Evaluating Eye Drop Instillation Technique in Glaucoma Patients : Journal of Glaucoma

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Evaluating Eye Drop Instillation Technique in Glaucoma Patients

Gupta, Raghav MD; Patil, Bharat MD; Shah, Bhavin M. MD; Bali, Shveta Jindal MD; Mishra, Sanjay K. MD; Dada, Tanuj MD

Author Information
Journal of Glaucoma 21(3):p 189-192, March 2012. | DOI: 10.1097/IJG.0b013e31820bd2e1



To evaluate the technique of eye drop instillation in glaucoma patients.


Seventy patients with primary open-angle glaucoma or primary angle-closure glaucoma, self-administering topical antiglaucoma medications for at least 6 months were evaluated. All patients instilled a tear substitute in 1 eye using the same technique they used for instilling antiglaucoma medications at home. The parameters that were recorded included time taken to instill the first drop, number of eye drops instilled, drop contact location, any contact with the tip of the bottle, and closure of the eyelids or tear duct after drop instillation.


The mean age of the patients was 54.1±10.0 years. The mean time taken to instill the first drop was 14.8±3.7 seconds (range, 8.7 to 23.5 s). The mean number of drops squeezed from the bottle per instillation was 1.8±1.2 drops (range, 1 to 8 drops). In 22 patients (31.43%), the eye drops fell on the eyelids or cheek. Fifty-three patients (75.7%) touched the tip of the bottle to the globe or periocular tissue. Twenty patients (28.57%) closed eyes after instilling drops and 4 patients (5.7%) occluded the punctum. Only 6 patients (8.57%) were able to correctly instill the eye drops (squeeze out 1 drop and instill it into the conjunctival sac without bottle tip contact).


Nearly, 9 of 10 glaucoma patients were unable to instill eye drops correctly. This may be an important cause of unintentional noncompliance in glaucoma medical therapy.

© 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.

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