    Second quartile (3 to 6 patients with ICH) 1.11 (0.83–1.5) 1.18 (0.88–1.58) 1.21 (0.9–1.62) 1.12 (0.89–1.41)
    Third quartile (7 to 20 patients with ICH) 0.93 (0.71–1.22) 0.98 (0.75–1.28) 1.02 (0.78–1.33) 0.96 (0.77–1.19)
    Fourth quartile (21 or more patients) 0.97 (0.74–1.26) 1.07 (0.82–1.38) 1.13 (0.87–1.46) 0.93 (0.75–1.14)
Locality population density
    Metropolitan area with more than 1 million residents Referent Referent Referent Referent
    Metropolitan area with 1 million or fewer residents 1.10 (1–1.21) 1.06 (0.97–1.16) 1.06 (0.96–1.16) 1.06 (0.99–1.14)
    Micropolitan area 1.06 (0.92–1.22) 1.06 (0.92–1.22) 1.04 (0.91–1.19) 1.06 (0.95–1.18)
    Nonurban local 1.14 (0.97–1.34) 1.15 (0.98–1.34) 1.15 (0.99–1.34) 1.14 (1.01–1.28)
Locality median income
    <$25 000 Referent Referent Referent Referent
    $25 000 to $30 000 0.97 (0.87–1.09) 0.96 (0.86–1.06) 0.93 (0.84–1.03) 0.95 (0.88–1.04)
    $30 001 to $35 000 0.97 (0.86–1.09) 0.95 (0.85–1.07) 0.95 (0.85–1.06) 0.99 (0.9–1.08)
    >$35 000 1.05 (0.93–1.18) 1.00 (0.89–1.12) 0.99 (0.88–1.11) 1.00 (0.91–1.1)
    Medicare 0.95 (0.84–1.08) 0.95 (0.84–1.08) 0.98 (0.87–1.1) 0.98 (0.88–1.08)
    Medicaid 0.92 (0.77–1.1) 1.00 (0.85–1.19) 1.06 (0.9–1.25) 0.93 (0.81–1.07)
    Private insurance Referent Referent Referent Referent
    Self-pay 1.36 (1.12–1.65) 1.29 (1.07–1.55) 1.32 (1.1–1.58) 1.21 (1.05–1.41)
    No charge 0.78 (0.4–1.54) 1.00 (0.55–1.83) 1.03 (0.57–1.87) 0.98 (0.61–1.59)
    Other payer 1.61 (1.23–2.1) 1.81 (1.4–2.34) 1.75 (1.36–2.26) 1.51 (1.24–1.84)
Comorbid diseases
    AIDS 0.66 (0.26–1.63) 0.52 (0.21–1.29) 0.55 (0.23–1.3) 0.69 (0.34–1.38)
    Alcohol abuse 0.84 (0.68–1.04) 0.90 (0.74–1.09) 0.88 (0.73–1.07) 0.83 (0.71–0.97)
    Deficiency anemias 0.63 (0.53–0.75) 0.63 (0.53–0.74) 0.67 (0.57–0.78) 0.68 (0.59–0.77)
    Rheumatoid arthritis/collagen vascular diseases 0.78 (0.55–1.09) 0.80 (0.57–1.1) 0.79 (0.58–1.1) 0.87 (0.66–1.14)
    Chronic blood loss anemia 0.60 (0.27–1.3) 0.81 (0.41–1.57) 0.79 (0.42–1.5) 0.70 (0.42–1.17)
    Congestive heart failure 0.95 (0.82–1.08) 1.03 (0.9–1.17) 1.11 (0.98–1.26) 0.95 (0.86–1.05)
    Chronic pulmonary disease 0.90 (0.79–1.02) 0.92 (0.81–1.04) 0.91 (0.81–1.03) 0.90 (0.82–1)
    Coagulopathy 1.64 (1.38–1.95) 1.73 (1.47–2.05) 1.89 (1.61–2.23) 1.44 (1.28–1.62)

Table I. Continued

In-Hospital Death Within 7 Days of Admission OR (95% CI) In-Hospital Death Within 14 Days of Admission OR (95% CI) In-Hospital Death Within 30 Days of Admission OR (95% CI) In-hospital Death Anytime Over Available Follow-Up Hazard Ratio (95% CI)
    Depression 0.70 (0.58–0.85) 0.68 (0.57–0.82) 0.68 (0.57–0.81) 0.75 (0.65–0.88)
    Diabetes, uncomplicated 1.00 (0.9–1.11) 0.99 (0.89–1.09) 1.02 (0.92–1.12) 1.02 (0.94–1.1)
    Diabetes with chronic complications 0.78 (0.59–1.03) 0.75 (0.57–0.98) 0.83 (0.64–1.07) 0.88 (0.72–1.08)
    Drug abuse 1.66 (1.28–2.16) 1.48 (1.15–1.9) 1.43 (1.12–1.84) 1.30 (1.06–1.59)
    Hypertension 0.87 (0.8–0.96) 0.84 (0.77–0.91) 0.81 (0.75–0.89) 0.85 (0.79–0.91)
    Hypothyroidism 0.79 (0.68–0.92) 0.81 (0.7–0.95) 0.82 (0.71–0.95) 0.87 (0.77–0.98)
    Liver disease 0.96 (0.69–1.32) 1.04 (0.77–1.41) 1.12 (0.83–1.49) 1.07 (0.85–1.34)
    Lymphoma 1.06 (0.56–1.99) 0.99 (0.53–1.83) 1.00 (0.54–1.84) 0.94 (0.57–1.53)
    Fluid and electrolyte disorders 0.59 (0.53–0.66) 0.71 (0.64–0.78) 0.77 (0.7–0.85) 0.64 (0.59–0.69)
    Metastatic cancer 1.03 (0.79–1.34) 1.20 (0.94–1.54) 1.23 (0.97–1.56) 1.18 (0.98–1.43)
    Other neurological disorders <0.001 Undefined 0.15 (0.09–0.27) 0.38 (0.26–0.55) 0.36 (0.27–0.47)
    Obesity 0.63 (0.47–0.85) 0.67 (0.51–0.88) 0.69 (0.53–0.91) 0.74 (0.59–0.94)
    Paralysis 0.39 (0.29–0.52) 0.53 (0.41–0.68) 0.56 (0.44–0.71) 0.42 (0.34–0.51)
    Peripheral vascular disorders 0.97 (0.79–1.19) 0.95 (0.78–1.16) 0.94 (0.78–1.15) 0.97 (0.83–1.14)
    Psychoses 0.45 (0.29–0.69) 0.43 (0.28–0.65) 0.42 (0.28–0.63) 0.46 (0.32–0.67)
    Pulmonary circulation disorders 0.63 (0.36–1.1) 0.79 (0.48–1.29) 0.87 (0.54–1.39) 0.78 (0.53–1.17)
    Renal failure 1.84 (1.52–2.22) 1.86 (1.55–2.23) 1.88 (1.58–2.25) 1.52 (1.33–1.73)
    Solid tumor without metastasis 1.00 (0.72–1.38) 1.07 (0.79–1.45) 1.02 (0.75–1.39) 0.93 (0.72–1.18)
    Peptic ulcer disease excluding bleeding <0.01 Undefined <0.01 Undefined <0.01 Undefined <0.01 Undefined
    Valvular disease 0.74 (0.61–0.9) 0.74 (0.61–0.89) 0.73 (0.61–0.88) 0.74 (0.64–0.86)
    Weight loss 0.18 (0.11–0.29) 0.30 (0.22–0.42) 0.41 (0.31–0.55) 0.36 (0.28–0.47)

The adjusted hazard of in-hospital death (hazard ratio, 1.12; CI, 1.05 to 1.20) calculated for this study population indicates that the overall risk of in-hospital death is 12% higher for patients admitted on either Saturday or Sunday. Survival probabilities up to 28 days after admission for patients admitted on either a Saturday or Sunday are plotted in the Figure along with that of patients admitted on other days of the week.

Figure. Probability of in-hospital survival for ICH by weekend admission. Plot of the estimated probability of overall survival for ICH associated with a weekend hospital admission and with weekday admission. The estimated probabilities of survival are plotted through 28 days postadmission. The numbers of patients in the study population at risk of in-hospital death at specific 7-day increments after the date of admission are listed along the horizontal axis of the plot. The difference in survival times between weekend and weekday hospital admissions was statistically significant (log rank test probability value=0.0020).


The data presented here indicate that patients admitted on the weekend with ICH have increased risk of in-hospital death compared with patients admitted on the weekdays with the same diagnosis. After adjusting for patient demographics and comorbidities, weekend admission was found to increase the overall risk of in-hospital death by 12%. Once a medical hypothesis, the concept of the “weekend effect” has become increasingly examined in the medical literature.5,7,8,13–19

Arguably the most substantial study investigating at the “weekend effect” is the work of Bell and Redelmeier published in 2001.7 They looked at approximately 3.8 million acute care hospital admissions in Ontario, Canada, over a 10-year period. Their retrospective analysis examined the 100 leading causes of death over that time and found that 23 of these diagnoses had higher mortality rates when admitted on the weekends. These included diagnoses of pulmonary embolism, ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm, and acute epiglottitis. Interestingly, their analysis used ICH as one of 3 control groups, because they found no difference in in-house mortality rates for the 10 987 patients with ICH, which is in contrast to our findings. What is perhaps most striking between the 2 studies is the observed difference in in-house mortality rates. Bell and Redelmeier reported a mortality rate of 44% regardless of whether a patient was admitted on the weekend or during the week. On the other hand, our analysis demonstrated a mortality rate of 30% for all patients with ICH at 30 days after admission with the previously mentioned increased OR for those patients admitted on the weekend. Certainly there are differences in the healthcare systems between the United States and Canada, and the patients in our study were treated nearly 16 years after the first patients were treated in the study by Bell and Redelmeier; however, it was not possible to evaluate any potential differences in the treatment of the patients in the 2 studies.

Recently, investigations have been conducted looking at the “weekend effect” with regard to several neurological conditions. In 2007, Saposnik et al6 examined the effect of weekend admission on patients with ischemic stroke. They performed a retrospective analysis similar to ours using data from the Hospital Morbidity Database, a Canadian database managed by the Canadian Institute for Health Information. They looked at 26 676 hospital admissions for ischemic stroke over a 1-year period and showed that weekend admission was associated with higher mortality rates at 7 days and at discharge when compared with weekday admission. Two years earlier, Hasegawa et al9 analyzed 1134 admissions to Japanese stroke units with similar conclusions as those of Saposnik et al.6 They found that weekend admission was associated with unfavorable outcome and increased mortality risk.9 Although their study size was significantly smaller than Saposnik et al, they analyzed not only mortality, but outcome determined by the modified Rankin scale, an additional analysis that unfortunately could not be performed using databases such as the one in our study or that of Saposnik et al. Other groups have since reported the presence of a “weekend effect” for patients with stroke.20

There are several potential reasons to explain the observed weekend effect in the present study. Weekend shifts often have fewer physicians and nurses with a relative lack of experience and decreased familiarity with patients that certainly may contribute to our findings.7,21–23 A portion of the “weekend effect” may also be due to the availability of interventional procedures, as they are often less likely to be performed on the weekends.24 Although this may account for worse outcomes for some diagnoses, it is less likely to affect the patients in this study, because the vast majority of patients with ICH receive treatment that is largely supportive, and surgical management has not been proven to be of any benefit.25 It is also conceivable that the patients who present on the weekends have a higher severity of ICH than those on the weekdays, a finding that has been previously described with acute coronary syndrome.26 We have no reason, however, to suspect that there was a higher percentage of severe ICH cases admitted on the weekend. Another possible explanation lies in the lack of uniformity that exists in the management of patients with ICH. Patients are often admitted directly to the floor, where it may be harder to adequately manage blood pressure or occasionally intracranial pressure, and patients with ICH are admitted to the care of physicians with different training backgrounds, including neurologists, neurosurgeons, internists, and hospitalists.

Although we feel that this study has substantial implications, there are several inherent limitations of studies using databases such as the NIS that should be recognized. It is impossible to randomize patients into a prospective study looking at the day of admission, and as such, virtually all of the studies looking at the “weekend effect” have used retrospective analyses of patient databases.5–8,13,14,16–18,24,27,28 There are also drawbacks specific to the NIS that may have influenced this particular study. The NIS Health Care Utilization Project data identifies whether patients were admitted on a weekend day (Saturday or Sunday), but it does not identify the specific day of the week that patients were admitted. Thus, it was not possible to distinguish Friday night or holiday admissions. This characteristic of the available data is a limitation in examining the true differences in mortality outcomes between weekend and weekday admissions in this study.

Differences in actual hospital staffing levels and staff expertise at the time a patient is hospitalized are not measured in this study. Weekend admission is only a surrogate measure of differences in hospital staffing, and this indirect relationship is a significant limitation. Factors other than hospital staff levels and experience that occur more or less often for patients with weekend admission may also contribute to the observed difference in patient mortality risk. Another limitation is the potential for unadjusted confounders. We were not able to measure and adjust for potentially important confounders such as differences in cause of death, admission grade and stroke severity, level of consciousness, imaging findings, size of hemorrhage, the need for cerebrospinal fluid diversion, whether the ICH was evacuated, and graded outcome scales. Although limited in detail, analysis of the NIS data provides a population-based perspective on the association among in-hospital death, weekend admission, and other potential explanatory factors that is unmatched by any other source.29–37


Our study found that patients with ICH who were admitted on weekends had a higher adjusted risk of inpatient death than patients admitted on weekdays. It should be the right of every patient to receive and the goal of every physician to provide the same standard of care regardless of the day or time of admission. Nevertheless, a discrepancy in hospital resources and personnel available on the weekends is often apparent. Certainly there needs to be a substantial amount of institutional interest in auditing current systems and in implementing new systems to eliminate this difference, and there needs to be departmental interest in ensuring that every patient under their care receives a uniform quality of care.




Correspondence to Aaron S. Dumont, MD, Box 800212, Department of Neurological Surgery, UVA Health System, Charlottesville, VA 22908. E-mail


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