Couple Receives Notice Of Search 12 Months After It Happened And Why That Should Worry You To The Extreme

A golden bay couple received a letter from the police. Attached to that was a signed search warrant. What was also attached was a “postponement” notice. The search had taken place, without their presence, 12 months earlier.

It appears that the police felt they could have something to do with a threat issued against Fonterra. the threat was that milk powder would be contaminated with 1080.

The couple, who had an impeccable record of non-violence and peaceful activism both here and in their native country Germany, was stunned to learn that the police had been in their house and had gathered hair tooth paste swabs and computer printouts. They had also downloaded telephone data and other storage data from their computers, and Ipads. They were also stunned that the police had been allowed to do so without their presence and been able to keep it secret for 12 months.


During the period National has been in power several draconian law changes where pushed through. One of them the the way the police can search your home and the way they can spy on you. While most law abiding citizens assumed that it was to help the police find real nasty criminals such as drug dealers and gang members involved in crime or dangerous terrorists, for those of us political activists and bloggers it was just a matter of time for these powers to be used for the intimidation of people involved in activism of any kind.

The Kleinen family being a perfect example of people who are active and politically aware and who still had a modicum of trust in the system. From the article you will learn that they are no longer willing to cooperate with the police or even contact them.

For them to find out a year after the fact that the police had been in their home secretly in January 2015 and had taken personal and private information as well as samples of their DNA without their knowledge as well as raiding their home another time in March 2015 when they were present broke whatever trust they have and it will do so for a lot more people.

While the fact that the police can enter your home without your presence, secretly and without supervision is terrifying in and of itself just imagine what could happen if this becomes the norm and the police see this as a normal part of their investigation. What is next? Will they start planting evidence if they don’t like your political views? Will they, as we witnessed in the Nicky Hager raid, lie to the judge to get search warrants for their political masters and set people the government doesn’t like up to be jailed after kangaroo court proceedings? Some 20 million Russians were killed in Russia by Stalin whose secret police and KGB torture centres and kangaroo court judges were willingly complicit in doing just that!

The experience this couple has had will paly out ever more brutally in the coming years if we don’t fight this tooth and nail!




19 thoughts on “Couple Receives Notice Of Search 12 Months After It Happened And Why That Should Worry You To The Extreme

  1. so when are people going to organize and overthrow this regime? im sick of reading these cowardly blogs,wtf are you waiting for?

    respond if you want to take action, otherwise fuck off your as bad as the enemy, the time for passive revolt has long since passed and everyday this corrupt regime ships in new voters to have your childrens jobs handed to them on a platter.

    every mental midget and his dog has been divided up and pit against eachother on the most trivial issues known to man, it is time for the people to surround police stations and government institutions,everyday your ability to organize and acheive this is eroded further. the first target for seige MUST BE tvnz and mediaworks.

    i know i am not the only one absolutely sick to my stomach of this insidious evil infecting these islands.


    • I don’t know who you are but I am sure your name is not Kane. I have lived a long life and I can smell a Troll/Shill/Agent Provocateur from a mile away. I will not let you hijack my blog to rile people up or promote violence. I am watching you so give me one good reason to ban you and I will.

      • A frontal assault on the empire wouldn’t work anyway, and would actually play into its hands. There’s nothing the empire likes more than chaos and violence, which allow it to remain relevant and in control. That’s why, in so many of the more astute analyses, it’s described as the “Empire of Chaos”. That’s why terrorism is actually part of the system, providing the empire with both proxy forces (as in Afghanistan, Libya and Syria) and plausible excuses to (a) wage endless war abroad, and (b) abolish civil liberties at home. Any rash, precipitous move out of the empire’s orbit would, I believe, greatly raise our risk of being hit by a false-flag terrorist attack. In any event, we would be severely punished – possibly ground down into destitution. That is not to say we shouldn’t resist, but that we should do so in subtle, smart ways, firstly by raising awareness of what’s really going on. Unfortunately, there is no quick fix.

    • Sounds like Kane is a man after my own heart, and he even has the same first name as me!

  2. That is horribly, horribly shocking. Those two people really are the most genteel couple – I saw them this morning. This is such an horrendous invasion of privacy!

    • No, it sounds like the NZ police state.

      The NZ police have always been in the service of the oligarchy, its just with the internet more of these once suppressed stories of police brutality, illegal and unlawful behavior comes to light.
      People are starting to uncover the Crown’s corporation (“govt”)is a corporate monopoly protectionist tool and how the police force are used .
      The NZ Crown Temple Courts have always been the Crown’s “kangaroo” courts.

  3. There is a big difference between “Law” and the Crown’s “legislation”.
    What the police did was unlawful.Completely unlawful.
    What did the “police minister” say about the complaint?
    The police force were really created by the Crown not to “protect and serve” the people but to serve and protect the Crown .

  4. Pingback: Couple Receives Notice Of Search 12 Months After It Happened And Why That Should Worry You To The Extreme | Rangitikei Enviromental Health Watch

  5. Reblogged this on Rangitikei Enviromental Health Watch and commented:
    “The couple, who had an impeccable record of non-violence and peaceful activism both here and in their native country Germany, was stunned to learn that the police had been in their house and had gathered hair tooth paste swabs and computer printouts. ” …. this is serious

    • “The couple, who had an impeccable record of non-violence and peaceful activism both here and in their native country Germany…”

      That doesn’t get you off the hook. In fact, in England it virtually guarantees you will end up on a watch list. Your attendance at peaceful rallies will be picked up by the automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) system. Eventually, the algorithm will flag you as suspicious.

      • Incidentally, I have also suffered, albeit in a relatively minor way. Last July, my website was hacked, presumably as a punishment or a warning. I have had to move my domain and resume my work somewhere else. I am still reinstating material.

      • Of course this is the point I’m trying to make. The anti terror laws were not pushed through to protect our democracy but to destroy it and what better way to send a message to people like the Kleinen family! If you so much as raise your voice your house and privacy are fair game and you will never know about it but you will live in fear!

      • Yes indeed! Have heard similar about England. I’m thinking too of the Tuhoe raids here in 2007. Folks who were organic gardeners and the like were raided!

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