New Announcement
NEW!Click here for a free, online course on various data extraction tools, with a focus on SRDR+.The course is offered through the Evidence Synthesis Academy.

SRDR+: Moving systematic reviews forward.

SRDR+ is a free, powerful, easy to use tool for data extraction, management, and archival during systematic reviews.

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See how you can work with SRDR+



Use SRDR+ as a free platform for extracting, archiving, and sharing data during systematic reviews and accessing shared data related to systematic reviews.

Guideline Developers

Use SRDR+ for accessing data related to systematic reviews when producing guidelines and recommendation statements for their constituencies.

Educators & Librarians

Use SRDR+ for instructing students and trainees in the best practices related to research methodology and evaluation.


Use SRDR+ for quick reference to study data that are relevant to clinical questions based on systematic reviews.


Use SRDR+ for quick reference to study data that are relevant to policy questions or recommendations based on systematic reviews.

More than just features

Create your systematic review project today

SRDR+ has a variety of features that make it the best place to conduct systematic reviews.

Access study data from published systematic reviews today.

Find and organize your data.

Leading professionals love SRDR+

  • “In my regard, SRDR is among the most relevant developments in recent years!”

    Image of Matthias

    Mathias Perleth, MPH

    Board Treasurer, International Network of Agencies for Health Technology Assessment [INAHTA], Germany

  • “I like SRDR’s use of the Tabs and the separation by topic area of the Tabs; it allows for focus on sections of a paper at a time. SRDR is powerful and adaptable, provides a way to standardize diverse results, and provides structure.“

    Image of
              Christine Clifford Perleth

    Christine Clifford, MHP

    Project Director, Eunice Kennedy Shriver Center, University of Massachusetts Medical School, USA

  • “SRDR is one of the few data systems designed specifically for producing and archiving systematic reviews with the intention to share the data with the public. It’s extremely flexible and it allows users to design their forms (and data items on the forms) in a way that best suit their needs and workflow.”

    Image of Tianjing Li

    Tianjing Li, MD, MHS, PhD

    Director, Cochrane Eyes and Vision United States Satellite, Associate Professor, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, USA

  • “The structure of SRDR lends itself well to teaching metacognitive processes associated with linking the discrete steps of the evidence analysis process. Another benefit is the flexibility of SRDR to handle diagnostic accuracy as well as etiology, treatment, and prognosis questions during systematic reviews.”

    Image of
              James Scott Parrott

    James Scott Parrott, PhD

    Professor, Rutgers University School of Health Professions, USA

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