Advertise with New Advent

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Why New Advent? is the front page for the Catholic world. New Advent features a popular Catholic news aggregator; the Catholic Encyclopedia; the Summa Theologiae of St. Thomas Aquinas; English translations of works of the Church Fathers; a presentation in parallel columns of the entire Bible in Greek, English and Latin; and papal encyclicals and other Church documents.

Place your message directly in front of receptive and relevant Catholic audiences interested in products or services like yours.

100% Viewable Impressions

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P: (859) 429-7075

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Ad Types Available


Sizes Available : Banner 728x90, Banner 320x50, Banner 300x250

Display Rates:
Worldwide: [CPM: $6.00, CPC: $2.00]
US only: [CPM: $8.00, CPC: $2.60]
Custom Target (US States & Cities): [CPM: $10.00, CPC: $3.30]

General Demographics

Average demographics for New Advent .

Monthly Visitors
Organic Traffic
US Traffic
Ad Impressions Available

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About Us

CleanMedia - The Clean Ads Company

Why CleanMedia?

We chose the name "CleanMedia" not only a as goal but a promise. Whether you are an advertiser or a publisher, non brand safe websites and ads can ruin your credibility and your brands value. At CleanMedia our mission is to connect brand safe websites with brand safe advertisers while cutting out all of the middlemen. We promise to constantly work to maintain and improve a "Clean" ad environment for our publishers and advertisers.

Our Story

At CleanMedia we started as publishers ourselves and realized how hard it was to eliminate inappropriate and non brand safe ads. We also realized how hard and time consuming it was for publishers to manage all of the constantly changing technology and work directly with advertisers. That's why we make it easy for advertisers and websites to grow their brands in a safe and profitable way.

Contact Us

Contact Info
333 West Vine St, Suite 1610
Lexington, KY 40507
P: (859) 429-7075