Sathya Sai Baba Deceptions Exposed

Exposing major deceits by guru Sathya Sai Baba in India, incl. murders cover-up & widely alleged sexual abuse

Sathya Sai Baba’s death and ‘mahasamadhi’

Posted by robertpriddy on May 6, 2011

In their understandable desperation to believe in the divinity of Sathya Sai Baba, countless hysterical Indian followers – not least the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Sonia Gandhi and other ‘luminaries’ are deathly silent about the fact that Sathya Sai Baba’s death was totally unlike those India has previously required of its holy men and women when they supposedly ‘leave the body by free will’ and allegedly “merge with the infinite”. (i.e. when they die, in sensible parlance). Not only did Sai Baba become more and more haggard and catatonic looking at least from his 85th birthday onwards, but he died because of multiple organ failure after being disconnected from his life support system. Nothing yogic, nothing saintly, nothing remotely holy or divine about that!

Nor did he die when he predicted he would, despite all the diverse attempts to recalculate his age according to lunar (rather than calendar or solar) years. The results the various ‘Vedic experts’ produce differ from one another and also differ from the two different times of death Sai Baba is documented as having stated. Rationalizations of the clownish ‘mental gymnastic’ sort – including affronts to simple arithmetic – are concocted to mislead the despondent believer back into the faith of the fold. The official Sai website reckoned SB was 94.4 lunar years old at death, which is way off the 93 or the 96 years of age he predicted in his various published discourses! The official disinformation is propelled by the matter of big money… the more who doubt or leave Sai Baba, the less that will flow into the huge coffers. This will mean the closure of many of the projects  that devotees have developed in the name of Sai Baba, who loved to take ALL the credit for all of it, which he just sat on his wheelchair and spouted moralizing words repeatedly all his adult life). It reportedly will also affect many schools that hijacked the name so as to siphon off donations from foreign devotees (see Times of India here).

Looking at the physical condition of Sathya Sai Baba on his last birthday (that was, incidentally, blazoned everywhere as his 85th year, no less!) one can see that he is nowhere near matching up to his repeated boasts that he would never show signs of age, that he would always be healthy. If multiple organ failure – heart, lungs, kidneys and liver – amounts to good health in any shape or form or his depressed hangdog face to youthful appearance then I could be a hoary Ayurvedic medicine man… and with brass knobs on too! Queen Elizabeth is an 85-year old picture of health and a massively respected world figure, known to everyone. Not so Sathya Sai Baba, who not only boasted he was in line for the Nobel Peace Prize (which he never got nor ever remotely qualified for it) but made massive unfulfilled claims:-

In the days ahead, the whole world will be obliged to come to Prashanthi Nilayam(p. 320 Sanathana Sarathi December 1991)
The whole world will be transformed into Sathya Sai Organisation and Sathya Sai will be installed in the hearts of one and all.(Sanathana Sarathi, January 1999 – page 16)
“You are going to witness the divine glory of Swami unfolding in the days to come. He will attract the whole world. There won’t be place for people to stand even. You can see it for yourself, what a great change has occurred during the last one month! All are getting attracted to Swami.Discourse 16 March 2003.
“Very soon, the entire world will be united. In fact, after 28 years, the world itself will become “Bharat”. Everyone will call themself a Bharatiya (one imbued with godliness — Bhagavat rathas). No one will refer to themself as belonging to this state or that state, this region or that region.” 

“In fact, there is no trace of hatred or enmity in Me at any time. I love all. That is why everyone loves Me.” (Sathya Sai Speaks Vol. 36, p- 86 Discourse 06/05/2003) “… nobody is against me. Everyone loves and none hates me.” (p. 262)
  That is not true for a start as there are plenty who express otherwise on the Internet!


One Response to “Sathya Sai Baba’s death and ‘mahasamadhi’”

  1. Mr. Pretty do you ever consider to think before you say something? How can you compare the picture of a human body,which is marked by severe illness, with that of the British Queen at her best – same age 84? Sathya Sai Baba sits in a wheel chair at the time of the pictures taken. Does your hate ever stop and do you have no other things to do? What has this spiritual teacher done to you, that you have to leave all your hateful comments and investigation on your web site , i wonder. At the time you visited Prashanti Nilayam with Joy Thomas, while taking His blessings, i think you thought differently. I think enough is enough, don’t you think so. I hope the Divine, whatever name you have given it, will guide you and bless you. Besides – the appearance one does show at age 84 is not the same, depending on life circumstances.

    My reply:
    Your comment on my wordpress blog shows you evidently did not know much about Sai Baba, and doubtless do not want to know. You clearly know yet far less about my writings since you wonder what “this spiritual teacher” did to me. He deceived and broke faith with all of us, but it is what he did to so many others that I reacted against. Nonetheless you have asked me some questions which I am most pleased to answer.

    I do not hate Sai Baba, but I definitely do disdain him in his countless deceits, breaks of trust, sexual abuses, murder involvement and much more. I learned of all these things to my shock and disappointment firstly from V.K. Narasimhan, then the Baileys and eventually from many other prominent followers who defected. I took up the dutiful task of speaking up for the helpless victims of his many different cynical uses and abuses of followers, for I had been instrumental in bringing many to Sai Baba through my book ’Source of the Dream’ and other writings in his journal and books. After I spoke out, I was through the years contacted by over a thousand ex-devotees who had experienced most awful things from Sai Baba andso I spent several hours daily up until a few years ago responding to them and putting the facts they wanted cleared up on-line. It was time well spent and I have been vindicated by the reports of those people and the way Sai Baba died ignominiously. I consider defending the weak and abused and warning vulnerable minds like yours not to be naive but investigate both sides before getting entrapped in the delusion and psychological problems nearly all devotees do sooner or later (though they keep quiet about their real problems and fears as many of their family members or friends know about.

    As to comparing Baba’s old age with that of the Queen. He constantly gave assurances through decades that he was always in perfect health. For example, in Sanathana Sarathi of August 11, 2001 you can read his words “I do not suffer from any kind of disease because there is no trace of greed in Me. That is why I am always healthy.” Also he claimed “Purity, perseverance and patience. With these three you are bound to acquire good health and bliss…. the truth is that these three are responsible for my health (Arogya)” The Queen never boasted like that and I would surmise that it is exactly those three qualities he lacked, but the Queen has in abundance.

    Since you got even my name so wrong, I suppose you are an inaccurate judge in other things. It would be best for you to go on believing in all the fraud, as to wise up could possibly destroy even any falsely based peace of mind you may feel and much worse has happened to many devotees just existing in an otherworldly false reality. At the time I knew Joy Thomas I was still unaware of the vast deception that Sai Baba and his corrupt cronies had built up. She, however, move to Prashanthi Nilayam and found that once there she had one hell of a time, no longer a VIP, no one to push her wheelchair, a room where noise of passers by and much else was constant. When she fell ill, she went into the hospital, where she as denied blood transfusion by Dr. Singh and died there. Ray Thomas was stuck in the place and could not do anything to help her or get justice afterwards. He had to remain silent, or else…

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