The Bitter Reign of the Covidians

January 30, 2023  |  by Ronnie Cummins
Organic Consumers Association

Van Morrison, the Irish bard, one of my longstanding musical favorites, put things in perspective in a protest song he wrote in the middle of the Pandemic and the Lockdown. At this time Morrison and Eric Clapton were being vilified and censored by the Hollywood elite and famous (once rebellious) rock n’ rollers for deviating from the Establishment narrative on COVID-19:

Where have all the rebels gone?

Hiding behind computer screens

Where’s the spirit, where’s the soul…

One for the money, two for the show…

It’s not very rock n’ roll…

Waiting for someone else to make a move

Why are they sitting on the fence?”

OCA, myself personally, and other COVID investigators were being slandered and censored at the same time as Morrison and Clapton. In 2020 the internet monopolies including Google, Facebook, and YouTube had begun “shadow banning” OCA and Millions Against Monsanto’s postings and videos to our two million social media followers and threatening to de-platform us entirely.

So-called “progressive” media that had carried our articles and interviews for more than a decade (Common Dreams, Truthout, Counterpunch, Democracy Now, Pacifica Radio) censored and slandered us, calling us and our fellow COVID researchers and truth-tellers racists, “Trumpers,” or “conspiracy theorists” for exposing the obvious fact that the genetically engineered SARS-CoV-2 virus, a reckless joint venture of U.S. and Chinese scientists, governments, and the military, obviously came out of a Wuhan Lab, where it was accidentally or deliberately released.

Parroting Big Pharma, Pentagon, Silicon Valley, and government lies, the Establishment and what had previously described themselves as the “alternative media,” along with celebrities, politicians, and indentured scientists completely discredited themselves, claiming that COVID-19 was a natural spillover, not a lab release or a weaponized pathogen; that the virus posed a mortal threat, not only to those 75 years and older with medical problems, and those with serious pre-existing co-morbidities, but posed a mortal threat to everyone, including children, youth, and healthy adults; that there was no such thing as “natural immunity” for those previous infected; that economic lockdowns, business closures, school closures, masks, and vaccine passports were necessary; and that the successful prevention and early treatment of COVID by frontline doctors utilizing repurposed malaria (hydroxychloroquine) and parasite (ivermectin) drugs and natural medicines (vitamin D, quercetin, zinc) was nothing more than dangerous quackery.

In 2021 through the present day, the internet monopolies, the legacy media, and so-called progressive outlets criminally played down and/or covered up the obvious fraud, profiteering, and massive deaths and injuries arising from the lockdowns, mandates, school closures, and Warp Speed mRNA gene therapy drugs.

The experimental genetically engineered mRNA drugs, “vaccines in name only,” injected into the bodies of 67% of all Americans, including defenseless children and infants (through coercion, fear-mongering, and false claims of efficacy and safety), by the Trump and Biden administrations, in an operation led and directed by the Pentagon, will go down in history as a crime against humanity.

In spite of my 2021 book, co-authored with Dr. Joseph Mercola, The Truth About COVID-19 with an introduction by Robert Kennedy Jr., becoming a best-seller (with over 400,000 copies sold) not one outlet in the Establishment or “progressive” media was willing to review the book. Neither Barnes & Noble nor any independent bookstores would sell the book. So-called “liberal” Senator Elizabeth Warren from Massachusetts, a self-described expert on Constitutional law, illegally threatened Amazon with Congressional retribution if they didn’t stop selling our book, forcing our publisher, Chelsea Green, Dr. Mercola, RFK Jr., and myself to sue Warren for violation of our free speech rights.

The Biomedical Security State Has No Clothes

But now, February 2023, the truth is coming out. A growing majority of the body politic and the population are starting to wake up. Polls indicate that the overwhelming majority of Americans now believe that COVID-19 came out of the Wuhan lab in China, and that the perpetrators of this crime against humanity need to be brought to justice.

The Congressional House Oversight Committee will soon be convening hearings on the origins of COVID, forcing witnesses like Trump and Biden Health Czar Anthony Fauci to admit under oath that yes the U.S. was funding dangerous “gain-of-function” experiments in Wuhan, (which were then supposedly banned in the U.S.). The only other alternative for Fauci and other government officials such as Francis Collins (former NIH Director) will be to lie under oath and run the risk of being jailed for perjury.

Even a number of public health bureaucrats now admit that the number of supposed COVID-19 deaths were greatly overinflated. Counting those who died “with” COVID (i.e. died from other causes but had recently tested “positive” on a controversial PCR test) instead of those who died explicitly from COVID symptoms was not just a mistake, but apparently a conscious strategy to spread fear and force compliance with dictatorial and disastrous mandates. An increasing number of officials in the Trump and Biden administrations, and even vaccine cheerleaders and profiteers like Bill Gates now admit, even if reluctantly, that the recent COVID mutations such as Omicron are no more dangerous than the common cold or a seasonal flu, and that the original and current COVID-19 “vaccines” and boosters neither prevent infection nor prevent the spread of the virus.

Recent polls indicate that 57% of Americans want the CDC to be investigated for negligence and fraud over the rollouts, safety and efficacy claims, and mandates of the COVID vaccines. A growing majority of the public, Democrats, Republicans and Independents alike, (51%) believe they know someone who died from the COVID vaccines, while 7% of those vaccinated, an incredible 12 million Americans, say they were personally “seriously injured” by the vaccines. Another 34% of those injected say that they experienced notable side effects.

Some FDA officials now are trying to cover up their medical malpractice and criminal behavior by claiming that their ban on using “off label” but long-approved drugs like ivermectin for effective early treatment of COVID-19 were merely “informal recommendations.” In fact FDA and governmental directives were dictatorial mandates that caused doctors to be fired, Americans to be deprived of life-saving  medicines, scientists and journalists to be de-platfomed, and many thousands of people to die from COVID that demonstrably could have been prevented with early treatment protocols including ivermectin.

Most recently a high-level Pfizer scientist and marketer, Jordan Tristan Walker, was caught on an undercover camera by Project Veritas journalist James O’Keefe, admitting that Big Pharma insiders know that SARS-CoV-2 came out of a lab; that FDA and CDC regulators let Pfizer and others do anything they want because they know they’ll land high-paying jobs (“the revolving door”) in the pharmaceutical/vaccine industry after they leave their  government jobs; that the mRNA vaccines don’t work; and that billion-dollar profit considerations from future mRNA vaccines are driving Pfizer and Big Pharma to mutate more pathogenic viruses (and potential future pandemics) in risky, illegal “gain-of-function” lab experiments which Big Pharma euphemistically call “Directed Evolution,” not gain-of-function.

See Robert Malone’s in-depth analysis on the recent Pfizer scandal here.

More and more of us look forward to seeing Pfizer, Moderna, and other Big Pharma executives, along with their government, scientific, Silicon Valley, and Pentagon collaborators behind bars.

In future blog posts I will delve further into the ongoing sea changes in U.S. public opinion, the growing awareness of the Deep State; the emerging political alliance of left and right populists; and the development of a genuine alternative mass media that will replace the discredited legacy mass media, social media, and so-called “progressive” media—all setting the stage for a new grassroots populist majority that transcends the old boundaries of left, right, and green, liberal and conservative, rural and urban. Stay tuned.

Please sign OCA’s petition to stop “gain-of-function” mad science and to eliminate the weaponization of pathogens here.

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