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 DSL - SND1      BOWSIE  , BOWZIE, Boosie, n. 2 “The name of a huge, misshapen, hairy monster invoked by foolish mothers and nurses to frighten obstinate and troublesome children” (Sc. 1887 Jam. 6; Kcb. 9 1935). [ˈbʌuzi, ˈbu:zi]  
     *Gall. 1930 (per Wgt. 3):
     “What ails ye, weans?” said Jess; and Acky answered, “We saw a   bowsie  , grannie.”

    Comb.: bowzie-man, boosie-, “a bogie-man” (Ayr. 1914 T.S.D.C . I, bowzie-).
     *Rnf. 3 1914:
     My wife used to be threatened with the “boosie-man” by an old woman who had lived most of her life in Glasgow but had come originally from some place in the West of Scotland.

     [Prob. the same as foregoing but influenced in meaning by boozy ( s.v. Bouzy ), hairy, etc., and bu-kow (see Bo , n. 1, 3 (1)), another common name used to frighten refractory children.]