Volume 26, Issue 1 p. 20-24

Psychiatric nurses' satisfaction: the effects of closure of a hospital

Robert G. Sammut MB BCh BAO MRCPsych

Corresponding Author

Robert G. Sammut MB BCh BAO MRCPsych

Consultant Psychiatrist, William Harvey Hospital, Ashford, Kent and Senior Lecturer, UMDS, London, England

Robert G. Sammut, Mental Health Centre, 1 Elwick Road, Ashford TN23 1PD, England.Search for more papers by this author
First published: 28 June 2008
Citations: 9


A survey by questionnaire was carried out to examine the level of nursing staff satisfaction with the acute psychiatric services. Comparisons were made between views of older psychiatric hospitals and newer district general hospital units, and before and after the closure of Friern Barnet Hospital, London, England when the service was reorganized to include fewer beds. The importance of nurses having their say is emphasized, and areas in which improvements can be made are suggested.

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