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Language Myths and the History of English
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Language Myths and the History of English

Richard J. Watts


This book aims to deconstruct the myths that are traditionally reproduced as factual accounts of the historical development of English, and to reveal new myths that are currently being constructed. Using concepts and interpretive sensibilities developed in the field of sociolinguistics, discourse analysis, and sociocognitive linguistics over the past 40 years, the book unearths these myths and exposes their ideological roots. Based on the assumption that conventional histories of English are histories of standard English rather than histories of the varieties of English, he sets h ... More

Keywords: history of English, language myths, discourse archives, hegemonic discourse, conceptual metaphors, language ideologies, standard vs. non-standard

Bibliographic Information

Print publication date: 2011 Print ISBN-13: 9780195327601
Published to Oxford Scholarship Online: May 2011 DOI:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780195327601.001.0001


Affiliations are at time of print publication.

Richard J. Watts, author
University of Bern, Switzerland
Author Webpage