OPERATION MAYHEM: Coming To A College Town Near You This May


Whenever American college kids and their
countless supporters start raising awareness
across the USA about the Gaza genocide,
you know the shit is about to hit the fan—

Submitted by A Veteran Intelligence Analyst & Former U.S. Military Officer
SOTN Exclusive

Which means that the genocidal Zionist State of Israel will carry out an outrageously shocking series of false flag terrorist attacks in the midst of the rapidly burgeoning university demonstrations and college protests…probably sometime this May while school is still is session.

In point of fact, Netanyahu’s criminal government now has no choice but to terminate these college protests as fast as they can. For the American people are waking up faster than you can say “PALESTINIAN HOLOCAUST”.  Especially in light of the fact that Israel simply cannot exist without massive support, both military and financial, from the USA. Which means that the CIA-MI6-MOSSAD terrorist group will be very busy in the coming days.

Until the Zionist perps carry out the most violent phase of their OPERATION MAYHEM this May, we can all expect Soros & Sons to hijack the many legitimate college protests against the Gaza genocide in order to turn them violent so as to quickly alienate the American audience watching this Khazarian-coordinated clusterf*ck unfold.

Really, what better way to both (i) quickly kill the protests against Israel’s Gaza genocide and (ii) gin up the kinetic phase of the American Bolshevik Revolution at the same time?  After all, the Israeli Zionists knew they had to shut down every university demonstrations and college protests post-haste if they were to continue with their plan to mass murder the residents of Gaza so they could then complete their long-planned land theft.

The Stealthy Seditious Stage of the American Bolshevik Revolution

Similarly, Netanyahu’s arch-Zionist government was in dire need of a major distraction from the horrific Palestinian Holocaust which was officially started in 1948 to scare the indigenous peoples out of Israel altogether and into the Sinai or over to Jordan.

It’s no coincidence or quirk of fate that The Powers That Be launched OPERATION MAYHEM on the biggest communist holiday of the year—MAYDAY.  Which means that the leaders of this highly organized American Bolshevik Revolution have until the end of May to wreak havoc across the country.  For only when there is a sufficient level of chaos, confusion and conflict occurring nationwide will the perps push the button on the hot war phase of the American Bolshevik Revolution in order to generate the pervasive mayhem necessary to cancel the Election Day 2024.

Here’s how you know when they’re crossing the Rubicon

A Veteran Intelligence Analyst & Former U.S. Military Officer
State of the Nation
May 1, 2024

SOTN Editor’s Note: It has never been so urgent for the uninformed to get up to speed with the Uniparty’s seditious scheme known as the American Bolshevik Revolution.  As follows:

BEWARE! Second American Revolution Approaching
Most Dangerous ‘Bolshevik Phase’


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