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Slaying the Sky Dragon - Death of the Greenhouse Gas Theory Kindle Edition

4.6 4.6 out of 5 stars 90 ratings

Even before publication, Slaying the Sky Dragon was destined to be the benchmark for future generations of climate researchers. This is the world's first and only full volume refutation of the greenhouse gas theory of man-made global warming.

Nine leading international experts methodically expose how willful fakery and outright incompetence were hidden within the politicized realm of government climatology. Applying a thoughtful and sympathetic writing style, the authors help even the untrained mind to navigate the maze of atmospheric thermodynamics. Step-by-step the reader is shown why the so-called greenhouse effect cannot possibly exist in nature.

By deft statistical analysis the cornerstones of climate equations – incorrectly calculated by an incredible factor of three - are exposed then shattered.

This volume is a scientific tour de force and the game-changer for international environmental policymakers as well as being a joy to read for hard-pressed taxpayers everywhere.

Product details

  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B004DNWJN6
  • Publisher ‏ : ‎; 1st edition (November 22, 2010)
  • Publication date ‏ : ‎ November 22, 2010
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • File size ‏ : ‎ 3922 KB
  • Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
  • Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
  • Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
  • X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
  • Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Enabled
  • Sticky notes ‏ : ‎ On Kindle Scribe
  • Print length ‏ : ‎ 366 pages
  • Customer Reviews:
    4.6 4.6 out of 5 stars 90 ratings

Customer reviews

4.6 out of 5 stars
4.6 out of 5
90 global ratings

Top reviews from the United States

Reviewed in the United States on September 10, 2011
This book reports on numerous weaknesses of Standard Greenhouse Gas Theory by the UN IPCC and why postulating CO2 as an imaginary Dragon in the Sky is an idea that should be brought to Earth and slain:
1. Energy does not balance across the atmosphere layer, output exceeds input; a violation of First Law of Thermodynamics.
2. Postulates a "back-radiation" mechanism for radiation energy transfer from cool, high atmosphere trace CO2 to warm surface; a violation of Second law of Thermodynamics.
3. Uses heat capacity backwards to postulate warming when it accounts for cooling.
4. Claims average temperature of atmosphere depends on composition; yet it only depends on surface temperature of sun 5505C, distance and Earth diameter.
5. Distributes solar radiation to a nonrotating flat disc rather than to a rotating sphere; so estimates average T up to 33C rather than actual -18C.
6. Notion CO2 has any measurable effect on average atmospheric temperature stands refuted.
7. Provides new theory consistent with accepted physics that matches observations; shows effect of increased fossil fuel combustion on [CO2] and surface temperature is negligible.

The book does have some repetition and inconsistencies, natural from eight authors with diverse backgrounds. Some parts are hard to follow and the sequence and problem definitions need improvement.

But it convincingly describes non-engineers' perpetual attempts to build a perpetual motion machine. There is no greenhouse glass in the sky; no such thing as greenhouse gases; no man-induced global warming. CO2 is not a pollutant; it is quite inert; it is green plant food and an essential molecule in the chemical reaction life cycle between Earth's flora and fauna.

This book taught me how to determine the transient response of [CO2] and temperature to a 10% increase in fossil fuel combustion. That is something the world needs to know.

Recommended reading for anyone who lacks scientific appreciation about greenhouse gas theory and global warming caused by fossil fuel combustion or harbors skepticism about it.

An extensive debate on Prof Joel Shore's earlier review by this reviewer is in comments under his review.

Pierre R Latour, PhD, PE Chemical Engineer, PE Texas & California
18 people found this helpful
Reviewed in the United States on February 12, 2022
This is one read that the average person must have under their belt if they want to understand the absolute governmental corruption, outright lies and fraud perpetrated upon the average non scientist. One can only hope that trained scientists in the climate science field can be brave enough to stand up and speak out about this unprecedented atrocity and fraud upon not only our average citizens who will pay for this crap but the kids in our schools who are being spoon fed this bad information at every turn. Wake up America. Read this book.
3 people found this helpful
Reviewed in the United States on November 25, 2011
This is a very important book with many true aspects of science discussed and analyzed. It is a bit heavy in the first chapter on mathematical analysis of energy derived by the earth from solar radiance but WELL WORTH plowing through the discussion as it lays the foundation for accurate calculations regarding what is REALLY happening.

Once you get past the math and graphs, you will clearly understand the totally erroneous so-called "science" being foisted on population of the earth that is intended to strike fear into the hearts and minds of people not schooled in even the basics of reality analysis.

Revealed are the political motivations for creating an "impending doom" notion in order to generate HUGE tax revenues and transfer wealth to equalize the world. This is a dream of the left to seize power and control.

Science has been converted to "thought control" with declarations of "consensus" and there is no tolerance for dissent, challenges of accuracy, or even the reality that the problem is so large that we have not even measured it's toenails much less the entire body!

This is a good book and is well written for the layman. Highly recommended for all who have not yet drunk the "cool aid" and are willing to further study the problem.
9 people found this helpful
Reviewed in the United States on April 26, 2021
This was a very interesting read, well presented by the authors.All of the info countering claims about Greenhouse Gas and other Climate change evidence is refuted with facts and supporting counter-evidence, although some of the formulaic proofs were a little beyond my knowledge of atmospheric physics. This should be read by anyone who wishes to see both sides of a very contentious topic.
One person found this helpful
Reviewed in the United States on December 9, 2012
I have just skimmed the book, and I do not pretend that I have waded through all of the math. However, as a practicing scientist, professor, and business owner, I will say that the book seems to be a superb dissection of the "anthropogenic climate change" nonsense that many still propagate.
The fact taught in the book that real greenhouses stay warm not because of any transmissive properties of the glass, but simply because of the blocking of the cooling breezes is a key fact that (a) even grade school children will understand when taught and (b) should completely neutralize the "AGW" propagandists.
Intriguing and revealing that the AGW true believers are writing voluminously against the book.
13 people found this helpful
Reviewed in the United States on March 8, 2022
Very good detail and explanation of the math and science involved
One person found this helpful
Reviewed in the United States on October 31, 2011
Having an interest in physics, the mechanical parts of this book come fairly easily, but even for those who don't, the author includes descriptive explanations of how the GHG theory is fundamentally flawed and was junk science from the get-go.

This book is an excellent read for those looking to once and for all answer "Does anthropogenic global warming exist?".

Now go out and buy that new Suburban without feeling guilty!
11 people found this helpful
Reviewed in the United States on January 7, 2017
Superb exposition for those who really understand atmospheric physics. Lot of poseurs out there though. Sad for them that the likes of Maxwell, Wood, and the solar system spacecraft that took so much data from Voyager 1 onwards, prove this book to be true.
7 people found this helpful

Top reviews from other countries

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Miklos Roth
5.0 out of 5 stars Slaying the sky dragon
Reviewed in Australia on March 27, 2019
Finally s book which will have consequences for fake “scientists “ , away with them, prison is what they deserve. The bullet is too expensive for them, rot in hell!
5.0 out of 5 stars A brilliant book, with the same theories backed up by ...
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on November 2, 2016
A brilliant book, with the same theories backed up by non other than Roy W Spencer...

Roy W. Spencer -

received his Ph.D. in Meteorology, he was a Senior Scientist for Climate Studies at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, where he and Dr. John Christy received NASA’s Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal for their global temperature monitoring work with satellites. Dr. Spencer’s work with NASA continues as the U.S. Science Team leader for the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer flying on NASA’s Aqua satellite. He has provided congressional testimony several times on the subject of global warming.

Dr. Spencer’s research has been entirely supported by U.S. government agencies: NASA, NOAA, and DOE.

Aren’t Natural CO2 Emissions About 20 Times the Human Emissions? Yes, but nature is believed to absorb CO2 at about the same rate it is produced. You can think of the reservoir of atmospheric CO2 as being like a giant container of water, with nature pumping in a steady stream into the bottom of the container (atmosphere) in some places, sucking out about the same amount in other places, and then humans causing a steady drip-drip-drip into the container. Significantly, about 50% of what we produce is sucked out of the atmosphere by nature, mostly through photosynthesis. Nature loves the stuff. CO2 is the elixir of life on Earth. Imagine the howls of protest there would be if we were destroying atmospheric CO2, rather than creating more of it.

Is Rising CO2 the Cause of Recent Warming? While this is theoretically possible, I think it is more likely that the warming is mostly natural. At the very least, we have no way of determining what proportion is natural versus human-caused.

Why Do Most Scientists Believe CO2 is Responsible for the Warming? Because (as they have told me) they can’t think of anything else that might have caused it. Significantly, it’s not that there is evidence nature can’t be the cause, but a lack of sufficiently accurate measurements to determine if nature is the cause. This is a hugely important distinction, and one the public and policymakers have been misled on by the IPCC.

2 people found this helpful
karl Erdman
5.0 out of 5 stars Slaying the sky dragon
Reviewed in Canada on February 9, 2013
This book is a must read for anyone wishing to find out the true nature of the scientific scam that has caused and is causing more useless expenditure of money and effort in an attempt to influence the temperature of the climate. There is no such thing as a greenhouse gas. The label is an oxymoron as the temperature of the earth is not regulated by the change in concertration of the gases that have been siezed by the green lobby to influence the acceptance of regulations to change the way that we live and pay for the changes that we are erroneously led to believe are necessary for our survival. The inability of the average person to understand the science between heat transfer by radiation is truly a great example of the old adage that a little learning is a dangerous thing. It is also a good example that if it is repeated often enough people will believe it and it becomes politically correct to do so.
4 people found this helpful
Frank Reibold
4.0 out of 5 stars Erschlagt den Himmelsdrachen!
Reviewed in Germany on January 6, 2012
Das Hauptargument des Weltklimarates IPCC lautet, dass CO2 ein schädliches Treibhausgas ist. Gewinner der Debatte um den Klimawandel ist also, wer dies entweder schlüssig beweist oder widerlegt. Die Autoren dieses Buches wollen diesen mythischen "Himmelsdrachen" erlegen.

Der Weltklimarat argumentiert wie folgt:

1. Treibhäuser heizen sich auf, weil die Glaskonstruktion zwar Licht hinein lässt, es aber nicht vollständig wieder entweichen kann. Die Atmosphäre der Erde wirkt ähnlich.
2. CO2 ist ein Treibhausgas.
3. Die Atmosphäre verstärkt die Wirkung von CO2. Es gibt eine Schwelle, ab der das Klima kippt.
4. Der Mensch erzeugt (besonders durch die Industrie) CO2 und ist deshalb am Klimawandel schuld.

Eine physikalisch korrekte Argumentation lautet jedoch:

1. Treibhäuser erwärmen sich, weil die warme Luft nicht entweichen kann. Die Atmosphäre wirkt nur sporadisch und lokal begrenzt als echtes Treibhaus (nämlich bei Inversions-Wetterlagen).
2. CO2 ist im Labor ein Treibhausgas; diese Ergebnisse lassen sich jedoch nicht auf die Physik der Erdatmosphäre übertragen und widersprechen den Eisbohrkernen (dort steigt erst die Temperatur und danach CO2-Konzentration). CO2 würde außerdem tags stärker kühlend wirken, als es nachts wärmte, sodass netto eine Abkühlung bewirkt würde.
3. Die Atmosphäre wirkt nicht als Verstärker und die Klimageschichte weist nicht auf eine Temperatur- oder CO2-Schwelle hin.
4. Das meiste CO2 ist natürlichen Ursprungs (u. a. gast bei höheren Temperaturen eben mehr aus den Ozeanen aus).

Man will uns erzählen, dass Sonnenstrahlen, Wolken, Treibhausgase usw. so miteinander wechselwirken, dass sich die Erde erwärmt. Diese angebliche Verstärkung beruht jedoch auf unphysikalischen Energieflüssen und einem Zuwachs an Energie, welcher den Gesetzen der Thermodynamik widerspricht. Ein solches Perpetuum mobile kann nicht existieren. Richtig ist vielmehr, dass die Atmosphäre (insbesondere der Wasserdampf) die Sonnenwärme fest hält. Dadurch wird es tags kälter als ohne Wolken und nachts ist es wärmer. Da Wüsten wolkenlos sind, sind dort auch die Temperaturschwankungen größer. Wie auf der Venus ist die Temperatur außerdem bei höherem Luftdruck höher. Die Atmosphäre ist somit kein Verstärker, sondern eher eine Klimaanlage.

ERGEBNIS: Es gibt keinen Treibhauseffekt, deshalb ist CO2 harmlos und deshalb gibt es auch keinen vom Menschen verursachten Klimawandel.

Im Moment kann man die Ursachen des Klimawandels übrigens auf zwei Hauptfaktoren eingrenzen:

(a) ein Drittel bis die Hälfte der Erwärmung geht auf den Wärmeinseleffekt zurück (die Verstädterung erwärmt die Umgebung der Wetterstationen)
(b) die Hälfte geht auf bekannte natürliche Ursachen zurück (Sonne / Ozeane) und weitere sind möglich (u. a. Unterwasservulkane sowie ggf. Einfluss der Planeten auf die Sonne und damit auf die Sonnenflecken)


Mir hat das Buch gut gefallen. Zunächst werden die physikalischen Grundlagen anschaulich erklärt. Danach werden die aktuellen Probleme der Klimaforschung diskutiert (Zielsetzung und Arbeitsweise des IPCC, angebliche oder echte Datenmanipulationen, Schließung der meisten Wetterstationen, Optimierung der gemessenen Temperaturdaten usw.). Daran schließt sich eine mathematische Diskussion der relevanten physikalischen Gesetze an. Zum Schluss gibt es einen Einblick in die rechtlichen Auswirkungen der Klimadiskussion (beispielsweise gibt es in Neuseeland aus juristischen Gründen keine offiziellen Temperaturdatenreihen mehr). Besonders hat mir der Vergleich mit dem imaginären Element Phlogiston gefallen, welches man sich früher als Voraussetzung für brennbare Stoffe dachte: Die Globale Erwärmung durch CO2 ist ebenfalls mythisch.

Den Punktabzug gibt es für einige Wiederholungen, auch wenn diese sich bei einem Buch mehrerer Autoren nicht immer vermeiden lassen.
6 people found this helpful
Regnal the Caretaker
5.0 out of 5 stars This is science..
Reviewed in Canada on February 10, 2021
..not a popular book for average Joe. Contains advanced math.
The book explains what is behind the most important concept of CO2 emmisions, how it has been used to spread fear about global climate change (warrming of the planet).
Read it, and gain ability to counter anybody who rises apocalyptic alarm about the end of life on Earth.
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