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Why Storytelling Is The Key To Success, And How To Tell Your Story

Updated Feb 16, 2018, 12:54pm EST
This article is more than 6 years old.

Ora Shtull and I recently interviewed branding pioneer Dr. David Aaker – a true innovator who is like royalty in the field of branding. Here are the highlights from our conversation.

William Arruda: Tell us a little about your new book, Creating Signature Stories. Why now?

David Aaker: People are not interested in your company, your brand, your product. They really aren't, sad as that may be, and even if you get through with the message they're skeptical. They question your motives. They sort of counter argue, all in the context of this media clutter we have. Along come stories. They're more impactful than facts. They get attention. They get remembered. They change perceptions. They change attitudes. They precipitate behavior, and facts just don't. Companies are ready for a serious effort to try to incorporate stories.

Ora Shtull: What is a story exactly, and what's not a story?

Aaker: The literature is not clear. And the practice and marketing are even less clear. If you ask people, “What is your brand story?” they'll give you seven bullet points of facts. A signature story is a “once upon a time” narrative. It describes an event, or an experience, or a process, and it has embedded in it the potential of having emotion and attention – and surprise and interesting characters.

Arruda: How do we take facts and make them something that gets people engaged, inspired, and connected?

Aaker: A strong signature story should be intriguing. If I say, “It was a drab and rainy day in mid-May, 1931, when a 28-year-old Neil McElroy, the advertising manager of PMG's Camay soap, sat down at his Royal typewriter and wrote for us perhaps the most significant menu in modern marketing history” doesn't that perk up your ears? The second thing is to be authentic. You don't want people to think, “Oh, this is phony. This is contrived. This is a selling deal.”

Shtull: You use the term “higher purpose signature stories.”

Aaker: Everybody has a higher purpose. Sometimes it's buried. You can start when you're trying to sort out your organizational values or your brand vision. What stories reflect what we do when we're at our best? What stories reflect how we want to be perceived?

Unilever's Lifebuoy soap is a major brand in Asia. And in India, they started a program, “Help a Child Reach Five,” to try to reduce these 2 million deaths that occur every year before a child reaches five. And their goal was to get a billion people to wash their hands better. They already had half a billion. They went into three villages in India and did a video about their experience in those villages. And the videos were very emotional. They focused on a person in the village and the family, and a boy and a girl who reached five. These three videos got 44 million views. This is bar soap. Can you imagine trying to get visibility, trying to get energy, trying to get good feelings about your brand if you want to talk about a bar of soap?

The higher purpose will liberate really powerful stories, and when you connect them to the brand, you deliver magical brand enhancements.

Arruda: How do you know which ones are really the signature stories?

Aaker: The first characteristic of a signature story, as opposed to a tactical story, is just to expect a tactical story to have a short life. It's going to help you make a short-term communication point. But you should come away from a strategic message with some feel for organizational values, for a brand vision, for a customer value proposition, for the business strategy that will deliver all that, and those are expected to last for a long time. Maybe decades. Certainly years.

The other characteristic is it needs to be a powerful story. It needs to be something that's memorable. It's something that people will talk about and repeat.

Nordstrom has a story where in Anchorage a customer went in with two worn tires [Nordstrom had acquired a store that had sold tires] and thought he should get his money back. And the salesperson actually gave the money back, and that story is so authentically representative of Nordstrom, how they empower employees, and how they have this great money-back guarantee, and on and on.

And so when I'm speaking on branding for a West coast audience, I'll ask people, “How many have heard the Nordstrom story?” And usually, 40% or 50% raise their hand. This story now is 45 years old. But it's so intriguing, involving, and authentic that the word has gone on, and a lot of people have heard the story.

Shtull: Are there any stories that we shouldn't tell?

Aaker: I have never thought about that, but one thing I do tell people is that when they have really nightmarish public relations, they need to change the conversation, and you do that with stories. Let me give you a really good example. Walmart was the pinnacle bad guy, and about eight or nine years ago the Walmart C.E.O. was on a camping trip with some environmentalists who said, “This is beautiful. Why don't you do something about it at Walmart?” And a year later, they started this enormous program to be a sustainable company, and what they did was just amazing. They got their suppliers to be more sustainable, better packaging, smaller packaging, and all their trucks and buildings became more sustainable. They made a huge difference. It’s hard to hate Walmart anymore.

Shtull: I like the point that our stories don't necessarily have to be directly about ourselves. They can be about the things that move us, inspire. They can be about the things that we aspire to and why.

Arruda: What would you recommend people do for a nine-minute exercise?

Aaker: It starts with what your values are. What gives you meaning in life, or in your professional life or personal life? And what stories reflect that in your life?

William Arruda is a personal branding pioneer and creator of the complete LinkedIn quiz that helps you evaluate your LinkedIn profile and networking strategy.