Yehudah Katz

Yehudah Katz

About Me
Yehudah Katz, former lead of the popular Israeli band Reva L'sheva, has been contributing to the music scene in Israel since 1993, as a musician, singer and innovative educator, throughout Israel, the US and Europe. Katz believes that music is a genuine journey into the heart and provides a vision of one’s spiritual potential. He is presently front man for "Yehudah Katz V'hamagal," leading Melaveh Malkahs each Motsash (Saturday night) around Israel, under the title "Motsash Live." As a solo artist, Yehudah has been blessed with the opportunity to touch many lives with his own unique approach to Jewish spirituality, music and story. Yehudah also directs the annual Reb Shlomo Carlebach Memorial Concerts at the Binyanei Haumah Convention Center in Jerusalem.
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