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Occult Holidays And Sabbats: Why Holidays Are Satanic Rituals
February 5 2017 | From: Omnithought

As we have repeatedly stated, the Satanist believes that numbers contain inherent power.

Thus, they literally order their lives by occult numerology – such numerology also is a key component in astrology, another system of divining that Satanists observe very closely. The occult calendar is divided into four (4) segments of 13 weeks each.

Related: Why Sun Worship is Satan Worship

The number, “13” is considered divine by the occultist for a couple of reasons:
  1. The Bible assigns ‘13‘ the meaning of “rebellion against constituted authority”, plus the depravity that caused Satan to rebel against God.
  2. The occultist assigns ‘6‘ to represent the number of man, and the number ‘7‘ to represent the number of divine perfection. Thus, as a person climbs that “Jacob’s Ladder” toward self-perfection in the realm of the occult, the number ‘13‘ represents the state of divine perfection, self-achieved perfection, and Illumination (6+7 = 13).

Thus, the occult calendar is comprised of four periods of 13 weeks each. We list these periods for you, below.

Note all timings are based on Northern hemisphere seasons

Related: The Occult Meanings of Birthday: Why You Should Stop Celebrating Your Birthday

Then, after listing them, we shall come back to talk about each of them in detail.

1. Winter Solstice – 13 Weeks – Minor Sabbath

a. December 21 – Yule
b. December 21-22 – Winter Solstice/Yule.
One of the Illuminati’s Human Sacrifice Nights
c. February 1 and 2 – Candlemas and Imbolg, a.k.a.
Groundhog’s Day. One of the Illuminati’s Human Sacrifice Nights
d. February 14 – Valentine’s Day

2. Spring Equinox – 13 Weeks – Minor Sabbath But Does Require Human Sacrifice

a. March 21-22 – Goddess Ostara – Note: Easter is the first Sunday after the first new moon after Ostara. March 21 is one of the Illuminati’s Human Sacrifice Nights
b. April 1 – All Fool’s Day, precisely 13 weeks since New Year’s Day!
c. April 19 – May 1 – Blood Sacrifice To The Beast.
Fire sacrifice is required on April 19.
d. April 30 – May 1 – Beltaine Festival, also called Walpurgis Night. This is the highest day on the Druidic Witch’s Calendar.

May 1 is the Illuminati’s second most sacred holiday. Human sacrifice is required

3. Summer Solstice – 13 Weeks – When The Sun Reaches Its Northernmost Point In Its Journey Across The Sky

a. June 21 – 22 – Summer Solstice
b. June 21 –
Litha is one of the Illuminati’s Human Sacrifice Nights
c. July 4, America’s Independence Day, is 13 days after Day of Litha and 66 days from April 30
d. July 19 – 13 days before Lughnasa
e. July 31 – August 1 – Lughnasa, Great Sabbat Festival. August –
One of the Illuminati’s Human Sacrifice Nights

4. Autumnal Equinox – 13 Weeks – Minor Sabbath But Does Require Human Sacrifice

a. September 21 – Mabon – one of the Illuminati’s Human Sacrifice Nights
b. September 21 -22 – Autumnal Equinox
c. October 31 – Samhain, also known as Halloween, or All Hallows Eve. This date is the Illuminati’s highest day of human sacrifice

Isn’t it interesting how the “profane” – you and me – are led like a flock of sheep to observe the important festival days of the Mysteries’ Religion?

You may not understand that you are ordering your year after pagan holidays, but you are! The annual calendar for the entire Western world is ordered by these Satanic festival times and days.

Related: The Occult (Hidden) Messages in Leonardo Da Vinci’s “Last Supper”

Now that we have seen the entire occult calendar, let us go back to the significant holidays to see how the Western world has slipped into a worship of the same pagan holidays and are using many of the same pagan symbols that are so important to the pagan worshipper.

The human sacrifice required during many of these occult dates needs to contain the following elements, each one of which is exaggerated to the highest possible degree:

1. Trauma, stress, and mental anguish, sheer terror

2. The final act in the drama should be destruction by a fire; preferably a conflagration.

3. People must die as human sacrifices, especially children, since Lord Satan looks upon a younger human sacrifice as his most desirable

Specific Dates Within the Occult Calendar

1. Winter Solstice – 13 weeks

a. December 21- 22

Yule – When the sun begins its northward trek in the sky, and days began to grow longer again, pagans celebrated the Winter Solstice by burning the Yule log.

Since the sun had reversed itself and was now rising in the sky, pagans believed this was a sign that the human sacrifices carried out in Samhain (Halloween) had been accepted by the gods.

We continue to sing:

"Deck the halls with boughs of holly… troll the ancient Yuletide carol… See the blazing Yule before us. Fa la la la la la la la.”

- “Pagan Traditions of the Holidays”, David Ingraham, p. 71

The Roman Catholic Church later changed the day of celebration to December 25, calling it Christmas.

Consider the pagan roots of our popular symbols of Christmas:

(1) Christmas Tree – The sacred tree of the winter-god; Druids believed the spirit of their gods resided in the tree. Most ancient pagans knew the tree represented Nimrod reincarnated into Tammuz! Pagans also looked upon the tree as a phallic symbol.

(2) Star – Pentalpha, the five-pointed star. The pentalpha is a powerful symbol of Satan, second only to the hexagram. The star is the sacred symbol of Nimrod, and has nothing whatsoever to do with Christianity.

(3) Candles represent the sun-gods’ newly-born fire. Pagans the world over love and use candles in their rituals and ceremonies. Certain colors are also thought to represent specific powers. The extensive use of candles is usually a very good indication that the service is pagan, no matter what the outward trappings might be.

(4) Mistletoe is the sacred plant of the Druids, symbolizing pagan blessings of fertility; thus, kissing under the mistletoe is the first step in the reproductive cycle! Witches also use the white berries in potions.

(5) Wreaths are circular, and so they represent the female sexual organs. Wreaths are associated with fertility and the “circle of life”.

(6) Santa Claus – Former Satanists have told me that “Santa” is an anagram for “Satan. In the New Age, the god, “Sanat Kamura“, is most definitely an anagram for “Satan“. The mythical attributes and powers ascribed to Santa are eerily close to those possessed by Jesus Christ.

(7) Reindeer are horned animals representing the “horned-god” or the “stag-god” of pagan religion! Santa’s traditional number of reindeer in his team is eight (8); in Satanic gematria, eight is the number of “new beginnings”, or the cycle of reincarnation. The Illuminati views the number “eight” as a symbol of their New World Order.

(8) Elves are imp-like creatures who are Santa’s (Satan’s) little helpers. They are also demons.

(9) Green and Red are the traditional colors of the season, as they are the traditional pagan colors of winter. Green is Satan’s favorite color, so it is appropriate it should be one of the traditional colors for Christmas; red is the color of human blood, Satan’s highest form of sacrifice – for this reason, Communism adopted red as it main color!

(10) December 25 is known as the “nativity” of the sun. This date is the birthday of Tammuz, the son, the reincarnation of the sun god. Traditionally, December 21 is known as Yule. The Roman Catholic Church moved the celebration of Yule to December 25.

(11) December 25 is also known to the Romans as “Saturnalia“, a time of deliberate debauchery. Drinking through repeated toasting – known as ‘wassail’ – was a key to the debauchery of this celebration. Fornication was symbolized by the mistletoe, and the entire event was finished with a Great Feast, the Christmas Dinner.

The Occult Origins Of Christmas

(12) Even the name, “Christmas” is pagan! “Christi” meant “Christ“, while “Mas” meant Mass. Since all pagan Masses are commemorating “death”, the name, “Christmas” literally means the “death of Christ“. A deeper meaning lies in the mention of “Christ” without specifying Jesus. Thus, Antichrist is in view here; the pagans celebrate “Christmas” as a celebration of their coming Antichrist, who will deal a death blow to the Jesus Christ of Christianity.

Early American Christian Pilgrims refused to celebrate this day.

b. February 1 and 2

Candlemas and Imbolg, popularly called Groundhog’s Day.

The popular “Punxsutawney Phil” groundhog comes out of his burrow to divine the next few weeks of weather. If he sees his shadow, we will have 6 more weeks of bad weather until Spring finally arrives; if he does not see his shadow, the next 7 weeks before Spring will be good weather. Notice this pagan tradition features both the number ‘6’ and ‘7’, which when added, equals ’13’.

What most people do not realize is that the pagan view of Groundhog’s Day (Imbolg) represents the Earth Mother.

Consider these uncanny parallels between the Groundhog and the Earth Mother:

1. As the Earth goddess sleeps inside the earth during the winter season, so does the Groundhog

2. Both the Earth goddess and the Groundhog bridge the two time periods: Winter and Spring

3. Both the goddess and the Groundhog are “earth” creatures

4. Both the goddess and the Groundhog “awaken” in Springtime

5. Both the Earth goddess and the Groundhog complete the “cycle of reincarnation”

6. Annually, both the Earth goddess and the Groundhog represent the cycle of “rebirth” and “renewal”

The name, “Groundhog” was substituted for the Satanic name of the holiday, Imbolg, a night requiring human sacrifice.

c. February 14

Valentine’s Day – is a pagan festival that encourages love and physical lust.

It is celebrated precisely 13 days after Imbolg, thus imprinting upon it the number ’13’, Satan’s number of extreme rebellion. While most people view this day as the day to honor your wife or your lover, this celebration is steeped in paganism.

Consider the camouflaged occult gods in Valentine’s Day:

1. Cupid, the son of Venus, is really Tammuz, son of Semiramis

2. Venus, daughter of Jupiter, is really Semiramis herself. Jupiter is the head deity, a sun god – Nimrod, Semiramis’ husband, is considered a sun god in the Babylonian Mysteries.

Listen to a pagan author describe February, the month in which Valentine’s Day falls.

"The name of this month comes from the Roman goddess Februa and St. Febronia (from Febris, the fever of love). She is the patroness of the passion of love … Her orgiastic rites are celebrated on 14 February – still observed as St. Valentine’s Day – when, in Roman times, young men would draw billets naming their female partners…

This is a time of clear vision into other worlds, expressed by festivals of purification. On 1 February is the celebration of the cross-quarter day, or fire festival (Imbolc) a purificatory festival. It is followed on the 2nd by its Christian counterpart, Candlemas, the purification of the Virgin Mary.”

- “The Pagan Book of Days”, Nigel Pennick

Valentine’s Day is a day of “orgiastic rites” in which the pagans encouraged the flow of lustful passion.

2. Spring Equinox – 13 weeks

Minor Sabbath but does require human sacrifice.

a. March 21-22

Goddess Ostara (Ishtar, also spelled, “Eostre”), for whom “Easter” is named – March 21 is one of the Illuminati’s Human Sacrifice Nights.

Easter is a shifting date using the common practice of Astrology; it is celebrated on the first Sunday after the first new moon after Ostara.

Naughty chickens

This date also has nothing to do with the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ! Rather, this day in the pagan tradition celebrates the return of Semiramis into her reincarnated form of the Spring Goddess. The pagans even have an equivalent to our Good Friday!

It is “Easter Friday”, and has historically been timed to be the third full moon from the start of the year. Since the marrying of pagan Easter to Jesus’ resurrection, Good Friday is permanently fixed on the Friday prior to Easter.

Easter is steeped in the Babylonian Mysteries, the single most evil idolatrous system ever invented by Satan!

All throughout the prophetic Scriptures, we see God declaring His final judgment upon wicked Babylon! Yet, every year, Christian pastors intone “Easter” as though it were Christian. Many Independent Baptist preachers have begun referring to this day celebrating Jesus‘ resurrection as “Resurrection Sunday”, in order to separate the day from the pagan celebration.

The Babylonian goddess, Ishtar, is the one for whom Easter is named; [“Pagan Traditions of Holidays”, p. 9] in reality, she was Semiramis, wife of Nimrod, and the real founder of the Satanic Babylonian Mysteries.

After Nimrod died, Semiramis created the legend that he was really her Divine Son born to her in a Virgin Birth. She is considered to be the co-founder of all occult religions, along with Nimrod.

Easter – the day of Ishtar – is celebrated widely among various cultures and religions on earth.

1. Babylon – Ishtar (Easter) also called the Moon Goddess
2. Catholics – Virgin Mary (Queen of Heaven)
3. Chinese – Shingmoo
4. Druids – Virgo Paritura
5. Egypt – Isis
6. The Pagan Ephesians – Dianna
7. Etruscans – Nutria
8. Germans (Ancient) – Hertha
9. Greeks – Aphrodite/Ceres
10. India – Isi/Indrani
11. Ancient Jews – Ashtaroth (Queen of Heaven)
12. Krishna – Devaki
13. Rome – Venus/Fortuna
14. Scandinavians – Disa
15. Sumerians – Nana

- “America’s Occult Holidays“, Doc Marquis and Sam Pollard

The Babylonians celebrated the day as the return of Ishtar (Easter), the goddess of Spring.

This day celebrated the rebirth, or reincarnation, of Nature and the goddess of Nature. According to Babylonian legend, a huge egg fell from heaven, landing in the Euphrates River.

The goddess, Ishtar (Easter) broke out of this egg. Later, the feature of an egg nesting was introduced, a nest where the egg could incubate until hatched. A “wicker” or reed basket was conceived in which to place the Ishtar egg.

The Easter Egg Hunt was conceived because, if anyone found her egg while she was being “reborn”, she would bestow a blessing upon that lucky person! Because this was a joyous Spring festival, eggs were colored with bright Spring colors. [Ibid.]

The Easter Bunny

"The Goddess’ totem, the Moon-hare, would lay eggs for good children to eat… Eostre’s hare was the shape that Celts imagined on the surface of the full moon…”

- “Pagan Traditions of Holidays”, p. 10.

Do not bother to tell me that bunnies do not lay eggs, for I know that; we are dealing with a legend here, and an occult legend at that. These types of legends traditionally play loose and fast with facts.

Thus, “Easter” – Eostre, or Ishtar – was a goddess of fertility. Since the bunny is a creature that procreates quickly, it symbolized the sexual act; the egg symbolized “birth” and “renewal”. Together, the Easter Bunny and Easter Egg symbolizes the sex act and its offspring, Semiramis and Tammuz.

Thus, it is a very serious spiritual matter, indeed, when christian churches incorporate “Resurrection Eggs” as part of their Easter celebration.

At the very least, these churches are confusing the minds of their precious young children, by blurring the dividing line between pagan symbols and their meanings and Christian meanings of Resurrection Day.

Young children who participated in “Resurrection Eggs” in church will be conditioned later in their life to accept the fullness of the pagan tradition revolving around the same symbols.

At worst, a church participating in the pagan Easter tradition by promoting “Resurrection Eggs” and perhaps an Easter Egg Hunt, is guilty of combining Christianity with paganism, the very lethal cocktail the Lord Jesus will always reject!

Remember our key verse:

"Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing.”

If your church has “Resurrection Eggs”, that is a church you should consider leaving immediately; if the Senior Pastor is Liberal enough to use “Resurrection Eggs” in his Resurrection Day celebrations, he is probably Liberal in Doctrine and Theology, but may not be far enough along for you to see it yet.

Other Pagan Ingredients

Easter Offerings are derived from the tradition where the priests and priestesses would bring offerings to the pagan temples for Easter.

They brought freshly-cut Spring flowers and candies to place on the altar of the idol they worshipped. They would also bake Hot Cross Buns, decorating them with crosses symbolizing the cross of Wotan, or some other pagan god; these crosses were not originally the cross of Jesus Christ.

This is another instance where Satan counterfeited a pagan tradition that could later be passed off as “Christian” in a church seriously compromised by Syncretization.

In fact, the first instance of Hot Cross Buns can be traced back to about 1,500 BC, to Cecrops, the Founder of Athens [Marquis, p. 18] Later pagans used not just the shape of a Pentalpha star, but also the Hot Cross Bun.

Another popular Easter offering were freshly made or purchased clothes! The priests would wear their best clothes, while the Vestal Virgins would wear newly-made white dresses.

They would also wear headgear, like bonnets, while many would adorn themselves in garlands of Spring flowers. They would carry wicker baskets filled with foods and candies to offer to the pagan gods and goddesses.

Easter Sunrise Services were originated by the priest serving the Babylonian Ishtar to symbolically hasten the reincarnation of Ishtar/Easter. Once again, we see how Satan knew that Jesus’ rising from the grave would be discovered in the early sunrise hours, and that the Christian Church would want to hold Sunrise Services to celebrate.

Satan and his demons know and believe God’s Word and its prophecies literally, and they are allowed a certain amount of foreknowledge. Just as Satan counterfeited the Divine birth of a male child to a Virgin Mother fully 1,000 years before Jesus was actually born, so he counterfeited this Sunrise Service.

Lent is purely pagan, and yet has been accepted by the Roman Catholic Church and apostate christian churches as “christian”.

If the church you are attending celebrates Lent, you need to inform the Senior Pastor of the pagan roots of this tradition; if he will not listen you should leave that church, for if they will accept Lent as “Christian”, you can bet they are very Liberal in critical Biblical areas as well.

Lent is a commemoration of Tammuz’ death; the legend of his death says that he was killed by a wild boar when he was 40 years old. Therefore, Lent celebrates 1 day for each year of Tammuz’ life. [Marquis, “America’s Occult Holidays”] Participants are to express their sorrow over Tammuz’ untimely death by weeping, fasting, and self-chastisement.

Lent was commemorated for exactly 40 days prior to the celebration of Ishtar/Esotre and other goddesses by the following cultures: Babylonians, Roman Catholics, Koordistan, Mexicans, Ancient Israel, and today, Liberal, apostate Protestant churches.

We can see God’s anger over this commemoration of Lent in Ezekiel 8:14-18; God’s judgment for this commemoration is described in Ezekiel 9, a chapter we suggest you read carefully, for God has stated that He will similarly punish any nation who does not “hear and obey” His commands (Jeremiah 12:17).

b. April 1

– All Fool’s Day, precisely 13 weeks since New Year’s Day!

c. April 19 – May 1

Blood Sacrifice To The Beast, a most critical 13-day period. Fire sacrifice is required on April 19.

April 19 is the first day of the 13-day Satanic ritual day relating to fire – the fire god, Baal, or Molech/Nimrod (the Sun God), also known as the Roman god, Saturn (Satan/Devil). This day is a major human sacrifice day, demanding fire sacrifice with an emphasis on children. This day is one of the most important human sacrifice days, and as such, has had some very important historic events occur on this day.

Remember, the Illuminati considers war to be a most propitious way to sacrifice, for it kills both children and adults.

Some of the very important historic dates that were staged according to this blood sacrifice day are:

(1). April 19, 1775 – Battle of Lexington & Concord, which made the Masonic-led Revolutionary War inevitable

(2). April 19, 1943 – After trapping the last Jewish Resistance Fighters in a storm drain in Warsaw, and holding them for several days, Nazi Storm Troopers began to pour fire into each end of the storm drain, using flame-throwers. They continued pouring the fire into the drain until all fighters were dead. Blood sacrifice brought about by a fiery conflagration.

(3) April 19, 1993 – 50 years later, to the day, government troops, tanks, and other military equipment stormed the compound of David Koresh and his followers at Waco, Texas. Certainly, this operation fulfilled the basic requirements for a human sacrifice: trauma, fire, and young sacrificial victims.

(4) April 19, 1995 – Oklahoma City bombing – Once again, many young children were killed this day

April 19 of any year in the 20th Century is a day of fearful contemplation, for it seems that, as we head into the final stretch of time, Satan is becoming more and more bold, and is using April 19 more often.

d. April 30 – May 1

– Beltaine Festival, also called “Walpurgis Night“.

This is the highest day on the Druidic Witch’s Calendar, while May 1 is the Illuminati’s second most sacred holiday.

Human sacrifice is required.

Since the celebration officially began the night before Beltaine, the tradition has developed among occultists to celebrate Beltaine as a 2-day ceremony. This tradition was strong enough that Adolf Hitler decided to kill himself [as the cover story goes] on April 30 at 3:30pm, thus creating a “333” and placing his suicide sacrifice within the Beltaine time frame.

Great bonfires are lit on the Eve of Beltaine, April 30, in order to welcome the Earth Goddess. Participants hope to gain favor with this goddess so she will bless their families with procreative fertility.

We find it interesting that the Royal House of Windsor lights a Beltaine “Balefire” every year [“America’s Occult Holidays”, Doc Marquis, p. 30]

The “Maypole” originated from the celebration of Beltaine. Since fertility is being asked of the Earth Goddess, the Maypole is the phallic symbol and the circular dance around the pole forms the circle that is symbolic of the female sex organ.

Four six-foot alternating red and white ribbons were connected to the pole; the men would dance counterclockwise, while the ladies danced clockwise. The union of the intertwining red and white ribbons symbolized the act of copulation – remember, this is a “fertility” celebration day!

To demonstrate their occult, Illuminist ties, Communists have always celebrated “May Day”. If you have not been taught how the Illuminati created Communism, and for which purpose, you need to hear our Seminar 2, “America Determines The Flow of History”.

3. Summer Solstice – 13 Weeks

When the sun reaches its northernmost point in its journey across the sky.

a. June 21 – 22 – Summer Solstice
b. June 21 – Litha is one of the Illuminati’s Human Sacrifice Nights
c. July 4, America’s Independence Day, is 13 days after Day of Litha and 66 days from April 30
d. July 19 – 13 days before Lughnasa
e. July 31 – August 1 – Lughnasa, Great Sabbat Festival. August – One of the Illuminati’s Human Sacrifice Nights

4. Autumnal Equinox – 13 Weeks

Minor Sabbath but does require human sacrifice.

a. September 21

Mabon – one of the Illuminati’s Human Sacrifice Nights.

b. September 21 -22 – Autumnal Equinox

From this date through Halloween, occultists believe the veil separating the earthly dimension from the demonic realm gets progressively thinner, with the thinnest night being October 31; this thinning of the separating veil makes it easier for the demonic realm to enter the earthly dimension.

Thus, on Halloween, evil spirits, ghosts, witches, hobgoblins, black cats, fairies, and demons of all sorts were believed to be running amok across the land. They had to be back in their spiritual dimension before midnight, Halloween, for the separating veil would then get thicker.

Once again, I reiterate, this is occult belief, not mine! October is a most propitious month to the Illuminati.

c. October 31 – Samhain

Also known as Halloween, or All Hallows Eve as designated by the Catholic Church. This date is the Illuminati’s highest day of human sacrifice.

Halloween has been changed over the past 30 years in two important ways. First, children have been encouraged to participate by donning such inoffensive costumes as Barbie, Wonder Woman, Batman and Superman. Secondly, adult costuming and parties have reached a tremendous apex and has become a most macabre day of celebration.

Historically, Halloween is the deadliest holiday ever celebrated in human history. This Satanic night is dedicated to the Celtic Lord of the Dead, also symbolized by the Horned-god and the Stag-god.

The Druids celebrated Samhain as a 3-day fire festival, building huge bonfires, thought to ward off demons that roamed around; additionally, the fires provided the means by which the required human sacrifice would be presented to the sun god. In enormous wicker baskets, the priests caged both human and animal sacrifices, which they then lowered into the flames.

The priests would carefully watch the manner in which the victim died in order to predict whether the future held good or evil. [“Pagan Traditions of the Holidays”, p. 71]

Origin of Popular Halloween Traditions

Sweets and Trick or Treat

This pagan practice is over 2,000 years old. For the sake of their safety and well-being, people put outside their home sweets, the best mutton legs, vegetables, eggs, and poultry, honey and even wine, so the wandering evil spirits would consume them on their way back to the netherworld.

Related: 18 Reasons Why I Don’t Celebrate Halloween

Failure to “treat” these evil spirits might result in a curse being put on the home! The people literally believed that, when these spirits came to your door, they would trick you if you did not treat them.

"The American version of Halloween came from Ireland … The potato famine in 1840 brought thousands of immigrants from the Emerald Isle. With them came goblins, jack-0-lanterns, bonfires, apples, nuts, and pranks…

The Irish are also responsible for bringing trick or treating to great popularity in America. In Ireland on October 31, peasants went from house to house to receive offerings to their Druid god, Muck Olla. This procession stopped at each house to tell the farmer his prosperity was due to the benevolence of Muck Olla … or else misfortune might befall the farmer and his crops.

Few farmers risked any such displeasure of the pagan deity, so the procession returned home with eggs, butter, potatoes, and in some cases, coins … To the Irish farmers this was no joke; they greatly feared the Celtic god might destroy their homes and barns … Trick or treat is part of this pagan heritage.”

- “Pagan Traditions of the Holidays”. p. 78-79

Horrifying Costumes

People would also take burning wisps from the bonfire and wave them around to frighten the many evil spirits roaming the earth; in case the burning wisp alone would not work, revelers clothed themselves in the most hideous and terrifying costumes.

These people believed that, if you dressed in a terrifying costume and went trooping around with the spirits all night, they would think you were one of them and would leave you alone.
[“Halloween and Satanism”, Phil Philips, p. 26-27]

Huge Bonfires

Satan’s obsession with fire has produced human obsession with building huge bonfires. As we stated earlier, these bonfires were practical, in that they provided the means by which the priests sacrificed the human and animal sacrifices so crucial to Halloween.

When the last fires died out, people would race each other down the hills shouting;

"The Devil gets the last one down”.

- Philips, p. 27-28


Samhain (Halloween) was also the time to engage the Devil’s assistance in divining the future. Questions concerning marriage, luck, health, and the time of one’s death were most popular subjects of divination.

In Scotland, young people assembled for games and pulled shoots out of the ground to ascertain which of them would marry during the coming year, and in what order the marriages should occur.

Snap Apple Night

Apples have long been a token of love and fertility. At Halloween parties, people bobbed for apples in tubs of water. If a boy came up with an apple between his teeth, he was assured of the love of his girl. The Snap Apple game was one in which the boys delighted. Each boy, in his turn, would spring up to attempt to bite an apple that was being twirled on the end of a stick; the first boy to succeed would be the first to marry.

Apple seeds were also used to tell fortunes. Peeling an apple in one long piece was supposed to tell a young girl about her future. The girl would swing the apple peal three times around her head, then throw it over her left shoulder.

If the peeling fell unbroken, the girl would examine the shape into which it fell to see if she could ascertain the initials of her future husband!

Witch’s Familiar Spirits

Owls, bats, cats and toads are an essential part of Halloween, and for a very good reason: they are known as “the witch’s familiars”.

A divining familiar was the species of animal whose shape Satan would assume to aid the witch in divining the future. A witch would closely watch the animal’s movements – whether slow or fast – and she would see the direction in which the animal moved and the kinds of sounds it made, in order to foretell the length of life and/or an impending illness.

It's okay bro, you're not possesed

Other “familiar spirit” shapes include hens, geese, small dogs, rats, butterflies, wasps crickets, and snails. Witches considered these creatures to be demon-possessed and controlled.

If you look closely at most Halloween decorations, you will see these animals, but now you know they represent demon possessed creatures! [“Pagan Traditions of Holidays”, p. 75-76]

Jack-O-Lantern and Trick-or-Treat

Various names for Jack-O-Lantern were ‘Lantern Men’, ‘Hob-O-Langer’, and “Will-O-The-Wisp”.

"The ‘Lantern Men’ got their name from pale eerie lights that appeared over bogs and marshes in England. These ghostly lights, which bobbed along like a lantern in someone’s hand, were called ‘Corpse Candles’. Candles were said to be signals from the souls of men lost at sea."

- “Halloween and Satanism”, Philips, p. 33-34

"Celts often hollowed out a turnip and carved a grotesque face on it to fool demons. They carried such lanterns to light their way in the dark and to ward off evil spirits… While the turnip continues to be popular in Europe today, the pumpkin has replaced it in America. ‘Jack’ is a nickname for ‘John’, which is a common slang word meaning ‘man’. Jack-O-Lanterns literally means ‘man with a lantern’."

- Pagan Traditions of the Holidays”, p. 79-80

Druid Trick-or-Treat

The Druids originated the practice of hollowing out the Jack-O-Lanterns and filling them with human fat.

Whenever a raiding party came to a home to demand of the husband that someone inside be surrendered as a human sacrifice, they would light a Jack-O-Lantern filled with human fat; if the husband relented and provided one of his loved ones as a sacrifice, the Druid party would leave Jack-O-Lantern on the porch.

This lantern would be tell the other raiding parties and the demonic host that this party had surrendered a human for sacrifice and that the remaining people inside were to be left alone. Guaranteeing that no one else in the house would be killed that night was the “Treat”.

If the husband refused to surrender one of his loved ones, a “Trick” would be placed upon the house. The members of the raiding party would draw a large hexagram using human blood on the front door; they got the blood for the hexagram from a dead body they dragged around with them using a cabletow.

The demonic host would be attracted to this hexagram and would invade the house, causing one or more of the inhabitants to either go insane or die from fright. [“America’s Occult Holidays”, p. 20]

This is the true origin of “Trick-or-Treat” and the Jack-O-Lantern. Do you really want to take your kids “Trick-or-Treating”?

Forbidden Practices Specially Associated With Halloween

God lists Satanic practices that He absolutely forbids, on the pain of death!

Every one of them is uniquely associated with Halloween!

1. Enchantment – Act of influencing by charms and incantation using the practice of magical arts.

2. Witchcraft – Dealing with demonic spirits, using their prescribed methods, commonly called rituals and the “magick arts”. The Bible forbids it, as in Galatians 5:19-20. Today, thanks to “Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings, witchcraft is skyrocketing in popularity. TV shows that depict witches are “Bewitched” and “Buffy The Vampire Slayer”, to just mention a couple. Go to a video store sometime and walk down the “Horror” aisle, where you will see the popularity of Witchcraft in America today.

3. Sorcery – Use of power gained from the prescribed rituals demanded by the demonic host. Once the witch or wizard performs the particular ritual correctly, the demonic host is required to provide the power to accomplish that action desired by the witch.

4. Divination – Fortune telling and seeing into the future. God wants us to trust in Him and His power, and not worry about tomorrow. Satan, on the other hand, loves to get people consumed by the idea that they can know what lies ahead of them.

5. Wizardry – The art or practices of a wizard, sorcery. A wizard or witch is one skilled in the magick arts, a sorcerer.

6. Necromancy – Communication with the dead. Specifically, conjuring up the spirits of the dead for purposes of magically revealing the future or influencing the course of events.

7. Charm – The practice of putting a spell on someone in order to change or control their mind and/or behavior. Wizards love to get their enemies “one-on-one” because they can “charm” them through the use of ritual done before the meeting, and by the demonic host residing within him.

Adolf Hitler followed this practice closely as he dealt with the leaders of Europe, Britain, and Russia. British Prime Minister Chamberlain was totally charmed by Hitler as he sought to appease the German dictator in Munich in 1938; Chamberlain was so totally “charmed” by Hitler, he enthusiastically proclaimed after returning from Munich that he had achieved “peace in our time”.

When dealing with a powerful member of the Illuminati, do not attempt to meet with him, nor place any confidence in the testimony of people who have met with him. A “charm” ritual is easily performed and results in the leader exuding confidence, character, and sincerity they most assuredly do not possess.

8. Stargazing or Astrology – Divination of the supposed influence of the stars and other heavenly bodies upon human lives and the affairs of nations. Occultists literally order their lives according to Astrology and numerics.

9. Soothsaying – foretelling events and prophesying through a spirit other than the Holy Spirit.

10. Prognostication – To foretell from signs and symptoms, also prophesying without the Holy Spirit.

11. Magic – Tapping into the power of the demonic realm through the use of prescribed ritual so that the action carried out is accomplished through demonic power.

All these activities are uniquely associated with the activities and traditions of Halloween!

Christians have no business participating in Halloween. To do so is to act against a great number of Scriptures in which God uses the strongest possible language to forbid it. In fact, in most instances, God decreed that people practicing these activities be put to death!

Yet, we see many churches having Halloween parties in which many of these pagan practices are followed! The Apostle Paul gave us strong warning that should stop us dead in our tracks. Listen:

"Let no one delude and deceive you with empty excuses and groundless arguments for these sins, for through these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of rebellion and disobedience.”

- Ephesians 5:6

Stop listening to people giving you “empty excuses and groundless arguments for these sins”, for if you go ahead and participate in this most evil holiday, God shall surely not look away.

One final note on Halloween: if you have been paying attention, you will know that these practices form the heart and soul of the Harry Potter novels and movies.

Harry Potter is a wizard, and he comes from a family of witches and wizards [Generational Witchcraft].

His entire existence within these novels revolves around the Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Witchcraft, where Harry and his friends learn all of these 11 forbidden practices.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Humans Are Waking Up: For First Time In Recorded History, Schumann Resonance Jumping To 36+
February 4 2017 | From: Reddit

On January 31 2017, for the first time in recorded history, the Schumann Resonance has reached frequencies of 36+

This is a big deal. In 2014, it was considered anomalous for the frequency to have risen from it's usual 7.83 frequency to somewhere in the 15-25 levels.

Related: The Quantum Theory On Mind-Body Connection + Morphic Resonance: The Science Of Interconnectedness

Here is what it looked like in 2014:

And an article discussing how strange this was back in 2014: What is Schumann Resonance And Why Is It Accelerating?

Now it is spiking at well over 30 for the past two days. Proof is here.

Site where this info is from (where you can track in real time): The level of electromagnetic background

According to Wikipedia, the Schumann Resonance "are a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth's electromagnetic field spectrum. Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances, generated and excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth's surface and the ionosphere."

It has long been suspected that human consciousness can impact the magnetic field and create disturbances in it, particularly during moments of high anxiety, tension and passion:

Schumann Resonance: Excerpt from Nexus Magazine

[But don't worry, the world isn't going to end].

According to the above article;

"As human beings we have extraordinary potentials we have hardly begun to study much less understand.

Creative gifts, intuitions, and talents that are unpredictable or emergent may become stabilized in generations to come. Hopefully, we can learn to understand both our emergence from an essentially electromagnetic environment and facilitate our potential for healing, growth and non-local communication."

Many have been reporting the feeling that time has been speeding up. Could the increased frequencies have something to do with this?

People on YouTube are actively discussing these anomalies:

Did The Earth's Frequency Just Double? Is the Schumann Resonance Increasing Because Of The ME?


For more info on global consciousness and the "science of interconnectivity," here's another good resource: www.heartmath.org

It includes a link to the Global Consciousness Project, which seems to correlate to the increase in the electromagnetic frequencies in the past 48 hours.

As the previously cited article states:

"For many years this resonance frequency has hovered at a steady 7.83 Hz with only slight variations. In June 2014 that apparently changed. Monitors at the Russian Space Observing System showed a sudden spike in activity to around 8.5 Hz.

Since then, they have recorded days where the Schumann accelerated as fast as 16.5 Hz. (The graph is usually blue with some green, and no white.)

At first they thought their equipment was malfunctioning, but later learned the data was accurate. Everyone was asking, what’s causing this intermittent spiking activity?"

"Is the Earth’s frequency speeding up? Since the Schumann frequency is said to be “in tune” with the human brain’s alpha and theta states, this acceleration may be why it often feels like time has sped up and events and changes in our life are happening more rapidly."

"These emerging resonances are naturally correlated to human brainwave activity. So this means, we are changing. Many years ago I was trained in EEG Neurofeedback, so I looked at what these accelerated frequencies might be telling us about human evolutionary change.

A 7.83 Hz frequency is an alpha/theta state. Relaxed, yet dreamy—sort of a neutral idling state waiting for something to happen. A 8.5 – 16.5 Hz frequency moves one out of the theta range into more of a full calmer alpha state with faster more alert beta frequencies starting to appear. (This correlates with slowly waking up cognitively).

Since the Schumann Resonance has had sudden spikes between 12 – 16.5 Hz (see pic’s white areas), I found this even more interesting.

In Neurofeedback, 12-15 Hz is called Sensory-Motor Rhythm frequency (SMR). It is an ideal state of “awakened calm.” Our thought processes are clearer and more focused, yet we are still “in the flow” or “in the know.”

In other words, Mother Earth is shifting her vibrational frequency and perhaps so are we. This may be one of many signs that we are AWAKENING."

"Scientist’s report that the Earth’s magnetic field, which can affect the Schumann Resonance, has been slowly weakening for the past 2,000 years and even more so in the last few years. No one really knows why. I was told by a wise old sage from India that the magnetic field of Earth was put in place by the Ancient Ones to block our primordial memories of our true heritage.

This was so that souls could learn from the experience of free-will unhampered by memories of the past. He claimed that the magnetic field changes are now loosening those memory blocks and we are raising our consciousness to greater truth. The veil is lifting. The blinders are coming off. If true, it raises even more intriguing questions."

"Whatever is happening, it’s clear that this acceleration may make you feel more tired, exhausted, dizzy, depressed, and even strange as you raise your own frequencies to be more “in tune” with the New Earth.

Adaptation is not always an easy process, but keep in mind it’s all part of your own unique AWAKENING."

February 2 Update: we are now in our 3rd straight day of 30+ resonance, and it seems like it is getting more constant / stronger!

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
CDC “Spider” Scientists Attack The CDC, Blow The Lid Off & Robert F Kennedy Jr: CDC An “Edifice Of Faud”
February 4 2017 | From: NoMoreFakeNews

They write a letter to the CDC chief of staff and I write a letter to them...

There is a group of anonymous scientists at the US Centers for Disease Control - they call themselves the Spider Group - Scientists Preserving Integrity, Diligence and Ethics in Research. They have penned a letter to the CDC’s chief of staff, Carmen S. Villar:

Here is the explosive accusation they make:

"We are a group of scientists at CDC that are very concerned about the current state of ethics at our agency. It appears that our mission is being influenced and shaped by outside parties and rogue interests.

It seems that our mission and Congressional intent for our agency is being circumvented by some of our leaders. What concerns us most, is that it is becoming the norm and not the rare exception.”

“Some senior management officials at CDC are clearly aware and even condone these behaviors. Others see it and turn the other way. Some staff are intimidated and pressed to do things they know are not right.”

“We have representatives from across the agency that witness this unacceptable behavior. It occurs at all levels and in all of our respective units. These questionable and unethical practices threaten to undermine our credibility and reputation as a trusted leader in public health.”

I have written at length about another whistleblower at the CDC, William Thompson, a long-time researcher who, in August of 2014, confessed in writing to massive fraud (archive here).

He admitted that, in a study on the safety of the MMR vaccine, he and his colleagues literally threw vital sheets of data into a garbage can. The study then gave a free pass to the vaccine, claiming it had no connection to autism - when in fact it did. Thompson is the subject of the film, Vaxxed.

Vaxxed From Cover Up to Catastrophe


Now with this letter, we see that other scientists at the CDC are blowing the lid off internal corruption at their Agency.

If, in fact, President Trump gives the green light for an independent investigation of the CDC, as press outlets are now reporting, and if he appoints Robert Kennedy Jr. to head up that panel, as Kennedy claims, we are going to see a large number of hidden facts emerge from the secretive halls of the CDC.

Because this Spider Group is anonymous, I wanted to make sure their letter is real. I contacted reporter Carey Gillam (twitter), who has been covering the story. I received this reply:

"I was able to authenticate the letter by contacting CDC’s public affairs office and asking them directly about it after I received it from internal CDC sources.”

You can read the full Spider Group’s letter here at US Right To Know. (More on the letter by Carey Gillam here.)

Not a Coincidence

And now I write a letter to them, so they can deepen their investigation.

Dear Spider Group: I commend you on making an important start. You’re on the right road. As a reporter who has covered the CDC for many years, I offer you three suggestions. This short list is by no means exhaustive. I’m just pointing to a few areas where your own research will yield very rich and fertile results.

1. Swine Flu Fraud

Let me take you back to the late summer of 2009, and the Swine Flu epidemic, which was hyped to the sky by the CDC. The Agency was calling for all Americans to take the Swine Flu vaccine. Remember?

The problem was, the CDC was concealing a scandal.

At the time, star CBS investigative reporter, Sharyl Attkisson, was working on a Swine Flu story. She discovered that the CDC had secretly stopped counting cases of the illness - while, of course, continuing to warn Americans about its unchecked spread.

The CDC’s main job is counting cases and reporting the numbers. What was the Agency up to?

Here is an excerpt from my 2014 interview with Sharyl Attkisson:

Rappoport: In 2009, you spearheaded coverage of the so-called Swine Flu pandemic. You discovered that, in the summer of 2009, the Centers for Disease Control, ignoring their federal mandate, [secretly] stopped counting Swine Flu cases in America.

Yet they continued to stir up fear about the “pandemic,” without having any real measure of its impact. Wasn’t that another investigation of yours that was shut down? Wasn’t there more to find out?

Attkisson: The implications of the story were even worse than that. We discovered through our FOI efforts that before the CDC mysteriously stopped counting Swine Flu cases, they had learned that almost none of the cases they had counted as Swine Flu was, in fact, Swine Flu or any sort of flu at all!

The interest in the story from one [CBS] executive was very enthusiastic. He said it was “the most original story” he’d seen on the whole Swine Flu epidemic. But others pushed to stop it and, in the end, no broadcast wanted to touch it. We aired numerous stories pumping up the idea of an epidemic, but not the one that would shed original, new light on all the hype.

It was fair, accurate, legally approved and a heck of a story. With the CDC keeping the true Swine Flu stats secret, it meant that many in the public took and gave their children an experimental vaccine that may not have been necessary.

It was routine for doctors all over America to send blood samples from patients they’d diagnosed with Swine Flu, or the “most likely” Swine Flu patients, to labs for testing. And overwhelmingly, those samples were coming back with the result: not Swine Flu, not any kind of flu.

That was the big secret. That’s what the CDC was hiding. That’s why they stopped reporting Swine Flu case numbers. That’s what Attkisson had discovered. That’s why she was shut down.

Related: Robert F Kennedy’s devastating quotes on vaccines and the CDC

But it gets even worse. Because about three weeks after Attkisson’s findings were published on the CBS News website, the CDC, obviously in a panic, decided to double down. If one lie is exposed, tell an even bigger one. A much bigger one.

Here, from a November 12, 2009, WebMD article is the CDC’s response:

“Shockingly, 14 million to 34 million U.S. residents - the CDC’s best guess is 22 million - came down with H1N1 swine flu by Oct. 17 [2009].”

(“22 million cases of Swine Flu in US,” by Daniel J. DeNoon).

Are your eyeballs popping? They should be.

In the summer of 2009, the CDC secretly stops counting Swine Flu cases in America, because the overwhelming percentage of lab tests from likely Swine Flu patients shows no sign of Swine Flu or any other kind of flu.

There is no Swine Flu epidemic.

Then, the CDC estimates there are 22 MILLION cases of Swine Flu in the US.

2. The CDC Buys Massive Amounts of Vaccinesand at the Same Time Heads Up Research on the Safety of Vaccines: Explosive Structural Conflict of Interest

If you wanted to buy a product, and the main source of research on the product was the company selling it, would you automatically assume the product was safe and effective?

But you see, that’s the just the beginning of the problem. Suppose the company’s research was cited thousands of times in the press, as the authoritative standard of proof - and anyone who disputed that research was labeled a conspiracy theorist and a quack and a danger to the community and an anti-science lunatic.

Related: TIME Magazine runs vile hit piece against RFK Jr. for daring to tell the truth about mercury in vaccines

Would you begin to suspect the company had some awesome media connections? Would you suspect some very powerful people were backing the company?

This is exactly the situation that exists at the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Read these two quotes:

“The government’s Vaccine for Children Program (a CDC organization) purchases vaccines for about 50 percent of children in the U.S.”

- The Atlantic, February 10, 2015

“The CDC currently spends over $4 billion purchasing vaccines [annually] from drug makers…”

- Health Impact News, October 24, 2016)

However, the CDC is also the gold standard for research on the safety and efficacy of vaccines.

It turns out an unending stream of studies on these subjects. And the results of those studies are dutifully reported in the mainstream press.

Related: CDC Knowingly LIED About Mercury in Vaccines: Proof Has Surfaced

Do you think, under any circumstances, the CDC would publish data showing vaccines are ineffective and dangerous? They’d be cutting their own throats.

“Well, we spend $4 billion a year buying vaccines from drug companies, but guess what? These vaccines are often dangerous…”

Every time you read about a CDC study on vaccines, keep this obvious (and clearly illegal) conflict of interest in mind.

3. Massive Overestimate of Flu Deaths in the US, in Order to Push the Flu Vaccine

In December of 2005, the British Medical Journal (online) published a shocking report by Peter Doshi, which created tremors through the halls of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), where “the experts” used to tell the press that 36,000 people in the US die every year from the flu.

Here is a quote from Doshi’s report, “Are US flu death figures more PR than science?” (BMJ 2005; 331:1412):

“[According to CDC statistics], ‘influenza and pneumonia’ took 62,034 lives in 2001 - 61,777 of which were attributable to pneumonia and 257 to flu, and in only 18 cases was the flu virus positively identified.”

Boom. You see, the CDC has created one overall category that combines both flu and pneumonia deaths. Why do they do this? Because they disingenuously assume that the pneumonia deaths are complications stemming from the flu.

This is an absurd assumption. Pneumonia has a number of causes. But even worse, in all the flu and pneumonia deaths, only 18 revealed the presence of an influenza virus.

Therefore, the CDC could not say, with assurance, that more than 18 people died of influenza in 2001. Not 36,000 deaths. 18 deaths.

Doshi continued his assessment of published CDC flu-death statistics: “Between 1979 and 2001, [CDC] data show an average of 1348 [flu] deaths per year (range 257 to 3006).” These figures refer to flu separated out from pneumonia.

This death toll is obviously far lower than the parroted 36,000 figure. However, when you add the sensible condition that lab tests have to actually find the flu virus in patients, the numbers of flu deaths plummet even further.

In other words, it’s all promotion and hype.

“Well, uh, we say that 36,000 people die from the flu every year in the US. But actually, it’s closer to 20. However, we can’t admit that, because if we did, we’d be exposing our gigantic psyop.

The whole campaign to scare people into getting a flu shot would have about the same effect as warning people to carry iron umbrellas, in case toasters fall out of upper-story windows…and, by the way, we’d be put in prison for fraud.”

The CDC must turn out a steady stream of outrageous lies about the need for vaccines. If they didn’t, they’d have no way to justify the billions of dollars they spend every year buying the vaccines from drug companies.

So, Spider Group, don’t stop now. Deepen your probe. Become true heroes for honest research, expose the deep roots of corruption in your Agency, and do the right thing for the people you’re sworn to serve.

Robert F Kennedy Jr: CDC An “Edifice Of Faud”

Robert Kennedy, Jr. “All the things that I do are bent on forcing this [vaccine] debate out into the open - because once the science is in the open, the CDC’s position is so fragile, it’s an edifice of fraud, fraud stacked upon fraud, so high and so wobbly, that even a slight breeze of public scrutiny will topple it.”

Kennedy states that President Trump has appointed him to head up a task force investigating vaccine safety. The above quote indicates Kennedy, would, if given the green light, probe much more than the use of mercury in vaccines - his main topic of interest thus far.

Related: College Student Gets HPV Cancer 18 Months After Receiving Gardasil Vaccine, then Declines Chemo & Heals Herself with Natural Means

This would be a very good thing. The CDC is most certainly an edifice of fraud. It has concealed many of its crimes over the years.

If he hasn’t already, Kennedy should make contact with an anonymous group of scientists at the CDC who call themselves ‘Spider’. They have written a letter to the CDC chief of staff accusing the agency of widespread “unethical practices…influenced and shaped by outside parties…[that] threaten to undermine our credibility and reputation as a trusted leader in public health.” (More on Spider here.)

In my recent open letter to Spider, I presented three shocking areas of fraud at the CDC that they should expose:

Swine Flu, a dud and phony “epidemic,” presented as a dire global threat requiring vaccination;

A structural conflict of interest, in which the CDC buys billions of dollars of vaccines and, at the same time, carries out many studies assessing vaccine safety - with this much money on the line, the Agency would never, under any circumstances, admit vaccines are dangerous;

A massive overestimation of annual flu deaths in the US, in order to push the necessity of the flu vaccine.

In this second memo, I present two more shocking areas which should receive the immediate attention of the dissident Spider scientists at the CDC, and Mr. Kennedy:

1: The Case of Julie Gerberding

On August 27, 2014, CDC scientist William Thompson came out of the shadows and revealed that he had participated in a major scientific fraud:

Ten years earlier, he and his co-authors had published a study claiming there was no MMR-vaccine connection to autism. They had omitted vital data which contradicted that finding.

The MMR vaccine was increasing the risk of autism. Thompson knew it. So did his co-authors. They buried that chilling fact.

Related: Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons: Aluminum in vaccines is not safe

Before their fake study was published, Thompson wrote to the head of the CDC, Julie Gerberding, informing her that, at an upcoming conference, he would be:

“Presenting the summary of our results from the Metropolitan Atlanta Autism Case-Control Study [and]…I will have to present several problematic results relating to statistical associations between the receipt of MMR vaccine and autism.”

In other words, Thompson was ready to blow the whistle on the MMR vaccine-autism connection. He received no reply from CDC Director Gerberding, and his presentation at the conference was canceled.

Fast forward: in 2009, Gerberding left the CDC. She eventually went to work as the president of the vaccine division at Merck.

Merck. Manufactures. The. MMR. Vaccine. Get it? (full story here)

2: Overwhelmingly, Flu is Not the Flu. Therefore, Even People Who Believe in the Importance of the Flu Vaccine are Being Decieved

Peter Doshi, PhD, writing in the online BMJ (British Medical Journal), reveals a monstrosity.

As Doshi states, every year, hundreds of thousands of respiratory samples are taken from flu patients in the US and tested in labs. Here is the kicker: only a small percentage of these samples show the presence of a flu virus.

This means: most of the people in America who are diagnosed by doctors with the flu have no flu virus in their bodies.

So they don’t have the flu. Therefore, even if you assume the flu vaccine is useful and safe, it couldn’t possibly prevent all those “flu cases” that aren’t flu cases.

The vaccine couldn’t possibly work. The vaccine isn’t designed to prevent fake flu, unless pigs can fly.

Here’s the exact quote from Peter Doshi’s BMJ review, “Influenza: marketing vaccines by marketing disease” (BMJ 2013; 346:f3037):

“…Even the ideal influenza vaccine, matched perfectly to circulating strains of wild influenza and capable of stopping all influenza viruses, can only deal with a small part of the ‘flu’ problem because most ‘flu’ appears to have nothing to do with influenza.

Every year, hundreds of thousands of respiratory specimens are tested across the US. Of those tested, on average 16% are found to be influenza positive."

“…It’s no wonder so many people feel that ‘flu shots’ don’t work: for most flus, they can’t.”

Because most diagnosed cases of the flu aren’t the flu.

So even if you’re a true believer in mainstream vaccine theory, you’re on the short end of the stick here. They’re conning your socks off. The CDC is supposed to be doing an accurate count of case numbers of diseases in the US. They’re lying and covering up the facts.

Terrible logo, just lazy design. And who signed off on that font? Anyway - maybe they should start doing what is says on the tin...

Those of you in the Spider group of rebel scientists at the CDC, get busy. There are many more instances of massive corruption at your Agency. Dig in. Don’t let the American people down.

Go all the way. You, too, Mr. Kennedy. For Part-1, click here.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Bringing Down The Khazarian Project, German-Controlled European Union
February 3 2017 | From: Geopolitics

Now that America is undergoing a blitzkrieg of reforms that are sending the Khazarians in panic, will the Eurozone be the Global Reformists’ next focus?

Recent actions of the International Monetary Fund, the US and British regulators against the largest German bank, i.e. Deutsche Bank, and the integrity of the euro and the Eurozone itself, all suggest that the planned shutdown of the Khazarian EU project continues undeterred.

Related: Donald Trump is Going to Make the European Union History

Deutsche Bank fined for $10 billion sham Russian trades

By Karen Freifeld and Arno Schuetze | NEW YORK/FRANKFURT

NEW YORK/FRANKFURT Deutsche Bank (DBKGn.DE) has agreed to pay $630 million in fines for organizing $10 billion in sham trades that could have been used to launder money out of Russia, the latest in a string of penalties that have hammered the German lender’s finances.

In two detailed reports, U.S. and British regulators criticized the bank for not knowing the customers involved or the source of money for the trades, which helped buoy revenue during a slowdown following the global financial crash.

The scheme involved so-called mirror trades carried out between 2011 to 2015 – for instance, buying Russian stocks in rubles for a client and selling the identical value of a security for U.S. dollars for a related customer.

The New York Department of Financial Services outlined a web of trades “converting roubles into dollars through security trades that had no economic purpose” and stretched from Moscow, London and New York to Cyprus and the British Virgin Islands.

“I have a billion ruble today … will you be able to find a security for this size,” the watchdog cited one party to a deal as telling a Deutsche Bank trader in Moscow.

The regulator said the bank had missed numerous opportunities to prevent the scheme. “These flaws allowed a corrupt group of bank traders and offshore entities to improperly and covertly transfer more than $10 billion out of Russia.”

It said the scheme – in which the parties involved often lost money on the trades due to fees and commissions – could have been used for money laundering.

While U.S. and British regulators – which fined Deutsche $425 million and $204 million respectively – penalized the bank for not having adequate controls, they did not say top management was aware of the improper nature of the trades.

The fines – which comes weeks after a $7.2 billion U.S. penalty for the sale of toxic mortgage debt – marks another step in Deutsche Chief Executive John Cryan’s attempts to draw a line under the bank’s misdeeds in the wake of the financial crisis, as it sought to carve and then keep a foothold on Wall Street.

That has left a costly legacy of billions of euros of fines. Germany’s biggest bank is expected by analysts to report a loss later this week for 2016 of more than 650 million euros."

- Deutsche Bank fined for $10 billion sham Russian trades

Related: Trump Outmaneuvers Soros with Early FEC Form 2 Filing

Aside from targeting the bankers, the IMF itself blames the politicians within the Eurozone…

"Damning IMF Report Reveals Dysfunction Within Eurozone

Sputnik 19:03 31.01.2017

The euro was introduced to be the common currency within the EU and its 19 members have been struggling to maintain confidence in is since the start of the sovereign debt crisis of 2009. Put simply: a number of members have been struggling to repay or finance their government debt, largely because of increased public spending and slow growth.

However, the IMF has pointed to deeper problems within the Eurozone. Its latest report says many countries are running “excessive deficits” - spending more than they are earning - and one of the biggest challenges to the eurozone “are rooted in distorted political incentives” at both national and Eurozone levels.

One of the central principles of the Stability and Growth Pact (SGP) is that countries must not run an annual budget deficit - the difference between its income and its spending each year - of more than three percent of its GDP.

Both Spain and Portugal are in breach of the SGP, triggering the warning from the Commission, which should have imposed fines on both countries for breaking the rules of the common currency, but declined to over fears it would drive up anti-EU sentiment in both countries.

People march during a protest called by the main union against the government’s austerity and social measures in Madrid, Spain December 18, 2016

Taken together with the woes over the Greek third bailout - the subject itself of disagreement between the IMF and the Eurozone - the breaches are a further sign of the dysfunctionality of the single currency, because of a north-south divide in the economies of the member states. For the SGP to work, all euro member states must have similar fiscal policies and economic cycles - which they patently don’t have.

Enforcement Politics

At the height of the sovereign debt crisis of 2008-9, Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Spain and Cyprus were unable to repay or refinance their government debt or to bail out over-indebted banks without the assistance of third parties like other Eurozone countries, the European Central Bank (ECB), or the IMF - otherwise known as the Troika.

One of the fundamental issues of sovereign debt crisis is that - previously, when the countries all had their own currencies - the governments would have devalued the currency to recover the situation. With a shared currency, they were unable to adopt that course of action.

The IMF also says that oversight of the Eurozone is too complicated and political. The responsibility for enforcement is shared between the European Commission and the Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN) - the finance ministers of the Eurozone.

The European Commission has the right and duty to monitor implementation of the SGP without having full power to take action in cases of noncompliance because ECOFIN has the final word on monitoring and enforcement decisions, the report says.

“This incomplete separation of powers between the two entities has long been seen as a weakness of the SGP for at least two reasons. First, the ECOFIN gathers officials responsible to their own countries’ constituencies and with the mandate of advancing national interests. As a result, some have argued that the enforcement of the SGP has not been evenhanded, with preferential treatment granted to larger countries holding more voting rights."

- Damning IMF Report Reveals Dysfunction Within Eurozone

Specifically pointing out the two culprits, i.e. bankers and politicians, the regulators are effectively saying that the European Union project, as it was designed by the Khazars, must go as it forces the population to bite the “austerity” bullet every time there’s a financial crisis of their own making, just to keep the bankers afloat.

Angela & Daddy

To make matters worse for the bankers, Donald Trump is expected to appoint an EU ambassador who advocates for the shorting of the euro as the EU currency could fail within the next 18 months.

“I am not certain there will be a European Union in which to have negotiations… The one thing I would do in 2017 is short the euro. I think it is a currency that is not only in demise, but has a real problem and could in fact collapse in the coming year or year and a half.”

Trump’s EU Ambassador Hints Euro 'Could FAIL' in 18 Months


What this all means is a continuation of the battle royale between Donald Trump and Angela Merkel, who was one of those who actively interfered with the last US elections.

"UK, Germany, & France ‘grossly interfered’ in US election - Russian FM

Leaders and top officials from the UK, Germany, and France have “grossly interfered” in US internal affairs, “campaigned” for Hillary Clinton, and openly “demonized” Donald Trump, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said.

Speaking at a press conference following a meeting with Austrian counterpart Sebastian Kurz, Lavrov said Moscow “is tired” of accusations it meddled in the US election.

In fact, Lavrov said, it is time to “acknowledge the fact” that it was the other way around.

“US allies have grossly interfered in America’s internal affairs, in the election campaign,” Lavrov said.

“We noticed that Angela Merkel, Francois Hollande, Theresa May, and other European leaders” did so. He added that official representatives of some of the European countries did not mince words, and essentially “demonized” Donald Trump during the election campaign."

- UK, Germany, & France ‘grossly interfered’ in US election – Russian FM

Since the money laundering penalties levied against Deuthsbank involved an attack of the Russian currency, Vladimir Putin could enter the fray (the Russian government is obviously supplying the critical data necessary for indictment), for whom Merkel’s intelligence chief is already attending to.

Crisis of EU Banking, Break-Up of the European Union (EU)? ECB Head Mario Draghi

"Panicked Germany accuses Putin of ‘aggressive’ propaganda plot aimed at TAKING DOWN Merkel

Hans-Georg Maassen, BfV intelligence agency

Germany has clashed with Russia over an alleged propaganda campaign against Angela Merkel

Head of Berlin’s BfV intelligence agency, Hans-Georg Maassen, condemned the Kremlin for increasing its “operations” against the German Chancellor and other government figures.

Mr Maassen said: “We see aggressive and increased cyber spying and cyber operations that could potentially endanger German government officials, members of parliament and employees of democratic parties.”

The surveillance chief, who raised similar concerns about Moscow efforts to interfere in German elections last month, said he expected further cyber attacks from Vladimir Putin’s intelligence agencies."

- Panicked Germany accuses Putin of 'aggressive' propaganda plot aimed at TAKING DOWN Merkel

Knowing that the German bank is too interconnected with other big banks, it’s understandable that whatever Trump does, bankers and media need to oppose.

"Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein told employees that President Donald Trump’s order to halt arrivals from seven Muslim-majority countries was not a policy the bank endorsed, according to a source familiar with the matter.

“This is not a policy we support, and I would note that it has already been challenged in federal court, and some of the order has been enjoined at least temporarily,” Blankfein told employees in a voicemail on Sunday.

Blankfein said Goldman Sachs would work to minimize potential disruptions to employees and their families caused by Trump’s order, according to a transcript seen by Reuters.

Most U.S. corporate bosses have stayed silent on Trump’s immigration curbs, underscoring the sensitivities around opposing policies that could provoke a backlash from the White House.

While Apple, Alphabet Inc’s Google and Facebook emailed their staff to denounce the order, many of their counterparts in other industries either declined to comment or responded with company statements reiterating their commitment to diversity."

- Goldman Sachs CEO Tells Employees Bank Does Not Support Trump’s Muslim Ban

It’s now pretty obvious that, as the Reformist Collective gained the participation of the unorthodox Donald Trump, the once covert hybrid WW3 is now nearing its climax as both sides of the Atlantic will be run by populist leaderships that the Khazarians are not so happy about.

It is highly anticipated that one more departure, e.g. Frexit, and the whole one-currency bloc is history.

The global criminal syndicate may have stashed some of their loot in industrialized China, and elsewhere, to save them for the rainy days, it doesn’t mean that the same game that they been playing will not be used against them, when necessary.

In fact, what amuses knowledgeable Asians is the inability of the Western oligarchs to play the same game, follow the same rules, that the latter themselves have set forth, a long time ago.

This is the main reason why the Eastern Alliance must regain control, as it has systematically done so, of the global economy. There will be changes because we all want to leave this planet a lot better than we’ve found it, for the sake of the next generation.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Why The Truth Is Vilified (And Lies Are Celebrated) Everywhere Across Our Twisted Society
February 3 2017 | From: NaturalNews

Have you noticed how people who tell the truth are vilified by pop culture and the media while those who lie and deceive are routinely celebrated?

Almost without exception, those individuals who are celebrated by mainstream media and pop culture are the most deceptive, destructive and dishonest people in society.

At the same time, anyone who makes it a point to tell the truth and contribute to human knowledge and awakening is attacked, slandered, vilified and blacklisted. It’s totally twisted!

“If you’re a journalist and you report the truth, you will be fired… you will be censored.”

Today I’ve released a new mini-documentary that explains all this in more detail. It’s a 15-minute video that explores this disturbing phenomenon across our twisted society.

“Voices of truth that cannot be silenced will be destroyed by the status quo…”

Watch it at this link or view it below: (share with everyone!)

Also, check out the following new websites we’re launching to turn the tables on the liars and deceivers in our society, exposing truth in every sector:

Trump.news – Brings you independent news on the Trump presidency, without all the hatred and fakery of the “fakestream media” like CNN.

Censored.news – Real-time aggregation of headlines from across the most heavily censored independent news sites on the ‘net.

GoodGopher.com – The privacy-protected search engine that indexes thousands of independent media websites.

TalkNetwork.com – Breaking news podcasts, video and audio on current events, featuring independent, courageous voices.

MediaFactWatch.com – Exposes the news fakery of the mainstream media and covers the rise of the new media.

FakeScience.news (launching soon) – Exposes all the fake science of the vaccine industry, Big Pharma, global warming temperature fraud and more.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Microwave EMF Science: Deliberate Claptrap Misinformation? + ElectroSensitivity - A Case Study
February 2 2017 | From: ActivistPost / LifeEnergySolutions

What would you think or say if I were to tell you black is white; up is down; Planet Earth is square, not spheroid in shape; and night is day?

You probably would say I’m off my rocker and really don’t know what I’m talking about. Do you think that some segments of vested scientific research are capable of being equally outrageous?

Related: Being Electrosensitive (in a microwaved world)

I propose that very sort of scientific mischief and outrageousness is going on within vested-interest microwave technology sciences so as to keep you, the gullible and enthralled technology ‘smart’ device consumer, confused into believing there are no adverse health effects from microwaves EXCEPT what’s acknowledged and called thermal radiation, which can heat skin.

If smart technology gadgets don’t heat your skin, then they are safe, which is the standard “tobacco science” pap disseminated by industrial professional societies such as IEEE, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), the National Council of Radiation Protection (NCRP) and the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), who fund and/or perform the studies the World Health Organization and global government health agencies cite as ‘factual’ science.

Related: School Boards Left On The Hook For Wi-Fi Injuries

Basically, microwave technology industrial professional societies state emphatically there is no such effect as non-thermal radiation adverse health effects, which contribute to and/or cause electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) or what physicians call idiopathic environmental intolerance (IEI) in sensitive people around the world.

However, here’s the unbelievable part: Non-Industry vs. Industry Funded Studies.

NON-Industry studies found 70% HARMFUL effects and 30% found no effects; whereas in INDUSTRY-studies, they found only 32% HARMFUL effects with 68% no effects. Those data were compiled by Dr. Henry Lai, University of Washington, Professor Emeritus - Department of Bioengineering.

Dr. Lai’s work included the “biological effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic fields (from extremely-low frequency to radiofrequency) and their possible medical applications". Furthermore, Dr. Lai’s work included the development of Artemisinins (derived from extracts of sweet wormwood) for cancer treatment.

Here’s the truly ironic ‘scientific’ part about the above: Almost one-third (32%) of Industry studies found harmful health effects! How, then, can the microwave industry summarily deny such effects don’t exist plus cavalierly – and deliberately – mislead gullible but adoring technology-crazed consumers?

Related: The Gloves Come Off On EMF / Mobile / WiFi Radiation + Understanding The Dangers Of The “5G” Rollout

Even the U.S. Federal Communications Commission is hoodwinked!

The FCC does not have the expertise or the capabilities to determine the safety of electromagnetic fields. FCC stated “Because the Commission does not claim expertise as a de facto health agency, it necessarily considers the views of federal health and safety agencies and institutes that continue to address RF exposure issues in formulating such judgments” in the Federal Register Vol. 78, No. 107 / Tuesday, June 4, 2013 / Proposed Rules[3]. Basically, the FCC takes no responsibility for the science. There ought to be a law against that type of obfuscation on the part of a federal agency tasked with setting safety standards.

Microwave science is more than skewed; it’s downright misleading!

In the recently (December 2016) Reviews on Environmental Health - De Gruyter published the article “Inaccurate official assessment of radiofrequency safety by the Advisory Group on Non-ionising Radiation,” authored by Sarah J. Starkey, Independent Neuroscience and Environmental Health Research, London, UK.

Related: EPA Knew Electro-Magnetic Fields (EMFs) Were A “Probable Human Carcinogen” Decades Ago And Covered It Up

Starkey describes “incorrect and misleading statements from within the [AGNIR 2016] report, omissions and conflict of interests, which make it unsuitable for health risk assessment.

The executive summary and overall conclusions did not accurately reflect the scientific evidence available. Independence is needed from the International Commission of Non-Ionizing Radiation (ICNIRP), the group that set the exposure guidelines being assessed.”

In the Introduction, Starkey states:

“The latest AGNIR review has also been relied upon by health protection agencies around the world, including the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency and Health Canada.

The majority of the global population absorb RF radiation on a daily basis from smartphones, tablet computers, body-worn devices, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth transmitters, cordless phones, base stations, wireless utility meters [aka Smart Meters/AMI Smart Meters] and other transmitters." (Pg. 493)

Under Conflicts of interest, Starkey points out:

“At the time of writing the report, the chairman of AGNIR was also chair of the ICNIRP standing committee on epidemiology. Currently, six members of AGNIR and three members of PHE [Public Health England] or its parent organisation, the Department of Health (DH), are or have been part of ICNIRP.” [….]

“How can AGNIR report that the scientific literature contains evidence of harmful effects below the current guidelines when several of them are responsible for those guidelines?

PHE provide the official advice on the safety of wireless signals within the UK, but having members in ICNIRP introduces a conflict of interest which could prevent them from acknowledging adverse effects below ICNIRP guidelines."
(Pp. 493-94)

Related: WiFi Radiation – New Device Makes It Visible At Last

Under Scientific accuracy, Starkey states:

“(a) Studies were omitted, included in other sections but without any conclusions, or conclusions left out; (b) evidence was dismissed and ignored in conclusions; (c) there were incorrect statements. Terms such as ‘convincing’ or ‘consistent’ were used to imply that there was no evidence." (Pg. 494)

Under “Studies omitted, included in other sections but without any conclusions, or conclusions left out” and referring to ROS [reactive oxygen species]:

“By only including a few of the available studies, not referring to many scattered throughout the report and not mentioning ROS or oxidative stress in any conclusions or the executive summary, this important area of research was misrepresented.

Oxidative stress is a toxic state which can lead to cellular DNA, RNA, protein or lipid damage (7,8) is a major cause of cancer (7),
as well as being implicated in many reproductive, central nervous system, cardiovascular, immune and metabolic disorders."
(Pg. 495)

However and here’s the BIG however, “ICNIRP only accept thermal effects of RF fields and focus on average energy absorbed,” (Pg. 495) even though 32% of Industry studies found non-thermal effects!

ICNIRP has stated its members are independent of vested and commercial interests. However, several ICNIRP members, e.g., Dr. Alexander Lerchl, have been accused of conflicts of interests, the most famous being Anders Ahlborn, Professor of Epidemiology at the Karolinska Institute and former consultant to the tobacco industry.

Related: 5G Telecomm Radiation The Perfect Tool To Mass Modify Human Brain Waves + More Studies Reveal Dangers

Professor Ahlborn was forced to resign as a member of the WHO’s IARC working group on radiofrequencies. Ahlborn was ‘outed’ that he was the director of the consulting firm Gunnar Ahlborn AB, founded by his brother. That consulting firm served telecom businesses and industry.

Starkey goes on to say:

“Many of the longer-term observational studies described significant associations of RF exposures with symptoms, albeit with limitations in study designs: ‘while some, though by no means all, of the studies reviewed above appear to suggest an association between mobile phone use and symptoms…’, [page 245 (2)] followed by ‘almost all of the studies share a fundamental methodological problem which makes it difficult to draw any firm conclusions from them: these studies relied upon the participants’ own descriptions of their mobile phone usage as the exposure variable for their analysis and on self-description of symptoms while knowing exposure status'(2).

Longer-term studies on symptoms were omitted from the executive summary. (Pg. 496)

No mention was made of the World Health Organization (WHO) International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classification of RF fields as a possible human carcinogen in 2011, which was based on limited evidence supporting carcinogenicity below ICNIRP guideline values.(32) (Pg. 496)

By the end of the report, the conclusions on cellular studies had incorrectly become ‘There are now several hundred studies in the published literature that have looked for effects on isolated cells or their components when exposed to RF fields. None has provided robust evidence for and effect.’ "[page 318 (2) (Pg. 497)

The microwave industry considers “cancer” a four-letter-word and does everything within its financial and political prowess to disassociate anyone from proving or even associating cancer etiologies with microwave EMFs/RFs/ELFs, thermal and non-thermal wave radiation.

“Conclusions for further examples:

The denial of the existence of adverse effects of RF fields below ICNIRP guidelines in the AGNIR report conclusions is not supported by the scientific evidence. [….]

The involvement of ICNIRP scientists in the misleading report calls into question the basis and validity of the international exposure guidelines. To protect public health, we need accurate official assessments of whether there are adverse effects of RF signals below current international ICNIRP guidelines, independent of the group who set the guidelines.

The anticipated WHO Environmental Health Criteria Monograph on Radiofrequency Fields, due in 2017, is being prepared by a core group and additional experts with 50% of those named, being, or having been, members of AGNIR or ICNIRP. (Table2) [….]

Independence from ICNIRP is necessary to remove the conflict of interest when effects below ICNIRP exposure guidelines are being assessed. [….]

Individuals and organisations who/that have made decisions about the often compulsory exposures of others to wireless RF communication signals may be unaware of the physical harm that they may have caused, and may still be causing, because they have not been accurately informed of the risks.” [….]

“To prevent further possible harm, restrictions on exposures are required, particularly for children, pregnant women and individuals with medical conditions. (Pg. 499)

PHE and AGNIR had a responsibility to provide accurate information about the safety of RF fields. Unfortunately, the report suffered from an incorrect and misleading executive summary and overall conclusions, inaccurate statements, omissions and conflict of interest.

Public health and the well-being of other species in the natural world cannot be protected when evidence of harm, no matter how inconvenient, is covered up.”
(Pp. 499- 500)

Ironically, the above-cited Starkey paper has 99 References, some of which were included to show corrupted science articles which appear in the published scientific literature. [CJF emphasis added]

Related: Do You Really Understand The Health Risks From Microwave Technology? + The Health Effects Of Microwave
Radiation Spelled Out

The above paper by Sarah J. Starkey is only one intelligently explained example of what’s really going on with microwave ‘science’ to keep consumers enthralled about and with ‘smart’ devices and denied microwave technology health hazards.

There are so many more studies I can cite, but I think readers ought to be getting the picture of what’s not being told to them so that the marketing plans for smart appliances and gadgets can rule consumers’ lives - everything from a ‘smart’ phone, appliances and Wi-Fi to the coveted G5, global Wi-Fi in the sky. Fried brains, anyone?

Related Articles:

How Computer And Mobile Phone Use Affects Our Blood

If Cell Phone Radiation Were Visible, The World Would Look Like This

First Study On 4G / LTE Cell Phone Radiation Shows It Affects Brain Activity

Reports Of Illness Prompt Audit Of Smart Meter Radiation

Mobilize - Finally A Documentary Depicting The Dangers Of Cell Phone Radiation

The Ugly Reality Of Cell Phone And Electronic Device Radiation

Australian Researcher: Phone Radiation Is A Hotline To Brain Cancer + Is Wi-Fi Making Your Child Ill?

Electromagnetic Radiation And Other Weapons Of Mass Mutation

The Truth About Mobile Phone And Wireless Radiation

Massive Government Study Concludes Cell Phone Radiation Causes Brain Cancer + The Effects Of Smartphone Light

The 'Smart' Meter Itself Is The “Hazardous Condition” + Studies On Radiation From Smart Meters Show That
Electromagnetic Frequencies Disrupt And Damage The Nervous System

ElectroSensitivity - A Case Study

Electrosensitivity, also known as ems, es, electrical oversensitivity / hypersensitivity is a state where the body becomes so sensitive to electrical fields that simple, moder, every-day tasks such as using the phone, driving a car, or working on a computer can have unbearable physical consequences for the sufferer.

Symptoms can vary from mild to severe headaches, nausea, insomnia, eye irritations, dizziness, skin rashes, facial swelling, fatigue, joint pains, buzzing/ringing in the ears, abdominal pain, breathing difficulties, irregular heart beat, depression, balance problems, paralysis, poor memory/concentration, seizures.

Related: We Are Electromagnetic Radiation Guinea Pigs

People aren't born with this condition it develops after a prologued period of exposure after which the body seems to reach a point of critical mass and tips over the edge into electrosensitivity. Electrosensitivity can also be triggered by exposure to a new electronic device.

Electrosensitivity sufferers face denial from the medical establishment and find themselves fobbed off with antidepressants or other non-effective drugs and left to suffer without support. It is only Sweden that officially recognizes electrosensitivity as a medical condition even though it is now a worldwide rapidly growing phenomenon.

One such electrosensitivity sufferer is U.K sculptor Margaret Lovell. The BBC did a 10 minute segment on her for a local television show and we found her through the associated web site. Margaret accepted our offer to trial both a Nu-Me pendant and a p.e.bal to see how they could help with her condition. The following video summarizes her experience.

Penny Hargreaves

Penny is a horse-trainer whose animals, farm and livelihood were systematically destroyed by the presence of a major radio transmission tower on the edge of her property on the outskirts of Christchurch NZ.

For over a decade she has been researching the effects and technologies of electro-magnetic radiation and has become an expert in this area, not academic but experiential.

She was close friends with the late Dr. Neil Cherry, an outspoken critic of EMR and the telecommunications industry. Her information, her experience, her plight, her message are an urgent warning for almost all of humanity who are currently bathed in a carcinogenic sea of weaponized electro-magnetic radiation.

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

Related: Evidence of Penelope Hargreaves for Ouruhia Residents

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
6 Lessons You Must Learn To Find Contentment In Life & A Nice Little Stroll Could Be The Key To Your Good Mood
February 2 2017 | From: TheUnboundedSpirit / AustralianNationalReview

Contentment is what each and every human being is searching for, but most can’t seem to find it.

Of course, it’s understandable why that is so – the way we’ve learned to live since a very young age inevitably leads us to experience a state of  unhappiness, meaninglessness, and emptiness.

However, we don’t have to live like this until we take our last breath. As individuals, it’s in our hand to make conscious choices that will help create a more beautiful life for ourselves and the world in general.

Before we can achieve this, however, we need to understand what we’ve been doing that prevents us from finding contentment, and how we can break free from the chains of our detrimental habits. Below you’ll read six important lessons that will help you to do exactly that, thus opening the doors to the kind of life you’ve been deep down longing for.

1. Failure is Better Than Regret

Life is short, and we should make sure not to waste it being preoccupied with things that don’t contribute to our well-being.

One of the main reasons why people miss out on life is the fear of failure. If you want to pursue your dreams, it’s very likely that you’ll encounter a lot of obstacles on your way, that you’ll stumble over some of them, and that at times you will fail to overcome them, which can be a very hurtful emotional process.

So what’s the best way to stay emotionally safe? To not try to chase your dreams at all. If you don’t ever try to succeed, you are never going to fail, right? That’s all well and good, but with the exception that you’ll sooner or later be filled with regrets, not so much about not having turned your dreams into reality, but mainly about not having given it a good try.

From today, be sure to listen to your heart and follow its guidance, no matter the difficulties you might encounter on your path, remembering that the only true failure in life is not trying at all.

2. Pain and Self-Growth Go Hand in Hand

Self-growth can be tremendously painful at times, and you need to fully embrace this fact, if you are willing to create the best version of yourself.

Pain is there for a reason – to show us that something wrong is going on in our lives. It is a wake-up call, reminding us that we need to take action in order to relieve ourselves from it. Pain, therefore, helps us to find out how to overcome life’s hardships, by urging us to learn, become more intelligent, and eventually master the art of living in contentment.

Pain is a great teacher, so never forget to pay attention to the important lessons it has to teach you.

3. The Past Can be Both a Friend and a Foe

The past is not here anymore and so we cannot change it, but we can always look back on it and learn from it.

In the past, every single person has made mistakes, and those mistakes are there to teach us what we need to know so as to never make them again. And, although the past can be used as a guide towards a brighter future, at the same time it can be a great burden on our shoulders, if we become emotionally attached to it, that doesn’t allow us to live to our fullest in the present.

The past belongs in the past, so no matter how many hardships you’ve gone through or how many mistakes you’ve made, don’t let them prevent you from moving forward in life. Study the past, learn from it, and then let go of it.

4. Life is Impermanent

In the world, everything is changing, except change itself. Being part of the world, we are constantly changing too. Our relationships change, our health changes, our thoughts and emotions change. The problem, however, is that most people don’t like change and do anything they can in order to prevent it.

We are so attached to the kind of life we are living – our, possessions, friends, work, and so on – that we’re tremendously afraid to let go of them when we should, even though in reality it’s not always in our control to keep them by our side.

In fact, the harsh truth is that no matter how tightly we’re trying to hold on to them, sooner or later life is bound to take them away from us, and unless we embrace change and let ourselves flow with the river of life, we will always remain victims of fear.

5. Honesty Keeps Things Simple

Most people wear a mask, showing to others a different image of who they actually are, and this immensely complicates their lives, but most just can’t see it.

When we are pretending to be someone we’re not, we are expending much of our energy trying to keep that mask on, suppressing our thoughts and emotions. Trying to conform to an image, we become locked in a self-imposed mental prison, which doesn’t allow us to live spontaneously and care-free.

In addition, lack of honesty results in messed up human relations. When we are not honest with those we come in contact with, how can we form intimate, genuine friendships or love relationships? It’s impossible, for this can only be achieved when we open up our heart and expose our innermost being to others.

6. Gratitude Brings Fulfillment

Buddha once said, “Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn’t learn a lot at least we learned a little, and if we didn’t learn a little, at least we didn’t get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn’t die; so, let us all be thankful.”

Perhaps you are not living the ideal life, but just being here and now experiencing this miracle called existence should be enough in itself to bring you contentment. Of course, I don’t mean to say that you shouldn’t try to transcend anything that prevents you from realizing your fullest potential.

My point is simply that unless you learn to savor those little, everyday, ordinary yet beautiful moments that life brings on your way, you will never feel fulfilled and content.

In short, aim at a better future, but never forget to appreciate and find joy in the gifts you’ve already been offered by the universe.

There you have it – six simple yet powerful lessons that can do wonders to alter your mindset and hence your way of living.

Contemplate on them, understand them, practice them, and I assure you that your life will sooner or later take a very positive direction, leading to joy, peace, and contentment.

A Nice Little Stroll Could Be The Key To Your Good Mood

New research confirms the ability of short strolls to have a positive effect on your mood, reports Huffington Post Australia.

Emotion journal published a study in August, which revealed that a short 12-minute stroll can do wonders for your mood. You don’t even need a companion or good weather for it to make you feel better.Huffington Post reported the details of the research:

“To figure this out, researchers asked more than 400 undergraduate students at Iowa State University to go on a walk in three different experiments that were designed to test volunteers’ moods and how walking affected them.

In the first experiment, researchers just tested for the effect of a stroll, telling students to do nothing more than go for a walk around campus and report back."

“In the second, the psychologists tested for environmental surroundings to see if where they walked matters. Participants toured the inside of a drab campus building and were informed they’d have to write a paper after the walk. Despite the unexciting views and knowing a hard project awaited them, participants still felt more positive, self-assured and attentive after a walk, according to the study."

“The third experiment acted as a control test to confirm the previous two findings. Participants either walked on a treadmill or sat next to one.

Those who walked experienced a significant boost in positive affect levels, while levels dipped for participants who stayed still.”

This study gives fuel to the idea that a stroll can really help you ahead of a hard task. You can feel more positive at important meetings after taking a short stroll.

St. Xavier University Assistant psychology professor Jeffrey Miller says, “There seems to be something about that brisk, confident walk that is really good for you”, reports Huffington Post Australia.

Miller also added that the walk doesn’t have to be an aerobic experience for you to feel better and more positive. He explained;

“It’s not really the pace that seems to be key, and what’s so neat is that it doesn’t really have to have any purpose… Whether you believe that you’re going to feel better or not, [after a walk] you’re going to feel better relative to not being in motion at all.”

Walking not only helps your mood, it is also a good overall health experience. Walking has many positive effects on diseases like dementia, osteoarthritis, obesity, blood pressure and cancer. Take a stroll now for a more fulfilling life!

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Trump’s Idea-Man Steve Bannon X-Rays New York Times’ Skull: Empty + Seven Inconvenient Facts About Trump’s Refugee Actions
February 1 2017 | From: JonRappoport / Breitbart / Various

A few days ago, the NY Times interviewed Trump’s special counselor, Steve Bannon. Bannon wasted no time:

“The media should be embarrassed and humiliated and keep its mouth shut and just listen for a while.”

Related: Trump gives Pentagon 30 days to develop strategy to defeat ISIS in Iraq & Syria

“The media here is the opposition party. They don’t understand this country. They still do not understand why Donald Trump is the president of the United States.”

“The elite media got it [their election prediction] dead wrong, 100 percent dead wrong…a humiliating defeat that they will never wash away, that will always be there.”

“The mainstream media has not fired or terminated anyone associated with following our [Trump] campaign. Look at the Twitter feeds of those people [reporters]: they were outright activists of the Clinton campaign.”

“That’s why you [the NY Times and other press outlets] have no power. You were humiliated.”

The Times asked Bannon if he thought Sean Spicer, Trump’s new press secretary, had “lost credibility with the media.”

Bannon said: “Are you kidding me? We think that’s a badge of honor… The media has zero integrity, zero intelligence, and no hard work. You’re the opposition party. Not the Democratic Party. You’re the opposition party. The media’s the opposition party.”

The Times thought they were being clever by getting Bannon’s quotes “on the record.” They knew he would attack the press, and they knew their loyal readers would tsk-tsk and shake their heads as they sipped their morning coffees. Oh dear, o my, who is this wild man Bannon lashing out at our beloved newspaper?

Related: The Left Is Self-Destructing - Paul Craig Roberts

Bannon knows the game. He understands the Times and the Washington Post, and the rest of the media echo-chamber that bounces agreed-upon stories among themselves.

That’s what they did during the presidential campaign, and despite their best efforts, Globalist queen, Hillary Clinton, hit the skids and ended up back in Chappaqua, the Oval Office forever out of her reach. Cry for her, America.

Kellyanne Conway Shut Chris Wallace Down and Left Him Speechless

Bannon is right. The media is the opposition party. They oppose the people’s right to know, on hundreds of major stories, and whether you love or hate Donald Trump, the media are criminal rogues in a long-running stage play.

The media believe an election campaign is an event they own. It’s their property. They can twist it any which way.

If something can be printed on page one and put on the nightly news, the media claim ownership. This is why ABC is asserting that their recent interview with Trump cannot be aired by ANYONE after February 1. ABC owns history. They can erase it. (See here and here. Oh, and for good measure, see here.)

Sound familiar? It’s straight out of Orwell’s 1984.

And hold on: since Trump’s election, Orwell’s novel has jumped to number one on Amazon’s list of best sellers. Number one. Its publisher, Penguin, has ordered a new print run of 75,000 to keep up with the demand. 47,000 copies have been sold since Trump won the election.

Related: Quebec Mosque Shooting a Devastating Blow to Leftist Narrative

My God, the basket of deplorables can read. Something’s happening, Mr. NY Times, and you don’t know what it is.

You’re clueless. You’re outflanked. You’re throwing power-puff punches in the dark. What’s your next move? An interview with Beelzebub, who says he voted for Trump?

My guess is you’ve got a team down in Mexico right now, talking to your principal investor, billionaire Carlos Slim, begging him for more money to refinance the refinance of your debt, so you can keep paddling along in your vast sea of red ink.

Meanwhile, more and more people will be reading Orwell’s 1984 and identifying you as the Ministry of Truth.

Even readers from Hillary’s camp, taken in by your claim that fake news brought her down, will discover, when they read 1984, that the prime number one faker is the State media apparatus, not 50,000 independent outlets.

You, the NY Times, have been THE State media apparatus for a long, long time.

Seven Inconvenient Facts About Trump’s Refugee Actions

The sober and logical reasons for President Donald Trump’s executive order on refugees and visitors are rising above the noise after an evening of hysterical over-reactions and emotional meltdowns on the nation’s TV networks.

Advocates of sane, secure immigration policy have long noted that it’s almost impossible to have a reasonable discussion of the refugee and immigration issues, because it’s been sentimentalized and politicized beyond the realm of rational thought.

Related: Rasmussen Poll: Clear Majority of Americans Support Trump’s Travel Ban

This weekend brings them another superb example of media-magnified shrieking about fascism, bleating about “white nationalists,” howling about “religious persecution,” false invocations of the Constitution, and theatrical sobbing on behalf of the Statue of Liberty.

For readers who want to wallow in the emotion, examples can be found in this handy dossier of hysteria compiled by the Washington Post. But clear-eyed adults prefer to examine plain facts about Trump’s executive order:

1. It is NOT a “Muslim ban.” You will search the Executive Order in vain for mentions of Islam, or any other religion. By Sunday morning, the media began suffering acute attacks of honesty and writing headlines such as “Trump’s Latest Executive Order: Banning People From 7 Countries and More” (CNN) and printing the full text of the order.

Granted, CNN still slips the phrase “Muslim-majority countries” into every article about the order, including the post in which they reprinted its text in full, but CNN used the word “Muslim,” not Trump.

The order applies to all citizens of Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen. It does not specify Muslims. The indefinite hold on Syrian refugees will affect Christians and Muslims alike.

The Truth About Trump’s ‘Muslim Ban’

It's not a Muslim ban, you virtue signaling morons.

As Tim Carney at the Washington Examiner points out, the largest Muslim-majority countries in the world are not named in the Executive Order.

More countries may be added to the moratorium in the days to come, as the Secretary of Homeland Security has been instructed to complete a 30-day review of nations that don’t provide adequate information for vetting visa applicants.

It’s also noteworthy that the ban is not absolute. Exceptions for “foreign nationals traveling on diplomatic visas, North Atlantic Treaty Organization visas, C-2 visas for travel to the United Nations, and G-1, G-2, G-3, and G-4 visas” are expressly made in the order.

The Departments of State and Homeland Security can also grant exceptions on a “case-by-case basis,” and “when in the national interest, issue visas or other immigration benefits to nationals of countries for which visas and benefits are otherwise blocked.”

There is a provision in the Executive Order that says applications based on religious persecution will be prioritized “provided that the religion of the individual is a minority religion in the individual’s country of nationality.”

This has been denounced as a “stealth Muslim ban” by some of the very same people who were conspicuously silent when the Obama administration pushed Christians - who the most savagely persecuted minority in the Middle East, with only the Yazidis offering real competition - to the back of the migration line.

2. The order is based on security reviews conducted by President Barack Obama’s deputies. As White House counselor Kellyanne Conway pointed out on “Fox News Sunday,” the seven nations named in Trump’s executive order are drawn from the Terrorist Prevention Act of 2015.

The 2015 “Visa Waiver Program Improvement and Terrorist Travel Prevention Act of 2015” named Iraq, Iran, Sudan, and Syria, while its 2016 update added Libya, Somalia, and Yemen.

“These are countries that have a history of training, harboring, exporting terrorists. We can’t keep pretending and looking the other way,” said Conway.

Related: Showdown Looming Between Donald Trump & US Private Central Bank

3. The moratorium is largely temporary. Citizens of the seven countries named as security risks are banned from entering the United States for the next 90 days. Refugee processing is halted for 120 days.

The longest-lived aspect of the ban may prove to be the halt on Syrian refugees, but that isn’t given a time frame at all. It will last:

“Until such time as I have determined that sufficient changes have been made to the USRAP to ensure that admission of Syrian refugees is consistent with the national interest,” as President Trump wrote.


4. Obama banned immigration from Iraq, and Carter banned it from Iran. “Fact-checking” website PolitiFact twists itself into knots to avoid giving a “true” rating to the absolutely true fact that Jimmy Carter banned Iranian immigration in 1980, unless applicants could prove they were enemies of the Khomenei theocracy.

One of Politifact’s phony talking points states that Carter “acted against Iranian nationals, not an entire religion.” As noted above, Trump’s Executive Order is precisely the same – it does not act against an “entire religion,” it names seven countries.

As for Barack Obama, he did indeed ban immigration from Iraq, for much longer than Trump’s order bans it from the seven listed nations, and none of the people melting down today uttered a peep of protest. Richard Grenell summed it up perfectly in a Tweet:

5. Trump’s refugee caps are comparable to Obama’s pre-2016 practices: 
David French, who was touted as a spoiler candidate to keep Donald Trump out of the White House during the presidential campaign – in other words, not a big Trump fan – wrote a lengthy and clear-headed analysis of the Executive Order for National Review

He noted that after the moratorium ends in 120 days, Trump caps refugee admissions at 50,000 per year… which is roughly the same as President Obama’s admissions in 2011 and 2012, and not far below the 70,000 per year cap in place from 2013 to 2015.

Obama had fairly low caps on refugees during the worst years of the Syrian civil war. He didn’t throw open the doors to mass refugee admissions until his final year in office. Depending on how Trump’s review of Syrian refugee policy turns out, he’s doing little more than returning admissions to normal levels after a four-month pause for security reviews.

6. The Executive Order is legal: Those invoking the Constitution to attack Trump’s order are simply embarrassing themselves. The President has clear statutory authority to take these actions. As noted, his predecessors did so, without much controversy.

Related: Trump’s Extreme Vetting Sold as “Muslim Ban” by MSM; Not All Muslims are Buying it

Most of the legal arguments against Trump’s order summarized by USA Today are entirely specious, such as attacking him for “banning an entire religion,” which the order manifestly does not do. 

Critics of the order have a political opinion that it will in effect “ban Muslims,” but that’s not what it says. Designating specific nations as trouble spots and ordering a pause is entirely within the President’s authority, and there is ample precedent to prove it.

It should be possible to argue with the reasoning behind the order, or argue that it will have negative unintended consequences, without advancing hollow legal arguments. Of course, this is America 2017, so a wave of lawsuits will soon be sloshing through the courts.

Muslim Activist Explains Why She Supports Extreme Vetting

7. This Executive Order is a security measure, not an arbitrary expression of supposed xenophobia.
Conway stressed the need to enhance immigration security from trouble spots in her “Fox News Sunday” interview. French also addressed the subject in his post:

"When we know our enemy is seeking to strike America and its allies through the refugee population, when we know they’ve succeeded in Europe, and when the administration has doubts about our ability to adequately vet the refugees we admit into this nation, a pause is again not just prudent but arguably necessary.

It is important that we provide sufficient aid and protection to keep refugees safe and healthy in place, but it is not necessary to bring Syrians to the United States to fulfill our vital moral obligations."

French’s major objection to the Executive Order is that applying it to green-card holders is “madness,” but unfortunately many of the terrorists who attacked Americans during the Obama years were green-card holders.

Daniel Horowitz and Chris Pandolfo addressed that subject at Conservative Review:

"Both liberals and conservatives expressed concern over hundreds of individuals going over to fight for ISIS. We are already limited in how we can combat this growing threat among U.S. citizens. Given that it is completely legal to exclude non-citizens upon re-entry, Trump extended the ban to legal permanent residents as well.

If a Somali refugee is travelling back to Somalia (so much for credible fear of persecution!), government officials should have the ability to prevent that person from coming back when necessary.

Obviously, there are some individuals from these seven countries who already have green cards and we might not want to exclude. That is why the order grants discretion to the State Department to issue case-by-case exemptions for “religious persecution, “or when the person is already in transit and denying admission would cause undue hardship.”

A CBP agent is always stationed at any international airport from which these individuals would board a direct flight to the United States (Paris and Dubai, for example). That individual would not allow anyone covered by this ban onto a U.S.-bound flight unless he grants them a hardship exemption.

Indeed, it appears that green card holders returning yesterday from those seven countries were all granted entry."

Because he is a progressive globalist, Obama deliberately blinded us to security threats, in the name of political correctness and left-wing ideology.

Ninety or 120 days isn’t much time for Trump to turn all that around, especially because it is unlikely much will change in the seven countries Trump named.

The hysterical reaction to Trump’s order illustrates the very thing that worries advocates of strong immigration security:

Related: Trump Defends Refugee Order: “Nothing Nice About Searching For Terrorists”

Americans’ security is the lowest priority, far below progressive ideology, crass political opportunism, and emotional theater.

We’re being effectively told by the theatrical class to tolerate a certain amount of Islamic terrorism because their feelings would be hurt by the tough measures we need protest ourselves from a tough enemy. But this time, President Trump is proving tough enough to push our security up into the top priority.

Related: Donald Trump is Going to Make the European Union History

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Free Energy Breakthrough In Russia + South Korea On The Verge Of Unlimited Energy Breakthrough
February 1 2017 | From: TheMindUnleashed / NaturalNews / Various

“Ladies and gentlemen, today, here in Geneva, we are making public a discovery on the technology, which, without any exaggeration, could be described as historic significance."

"Now, the essence of this discovery and the technology, boils down to the development of industrial methods for the transformation of chemical elements into other elements and their isotopes."

Related: Nikola Tesla’s 5 Lost Inventions That Threatened The Global Elite

"What we have to show you today is a transmutation without any nuclear reactors, without heavy water or anything of the kind to obtain transmutation of elements. 

Our approach with transmutation of chemical elements is biochemical in nature. It is still too early to fully grasp the economic and civilization significance of this development of this technology. It would not be an exaggeration to say that this discovery is a veritable revolution which is going to open a new chapter in the technological process.

Unlikely as it may sound, this is a fact. The architects for this discovery and technology are leading Russian chemists Mrs. Tamara Sakhno and Mr. Victor Kurashov."

"These are theoretically and experimental scientists who stand on the shoulders of a dynasty of researchers who have been instrumental in discovering this method for the transformation of chemical elements. 

Mankind, represented by the authors, has discovered this method for the transmutation of matter, which is likely to change the face of today’s world, perhaps as deeply as it was changed by the use of electricity, perhaps even deeper.” 

Brilliant Light Power's SunCell Announced on CNN International

CNN International's announcement of the SunCell, the world's new energy source that releases massive power by conversion of hydrogen to dark matter.

Though this announcement quietly took place in June of 2016, the dust is still needing to settle before we perhaps realize the potential magnitude of this discovery.

What must be remembered is that even though this took place about 7 months ago, but hasn’t been announced on a mass scale, it doesn’t mean that this isn’t real or significant. If this discovery is indeed real, it would still make complete sense that many things would need to be discussed and put into place for this kind of technology to be openly released to the world.

Many discussions and plans would need to be studied so that this was done in a way that makes the least amount of disruption to our everyday life. As stated in the announcement above, the economic and social ramifications have yet to be fully understood.

Though I and many others would like this to just simply be “released to the world,” it is most likely that many different scenarios are being laid out and debated for this to be properly done.

The establishment has suppressed thousands of free energy inventions since the time of Tesla - because the Cabal could not have maintained their power grip on the world if they had not controlled energy for so long. Their time is up...

We must then also take into mind the current geopolitical events that are playing out in our world that are based on attaining more power and control. Though it is outside the scope of this article, it must nonetheless be acknowledged that politics is almost certainly playing a role in this complicated situation.

Could this be one reason why the U.S. and much of Europe condemns Russia so much? Could part of it be that Russia potentially has the technology to transform our world and remove us from oil and gas dependence for energy use?

Remember too though that the U.S. also has free energy technology, but has chosen not to release it.

Dr. Brian O’Leary, Ph.D, scientist, author, Princeton/Cornell physics professor, and former NASA astronaut once said about free energy technology:

"If the new energy technologies were to be set free worldwide, the change would be profound, it would affect everybody, it would be applicable everywhere. These technologies are absolutely the most important thing that has happened in the history of the world.”

While it remains to be seen what, if anything, will come of this announcement from Russian scientists, we can all help the movement to push for the release of this kind of technology and other free energy technology by informing ourselves and others of the reality of such technology.

Share this with others who you feel might like this article, if you wish. Search and watch free energy clips and documentaries. Read books like Forbidden Science, The Energy Evolution and Quest For Zero Point Energy.

Because every thought and action creates an effect in the quantum world, the more people that become aware and attuned to the reality of this technology, the larger the momentum that is created to help manifest this into our world.

For those that wish to see the entire announcement from the Russian scientists in Geneva, see the video here.

Related: Surviving Without Power: 4 Creative Ways To Heat And Light Your Home When The Grid Goes Down

South Korea On The Verge Of Unlimited Energy Breakthrough

Scientists in South Korea have reportedly made a breakthrough toward harnessing an unlimited source of safe and clean energy via nuclear fusion.

The Korean Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research (KSTAR) reactor apparently set a world’s record recently by holding superheated plasma in a steady state for 70 seconds.

If implemented into widespread use, the nuclear fusion process - which is an alternative to nuclear fission and the radioactive waste that accompanies it - could revolutionize the energy delivery system by among other things also presumably eliminating reliance on fossil fuels and all the geopolitical, economic, environmental, and social ramifications that go with it.

Deploying the nuclear fusion technology in residential and commercial settings won’t happen tomorrow or the next day but it is no longer in the realm of science fiction because “research such as KSTAR proves that the burning of star-like fuel can be achieved and contained using current technology,” the Daily Mail claimed.

The KSTAR facility is located about 100 miles south of Seoul, and the reactor is capable of generating temperatures of up 300 million degrees Celsius (approximately 540 million degrees Fahrenheit) for plasma blobs.

Related: Egyptian Girl Discovers How to Turn Plastic Trash into $78 Million Biofuel

Plasma blobs are held together by magnetic fields, according to Interesting Engineering, thereby creating helium atoms. The energy thus released is theoretically capable of generating “unlimited” power.

“Containing this ultra-hot type of matter is key to unlocking nuclear fusion, so it’s a big step forward in our attempts to make this clean, safe, and virtually limitless source of energy something we can rely on,” Science Alert explained.

This mode of operation could conceivably generate nuclear waste-free power for a millennium using just seawater, as long as the appropriate safety and sustainability controls are in place. Moreover, there is apparently far less risk of a plant meltdown using nuclear fusion technology.

“To put it simply, nuclear fusion is the process that makes the sun shine, with the nuclei of small atoms, such as hydrogen, squeezed together and heated to an extreme degree such that they fuse to form larger nuclei and release a burst of energy…

Conventional nuclear power plants depend on materials such as uranium or plutonium to create the fission to generate energy, but the radioactivity of the resulting fragments are considered a crucial drawback.

In a nuclear fusion reaction, however, problems about waste disposal are greatly minimized,”
The Korea Times explained.

As Natural News has chronicled previously, traditional nuke plants here and abroad have introduced hazardous waste into the environment, so any discussion of nuclear power, conventional or otherwise, is bound to become immediately controversial.

Nuclear waste disposal is a hot-button issue, as it were, and has long been at the heart of opposition to nuclear power by environmental groups, suggesting that fusion process, if it fully proves out, might be a solution acceptable to all constituencies.

Parenthetically, Australia is reportedly considering building a gigantic nuclear waste storage facility in the sparsely populated southern part of the country.

Some people believe that gathering nuclear waste together in one site makes it easier to secure, control and keep track of, minimizing the possibilities of widespread radiation exposure across multiple cities, and reducing the chances of these dangerous materials getting into the wrong hands and used in a dirty bomb.

Others feel that the health concerns of radiation exposure are simply not worth it.

In a statement about what appears to be a new nuclear fusion benchmark, South Korea’s National Fusion Research Institute lauded the KSTAR reactor record as being in the;

“Forefront in steady-state plasma operation technology in a superconducting device. This is a huge step forward for realization of the fusion reactor.”

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
What Are Chemtrails And How Are They Harming Our Food And Water? + Nuclear Chemist Publishes Paper Detailing: “Aluminum Poisoning Of Humanity Via Geoengineering”
January 31 2017 | From: TheTruthAboutCancer / HumansAreFree

Just when you thought Monsanto was under wraps, you find out they’re up to something even more horrific. What’s even worse is that it all started a long time ago. Comment: This is fairly 101 but the content is very good, especially for newcomers...

In the late 1960s Monsanto supported the secret Muad’ Dib Geoengineering Lab to develop chemtrail technology; their crown jewel program to protect earth from global warming via weather control. Sounds so humanitarian, right? Wrong!

Related: U.S. Government Officially Calls For Research Into Geoengineering The Earth

Most folks discover the reality of chemtrails by initially reading about it online and then going outside, looking up into the sky, and noticing the crisscrossing streaks of white clouds trailing behind jet aircraft, stretching from horizon to horizon, eventually turning the sky into a murky haze. Chemtrails are like science fiction turned reality. I once thought they were harmless condensation trails in the sky, but after further investigation, not anymore!

In this article I’ll answer the question what are chemtrails? I’ll share the effects of chemtrails on your environment, food, water and their connection to cancer.

This information is meant to increase your awareness of the toxicity in our environment and encourage you to eliminate toxins that are within your control whenever and wherever you can.

What Are Chemtrails?

Chemtrails are geo-engineered aerosols that are loaded with toxic chemicals, including but not limited to: barium, strontium 90, aluminum, cadmium, zinc, viruses and “chaff.” Chaff looks like snow but it’s actually Mylar fibers (like in fiberglass) coated with aluminum, desiccated blood cells, plastic, and paper. 

Related: “Conspiracy Theorists” Are Vindicated: U.S. Senate Reports Chemtrails Are Real And Are Killing Us!

Polymer chemist Dr. R. Michael Castle has studied atmospheric polymers for years, and he has identified microscopic polymers comprised of genetically-engineered fungal forms mutated with viruses, which are now part of the air we breathe.

Chemtrails have nothing to do with the jet engine combustion process. They are often laid in a grid-like pattern by multiple planes (even drones) where they disperse slowly taking on the appearance of odd, at first narrow, but widening, smoky clouds until merging together to form, if sufficiently numerous, an aerosol bank that obscures the blue sky and gives the appearance of a dirty white overcast.

Unlike normal contrails which quickly dissipate, chemtrails (fake clouds as my children call them) sometimes take hours to dissipate and eventually fan out to a spider web type of milky haze that covers the entire sky. As these are formed from minute reflective metallic particulates they eventually reach the earth.

Pre-Programming: Chemtrails on CSI

Still having doubts? Please download this PDF file called HR 2977 “The Space & Preservation Act of 2001.” In this document the United States Government openly admits the existence of chemtrails.

Still not enough proof?  What if I told you that there are patents for these very such things? The image below is a 1975 U.S. Patent issued to Donald K. Werle, Romas Kasparas, Sidney Katz, assigned through the U.S. Navy, that describes a dispersion method for a “powder contrail.”

Here are just a few more patents relating to chemtrails and geoengineering:

Patent #1619183

Patent# 2045865

Patent# 2591988

Patent# 3437502

Patent# 3531310

How Do Chemtrails Impact Our Food and Water?

Secretly filling the sky, without our knowledge or consent mind you, with billions of megatons of aluminum, strontium 90, barium and “chaff” to reflect the suns dangerous rays back into space is epic and brilliantly maneuvered on the unsuspecting public by dubbing them as “persistent contrails.”

However, what goes up, must come down and we’re being bombarded daily with a chemical and radioactive fallout surpassed only by Agent Orange, the defoliating chemicals developed by Monsanto to wipe out the jungles during the Vietnam War.

Related: NaturalSkies.org - An Excellent Weather Modification / Geoengineering Resource

Since aluminum has an affinity for water, all life forms attract these oxides. This causes contamination of even organic fruits, vegetables, and livestock if they’re exposed to the open air, because plants readily absorb aluminum salts from the soil into their vascular systems. Everything absorbs aluminum salts and it’s in the air.

Processed foods are filled with aluminum salts and aluminum sulfate is added to water to make it clear. Apparently we are in the “Aluminum Age” and it’s everywhere, but so unhealthy according to Dr. Christopher Exley, Professor of Bioinorganic Chemistry at Keele University in the UK.

Chemtrails Are Polluting Our Environment

The reality is, this “toxic cloud shield” created by aerosolizing the atmosphere, diminishes rainfall, traps the heat, and increases humidity. This leads to a plague of pests, mildews, molds, fungi, diseases, and ultimately the shredding of our precious ozone layer that protects us from dangerous UV rays, according to Dane Wigington, a solar expert.

Overcast The Movie

See: www.overcast-the-movie.com

In California’s Mount Shasta region, Francis Mangel, a USDA Wildlife Biologist and water specialist has reported elevated levels of aluminum, barium, and strontium in the mountain’s snow, polluting drinking water, rivers and soil in the area. 

In 2008, samples around California’s Lake Shasta and the Pit River Arm tributary were tested in a State Certified Lab following weeks of fly-overs and chemtrails.

The results of the water samples showed 4,610 parts per million of aluminum. This is  4,610 times the maximum contaminant level!  With aluminum toxicity levels off the charts, chemtrails are putting our life systems at risk of irreparable damage.

Related: Italians Blow Chemtrails ‘Secret War’ Lid Off With Film

How Are These Visible ChemTrails in the Sky Linked to Cancer?

As mentioned earlier, aluminum laden “chaff” falling from the sky enters the lungs causing upper respiratory diseases, lung cancer, breast cancer, and is the gateway to vulnerable areas of the body including arterial walls, where it accumulates like a plaque.

In addition, aluminum toxicity generates a number of neurological disorders and brain cancer, while radium and zinc cadmium sulfide synergistically cause bone cancer.  

A concerning new study published in the Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry demonstrates that exposure to aluminum can increase migratory and invasive properties of human breast cancer cells, while a 2012 article in the Journal of Applied Toxicology shows that aluminium promotes growth in human mammary epithelial cells.

And “aluminum production” has been classified as carcinogenic to humans by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).

Tiwai Aluminium Smelter in New Zealand

Couple these studies with other recent studies indicating that aluminum binds to cellular estrogen receptors and may cause proliferation within hormone-sensitive tissues, and we understand why one research team coined a new term (“metallo-estrogen”) to describe an entirely new class of metal-based endocrine disruptors (including aluminum, cadmium, and barium).

Disturbingly, all of these metallo-estrogens have been found in chemtrails.

Moreover, these metallo-estrogens, chemical toxins, and bioengineered cocktails are causing multiple problems in the gastrointestinal and immune systems, the first line of defense against disease; thus destroying human health and cognitive abilities.

Plus, shredding the ozone layer allows damaging UV rays to enter the atmosphere resulting in an unprecedented increase in skin cancer cases, to name just a few harmful effects of chemtrails.

I have been traveling in Central America, Europe, and the Middle East and noticed these patterns in the sky. I’ve also noticed unusually cold summers, trees dying and fungi infested, deformed vegetables just like the reports are describing. And a dramatic increase of cancer and unusual terminal illnesses are rampant.

In Conclusion

These are tumultuous times and the global government appears to be up to something unbelievably sinister.

It’s the classic create a problem, devise the solution, and emerge as the hero with Monsanto’s aluminum-resistant genetically-modified (GM) seeds and GM trees.

However, there is a growing concern that the earth will soon become unfit for organic food and pure water sources because of the unrestricted spraying without our consent. It appears that “control of the masses” has taken on a whole new meaning.

Related: Peer Reviewed Scientific Evidence Exposes Chemtrail As Crime Against Humanity

Nonetheless, there is at least some encouraging news. According to Dr. Exley, there is an abundance of silicon in the environment that can detoxify the effects of aluminum poisoning, as can silica supplements. Also, EDTA chelation therapy can help remove toxic heavy metals from the body and restore vascular health.

Live your life without the threat of cancer. Go here to be notified each week about new, cutting-edge information that impacts your health.

For further information see the section: Chemtrails & Geoengineering

Nuclear Chemist Publishes Paper Detailing: “Aluminum Poisoning Of Humanity Via Geoengineering”

Within the past couple of years alone, the concept of geoengineering has sparked a growing  interest (which seems to be accelerating at a rapid rate) within the academic world.

It’s also ignited a heavy interest in policy making, which is no surprise given the fact that we are talking about “geoengineering” the entire global climate in response to global climate change.

Related: Aluminum is toxic to all life forms

That’s exactly what geoengineering is – a response to destructive human activity which we have yet to cease – and it involves injecting stratospheric particles/aerosols into the atmosphere to, again, reduce the effect of global climate change.

For example, SPICE  is a United Kingdom government funded geoengineering research project that collaborates with the university of Oxford, Cambridge, Edinburgh, and Bristol to further examine the idea of Solar Radiation Management (SRM).

Some of the candidate particles to spray in the air proposed by SPICE (to name a few) are:

Sulphate/Sulphuric Acid/Sulphur Dioxide


Silicon Carbide

Calcium Carbonate



Zinc Oxide

- Source

Groundbreaking Paper(s)

Dr. Marvin Herndon, PhD., (above) a nuclear chemist, geochemist, and cosmochemist – most noted for deducing the composition of the inner core of Earth as being nickel silicide, not partially crystallized nickel-iron metal – has published a groundbreaking paper in the peer-reviewed journal Current Science (Indian Academy of Sciences) titled “Aluminum poisoning of humanity and Earth’s biota by clandestine geoengineering activity: implications for India.

The abstract reads as follows:

“In response to an urgent call through an article in Current Science for assistance to understand the geological association of high aluminum mobility with human health in the Ganga Alluvial Plain, I describe evidence of clandestine geoengineering activity that has occurred for at least 15 years, and which has escalated sharply in the last two years.

The geoengineering activity via tanker-jet aircraft emplaces a non-natural, toxic substance in the Earth’s atmosphere which with rainwater liberates highly mobile aluminum. Further, I present evidence that the toxic substance is coal combustion fly ash.

Clandestine dispersal of coal fly ash and the resulting liberation of highly mobile aluminum, I posit, is an underlying cause of the widespread and pronounced increase in neurological diseases and as well as the currently widespread and increasing debilitation of Earth’s biota.

Recommendations are made for verifying whether the evidence presented here is applicable to the Ganga Alluvial Plain.”

Source | Source

The paper goes on to discuss and cite publications which have detected heavy metals like aluminum, barium, strontium, and more in rainwater, fly ash, and more.

For example, during the period between July 2011 and November 2012, 73 rainwater samples were collected and analysed for aluminum and barium; 71 were collected from 60 different locations in Germany, 1 from France, and 1 from Austria.

Related: Meteorologists And Climate Engineering Denial: Perpetuating The Lie For A Paycheck And A Pension + Why The "Chemtrail Conspiracy" Is Real

Aluminum was detected in 77% of the rainwater samples, there was also a very high barium concentration and a very high Strontium concentration.

It also discusses how these concentrations of metals are not the result of natural phenomenon, like volcanic explosions, for example.

"This isn’t the only recent groundbreaking publication that comes from the world of academia regarding this phenomenon.

A few months ago, Dr. Rose Cairns, PhD., who belongs to the University of Leeds School of Earth and Environment, published a paper in the peer-reviewed Geophysical Journal titled “Climates of suspicion: ‘chemtrail’ conspiracy narratives and the international politics of geoengineering.”

She is also currently undertaking research into the Governance of Geoengineering as part of a multi-disciplinary collaborative project between Sussex University, UCL, and Oxford University (www.geoengineering-governance-research.org). The project examines the social, ethical, and political implications of climate geoengineering proposals."

- Source

In her paper, she describes developments in mainstream academic and political discourse regarding geoengineering, and how climate modification, also being discussed by the citizens of the world (who use the term “chemtrails”), is having devastating ecological and health effects worldwide.

Related: New ‘Chemtrails’ Film Exposes Global Cover-Up

According to her paper:

“Understanding the emerging politics of geoengineering, and taking seriously claims regarding the importance of public participation, requires an understanding of the whole discursive landscape around ideas of global climate control – including marginal ideas such as those held by chemtrail activists.

Ignoring or dismissing these discourses out of hand as pathological or paranoid is to ignore potentially revealing insights about the emerging politics of geoengineering.”

- Source

She also mentions that:

“This analysis suggests a number of ways in which the chemtrail narrative may contain important insights and implications for the emerging politics of geoengineering that cannot be dismissed out of hand as ‘paranoid’ or ‘pathological’.”


Although Dr. Rose is not a proponent of the “chemtrail conspiracy,” it’s great to see another published paper by an academic taking a neutral perspective, recognizing the importance of these claims rather than dismissing them outright.

The basic difference here is that geoengineering in the academic realm is strictly a proposal, and that these means of engineering Earth’s climate are still not operational. When it comes to the “chemtrail” advocates, they believe that they are operational, as does the academic described at the beginning of this article, along with many others.

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Truth is, there seems to be a tremendous amount of information suggesting that these programs are indeed operational. Whether their intent is to modify the climate to combat the effects of global warming, or to further some other type of agenda, is still not clear.

Evidence Suggesting That These Programs Are Already Operational

“In recent years there has been a decline in the support for weather modification research, and a tendency to move directly into operational projects.” –  World Meteorological Association 

- Source

“In addition to specific research programs sponsored by Federal agencies, there are other functions related to weather modification which are performed in several places in the executive branch.

Various federal advisory panels and committees and their staffs – established to conduct in-depth studies and prepare reports, to provide advice or recommendations, or to coordinate weather modification programs – have been housed and supported within executive departments, agencies, or offices.”

- Source

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
The Crown Of England Is Owned And Operated By The Vatican
January 31 2017 | From: OmniThought

The Vatican is one of the most powerful corporations in the world. It is powerful because it controls the Crown of England and nearly every church in the world, especially Catholic churches.

Furthermore, the Vatican operates under Roman law and controls most of the Western courts and some Eastern courts.

Related: The United States is Still a British Colony

In the USA today, nearly every U.S. court is controlled by the Crown Temple, a corporation controlled by the Vatican. This is why there is always a Crown agent in the courtroom during a trial. Any country that has Crown agents running its legal system is controlled by the Vatican / Rome to a large degree.

This means that the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and “countries” that are operating under the Western legal system are all Roman “colonies”.

The Vatican is a religious corporation run by religious leaders who are loyal to the Roman Empire. In other words, Rome still rules the world! It rules the world through the Crown of England, the Roman Catholic Church and the Vatican.

Related: Pope Francis: Is He Obsessed With The Devil?

They did not call it the ROMAN Catholic Church for no reason. It is right in your face and hidden in plain sight!

According to an article published by BBC.com, there are an estimated 1.2 billion Roman Catholics in the world. This means that the Vatican/Rome has about 1.2 billion “citizens”, or more accurately slaves.

Because nearly every Christian church is controlled by the Vatican to a certain degree, the Vatican/Rome has more than 1.2 billion slaves to exploit and sell. Do you innerstand now why Rome still rules the world?

Related: The Top Of The Pyramid: The Rothschilds, The Vatican And The British Crown Rule World

The Crown is Owned and Operated by the Roman Cult, and Has Been Since 1213

The Definitive Treaty of Peace of 1783 says that King George was the Arch Treasurer and Prince Elector of the Holy Roman Empire and the United States of America.

This video goes through how the Roman Cult orchestrated the slave trade, then the War of Independence, then the War of 1812, then the Civil War, then WW1, WW2, and now they are building up to WW3 [which will not take place].

All warfare is commerce, and all commerce is warfare. All fictitious entities operate under Roman Law.

www.sovereigntyinternational.fyi | www.sovereigntyinternational.wordpress.com

Comment: As is often the case, these Christian researchers are very good at research - but you'll need to excuse the religious ranting...

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Trump Foiled Soros’ Master Plan To Impose New World Order + Theresa May: Brexit Britain And Donald Trump Can Lead The World Together
January 30 2017 | From: Geopolitics / Express / Various

President Donald Trump came to power just in time to prevent billionaire George Soros and Bill and Hillary Clinton achieve a Trans Pacific free trade deal hidden from the public, Wall Street hedge fund manager and financial analyst Mitch Feierstein told Sputnik

“George Soros and Clinton Inc. were nearly able to declare ‘Mission Accomplished’ on their vision of establishing an opaque ‘New World Order’,” Feierstein, a hedge fund manager who has spent 38 years working in the New York, Tokyo and London global financial markets, said on Tuesday.

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Last Monday, Trump announced that he was scrapping the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) that his predecessor President Barack Obama had sought to complete during his eight years in office.

“Forget Soros’s New World Order for now because a new sheriff, Donald Trump, the 45th US President arrived on in Washington promising to drain the swamp. TPP is a now history and it will be interesting to see who is naked at low tide,” Feierstein noted.

The top-secret TPP free trade agreement was one of the worst trade deals ever crafted by Washington’s pay-to-play culture of corruption, Feierstein stated.

“How could any rational individual or sovereign be supportive of a secret ‘trade deal’ with zero transparency and legal language drafted by multi-national corporations?” he asked.

The TPP was deliberately crafted to ensure a form of “globalization” so that these same corporations who designed the “rules” could operate in the dark with total impunity while stripping member nations of their sovereignty and denying consumers of all their rights and protections, Feierstein explained

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“TPP was Obama’s ‘Crown Jewel’ achievement after 35 years of failed neoliberalism funded by oligarchs for the benefit of oligarchies,” he observed.

Feierstein is a British-American investor, banker and writer who has worked as a columnist for the Daily Mail and currently works as a columnist for The Independent and the Huffington Post.

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Theresa May: Brexit Britain And Donald Trump Can Lead The World Together

Note: This article was written before the meeting took place but it is still relevant. The video of the press conference follows.

Brexit Britain and Donald Trump-led America can lead the world together

The Prime Minister is due to kick off a two-day visit to the US with an optimistic and heartfelt call for a renewal of the "special relationship" between the two nations.

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She will use a speech to congressmen and women in Philadelphia to say that the firm transatlantic alliance that won two world wars is vital for "a new age".

“We have the opportunity to lead, together, again," the Prime Minister will say on Thursday.

Her speech to senior members of 's Republican Party comes ahead of her visit to the White House on Friday.

She will be the first national leader to hold a face-to-face meeting with the new president in what is being seen as a massive vote of confidence in the special relationship from the new administration.

Related: Ted Cruz to Alex Jones: Trump ‘The Start Of A New Era’

And Mr Trump is to show  the that has been returned to the Oval Office on his instructions in a symbol of his regard for Britain.

Speaking at the annual gathering of Republican congressmen and women, the Prime Minister will point out that Britain and the US are facing periods of drastic change following the Brexit vote and the election of President Trump.

“As we rediscover our confidence together – as you renew your nation just as we renew ours – we have the opportunity – indeed the responsibility – to renew the Special Relationship for this new age".

"We have the opportunity to lead, together, again,"
Mrs May will say.

“The United Kingdom is by instinct and history a great, global nation that recognises its responsibilities to the world."

“And as we end our membership of the European Union – as the British people voted with determination and quiet resolve to do last year – we have the opportunity to reassert our belief in a confident, sovereign and Global Britain, ready to build relationships with old friends and new allies alike."

She will add: “The leadership provided by our two countries through the Special Relationship has done more than win wars and overcome adversity. It made the modern world.

“The institutions upon which that world relies were so often conceived or inspired by our two nations working together."

“It is through our actions over many years, working together to defeat evil or to open up the world, that we have been able to fulfil the promise of those who first spoke of the special nature of the relationship between us - the promise of freedom, liberty and the rights of man.”

Mrs May and President Trump are expected to begin discussions on a new trade deal between Britain and the US following the UK's departure from the EU. Downing Street officials expect the pair to establish a "strong and productive working relationship" between the pair.

Mr Trump has already spoken of his desire to replicate the warm personal chemistry that his predecessor Ronald Regan enjoyed with Margaret Thatcher.

The two leaders will also discuss tackling the menace of the so-called Islamic State terror group in Syria and Iraq, strengthening security cooperation and the West's relations with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Related: Putin’s Telephone Conversation with US President Donald Trump

Mrs May will fly to Washington tonight after her speech in Philadelphia. She is expected to visit Arlington Ceremony tomorrow to lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

In the Commons yesterday, Mrs May said her visit just a week after the presidential inauguration showed how close the links between the two countries are. But she also vowed to speak "frankly" to the US President on areas of disagreement.

"I am pleased that I am able to meet President Trump so early in his Administration," Mrs May said at Prime Minister's Questions in the Commons.

"That is a sign of the strength of the special relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States of America - a special relationship on which he and I intend to build."

She added: "I am not afraid to speak frankly to a President of the United States."

"I am able to do that because we have that special relationship."

One area of disagreement could be over torture after the president yesterday signed an executive order allowing the return of so-called "black sites" for terrorist interrogation.

Critics claim the move could mean a return to the "rendition" to terrorist suspects carried out under former president George Bush in his "War on Terror".

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In answer to a question about the issue raised by senior Tory Andrew Tyrie, the Prime Minister said: "Our position on torture is clear: we do not sanction torture and do not get involved in it. That will continue to be our position."

President Trump and PM May Joint Press Conference

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Vast Majority of Voters Say Trump Right: DC Establishment Screwing Americans

New poll shows citizens desperate to Make America Great Again.

Most US voters are in agreement with newly-inaugurated President Donald Trump’s contention that the Washington DC establishment benefits political insiders more than American citizens.

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A recent poll from Rasmussen Reports says 72 percent of “likely US voters” agree with a remark the president made during his inaugural address, stating that;

"For too long, a small group in our nation’s capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost.”

The president’s speech outlining he would hand over more control of the government to the people continued:

"Washington flourished, but the people did not share in its wealth. Politicians prospered but the jobs left and the factories closed.”

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"The establishment protected itself, but not the citizens of our country. Their victories have not been your victories. Their triumphs have not been your triumphs. And while they celebrated in our nation’s capital, there was little to celebrate for struggling families all across our land.”

While nearly three quarters of voters agree with Trump, the Rasmussen poll finds only 17 percent disagree and 11 percent are unsure.

Another Rasmussen poll released Tuesday found the president has a 57 percent approval rating, up from 52 percent last Thursday following a series of executive actions Trump signed fulfilling many of his campaign promises.

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Trump To Hang Photo Of Inauguration Crowd In Front Of White House Reporters

A panoramic photo of Donald Trump’s inauguration crowd will hang in the West Wing, the president announced Tuesday afternoon on Twitter, where reporters skeptical of his “unbelievable, perhaps record-setting turnout” will see it every day.

Trump made no reference to the clash between his administration and the press corps over the weekend regarding the attendance at his inauguration, only writing that the photo was delivered yesterday and that it “will be displayed in the upper/lower press hall.”

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The upper press and lower press are specific areas in the West Wing where administration press and communications officials work and to which reporters have access.

The upper and lower press areas were also decorated with photos during President Barack Obama’s administration. Those photos were rotated somewhat regularly to reflect the president’s recent activities and in the administration’s final weeks included highlights of his eight years in office.

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The photo, posted to Twitter by Trump, incorrectly lists the date of his inauguration as Jan. 21, 2017, instead of Jan. 20. The Women’s March on Washington, believed to have drawn a significantly larger crowd than Trump’s inauguration, was held on Jan. 21.

Trump also thanked photographer Abbas Shirmohammadi, whose name and signature appears at the bottom of the photo.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
The Binge Breaker: Silicon Valley Is Addicting Us To Our Phones
January 30 2017 | From: TheAtlantic

Tristan Harris believes Silicon Valley is addicting us to our phones. He’s determined to make it stop.

On a recent evening in San Francisco, Tristan Harris, a former product philosopher at Google, took a name tag from a man in pajamas called “Honey Bear” and wrote down his pseudonym for the night: “Presence.”

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Harris had just arrived at Unplug SF, a “digital detox experiment” held in honor of the National Day of Unplugging, and the organizers had banned real names.

Also outlawed: clocks, “w-talk” (work talk), and “WMDs” (the planners’ loaded shorthand for wireless mobile devices). Harris, a slight 32-year-old with copper hair and a tidy beard, surrendered his iPhone, a device he considers so addictive that he’s called it “a slot machine in my pocket.”

He keeps the background set to an image of Scrabble tiles spelling out the words face down, a reminder of the device’s optimal position.

I followed him into a spacious venue packed with nearly 400 people painting faces, filling in coloring books, and wrapping yarn around chopsticks. Despite the cheerful summer-camp atmosphere, the event was a reminder of the binary choice facing smartphone owners, who, according to one study, consult their device 150 times a day:

Leave the WMD on and deal with relentless prompts compelling them to check its screen, or else completely disconnect. “It doesn’t have to be the all-or-nothing choice,” Harris told me after taking in the arts-and-crafts scene. “That’s a design failure.”

Harris is the closest thing Silicon Valley has to a conscience. As the co‑founder of Time Well Spent, an advocacy group, he is trying to bring moral integrity to software design: essentially, to persuade the tech world to help us disengage more easily from its devices.

While some blame our collective tech addiction on personal failings, like weak willpower, Harris points a finger at the software itself. That itch to glance at our phone is a natural reaction to apps and websites engineered to get us scrolling as frequently as possible.

The attention economy, which showers profits on companies that seize our focus, has kicked off what Harris calls a “race to the bottom of the brain stem.”

“You could say that it’s my responsibility” to exert self-control when it comes to digital usage, he explains, “but that’s not acknowledging that there’s a thousand people on the other side of the screen whose job is to break down whatever responsibility I can maintain.”

In short, we’ve lost control of our relationship with technology because technology has become better at controlling us.

A “Hippocratic oath” for software designers would stop the exploitation of people’s psychological vulnerabilities.

Under the auspices of Time Well Spent, Harris is leading a movement to change the fundamentals of software design. He is rallying product designers to adopt a “Hippocratic oath” for software that, he explains, would check the practice of:

“Exposing people’s psychological vulnerabilities” and restore “agency” to users. “There needs to be new ratings, new criteria, new design standards, new certification standards,” he says.

“There is a way to design based not on addiction.”

Joe Edelman - who did much of the research informing Time Well Spent’s vision and is the co-director of a think tank advocating for more-respectful software design - likens Harris to a tech-focused Ralph Nader.

Other people, including Adam Alter, a marketing professor at NYU, have championed theses similar to Harris’s; but according to Josh Elman, a Silicon Valley veteran with the venture-capital firm Greylock Partners, Harris is “the first putting it together in this way” - articulating the problem, its societal cost, and ideas for tackling it.

Elman compares the tech industry to Big Tobacco before the link between cigarettes and cancer was established:

Keen to give customers more of what they want, yet simultaneously inflicting collateral damage on their lives

Harris, Elman says, is offering Silicon Valley a chance to reevaluate before more-immersive technology, like virtual reality, pushes us beyond a point of no return.

All this talk of hacking human psychology could sound paranoid, if Harris had not witnessed the manipulation firsthand. Raised in the Bay Area by a single mother employed as an advocate for injured workers, Harris spent his childhood creating simple software for Macintosh computers and writing fan mail to Steve Wozniak, a co-founder of Apple.

He studied computer science at Stanford while interning at Apple, then embarked on a master’s degree at Stanford, where he joined the Persuasive Technology Lab.

Run by the experimental psychologist B. J. Fogg, the lab has earned a cultlike following among entrepreneurs hoping to master Fogg’s principles of “behavior design” - a euphemism for what sometimes amounts to building software that nudges us toward the habits a company seeks to instill. (One of Instagram’s co-founders is an alumnus.)

In Fogg’s course, Harris studied the psychology of behavior change, such as how clicker training for dogs, among other methods of conditioning, can inspire products for people.

For example, rewarding someone with an instantaneous “like” after they post a photo can reinforce the action, and potentially shift it from an occasional to a daily activity.

Harris learned that the most-successful sites and apps hook us by tapping into deep-seated human needs. When LinkedIn launched, for instance, it created a hub-and-spoke icon to visually represent the size of each user’s network.

That triggered people’s innate craving for social approval and, in turn, got them scrambling to connect.

“Even though at the time there was nothing useful you could do with LinkedIn, that simple icon had a powerful effect in tapping into people’s desire not to look like losers,” Fogg told me.

Harris began to see that technology is not, as so many engineers claim, a neutral tool; rather, it’s capable of coaxing us to act in certain ways. And he was troubled that out of 10 sessions in Fogg’s course, only one addressed the ethics of these persuasive tactics. (Fogg says that topic is “woven throughout” the curriculum.)

Harris dropped out of the master’s program to launch a start-up that installed explanatory pop-ups across thousands of sites, including The New York Times’.

It was his first direct exposure to the war being waged for our time, and Harris felt torn between his company’s social mission, which was to spark curiosity by making facts easily accessible, and pressure from publishers to corral users into spending more and more minutes on their sites.

Though Harris insists he steered clear of persuasive tactics, he grew more familiar with how they were applied.

He came to conceive of them as “hijacking techniques” - the digital version of pumping sugar, salt, and fat into junk food in order to induce bingeing.

McDonald’s hooks us by appealing to our bodies’ craving for certain flavors; Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter hook us by delivering what psychologists call “variable rewards.”

Messages, photos, and “likes” appear on no set schedule, so we check for them compulsively, never sure when we’ll receive that dopamine-activating prize. (Delivering rewards at random has been proved to quickly and strongly reinforce behavior.)

Checking that Facebook friend request will take only a few seconds, we reason, though research shows that when interrupted, people take an average of 25 minutes to return to their original task.

Sites foster a sort of distracted lingering partly by lumping multiple services together. To answer the friend request, we’ll pass by the News Feed, where pictures and auto-play videos seduce us into scrolling through an infinite stream of posts - what Harris calls a “bottomless bowl,” referring to a study that found people eat 73 percent more soup out of self-refilling bowls than out of regular ones, without realizing they’ve consumed extra.

The “friend request” tab will nudge us to add even more contacts by suggesting “people you may know,” and in a split second, our unconscious impulses cause the cycle to continue:

Once we send the friend request, an alert appears on the recipient’s phone in bright red - a “trigger” color, Harris says, more likely than some other hues to make people click - and because seeing our name taps into a hardwired sense of social obligation, she will drop everything to answer.

In the end, he says, companies “stand back watching as a billion people run around like chickens with their heads cut off, responding to each other and feeling indebted to each other.”

A Facebook spokesperson told me the social network focuses on maximizing the quality of the experience - not the time its users spend on the site - and surveys its users daily to gauge success.

In response to this feedback, Facebook recently tweaked its News Feed algorithm to punish clickbait - stories with sensationalist headlines designed to attract readers. (LinkedIn and Instagram declined requests for comment. Twitter did not reply to multiple queries.)

Even so, a niche group of consultants has emerged to teach companies how to make their services irresistible. One such guru is Nir Eyal, the author of Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products, who has lectured or consulted for firms such as LinkedIn and Instagram.

A blog post he wrote touting the value of variable rewards is titled “Want to Hook Your Users? Drive Them Crazy.”

While asserting that companies are morally obligated to help those genuinely addicted to their services, Eyal contends that social media merely satisfies our appetite for entertainment in the same way TV or novels do, and that the latest technology tends to get vilified simply because it’s new, but eventually people find balance.

“Saying ‘Don’t use these techniques’ is essentially saying ‘Don’t make your products fun to use.’ That’s silly,” Eyal told me.

“With every new technology, the older generation says ‘Kids these days are using too much of this and too much of that and it’s melting their brains.’ And it turns out that what we’ve always done is to adapt.”

Google acquired Harris’s company in 2011, and he ended up working on Gmail’s Inbox app. (He’s quick to note that while he was there, it was never an explicit goal to increase time spent on Gmail.)

A year into his tenure, Harris grew concerned about the failure to consider how seemingly minor design choices, such as having phones buzz with each new email, would cascade into billions of interruptions. His team dedicated months to fine-tuning the aesthetics of the Gmail app with the aim of building a more “delightful” email experience.

But to him that missed the bigger picture: Instead of trying to improve email, why not ask how email could improve our lives - or, for that matter, whether each design decision was making our lives worse?

Harris gives off a preppy-hippie vibe that allows him to move comfortably between Palo Alto boardrooms and device-free retreats

Six months after attending Burning Man in the Nevada desert, a trip Harris says helped him with:

“Waking up and questioning my own beliefs,” he quietly released “A Call to Minimize Distraction & Respect Users’ Attention,” a 144-page Google Slides presentation.

In it, he declared, “Never before in history have the decisions of a handful of designers (mostly men, white, living in SF, aged 25–35) working at 3 companies” - Google, Apple, and Facebook - “had so much impact on how millions of people around the world spend their attention … We should feel an enormous responsibility to get this right.”

Although Harris sent the presentation to just 10 of his closest colleagues, it quickly spread to more than 5,000 Google employees, including then-CEO Larry Page, who discussed it with Harris in a meeting a year later.

“It sparked something,” recalls Mamie Rheingold, a former Google staffer who organized an internal Q&A session with Harris at the company’s headquarters. “He did successfully create a dialogue and open conversation about this in the company.”

Harris parlayed his presentation into a position as product philosopher, which involved researching ways Google could adopt ethical design.

But he says he came up against “inertia.” Product road maps had to be followed, and fixing tools that were obviously broken took precedence over systematically rethinking services. Chris Messina, then a designer at Google, says little changed following the release of Harris’s slides:

“It was one of those things where there’s a lot of head nods, and then people go back to work.”

Harris told me some colleagues misinterpreted his message, thinking that he was proposing banning people from social media, or that the solution was simply sending fewer notifications. (Google declined to comment.)

Harris left the company last December to push for change more widely, buoyed by a growing network of supporters that includes the MIT professor Sherry Turkle; Meetup’s CEO, Scott Heiferman; and Justin Rosenstein, a co-inventor of the “like” button; along with fed-up users and concerned employees across the industry.

“Pretty much every big company that’s manipulating users has been very interested in our work,” says Joe Edelman, who has spent the past five years trading ideas and leading workshops with Harris.

Through Time Well Spent, his advocacy group, Harris hopes to mobilize support for what he likens to an organic-food movement, but for software: an alternative built around core values, chief of which is helping us spend our time well, instead of demanding more of it.

Thus far, Time Well Spent is more a label for his crusade - and a vision he hopes others will embrace - than a full-blown organization. (Harris, its sole employee, self-funds it.)

Yet he’s amassed a network of volunteers keen to get involved, thanks in part to his frequent cameos on the thought-leader speaker circuit, including talks at Harvard’s Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society; the O’Reilly Design Conference; an internal meeting of Facebook designers; and a TEDx event, whose video has been viewed more than 1 million times online.

Tim O’Reilly, the founder of O’Reilly Media and an early web pioneer, told me Harris’s ideas are:

Definitely something that people who are influential are listening to and thinking about.” Even Fogg, who stopped wearing his Apple Watch because its incessant notifications annoyed him, is a fan of Harris’s work:

“It’s a brave thing to do and a hard thing to do.”

At Unplug SF, a burly man calling himself “Haus” enveloped Harris in a bear hug. “This is the antidote!,” Haus cheered. “This is the antivenom!” All evening, I watched people pull Harris aside to say hello, or ask to schedule a meeting. Someone cornered Harris to tell him about his internet “sabbatical,” but Harris cut him off. “For me this is w‑talk,” he protested.

Harris admits that researching the ways our time gets hijacked has made him slightly obsessive about evaluating what counts as “time well spent” in his own life.

The hypnosis class Harris went to before meeting me - because he suspects the passive state we enter while scrolling through feeds is similar to being hypnotized - was not time well spent.

The slow-moving course, he told me, was “low bit rate” - a technical term for data-transfer speeds.

Attending the digital detox? Time very well spent. He was delighted to get swept up in a mass game of rock-paper-scissors, where a series of one-on-one elimination contests culminated in an onstage showdown between “Joe” and “Moonlight.”

Harris has a tendency to immerse himself in a single activity at a time. In conversation, he rarely breaks eye contact and will occasionally rest a hand on his interlocutor’s arm, as if to keep both parties present in the moment.

He got so wrapped up in our chat one afternoon that he attempted to get into an idling Uber that was not an Uber at all, but a car that had paused at a stop sign.

An accordion player and tango dancer in his spare time who pairs plaid shirts with a bracelet that has presence stamped into a silver charm, Harris gives off a preppy-hippie vibe that allows him to move comfortably between Palo Alto boardrooms and device-free retreats.

In that sense, he had a great deal in common with the other Unplug SF attendees, many of whom belong to a new class of tech elites “waking up” to their industry’s unwelcome side effects.

For many entrepreneurs, this epiphany has come with age, children, and the peace of mind of having several million in the bank, says Soren Gordhamer, the creator of Wisdom 2.0, a conference series about maintaining “presence and purpose” in the digital age.

“They feel guilty,” Gordhamer says. “They are realizing they built this thing that’s so addictive.”

I asked Harris whether he felt guilty about having joined Google, which has inserted its technology into our pockets, glasses, watches, and cars.

He didn’t. He acknowledged that some divisions, such as YouTube, benefit from coaxing us to stare at our screens. But he justified his decision to work there with the logic that since Google controls three interfaces through which millions engage with technology - Gmail, Android, and Chrome - the company was the “first line of defense.”

Getting Google to rethink those products, as he’d attempted to do, had the potential to transform our online experience.

Snapchat’s tactics for hooking users may make Facebook’s look quaint.

At a restaurant around the corner from Unplug SF, Harris demonstrated an alternative way of interacting with WMDs, based on his own self-defense tactics.

Certain tips were intuitive: He’s “almost militaristic about turning off notifications” on his iPhone, and he set a custom vibration pattern for text messages, so he can feel the difference between an automated alert and a human’s words.

Other tips drew on Harris’s study of psychology. Since merely glimpsing an app’s icon will -

“Trigger this whole set of sensations and thoughts,” he pruned the first screen of his phone to include only apps, such as Uber and Google Maps, that perform a single function and thus run a low risk of “bottomless bowl–ing.”

He tried to make his phone look minimalist: Taking a cue from a Google experiment that cut employees’ M&M snacking by moving the candy from clear to opaque containers, he buried colorful icons - along with time-sucking apps like Gmail and WhatsApp - inside folders on the second page of his iPhone.

As a result, that screen was practically grayscale. Harris launches apps by using what he calls the phone’s “consciousness filter” - typing Instagram, say, into its search bar - which reduces impulsive tapping.

For similar reasons, Harris keeps a Post-it on his laptop with this instruction: “Do not open without intention.”

His approach seems to have worked. I’m usually quick to be annoyed by friends reaching for their phones, but next to Harris, I felt like an addict. Wary of being judged, I made a point not to check my iPhone unless he checked his first, but he went so long without peeking that I started getting antsy. Harris assured me that I was far from an exception.

“Our generation relies on our phones for our moment-to-moment choices about who we’re hanging out with, what we should be thinking about, who we owe a response to, and what’s important in our lives,” he said.

“And if that’s the thing that you’ll outsource your thoughts to, forget the brain implant. That is the brain implant. You refer to it all the time.”

Curious to hear more about Harris’s plan for tackling manipulative software, I tagged along one morning to his meeting with two entrepreneurs eager to incorporate Time Well Spent values into their start-up.

Harris, flushed from a yoga class, met me at a bakery not far from the “intentional community house” where he lives with a dozen or so housemates.

We were joined by Micha Mikailian and Johnny Chan, the co-founders of an ad blocker, Intently, that replaces advertising with “intentions” reminding people to “Follow Your Bliss” or “Be Present.” Previously, they’d run a marketing and advertising agency.

“One day I was in a meditation practice. I just got the vision for Intently,” said Mikailian, who sported a chunky turquoise bracelet and a man bun.

“It fully aligned with my purpose,” said Chan.

They were interested in learning what it would take to integrate ethical design. Coordinating loosely with Joe Edelman, Harris is developing a code of conduct - the Hippocratic oath for software designers - and a playbook of best practices that can guide start-ups and corporations toward products that “treat people with respect.”

Having companies rethink the metrics by which they measure success would be a start. “You have to imagine: What are the concrete benefits landed in space and in time in a person’s life?,” Harris said, coaching Mikailian and Chan.

Harris hopes that companies will offer a healthier alternative to the current diet of tech junk food - perhaps at a premium price.

At his speaking engagements, Harris has presented prototype products that embody other principles of ethical design. He argues that technology should help us set boundaries.

This could be achieved by, for example, an inbox that asks how much time we want to dedicate to email, then gently reminds us when we’ve exceeded our quota. Technology should give us the ability to see where our time goes, so we can make informed decisions - imagine your phone alerting you when you’ve unlocked it for the 14th time in an hour.

And technology should help us meet our goals, give us control over our relationships, and enable us to disengage without anxiety. Harris has demoed a hypothetical “focus mode” for Gmail that would pause incoming messages until someone has finished concentrating on a task, while allowing interruptions in case of an emergency. (Slack has implemented a similar feature.)

Harris hopes to create a Time Well Spent certification - akin to the leed seal or an organic label - that would designate software made with those values in mind.

He already has a shortlist of apps that he endorses as early exemplars of the ethos, such as Pocket, Calendly, and f.lux, which, respectively, saves articles for future reading, lets people book empty slots on an individual’s calendar to streamline the process of scheduling meetings, and aims to improve sleep quality by adding a pinkish cast to the circadian-rhythm-disrupting blue light of screens. Intently could potentially join this coalition, he volunteered.

As a first step toward identifying other services that could qualify, Harris has experimented with creating software that would capture how many hours someone devotes weekly to each app on her phone, then ask her which ones were worthwhile.

The data could be compiled to create a leaderboard that shames apps that addict but fail to satisfy. Edelman has released a related tool for websites, called Hindsight. “We have to change what it means to win,” Harris says.

The biggest obstacle to incorporating ethical design and “agency” is not technical complexity. According to Harris, it’s a “will thing.” And on that front, even his supporters worry that the culture of Silicon Valley may be inherently at odds with anything that undermines engagement or growth.

“This is not the place where people tend to want to slow down and be deliberate about their actions and how their actions impact others,” says Jason Fried, who has spent the past 12 years running Basecamp, a project-management tool.

“They want to make things more sugary and more tasty, and pull you in, and justify billions of dollars of valuation and hundreds of millions of dollars [in] VC funds.”

Rather than dismantling the entire attention economy, Harris hopes that companies will, at the very least, create a healthier alternative to the current diet of tech junk food.

He recognizes that this shift would require reevaluating entrenched business models so success no longer hinges on claiming attention and time.

As with organic vegetables, it’s possible that the first generation of Time Well Spent software might be available at a premium price, to make up for lost advertising dollars.

“Would you pay $7 a month for a version of Facebook that was built entirely to empower you to live your life?,” Harris says. “I think a lot of people would pay for that.”

Like splurging on grass-fed beef, paying for services that are available for free and disconnecting for days (even hours) at a time are luxuries that few but the reasonably well-off can afford.

I asked Harris whether this risked stratifying tech consumption, such that the privileged escape the mental hijacking and everyone else remains subjected to it. “It creates a new inequality. It does.”

Harris admitted. But he countered that if his movement gains steam, broader change could occur, much in the way Walmart now stocks organic produce.

Currently, though, the trend is toward deeper manipulation in ever more sophisticated forms. Harris fears that Snapchat’s tactics for hooking users make Facebook’s look quaint.

Facebook automatically tells a message’s sender when the recipient reads the note - a design choice that, per Fogg’s logic, activates our hardwired sense of social reciprocity and encourages the recipient to respond.

Related: Information And News Saturation: I Used to Be a Human Being

Snapchat ups the ante: Unless the default settings are changed, users are informed the instant a friend begins typing a message to them - which effectively makes it a faux pas not to finish a message you start.

Harris worries that the app’s Snapstreak feature, which displays how many days in a row two friends have snapped each other and rewards their loyalty with an emoji, seems to have been pulled straight from Fogg’s inventory of persuasive tactics.

Research shared with Harris by Emily Weinstein, a Harvard doctoral candidate, shows that Snapstreak is driving some teenagers nuts - to the point that before going on vacation, they give friends their log-in information and beg them to snap in their stead.

“To be honest, it made me sick to my stomach to hear these anecdotes,” Harris told me.

Harris thinks his best shot at improving the status quo is to get users riled up about the ways they’re being manipulated, then create a groundswell of support for technology that respects people’s agency - something akin to the privacy outcry that prodded companies to roll out personal-information protections.

While Harris’s experience at Google convinced him that users must demand change for it to happen, Edelman suggests that the incentive to adapt can originate within the industry, as engineers become reluctant to build products they view as unethical and companies face a brain drain.

The more people recognize the repercussions of tech firms’ persuasive tactics, the more working there “becomes uncool,” he says, a view I heard echoed by others in his field. “You can really burn through engineers hard.

There is arguably an element of hypocrisy to the enlightened image that Silicon Valley projects, especially with its recent embrace of “mindfulness.”

Companies like Google and Facebook, which have offered mindfulness training and meditation spaces for their employees, position themselves as corporate leaders in this movement.

Yet this emphasis on mindfulness and consciousness, which has extended far beyond the tech world, puts the burden on users to train their focus, without acknowledging that the devices in their hands are engineered to chip away at their concentration.

It’s like telling people to get healthy by exercising more, then offering the choice between a Big Mac and a Quarter Pounder when they sit down for a meal.

And being aware of software’s seductive power does not mean being immune to its influence.

One evening, just as we were about to part ways for the night, Harris stood talking by his car when his phone flashed with a new text message. He glanced down at the screen and interrupted himself mid-sentence.

“Oh!” he announced, more to his phone than to me, and mumbled something about what a coincidence it was that the person texting him knew his friend. He looked back up sheepishly. “That’s a great example,” he said, waving his phone. “I had no control over the process.”

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
The Media Is Now The Political Opposition + Watching Major Media Commit Suicide
January 29 2017 | From: PaulCraigRoberts / JonRappoport / Various

Bannon is correct that the US media - indeed, the entire Western print and TV media - is nothing but a propaganda machine for the ruling elite.

The presstitutes are devoid of integrity, moral conscience, and respect for truth. Read the comments in which morons define freedom of the press as the freedom to lie to the public.

Related: Steve Bannon Torches New York Times: ‘You Have No Power’

Who else but the despicable Western media justified the enormous war crimes committed against millions of peoples by the Clinton, Bush, and Obama regimes in nine countries - Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Pakistan, Yemen, Syria, Somalia, Palestine, and the Russian areas of Ukraine?

Who else but the despicable Western media justified the domestic police states that have been erected in the Western world in the name of the “war on terror”?

Along with the war criminals that comprised the Clinton, Bush, and Obama regimes, the Western media should be tried for their complicity in the massive crimes against humanity.

The Western media’s effort to sustain the high level of tension between the West and Russia is a danger to all mankind, a direct threat to life on earth. Gorbachev’s warnings are correct [Comment: No because he is a globalist tool - it will not happen].

Related: Mikhail Gorbachev: 'It All Looks as if the World Is Preparing for War'

Yet presstitutes declare that if Trump lifts the sanctions it proves that Trump is a Russian agent. It is paradoxical that the Democrats and the liberal-progressive-left are mobilizing the anti-war movement to oppose Trump’s anti-war policy!

By refusing to acknowledge and to apologize for its lies, euphemistically called “fake news,” the Western media has failed humanity in a number of other ways.

For example, by consciously telling lies, the media has legitimized the suborning of perjury and false testimony used to convict innocent defendants (such as Walter McMillian in Bryan Stevenson’s Just Mercy) in America’s “justice” system, which has about the same relation to justice as genocide has to mercy. If the media can lie about world events, police and prosecutors can lie about crimes.

By taking the role of the political opposition to Trump, the media has discredited itself as an honest critic on topics where Trump needs criticism, such as the environment and his tolerance of oppressive methods used by police.

Related: Trump War On Fake Media: The ‘Default’ Position Is ‘You Are Lying’

Trump needs to understand that “the Muslim threat” is a hoax created by the neoconservatives and the military/security complex with the complicity of the presstitutes to serve the hegemony agenda and the budget and power of the CIA, Pentagon, and military industries.

If the US stops bombing and slaughtering Muslims and training and equiping forces to overthrow non-compliant Muslim governments such as Syria, Iraq, and Libya, “the Muslim threat” will disappear.

Maybe Trump will add to his agenda breaking into hundreds of pieces the six mega-media companies that own 90% of the US media and selling the pieces to seperate independent owners who have no connection to the ruling elites.

Then America would again have a media that can constrain the government with truth rather than use lies to act for or against the government.

Watching Major Media Commit Suicide

Notes on the end of the news business as we know it: This article goes to many places. I think you’ll find a place that works for you.

I’ve been investigating and reporting on deep medical fraud for 29 years. I’ve been around the block a few hundred times. I’ve spoken with scientists who work for the government and universities, and the media operatives who support them. I know the game.

If Robert F Kennedy Jr is, indeed, given the green light by President Trump to investigate vaccine safety, he’s going to need a truck and a chain and DOJ threats of prosecution to drag key CDC scientists into the light and elicit specific statements from them.

Even then, the odds are these scientists will keep repeating the party line: vaccines are overwhelmingly safe; they have no connection to autism or other neurological damage; the science is settled.

Kennedy could run up against an organized wall of silence - scientists refusing to speak with him, on the basis that he isn’t qualified to make judgements in their “field.” In that case, he will need subpoena power, for starters.

Many years ago, I interviewed Jim Warner, a White House policy analyst in the Reagan administration. He had been trying to obtain medical-research information from the federal National Institutes of Health. He told me he was given the absolute cold shoulder: “If ever I’ve been tempted to believe in socialism, science has disabused me of that. These guys [at NIH] assume that it’s their show. They just assume it.”

Arrogance par excellence. Scientists rebuff the White House with a yawn.

Fortunately, Kennedy is a relentless investigator. He understands how science is corrupted and paid for. And the ace in the deck is this: there is already enough evidence in the open record to refute the CDC’s claim of vaccine safety.

Trump has blazed a trail of rejecting major media. As a result of his merciless attacks, press outlets are going mad pushing numerous outlandish fake stories. They’re ripe for further incursions on their territory.

In the past, this was the pattern: an outsider enters the scene and accuses the government of vast fraud; media operators assemble their usual cast of sordid characters, who dismiss the charges; everybody goes home and the story dies.

But that’s not working anymore. Media pomposity is exposed as fakery. Millions of people see through the ruse.

The media emperor is naked. He can prance around and around, but his fundamental nakedness keeps compounding the joke.

Related: Fake News Media Protesting the Mass Removal of US State Dep’t Diplomats & Senior Staff

Truth be told, as their financial positions sink into dire red ink, press operations are trapped. Why? Because they are partners with the high-level criminals whose activities are the very stories the public wants to know about.

Reporting on these crimes in great depth, day after day, would resuscitate the newspapers and broadcast networks. But that will never happen.

For example, these crimes:

The Federal Reserve/a clandestine private corporation.

Medically caused death.

Toxic vaccines.

Trillions of dollars of missing US government money.

The power of the Trilateral Commission over US government policy.

The covert implementation of the UN agenda of destruction in US communities.

And a hundred more issues.

Expose these down to the core, and people would buy newspapers off the rack like they buy coffee and beer and video games and cell phones and gasoline and underwear and toilet paper and lipstick and fast food. The Times would have to schedule extra press runs just to keep up with the demand. Its financial bottom line would soon look like Christmas.

You could talk to the publisher of the New York Times and present him with an ironclad plan for pulling his paper out of its deep financial hole, based on covering true stories like those above, and you would find no joy, because he would rather go down with the ship than go up against The Matrix.

The Times and other hoary media outlets live by the rule of limited hangout. In intelligence parlance, that means admitting a small piece of the truth in order to hide the rest.

“We’ll show you a tree in the forest, but not the forest.”

I know how it works, because as a reporter I’ve been there. I’ve approached editors of various media outlets with stories that crack the trance, and I’ve had those stories tossed back at me.

“We’re just not interested,” they say. “This isn’t our kind of piece.” Or: “Well, we already covered that.” But they didn’t cover it. They did a limited hangout on it.

They ran a story that exposed one tiny corner of a whole bloody mess.

I say this - as simple fact - if any intelligent, aggressive, truly independent investigator were the managing editor of the New York Times, and if he were given free rein, he would have that paper back in the black in a year.

He would have it roaring on all cylinders. He would have people fighting each other in the streets to grab the last copy off the newsstand. Journalism schools all over the country would close down in shame.

Because he would be running stories that would crack the whole rotting edifice of cartel-control along many fronts, and he would be filling up a planned vacuum of truth with fire.

A decade ago, here is what a working reporter for a major paper told me:

“We know what stories we can’t cover. Nobody needs to prep us. Our editors know, too. Otherwise, they’d never get to be editors.”

A player in a non-profit group once told me I could have a job with a paper on the east coast. In a roundabout way, he hinted at what they were looking for. In five minutes, I saw the handwriting on the wall. Essentially, the editor was searching for a reporter who would cover politics in Central America.

The stories would have to favor the repressive governments in power. The basic cover was: these leaders were fighting the good fight against Communism. The death squads they were sending out, in cooperation with the CIA, were freedom fighters. And of course, any mention of cocaine trafficking as a means for obtaining weapons was off-limits.

None of this was spelled out. But the message was clear. They wanted a propaganda specialist. If I, as an up and coming reporter, decided to play ball, I could advance up the ladder.

Apparently, some travel was necessary. But I knew I could turn out reams of copy without ever leaving my apartment, because I grasped the fundamental angle I was supposed to pursue. Needless to say, I turned down the offer.

It was the first time I fully realized how easy the job of reporting could be. Assemble a list of reliable sources (who would support the mandatory point of view), walk right into a prepared group of corporate and think-tank allies, pull down copy from wire services, and re-write stories in a way that bolstered the idea that American Empire was really “spreading democracy” to the less fortunate. A walk in the park.

Twenty years later, I saw the same overall pattern in hundreds of major-media stories - but the point of view and the mandate had changed.

Now it was all about Globalism. The covert op was the takedown of America, in order to squash the last vestige of political freedom and integrate the nation in “a new economic order.”

However, over the mountains, a new dawn was rising: the Internet. Independent media outlets. The resistance.

It was immediately obvious that, unless someone could shut this new creature down, major media would have no way to challenge the invasion. Independent news sources would gradually wreck MSM financial bottom lines.

Fronting for Globalist princes, Big News would see their bias exposed time and time again. The blowback on them would be enormous. Trapped and corned like rats, they would attack, but their efforts would only compound their problem.

Then a populist named Donald Trump strolled on to the scene. He knew major media were suffering great losses. He knew online media were in the ascendance. He had people like Steve Bannon (Breitbart) who were bringing him up to speed. He saw how Matt Drudge was obliterating traditional news sources, even while (selectively) linking to them.

A revolution was in progress.

Trump had the right stuff for this situation, because he didn’t care about offending people. He was mercurial, reckless; an opportunist. He could fly by the seat of his pants. He realized where and how, in America, the Globalists were causing great damage.

Trump accelerated the fall of major media from their thrones.

People around the world, untold millions, thought to themselves, “Trump is finally giving major media what they deserve.”

Giving the major media what they deserve is a force to be reckoned with, because there is no effective response to it. Nothing works. Who can lead the fight to preserve mainstream news? Answer: mainstream news.

That isn’t going to go anywhere, because more and more people are rejecting the mainstream wholesale.

Think of major media as a ship. In full view of the passengers, the captain has just steered it into a shore of high rocks. The craft is beginning to tilt, and it’s taking on water. As the passengers scramble to safety on the beach, the captain is yelling;

“Don’t leave, come back, everything is all right, I didn’t do anything wrong, it’s your fault, you’re too stupid to understand the correct principles of navigation!”

Translation: “I’m committing suicide. Go down with me.”

As a reporter starting out in the 1980s, one of my first glimpses of trouble involved a few of the papers I was writing for: they were definitely on the political Left, but at the same time they were businesses.

You only had to look at the ads choking the pages to see that. They were capitalist enterprises. But they would never fully admit that. They were operating under a self-induced, self-serving delusion about fundamental economics.

Eventually, larger publishers bought them out, and a few of the old guard made significant dollars on the deals. It was an old story about socialists getting rich.

This contradiction plagues every major media outlet today. They claim to serve the public interest, but they want to be rich. Their reporters want very nice salaries.

And this is all in the service of Globalism, which aims to bankrupt economies and drive populations into the arms of technocrat planners of societies. It doesn’t add up. It doesn’t work.

Related: Wave Of State Department Personnel Resign, Are Fired As Tillerson Takes Control

There is nothing wrong with wanting to be rich and working hard to achieve it. But claiming, at the same time, that you want the government to run the economy is a sick joke.

A transparently sick joke, on the order of wealthy celebrities stumping for socialism, while they hire more armed security and dig bunkers on their walled properties.

Suppose you could approach a well-known and well-paid reporter for the New York Times. And suppose you said this:

“For years, you’ve been writing about the less fortunate and giving back and more government support for the downtrodden and humanitarianism and so on - so I want to know, would you be willing to donate two-thirds of your salary, for the sake of equality, to those who need the money?

Would you be willing to sell your co-op and give the money to the poor and move into a small apartment?”

The duplicitous and slimy major media are obviously engaged in a long con. They want their cake, they want to eat it, and they also want to appear as architects of “a more humane planet.”

They care about a more humane order in the same way an ant cares about space travel.

They care about serving their bosses, and those bosses have other bosses who are engineering a future of poverty for all, as a mechanism of control. That’s who’s paying reporters their salaries.

Do you know what a tired rich media liberal (fake socialist) looks like? Of course you do. You can see one every night anchoring the national news. Over the years, I’ve spoken with a few of these types. In every case, I’ve gotten the impression they’re sitting on a keg of dynamite.

They know how precarious their position is. They’re surprised they’ve lasted as long as they have. Their spouting of liberal homilies is transparent. Where did they go wrong? Answer: the first day they accepted their first job as a reporter.

That’s when they sold out. They knew it then, and under cheesy layers of vast pretensions, they still know it now. But they can’t turn around. They’ve made a commitment.

They tell themselves: “It’s business. It’s not personal. This is the business I’m in.”

But of course, it is personal. Everything is personal. We’re talking about lives and minds and souls.

That’s what these reporters traded, in the perverse corner of the marketplace. They chose the rackets, the information mafia, the law of omerta, the dishonorable underground that lives in the highest penthouses.

Whatever gloss they lay on, the trap they’re in stays in place. And now, they’re sinking and sinking. I could try to work up pity for them, buy why bother? Damage is damage, and they’ve done a great deal of it. A full confession would make a start, but that’s not going to happen.

They’re in a race with themselves. How long can they keep erecting delusions about their work, vs. their growing realization about those delusions? It’s inescapably personal. It always was.

The night is falling on them, and the rain is coming down, too. Their mandate is to be on the Inside, but they’re on the Outside now. They’re the walking dead. They’ll keep walking, but things will never be the same.

As a long addendum, here is a backgrounder, an article I wrote headlined, “Howard Beale, the last sane man on television”:

The best film ever made about television’s war on the population is Paddy Chayefsky’s scorching masterpiece, Network (1976). Yet it stages only a few minutes of on-air television.

The rest of the film is dialogue and monologue about television. Thus you could say that, in this case, word defeats image.

Even when showing what happens on the TV screen, Network bursts forth with lines like these, from newsman Howard Beale, at the end of his rope, on-camera, speaking to his in-studio audience and millions of people in their homes:

“So, you listen to me. Listen to me! Television is not the truth. Television’s a god-damned amusement park. Television is a circus, a carnival, a traveling troupe of acrobats, storytellers, dancers, singers, jugglers, sideshow freaks, lion tamers, and football players.

We’re in the boredom-killing business… We deal in illusions, man. None of it is true! But you people sit there day after day, night after night, all ages, colors, creeds. We’re all you know. You’re beginning to believe the illusions we’re spinning here.

You’re beginning to think that the tube is reality and that your own lives are unreal. You do whatever the tube tells you. You dress like the tube, you eat like the tube, you raise your children like the tube. You even think like the tube. This is mass madness. You maniacs. In God’s name, you people are the real thing. We are the illusion.”

Beale, coming apart at the seams, is a mad prophet. And because he shines with brilliance and poetry, he can affect minds. Therefore, the television network can make use of him. It can turn him into a cartoon for the masses.

It is Beale’s language and the passion with which he delivers it that constitutes his dangerous weapon. Therefore, the Network transforms him into a cheap religious figure, whose audience slathers him with absurd adoration.

Television’s enemy is the word. Its currency is image. Beale breaks through the image and defiles it. He cracks the egg. He stops the picture-flow. He brings back the sound and rhythm of spoken poetry. That is his true transgression against the medium that employs him.

The modern matrix has everything to do with how knowledge is acquired. Television, in the main, does not attempt to impart knowledge. It strives to give the viewer the impression that he knows something. There is a difference.

Knowledge, once established, is external to, and independent of, the viewer. Whereas the impression of knowing is a feeling, a conviction, a belief the viewer holds, after he has watched moving images on a screen.

Images… plus, of course, in the case of the news, the narrative voice. A basic premise of New Age thinking is: “everything is (connected to) everything.” This fits quite well with the experience of watching film or video flow.

Example: we see angry crowds on the street of a foreign city. Then young people on their cell phones sitting in an outdoor café. Then the marble lobby of a government building where men in suits are walking, standing in groups talking to each other.

Then at night, rockets exploding in the sky. Then armored vehicles moving through a gate into the city. Then clouds of smoke on another street and people running, chased by police.

A flow of consecutive images. The sequence, obviously, has been assembled by a news editor, but most of the viewing audience isn’t aware of that. They’re watching the “interconnected” images and listening to a news anchor tell a story that colors (infects) every image.

Viewers thus believe they know something. Television has imparted that sensation to them. That’s what news is all about: delivering a sensation of knowing to the audience.

There is no convenient place where the ordinary viewing audience can stop the flow of images or the story being told. They are inside it. They don’t have the leverage of a crystalized idea or the power of reasoning to get out.

They are inside the story. Knowledge thus becomes story. The viewer is transfixed by the sensation that he is “inside” watching/experiencing story.

This fixation produces a short circuit in his reasoning mind (if he has one). No time to stop, no time to think; just watch the flow.

When you take this pattern out to a whole society, you are talking about a dominant method through which “knowledge” is gained.

“Did you see that fantastic video about the Iraq War? It showed that Saddam actually had bioweapons.”

“Really? How did they show that?”

“Well, I don’t exactly remember. But watch it. You’ll see.”

And that’s another feature of the modern acquisition of knowledge: amnesia about details.

The viewer can’t recall key features of what he saw. Or if he can, he can’t describe them, because he was in the flow. He was inside, busy building up his impression of knowing something.

Narrative-visual-television story strips out and discards conceptual references. And lines of reasoning? To the extent they exist, they’re wrapped around and inside the image-flow and the narration.

Ideas aren’t as interesting as images. That’s the premise.

To grasp the diminishment of language, consider the current use of the word “text.” Suddenly it’s become a verb; it means a process of sending words. It also refers to paragraphs or pages of writing, as opposed to pictures.

Related: Not Just Surveillance: 3 Current Phenomena Exposing 1984 As An Instruction Manual For The State

“Text” makes “writing” seem like nothing more than one functional (and machine-like) method of delivering information.

And since bone-dry information (e.g., “genetic sequences”) these days is practically considered a synonym for life, when a writer infuses his words with passion, they automatically become a “rant.” “Rant” was formerly applied to describe what a person did when he was totally unhinged to the point of making no coherent sense.

Image, not the word, is the now preferred means of acquiring what passes for knowledge.

Retired propaganda master, Ellis Medavoy (pseudonym), once told me in an interview:

“If you wanted to try a real revolution, you would produce thousands of videos consisting of written words on screens, with someone speaking those words. You would try to reinstate language as a medium.

Poetry, formal arguments and debates, great speeches, dramatic readings. You would go up against image and try to relegate it to its proper place…”

In the American colonies of the 18th century, several hundred thousand copies of Tom Paine’s pamphlet, Common Sense, were distributed among a total population of only 2.5 million people, and the earth shook.

When a technology (television) turns into a method of perception, reality is turned inside out. People watch TV through TV eyes.

Mind control is no longer something merely imposed from the outside. It is a matrix of a self-feeding, self-demanding loop. Willing devotees of the image want images, food stamps of the programmed society.

But now, something is happening. Something different.

It is to be fervently wished that the revolution against major media will also result in a revolution against knowledge as nothing more than image.

Reporters Tell Me the Truth Off the Record: The Fake News Business

During my 34 years of working as a reporter, I’ve had many informal conversations with mainstream journalists. They were illuminating.

Here, from my notes (1982-2011), taken after the conversations, are what these guardians on the watchtower revealed:

ONE: “Investigative reporting has been dying. There’s no money for it. If I work on a piece for three months, while my paper is paying me, suppose at the end I come up dry? It happens. I can’t make my case. I’ve got nothing to show for it, and my paper is out whatever they’ve been paying me.

They don’t like that. The other thing is, investigative work makes my bosses nervous. They don’t know where it’ll lead. Worst case, I might come up with something that’ll put the paper in a bad light. It’s like an intelligence agent in the field who wanders off the reservation.

He’s got an assignment, but he sees something better, more important, and that’s where he goes. He ends up finding out something about his own agency. Something bad. I’ve seen that happen. A reporter finds out his own paper has been covering up a heavy scandal.

It’s an intrinsic part of the story. What’s he going to do now? Go to his editor and tell him what’s going on? Chances are, his editor already knows. Now the reporter’s jammed up. He’s in a bad spot. A guy I know came to me with that exact problem. You know what I told him? Burn your notes. That’s what I said.”

TWO: “Most reporters who cover major issues are de facto intelligence assets. Some know it, most don’t. They’re all taking their information from controlled sources. It’s like somebody giving you talking points as if they’re the honest truth. In these talking points, you’re told who the players are in a story and what they’re doing.

But they aren’t the important players, and what they’re doing is just a cover for what’s really going on. It’s all about misdirection. I’ve managed to get a few stories published about illusion vs. reality. But the thing is, no one follows up on that. It’s in print, and then it dies.

One night, I had a little heart to heart with my editor. I told him it would be a lot easier if I just had a desk at the CIA in Langley. He agreed. He said we could move the whole paper there. But then the spooks would realize they didn’t need us at all. They could put out the paper themselves.”

THREE: We’re in a business. We’re selling a product. That’s our role. If our bosses don’t like what we’re submitting to them, they let us know we’re giving them the wrong product. Our company makes product A and we’re giving them product B.

Most reporters wouldn’t even understand what I’m saying, because they’re mentally in the camp of product A. That’s where they live. So as far as they’re concerned, they have lots of leeway. I don’t like talking to those guys. They’re dumb.”

FOUR: “I can write an article that’s critical of what a drug company is specifically doing, but I can’t criticize the company. If I did, my editor would read me the riot act. He knows if he published that article, his boss would get a visit from the company. They would threaten to pull their advertising.

Everybody would be in serious trouble. There is a fine line. Sometimes, the evidence against a drug company is huge, and we can get away with a critical article. But most of the time, it’s a no-go area. I could lose my job. If I did, I would have a hell of a time trying to find another position on the same level. I might be subject to an industry-wide demotion.”

FIVE: “I thought I could quit working for my paper and get hired by somebody else, who would give me more freedom to write the stories I wanted to. I made a few quiet inquiries.

Turned out I was wrong. They’re all pretty much the same. I could get hired by some small paper and write whatever I wanted to, but I would make very little money. I’d be screwed. They don’t cover this in journalism school.”

SIX: “Sometimes an order comes down. By the time I get it, it isn’t sounding exactly like an order. It’s more like ‘this is what we’re doing’. We need to go after a politician and bury him. That kind of thing. Nobody is complicit. You can’t find somebody and blame him for issuing the order. It’s vague enough that everyone escapes blame.

And you don’t want to talk to your colleagues too much about it. You don’t want to be seen as making waves. It’s sort of like a game plan in football. You’re going to execute the plan. You’re not going to start talking about what a lousy plan it is.”

SEVEN: “I’m a guy who’s expected to put out baloney for our audience. I can slice it a few different ways, but it’s the same basic thing. After a few years, I can do it in my sleep. I know the routine.”

EIGHT: “You talk about who’s really running things behind the scene. I know something about that. But I can’t write it in a story. That would be called original research. I’m not allowed to do that. I can only quote authorities on two sides of an issue.

And the guy I quote first - he carries the point of view of the story. The other guy is the doubter. I place him in the weaker position. I get to choose, but I already know what’s needed and required.”

NINE:Reporters in my business have two choices. They can lower their IQs and become cynics, or they can maintain their intelligence and get booted out. That’s what it comes down to. Anybody with an IQ over 90 can see we have agendas. The whole business is agenda-driven.

The main job of a reporter who wants to keep working is developing a cover - pretending he’s speaking the truth. This is a cover for his real identity. A guy who pleases his bosses. Several of us had the whole Bill Clinton-Monica Lewinsky story before it was published. We wanted to go with it, but we were told to sit on it.

So it was our job to agree with that assessment. We had to pretend we didn’t have enough proof yet. We had the proof, but we had to make it seem like we were responsible journalists and needed more. That was a bunch of crap. The agenda was to protect ourselves from the wrath of the White House.

That’s what the editors and the publishers were talking about among themselves. Sure - protect the president. But the real thing was the fear that he and his people would strike back at us and do us damage.”

TEN: “My decision to get out of the news business was pretty easy. I wanted to write a story about the influence of the Council on Foreign Relations on government policy, since World War Two. The way I was told to forget about it was like a cop talking to a drug dealer. All of a sudden, I was the bad guy. I really got into it with my editor. I saw what a phony he was.

The thing is, I knew he had a cozy thing going with the CIA. Several people knew it. In my years in the business, I got a first-hand education in what selling out means. I came pretty close to the edge. There’s a weird adrenaline kick to it. You see your whole future laid out in front of you. It’s very rewarding, in terms of money and status. If you just play ball, it’ll be a smooth ride.”

ELEVEN: “What the teachers told me in journalism school was a load. All I needed was one honest talk with a professor, and I never would have bothered with the whole thing. I was naïve. During my career, there were days I thought we were really on the right track. Somebody wrote a great piece, and it was published. But then we fell back. We put out provable lies.

And they were big ones. It was like being psychologically whipsawed. A few great days, and a lot of bad ones. The worst thing for me was government sources. I was like a horse with a feed bag on, and they were filling it up with rotten food. They knew it, I knew it, and we just kept doing it.

TWELVE: “I saw what I called ‘the inch-below’ thing. An inch below what we were reporting was the real story. It was about power players and what they were doing to make profit for major corporations. It kept coming up. Crimes. People should have been arrested. I could have written great stories. But nobody wanted them. I would have proved intent. I’m talking about wars.

Not little stuff. Whole wars, and the money. The profits. In court, a lawyer could have taken what I had and made a great circumstantial case. The jury would have been convinced. When you can’t publish these stories, you sink into boredom after a while. Tremendous boredom. That’s why some reporters become drunks.”

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Paris Jackson Interview: Michael Jackson Was “Absolutely” Murdered
January 29 2017 | From: VigilantCitizen

In her first in-depth interview ever, Paris Jackson revealed that she was abused at age 14, the she tried to commit suicide several times and that she is absolutely sure that her father Michael was murdered.

Paris Jackson’s interview with Rolling Stone magazine caused some stir due to the disturbing nature of some revelations. While she is only 18 years old, Paris has seen and been through awful things that were often associated with the dark side of the entertainment industry.

Related: Was Michael Jackson’s Neverland Ranch A Mind-Control Programming Site?

In 2013, Paris was sent to a “treatment center” following her suicide attempt where she reportedly “cut her wrists with a kitchen knife and took as many as 20 ibuprofen tablets.” In my article about this story, I shared some of Paris’ social media posts where she alluded to occult rituals and secret societies.

One of Paris’ tweets about secret societies.

One of the several drawings posted by the then 15 year old Paris. A hexagram with all-seeing eyes and a bloody knife. 666 in the pool of blood

The conclusion of that article was:

"Paris appears to be a bright young girl who is quite aware for her age. She however appears to be “tainted” and manipulated by the same dark forces that killed her father. Let’s hope things get better for her."

Fast-forward to today, things apparently got better for her, but the “dark forces” of the industry are still within arm’s reach. Paris’ feature in Rolling Stone included pictures by one of the elite’s favorite photographer: David LaChapelle. As expected, the pictures are charged with symbolism.

The magazine cover features Paris with a halo behind her head, a lightning bolt pendant, a choker and the “hand of benediction”

The picture is reminiscent of Christian iconography.

A depiction of Christ featuring a halo and the hand of benediction

The symbol of the lightning bolt is esoterically associated with Lucifer due to the fact that he’s described as a “fallen angel” who descended from the heavens to earth … like a lightning bolt.

Therefore, the combination of Christian iconography with the bolt results in a typical study in duality. Typical David LaChapelle imagery.

In another symbolic picture, Paris stands rather stiffly as a halo floats over her head. For some reason, a brick wall hides a popular depiction of her father

This image of Michael Jackson is hidden by a brick wall with Paris standing in front of it. Why though?

From Paris’ answers in the interview we understand a few things: She’s a product of the industry, she has been traumatized by it and she apparently holds some insider information.

At the beginning of the article we learn about Paris’ fascination with the morbid and celebrity deaths.

" Paris-Michael Katherine Jackson is staring at a famous corpse. “That’s Marilyn Monroe,” she whispers, facing a wall covered with gruesome autopsy photos. “And that’s JFK. You can’t even find these online.”

On a Thursday afternoon in late November, Paris is making her way through the Museum of Death, a cramped maze of formaldehyde-scented horrors on Hollywood Boulevard.

It’s not uncommon for visitors, confronted with decapitation photos, snuff films and serial-killer memorabilia, to faint, vomit or both. But Paris, not far removed from the emo and goth phases of her earlier teens, seems to find it all somehow soothing.

This is her ninth visit. “It’s awesome,” she had said on the way over. “They have a real electric chair and a real head!”

Paris then reveals that she has attempted suicide several times.

" Paris describes herself as “desensitized” to even the most graphic reminders of human mortality. In June 2013, drowning in depression and a drug addiction, she tried to kill herself at age 15, slashing her wrist and downing 20 Motrin pills.

“It was just self-hatred,” she says, “low self-esteem, thinking that I couldn’t do anything right, not thinking I was worthy of living anymore.” She had been self-harming, cutting herself, managing to conceal it from her family.

Some of her tattoos now cover the scars, as well as what she says are track marks from drug use. Before that, she had already attempted suicide “multiple times,” she says, with an incongruous laugh.

“It was just once that it became public.” The hospital had a “three-strike rule,” she recalls, and, after that last attempt, insisted she attend a residential therapy program."

Without going into details, she divulges that she was abused by a complete stranger who was much older.

"There was another trauma that she’s never mentioned in public. When she was 14, a much older “complete stranger” sexually assaulted her, she says. “I don’t wanna give too many details. But it was not a good experience at all, and it was really hard for me, and, at the time, I didn’t tell anybody.”

Was she in contact with powerful Hollywood child abusers? Is this why she “didn’t tell anybody”?

Paris also said that she was convinced that her father Michael was killed.

"Paris blames Dr. Conrad Murray – who was convicted of involuntary manslaughter in her father’s death – for the dependency on the anesthetic drug propofol that led to it.

She calls him “the ‘doctor,'” with satirical air quotes. But she has darker suspicions about her father’s death. “He would drop hints about people being out to get him,” she says. “And at some point he was like, ‘They’re gonna kill me one day.'”

(Lisa Marie Presley told Oprah Winfrey of a similar conversation with Michael, who expressed fears that unnamed parties were targeting him to get at his half of the Sony/ATV music-publishing catalog, worth hundreds of millions.)

Paris is convinced that her dad was, somehow, murdered. “Absolutely,” she says. “Because it’s obvious. All arrows point to that. It sounds like a total conspiracy theory and it sounds like bullshit, but all real fans and everybody in the family knows it. It was a setup. It was bullshit.”

But who would have wanted Michael Jackson dead? Paris pauses for several seconds, maybe considering a specific answer, but just says, “A lot of people.” Paris wants revenge, or at least justice.

“Of course,” she says, eyes glowing. “I definitely do, but it’s a chess game. And I am trying to play the chess game the right way. And that’s all I can say about that right now.”

Strange fact: After learning about Paris’ 2013 suicide attempt, Conrad Murray, who is serving a four year prison sentence, sent Paris a creepy “support” message stating:

“I love you as a precious father loves his own child and I always will.”

These words are coming from the guy WHO IS IN PRISON FOR KILLING HER FATHER.

Paris also added that she was scared for Justin Bieber who works with the same promoters as Michael Jackson at the time of his death.

“They drain them dry and work them to death.” (A rep for AEG declined comment.) She describes seeing Justin Bieber on a recent tour and being “scared” for him.

“He was tired, going through the motions. I looked at my ticket, saw AEG Live, and I thought back to how my dad was exhausted all the time but couldn’t sleep.”

Less than 24 hours after the release of this interview, Paris was swarmed by paparazzi at LAX which caused her to break down and run away.

She then posted on Twitter that she wants to be left alone.

Let’s hope she stays away from the vultures of the entertainment industry.

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Top 7 Causes Of Cancer And Smart Alternatives For Prevention And Healing
January 28 2017 | From: NaturalNews

If you had been walking on sharp rocks and jagged shells all day, and a doctor told you to take some aspirin for the pain, would you go out the next day, and the day after that, and the day after that, and walk on those same rocks and shells, expecting the aspirin to “do the trick” every time, for weeks, months and even years?  

Wouldn’t you expect that you would get such a horrible infection that you might lose your foot, your leg or even your life?

Related: The Real Reason Why Potential Natural Cancer Cures Are Kept Secret

That’s exactly what people do with toxic junk food – they eat it at every meal, every day for years, and then take antacids, IBS medicine, aspirin, ibuprofen, diet pills and prescription medicines for everything from inflammation to depression, anxiety, fibromyalgia … you name it.

Then, after years of abuse, these same people think that some oncologist is just going to magically cut out the damage, the polyp or the tumor, and they’ll be just fine. It rarely ever works out. Why?

Cancer is the uncontrolled multiplication of mutated cells that thrive off chemicals, and the more toxic food you eat, the worse it gets. It’s like walking on sharp rocks and jagged shells for years and expecting the doctors to just patch you up and send you home. Well, you can forget about it.

Click on the image above to view a larger version in a new window

You need drastic, major lifestyle changes to prevent and/or beat cancer. Sounds difficult, but if you know what to cut out first, it’s actually pretty easy. Here we go.

These top seven causes of cancer are some of the most popular foods, beverages and even medicines known to Americans. Doctors, dentists and dermatologists refrain from telling their patients the truth, or they may lose all their “clients for life.”

Many doctors don’t even know what to tell their patients, because there is zero nutrition education in medical schools. It’s true. Let’s take a look at the major cancer culprits “cutting up” your health daily.

Top Seven Causes of Cancer, and Great Alternatives for Prevention and Healing

#1. Fluoridated water: Want some insecticide in your tap water? You’re in luck! It’s already in there. Municipal tap water often contains toxic sodium fluoride imported from China.

It causes cancer, brittle bones and a lowered IQ. The solution? Get a Big Berkey water filtration system for your home. It’s the best filter on the planet, and even removes other people’s medications, heavy metal toxins, bleach, artificial sweeteners and more.

#2. Artificial sweeteners: They should be called the sweet devils, because aspartame, sorbitol and sucralose trick your body into thinking it’s getting something sweet, increasing cravings for sugar and carbs and contributing to weight gain.

Related: American College of Pediatricians warns: HPV vaccine causes ovarian failure

And, because they’re synthetic and carcinogenic, they warp your cells and lead to cancer of the breasts, prostate, bladder and more. Look into safe alternatives like stevia or xylitol, or just moderate your sugar intake using organic sugar in the raw, or better yet, organic honey.

#3. Nitrites and nitrates in meat: Meat spoils easily, so manufacturers use extra strong preservatives – highly concentrated salts – to preserve them. This goes for nearly all deli meat, barbecued meat, spicy meat, hot dogs, most Chinese food, jerky treats, sausages, and of course, meat in soups.

Related: Vaccine-derived Polio Spreading in “Polio-free” India

Watch out for monosodium glutamate (MSG), a genetically modified preservative used to add flavoring back into meat products that have been processed with ammonia and bleach to kill the E.coli and salmonella. These salts cause migraines, severe dehydration, and yes, cancer. Want safe alternatives? Use organic sea salt, organic garlic salt and organic jalapeño peppers.

#4. Vaccines: Contained in the infamous polio vaccine were nearly 100 million doses of SV40 – a cancer-causing virus that is now believed to be responsible for causing millions of cancer cases in America, according to the CDC.

Related: College Student Gets HPV Cancer 18 Months After Receiving Gardasil Vaccine, then Declines Chemo & Heals Herself with Natural Means

The information was posted on an official CDC fact sheet entitled Cancer, Simian Virus 40 (SV40) and Polio Vaccine. Though the CDC removed it from their site, RealFarmacy.com archived the damning page before the CDC pulled it. Check it out yourself here.

#5. Chemotherapy: Most MDs and oncologists would never take chemotherapy themselves or recommend it for their relatives, knowing as do that it only has a 3 percent chance of success and totally wipes out the human immune system, while flooding the whole body with chemicals that cause new cancers to develop.

Related: Why The Only Thing Influenza May Kill Is Germ Theory

Look into medicinal mushrooms and alkalizing the body to naturally beat cancer.

#6. Pharmaceuticals (prescription medications): The number one cause of cancer is consuming chemicals, so why would you ever take prescription medications that are all made in laboratories using chemicals?

Related: Breakingviews TV: Shkreli shreds pharma

#7. Conventional gluten: Also known as “food glue,” most gluten is processed with bleach and toxic dough conditioners, and it all sticks in your digestive tract for days, rotting everything that comes in behind it and fueling chronic inflammation, IBS, dehydration, polyps, and eventually, cancer.

Related: Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons: Aluminum in vaccines is not safe

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Australians Burn The Empire’s Flag To Condemn “Invasion Day”
January 28 2017 | From: Geopolitics

As most of know, the Empire has laid claim to the vast number of territories around the world through its supposed discovery thereof, while effectively ignoring the fact that those lands were already occupied for millennia, i.e. long before they arrived. 

Australia Day is the official National Day of Australia. Celebrated annually on 26 January, it marks the anniversary of the 1788 arrival of the First Fleet of British Ships at Port Jackson, New South Wales, and the raising of the Flag of Great Britain at Sydney Cove by Governor Arthur Phillip. – Wikipedia

Later on, the invaders started sharing a new culture and language to the very hospitable inhabitants in order to justify their benevolent occupation that would only further the latter’s subjugation as the indigenous identity is erased.

It’s good to know that Australians have recognized that there’s indeed no pride in genocide.

RT reports;

Violence Erupts as Police & Protesters Clash During Australia Day in Sydney

Police have cracked down on flag-burning protesters gathered in Sydney for ‘Invasion Day’ – an event to protest Australia Day, which is celebrated on January 26.

Thousands of people across Australia have joined indigenous people to protest the celebrations.

The protester who initially tried to set the flag on fire, 20-year-old Indigenous Australian death metal singer Birrugan Dunn-Velasco, has been taken to the police station.

A woman was injured in the protest and was taken to the hospital, ABC News reported.

Protesters marched through central Sydney, calling on the government to change the date of Australia Day and chanting: “always was, always will be aboriginal land.”

January 26 is considered a day of mourning by Aboriginal Australians. On that date in 1788, the first British ships arrived in New South Wales.

“We have been mistreated, slaughtered and beaten down since the day, so don’t expect us to be happy little Aboriginals on that day,” Ken Canning, one of the rally’s organizers, told BuzzFeed.

Canning told a crowd that “Australians have woken up” and now realize that Australia Day is a day of mourning for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

"That is not something to celebrate. That is not a day to throw a shrimp on the barbie. That is not a day to go out and get blind drunk and start throwing up all over the footpath,” he said, according to The Age media.

“It was an invasion. And it’s still going on today,” he added.

Indigenous elder Uncle Max Harrison, who came to a special smoking ceremony performed by Aboriginals in Sydney, expressed a milder stance, but also urged Australians to acknowledge what January 26 means for Aboriginals.

“I just hope that the public could understand and look at our cultural day within this day that they call Australia Day,” he said, as cited by ABC News.

Protests across the country have drawn thousands of people. The Melbourne protest is the biggest, with tens of thousands participating, witnesses say.

In Canberra, hundreds of protesters marched from the Aboriginal tent embassy to the doors of Parliament House.

The hashtags #ChangeTheDate, #InvasionDay, and #SurvivalDay have all been trending on social media.

It seems, however, that most Australians want their national holiday to stay on the same date. A McNair yellowSquares national poll recently found that 68 percent of Australians felt positive about January 26, 19 percent were indifferent, while seven percent had mixed feelings, compared with the Aboriginal people, 31 percent of whom felt negative, with a 30 percent having mixed feelings.

Asked if the date should be changed, 15 percent of Australians said ‘yes,’ compared to 54 percent of Aboriginals.

Australians chose “barbecue,”“celebration,” and “holiday” as key words describing January 26, while for Indigenous Australians, the three words were “invasion,”“survival,” and “murder.”

Related: Violence erupts as police & protesters clash during Australia Day in Sydney

Now, that method has been modified to include humanitarian military interventions via the United Nations Security Council impositions of “No Fly Zone” and carpet bombing, and until recently, by the use of paid mercenaries who are eager to sow terror on the target population.

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Ending The Hoax: Team Trump Removes All References To ‘Climate Change’ On Whitehouse.gov Web Site + New York Times 1989: No Global Warming Trend
January 27 2017 | From: NaturalNews / JonRappoport

During the campaign, then-GOP nominee Donald J. Trump said he was not convinced that so-called “manmade global warming” and “climate change” was real, pointing out that instead of being “settled science,” there was plenty of conflicting information out there (not to mention outright fraudulent manipulations of temperature data).

As president, Trump’s position appears to be consistent with his skepticism.

Related: Mathematical proof that man-made climate change is a total hoax

Shortly after being inaugurated on Friday, the official Whitehouse.gov web site was scrubbed of all references to climate change. See the difference here.

During the Obama administration, the official White House site carried an information piece titled, “A Historic Commitment to Protecting the Environment and Addressing the Impacts of Climate Change,” which explained the former president’s commitment to policies that were ostensibly designed to reverse human impact on the climate through industrialization and modernization.

Obama, like all climate change hoaxers, claimed that it was the ‘biggest threat to our children’ than nuclear war or terrorism, and he regularly trotted out “data” that his federal bureaucracy claimed was “proof” that a) the Earth’s climate is “changing” and b) it’s because too many cows fart and too many Americans drive SUVs.

But Trump - and a host of genuinely independent scientists and climatologists interested in real data - has never bought into the hype.

Related: Climate Change: The Government’s Best Revenue Stream Since War and Taxes

What’s more, he and millions of Americans watched as Obama’s business and economic policies destroyed jobs and opportunity because they were based on something more akin to a religion. (RELATED: How are ‘they’ fooling us today? Find out at Hoax.news)

"Climate skeptics are thrilled that one of the very first visible changes of the transition of power between President Obama and President Trump is the booting of ‘climate change’ from the White House website,” said a statement from Climate Depot, a project of the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, or CFACT, which documents climate change hoaxes and phony data.

“Trump is truly going to make science great again and reject the notion that humans are the control knob of the climate and UN treaties and EPA regulations can somehow regulate temperature and storminess. Welcome to the era of sound science!”

While the Obama-era climate change page has been taken down, the Trump administration has uploaded the president’s “America First Energy Plan” to the Whitehouse.gov site in its place.

"Energy is an essential part of American life and a staple of the world economy. The Trump Administration is committed to energy policies that lower costs for hardworking Americans and maximize the use of American resources, freeing us from dependence on foreign oil,” the plan says.

“For too long, we’ve been held back by burdensome regulations on our energy industry. President Trump is committed to eliminating harmful and unnecessary policies such as the Climate Action Plan and the Waters of the U.S. rule. Lifting these restrictions will greatly help American workers, increasing wages by more than $30 billion over the next 7 years.”

The plan also notes that “sound” energy policy must begin with the acknowledgement that the United States has vast, untapped energy reserves that have been placed under federal ‘protection’ for decades by previous administrations.

The administration says it is committed to unlocking those reserves and embracing the shale oil and gas “revolution” that will bring good-paying jobs to millions of Americans. (RELATED: What’s going on with American energy? Find out at Power.news)

That kind of a policy plays right into the hands of the angry Left, which has claimed for months that Trump would destroy the environment by making our air and water dirtier. But such ridiculous claims are based on the irrational premise that our new president wants us to have dirty air and water - which is something he, too, would suffer.

Related: Trump To Release Secret DARPA Technology To The World

The web site says there is an estimated $50 trillion in untapped shale in the U.S., along with oil, and natural gas, “especially those on federal lands that the American people own.”

The administration would use the revenues from energy production to “rebuild our roads, schools, bridges and public infrastructure,” which Trump frequently brought up on the campaign trail. By tapping into U.S. reserves, energy prices will come down for all Americans, and “will be a big boost to American agriculture as well.”

The Trump administration also said it will be committed to clean coal technology, as well as reviving the coal industry so ravaged under the Obama regime.

Related: Light Pillars, a Million-Mirror Optical Illusion on Winter Nights

New York Times 1989: No Global Warming Trend

The New York Times, the “paper of record,” published a very interesting piece on January 26, 1989. The headline read: “US Data since 1895 Fail to Show Warming Trend.”

Related: GWPF Newsletter: Trump Meets With Princeton Physicist Who Says CO2 Is Good For Us

Here are a few key paragraphs:

“After examining climate data extending back nearly 100 years, a team of Government scientists has concluded that there has been no significant change in average temperatures or rainfall in the United States over that entire period.”

“While the nation’s weather in individual years or even for periods of years has been hotter or cooler and drier or wetter than in other periods, the new study shows that over the last century there has been no trend in one direction or another.”

“The study, made by scientists for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration was published in the current issue of Geophysical Research Letters. It is based on temperature and precipitation readings taken at weather stations around the country from 1895 to 1987.”

Then comes the revisionist stepping-back from the explosive finding:

“Dr. Kirby Hanson, the meteorologist who led the study, said in a telephone interview that the findings concerning the United States do not necessarily ‘cast doubt’ on previous findings of a worldwide trend toward warmer temperatures…

He said that the United States occupies only a small percentage of Earth’s surface and that the new findings may be the result of regional variations.”

That’s a beauty, isn’t it? The US, with its massive spewing industrial/automotive output of CO2 is—owing to a mysterious force - not warming. It’s angels, of course. Angels scrubbing the sky.

Related: Freak snowfall brings winter to summer in southern alpine areas

Actually, later in the Times article;

"Dr. James E. Hansen, director of National Aeronautic and Space Administration’s Institute for Space Studies in Manhattan” offers this gem:

“Another possibility, he [Hansen] said, was that there were special conditions in the United States that would tend to offset a warming trend. For example, industrial activity produces dust and other solid particles that help form liquid droplets in the atmosphere. These droplets reflect radiation away from Earth and thus have a cooling influence.”

But I suppose, through a REVERSE miracle, the droplets do allow heat generated at ground level to escape upward. If the droplets did trap heat at ground level, temperatures would rise - and the study showed that wasn’t occurring. More angels. The magic droplets deflect heat coming down, but not going up.

The Times had no follow-up questions.

Hot Air

But don’t worry, be happy. It’s all good. Yes, the warming hypothesis leads to carbon taxes, lowering energy output in order to keep us all from frying, and the consequent decimation of the economy - but look, people make mistakes. And those mistakes generate unpleasant results. However, they mean well. They really do.

They’re not using a bogus warming hypothesis to torpedo america and the rest of the world, as part of a globalist machination of control. they don’t want to decimate the economy and reduce us to a helpless state of poverty.

They would never do that.

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The Biocrystal, Human Energy Field And Hyperdimensional Water
January 27 2017 | From: OmniThought / Various

The Biocrystal: “The human energy field exists as an array of oscillating energy points that have a layered structure and a definite symmetry and these properties fulfill the definition of a normal crystal in material form” – Marc Vogel

The human body is a universe onto itself; a vast, intricate system of incredible sensitivity and detail. It has been the subject of wonder, philosophy and scientific study for centuries, yet its most elemental design is still shrouded in mystery.

Related: This Is What Happens To Your Body When You Increase Your Water Intake

What is the relation of biological life to the Cosmos – to the fabric of space and time itself? Is our body the “earthen machine” of Descartes; an “automaton” of discrete mechanical function?

Are we really locked in an endless struggle against the ticking clock of thermodynamic entropy – of increasing disorder – as is the view of contemporary physics?

The fractal-holographic model sheds new light on these questions; a unified description of the Cosmos reveals its true relation to Man, a relationship so entangled, so intimate that the two cannot be viewed apart…

The Immensity of Biological Complexity

The building block of life, the biological cell, is an entity of astonishing coherency; billions of chemical processes take place within it every second – metabolism, molecular transport, gene expression, DNA replication, extracellular communication, reproduction, cell differentiation just to name a few.

There are 50 trillion cells in the human body and their combined DNA unraveled would cover the distance from the Earth to the Sun well over 400 times! All of this cooperates beautifully to maintain a living breathing organism adapted for interaction with an exterior universe of innumerable physical processes. What underlying physics can account for such extreme levels of organization?

Related: 8 Amazing Effects Of Drinking Water On An Empty Stomach

The laws of thermodynamic entropy do not readily explain the complexity of biological evolution, nor can it account for the elaborate function and cooperation of cells.

In terms of conventional physics several questions begs to be answered in this regard, for how does 50 trillion cells act in flawless symphony? Or what natural process compelled the inert minerals of ancient Earth to form intricate cellular machinery in the first place?

Calculations by laws of probability indicate that the time needed for universal forces to generate even as much as a single blade of grass by processes of trial and error would vastly exceed the postulated age of our universe, not even to mention the entire biosphere of Earth.

Obviously there is a self-organizing element present here, a naturally inherent movement towards order and coherency; left alone the universe will produce incredible complexity on its own accord.

Another problem in our contemporary physics is known as the “anthropic principle”, a hypothesis put forth as a possible solution to a central question in modern cosmology: why and how did we end up here? By an as yet unexplained reason, our vast universe seems carefully tailored for the creation of complex life forms.

The physical parameters of the natural forces that enable atomic structure, and thus molecular composition, is precisely where they need to be to form stable molecular chains such as the DNA-strand. Had e.g. the Strong force connecting the atom, been a fraction higher or lower biological life would be impossible.

As would the fact that you are reading this text, which is what led to the anthropic principle: we are here because we live in a universe that allows us to be here.

Sure enough, it’s a simplistic and circular argument, loosely based on the idea that there are countless universes out there, each one with different physical laws, ours being one that happens to allow life, and thus – us, and you reading this article. As is appropriate, many are dissatisfied with this hypothesis as its logically circular and fundamentally unprovable.

In short, there is a preeminent problem with modern physics, namely us – Life.

Everything works pretty fine with current models but the presence of life poses a significant challenge to them. However, a unified theory of physics should be able to explain universal processes, from the microscopic to the macroscopic, including life, consciousness and everything it entails.

Until such a theory exists, we really cannot claim to know what kind of cosmological phenomena we really are. Our vision of ourselves is still incomplete.

The notion of a universe moving towards ever increasing disorder is disproven by our very existence; the living, breathing human body is a system of incomprehensible interconnectivity, intertwined with the universe at the very quantum level, and, as we shall see, the underlying matrix making this organization possible is the very space in which it exists.

Emptiness – The Principle of Order

To find the ordering principle foundational to creating and maintaining the human organism we must look beyond the biological form, into the very fabric of the space in which it arise.

As the reader will know, the fractal-holographic model propose that space is not empty but full; a plenum or a zero-point field containing potentially infinite energy. In this view matter emerges as a function of space, not vice verca, and it naturally condenses into toroidal/spehrical systems, conforming to the topological structure of space-time itself, of expansion, contraction and spin.

This topology is reflected at all scales, from atom to universe, and it naturally organizes matter at harmonic intervals defined by the underlying geometry of hyperspace, assuming the familiar shapes of rotating galaxies, globular clusters, stellar systems, planetary dynamics and even cells and atoms.

The atom itself is actually nothing but space in motion; like a tiny toroidal whirlpool in the vacuum sea which converts an infinitesimally small quanta of potential energy into kinetic energy, or mass.

In Haramein’s recent paper, Quantum Gravity & The Holographic Mass, very precise predictions concerning fundamental characteristics of the atom is acheived by describing the proton mass as the result of holographic physics and universal entanglement through the vacuum of space.

From this viewpoint the source of material organization, intracellular coherency and even consciousness, lies not within physical processes of the body, but are rather causal phenomena issuing forth from fundamental qualities of space-time itself, from the very field of energy sustaining the universe.

Yet as this field is nothing but a pure potential, being non-dimensional and infinite in nature, it is also by definition the pinnacle of order and organization – all points unified. Thus the entropic, randomized universe meets it counterbalance in the negentropic, coherent vacuum of space.

Kinetic & Potential Energy

From this premise we may understand the phenomena of Energy in two distinct forms; kinetic and potential energy, synonymous with the manifest and unmanifest, the dynamic and absolute. Potential energy is static, orderly and balanced, while kinetic energy, which is energy in motion, is inherently unbalanced, in a state of continually increasing entropy, disorder and decay.

Kinetic energy equals expansion, spin, visible radiation and heat, while potential energy creates the opposing movement of contraction, thermal equilibrium and absolute zero degrees.

Understanding the unity of these opposites, of entropy and negentropy, of chaos and order, of generoactive and radioactive processes, and how they act upon our world we may come to realize that reality, at its most fundamental, is an expression of universal coherency, integrity and balance – an expression of cosmic singularity.

There are thus three fundamental modes of spatial motion in the universe – expansion, contraction and spin. The universal forces known as Gravitation (contraction) and Electromagnetism (expansion) are effects arising from these very dynamics of space.

Expanding space is radiative, moving towards heat, disorder and increasingly useless forms of energy. Moving out in all directions, towards maximum volume vs. minimal stability, its spatial geometry is that of a sphere.

Contractive space, however, is generoactive – moving towards coolness, higher order and universal coherency with the zero-point field. Contraction is a movement towards minimal volume and maximum stability, expressed geometrically as the tetrahedron.

Being non-radiative and implosive the tetrahedral geometry of space is not visible to the naked eye; it belongs to the unmanifest realm of pure potential, hence it’s the geometry of hyperspace. The geometry of hyperspace achieves a completely balanced condition in the basic 64 tetrahedron grid; a tetraheral crystalline lattice structuring the fabric of the universe.

Centering every black hole system – every galaxy, star, cell or atom – there is empty space, the still point of static potential energy, which provides a relative center of rotation for the system to revolve about, like stillness in the eye of a hurricane. This unmoving center rests in a state of thermal equilibrium – absolute zero degrees.

It’s a perfectly cool stillness which allows for kinetic energy; motion, rotation, friction and the resulting heat and expansion to occur. Surrounding this static center is the event-horizon; a naturally occuring boundary of balance where the forces of contraction and expansion are equal in strenght.

As our own universe is the inside of a giant black hole, looking through space, at the transparent darkness of the cool night sky, we are actually witnessing the source of order in the universe, the plenum uniting, connecting and balancing all things in its majestic, silent embrace.

While the radiative sphere of the atom or the blazing star may appear finite, localized and separate from others, its contractive field – its Gravity – unites and coheres with the plenum, the non-local vacuum state.

The gravitational field originates from the vacuum hyperfield, which is continually adapting, innovating, synchronizing and self-organizing all structure everywhere according to the ever fresh topography of the Cosmic fractal.

The vacuum is the common source, the origin and end-point of all information, and thus matter, being nothing more than the holographic expression of space, has all that it needs to self-organize.

However, there is only one basic element of matter capable of closing the feed-back loop of generoactive and radioactive forces thus conveying through the physical form such order and complexity expressed in biological life; namely the element of Water.

Water – The Link to Hyperspace

Although the H2O molecule itself seems fairly simple, water is far more complex than its chemical formula seems to indicate. Water enjoys a very special position in the grand design, and it’s notorious for rebelling against all existing models and comparisons when viewed on par with the other elements of the periodic table.

Chemically, water exhibits a wide range of properties exceptional in Nature, among these, thermal qualities essential for biological life, such as a large heat capacity, high thermal conductivity and a high latent heat of evaporation among many, many others.

More significant in the context of this theory however, is the fact that water has a unique tetrahedral molecular configuration and is thermodynamically inversed; it’s the only element expanding when cooled and contracting when heated.

These properties make the element of water harmonically tuned to the geometry of hyperspace, providing a link closing the feed-back loop of expansion and contraction, a link between entropic and negentropic forces in the universe.

On a molecular level water is highly cohesive; the hydrogen atoms of one molecule easily attracts the oxygen atoms of surrounding molecules, thereby organizing itself into crystal-like grids which are able to store or transduce vibrational information.

Being the exact geometry of the vacuum, the crystalline structure of water functions as a perfect conduit for coherent information exchange between hyperspace and biological systems. Haramein suggests this tetrahedral configuration produce a spin function in the structure of space, which forms a resonance link to the fluid dynamics of the water molecules.

Through this resonance, coherent information reverberates through its construct, propagating negentropic processes into the material form – processes that move towards higher states of order and complexity, mirroring the harmonic frequencies of the vacuum geometry, a mechanism possibly crucial to uphold the complexity of the DNA molecule.

The Origins of DNA

Biological organisms are largely made up of water and, as we have seen, endogenous water may be central to understanding the complexity of metabolic life forms. Recent findings suggests the highly structured macro-molecules of water indeed may be the element responsible for structuring and supporting the composition of the DNA strands.

Water surrounds and contains the nucleotides and atoms comprising the double helix, and may serve as a conduit for information transmitting frequencies from the vacuum hyperspace.

This phenomena was actually demonstrated in a remarkable experiement by Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier wherein water and very low electromagnetic frequencies alone was used to create DNA molecules, just from its rudimentary chemical components.

The experiment provides a compelling argument for the idea that water inherently possesses the ability to convert high entropy energy into states of lower entropy (higher coherency), thereby acting as an ordering agent, moving energy from incoherent, random states to coherent, organized forms – like the DNA spiral.

Moment by moment, every atom of every molecule, both organic and inorganic, is being changed and replaced. Every one of us within the next seven years will have a completely new body, down to the very last atom. Even the chemical codons of the DNA molecules of your body will swap and switch countless times before sunset.

Amid this constancy of change, where can we find the carrier of continuity, organization and structure? The answers lies in the geometric principles and proportions of hyperspace, the ideal world of eternal, unchanging geometrical absolutes. In this regard, it is interesting to note that the DNA spiral is composed of 64 codons, precisely matching the 64 tetrahedron crystalline geometry of hyperspace.

We can imagine the DNA molecule of the human being as the result of millions upon millions of years of resonance imprints, or “memory patterns”, mediated within and through the vacuum.

The gravitational field absorbs information into this field so as to tune its various expressions (i.e. various biological forms) to optimally fit the universe in which it exists; a evolutionary system of incredible connectivity and balance.

Liquid Crystal Within The Human Body

The fundamental dynamics of the universe is that of expansion and contraction – a continuous feed-back loop of information radiating out and absorbing back on itself. Similarly the human consciousness is also a feed-back loop of information. The external world contracts into our being through innumerable physical processes, a fraction of which are filtered as sensory impressions in the body and the brain.

Simultaneously there is the body and its countless atoms radiating energy, acting outwards in the universe merely by existing. Consciousness results from this boundary condition, this event-horizon, between absolute and dynamical energy, where information is absorbed inwards to the infinite non-local vacuum field and radiated back out to the finite external world.

Consciousness is simply information being processed. Thus the individual is not the only one experiencing reality but reality is experiencing itself though every individual, though every atom.

The source of consciousness does not originate within the body or the brain, but is rather a quality of the topology of space-time itself, of the fundamental dynamics and function of an information processing black-hole-universe.

As such the biological body is more like a transceiver of consciousness, and not its originating source. To find the conduit of consciousness then, we must again look to the crystalline geometry of water within the human form.

A crystal is simply a structure whose molecules are arranged in a regular, organized pattern. Characteristically, crystals resonate or oscillate at specific frequencies, and some crystals are also piezoelectric, i.e. they respond to mechanical stress by generating an electrical pulse.

Both of these properties are frequently utilized in the field of electronics and computer engineering, e.g. with the purpose of producing radio transmitters to tune and stabilize specific frequencies.

Looking for a conductor of vacuum information connecting the physical body to the space-time continuum, we could look to the crystal-like systems within the body. In fact most structures within the human organism can be described as crystalline.

Liquid crystal is a kind of crystal that exhibits fluid dynamics while maintaining molecules in an organized pattern, much like marching soldiers retain their regimented structure even while turning a corner.

The phospholipid molecules of the cell membrane behave in a similar fashion; their fluid crystalline organization allows the membrane to dynamically alter its shape while maintaining its integrity, making it able to both insulate and vibrate in resonance with electrical impulses, much like a crystalline semi-conductor chip.

The phospholipid molecules of the cell membrane is arranged in crysyalline organization. The DNA molecule itself also displays the same crystalline organization, as does the skeletal bones of the body.

Both of these are also piezoelectric and will respond electrically upon a mechanical impulse from its environment. In fact each organ, gland, nerve system, cell and protein structure shows a level of organization with some degree of crystalline function, and together they form a network of oscillating, resonating structures that form an overall organized and coherent resonance pattern, thus in terms of physiology and physics, the human being can better be understood as vibrational biocrystals; open systems in continuous resonance with the frequencies of hyperspace.

There exists no definite border between electromagnetic fields maintained by the body’s metabolism and those that exists in the environment. As such we may think of the human body as merely a denser crystallization of space itself.

The human body consists of 75% water and our brain about 90%, yet the importance of this fact is often underestimated. In fact, infants born with mostly water in their brain (hydrocephaly) responds consciously to stimuli, and overall they functions perfectly, yet only a very small portion of their brain is composed of neurons.

In other words, we are fully conscious and aware even with very little grey matter in the brain – yet if we remove the water, life will collapse.

Consequently, water may act as the medium through which the vacuum hyperspace extends into complex physical form – through the resonant element of water the fractal of biological growth and evolution is made possible.

The Biological Resolution

Contrary to common belief, the biological cell is a highly energetic object; its phospholipid membrane and inner structure of microtubules oscillate at extreme intensities measured to 1014 Hz. In the fractal-holographic model each cell can actually be compared with a very tiny black hole entity.

In Haramein’s and Raucher’s “scaling law” we may even see that the energy output of microtubules within biological cells, in terms of frequency vs. radius, are in a linear, harmonic match with other black hole systems in the universe (i.e. galactic nuclei, quasars, stars, mini-black hole atoms etc.), suggesting that cells themselves are a natural scale resolution of the universe, a biological resolution, situated right in the middle of the micro- and the macro-comos, inbetween atoms and stars on the cosmic chart. Not only does this finding implicate an abundance of biological life in the cosmos, but it puts the human being in the center of his own anthropic universe.

The “scaling law” demonstrates a linear relationship between the frequency and geometric radius of black-hole objects in the universe, across the boundary between micro-and macrocosm. (BB=Planck distance, A=atom, S=the sun, G=known galactic cores, U=universe)

In this view the human body is composed of trillions of mini black hole cells in crystalline organization, all harmonized around the pulsating coherent field of the human heart.

This entire systems forms, in symphony, an event-horizon absorbing information from the macrocomsic to the microcosmic world, thus feeding the unified vacuum field with its data of experience. Each event-horizon represents a different point of perspective, a unique geometric position in the cosmic fractal, providing its own particular bit of information to the whole.

Altogether, this “extension of space” is a finely tuned, self-organizing system of incredible sensitivity and complexity, capable of registering the most minute impulse from its environment.

As we have seen, through the medium of water the biological body literally crystallize from the vacuum hyperfield, and this dense crystallization of energy seems to be merely the visible aspect of multiple layers of resonant crystalline energetic structure, the totality of which extends in an unbroken continuum from the level of gross matter to the causal realm of complete emptiness – the state of equilibrium.

Tuning The Biocrystal

This hypersensitive holographic biocrystalline system continously tunes with our own conscious (and unconscious) feed-back loop of psycho-emotional states; the interpretations we make of the field affects our universe, and in turn the universe affects us – a natural balance of creation and co-creation.

As we consciously enter a state of internal balance, the various energetic layers of the biocrystal will ocillate into higher degrees of organization and coherency.

Within every core there is equilibrium, which means universal unity, thus the more centered we are the more obvious becomes our connectivity to all things.

We can imagine that the act of introspection equals an implosive movement, a negentropic force, and thus a movement towards higher coherency, order and flow, which may be why meditative and yogic practices are so beneficial to psychological and physical health.

The use of vibrational healing modalities like IKYA, essences, accupunture and crystals for vibrational tuning is also an ancient knowledge, which only now is reemerging in our modern world. The medical science concerning the energetic, vibrational composition of the human being is still in its early infancy, and in front of us lies a vast universe of discovery…

All this considered, we may come to new view of Man, a view of inherent universal balance, coherency, co-creation and connection. The geometric proportions of hyperspace is a blueprint of Creation, directing the formation of universes, quasars, galaxies, stars, planets, cells and atoms.

It extends itself simultaneously through all these scalar dimensions and eventually observes its own mystery through the eyes of a self-aware entity. The human form is nothing less than a holographic projection of the harmonic geometry of hyperspace – a natural crystallization of Totality itself.

Related: Corporate giant Nestle beats out community for control of local water supply

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Eugenics And Population Control To Save The Planet, Says Berkeley Professor
January 26 2017 | From: WakingTimes

Malcolm Potts is a Malthusian figure with deep roots in the history of eugenics. He’s not hiding in the shadows, but in the open as a professor at one of the most prestigious academic institutions in America, one that has been espousing eugenic philosophy for almost a century: University of California, Berkeley.

"It would be a service to mankind if the pill were available in slot machines and the cigarette were placed on prescription." - Malcolm Potts

In 1924, another eugenicist was a professor at UC Berkeley: Samuel Jackson Holmes, who published a 1924 paper titled “A bibliography of eugenics,” at Berkeley, in 1937 he wrote, “The Negros’ Struggle For Survival.”

Related: Future criminals revealed at three, says study

Malcolm Potts has been a rabid advocate of population reduction for almost 50 years, and was the first physician to promote the main modern method of abortion today, uterine manual vacuum aspiration, and in 1968 became the first Medical Director of the International Planned Parenthood Federation, not many years after Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger was openly calling for the extermination of black people.

In 1966, Potts wrote articles in the Eugenics Review, one of the original racist, eugenic scientific journals that came from the Galton Institute itself, formerly known as the British Eugenics Society.whose, namesake, Francis Galton, coined the term “eugenics.”

Related: Eugenics / Depopulation Agenda

To this day, he teaches classes at Berkeley about how badly the population needs to be culled, under the guise of “family planning” and other benign, less-descriptive phrases.

He spreads fear about overpopulation, never focusing on the underlying problem of wealth disparity and hegemony, but claiming the innocent men born at the bottom of the bottom class are a threat because they are inherently going to become terrorists.

The term “Malthusian” refers to the philosophy of Thomas Malthus, a “chicken little” of overpopulation fear mongering who openly advocated for spreading disease to kill the poor. Malthus famously encouraged giving disease, famine, and increased mortality rates to the poor, in “An Essay on the Principle of Population, 1826”:

"Instead of recommending cleanliness to the poor, we should encourage contrary habits. In our towns we should make the streets narrower, crowd more people into the houses, and court the return of the plague.

In the country, we should build our villages near stagnant pools, and particularly encourage settlements in all marshy and unwholesome situations.*12

But above all, we should reprobate specific remedies for ravaging diseases; and those benevolent, but much mistaken men, who have thought they were doing a service to mankind by projecting schemes for the total extirpation of particular disorders.

If by these and similar means the annual mortality were increased from 1 in 36 or 40, to 1 in 18 or 20, we might probably every one of us marry at the age of puberty, and yet few be absolutely starved.”

He is affectionately portrayed at Berkeley, and his cries of “overpopulation” live on today in the work of Malcolm Potts and his ilk.

Today, figures such as Malcolm Potts carry Thomas Malthus’ legacy, and the legacy of the British family who originated eugenics: the Darwin-Galton-Wedgewood-Huxley family.

Related: Nine Scientific Facts Prove The "Theory Of Evolution" Is False

A 2013 paper co-authored by Malcolm Potts plots how to “reduce fertility” in poor populations, encouraging abortions and whatever means necessary to reduce family size, reduce fertility, and reduce population. Read close and make no mistake, this is not speaking in favor of birth control: it is about reducing fertility. It references Darwinian eugenics ideas right off the bat, like this affectionate publication about Thomas Malthus also from UC Berkeley.

Advocating not for freedom, it is titled: “The impact of freedom on fertility decline.” Reading from that paper:

"All societies use a combination of contraception and abortion to limit family size.49–53 In 1975, Tietze and Bongaarts 49 observed that “levels of fertility required for population stabilization cannot be easily obtained without induced abortion”.

Conversely, we cannot find a country with replacement level fertility that does not have access to safe abortion, either de jure, as in much of Europe, or de facto as in the Republic of Ireland where women go to England to obtain safe abortions.

When safe abortion is accessible in a country, the total fertility rate (TFR) is likely to be one child lower than if abortion is not accessible.54 55 Forty-five years ago demographer Kingsley Davis observed: “Induced abortion … is one of the surest means of controlling reproduction, and one that has been proved capable of reducing birth rates rapidly ….

Yet this method is rejected by nearly all national and international … programmes”.56 Today, in spite of powerful evidence of the safety of misoprostol for medical abortion,57 especially in low-resource settings,58 this tablet has not been approved for use by women at home for this purpose.”

“We contend that wherever women have access to a range of contraceptive methods with correct information and backed up by safe abortion, fertility will fall. This is the basis of our ‘opportunity model’.

Conversely, as long as the international community fails to focus on family planning, the barriers to family planning are allowed to stay in place, and the shortfall in money and commodities persists, there will be further stalls in fertility decline (or an actual rise in family size), particularly among the poorest economic quintiles in low-income countries.”

Malcolm Potts has a feverish obsession with reducing the world’s population of poor people, working veraciously for almost half a century to do so with a tenacity only perhaps rivaling Margaret Sanger herself.

He claims men born into impoverished areas (citing Gaza) are inherently a threat to world stability, essentially saying they are bound to become terrorists, so they should never have been born.

Reading from an article titled: “U.C. Berkeley’s Malcolm Potts’ Ugly New Eugenics Blames Dark-Skinned Teenagers for War and Terrorism”:

"The Bixby Center for Population, Health, and Sustainability at the University of California, Berkeley, features webpages stuffed with noble principles affirming women’s right to family planning access, global population stability, universal justice, and environmental sustainability.

Unfortunately, Bixby’s chair, obstetrician and reproductive scientist Malcolm Potts,’ chief tactic to advance these liberal goals is with ugly appeals to 19th century racism and emotional fears toward young, poor people.

In its May-June cover story, Miller-McCune - a new magazine that boasts of “smart journalism” that “draws on academic research and other definitive sources to provide reasoned policy options and solutions for today’s pressing issues” but then delivers the same old anti-youth prejudices long moldering in mainstream media - Potts and Stanford University Earth Sciences lecturer Thomas Hayden push the absurdly bigoted notion that “young men are the true engines of war.”

Tossing out the usual half-baked bio-cliches on “testosterone” and “aggression,” they argue that “careful statistical studies show that the probability of violent conflict increases as the ratio of young men in a society rises above that of older men.” (Yes, and statistically, the limited notions of “conflict” Potts and Hayden single out also increase along with the proportion of dark-skinned and poor people of all ages.)

Therefore, they argue, any excess of young men in a society must be the major cause of war, violence, and terrorism.”

While they wail about overpopulation as the main threat to the future of our planet, they purposefully ignore those responsible for creating war and poverty in the first place: the wealthiest on this planet.

Overpopulation fear-mongerers often belong to the privileged, wealthy class of people, some of which are the very people starting wars of aggression in the Middle East, who fund the terrorists they claim are being created by overpopulation.

They aren’t suggesting their class of people be culled: only the poor.

The forces who keep people in a state of poverty are ignored, and instead the victims are identified as the causes of poverty and suffering, by Malthusian academics hungry for the extermination of poor people.

The truth is, the Earth can support many more human beings, if the land and resources were not hoarded by a very small number of extremely wealthy individuals.

It would also help if the wealthy would cease to influence the poisoning of our land with pesticides and toxic chemicals.

These people hungering for reduced population are not hidden, but operating in plain sight in the most prestigious academic institutions in the West, just as they did a century ago when the Ivy League institutions pioneered eugenics.

If you’d like to understand the insidiousness of Malcolm Potts’ presentation style, take a look at his talk here, where he discusses how poor people reproducing is responsible for climate change.

Malcolm Potts: Avoiding the Next Great Humanitarian Crisis

To learn more about the myth of overpopulation, this video is helpful:

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Evidence Points To Ft. Lauderdale Shooter Being “Jason Bourned” With Mind Altering Psychiatric Drugs And ISIS Video Indoctrination By U.S. Intelligence Operatives
January 26 2017 | From: NaturalNews / Various

The playbook of the globalists is so obvious now that it’s all right out in the open.

After a parade of false flag shootings enhanced with completely faked (staged) elements - such as professional actors playing the roles of grieving parents - most of the informed people in the world now know that everything is faked in the mainstream media.

Related: “Fake News” Hysteria Hinges On The Laughable Assumption That Corporate-Run Media Has A Divine Monopoly On “Facts” + US Lawmakers Move To Criminalize ‘Fake News, Propaganda’ On The Web

The polls are faked, the news is faked, and even “crisis” is often either faked outright or overlaid with staged elements to heighten the emotional impact of the entire operation.

For example, in many so-called “mass shootings,” the real deaths of innocents may be augmented by staged crisis actors, green screen “on location” reporting faked by CNN, and even faked SWAT operators who are actually professional actors. (See videos below for actual examples.)

Search GoodGopher.com for the term “crisis actors” by clicking here. You’ll be astonished at what you learn.

Case in point: The “sloppy sniper” from the Sandy Hook event. This “sniper” was actually a professional actor named David Wheeler. He also played the role of a grieving parent for CNN’s camera.

Hilariously, he carried around a sniper rifle by clutching the magazine… something no real sniper would ever do (but few people who aren’t familiar with sniper rifles would ever notice). It’s all so hilarious: Even the AR-15 on his chest is flipped around backwards, for a leftie.

Anyone familiar with actual firearms can look at this guy and know he has no clue how to handle firearms.

Sandy Hook 'Dad' Caught Playing Two Roles: Crisis Actor Parent and Swat Team Member

We Can All Now Agree That Almost All the High-Impact Stories are Faked in the Mainstream Media

This entire topic of fake news, staged events and false flag shootings was considered “loony conspiracy theory” just two years ago. But now, after watching the depths of fakery, false news and total fabrication of events being pulled off by the Washington Post, NYT, CNN, MSNBC, etc., everybody is waking up to the realization that the “news” is just another name for the wool that’s being pulled over our eyes to blind us from the truth.

The truly loony conspiracies are being pushed by the Washington Post, which knowingly fabricates false news and then gets repeatedly caught doing so. In just the past few weeks, the Washington Post has completely fabricated a loony conspiracy theory about the Russians “hacking” the U.S. election as well as a totally made-up story about Russian hackers “penetrating” the U.S. power grid in Vermont.

In both cases - and many more - the WashPost literally just “made s##t up” and printed it as fact.

When it comes to gun control or domestic terrorism, there’s nothing the corporate controlled media won’t fake, stage, distort or fabricate to push their agenda of disarming the citizens (an obvious prelude to totalitarian government control of the citizenry). To provide the narratives to the media, the deep state runs gun control false flag operations to give the faked media something to “whip up” as a form of journo-terrorism (to terrorize the American people).

So how do they pull off gun control false flag operations? First, they have to train people to carry out the shootings. And that’s where our Ft. Lauderdale shooter, Esteban Santiago, enters the picture.

US Intelligence Forced Him to Watch ISIS Propaganda Videos, Says Santiago in His Own Words

“Estaban Santiago, the 26-year-old airline passenger accused of shooting up a baggage claim area at the Ft. Lauderdale-Hollywood airport Friday, leaving five dead and eight injured, visited the FBI Anchorage field office and told officers he was being forced to watch ISIS videos,” reports Fox News:

Santiago told agents that US intelligence had infiltrated his mind and were forcing him to watch ISIS propaganda videos.

"In November 2016, Esteban Santiago walked into the Anchorage FBI Field Office to report that his mind was being controlled by a U.S. intelligence agency,” a senior federal law enforcement official said.

It’s no coincidence that this is one of the first phases of creating a “Manchurian Candidate” type of human pawn… a “Jason Bourne” mind control subject who can be used by the deep state as a weapon to carry out executions, mass shootings, suicide bombings or other forms of mayhem that achieve a political or social purpose.

It is very common, by the way, for intelligence mind control operatives to choose U.S. military veterans as their subjects. That way, if anything goes wrong, they can blame it on PTSD or various “veteran afflictions.”

As Fox News reports:

"Santiago was born in New Jersey and his family was originally from Puerto Rico–where he served in the Puerto Rico National Guard. He was in the Army Reserves prior to serving in the Alaska Army National Guard.

According to reports, he was honorably discharged four months ago from his last post at Fort Greely, Alaska, and his military rank at that time was E3 (Private First Class)."

Heavily Wosed With Psychiatric Drugs to Eliminate Distinction Between Reality vs. Hallucination

Typically, “Jason Bourne” candidates are heavily drugged with psychiatric drugs in order to blur the lines between fiction and reality. Often, the drugging begins with selected soldier candidates even before they are discharged from the military. This is done for all the obvious reasons:

The psychiatric drugging takes place offshore, out of the domain of U.S. medical ethics oversight, and the military has no requirement to heed such boundaries in the first place.

Related: Airport shooter said he was "mind controlled" by U.S. Intelligence Agency

“His maternal aunt, Maria Ruiz, who lives in Union City, told reporters in New Jersey that he wasn’t the same when he came back from Iraq,” reports ABC News channel 10:

""He lost his mind,” Ruiz said in Spanish, as she referred to a psychiatric hospitalization that occurred after he allegedly suffered from hallucinations.

After Santiago’s military service in Puerto Rico and Alaska from Dec. 14, 2007 to August 2016, the former Army private first class was still undergoing psychological treatment, according to relatives."

How to Build a Jason Bourne Mind Controlled Puppet to Carry Out Executions, Suicide Bombings or Mass Shootings

This is exactly how the deep state builds a Jason Bourne: They pick an obedient soldier, drug him into oblivion, force him to watch ISIS propaganda videos, indoctrinate him with images and directives to carry out mass killings, and then keep him drugged with ongoing “psychological treatment” until he’s needed for a desired mission.

Once the mission is approved, the mind controlled puppet is unleashed onto the public to commit the mass murder, then is immediately arrested or executed to make sure the narrative is controlled and concluded.

If taken alive, he is then heavily drugged into a state of insanity, making sure he can never utter a coherent thought again. Or, if he is somehow allowed to talk to reporters or appear on camera, he will appear completely insane due to the relentless drugging. All court proceedings are handled in a secretive manner to make sure no real investigations can take place.

This is precisely what happened to the “Batman theater shooter” James Holmes, who reportedly carried out a mass shooting in Aurora, Colorado, at the height of the Obama regime’s gun control hysteria.

Notably, James Holmes was heavily medicated before the attack with antidepressants and hypnosis drugs.

As I wrote in 2012:

"These two drugs produce devastating, dangerous side effects. For example, clonazepam causes increased violent behavior in individuals with schizophrenia. That’s the conclusion of a 1982 study entitled “Clonazepam treatment of chronic schizophrenia: negative results in a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.”

In addition, he was also under the psychiatric “care” of the United States Air Force, which kept him drugged.

As always happens, a judge quickly slapped a gag order on the Holmes legal case, preventing anyone from discovering details about how Holmes was handed a scripted blueprint of the attack while being drugged into obedient compliance.

As Jon Rappoport writes, the Aurora shooting was almost certainly a planned “covert op” using a Manchurian candidate / Jason Bourne mind control approach.

Furthermore, James Holmes’ apartment was staged with the most elaborate systems of tripwires, booby traps and sabotage bombs that law enforcement in the area had ever witnessed. James Holmes, an academic researcher, had no knowledge or skills to construct such bombs. It was obviously done for him.

Also from Jon Rappoport:

"Holmes has little or no experience with guns. He knows nothing about explosives. He isn’t a professional in any sense of the word. He has never committed a crime before. If he has any qualification for the heinous operation, it is his vulnerability. He is adrift in his life.

Never as brilliant a student as others thought him to be, he is failing in graduate school. He has no job and no prospects. What began as a potential career has dissolved.

His interest in arcane aspects of neuroscience (temporal delusion – the possibility of changing the past), once a fascinating field of inquiry for him, now only contributes to his increasingly shaky grip on reality.

The planning is rather simple and direct. The actual killer(s) will enter the theater, while Holmes, who is drugged into a stupor and is sitting in his car, waits in the parking lot of the theater, among weapons and other gear that matches the killers’.

Once the killers leave the theater, they’ll deposit their guns with him, as he lies in a semi-conscious blurred state. They’ll deposit gun residue on his body.

When the police find Holmes in his car (not at the the theater exit or outside the car), he will surrender. Perhaps, under prior hypnosis, he was instructed to say his apartment is wired with explosives.

Of course, the hired professionals did that intricate construction. And perhaps Holmes never tells the police about his apartment and explosives, and this information has really come from a tip.

Eyewitness Reports of Multiple Shooters Now Being Eliminated From the Official Media Narrative

Although this isn’t being widely reported, the Ft. Lauderdale shooting featured eyewitness reports of multiple shooters, too. As Fox News reports:

"In the ensuing panic, the TSA received two separate, unconfirmed reports of a separate active shooter, a law enforcement official close to the investigation told Fox News. However, Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel said Friday afternoon there was no indication any additional shots were fired."

Related: Airport shooter blamed CIA, 'jihadi chat rooms'

Fox News also reports that law enforcement claimed the shooter was on a Canadian Air flight:

"Broward County Commissioner Chip La Marca posted on Facebook that Santiago was a “passenger on a Canadian flight with a checked gun. He claimed his bag and took the gun from baggage and went into the bathroom to load it. Came out shooting people in baggage claim. There were 13 total shot, 5 dead, 8 transported to hospital.”

But Santiago didn’t fly Canadian Air. He flew on Delta Air Lines. Via ABC News:

"On Friday, Santiago checked a bag with a firearm before boarding a Delta Air Lines flight from Alaska to Minneapolis. His final destination was Fort Lauderdale."

Don’t Believe the Official Narrative… It’s Always Part of the Cover Story

If you continue to follow this story, you’ll easily spot all sorts of contradictions, false narratives and faked news coverage from the “fakestream media.” The correct interpretation of all this to reject everything the mainstream media tells you by default. They are known, deliberate liars.

Only the independent media is trying to tell the truth in analyzing these events.

Although we can’t yet prove it, the far more likely explanation of what happened is as follows:

Santiago was a “Jason Bourne” mind control subject of the deep state. Recruited from the military, he was subjected to intense psychiatric drugging combined with intense mental programming by deep state operatives to transform him into a human weapon who could be obediently controlled.

Once he deplaned at Ft. Lauderdale and pick up his checked bags, another person walked up to him and uttered an “activation” phrase into his ear. (It’s not science fiction. This is exactly how hypnosis can really work with enough programming reinforcement in an individual’s mind.) He then walks into the bathroom, loads his firearm and proceeds to carry out his mission by shooting people.

Once his firearm is empty, he spreads eagle on the floor, having completed his mission. This is exactly what he did, and it’s how law enforcement found him.

It really is as simple as that.

Yes, certain people can be incredibly easily mind controlled into carrying out almost any act. Just look at the recent Facebook live kidnapping, torture and scalping of an innocent white teen.

The four thugs who carried out that heinous act were obviously mentally influenced by the mainstream media as part of the journo-terrorism campaign being waged against the American people.

The Sandy Hook Actors, "Do You Want Me To Read The Card?"

Related: The Orwellian War On Skepticism: Battling “Fake News” & Institutional Investors Now Dominate Media Company Ownership

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
A New Era Begins & United States Reset Has Begun As President Trump Pulls Out Of The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement
January 25 2017 | From: WhiteHatsReport / Geopolitics / Various

When going through a major transformation, one that has potential to be life changing and a pivotal point in history, one gets humbled by the very idea of the privilege to witness such a time.

We have all been informed, in one way or another, about historic events that impacted the direction of our planet and the generations that followed.

Related: Trump’s speech ‘declaration of war against political establishment’

Pivotal events when a particular path that was chosen led to a series of events that brings us to today. We are aware some would refer to these particular paths as timelines, with the understanding that, had events occurred differently, the world would be considerably different now.

The last eighteen months have been transformational and the next 4 years and perhaps 8 years will make the past year look like an appetizer. Despite all the noise and chatter created by the MOP at the urging, prodding and orders of their dark cabal controllers, Donald Trump has been safely sworn in as the 45th President of the United States.

Despite the posturing, vitriol and theater of politicians on both sides of the aisle, the beginning of the end for them and their puppet masters commenced with vigor on Monday, January 23, 2017.

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer About Media Disinformation

Donald Trump is a businessman, not a politician. Politicians have sold the US to a dark, foreign cabal decades ago. Most are attorneys who continue to practice their trade in Congress, only now their clients are the bankers, pharmaceutical companies, media conglomerates, lobbyists and foreign interests who line their pockets and fatten their bank accounts rather than the voters who elected them to office.

The same ones who spend like drunken sailors using the unlimited credit line provided them by the banksters at the Federal Reserve, only to stick their constituents and their constituent’s children and their constituent’s grandchildren with the bill and a life of indebtedness.

They don’t represent their constituents, they rape, pillage and plunder them while they’re in office, hiding behind the elusive, flowery oratory they’ve practiced in a court room or a board room.

Related: Trump And A New Gold-Backed Dollar

So if you expect President Trump to spin, lie and obfuscate when he speaks and tweets, you’re going to be disappointed. If you expect him to speak or act differently when he is in front of the camera or making a speech, you will be disappointed. If you expect him to go back on his word, to favor one party over the other, you’re going to be disappointed.

Donald Trump is neither a Republican nor Democrat, he’s a Patriot. Elected Republicans and Democrats are simply subcontractors who represent the corporation that is the United States. They enrich themselves while passing laws which appear partisan but are, in fact, designed to hand over the last free country of the world to the globalists.

They care not for their fellow Americans but only for their own bank accounts and enrichment at the expense of the American dream.

So if you expect President Trump to leave the borders wide open to continue to turn the US into a third world country, you will be disappointed. If you expect President Trump to continue to make agreements with foreign countries to decimate the US economy, you will be disappointed.

If you expect President Trump to be a puppet of the European bloodline families, you will be disappointed. If you expect President Trump to put the rest of the world’s interests before those of the United States, you WILL be disappointed.

It’s time to get up to speed about what is taking place. If you continue to buy into the cabal controlled media’s attack on our freedoms and President Trump then you will miss the significance of this new era. If you get caught up in the intel community’s desperate attempt to continue their stranglehold of our nation through lies, deceit and disinformation, you will miss the significance of President Trump’s plan to SAVE America.

He is NOT a politician, he’s a Patriot and as a Patriot he will dismantle the lie and fiction that has pervaded this country for over 50 years. For the first time in America’s history, we will witness the pushback and unveiling of the powers that rule this planet and a rebuilding of the idea the Founding Fathers had when they formed this nation over 250 years ago.

The next four years will be a rough ride as the globalists and cabalists and controllers of this planet will pull out everything in their trick bag to demean, debunk and deflect the truth that will be forthcoming.

Related: Takeaway from Trump's Inauguration Speech: The Carnage of Gangs

They will use all their resources, all their influence and all their power to undermine President Trump’s efforts to save the US before it is too late. Media, politicians and business leaders who are traitors to this country will reveal themselves in the next few months as they have been for the past few weeks.

The intel community who are desperate to keep their control of the Shadow Government will continue their battle with President Trump. The politicians on both sides of the aisle will continue to reveal themselves for the traitors they are to this country.

The media (MOP) will continue to reveal themselves as the controlled prostitutes they are, affecting their power to continue to influence the public with their lies and deceit and “fake news.” It is incumbent upon us all to pay close attention to this as the traitors and liars are exposed by their own actions and words.

MSM Booed Out of the Inaugural Parade: The People Are Tired of Fake News

To deny this and cast a blind eye to what is occurring is to miss the historic significance of what we are experiencing. It’s time to put partisanship aside and support President Trump because for the first time since 1960, we’ve elected a President FOR the people, not the hidden controllers of the planet.

President Trump will need our support, prayers and patience while he works to restore America to the distinguished place as the leaders of the free world.

It’s always darkest before the dawn and as the worst President in the history of the US fades into the darkness, a new era begins.

President Trump Attends the White House Senior Staff Swearing In


Report: Secret Donald Trump Plan Released

Jones breaks down how President Donald Trump is already over-delivering on his campaign promises, and discloses how Trump will accelerate the release of advanced technologies for the rest of humanity.

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United States Reset Has Begun - President Trump Pulls Out Of TPPA

So far, the newly inaugurated Trump administration is doing as expected. The White House has just signed an EO withdrawing from TPP Trade Deal, and it is now sharing intelligence information regarding the specific locations of Daesh terrorists in Syria.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade agreement is now officially dead, and the fate of the remaining Daesh terrorists in Syria will now be determined by the peace talks in Astana.

Related: Trump pulls U.S. out of TPP, will renegotiate NAFTA 'at the appropriate time'

Trump Signs Executive Order on US Withdrawal From TPP Trade Deal

"We got to sign three memorandums today. Right now, to withdraw the United States from the Trans-Pacific Partnership,” White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus announced on Monday presenting Trump with the order to be signed.

On Friday, the White House released a trade plan saying that the United States would withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) free trade agreement.

"“Everyone knows what that means, we have been talking about this for a long time,” Trump noted while signing the order. “Great thing for the American worker, what we just did.”

During his presidential campaign, Trump often criticized the TPP agreement and called it a “terrible deal,” which is harmful for US workers. He has vowed to withdraw the United States from the deal within the first 100 days of his presidency and impose tariffs on products from China.

The TPP free trade deal, covering 40 percent of the global economy, was signed last February by Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, Vietnam, and the United States.

China has been promoting a rival free trade pact in the Asia-Pacific region, the so-called Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific pact (FTAAP).

Related: Trump Signs Executive Order on US Withdrawal From TPP Trade Deal

The Daesh terror groups still on the periphery of Syria are now running scared, and will be negotiating with the Syrian government in Astana, at a position of weakness.

Russia Receives Daesh Coordinates in Al-Bab From US

Related: Mattis Celebrates First Day At Pentagon By Blowing Up ISIS 31 Times

The United States has provided coordinates of the terrorists’ targets in the city of Al-Bab in Aleppo province for Russian airstrikes. After the reconaissance check, Russia and two coalition jets have conducted joint airstrikes on the Daesh targets in the region.

“On January 22, the Russian command center at the Hmeymim airbase has received coordinates of Daesh targets in Al-Bab, Aleppo province, via the ‘direct line’ from the US-led coalition headquarters.

After further data verification with the assistance of unmanned aircraft and space reconaissance, the Russian Aerospace Forces and two jets of the international coalition have conducted airstrikes on the terrorists’ targets,”
the statement said.

As a result, several ammunition depots, military hardware and fuel products were destroyed.

Earlier, Russian and Turkish combat planes have carried out a new series of joint airstrikes against Daesh targets in war-torn Syria, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Monday.

Related: Donald Trump: No War Against Russia - Our War Is Here at Home Against the Establishment

"The Russian and Turkish planes carried out joint airstrikes against Islamic State terrorists in the outskirts of the town of al-Bab in Aleppo province on January 21,” the ministry said in a statement.

According to the statement, the missions involved three Russian planes, including two Su-24M and a Su-34 aircraft, and four Turkish planes, including two F-16 and two F-4 fighter-bombers. The news comes amid a nationwide ceasefire in Syria backed by Russia and Turkey which came into effect on December 30 and was later supported by a UN Security Council resolution.

Turkey is currently conducting an operation in Syria dubbed Euphrates Shield. On August 24, Turkish forces, supported by Free Syrian Army rebels and US-led coalition aircraft, began a military operation dubbed the Euphrates Shield to clear the Syrian border town of Jarabulus and the surrounding area from Daesh terrorist group.

As Jarabulus was retaken, the joint forces of Ankara, the coalition and Syrian rebels continued the operation to gain control over Al-Bab in the Aleppo province.

Al-Bab is one of Daesh’s last remaining strongholds near the Turkish border. Capturing the city is of strategic importance to Turkey in order to prevent the Syrian Kurds taking it and unifying their own territories.

Related: Russia Receives Daesh Coordinates in Al-Bab From US

There are also some indications that the Trump administration will finally end the decades of government suppression against exotic technologies. This is very evident in his inaugural speech, 4 days ago.

The various space age technologies, e.g. free energy, anti-gravity, cell regeneration, that have been under lock and key for more than a century are probably his inspiration for the “Make America Great Again” campaign slogan.

If that is the case, then the next 4 years would be the most exciting period in our lifetime.

So, buckle up, ’cause it’s more than just a ride!

Related: Donald Trump and The New International Paradigm

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Roundup Now Proven To Cause Liver Disease, And It’s In Your Food
January 25 2017 | From: WakingTimes

In addition to the other documented risks of Monsanto’s Roundup, a cutting-edge study using molecular profiling reveals that it also causes liver disease, even at doses currently approved by regulators.

Researchers at King’s College London have discovered that the popular weedkiller Roundup causes non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). The two-year study performed on rats tested the effect of real-world glyphosate doses currently permitted by regulators.

Related: Italy Just Banned Monsanto’s Top-Selling Herbicide From All Public Places

This is the first time that science has shown a direct causal link between the consumption of an extremely low dose of Roundup and a serious disease.

The study, conducted by Dr. Michael Antoniou et.al. and published in Scientific Reports, states:

"Overall, metabolome and proteome disturbances showed a substantial overlap with biomarkers of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and its progression to steatohepatosis and thus confirm liver functional dysfunction resulting from chronic ultra-low dose glyphosate-based herbicides (GBH) exposure."

Regulators commonly accept toxicity studies in rats as indicators of risks affecting human health, thus, the results of this latest report have grave implications for human health.

The Roundup Addiction

Shockingly, according to the United States Geological Survey, over 2.6 billion pounds of Roundup herbicide were dumped onto USA’s farmland and food supply from 1992 to 2012. Roundup is the most-popular glyphosate-based herbicide (GBH) sold worldwide. Hundreds of millions of pounds are sprayed around the world each year.

The proliferation of glyphosate use in big agriculture has had many environmental ramifications, and the quality of soil is being impacted globally. Farmers now face hundreds of glyphosate-resistant superweeds, increasing their costs and requiring use of many more herbicides.

Roundup has been found in rain and air samples, and glyphosate residues have been found in human breast milk and urine, as well as tap water and all types of food, including milk, eggs and baby food. A recent FDA study even found high levels in many popular foods.

"New testing conducted by an FDA-registered food safety lab found alarming levels of the chemical glyphosate (known as Monsanto’s Roundup weed-killer) in several very common foods.

This independent research reveals that many popular foods have over 1000 times the glyphosate levels that have been established to be harmful.”

- Source

Many scientific studies have shown that exposure to GBHs such as Roundup can lead to serious health problems, such as cancer, neurodegenerative disorders, kidney disease, and Celiac disease. This newest study showing a causal link between Roundup and liver disease is one of the most compelling due to extremely low doses being tested.

Very Low Doses of Roundup Cause Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

The research conducted at King’s College London by Dr. Antoniou and his team was one of the first to take into consideration the effects of exposure to glyphosate amounts currently permitted by regulators.

Related: Dr. Stephanie Seneff explains why modern wheat is causing so many health problems

The researchers were concerned that results from other glyphosate toxicity studies “were obtained at doses far greater than general human population exposure.

"Doses tested were typically over the glyphosate acceptable daily intake (ADI), which is currently set at 0.3 mg/kg bw/day within the European Union (1.75 mg/kg bw/day in the USA) based on hepatorenal toxicity measurements after chronic exposure in rats.”

To address this problem, the team administered Roundup via drinking water at a concentration of 0.1 parts per billion (ppb), or 0.05 microgram/Liter (μg/L). This equals a daily intake of 4 ng/kg bw/day, much lower than the acceptable daily intake in Europe and the USA.

Regardless of the extremely low Roundup concentration, which was thousands of times below what is permitted by regulators, the researchers found the following:

"The results showed that Roundup caused an increased incidence in signs of anatomical pathologies, as well as changes in urine and blood biochemical parameters suggestive of liver and kidney functional insufficiency."

Dr. Antoniou adds:

"Our results also suggest that regulators should reconsider the safety evaluation of glyphosate-based herbicides.”

Based on this latest study, one would think it obligatory for regulators to reconsider the acceptable daily intake levels for glyphosate-based herbicides. Are these findings sufficient to set in motion even bigger changes?

Related: Glyphosate Herbicide and How to Detox It with Dr. Stephanie Seneff

Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)

The new study highlights the question of whether Roundup is an unrecognized risk factor leading to an increase in NAFLD, which affects about 25% of the population in the USA. It is just as common throughout Europe.

NAFLD symptoms include fatigue, weight loss, nausea, abdominal pain, jaundice, itching of the eyes, spider-like blood vessels, and swelling in the legs and abdomen. Over time, NAFLD can progress to more serious conditions such as non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, where the liver can swell and become damaged, as well as the irreversible liver cirrhosis.

Considering the high levels of glyphosate contamination of our food and water supply, it seems wise to take proactive action in keeping the liver healthy. Some ways to reduce the risk of NAFLD and even heal a fatty liver are offered by Dr. Mark Hyman.

He is the chairman of the Institute for Functional Medicine and author of The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet:

Eliminate all high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS),

Get rid of white, processed flour and eliminate or greatly reduce starch,

Add healthy fats,

Improve your metabolism through exercise,

Supplement intelligently, with herbs as milk thistle, and supplements such as glutathione and magnesium.

Eat detoxifying, liver-repairing super foods, such as broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, and leafy veggies (1-2 cups per day)

Power up with protein, including nuts, seeds, eggs, fish, chicken or grass-fed meat (about 4-6 ounces with each meal)

Related: Monsanto Tribunal

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Ben Swann Does A “Reality Check” About Pizzagate On CBS News: Immediate Backlash Ensues + My Name Is Anneke Lucas And I Was A Sex Slave To Europe's Elite At Age 6
January 24 2017 | From: VigilantCitizen / GlobalCitizen

Ben Swann, anchor of the CBS Nightly News in Atlanta, devoted a “Reality Check” segment to the now infamous Pizzagate.

As you may know, this explosive story came out in November and was followed by an intense mass media campaign to discredit it.

Related: Pizzagate Bombshell: 'Kill Room' location exposed

Ben Swann revisited some aspects of the story and asked “why hasn’t it been officially investigated”?

As expected, backlash against Swann soon followed. Here are some of the headlines that popped up around the web.

A very objective headline from Gizmodo.

The Daily Beast took the time to create a graphic ridiculing Swann. PLUS an entire article attacking his credibility.

Other publications such as the Washington Post published strong worded articles taking aim at Swann’s segment while making sure to never go too deeply into the subject.

"And there’s even more in this gem of video slime, including references to Dennis Hastert and certain photographs, though we won’t dive into those details here.”

– Washington Post, CBS affiliate’s ‘big question’: Why no law enforcement investigation of ‘Pizzagate’ allegations?

The video has been removed from the CBS 46 website but can still be viewed on Ben Swann’s YouTube channel.

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My Name Is Anneke Lucas And I Was A Sex Slave To Europe's Elite At Age 6

This story is the second in a series called "Real Women, Real Stories," a social project designed to promote awareness of the often unseen hardships women face in different professions and places around the world. Read the first story in the series here.

When I was a little girl in my native Belgium, I was put to work as a sex slave.

My mother sold me, and drove me wherever, whenever she got the call. The boss of this pedophile network was a Belgian cabinet minister.

The clients were members of the elite. I recognized people from television. Their faces were familiar to the masses, while I was confronted with the dark side of their power addiction - the side no one would believe existed. I came across VIP's, European heads of state, and even a member of a royal family.

Around my sixth birthday, in 1969, I was taken to an orgy for the first time, in a castle. I was used for an S&M show, on a low stage, chained up with an iron dog collar, and made to eat human feces.

Afterwards, left lying there like a broken object, I felt so humiliated, I had to do something to save my soul, or else - and this I knew for certain - I would have withered and died.

I Was a Sex Slave to Europe's Elite at Age 6

Related: My Name Is Brooke Axtell and I Was Sex Trafficked at Age 7 in the US

I raised myself up, and stood looking at the bizarre crowd of aristocrats dressed up as hippies, swaying to the music in various levels of sexual interaction, busily availing themselves of little pills and pre-rolled joints passed around on silver trays by sober waiters.

I trembled in fear, but my body straightened and stilled itself like a bow in suspense before the shot, and I heard my voice as though it were not my own, chiding the adults, telling them that this was wrong – that I was going to tell on them, and that they would all go to jail.

Trippy, spacey music was oozing through the atmosphere and most people were too high to notice me. One man, wearing a business suit, caught my eye. He looked scared, but he held my gaze for a brief moment, and seemed to feel for me. Then he was gone. I never saw him again in the network, but years later I did spot him on TV. He became a prominent Belgian politician. 

I was quietly led away and taken to a cellar. I was certain that I was going to be killed, but instead I was shown the fresh body of a young murder victim. I was to remain silent.

Related: 'I Remember the Smells, the Sights, and the Taste of Slavery': Jessa Dillow Crisp Shares Her Story

During the week, I went to school. I was a shy girl, with few friends. I remember, once, in the second grade, becoming aware of an energetic shift in the room, to realize all eyes were on me. The teacher had been calling on me, and I had been too spaced out to hear. She wondered out loud if I knew the answer to the question she had asked, and I sat in embarrassing silence while the class laughed.

I was a nonentity at school, and at home no one cared for me. I received more attention in the network. It felt good to be viewed as the most perfectly beautiful, sensual object by powerful men with high standards in taste. This was the only positive in my life, and I clung to it as my only raft to keep from drowning in a sea of shame and self-loathing.

After four years of surviving the network, when I was 10, a new guest brought along his 20-year-old son: tall, dashing, blond, and blue-eyed. He boldly advanced toward me. I smiled, and he called me a little whore. Not since the first time I had been brought to an orgy, four years earlier, had I expressed my true feelings. I was furious.

Related: I Was Raped by a Fellow Freshman & My College Found Him Innocent: Aspen Mattis Shares Her Story

"You think I like it here?" I sneered.

This interaction started the most intense year of my life, in which I would feel more than ever loved, seen, and understood, and would be more than ever abused, all by that same young man.

A year later, when he was through with me, I was of no use to the network anymore, and was to be killed. When my torture began, he stood watching, laughing.

This was the third time that my entire being became filled with an otherworldly force. Fierce pride straightened my body. A burning cigarette was put out on my forearm. My energetic body latched onto his in pure defiance. The thought "I don't need you!" had become me, and all I saw was the energy behind the troubled ocean of blue in his eyes, and the love in spite of all the pain he had passed on to me.

I was led away to a small room, and strapped onto a butcher's block. The man who tortured me was one of the defendants in the notorious Dutroux case, which, when it broke the news in 1996, was believed it would blow up the Belgian pedophile network.

But instead, eight years later, only Marc Dutroux received a life sentence. I should have died that night in 1974 on that butcher's block, but my life was saved at the last minute.

While I had been tortured, the young man had been negotiating with the politician in charge of the network. They made a deal: he would work for the politician, extend his shady services in exchange for my life. This one good deed eventually cost him his own life. In this milieu, any shred of humanity is a deadly weakness.

Related: Pakistani Mother Sentenced to Death for Burning Daughter Alive in 'Honor Killing'

My life was spared, and I was told to remain silent forever. It took me 40 years before I could speak up.

In 1988, when I was 25 years old, I was walking downtown Los Angeles, near Skid Row, and got a faint, specific whiff of human feces, and was assaulted with the memory of the extreme humiliation I had suffered as a child. My instant thought was: "If this is true, I'm going to kill myself."

I was too identified with the experience, and the shame was too great. I wasn't ready, and pushed the memory back into the subconscious. It would take several more years, many more hours of therapy, to finally share this memory with one safe person.

I share this experience publicly here for the first time, having finally reached a place in my healing where I have access once again to the strength that came through me in those moments of clarity in the network. I also believe that the world is more than ever ready to confront its darkness. We have to, if we are to survive as a species.

All survivors of incest, sexual abuse, and sex trafficking have my strength. Though I suffer from PTSD, and, for example, I still become nauseous whenever I hear a certain kind of airy, trippy music, I've become so mindful of triggers that they don't control my everyday existence. It takes so much energy to survive not only the physical violence, but to endure the psychic drain of abuse - to carry the shame.

Just surviving daily life while trying to heal from child sexual abuse requires a thousand times the strength it would require for someone without awareness to pursue a successful career. And society still values the career person over the survivor.

Power addicts, world leaders, and corrupt politicians who abuse children are themselves like children who never grew up, driven to power to avoid ever feeling the humiliation of child abuse again, unconsciously seeking revenge from a place of hurt by recycling the abuse. They lack the courage to heal. 

Those of us who have suffered sexual abuse, incest or sex trafficking need to learn to harness our survival strength on our own behalf, so we can heal our damaged ego, and channel that strength to lead the way towards a future in which former victims conquer by love, understanding and compassion for all.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Iceland Knows How To Stop Teen Substance Abuse. The World Isn't Listening
January 24 2017 | From: MosaicScience

In Iceland, teenage smoking, drinking and drug use have been radically cut in the past 20 years. Emma Young finds out how they did it, and why other countries won’t follow suit.

It’s a little before three on a sunny Friday afternoon and Laugardalur Park, near central Reykjavik, looks practically deserted. There’s an occasional adult with a pushchair, but the park’s surrounded by apartment blocks and houses, and school’s out – so where are all the kids?

Walking with me are Gudberg Jónsson, a local psychologist, and Harvey Milkman, an American psychology professor who teaches for part of the year at Reykjavik University. Twenty years ago, says Gudberg, Icelandic teens were among the heaviest-drinking youths in Europe.

“You couldn’t walk the streets in downtown Reykjavik on a Friday night because it felt unsafe,” adds Milkman. “There were hordes of teenagers getting in-your-face drunk.”

We approach a large building. “And here we have the indoor skating,” says Gudberg.

A couple of minutes ago, we passed two halls dedicated to badminton and ping pong. Here in the park, there’s also an athletics track, a geothermally heated swimming pool and – at last – some visible kids, excitedly playing football on an artificial pitch.

Young people aren’t hanging out in the park right now, Gudberg explains, because they’re in after-school classes in these facilities, or in clubs for music, dance or art. Or they might be on outings with their parents.

Today, Iceland tops the European table for the cleanest-living teens. The percentage of 15 and 16-year-olds who had been drunk in the previous month plummeted from 42 per cent in 1998 to 5 per cent in 2016. The percentage who have ever used cannabis is down from 17 per cent to 7 per cent. Those smoking cigarettes every day fell from 23 per cent to just 3 per cent.

The way the country has achieved this turnaround has been both radical and evidence-based, but it has relied a lot on what might be termed enforced common sense.

“This is the most remarkably intense and profound study of stress in the lives of teenagers that I have ever seen,” says Milkman. “I’m just so impressed by how well it is working.”

If it was adopted in other countries, Milkman argues, the Icelandic model could benefit the general psychological and physical wellbeing of millions of kids, not to mention the coffers of healthcare agencies and broader society. It’s a big if.

"I was in the eye of the storm of the drug revolution,” Milkman explains over tea in his apartment in Reykjavik. In the early 1970s, when he was doing an internship at the Bellevue Psychiatric Hospital in New York City, “LSD was already in, and a lot of people were smoking marijuana. And there was a lot of interest in why people took certain drugs.”

Milkman’s doctoral dissertation concluded that people would choose either heroin or amphetamines depending on how they liked to deal with stress. Heroin users wanted to numb themselves; amphetamine users wanted to actively confront it.

After this work was published, he was among a group of researchers drafted by the US National Institute on Drug Abuse to answer questions such as: why do people start using drugs? Why do they continue? When do they reach a threshold to abuse? When do they stop? And when do they relapse?

“Any college kid could say: why do they start? Well, there’s availability, they’re risk-takers, alienation, maybe some depression,” he says.

“But why do they continue? So I got to the question about the threshold for abuse and the lights went on – that’s when I had my version of the ‘aha’ experience: they could be on the threshold for abuse before they even took the drug, because it was their style of coping that they were abusing.

At Metropolitan State College of Denver, Milkman was instrumental in developing the idea that people were getting addicted to changes in brain chemistry.

Kids who were “active confronters” were after a rush – they’d get it by stealing hubcaps and radios and later cars, or through stimulant drugs.

Alcohol also alters brain chemistry, of course. It’s a sedative but it sedates the brain’s control first, which can remove inhibitions and, in limited doses, reduce anxiety.

“People can get addicted to drink, cars, money, sex, calories, cocaine – whatever,” says Milkman.

“The idea of behavioural addiction became our trademark.”

This idea spawned another: “Why not orchestrate a social movement around natural highs: around people getting high on their own brain chemistry – because it seems obvious to me that people want to change their consciousness – without the deleterious effects of drugs?”

By 1992, his team in Denver had won a $1.2 million government grant to form Project Self-Discovery, which offered teenagers natural-high alternatives to drugs and crime. They got referrals from teachers, school nurses and counsellors, taking in kids from the age of 14 who didn’t see themselves as needing treatment but who had problems with drugs or petty crime.

“We didn’t say to them, you’re coming in for treatment. We said, we’ll teach you anything you want to learn: music, dance, hip hop, art, martial arts.”

The idea was that these different classes could provide a variety of alterations in the kids’ brain chemistry, and give them what they needed to cope better with life: some might crave an experience that could help reduce anxiety, others may be after a rush.

At the same time, the recruits got life-skills training, which focused on improving their thoughts about themselves and their lives, and the way they interacted with other people.

“The main principle was that drug education doesn’t work because nobody pays attention to it. What is needed are the life skills to act on that information,” Milkman says.

Kids were told it was a three-month program. Some stayed five years.

In 1991, Milkman was invited to Iceland to talk about this work, his findings and ideas. He became a consultant to the first residential drug treatment centre for adolescents in Iceland, in a town called Tindar.

“It was designed around the idea of giving kids better things to do,” he explains.

It was here that he met Gudberg, who was then a psychology undergraduate and a volunteer at Tindar. They have been close friends ever since.

Milkman started coming regularly to Iceland and giving talks. These talks, and Tindar, attracted the attention of a young researcher at the University of Iceland, called Inga Dóra Sigfúsdóttir.

She wondered: what if you could use healthy alternatives to drugs and alcohol as part of a program not to treat kids with problems, but to stop kids drinking or taking drugs in the first place? 

Have you ever tried alcohol? If so, when did you last have a drink? Have you ever been drunk? Have you tried cigarettes? If so, how often do you smoke? How much time do you spend with your parents? Do you have a close relationship with your parents? What kind of activities do you take part in?

In 1992, 14, 15 and 16-year-olds in every school in Iceland filled in a questionnaire with these kinds of questions. This process was then repeated in 1995 and 1997.

The results of these surveys were alarming. Nationally, almost 25 per cent were smoking every day, over 40 per cent had got drunk in the past month. But when the team drilled right down into the data, they could identify precisely which schools had the worst problems – and which had the least.

Their analysis revealed clear differences between the lives of kids who took up drinking, smoking and other drugs, and those who didn’t.

A few factors emerged as strongly protective: participation in organized activities – especially sport – three or four times a week, total time spent with parents during the week, feeling cared about at school, and not being outdoors in the late evenings.

“At that time, there had been all kinds of substance prevention efforts and programs,” says Inga Dóra, who was a research assistant on the surveys.

“Mostly they were built on education.” Kids were being warned about the dangers of drink and drugs, but, as Milkman had observed in the US, these programs were not working. “We wanted to come up with a different approach.”

The mayor of Reykjavik, too, was interested in trying something new, and many parents felt the same, adds Jón Sigfússon, Inga Dóra’s colleague and brother. Jón had young daughters at the time and joined her new Icelandic Centre for Social Research and Analysis when it was set up in 1999. “The situation was bad,” he says. “It was obvious something had to be done.”

Using the survey data and insights from research including Milkman’s, a new national plan was gradually introduced. It was called Youth in Iceland.

Laws were changed. It became illegal to buy tobacco under the age of 18 and alcohol under the age of 20, and tobacco and alcohol advertising was banned. Links between parents and school were strengthened through parental organizations which by law had to be established in every school, along with school councils with parent representatives.

Parents were encouraged to attend talks on the importance of spending a quantity of time with their children rather than occasional “quality time”, on talking to their kids about their lives, on knowing who their kids were friends with, and on keeping their children home in the evenings.

Related: Tribal Parenting – How To Heal Our Children + What Are The Consequences Of A Childhood Removed From Nature?

A law was also passed prohibiting children aged between 13 and 16 from being outside after 10pm in winter and midnight in summer. It’s still in effect today.

Home and School, the national umbrella body for parental organizations, introduced agreements for parents to sign. The content varies depending on the age group, and individual organizations can decide what they want to include.

For kids aged 13 and up, parents can pledge to follow all the recommendations, and also, for example, not to allow their kids to have unsupervised parties, not to buy alcohol for minors, and to keep an eye on the wellbeing of other children.

These agreements educate parents but also help to strengthen their authority in the home, argues Hrefna Sigurjónsdóttir, director of Home and School.

"Then it becomes harder to use the oldest excuse in the book: ‘But everybody else can!’”

State funding was increased for organized sport, music, art, dance and other clubs, to give kids alternative ways to feel part of a group, and to feel good, rather than through using alcohol and drugs, and kids from low-income families received help to take part.

In Reykjavik, for instance, where more than a third of the country’s population lives, a Leisure Card gives families 35,000 krona (£250) per year per child to pay for recreational activities.

Crucially, the surveys have continued. Each year, almost every child in Iceland completes one. This means up-to-date, reliable data is always available.

Between 1997 and 2012, the percentage of kids aged 15 and 16 who reported often or almost always spending time with their parents on weekdays doubled – from 23 per cent to 46 per cent – and the percentage who participated in organized sports at least four times a week increased from 24 per cent to 42 per cent.

Meanwhile, cigarette smoking, drinking and cannabis use in this age group plummeted.

“Although this cannot be shown in the form of a causal relationship – which is a good example of why primary prevention methods are sometimes hard to sell to scientists – the trend is very clear,” notes Álfgeir Kristjánsson, who worked on the data and is now at the West Virginia University School of Public Health in the US.

“Protective factors have gone up, risk factors down, and substance use has gone down – and more consistently in Iceland than in any other European country.”

Jón Sigfússon apologies for being just a couple of minutes late. “I was on a crisis call!” He prefers not to say precisely to where, but it was to one of the cities elsewhere in the world that has now adopted, in part, the Youth in Iceland ideas.

Youth in Europe, which Jón heads, began in 2006 after the already-remarkable Icelandic data was presented at a European Cities Against Drugs meeting and, he recalls, “People asked: what are you doing?”

Participation in Youth in Europe is at a municipal level rather than being led by national governments. In the first year, there were eight municipalities. To date, 35 have taken part, across 17 countries, varying from some areas where just a few schools take part to Tarragona in Spain, where 4,200 15-year-olds are involved.

The method is always the same: Jón and his team talk to local officials and devise a questionnaire with the same core questions as those used in Iceland plus any locally tailored extras. For example, online gambling has recently emerged as a big problem in a few areas, and local officials want to know if it’s linked to other risky behavior.

Just two months after the questionnaires are returned to Iceland, the team sends back an initial report with the results, plus information on how they compare with other participating regions.

“We always say that, like vegetables, information has to be fresh,” says Jón.

“If you bring these findings a year later, people would say, Oh, this was a long time ago and maybe things have changed…”

As well as fresh, it has to be local so that schools, parents and officials can see exactly what problems exist in which areas.

The team has analyzed 99,000 questionnaires from places as far afield as the Faroe Islands, Malta and Romania – as well as South Korea and, very recently, Nairobi and Guinea-Bissau. Broadly, the results show that when it comes to teen substance use, the same protective and risk factors identified in Iceland apply everywhere.

There are some differences: in one location (in a country “on the Baltic Sea”), participation in organized sport actually emerged as a risk factor. Further investigation revealed that this was because young ex-military men who were keen on muscle-building drugs, drinking and smoking were running the clubs. Here, then, was a well-defined, immediate, local problem that could be addressed.

While Jón and his team offer advice and information on what has been found to work in Iceland, it’s up to individual communities to decide what to do in the light of their results. Occasionally, they do nothing.

One predominantly Muslim country, which he prefers not to identify, rejected the data because it revealed an unpalatable level of alcohol consumption.

In other cities – such as the origin of Jón’s “crisis call” – there is an openness to the data and there is money, but he has observed that it can be much more difficult to secure and maintain funding for health prevention strategies than for treatments.

No other country has made changes on the scale seen in Iceland. When asked if anyone has copied the laws to keep children indoors in the evening, Jón smiles.

“Even Sweden laughs and calls it the child curfew!”

Across Europe, rates of teen alcohol and drug use have generally improved over the past 20 years, though nowhere as dramatically as in Iceland, and the reasons for improvements are not necessarily linked to strategies that foster teen wellbeing.

In the UK, for example, the fact that teens are now spending more time at home interacting online rather than in person could be one of the major reasons for the drop in alcohol consumption.

But Kaunas, in Lithuania, is one example of what can happen through active intervention. Since 2006, the city has administered the questionnaires five times, and schools, parents, healthcare organizations, churches, the police and social services have come together to try to improve kids’ wellbeing and curb substance use.

For instance, parents get eight or nine free parenting sessions each year, and a new program provides extra funding for public institutions and NGOs working in mental health promotion and stress management. In 2015, the city started offering free sports activities on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and there are plans to introduce a free ride service for low-income families, to help kids who don’t live close to the facilities to attend.

Between 2006 and 2014, the number of 15- and 16-year-olds in Kaunas who reported getting drunk in the past 30 days fell by about a quarter, and daily smoking fell by more than 30 per cent.

At the moment, participation in Youth in Europe is a haphazard affair, and the team in Iceland is small. Jón would like to see a centralized body with its own dedicated funding to focus on the expansion of Youth in Europe.

“Even though we have been doing this for ten years, it is not our full, main job. We would like somebody to copy this and maintain it all over Europe,” he says.

“And why only Europe?”

After our walk through Laugardalur Park, Gudberg Jónsson invites us back to his home. Outside, in the garden, his two elder sons, Jón Konrád, who’s 21, and Birgir Ísar, who’s 15, talk to me about drinking and smoking. Jón does drink alcohol, but Birgir says he doesn’t know anyone at his school who smokes or drinks.

We also talk about football training: Birgir trains five or six times a week; Jón, who is in his first year of a business degree at the University of Iceland, trains five times a week. They both started regular after-school training when they were six years old.

“We have all these instruments at home,” their father told me earlier. “We tried to get them into music. We used to have a horse. My wife is really into horse riding. But it didn’t happen. In the end, soccer was their selection.”

Did it ever feel like too much? Was there pressure to train when they’d rather have been doing something else?

“No, we just had fun playing football,” says Birgir. Jón adds, “We tried it and got used to it, and so we kept on doing it.”

It’s not all they do. While Gudberg and his wife Thórunn don’t consciously plan for a certain number of hours each week with their three sons, they do try to take them regularly to the movies, the theatre, restaurants, hiking, fishing and, when Iceland’s sheep are brought down from the highlands each September, even on family sheep-herding outings.

Jón and Birgir may be exceptionally keen on football, and talented (Jón has been offered a soccer scholarship to the Metropolitan State University of Denver, and a few weeks after we meet, Birgir is selected to play for the under-17 national team).

But could the significant rise in the percentage of kids who take part in organized sport four or more times a week be bringing benefits beyond raising healthier children?

Could it, for instance, have anything to do with Iceland’s crushing defeat of England in the Euro 2016 football championship? When asked, Inga Dóra Sigfúsdóttir, who was voted Woman of the Year in Iceland in 2016, smiles:

“There is also the success in music, like Of Monsters and Men [an indie folk-pop group from Reykjavik]. These are young people who have been pushed into organized work. Some people have thanked me,” she says, with a wink.

Elsewhere, cities that have joined Youth in Europe are reporting other benefits. In Bucharest, for example, the rate of teen suicides is dropping alongside use of drink and drugs. In Kaunas, the number of children committing crimes dropped by a third between 2014 and 2015.

As Inga Dóra says:

“We learned through the studies that we need to create circumstances in which kids can lead healthy lives, and they do not need to use substances, because life is fun, and they have plenty to do – and they are supported by parents who will spend time with them.”

When it comes down to it, the messages – if not necessarily the methods – are straightforward. And when he looks at the results, Harvey Milkman thinks of his own country, the US. Could the Youth in Iceland model work there, too? 

Three hundred and twenty-five million people versus 330,000. Thirty-three thousand gangs versus virtually none. Around 1.3 million homeless young people versus a handful.

Clearly, the US has challenges that Iceland does not. But the data from other parts of Europe, including cities such as Bucharest with major social problems and relative poverty, shows that the Icelandic model can work in very different cultures, Milkman argues.

And the need in the US is high: underage drinking accounts for about 11 per cent of all alcohol consumed nationwide, and excessive drinking causes more than 4,300 deaths among under-21 year olds every year.

A national program along the lines of Youth in Iceland is unlikely to be introduced in the US, however. One major obstacle is that while in Iceland there is long-term commitment to the national project, community health programs in the US are usually funded by short-term grants.

Milkman has learned the hard way that even widely applauded, gold-standard youth programs aren’t always expanded, or even sustained.

“With Project Self-Discovery, it seemed like we had the best program in the world,” he says.

“I was invited to the White House twice. It won national awards. I was thinking: this will be replicated in every town and village. But it wasn’t.”

He thinks that is because you can’t prescribe a generic model to every community because they don’t all have the same resources. Any move towards giving kids in the US the opportunities to participate in the kinds of activities now common in Iceland, and so helping them to stay away from alcohol and other drugs, will depend on building on what already exists.

“You have to rely on the resources of the community,” he says.

His colleague Álfgeir Kristjánsson is introducing the Icelandic ideas to the state of West Virginia. Surveys are being given to kids at several middle and high schools in the state, and a community coordinator will help get the results out to parents and anyone else who could use them to help local kids. But it might be difficult to achieve the kinds of results seen in Iceland, he concedes.

Short-termism also impedes effective prevention strategies in the UK, says Michael O’Toole, CEO of Mentor, a charity that works to reduce alcohol and drug misuse in children and young people. Here, too, there is no national coordinated alcohol and drug prevention program.

It’s generally left to local authorities or to schools, which can often mean kids are simply given information about the dangers of drugs and alcohol – a strategy that, he agrees, evidence shows does not work.

O’Toole fully endorses the Icelandic focus on parents, school and the community all coming together to help support kids, and on parents or carers being engaged in young people’s lives.

Improving support for kids could help in so many ways, he stresses. Even when it comes just to alcohol and smoking, there is plenty of data to show that the older a child is when they have their first drink or cigarette, the healthier they will be over the course of their life.

But not all the strategies would be acceptable in the UK – the child curfews being one, parental walks around neighborhoods to identify children breaking the rules perhaps another.

And a trial run by Mentor in Brighton that involved inviting parents into schools for workshops found that it was difficult to get them engaged.

Public wariness and an unwillingness to engage will be challenges wherever the Icelandic methods are proposed, thinks Milkman, and go to the heart of the balance of responsibility between states and citizens.

“How much control do you want the government to have over what happens with your kids? Is this too much of the government meddling in how people live their lives?”

In Iceland, the relationship between people and the state has allowed an effective national program to cut the rates of teenagers smoking and drinking to excess – and, in the process, brought families closer and helped kids to become healthier in all kinds of ways.

Will no other country decide these benefits are worth the costs? 

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Notable & Bizarre Events Suggesting The Puppets Are Being Abandoned + CIA Publishes 12 Million Declassified Documents Online
January 23 2017 | From: Geopolitics / Infowars

There are several events this week that we never expected to happen under normal circumstances which will enhance the credibility and resolve of the Global Resistance Movement.

'We are going to retain our position of leadership' - The lights go out on Biden during his speech in Davos

At the very least, the Resistance could not simply be discounted as mere “conspiracy theorists.”

Related: Judge Napolitano: FBI Just Released “Smoking Gun” Documents on Clinton

They were right all along. Most of all, they are winning.

1. Manning Clemency

Under intense public pressure in the last few weeks, the Obama government surprise Donald Trump and the rest of the Republicans with a commutation of Chelsea Manning’s prison sentence. Manning will be released on May 17 instead of 2045, and without the quid pro quo from Wikileaks editor Julian Assange.

Ryan’s sentiments were echoed by a number of fellow Republicans, with Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina also talking about lives that were “put at risk,” and described Obama’s decision as “a slap in the face” for President-elect Donald Trump.

The 2008 Republican presidential nominee Senator John McCain (R-Arizona), who chairs the Senate Armed Services Committee, said the commutation was “a grave mistake that will encourage further acts of espionage.”

… Former New York Times columnist and current Fox News contributor Judith Miller was blasted on social media after kicking off the “How many people have died” chorus as a result of Manning’s leaks following Tuesday’s announcement. But she wasn’t the only media personality to excoriate Manning.

Related: ‘A slap in the face’: US elites slam Manning’s ‘outrageous’ impending release

Obama justified his action during his last press conference…

"It has been my view that given she went to trial, that due process was carried out, that she took responsibility for her crime, that the sentence she received was very disproportionate relative to what other leakers have received, and that she had served a significant amount of time, it made sense to commute – not pardon – part of her sentence,” he said.

Commutation sent a message that whistleblowers “need to work through established channels,” he added.

- US is ‘strongest country… we’re going to be OK’: Obama's last White House news conference

Working through “established channels,” Mr. Obama, is not whistleblowing, but asking for promotion.

Nevertheless, Obama just admitted the truth about their use of fake intelligence…

Another unexpected event is the recent online disclosure of the Central Intelligence Agency regarding its “full history.”.

2. CIA CREST Searchable Database

CIA Releases 13 trillion pages of declassified files online instead of just limiting its access to four terminals at the National Archives in College Park, Maryland.

The online releases include files about:

MK-ULTRA mind control program,

UFO sightings

Project Stargate regarding human telepathy

Nazi war crimes

Cuban Missile Crisis

“CIA isn’t doing this out of the goodness of their hearts,” said Michael Best, who went to the four terminals and started scanning the files which are “technically publicly available” through the CREST database in Maryland.

A bit less than a year ago, I embarked on a quest to get a copy of the millions of pages of CIA documents stored on CREST, the CIA Records Search Tool. The CREST database was technically publicly available, in the sense that anyone could theoretically use the four computers located in the back of a library that (for budgetary reasons) lacks a librarian for half of the day.

These four computers are currently the only ones that can access the CREST database, and they’re only accessible Monday through Friday from 9 Am to 4:30 PM.

In other words, most people who aren’t full time researchers can’t use the database even if they’re within driving distance. By printing out and scanning the documents at CIA expense, I was able to begin making them freely available to the public and to give the Agency a financial incentive to simply put the database online.

I’m pleased to say that these efforts have been a success, and the Agency is putting the database online.

CIA isn’t doing this out of the goodness of their hearts. Several FOIA requests have been filed for the database, including by the National Security Archive and MuckRock. MuckRock actually sued the Agency with the help of Kel McClanahan of National Security Counselors.

The Agency said it would take 28 years to process the files. After some more legal pressure from Mr. McClanahan, the Agency reduced their estimate to six years. This was still too long, and so I began my effort.

The hope was that the financial pressure, the negative press and making it not only a legal but a practical inevitability that these files would be put online would force the Agency to speed up their timetable.

Thanks to the combined (but uncoordinated) efforts of myself and MuckRock, these files will soon be available."

- 775,000 CIA Papers From CREST

What Files Are in it?

According Michael Best, “There are a little over 775,000 files that make up over 13,000,000 pages that have been declassified as part of the 25-year automatic declassification review period. Before the most recent update of files at the beginning of the year, the database was estimated to be about 840 gigabytes.

Breaking these files down into categories, we get:

Secretary of State Henry Kissinger’s papers: 40,000 pages of newly declassified documents. The papers did not originate with CIA, but “contain many CIA equities.”

Directorate of Science and Technology R&D: 20,000 pages

Analytic intelligence publication files: Over 100,000 pages.

News archives: The Agency collected a lot of news stories about themselves and the subjects they were interested in. Their news archive, much of which is included in CREST, contains many

Office of the DCI Collection (ODCI): 28,550 documents/ 129,000 pages from the records of the first five Directors of Central Intelligence: Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter, General Walter “Bedell” Smith, Allen Dulles, John McCone, and Richard Helms. These records run from the beginning of CIA in 1947 through the late 1960s and include a wide variety of memos, letters, minutes of meetings, chronologies and related files from the Office of the DCI (ODCI) that document the high level workings of the CIA during its early years.

Directorate of Intelligence (DI) Central Intelligence Bulletins: 8,800 documents/ 123,000 pages from a collection of daily Central Intelligence Bulletins (CIB), National Intelligence Bulletins (NIB) and National Intelligence Dailies (NID) running from 1951 through 1979. The CIBs/NIBs were published six days a week (Monday through Saturday) and were all source compilations of articles and consisting initially of short Daily Briefs and longer Significant Intelligence Reports and Estimates on key events and tops of the day. The CIBs/ NIBs were circulated to high level policy-makers in the US Government.

General CIA Records: Records from the CIA’s archives that are 25 years old or older, including a wide variety of finished intelligence reports, field information reports, high-level Agency policy papers and memoranda, and other documents produced by the CIA.

STAR GATE: A 25-year Intelligence Community effort that used remote viewers who claimed to use clairvoyance, precognition, or telepathy to acquire and describe information about targets that were blocked from ordinary perception. The records include documentation of remote viewing sessions, training, internal memoranda, foreign assessments, and program reviews.

Consolidated Translations: Translated reports of foreign-language technical articles of intelligence interest, organized by author and each document covers a single subject.

Scientific Abstracts: Abstracts of foreign scientific and technical journal articles from around the world.

Ground Photo Caption Cards: Used to identify photographs in the NlMA ground photograph collection. Each caption card contains a serial number that corresponds to the identical serial number on a ground photograph. The master negatives of the ground photography collection have been accessioned separately to NARA. The caption cards provide descriptive information to help identify which master negatives researchers may wish to request.

National Intelligence Survey: National Intelligence Survey gazetteers.

NGA: Records from the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, primarily photographic intelligence reports.

Joint Publication Research Service: Provided translations of regional and topical issues in the late 1970s and early 1980s.

Office of Strategic Services files: Documents from the OSS, CIA’s World War II predecessor.

While these documents are older, they aren’t irrelevant. One of the CREST documents provided the smoking gun for my
expose on an NSA Director sabotaging the NSA

Now, the CIA has decided to put the files online for the world to peruse in their own time. Go there.

The CIA has advertised this online release as its “full history” but we disagree, of course.

In all, more than 12 million documents are accessible, covering the history of the CIA from its creation in the 1940s up to the 1990s – with intelligence officials giving assurances that the half-century of data is in its entirety, with nothing removed.

"None of this is cherry-picked,” CIA spokesperson Heather Fritz Horniak told CNN. “It’s the full history. It’s good and bads.”

'Full history': Secret CIA documents now available online

But they’re not ready yet to disclose who George Bush, Sr. really is.

"According to Otto Skorzeny, pictured is the Scherff family and a few friends (circa 1938). Holding “Mother” Scherff’s hand at left is Martin Bormann. In front is Reinhardt Gehlen. In back is Joseph Mengele and to his right is Skorzeny as a young man.

At center right (in the German navy uniform) is George H. Scherff, Jr. and his father George H. Scherff, Sr. Bormann became Hitler’s second in command. Reinhardt Gehlen was a chief SS officer and assassin who was smuggled out of Germany under Operation Paperclip.

Skorzeny was Hitler’s bodyguard and SS spy/assassin who came to the U.S. after the war under Project Paperclip. Skorzeny and GHW Bush were instrumental in merging Nazi (SS) intelligence with the OSI to form the CIA with “Wild Bill” Donovan and Allen Dulles.

These guys were also part of CIA mind control experiments such as MK-ULTRA. SS officer and physician Joseph Mengele, the notoriously sadistic “Angel of Death” of Auschwitz, escaped Germany to South America after the war.

George H. Scherff, Jr., became the 41st President of the United States as GHW Bush and George H. Scherff, Sr., was Nicola Tesla’s “trusted assistant.”

- George Scherff Jr. 6th Day in Houston Methodist Hospital

The censorship continues with Facebook banning Russia Today from posting in its platform until after Trump’s inauguration day…

In contrast to Obama’s non-event last press conference from the comfort of the White House press room, VP Joe Biden took a wrong turn in Davos, he later found out.

3. Exit stage left: Lights go out on Biden as he talks of US ‘leadership’ in Davos speech

It may have just been coincidence, or perhaps something more symbolic, but whatever it was, Joe Biden saw the lights go out on him as he mentioned US “leadership” during his last major speech as vice president, in Davos, Switzerland.

We are going to retain our position of leadership,” Biden was telling the audience at the World Economic Forum in Davos, when the lights on stage began to dim.

Lights go out on Biden as he talks of US ‘leadership’ in Davos speech

Related: Exit stage left: Lights go out on Biden as he talks of US ‘leadership’ in Davos speech

Rendered a dark silhouette, and seemingly unimpressed, the outgoing vice president carried on talking about the West’s ideas and visions of the world. “If we don’t fight for our values, no one else will,” he said from the darkness.

Moments later the lights came back on, allowing Biden to proceed with his rather dark warnings to the world.

Biden used his final major speech while in office to accuse Russia and President Vladimir Putin of “purposefully” aiming to “collapse the liberal international order.”

He meant his team’s collapsing world order, in favor of a new one…

"An agreement ceremony is being held at the United Nations headquarters in New York City as RT starts broadcasting within the UN HQ internal information network. RT Director General Aleksey Nikolov and UN Under-Secretary-General Cristina Gallach are delivering speeches at the ceremony."

4. Agreement Ceremony as RT Starts Broadcasting on UN HQ Network

So, although Facebook suspended RT’s updates until after Trump’s inauguration, the UN leadership is doing exactly the opposite.

This leads us to speculate that something really big that they don’t want for RT to spread around quickly is afoot during the next president’s inauguration, that we can only see now as a mass protest.

Related: DC National Guard Chief Fired On Trump Inauguration Day, Here’s Why…

5.The Clinton Foundation is Shutting Down The Clinton Global Initiative

Anyway, the most welcome development of all is probably the underreported shutdown of the now irrelevant Clinton Global Initiative.

In a “mass layoff” event reported late last week by the Department of Labor, the Clinton Foundation announced it would lay off some 22 employees at the Clinton Global Initiative, which attained notoriety during the John Podesta leaks, when the various details of the fallout between between CGI head Doug Band and Chelsea Clinton were revealed; it also emerged that long-time Bill Clinton friend Band was soliciting donations for Clinton through his PR firm, Teneo in an sordid example of “pay for play” which most of the mainstream media refused to cover, especially after Band emailed Podesta “If this story gets out, we are screwed.”

Filed as mandated by the Department of Labor’s Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification, or WARN notice, on January 12, the Clinton Foundation’s Veronika Shiroka advised the DOL that as part of a “Plant Layoff” it would layoff 22 workers on April 15, with reason for the dislocation stated as “Discontinuation of the Clinton Global Initiative.”

The layoffs are part of the Clinton plan put in motion ahead of the presidential election, to offset a storm of criticism regarding pay-to-play allegations during Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state.

- The Clinton Foundation Is Shutting Down The Clinton Global Initiative

Related: The Clinton Foundation Is Dead - But The Case Against Hillary Isn't

Whether the entire Clinton Foundation will be closed down for good, or not, is still a big question. Will the Trump administration pursue its campaign commitment of investigating the Clinton couple for all its crimes?


Most of the Davos Conference attendees this year are more optimistic with the presence of Xi Jinping, and the election of Donald Trump, while pessimistic with a renewal of Nazionist Merkel’s term of office, and another provocative, massive NATO deployment of troops and materiel along the Russian border.

Make no mistake, there’s still a war going on in the Middle East particularly in Syria, and the ongoing genocide in Yemen.

Both Russia and Turkey are now working together to finish off the job against Daesh terrorists who continue to pester around the eastern parts of Syria.

"On Wednesday, the Russian military confirmed that Russian and Turkish combat aircraft had carried out their first joint aerial operation against targets in Syria… Turkish defense analyst Koray Gurbuz said that the joint operation has effectively forced the US-led anti-Daesh coalition to remember that there’s a war on."

- Russian-Turkish Joint Strikes on Daesh Remind US-Led Coalition There's a War On

All of this trouble is, of course, courtesy of the outgoing Obama administration.

Both China and Iran have pledged to support the post-war reconstruction of Syria. Trump is also invited to the peace talks in Astana this year.

Eventually, both Xi and Trump will compete as to who will control the global economy, free of global wars and regional conflicts, from hereon.

We are now entering a transitory phase to a multipolar world, and since we haven’t been here before, we can expect a few bumps here and there.

All we need to do now is prevent the new leaderships from having the urge of turning people into virtual machines that they can switch on and off, as they want. We must tread carefully upon a well-coordinated move to abolish cash in favor of its digital counterpart that is still within the Rothschild’s central banks’ control.

Refuse the looming Technocratic Dictatorship!

CIA Publishes Over 12 Million Pages Of Declassified Documents Online

Documents include everything from CIA mind control efforts to government overthrows.

The Central Intelligence Agency published more than 12 million declassified documents online Tuesday after years of restricting access.

The documents, dated from the 1940s to 1990s, surround everything from the overthrow of foreign governments to the CIA’s mind-control efforts.

Originally declassified by former President Bill Clinton in 1995, the documents were only available after the year 2000 on computers hosted at the National Archives in Washington D.C.

Joseph Lambert, the CIA’s director of information management, told Buzzfeed’s Jason Leopold publication ensures the massive cache can be accessed by anyone “from the comfort of your own home.”

"We’ve been working on this for a very long time and this is one of the things I wanted to make sure got done before I left,” Lambert added.

In 2014 the CIA had originally told media outlet MuckRock, who filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit in order to obtain access to the archive, that at least 6 years would be needed to release the entire database.

In a court filing last November the CIA informed MuckRock it instead anticipated that only a year would be needed before the “database will be publicly available online.”

Some of the more eyebrow-raising documents, as noted by Leopold, include files on media outlets and the CIA’s “Star Gate” program.

"There are also secret documents about a telepathy and precognition program known as Star Gate, files the CIA kept on certain media publications, such as Mother Jones, photographs, more than 100,000 pages of internal intelligence bulletins, policy papers, and memos written by former CIA directors.”

Those interested can search the entire database at the CIA Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Electronic Reading Room.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Physicist Contracted By The CIA Reveals Secrets Of Extrasensory Perception (ESP) & CIA Document Claims To Have Studied Humans With Superhuman Abilities
January 23 2017 | From: OmniThought / NaturalNews

Russell Targ is a physicist and author, a pioneer in the development of the laser and laser applications, and a cofounder of the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) investigation of psychic abilities in the 1970s and 1980s.

SRI is a research and development think tank in Menlo Park, California. Called remote viewing, his work in the psychic area has been published in Nature, The Proceedings of the Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers (IEEE), and the Proceedings of the American Association the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

Related: Is Creating “Superhumans” the Next Arms Race?

Targ has a bachelor’s degree in physics from Queens College and did his graduate work in physics at Columbia University. He has received two National Aeronautics and Space Administration awards for inventions and contributions to lasers and laser communications.

In 1983 and 1984 he accepted invitations to present remote-viewing demonstrations and to address the USSR Academy of Science on this research.

He is author or co-author of nine books dealing with the scientific investigation of psychic abilities and Buddhist approaches to the transformation of consciousness, including Mind Reach: Scientists Look at Psychic Ability (with E. Harold Puthoff, 1977, 2005); Miracles of Mind: Exploring Nonlocal Consciousness and Spiritual Healing (with Jane Katra, 1998); and Limitless Mind: A Guide to Remote Viewing and Transformation of Consciousness (2004).

He also wrote an autobiography, Do You See What I See: Memoirs of a Blind Biker, in 2008. His current book is The Reality of ESP: A Physicist’s Proof of Psychic Abilities.

As a senior staff scientist at Lockheed Missiles and Space Company, Targ developed airborne laser systems for the detection of windshear and air turbulence. Having retired in 1997, he now writes books on psychic research and teaches remote viewing worldwide.

Below is a planned talk by RusseLl for TED that was cancelled by TED. Not surprisingly, some of the most interesting TED talks have been cancelled, author Graham Hancock’s “The War on Consciousness” was banned, and so was scientist Rupert Sheldrake’s, titled “The Science Delusion.”

When it comes to topics within the realms of parapsychology, like ESP, they often fiercely oppose the belief systems of many, despite the fact that publications in peer-reviewed scientific literature have examined this topic for more than a century, with some fascinating results.

Obviously there is something to this, otherwise the CIA and other agencies around the world would not devote decades of research to studying this topic in depth.

For more information on/from Russell Targ, please check out his website here. Enjoy! Interesting stuff to say the least.

CIA Document Claims To Have Studied Humans With Superhuman Abilities

More than a few young boys and girls grow up dreaming of being a superhero someday, with superhuman strength.

But of course, that’s just the thing of fictional movies and Saturday morning cartoons, right?

Related: Declassified files reveal CIA carried out secret psychic experiments on Uri Geller and got him to to PREDICT an agent’s drawings from the next room – and the results will bend your mind

Not so fast.

A report posted on the Anonymous website states that for two decades scientists have been studying subjects in China who appear to have superhuman powers, with the results of said studies having been published in a number of books and journals.

The report said that it is believed that these “gifted” individuals may have figured out how to tap into a quantum reality that is not observable to the human eye. To understand that correctly, the report goes on, it is necessary to be aware of a relationship between our consciousness and our physical realities.

Related: The Empire Files: Part 1 - 100 Years of US Troops as Lab Rats

Both are very real, and they share a complicated relationship. Indeed, the creator of the quantum theory, Max Planck – a German theoretical physicist whose work on the theory won him a Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918 – said that we should regard consciousness as “fundamental,” and matter as “derivative from consciousness.”

CIA Documents Reveal Chinese Have Studied and Documented Quantum Powers

A second physicist, Eugene Wigner, further stated that “it was not possible to formulate the laws of quantum mechanics in a fully consistent way without reference to consciousness.”

A document that allegedly contains information about events in China is called “Chronology of Recent Interest in Exceptional Functions of The Human Body in the People’s Republic of China.” It discusses the work the Chinese government has done in the field of parapsychology – remote viewing, telepathy and psychokinesis.

Related: Smart Dust – The Future of Involuntary Treatment of the Public

Recently, the document became available via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. In it are some surprising details of individuals who are purported to possess superhuman capabilities – abilities that have been studied several times by scientists the world over. The Anonymous report says that the document is on the CIA’s website, but can only be accessed by the “Internet Archives.”

The report contains a link to the CIA’s site where the Chinese document can supposedly be read, but there is nothing on the page except references to the actual document, said to be five pages long.

Moving Objects With the Mind Only

Nevertheless, the Anonymous report claims:

In 1979 , a major Chinese science journal, Ziran Zachi, published a report on “non-visual pattern recognition” where a number of accounts of exceptional human body function were confirmed.

The following year, the journal, along with the Chinese Human Body Science Association, held a parapsychology conference in Shanghai with participants from more than 20 research institutes and universities from around the globe.

In 1981, China created more than 100 special places to study children with exceptional capabilities, with over 100 formally trained scholars.

In 1982, the Chinese Academy of Sciences sponsored a public meeting in Beijing for the sole purpose of discussing humans who possessed parapsychological abilities, and more than 400 scholars attended.

In April 1982, the report says, the Party’s National Committee of Science at Beijing Teacher’s College staged a trial to examine the capabilities of certain students. Most of the results of those analyses came back negative, with the exception of Zhang Baosheng. The following year, Zhang was examined by 19 researchers led by a scholar named Prof. Lin Shuhang, of the Beijing Teacher’s College physics department. Again, there were positive results regarding his superhuman powers.

According to the CIA report, as stated by Anonymous, Zhang was able to move objects into and out of a sealed container using just his mind. Read the complete report here.

Related: US Army Will Have More Robots Than Human Soldiers By 2025

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
President Trump: We Will Not Impose Our Way Of Life, But We Will Shine For Others To Follow
January 22 2017 | From: RT / Various

Newly inaugurated U.S. President Donald Trump pumps his fist at the conclusion of his inaugural address during ceremonies swearing him in as the 45th president of the United States on the West front of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, U.S., January 20

Donald Trump has been sworn in as the 45th president of the United States. In his inaugural address, he has promised to give the government back to the people and put "only America first."

Related: Trumps declaration of war against the entirety of the American Ruling Establishment. All of it

"Today we are not merely transferring power from one administration to another, or from one party to another ‒ but we are transferring power from Washington, DC, to you the American people," Trump said in his inaugural speech just after noon on Friday, as it started to rain. 

"Washington flourished but the people did not share in its wealth. Politicians prospered but the jobs left and the factories closed. The establishment protected itself but not the citizens of our country.

Their victories have not been your victories; their triumphs have not been your triumphs, and while they celebrated in our nation's Capital, there was little to celebrate for struggling families all across our land,"
said Trump.

"That all changes ‒ starting right here, and right now, because this moment is your moment, it belongs to you!" added Trump to applause. "The United States of America is your country."

"January 20, 2017, will be remembered as the day the people  became the rulers of this nation again." 

A statement met with loud applause and cheering.

Related: “America First” | President Donald Trump

Trump went on to remark that his supporters were part of a historic movement that has a crucial conviction, "that a nation exists to serve its citizens."

He said Americans want great school for their children, safe neighborhoods and good jobs.

"These are just and reasonable demands of a righteous public."

Trump said American experience a different reality, with mothers and children "trapped in poverty in our inner cities," rusted-out factories, and an education system "flashed with cash" but which left the young "deprived of knowledge."

U.S. President Donald Trump, first lady Melania Trump and son Barron walk during the inaugural parade from the U.S. Capitol in Washington

"This American carnage stops right here and stops right now," commanded Trump, as the audience erupted in cheers, whistles and applause. "We will follow two simple rules: Buy American and Hire American."

"We do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone, but rather to let it shine as an example for everyone to follow."

Trump said when the country was united it will be totally unstoppable.

"For many decades we've enriched foreign industry at the expense of American industry; subsidized the armies of other countries while allowing for the very sad depletion of our military; we've defended other nation's border while refusing to defend our own," Trump proffered while whistles and cheers erupted from the crowd.

Related: Crowd Boos, Chants ‘Lock Her Up!’ as Hillary Announced at Inauguration

Some speculate the Clintons were made to attend as part of an insurance policy against any large scale event

Trump said the US has spent trillions abroad while the country's infrastructure fell into "disrepair and decay."

"We've made other countries rich while the wealth, strength, and the confidence of our country has dissipated over the horizon," he remarked.

"One by one the factories shuttered and left our shores without a thought for millions of millions of American workers left behind. The wealth of middle class Americans has been ripped from their homes and redistributed across the world. But that is the past but now we are only looking to the future."

The remarks, which Trump previously said he wrote himself, reiterated many of his campaign promises.

"Today [we] are a new decree... from this day forward... it's going to be only American First," emphasized Trump.

"There should be no fear, we are protected, and we will always be protected. We will be protected by the great men and women of our military and law enforcement, and, most importantly, we will be protected by God."

"We will no longer politicians who are all talk and no action ‒ constantly complaining but never doing anything about it," added Trump.

"The time for empty talk is over, and now arrives the hour of action," he said. "Do not allow anyone to tell you it cannot be done... Our country will thrive and prosper again."

Trump said the country stand at the birth of a "new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the Earth from the miseries of disease, and to harness the energies, industries and technologies of tomorrow."

"Whether we are black or brown or white, we all bleed the same blood of patriotism, we all enjoy the same glorious freedoms, and we all salute the same great American Flag."

In closing Trump stated, "Together we will make America strong again, we will make it wealthy again, we will make America proud again, we will make America safe again, and yes, together we will make America great again."

The speech lasted 16 minutes, about half as long as the average inaugural address. It was 1,440 words, while the average inaugural address is about 2,350 words, according to the American Presidency Project at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

After the speech was over, RT America hosts Larry King and Ed Schultz analyzed Trump's remarks.

"It was rip-roaring. It was Donald," King told Schultz. "It was definitely Donald," Schultz agreed.

Trump's inaugural address was "not one of historical proportion, not one of high academic thought," Schultz said. "It was one of a real declaration."

Comment: It should be remembered that the flow on effects of this day will have effects worldwide. This is a huge step for the Alliance in taking down the Cabal. It's business time.

Full Speech: President Donald Trump Inaugural Address

Related: Full Text, Video: President Trump’s Inaugural Speech

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Julian Assange – “Everything That He Has Said, He’s Standing By.” + Assange Lawyer Says Conditions Of Extradition Pledge Not Met
January 22 2017 | From: 21stCenturyWire / TheGatewayPundit

Julian Assange’s Twitter page activity confirms he would follow through with his promise to agree to US extradition after Obama granted Manning clemency.

Assange’s Lawyer, Melinda Taylor, was quoted in a Wikileaks Tweet (below) that “Everything that he has said, he’s standing by.”

Related: Manning’s Freedom, Assange’s Expedition: The Game is Afoot

Anyone following the WikiLeaks Twitter account will surely remember this proposal of a deal by Assange back on January 12th where he noted that even though there is a clear ‘unconstitutionality’ in the DoJ case against him that he would agree to US extradition if Obama granted Manning clemency.

Assange Lawyer Says Conditions Of Extradition Pledge Not Met

Julian Assange May Not Be Extradicted.

On Tuesday Barack Obama decided to commute the sentence of Chelsea Manning, a decision which has drawn lots of criticism.

Related: Assange Suggests “Powerful Actors” Taking “Revenge” by Targeting His Family

Since the announcement late Monday afternoon, numerous tweets have been sent out by WikiLeaks indicating that Assange will be extradited to the U.S.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Donald Trump Versus The Main Stream Media: New President Is Beating The Press, But More Combat Is Coming & Analyzing Mainstream News Anti-Logic
January 21 2017 | From: Breitbart / JonRappoport / Various

Most members of the Main Stream Media like to think of themselves as peace-loving.  And so, as part of their mellow feelings toward the planet, MSM-ers enjoy shopping at Whole Foods; indeed, many are so refined in their thinking that they are vegans. 

So of course they support gun control, oppose the death penalty and the Pentagon budget, and pride themselves on voting for pro-“peace” candidates.  And yet when it comes right down to it, in their own line of work, they are plenty militant, even warlike.  And that goes double if the target is Donald Trump.

Related: Breaking: Deep State Targeting Journalists for Death

Yes, if Trump is in the picture, then journos easily slip into the language, and the thinking, of combat and war. This makes sense, because, for better or for worse, the vocabulary of fighting suffuses everyday speech, and “nice” reporters are no exception. 

In particular, when humans wish to organize themselves to do something, they tend to adopt military forms; the word “campaign,” for example, was used to describe military operations long before it was used to describe political operations.

A case in point is the headline that appeared in the hard-copy of the January 13 edition of The New York Times: “Outgunned, Outmaneuvered and in Need of a Game Plan.”  Later, perhaps at the prodding of gun-control groups, that headline was softened to, As Trump Berates News Media, a New Strategy Is Needed to Cover Him”  Still, the word “strategy” is there in the header, reaching, as it does, deep into military history. 

Related: Putin Warns of US Directed ‘Maidan-Style’ Methods Against Trump

We might pause to note that the piece was written by the Times’ media columnist, Jim Rutenberg, who, from his lofty journalistic perch, has emerged as the dean of anti-Trump press-punditry. Back in August, Rutenberg wrote that it was time for journalists to junk the idea of being unbiased about Trump and instead move “closer to being oppositional.” 

Translated, reporters should now feel liberated to call Trump any name they can think of, including liar - and the MSM has done just that, of course, with gusto.  

More recently, in that January 13 column, Rutenberg warned his readers that Trump, “a master media manipulator,” was winning the battle against the press. That is, the President-elect had been using his power to “expertly delegitimize the news media,” thus changing the subject from his own record to the media’s record.  Seeing a serious problem as a result, Rutenberg added:

“The news media remains an unwitting accomplice in its own diminishment as it fails to get a handle on how to cover this new and wholly unprecedented president.

Could Trump really be doing all that?  It sure looks that way. After all, if the MSM is waging war on Trump, Trump is also waging war on the MSM.  Indeed, we might add, Trump is doing a better job - he’s winning. 

And why is he winning? Because he’s smarter and tougher

Most obviously, there’s Trump’s Twitter feed, which now numbers 20 million followers. As he has said, possessing an audience that big is like owning The New York Times, only without the financial losses. Moreover, including all forms of social media, his audience totals some 50 million. 

Related: Veteran Intel Pros Demand for Russian ‘Hacking’ Proof from Obama

And yet even that big number understates his impact, because his messages always echo in the news. It’s fair to say that even before Trump is inaugurated as president, he has proven that when he wants to get a point across, everyone in the country gets it.   

So here we might be tempted to interpolate the wisdom of the ancient Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu, who declared;

“He will win who, prepared himself, waits to take the enemy unprepared.” 

And Trump has been prepared.  

And yes, sheer gumption matters, too. It was Trump the man who stared down Megyn Kelly, the Pope, all his Republican rivals, and Hillary Clinton. And most recently, Trump won the confrontation over the “dirty dossier,” the passel of allegations leaked by the “Intelligence Community” last week and published, in all its inglorious non-detail detail, by BuzzFeed.  

Related: Intelligence insiders call Russian dossier ‘complete fraud’ – Trump

In his January 11 press conference, held in the middle of the resulting media firestorm, Trump showed no fear as he took on virtually the entire press corps. 

He denied all the allegations, adding that reporters should be ashamed of themselves for even thinking of bringing up such an unverified opposition-research dump. He refused to take a question from CNN’s Jim Acosta, labeling the entire network as “fake news,” and he lambasted BuzzFeed as a “failing pile of garbage.”  

And in fact, soon the MSM was scampering away from the dossier; investigative-reporting legend Bob Woodward agreed with Trump, calling it a “garbage document.”  And then, on Twitter, Trump hit back even harder, comparing the attack on him to some sort of atrocity out of Nazi Germany.

The Real Purpose of Intel Report on Russian Hacking With Abby Martin & Ben Norton

On this episode of On Contact, Chris Hedges is joined by journalists Abby Martin and Ben Norton to discuss the declassified U.S. intelligence report on Russia’s alleged “influence campaign” on the U.S. presidential election.

They explore the allegations and why a large portion of the report is dedicated to RT America’s programming. RT correspondent Anya Parampil details the charges made in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence report.

Needless to say, this turn of events has been disturbing to diehard Trump haters such as Rutenberg. As he wrote to his brothers and sisters in the Fourth Estate, the next time they were going to do battle with Trump, they had to have a stronger plan. 

And speaking of the MSM as a whole, Rutenberg added;

“It better figure things out, fast, because it has found itself at the edge of the cliff.” 

In the meantime, amidst the MSM disarray, Trump is still on the offensive. Here’s the headline from the January 15 New York Times: Trump Team Considers Moving Press Corps, Alarming Reporters.” 

That is, the Trump communications shop is considering a plan to move the White House press corps from its current location in the West Wing to the Eisenhower Executive Office Building. In the words of Sean Spicer, the incoming White House press secretary:

“While no decisions have been made, there is enormous interest in covering Donald Trump. The current briefing room only has 49 seats, so we have looked at rooms within the White House to conduct briefings that have additional capacity.

Spicer makes a good point: In a country of 320 million people, plus the rest of the world, why should just 49 individuals get the privilege of sitting in on press briefings? 

Why not move to a location that would enable more reporters to participate? Isn’t that what freedom is all about? 

Needless to say, the White House Correspondents Association (WHCA) doesn’t agree. It’s an insider club; it doesn’t like the prospect of opening its doors to new competition, not one little bit. 

Related: Washington Post Grasps at Crazy Conspiracy Theory in Support of Hillary Clinton

And even though the possible new location in the EEOB is less than 100 feet away from the West Wing, it is, as far as the MSM is concerned, an exile to Siberia. (And never mind the fact that until the 1890s, reporters didn’t have regular access to the White House at all; back then, they had to stand around outside the building. And yet, somehow, the First Amendment survived.)

In the meantime, one could even say that the WHCA is “up in arms” over this possible relocation; attendance at its meetings has tripled, as reporters “march toward the sound of the guns.” 

In the meantime, as the Battle of the Briefing Room is being waged, the MSM has just scored a victory of its own. On Monday, Monica Crowley, slated to be the communications point-person for the National Security Council, announced that she would not, after all, be joining the Trump administration. Crowley had been barraged by revelations from CNN that seemed to indicate repeated incidents of plagiarism.

As The New Republic cheered, “This also creates a fresh incentive for both journalists and Congress to keep investigating Trump’s nominees.”

So yes, although the MSM has taken some hard punches of late, it still has the ability to punch back.  It’s a war, of attack and counter-attack. Or, as Virgil used to say in olden times, et ferrum iterum ferrum.

This struggle is likely to go on for as long as Trump is president, although Breitbart readers, of course, tutored in #WAR, know that the fight is never-ending. 

Related: Journo-terrorism: NYT calls for online trolls to sabotage Breitbart.com’s revenues

Yet at the moment, with the right resurgent and the left lurching, it’s the MSM, as Rutenberg suggests, that is most in need of self-examination - as a prelude, it can hope, to better strategizing in the future.

And so the MSM is doing just that, carrying on its informal planning sessions over casual coffee, through morning conference calls, via e-mail list-servs and message boards, in op-eds, and, of course, at myriad university - and foundation-funded seminars and conferences.  

Who knows if all this cogitation will produce a better strategy or not; all we know for sure is that the MSM is waging a robust debate with itself, trying hard to come up with better answers than it has had in the past. 

Oh, and one other thing we know for sure: The objective is, always, to destroy Donald Trump. 

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CIA Director John Brennan Is “Worst Than a Prostitute”

Trump Blasts Media’s Fake Polls: Same fake polls the media put out before the election now say Trump is unpopular

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The Purge: Inauguration Day – NWO Targets Stone: International elite going after Trump loyalists

Analyzing Mainstream News Anti-Logic

Thousands of articles have been written about the so-called Russian hack of the US election. The term “Russian hack” suggests the Russkies actually found a way to subvert the results of voting machines.

But of course, no convincing evidence has been presented to support such a charge. In fact, when you drill down a few inches below the surface, you find this charge instead: Russia hacked into email accounts and scooped up Hillary, DNC, and Podesta emails, and passed them to WikiLeaks, who then published them.

Related: Rand Paul Doubles Down: Someone Needs To Go To Jail For Fake Trump Leaks
"This was either leaked by intelligence officials or by Democrats that are part of the elite"

No chain of evidence supporting this claim has been presented to the public, either. But even assuming the assertion is true, an important factor is intentionally being ignored: THE CONTENT OF THOSE LEAKED EMAILS.

In other words, if making all this content publicly available cost Hillary the election, and if no one is seriously questioning the authenticity of the emails, then THE TRUTH undermined Hillary. However, no major media outlet is reporting the story from that angle.


Related: A Demand for Russian ‘Hacking’ Proof

Those headlines would attract millions of clicks. Why weren’t they printed? It’s reasonable to assume big news outlets didn’t want readers to think about the story from that perspective.

Why not? Why was the heavy emphasis put on the hacking of the emails? To obscure the importance of their content: for example, DNC collusion to obstruct and undermine the campaign of Bernie Sanders.

Let’s make the story all about WHO we claim stole the emails, rather than WHAT THE EMAILS CONTAINED.

When a tape surfaced in which Trump spoke about women who were eager to have sex with famous men, did major media make the story all about who had the tape and who released it to the press? No.

Perhaps you remember this 2009 email-hack controversy. Wikipedia sums it up:

“The Climatic Research Unit email controversy (also known as “Climategate”) began in November 2009 with the hacking of a server at the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia (UEA) by an external attacker, copying thousands of emails and computer files, the Climatic Research Unit documents, to various internet locations several weeks before the Copenhagen Summit on climate change.”

One of the most revealing elements in the email exchanges: an obvious attempt to sideline scientific critics of global warming. But major media quickly began to reframe the story.

It was all about illegal hacking, and investigations were launched to determine the criminal

The contents of the emails were brushed off as “proprietary work product” and “misleading” because “context was missing.”

The case of Edward Snowden was somewhat different. There the media felt compelled to expose the CONTENT of the NSA documents Snowden stole. They also gave considerable space to Snowden himself.

To some degree, this was a fait accompli, because The Guardian newspaper was committed, from the beginning, to publishing NSA documents and an analysis of their meaning - so other media outlets followed suit. Getting the picture?

Big news media decide whether to focus on the WHO or the WHAT, in each case. “Should we give primary coverage to the leaker or what he leaked?

But that is not a choice you are making. It’s a choice being made for you.

Related: Former Newspaper Editor Who Exposed CIA Found Dead

Government agencies and spokespeople leak news to the press all the time. In these instances, the press doesn’t turn around and launch a probe aimed at exposing the WHO and discovering WHY a particular tidbit was passed along for publication. Newspapers and television news departments simply run with the stories.

“Okay, Bob. Here’s a little gem for you. The White House and the Congress are cooperating on this one. In the next few days, a piece of legislation is going to be inserted into a current bill in the House. It’ll establish a working group to combat ‘fake news’ operations that confuse the public…”

Does Bob bite the hand that feeds him? Does he write a story accusing the White House of trying to knock out independent news competitors who contradict official reality? Of course not. Bob plays along.

Sometimes, both the WHO and the WHAT are censored. Such was the case with CDC whistleblower, William Thompson, who confessed publicly, in August of 2014, that he and colleagues at the CDC committed fraud in a 2004 study of the MMR vaccine and its possible connection to autism.

Related: Journalist, Banned from Facebook & Outspoken on Mainstream “Fake News,” Dead of Heart Attack at 56

Thompson admitted the study was cooked, to make it seem the vaccine didn’t increase the risk of autism, when in fact it did.

The mainstream press put a chokehold on the story. Aside from scattered references, and official denials, the story faded quickly. The leaker and what he was leaking remained in the shadows. Independent news outlets (such as this one) kept the story percolating.

In summary, there is no logic in the mainstream approach to leaks and leakers. These days, the WHO and WHAT are decided on the basis of serving official interests and agendas - and repressing the public interest.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Farewell, Obama: You Talked A Better Game Than You Played
January 21 2017 | From: Geopolitics / Various

As predicted by multiple political observers, the Obama administration turns out to be a continuation of the Bush Jr’s regime, which saw the rise of invasive surveillance, US national debt and US unemployment, continued funding of CIA terror operations in Syria, and establishment of drone bases in Africa, among many other highly destructive measures.

He also allowed the murder of Muammar Qaddafi and the subsequent plunder of the wealth of Libya, followed by the human sacrifice of Ambassador Stevens, presided the bogus raid against Bin Laden who died years earlier in a US military base hospital due to kidney failure.

Related: Justice Dept. Probes FBI, DOJ Actions During Presidential Campaign

All of these are in addition to multiple attempts at starting a nuclear war with Russia and China.

Yes, he oversaw the signing of the Iranian nuclear deal, but only after being cornered geopolitically and militarily by Russia in the Middle East region, and in the UN Security Council, with the cooperation of the Chinese delegation and other allies.

The surgical drone attacks against civilian targets remain a subject of full cover-up.

The entire 8-year term of Obama felt like eternity when it comes to Obamacare, and the entire US economy, or what’s left of it. His priority was persistently in favor of the bankers and the military industrial complex.

Worst of all, is his behavior post-2016 election where he sent 35 Russian diplomats home, based on the flimsy evidence-free narrative of Russian interference, when all the Russian media were doing is regular journalism – something that’s becoming even more foreign to Western media these days.

Just A Taste: Obamascare

Sabotaging The Donald Trump Presidency, All Systems Go!

The same mainstream media who are dead  silent about their “moderate rebels” continuing war crimes in Syria…

To top it all, he turned over the entire US electoral system to the Nazi-controlled Department of Homeland Security to avert future “anomalies.”

In the end, you’re just a saliva, Obama.

The Speech that Made Obama President

Farewell, Obama: You Talked A Better Game Than You Played

Bryan MacDonald is an Irish journalist, who is based in Russia

I was there. In the Tiergarten in Berlin, in July 2008. And the more I think back on it, the more bizarre it was.

The US Democratic Party’s presumptive presidential candidate, Barack Obama, arrived in town to give a speech where he promised to achieve “a world that stands as one.”

He didn’t come to Berlin because he had some attachment to the city. Nor did he arrive to outline a masterplan to unite the planet. And, as it happened, he didn’t speak a lick of German on the day. Not so much as an “Ich bin ein Berliner.” Sadly, it probably wasn’t to avoid being accused of comparisons to jelly doughnuts either.

You see, there was no substance to the charade. Obama only wanted to speak in Berlin because it was where John Fitzgerald Kennedy made his most famous address, back in 1963. And he was trying to position himself as a modern JFK – with an endorsement from the late Ted Kennedy to boot.

But the difference was that Jack Kennedy was a great statesman, who had not only vision, but had implemented his dreams – and Obama was a fraud.

And, eight years hence, I can’t believe Angela Merkel granted him permission to stage the event. Because if his opponent, John McCain, had won the election, the Chancellor would have spent years grovelling like a puppy who had devoured his favorite slippers.

Master Showman

We long ago learned how Obama was a great campaigner. Perhaps one of the most adroit who ever breathed. We’ve also discovered that once in office, however, he gets bored of making tough decisions and finds it difficult to apply himself.

There’s also the fact that he managed to play over 300 rounds of golf during his eight years in the White House, which showed a level of commitment Rory McIlroy would struggle to match.

Half a world away from Berlin, in Chicago, Obama gave his final speech as president last night. And we were treated to more of his trademark waffle.

For instance, he has presided over an administration which saw economic inequality in America increase greatly. But rather than acknowledge this fact, he spoke of “the freedom to chase our individual dreams through our sweat, and toil, and imagination.”

Related: Michelle Obama Is A Man?

Taking hypocrisy to a new level, the President remarked how “our nation’s call to citizenship has… (been) what pulled immigrants and refugees across oceans and the Rio Grande.” However, he has admitted under 15,000 Syrian asylum-seekers to the United States in the past two years, while Germany has taken in over one million.

This, despite the fact Obama’s government dropped 26,171 bombs in 2016, while Berlin has sent less than half a dozen Tornados with strict orders to only blast ISIS.

In the same passage, Obama doubled down, insisting “that’s what we mean when we say America is exceptional.” By this logic, Germany must be phenomenal times a hundred or so – for taking in so many victims largely displaced by US meddling in the Middle East and North Africa. But Germany wasn’t mentioned at all in the address.

Duplicitous Destiny

Next, he moved onto democracy. And here the outgoing president made a mockery of the notion of sincerity.

I committed to President-elect Trump that my administration would ensure the smoothest possible transition, just as President Bush did for me,” he exclaimed.

And at this point, you could almost smell the bullsh*t. Because over the past few weeks, Obama has done everything possible to undermine Trump.

He has placed fresh sanctions on Russia, in a bid to stymie his successor’s room for maneuver on resetting Moscow-Washington relations.

Furthermore, he has questioned the basic legitimacy of Trump’s victory by, despite supplying no hard facts at all, alleging that Russians interfered with the outcome.

And all of this has been done in the name of partisan politics, because he’s clearly upset about Hillary Clinton losing the election, and the consequences for his political legacy.

Moving on to the state of the US economy, Obama boasted that “the wealthy are paying a fair share of taxes.” So, let’s look at this supposition for a moment.

Yes, it’s true that America’s top one percent are paying nearly 50 percent of federal income taxes. But the problem is that the top 0.1 percent (yes, 10 percent of the one percent) own more wealth than the bottom 90 percent of Americans.

Thus, the only obvious way to tilt the pendulum back the other way is for the fortunate few to pay far more in penalties. Something Obama never even attempted to broach over his eight years. Yet, he has the gall to stand up in Chicago and brag about the current status quo.

And then matters reached high farce. Proving once and for all that he was a far superior campaigner than legislator, Obama reverted back to electioneering mode.

“We’re going to have to forge a new social compact to guarantee all our kids the education they need,” he exulted.

“To give workers the power to unionize for better wages. To update the social safety net to reflect the way we live now. And make more reforms to the tax code so corporations and the individuals who reap the most from this new economy don’t avoid their obligations to the country that’s made their very success possible.”

Guantanamo torture chambers are still open for business

All of these exhortations were punctuated by applause, as if the assembled crowd had just seen the future as the great orator reached for the stars. The clapping transformed into loud cheers when he testified how:

“(We need to) make more reforms to the tax code so corporations and the individuals who reap the most from this new economy don’t avoid their obligations to the country that’s made their very success possible.”

Well guess what, Barack? You just served eight years in the Oval Office and you didn’t do any of these things.

Because you are a huckster, a charlatan, a bluffer, a sham artist, and a fraud.

A conman masquerading as a diviner, a prophet, and a soothsayer

One of the greatest sermonizers since the soap box was first imagined, reveling in the dictum – “do as I say, not as I do.”

You will leave the White House next week. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out, you old phony.

Watch President Barack Obama's full farewell speech
[If you can stomach it]

Obama will be stepping down from the White House with half of the United States population being optimistic with the incoming Trump administration.

Perhaps, the only positive thing that happened during his reign is the consolidation of efforts of the global resistance movement which made possible the rise of populist leaderships around the world, aided by the massive disclosures using the Wikileaks whistleblowing platform.

Related: Obama commutes much of Chelsea Manning's sentence

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Trump Slams NATO And EU, Threatens BMW With Tax; Prepared To "Cut Ties" With Merkel + More On NWO Fall & Joe Biden Warns That The Progressive Democratic World Order Is At Risk Of Collapse
January 20 2017 | From: Zerohedge / CNBC / Various

In two separate, and quite striking, interviews with Germany's Bild (paywall) and London's Sunday Times (paywall), Donald Trump did what he failed to do in his first US press conference, and covered an extensive amount of policy and strategy, much of which however will likely please neither the pundits, nor the markets.

Among the numerous topics covered in the Bild interview, he called NATO obsolete, predicted that other European Union members would join the U.K. in leaving the bloc and threatened BMW with import duties over a planned plant in Mexico, according to a Sunday interview granted to Germany’s Bild newspaper that will raise concerns in Berlin over trans-Atlantic relations.

Related: Desperate Dems Want to Impeach Trump For What!?

Furthermore, in his first "exclusive" interview in the UK granted to the Sunday Times, Trump said he will offer Britain a quick and “fair” trade deal with America within weeks of taking office to help make Brexit a “great thing”.

Trump revealed that he was inviting Theresa May to visit him “right after” he gets into the White House and wants a trade agreement between the two countries secured “very quickly”.

Related: Trump Effect: British PM Vows Border Control, Pushes Clean Brexit: Nationalism, culture making a comeback against globalism

Trump told the Times that other countries would follow Britain’s lead in leaving the European Union, claiming it had been deeply ­damaged by the migration crisis.

“I think it’s very tough,” he said. “People, countries want their own identity and the UK wanted its own identity.”

Elsewhere, quoted in German from a conversation held in English, Trump predicted Britain’s exit from the EU will be a success and portrayed the EU as an instrument of German domination with the purpose of beating the U.S. in international trade.

Related: Trump Calls NATO Obsolete, Help for UK Brexit, Peace with Russia

For that reason, Trump said, he’s fairly indifferent whether the EU breaks up or stays together, according to Bild. According to Bloomberg, Trump’s comments:

“Leave little doubt that he will stick to campaign positions and may in some cases upend decades of U.S. foreign policy, putting him fundamentally at odds with German Chancellor Angela Merkel on issues from free trade and refugees to security and the EU’s role in the world."

Trump then attacked another carmarker, previosuly unnoticed by the president-elect, when he warned the United States will impose a border tax of 35 percent on cars that German carmaker BMW plans to build at a new plant in Mexico and export to the U.S. market

A BMW spokeswoman said a BMW Group plant in San Luis Potosi would build the BMW 3 Series starting from 2019, with the output intended for the world market.

The plant in Mexico would be an addition to existing 3 Series production facilities in Germany and China. Trump said BMW should build its new car factory in the United States because this would be "much better" for the company.

He went on to say Germany was a great car producer, borne out by Mercedes Benz cars being a frequent sight in New York, but there was no reciprocity. Germans were not buying Chevrolets at the same rate, he said, making the business relationship an unfair one-way street.

He said he was an advocate of free trade, but not at any cost. The BMW spokeswoman said the company was "very much at home in the U.S.," employing directly and indirectly nearly 70,000 people in the country.

Going back to foreign policy, Trump discussed his stance on Russia and suggested he might use economic sanctions imposed for Vladimir Putin’s encroachment on Ukraine as leverage in nuclear-arms reduction talks, while NATO, he said, “has problems.”

“[NATO] is obsolete, first because it was designed many, many years ago,” Bild quoted Trump as saying about the trans-Atlantic military alliance.

“Secondly, countries aren’t paying what they should”
and NATO “didn’t deal with terrorism.”

While those comments expanded on doubts Trump raised about the North Atlantic Treaty Organization during his campaign, he reserved some of his most dismissive remarks for the EU and Merkel, whose open-border refugee policy he called a “catastrophic mistake.”

He further elaborated on this stance in the Times interview, where he said he was willing to lift Russian sanctions in return for a reduction in nuclear weapons.

When asked about the prospect of a nuclear arms reduction deal with Russia, Trump told the newspaper in an interview:

“For one thing, I think nuclear weapons should be way down and reduced very substantially, that’s part of it.”

Additionally, Trump said Brexit will turn out to be a "great thing."  Trump said he would work very hard to get a trade deal with the United Kingdom "done quickly and done properly".

Trump praised Britons for voting last year to leave the EU. People and countries want their own identity and don’t want outsiders to come in and “destroy it.” The U.K. is smart to leave the bloc because the EU:

“Is basically a means to an end for Germany,” Bild cited Trump as saying.

If you ask me, more countries will leave,”
he was quoted as saying.

While Trump blamed Brexit on an influx of refugees he said that Britain was forced to accept, the U.K.’s number of asylum applications in 2015 was a fraction of the 890,000 refugees who arrived in Germany that year at the peak of Europe’s migrant crisis.

With Merkel facing an unprecedented challenge from the anti-immigration Alternative for Germany as she seeks a fourth term this fall, Trump was asked whether he’d like to see her re-elected.

Related: Pure Insanity: Merkel Urges Germans to Use Love and Compassion to Battle Islamic Extremists

He said he couldn’t say, adding that while he respects Merkel, who’s been in office for 11 years, he doesn’t know her and she has hurt Germany by letting “all these illegals” into the country.

Among Trump's other comments to Bild:

The Bush administration’s decision to invade Iraq may have been the worst in U.S. history

That Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law, is a natural talent who will bring about an accord with Israel

Trump plans to keep using social media including Twitter once he’s in the White House to sidestep the press and communicate directly with his followers

People entering the U.S. will face “extreme” security checks, possibly including some European nationals

But perhaps the most troubling, if only to legacy US diplomatic relations, was that, as the Times noted, "despite all of Mr Trump's expressions of admiration for Mr Putin and Mrs Merkel, he revealed that he was prepared to cut ties with both:

"Well, I start off trusting both -  but let's see how long that lasts. It may not last long at all."

It is unclear if this litany of strategic and tactical announcements, many of which quite shocking in their audacity and scope, is merely meant to serve as a launching pad for further negotiations, something Trump has proven quite adept at doing by stunning his counterparties into a state of abrupt silence.

- Or if these are actually meant to serve as a basis for future US policy; if it is the latter, when US markets reopen they may have a distinct case of indigestion because while the market had desperately hoped for more clarity out of Trump on his policies, what emerged in these two interview is hardly it.

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In An Epic Final Speech, Joe Biden Warns That The Progressive Democratic World Order Is At Risk Of Collapse

Vice President Joe Biden delivered an epic final speech Wednesday to the elites at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

Related: The Globalists Panic At Davos: The elite are preparing for a fight they never saw coming

The gist of his speech was simple: At a time of "uncertainty" we must double down on the values that made Western democracies great, and not allow the "liberal world order" to be torn apart by destructive forces.

Biden went after Russian President Vladimir Putin by name, saying he is using "every tool" in his power to whittle away the European project, and undermine Western democracies. Biden accused Putin of wanting to "roll back decades of progress."

Biden said Russia used "cyber aggression" to meddle in the U.S. election, an assertion supported by 17 U.S. intelligence agencies. He also warned that we will see further interference from Russia in the future and said the:

"Purpose is clear" - that Putin wants to see a "collapse of the international order."

"Simply put, Putin has a different vision of the future,"
the vice president warned.

Comment: DO YOU THINK? Putin doesnt want you NWO scum running the show - just like the rest of us. Fuck off already you pathetic old man.

Related: Panicked Joe Biden Admits World Government is Collapsing: Globalism is imploding, the enemies are in their death throes

At the outset of his speech, Biden implored the media to not hear his speech as a shot at President-elect Donald Trump, who takes office on Friday. And, while what Biden said applies broadly to leaders in Europe, as well as the United States, there is no mistaking that his comments were a rebuttal to Trump's friendly statements about the Russian president.

At a time when Trump and his advisors are talking about shaking up NATO, Biden said, we must "support our NATO allies. An attack on one is an attack on all. That can never be placed in question."

Biden also warned that unlike Trump's call for building a wall between the U.S. and Mexico, it's not the time to build walls and live in fear.

Biden implored world leaders to work together to protect democracy from encroachments by Russia, Iran and others. Yet, Trump's world view is "America First," which runs counter to Biden's view.

Biden didn't merely urge the world leaders at Davos to maintain the status quo. He warned that the reason for the pressure on the democratic order is the rise in income inequality and the hollowing out of the middle class, as the rich get richer and people in developing nations see their lives gradually improve.

He said the top 1 percent is not paying their fair share, and as a result we are seeing social instability increase.

"We need to tap into the big heartedness," Biden said. "This is a moment to lead boldly."

Comment: Blah blah blah. Same old. Even on the way out you say one thing and want he opposite. You lost.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
New Zealand Fluoridation Legislation: Take Action Now!
January 20 2017 | From: Uncensored / Various

Legislation was introduced to Parliament on the 17th November 2016. This Legislation will shift responsibility from the local councils and give it to the District Health Boards.
It is designed to make it virtually impossible to stop fluoridation in currently fluoridated areas, or to keep it out of places that do not have it – even if they have said “no” to it in the past.

Local Councils will be required to do as the DHB dictates or face a fine of $200,000 and a further $10,000 per day of non-compliance.

Related: Fluoride Action Network: A Report From New Zealand

This Legislation does not allow for DHBs to consult with the community and it only allows a very narrow range for the DHBs to evaluate the subject as they will only be allowed to consider dental health in the community against the cost of fluoridation.

Download: Health Fluoridation of Drinking Water Amendment Bill

They are being steered to only consider the 2009 Oral Health Survey rather than much more comprehensive data.

They are not given any leeway to consider overall health effects.

Submissions Close 2nd of February

As you will see from the transcript and related documents and the video footage of the MPs that spoke at the first Reading (5th of December 2016) – National, Labour and the Greens support the Bill. The Labour Party even want to strengthen the legislation by making it mandated by Central Government just in case a DHB tries to wriggle out of it.

In a press release in December 2016, Labour also condemned the Maori Party for running a poll to find out what people think. Progress on the Bill can be found here

Fluoride & The Brain

You will also see that none of the speakers know very much about the subject. Health Select Committee Chair Simon O’Connor mistakenly credits his good teeth on taking fluoride tablets as a child.

Unbeknownst to him, the Ministry of Health no longer recommends fluoride tablets because we now know fluoride doesn’t work by swallowing and fluoride tablets cause dental fluorosis!

Associate Health Minister Peter Dunne, who introduced the Bill, has called us “tin-foil hat wearing, UFO-abducted pseudo-scientists.” He mustn’t realise that he is insulting around half of the NZ population.

Related: Undeniable Evidence From Numerous Studies Proves That Fluoride Causes Cancer

Results from all referenda held in NZ show that people tend to vote status quo. As only half of the country is fluoridated (23 councils out of 67, not “27 councils have rejected fluoridation” as Peter Dunne incorrectly stated) which means that roughly half the population is opposed to fluoridation (or maybe more than half) and if a nationwide referendum was held tomorrow, we would have a good chance of winning.

The NZ First Party thinks the issue should be decided by local referendum. The Greens supported the Bill “at first Reading stage” as they, too, have concerns about local decision-making – but the Greens as a party do think fluoridation is safe and effective. It shows that most of them must only have read the Ministry of Health propaganda.

How to Stop the Legislation

The Government is now giving until the 2nd of February for us to send in written feedback on the issue. The law allows everyone who gives feedback to have 10 minutes speaking time for individuals, and 15 minutes for organisations.

At the Hamilton Tribunal in 2013, 1557 people put in a submission, 1385 opposed fluoridation and 130 people spoke at the hearing to support their submission. That required the councillors to sit through 3.5 days of oral submissions and the result was a 7 to 1 vote to stop fluoridation.

Related: Why Does NZ Still Fluoridate? TV Commercial FFNZ

Unfortunately, some Hamilton councillors who had excused themselves from the Tribunal Hearing because of a conflict of interest, and did not bother to attend the Hearing as part of the audience, subsequently worked to overthrow that decision. (See Hamilton page if you would like more information on that).

Therefore, we urge everyone to give written feedback, and do their utmost to speak to that submission in person. We have been advised that It is best to keep feedback to a page or two with around half a dozen really salient points. The Hearing will be in Wellington, which is likely to be in February or perhaps March next year..

Ways to Give Feedback:

Use this Online Form If you don’t know what to say, a personal testimony is good, or attach an article already written (suggestions here) or list a few points as suggested above. Send hard copy to Health Select Committee, Parliament Buildings, Wellington. It is really good if you can also say you will speak to your submission. This can be done by Skype if you cannot make it to Wellington.

Fluoride Free New Zealand will be providing a comprehensive written submission where we will explain the ineffectiveness and dangers of fluoridation and details of public dental health programmes operating overseas that actually do reduce dental decay.

Related: The Fluoride Deception

Please encourage your friends and family to help us now by sending feedback to the Committee and by informing everyone they know on the facts about fluoridation. The number of people that do this makes a difference!

You can also help by posting respectful and informative comments on Facebook, liking posts and comments and joining the discussions, particularly on the Facebook pages of the Health Select Committee Members. See the list below.

Remember, this is election year. We need to let politicians know we will not vote for them if they introduce this draconian legislation.

Health Select Committee Members
Simon O’Connor, Chairperson, National Party, Tāmaki
email: simon.oconnor@parliament.govt.nz
facebook: www.facebook.com/SimonOConnorMP

Barbara Kuriger, Deputy-Chairperson, National Party, Taranaki-King Country
email: barbara.kuriger@national.org.nz
facebook: www.facebook.com/BarbaraKurigerMP

Jacqui Dean, Member, National Party, Waitaki
email: waitaki.mp@parliament.govt.nz
facebook: www.facebook.com/JacquiDeanMP

Julie Anne Genter, Member, Green Party, List
email: julieanne.genter@parliament.govt.nz
facebook: www.facebook.com/JulieAnneGenterMP/

Annette King, Member, Labour Party, Rongotai
email: a.king@parliament.govt.nz
facebook: www.facebook.com/annette.king.127

Shane Reti, Member, National Party, Whangarei
email: shane.reti@parliament.govt.nz
facebook: www.facebook.com/drshanereti

Scott Simpson, Member, National Party, Coromandel
email: mpcoromandel@parliament.govt.nz
facebook: www.facebook.com/scottsimpsonmp

Barbara Stewart, Member, NZ First, List
email: barbara.stewart@parliament.govt.nz
facebook: www.facebook.com/barbarastewartmp

Poto Williams, Member, Labour Party, Christchurch East
email: poto.williams@parliament.govt.nz
facebook: www.facebook.com/poto.williams.7

More Information

Local Government New Zealand’s response to amendments to the Act

Ministry of Health’s position statement on current proposed Legislation

Legislative Disclosure Statement from the Ministry of Health.

Related Articles:

New Zealand Government Plans To Drown Its Citizens In Toxic Fluorides

No Consultation Needed For Stopping Or Starting Fluoridation + Fluoridation Decision Is An Attack On Democracy

Fluoride: Poison On Tap Official Trailer

New Zealand Fluoridation Review Unscientific And Intellectually Dishonest Say International Reviewers

Fluoride Free New Zealand: Dirty Science

Secret Fluoridation Review Totally One-Sided Admits Chair

Harvard Research Finds Link Between Fluoridated Water, ADHD & Mental Disorders

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Key’s ‘Great’ Legacy - UNICEF Ranks NZ Third Highest In The Developed World For Child Poverty
January 19 2017 | From: EnviroWatchRangitikei / Various

This is shocking data. Are we surprised though? Really? Key has been minimizing the impact of his neo-liberal economics package upon the lower echelons of this increasingly lop sided state of affairs we have for some time now.

See the myth that trickle down economics is and see the stark reality of what it causes, right here in these statistics.

Related: Why Are Prices So High In New Zealand? + Homeless In New Zealand - Thousands Living In Garages And Cars

Children of the ‘great’ nations of US and Great Britain the latter once heralding “civilization, peace and good government and knowledge of ‘the true God'” (British Parliamentary Papers, 1837) and then little old NZ, now ranking third highest in child poverty!  Here we are in a return to the Dickensian era.

And Key has scarpered off to Hawaii to escape the heat. Hanging out no doubt in the $6 mill mansion purchased under his watch while back here we have 40K+ homeless sleeping in cars and garages.

Another Very Short Collection of John Key's Lies

This Unicef paper can be accessed and downloaded via the link provided if you care to read the whole truth. It stems particularly from the 2008 debacle with the economic roulette brigade in Wall Street. That is what they are. Key will remember of course, being a banker and suspected of inside trading with our obscene debt.

And having been somewhat involved historically with Wall Street.  

Read The Wall Street Gang
by Richard Ney. Or The Secret History of the American Empire by John Perkins, especially if you are still of the persuasion the spin doctors are spinning, ‘the economy is stable’.  

All that is spinning people is our wheels. These characters are growing richer by the day. Economic recessions, notable people have been telling us for some time now, are scientifically created.

NZ Mainstream News – Loans & Mortgages Created Out of Thin Air

Who Owns the Federal Reserve – The Biggest Scam in History

“Under the Federal Reserve Act, panics are scientifically created. The present panic is the first scientific one, worked out as we figure a mathematical equation.”

- Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh, The Economic Pinch, 1921

They are not the result of unknown forces, the lie we’ve been fed for centuries...  the vagaries of ‘the market’. Key and his cronies are by design taxing you 28% and themselves 2.8%. And should you work a second job to feed your family you will be taxed in the vicinity of 33% for that as well. If they had the will to, they could change that and fix poverty overnight.

They are relying on your preoccupation with all the bread and circuses they are providing to keep you from knowing what is really going on here.

Our former PM John Key who grew up in a state house we’re tol… a legacy of the post WW2 Labour Govt that he has been selling off like there’s no tomorrow, along with other assets Photo Credit: the Green Party

“Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce.”

- President James Garfield, 1881

When you are done reading the UNICEF report, read our Banking/Money Trail and Agenda 21/2030 pages (be sure to check the sub pages) to see what is really going on.

You won’t hear this in mainstream media. Then a must watch, check out Bryan Bruce’s documentary (also embedded below) on child poverty and see then if you still think your government which is really a corporation is not corrupt.

Find related articles under ‘categories’ . And please do share this article and spread the word about all the untruths we’ve been told.


“The data and observations in this Innocenti Report Card reveal a strong and multifaceted relationship between the impact of the Great Recession on national economies and a decline in children’s well-being since 2008.

Children are suffering most, and will bear the consequences longest, in countries where the recession has hit hardest.”

Report: UNICEF Children of the Recession

New Zealand: Inside Child Poverty

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Is This Why Researchers Can’t Solve Rising Suicide Rates?
January 19 2017 | From: TheAntiMedia

Suicide rates continue to rise in the developed world and beyond. Despite the fact billions of dollars are spent on health systems for suicide alone, the trend has failed to reverse itself.

Suicide is misunderstood because a medical model is being applied, meaning doctors are incorrectly treating it as an illness of the mind, argues Professor Said Shahtahmasebi, Director of the Good Life Research Trust Centre and editor of Dynamics of Human Health.

Related: Brain Altering Drugs: The Drug-Induced Suicide of Robin Williams Two Years Later

Shahtahmasebi has conducted years of research to try to better understand suicide trends and find an effective prevention model. Utilizing his grassroots, community-empowering model, one region in New Zealand went from having one youth suicide a month on average to having two suicides in an 18-month period.

In light of the fact suicide rates are unacceptably high (New Zealand has the highest rate of teen suicide in the developed world), Anti-Media asked Professor Shahtahmasebi why suicide rates have increased despite a redirection of massive resources to mental health services.

AM: In Your Opinion, What Are Some of the Underlying Problems With the Way Suicide is Being Treated?

Over the last 20 years, I have repeatedly challenged the conventional wisdom about suicide, emphasizing that suicide rates follow a cyclical pattern (the sequence of downward and upward movements of suicide rates).

Instead of concentrating efforts on breaking the cycle, decision makers, mental health services, and researchers claim credit for lowering suicide rates when the cycle is on the downturn, then demand more funding to continue with the same services.

But when the cycle is on the upturn, they claim suicide is a very complex issue with many socio-economic and environmental risk factors and that they, again, require more funding to extend the same service to more people.

Psychology Professor Tells Truth About Psychiatry - "The Emperor Wears No Clothes"

"Psychiatrists had to invented their own book of diseases because pathologists would have nothing to do with them."

This may be fine the first time. However, after many decades of research and psychiatric intervention, the reality is that suicide prevention is really more of the same, with an approach centered around looking for signs of mental illness and then referring individuals to mental health services.

But each year, the strategy of ‘more of the same’ is costing more in terms of both lives lost and monetary burden.

Suicide is not a mental health problem. Not many people with mental illness or depression commit suicide, but some suicidal people undergoing psychiatric intervention do.

Current estimates suggest about one-third of all individuals who have killed themselves had previous contact with mental health services but still went ahead and completed suicide.

On the other hand, between two-thirds and three-quarters of all people who end their lives have no contact with mental health services, which means we don’t know anything about their state of mind.

Further, psychological autopsy studies linking mental disorder to suicide have been challenged and discredited.

AM: So How Can Psychiatrists and Politicians Still Claim Suicide is the Result of Mental Illness?

A study I conducted in 2003 using patient records from a psychiatric/mental health hospital showed that out of those who sought psychiatric help and completed suicide, only 16 percent had depression recorded as a diagnosis or had it mentioned somewhere in their medical notes.

Study: Suicides by Mentally Ill People

Thirty-three percent had a different classification, including schizophrenia, alcohol or drug abuse, paranoia, or personality disorder, and 17 percent had “other.” Astonishingly, 33 percent did not have a diagnosis at all.

Therefore, about 50 percent of the patients had no mental illness diagnosed at the time of suicide.

The research suggests that psychiatrists and politicians can no longer claim that suicide is the result of mental illness.

AM: So What is Actually Known About Those Cases Who Had No Contact With Health Services?

The whole notion of ‘look for signs of mental illness and refer’ to prevent suicide defies logic and is counter-intuitive.

First, it assumes that only people with a mental disorder commit suicide. This is not true.

Second, this method ignores the majority of people who may be suicidal and in need of help.

Third, by associating suicide with mental illness, people who experience suicidal thoughts or behavior potentially avoid seeking help.

Fourth, if signs are detectable, then prevention has failed, and it is time for effective interventions. Fifth, psychiatric intervention has failed to prevent a large proportion of all suicide cases who were referred to mental health services.

For example, official government documents show that in New Zealand, prescriptions for antidepressants have more than quadrupled since 1997, yet the suicide rate has continued in a cyclic upward pattern, now reaching an all-time high of 579 this year.

Related: The Drugs May be the Problem – Inconvenient Truths About Big Pharma and the Psychiatric Industry

If mental illness is the cause of suicide, shouldn’t we be observing a continual reduction in the number of suicides given the amount of resources being put towards mental-health-based treatments and the increase in antidepressant use?

So it is not only ‘more of the same’ in suicide prevention action plan but also ‘more of the same’ in rhetoric: at every cyclic upturn, ministers and their ‘experts’ claim suicide is ‘unacceptably’ high and that mental health services must be strengthened.

‘More of the same’ is symptomatic of a lack of accountability.

AM: How Does Your Proposed Model Differ From the Current Status Quo?

The philosophy of preventing suicide through mental health intervention is no longer tenable. Psychiatric research declaring mental illness the cause of suicide has been challenged and discredited. In a recent publication, the World Health Organization (WHO) lists mental illness causing suicide as one of the many myths, and as a result, they have modified their guidelines.

There is no doubt that mental health services must be supported effectively to deliver efficient services and to improve health outcomes. However, mental health services cannot prevent suicide.

The problem is exacerbated by an uncritical media that pushes the medical model and refers to proponents of the medical model as the “experts.”

The truth is that we do not understand suicide because all of our efforts have been focused on treating mental illnesses that may or may not exist.

In other words, if an individual is referred to mental health services (whether they are self-referred because of a suicide attempt or by a health professional), the intervention looks to establish a mental disorder, such as depression, for which medication can be prescribed.

Related: The Roots Of Mental Health - Maybe They’re Not In Our Heads + Rising Rates Of Suicide: Are Pills The Problem?

So, in the process of treatment, ‘suicide’ per se is effectively taken out of the equation and ignored, and a completely different issue is treated as a result of the misdiagnosis. Treating a condition that does not exist explains the reason why a significant proportion of all suicide cases who received psychiatric treatment went through with suicide (about one third).

Through the process of raising research funds, I realized several points:

Firstly, it is futile to wait for the government to take the initiative and act in the interest of the public.

Secondly, suicide prevention does not require major funding and can be operationalized with few resources.

Third, uncritical and flawed suicide information is contributing to misinformation in the public domain.

Fourth, so long as suicide prevention remains highly politicized, ‘more of the same’ is the only suicide prevention action plan available to the public.

In order to achieve a change in direction, suicide prevention must be de-politicized. A sure way of achieving this is to engage the public. This can be achieved by providing the public with quality and appropriate information about suicide and human behavior.

In 2010, our grassroots approach to suicide prevention was rolled out in the Waikato and Kawerau in New Zealand through a series of training workshops.

The philosophy behind the grassroots approach is that we, the public, cannot wait for signs of mental disorder to manifest and then seek psychiatric intervention. The aim is to prevent people getting to the stage where they feel that suicide is a viable option.

A couple of very important outcomes from the workshops were: first, we received many personal comments from suicide survivors (parents who had lost a loved one to suicide).

By teaching them about adolescent development and adolescent behavior, we were providing them with alternatives to dealing with their teenaged children.

For example, it’s no use telling a teenager to pull themselves together or that there are plenty more fish in the sea when they are going through a break-up because, at that point in time, the break-up means everything to them. Showing sympathy and empathy have been proven to be far more effective.

Because of this, many personal comments came our way along the lines of:

Had they known this information then their loved one would probably be alive today.

Second, participating communities formed suicide prevention groups enforcing prevention rather than intervention. The groups developed locally-based suicide awareness activities designed to inform and to prevent.

As I previously explained in that 2013 article:

For the approach to be successful it had to address the needs of the participating communities as perceived by them. The frontline health workers that we contacted indicated their greatest need was for information, training, and for upskilling in order to be able to deal with youth and adolescent issues.

The resulting outcome was a pilot project offering training workshops.

The frontline health workers organized the community workshops including locating venues, facilitating publicity, and inviting local dignitaries and other community members (e.g., police, teachers, social workers, counselors, young people, and the general public).

The project intended to empower communities to plan and make decisions at the family and community level by increasing their awareness of adolescent issues. In this context, the role of the researchers was to facilitate training workshops and basically play a support and mentoring role.

All the community projects and activities that followed were designed and developed at the grassroots level by the communities themselves.”

The frontline health and social workers in the participating communities reported that suicide - youth suicide, in particular - had substantially declined. This is a trend that continues to the present date.

The communities also have reported that they are much more confident in engaging in problem situations and preventing them from becoming suicide crises. The workshops were also funded through local institutions and charitable trusts, a Fulbright grant, frontline workers, and volunteers.

Attendees included social workers, mental health frontline workers, police, coroners, psychiatrists, GPs, teachers, church representatives, youth, the general public, and suicide survivors.

Unlike the medical model, the grassroots approach is an inclusive strategy

I guess the concluding message is that if the public is sick of ‘more of the same’ suicide intervention strategy, then the grassroots must mobilize and take action… after all, it is the grassroots who know their communities better than the ‘experts’ or government decision makers.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
The Desecration Of New Zealand
January 18 2017 | From: ContraSpin

Thanks to the Panama Papers whistleblower, some of the fantastical delusions that most of the world holds about New Zealand, are finally falling to pieces.

While trust lawyers market us to foreign capital, Tourism New Zealand has spent the last 17 years proclaiming us to be “100% Pure New Zealand“.  

Comment: This article points out some facts that fly in the face of the official line. It should be noted however, that all Western countries have been under Cabal control and subjected to a very similar set of circumstances. This is not just happening in NZ.

Although there was a time when New Zealand had a pristine and untouched environment, it is long past. Yet the assertions to the contrary are deliberately constructed, tailored and manicured by marketing and advertising gurus who, with wheels freshly greased by public funds, then impress them upon the global public.

Exactly how much public money is spent on maintaining the facade, no one knows. According to this brilliant article by Stuff.co.nz, titled “100% Pure Fantasy? Living Up To Our Brand”:

“The national tourism agency can’t put a dollar figure on the total cost of 100% Pure over its [then] 13-year run, citing commercial sensitivity…”

Indeed the Tourism Authority, which publishes its Three Year Marketing Strategy, has redacted the entire budget allocation section. It is the only segment which has been blacked out.

Astonishingly, the leader of New Zealand likened the country’s tourism marketing to, of all things, a McDonalds meal and infers that the advertising should not be taken seriously. Stuff.co.nz reports:

Prime Minister John Key compared New Zealand’s global “100% Pure” tourism marketing campaign to a fast food ad.

“It’s like saying ‘McDonald’s, I’m lovin’ it’ – I’m not sure every moment that someone’s eating McDonald’s, they’re loving it… it’s the same thing with 100% Pure,” he said.

“It’s got to be taken with a bit of a pinch of salt.”

The Panama Papers is a prime example of the Prime Minister applying this ‘with a bit of a pinch of salt’ attitude to the international image and reputation of New Zealand . Now the world is beginning to rub its eyes and awaken from the dream that has become a nightmare: ‘100% Pure New Zealand’ is as pure as a Big Mac Combo.

New Zealand Is A Big Mac

According to McDonalds.com a Big Mac contains:

“A double layer of sear-sizzled 100% pure beef mingled with special sauce on a sesame seed bun and topped with melty American cheese, crisp lettuce, minced onions and tangy pickles.”

According to Fooducate.com, a Big Mac contains over 80 ingredients, the vast majority of which are human-manufactured chemical compounds, including:

Related: You Will Never Eat McDonald’s Again After You Read These Horrifying Facts

So this is what our Prime Minister’s political agenda and spin has reduced us to. A Big Mac combo. Looks good and safe in the posters, but it can kill you.

Unfortunately there is a whole lot more under the surface than just dodgy hamburger ingredients. The damage that has been wreaked upon the land, particularly after the last 8 years is vast, profound and potentially irreversible.

It is overdue for us to examine how precisely the Land of the Long White Cloud was so thoroughly desecrated – when, why and who by.

The Big Picture

The 1% run a transnational operation and they collect countries like baseball cards. Once consumed those countries exist in name and our memories only. They are added like stocks to a portfolio, run by the real bond traders – a conglomerate of intelligence agencies that, where New Zealand is concerned, operate under the auspices of the Five Eyes (FVEY).

The countries are asset stripped, resource depleted, socially degraded, legislatively homogenised, privatised, and usually dressed in a worthless rag called ‘democracy’, although in the most lucrative examples, far less savoury, authoritarian regimes are either instituted or welcomed into the Empire’s club.

The only countries that aren’t welcome are those that want to retain their sovereignty, their resources, their societies and their heritage. They then become targets, viewed as ripe for hostile takeover.

Tiered, like a twisted wedding cake in reverse, FVEY holds the vast majority of all the world’s electronic data. A two-way waterfall, it vacuums up everything it can off all those below it, with or without their co-operation, then trickles a portion of it back down over the tiers, in quantities that reflect their diplomatic priority or favoured status.

The harsh truth is that for the countries who have been sucked into this arrangement, there are effectively no governments. The entire charade of politics is precisely that – a pantomime. You could turn the sound off and it would make no tangible difference to the political course of the country which, except in extremely rare circumstances, is not charted by the citizens.

Those extremely rare circumstances are what intelligence and police agencies are in fact hell-bent on avoiding. They are tasked to expend great resources mitigating the risk of actual democracy occurring.

Because democracy is the greatest undelivered promise of the 20th century. Which is why the mask of Western civilisation is set askew by any exercise of democratic rights to dissent – by any mass movement of the people – be it Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, or any other.

The gloves come off. The veneer is shattered. Grotesque, state-sanctioned, publicly funded violence, censorship, suppression, oppression, repression, corruption. On naked display. Democracy in name only.

Our heads of government are civil servants only in the sense that they maintain a public veneer of civility and they are indeed servants – to people who we seldom know the names of and have never voted for.

Who Does New Zealand Belong To, Anyway?

New Zealand’s (noe Ex) Prime Minister John Key frequently accused Kiwis who oppose his policies of being “anti-American.” But the truth is, he is pro-American.

In his May 9th press conference about the Panama Papers revelations, he stated:

“Our relationship with the United States is in the best shape it’s been in for a very, very long time.”

This is unsurprising given that a member of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York has been in charge of our country for the last 8 years.

According to Wikipedia, the FRBNY is ‘the most important of the banks‘.

So first we get a Prime Minister with a U.S. Federal Reserve seal of approval, then next thing we know, American National Security Agency facilities are revealed on New Zealand soil.

Despite the obvious lack of any foreign bases operating on American soil. Because funnily enough, the Americans do not allow foreign countries to operate bases on their soil.

As I once discovered by reading Bob Woodward’s books, you can often learn more from those who disagree with you than from those who agree. It’s amazing what slips through the cracks. While full of imperial apologism, this link is an absolutely fascinating anatomy of the justifications for US military hegemony that are used to indoctrinate much of the First World.

I highly recommend that you take the time to read the full discussion. There are countless edifying morsels. Also many contradictions.

The various reasonings for American global domination include:

It’s just to save global trade from pirates and criminals

It’s because other countries can’t defend themselves

It’s so other nations don’t have to spend so much on their own military

It’s because “America cooks the dinner and Europe does the dishes

While more than 90% of the conversation is pro-Empire, eventually the excuses lessen and there are some pretty major insights.

Which indicates that the exercise of US power is less about stopping pirates or protecting trade routes, but actually involves outright malicious invasion and subterfuge to the detriment of its perceived enemies.

Here is another worthy link on the same topic but with a different angle. The author opens with:

“The US military is that house guest of dubious benefit, questionable timing, faulty manners, but impeccable credit. “

What has never been sufficiently explained either in rhetoric or in law is how a Commonwealth Country like New Zealand, supposedly beholden to the British Crown, has American military facilities and direct political influence, seemingly more so than British.

New Zealand is, after all, a corporation. Registered to the Queen of England. So if any foreign nation is to go planting military facilities on our land you’d think it would be hers. Or that they would be at least mildly affronted when another sovereign nation – the United States of America – is so heavily involved in one of their territories.

Yet Britain ostensibly didn’t bat an eyelid at the Edward Snowden revelations about New Zealand. Which suggests that, as with arguably more than 100 other countries, the U.K. has also been thoroughly compromised by the United States.

That from a military perspective, they function as one. That their national interests are aligned.

But this is not how we were raised. We were raised to believe we are a sovereign nation that, when necessary, stands up to the superpowers and exerts an independent foreign policy, even if that comes at a diplomatic or political cost.

Yet how could we ever again engineer and assert a differentiating foreign policy now? With the infrastructure of global oppression present on our soil, hoovering up the private communications of all our citizens, in complete irreverence for our Bill of Rights?

We have to go back 30 years to get a glimpse of a Prime Minister prepared to take personal risks on principle.

One who not only stood against the Americans, but even against the Commonwealth itself, when Prime Minister David Lange went to England to publicly defend our anti-nuclear stance. From the documentary, “Revolution“:

David Lange: “Margaret Thatcher sent a note through her High Commissioner, which he delivered to me, asking me not to do it and that sealed it as far as I was concerned. I told him what I thought of him, and of his new hair dye and various other things like that!

And I decided definitely to go, and we settled the terms of the debate. It was one of those interesting occasions when Foreign Affairs were put to the test. I went to the UK without any Foreign Affairs official. It was the only time a Prime Minister has ever travelled out of New Zealand, without a Foreign Affairs official."

Interviewer: “Was that because they disapproved…’

David Lange: “Oh, they disapproved completely. ”

Interviewer: “Did they try to talk you out of it?”

David Lange: “They did… It was unbelievably fraught with danger and yet had such potential for advantage, and I was attracted to it.”

There was of course, despite the risk, a happy ending. Lange’s performance was historic and compelling; he received a standing ovation from both sides of the debate at the Oxford Union – an occurrence the President of the Union said he had never witnessed in 25 years.

In that very debate, Lange spoke to the United States’ reaction to New Zealand’s exertion of its own sovereignty.

Lange: “We are in fact, to be made an example of! We are to be ostracised! We are to be convicted of some form of heresy and put on probation. We are to be kept there until we are compelled to resume our seat in the dress circle of the nuclear theatre.”

The debate was a huge win, for which Lange was internationally lauded.

Yet it was soon followed by an act of terrorism on New Zealand territory, when French agents bombed the Greenpeace flagship, the Rainbow Warrior, killing a New Zealander and sinking the vessel.

David Lange: “It was a defining moment for me because I knew that was the end of any New Zealand commitment to the so-called Western alliance. It was not when it was sunk that I knew, it was when we knew who’d sunk it that I knew. Then the overwhelming silence from Great Britain.

Margaret Thatcher was prepared to condemn Gaddafi for everything but the French could go and kill people in our harbour. [Australian Prime Minister] Hawke never said anything. Ronald Reagan pretended total indifference.

We never had a peep out of those people that we were allegedly in a Western alliance with, those people who fought for democracy.”

So the UK was silent when an ally committed an act of “state-sponsored terrorism” on its own Commonwealth territory. What a remarkable object lesson.

Rainbow Warrior Sinking 25 Years On - Nine News

New Zealand, however, was not cowed. It upped the ante and passed its nuclear-free legislation into law and was promptly kicked out of the ANZUS defense agreement.

Yet we stood tall and defiant.

David Lange: “The great irony of the last fifteen years of foreign policy, has been that our foreign policy stance had the seeds of its change.. in my government… it was nurtured and watered by the American reprisals, but it was set in a hanging basket by the French. It was all their own work.

Thus the bullying of New Zealand had the opposite of its intended effect."

This short video discusses the impact of New Zealand’s past political independence.

New Zealand Anti-Nuclear History: Prominent Kiwis Share Their Views

As Marianne Elliott from ActionStation.co.nz says:

“…it reminds me that it is possible to completely shift a political narrative and to arrive at a political outcome which seemed radical and impossible at the beginning.”

And Peter Douglas:

“…New Zealanders are very proud of the fact that they live in a country that was small but brave enough to make those sort of pronouncements and to suffer the consequences of them at that time.”

The American political and military subjugation of New Zealand that has occurred in this new millennium would once have been considered a literal invasion. Their bases being present on our land, an act of war.

Yet John Key’s government, awash in and drunk on the conspiratorial secrecy of the Five Eyes intelligence-sharing network, has been complicit in playing down the extent of the American infiltration and projected a nonchalance in the face of the recent revelations.

It has openly accelerated our very obvious transition into American vassalage and despite there being no legal precedent outside of various secretive military co-operation agreements, New Zealanders are supposed to ignore or accept the corrosion and ultimately the loss of their natural rights and their national identity.

Patriotism: A Foreign Concept

We are suffering attack after attack on hard-won liberties and allowing the agenda of the global American Empire to dominate all domestic considerations.

An Empire that literally consumes everything it touches. Sucks out all worth and value, asset-strips and impoverishes. Privatises gains and socialises losses.

Kiwis watch in horror as our food is poisoned and we are not even allowed to grow and trade our own anymore; as our oceans are violated; our military is used to suppress lawful protest; our reserve land is raped; our water supplies endangered and/or outright sold; our people become homeless in our own land and our children starve.

While banksters gorge themselves on our heritage, our inheritance and applaud.

We battle for sovereignty, by opposing the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, and many other encroaching initiatives that ultimately are intended to strip New Zealand of its lawful authority and jurisdiction, or to supersede it. But with foreign countries dominating our defense landscape and controlling our government by proxy, we have no sovereignty.

Our country is but a hollow shell, relegated to nostalgia.

A country where patriotism has become a foreign concept – a luxury only afforded within the bounds of American Exceptionalism – and even then, the only true loyalty is to capital.

A country where the desecration of our land and the blood and pain of our people is the price of our enslavement to the global 0.00001%. Where humanitarianism is depicted as a dirty word and empathy ill-advised; a privilege; one with strings attached, that attracts blowback.

In a world where narcissists brand the courageous narcissistic; and call the learned naive. Empaths, they call us. They spit it. As if to care about others is the most dirty, heathen concept imaginable to them.

All the while communities are fractured and uprooted and culture is either commercialised or eradicated.

The Most Peaceful Country On Earth

New Zealand has, at various times, been determined to be the most safe, the most peaceful, and the least corrupt country on Earth. The problem is of course, that that is total bullshit.

Bullshit because the impotent indexes themselves are inherently flawed. They prop up a myth that ‘somewhere is OK!’ and provide false hope to the global populace.

But I call bullshit mostly because New Zealand is in fact, unsafe, not at all peaceful, and corrupt. It is however, accomplished at hiding it, and trades on a reputation that is extremely outdated, if not outright misleading.

Street fights are a norm in the central business districts at night, but also happen in broad daylight and in schools.

The fighting is not limited to men. Women are frequently sexually assaulted in New Zealand and when they complain about it, they are more likely to be smeared by the Police than protected.

This appalling website has an almost endless list of the small percentage of incidents that are publicly acknowledged, and states:

The E2NZ website catalogues first hand experiences of migrants.

Tourists are ‘often targeted’ in New Zealand. Children are not safe in New Zealand either – there are countless instances of horrific child abuse.

Poverty is on the rise. Homelessness is on the rise. Domestic violence is at epidemic levels. Domestic break-ins and petty theft, white-collar fraud abound.

Austerity measures target the physically and mentally disabled, as well as re-victimising rape victims. Sexual abuse is also at epidemic levels in New Zealand, which has the same tacit tolerance of the subjugation and degradation of women as other colonised nations.

Massive co-ordinated civil unrest is now a routine occurrence. Each time the will of the people is thwarted and a social movement ignored, the next movement grows larger. Political corruption is rife. On the rare occasion that it is exposed, it is effectively whitewashed and enabled to continue.

It is inevitable that something has got to give.

What They Didn’t Show You In ‘The Hobbit’

A legacy of John Key’s predecessor, Helen Clark, is the absolute mountains of money spent on international P.R. during the making of Peter Jackson’s ‘Lord Of The Rings’ movies, to promote an image of New Zealand befitting the scenery of the movies: wholesome. Green. Natural. Untouched.

The decades of unregulated fracking of New Zealand farmland makes a mockery of that image. As did the Rena oil spill.

The lifting of sanctuary status from our precious marine reserves, for oil exploration. The fallout from Fukushima.

Not a single shot of the movies features effluent run-off poisoning the waterways.

Soil poisoned by chemicals, on land earmarked residential and sold to unsuspecting home-buyers.

Nor did they show you Hobbits committing suicide at record rates. The National government, is drilling the hell out of Middle Earth.

Yes, in this, the most peaceful, safe and least corrupt country in the world. Where “thousands” of people queue to apply for the same supermarket jobs. At a supermarket that sells meat that has been injected with controversial growth hormones.New Zealand factory farms are notorious for appalling conditions.

Child obesity going through the roof. Adult obesity going through the roof. Citizens who dare protest the above conditions, are being interfered with, stalked, harassed, maligned, abused, assaulted and exiled by the domestic security agencies.

All this under the auspices of the Five Eyes.

The Five Eyes Is Actually The Four Eyes… And The Three Eyes…

Herein lies the great inequality of the intelligence sharing agreements with the United States that New Zealand citizens have been subjected to.

For while we are told that through the FVEY, we are ‘partners’, which supposedly is of significant enough value to justify spying on our entire domestic citizenry and handing all that intelligence over to FOREIGN NATIONS…. it turns out that actually, FVEY is not the top-tier of that twisted, reverse wedding cake.

There is in fact:

Kiwis refusal to allow nuclear-powered US warships in our waters led to the creation of the Four Eyes, a new military intelligence-sharing tier and explicitly excluding us.

Then when the Canadians had a crisis of conscience, quite rightly as history shows us, and refused to join in the destruction of Iraq in 2002, they too effectively got kicked from the club, and the Three Eyes was born.

Making the US, the UK and Australia the top tier of the wedding cake. Right?

Well, actually, no.

The Two Eyes

According to a commenter on electrospaces.net:

Cost Vs. Benefit

Given all the above, we have to ask ourselves. What is New Zealand really gaining by our alignment with Empire?

There is clearly no risk of piracy, or of hostile military invasion. Is it about money? Or just about power?

Was it the price of our appointment to the greatest warmonger’s club of all – the UN Security Council? Where then, would our allegiance lay, if the long-predicted implosion of the American economy and thus empire, were to occur?

It is widely accepted that the castle is built on sand; that a the end of the petrodollar could soon herald an economic collapse that would make 2008 look like the good old days.

No matter what happens, Ex-Prime Minister Key can always retire to his mansion in Hawaii. Or his mansion in London. Or his mansion in Aspen, Colorado. If he doesn’t stay in his mansion in Auckland’s Parnell. Or his Omaha beach house.

New Zealanders have no such luxury – they are sleeping in garage and tents.

While inevitably, study after study will come out claiming that we are a Utopian paradise. Nothing could be further from the truth. If the country in its current form really is the best this world has to offer – we have utterly failed ourselves, this planet, its peoples and our future generations.

For the desecration of New Zealand continues to be tolerated domestically and concealed internationally.

The picture is really bleak and will remain so, until we accept responsibility and rise to change it.

I pray to one day be able to report on how we reversed the trend. But that will take courage, unity and action. Foresight, commitment and integrity.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Big Pharma Suffers Another Major Blow As Study Debunks High Cholesterol Myths, Admitting Statins Are Totally Worthless + Statins Kill, Cholesterol Does Not - The Real Effects Of Statin Drugs
January 18 2017 | From: NaturalNews / PreventDisease

It's been a tough few weeks for Big Pharma, as three major studies have now completely disproved the effectiveness of its most profitable drugs.

Last week, a huge study published in The Lancet admitted that the risks of antidepressants in children and teens far outweigh the benefits, as the drugs routinely increase suicidal behavior.

Related: Statins confirmed to cause Parkinson's

Out of 14 antidepressants, only one was shown to improve depression better than the placebo.

Now, scientists are reporting that cholesterol drugs, which 15 million Americans are prescribed, are also completely worthless. A group of international researchers published a study in the BMJ Open journal that found no link between what's known as "bad" cholesterol and death as a result of heart disease in individuals over 60 years of age.

In fact, the results found that 92 percent of people with high cholesterol actually lived longer. The best way to achieve and maintain good heart health is not through medications but through healthy lifestyle habits.

"Lowering cholesterol with medications for primary cardiovascular prevention in those aged over 60 is a total waste of time and resources, whereas altering your lifestyle is the single most important way to achieve a good quality of life," said vascular and endovascular surgery expert Professor Sherif Sultan from the University of Ireland.

'Lowering Cholesterol With Medications is a Total Waste of Time'

Study co-author Dr. Malcolm Kendrick said their findings show "that older people with high LDL (low-density lipoprotein) levels, the so-called 'bad' cholesterol, lived longer and had less heart disease."

The revelations are sure to have huge implications for the pharmaceutical industry, as the cholesterol drug Lipitor is the most profitable medication of all time – raking in more than $140 billion in sales, according to Health Impact News.

The guidelines for preventing heart disease and the buildup of plaque in the arteries need to be re-evaluated, said the study authors, adding that "the benefits from statin treatment have been exaggerated."

But the truth is that the benefits of statins haven't just been exaggerated, but 100 percent fabricated, as well as the "research" supporting other drugs such as antidepressants and vaccines.

Natural News reported in 2013 that the push to get even more U.S. adults on statins was facilitated by doctors tied to the industry. Physicians with the American Heart Association and American College of Cardiology issued new guidelines three years ago calling for one-third of all adults to consider taking statins – a push proven to be extremely lucrative for Big Pharma.

When questioned about the conflict of interest, the response was: "Ties between heart doctors and Big Pharma are so extensive that it is almost impossible to find a large group of doctors who have no industry ties."

New Study Says Multiple Vaccines at Once Not Safe for Kids

The third major study in a matter of days to discredit the pharmaceutical industry, comes from the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, which found that giving children multiple vaccines at once is unsafe – a complete contradiction to the vaccine narrative shoved down everyone's throats by government, drug companies and the media for decades.

"Although CDC recommends polio, hepatitis B, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, rotavirus, Haemophilus influenzae type B, and pneumococcal vaccines for two-, four-, and six-month-old infants, this combination of eight vaccines administered during a single physician visit was never tested for safety in clinical trials," wrote medical researcher Neil Z. Miller.

"This is at odds with a CDC report which found that mixed exposures to chemical substances and other stress factors, including prescribed pharmaceuticals, may produce 'increased or unexpected deleterious health effects.'"

So there you have it. The pharmaceutical industry, as well the government mandated policies that support it, have absolutely no credibility, and therefore should not be trusted by anyone.

The best way to maintain good health is to practice healthy lifestyle habits including eating a balanced diet, exercising and taking time to quiet the mind.

Related: Dr. Gary Kohls: Big Pharma and the causes of Parkinson's Disease

Statins Kill, Cholesterol Does Not - The Real Effects Of Statin Drugs

The truth about statin drugs is finally getting attention in scientific journals, and it's the same truth we've been telling customers for years: statins are cellular poison. They accelerate aging and cause diabetes, heart attacks, muscle fatigue and memory loss.

The findings were published in the American Journal of Physiology.

Related: Widely prescribed drugs act as cellular poisons that accelerate aging... deactivate DNA repair... promote diabetes, muscle fatigue and memory loss

Lead author and stem cell biologist Professor Reza Izadpanah stated;

“People who use statins as a preventative medicine for health should think again as our research shows they may have general unwanted effects on the body which could include muscle pain, nerve problems and joint problems."

In fact, after only a few weeks of use, the study revealed that statins;

“Prevented stem cells from performing their main functions, to reproduce and replicate other cells in the body to carry out repairs...[statins also] prevented stem cells from generating new bone and cartilage...[and] increased ageing."

Recently, a customer who had been on statin drugs and Metformin for several years reported having all of these symptoms: he recently had a heart attack, he has diabetes sores on his toes, loss of memory, and muscle pain. 

Though these findings are getting public attention, they are hardly the first.
Even in a 2003 article published in the journal Pharmacotherapy,researchers noted that cognitive impairment and dementia were associated with statin therapy

Natural alternatives have shown they can fill the role of statins without side effects. In fact, a study in BioFactors found that when usage is discontinued, CoQ10 can reverse statin damage. Another natural remedy is Nattokinase, a natural enzyme that breaks down blood clots and acts as a blood thinner. However, it and others are now removed as being NHP by Health Canada.

Life Choice products can be beneficial, too. Consider products like Neurotransmitter Support, SAM-e, L-Arginine, and L-Taurine. It is important that people know there are natural alternatives to statins, but they must be sought out.

I would encourage those on statins to re-evaluate if they are truly needed, and under the care of their health care provider, get off statin drugs and on to natural remedies.

Related: Two Apples a Day More Effective At Reducing Heart Disease Than Statin Medications

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Hype Fake News Now, Muted Retractions Later | MSM Death Throes
January 17 2017 | From: Geopolitics / Various

The corporate mainstream media networks are now experiencing massive symptoms suggesting, without any shadow of doubt, that they are in their death throes.

They are now deliberately publishing unverified information, hyping it for maximum audience impact, only to retract it weeks later, but without the same aggressive push as before, so that those who got the first bite will never realize the full story, i.e. that there wasn’t any story to begin with.

Related: The Single Question Re Alleged Russian DNC Hacking MSM Forgot to Ask

WashPost Is Richly Rewarded for False News About Russia Threat While Public Is Deceived

In the past six weeks, the Washington Post published two blockbuster stories about the Russian threat that went viral: one on how Russia is behind a massive explosion of “fake news,” the other on how it invaded the U.S. electric grid. Both articles were fundamentally false.

Each now bears a humiliating editor’s note grudgingly acknowledging that the core claims of the story were fiction: The first note was posted a full two weeks later to the top of the original article; the other was buried the following day at the bottom.

The second story on the electric grid turned out to be far worse than I realized when I wrote about it on Saturday, when it became clear that there was no “penetration of the U.S. electricity grid” as the Post had claimed.

In addition to the editor’s note, the Russia-hacked-our-electric-grid story now has a full-scale retraction in the form of a separate article admitting that “the incident is not linked to any Russian government effort to target or hack the utility” and there may not even have been malware at all on this laptop.

Related: Feds Announce Takeover of US Electoral Process

But while these debacles are embarrassing for the paper, they are also richly rewarding. That’s because journalists - including those at the Post - aggressively hype and promote the original, sensationalistic false stories, ensuring that they go viral, generating massive traffic for the Post (the paper’s executive editor, Marty Baron, recently boasted about how profitable the paper has become).

After spreading the falsehoods far and wide, raising fear levels and manipulating U.S. political discourse in the process (both Russia stories were widely hyped on cable news), journalists who spread the false claims subsequently note the retraction or corrections only in the most muted way possible, and often not at all.

As a result, only a tiny fraction of people who were exposed to the original false story end up learning of the retractions.

Baron himself, editorial leader of the Post, is a perfect case study in this irresponsible tactic. It was Baron who went to Twitter on the evening of November 24 to announce the Post’s exposé of the enormous reach of Russia’s fake news operation, based on what he heralded as the findings of “independent researchers.”

Baron’s tweet went all over the place; to date, it has been re-tweeted more than 3,000 times, including by many journalists with their own large followings:

Related: Peskov on US hacking hysteria: "Russia is seriously tired of amateur American witch hunts"

But after that story faced a barrage of intense criticism - from Adrian Chen in the New Yorker (“propaganda about Russia propaganda”), Matt Taibbi in Rolling Stone (“shameful, disgusting”), my own article, and many others - including legal threats from the sites smeared as Russian propaganda outlets by the Post’s “independent researchers” - the Post finally added its lengthy editor’s note distancing itself from the anonymous group that provided the key claims of its story (“The Post... does not itself vouch for the validity of PropOrNot’s findings” and “since publication of the Post’s story, PropOrNot has removed some sites from its list”).

What did Baron tell his followers about this editor’s note that gutted the key claims of the story he hyped? Nothing. Not a word. To date, he has been publicly silent about these revisions.

Having spread the original claims to tens of thousands of people, if not more, he took no steps to ensure that any of them heard about the major walk back on the article’s most significant, inflammatory claims. He did, however, ironically find the time to promote a different Post story about how terrible and damaging Fake News is:

Whether the Post’s false stories here can be distinguished from what is commonly called “Fake News” is, at this point, a semantic dispute, particularly since “Fake News” has no cogent definition. Defenders of Fake News as a distinct category typically emphasize intent in order to differentiate it from bad journalism.

That’s really just a way of defining Fake News so as to make it definitionally impossible for mainstream media outlets like the Post ever to be guilty of it (much the way terrorism is defined to ensure that the U.S. government and its allies cannot, by definition, ever commit it).

But what was the Post’s motive in publishing two false stories about Russia that, very predictably, generated massive attention, traffic, and political impact? Was it ideological and political - namely, devotion to the D.C. agenda of elevating Russia into a grave threat to U.S. security?

Was it to please its audience - knowing that its readers, in the wake of Trump’s victory, want to be fed stories about Russian treachery? Was it access and source servitude - proving it will serve as a loyal and uncritical repository for any propaganda intelligence officials want disseminated?

Was it profit - to generate revenue through sensationalistic click-bait headlines with a reckless disregard to whether its stories are true? In an institution as large as the Post, with numerous reporters and editors participating in these stories, it’s impossible to identify any one motive as definitive.

Whatever the motives, the effects of these false stories are exactly the same as those of whatever one regards as Fake News. The false claims travel all over the internet, deceiving huge numbers into believing them.

The propagators of the falsehoods receive ample profit from their false, viral “news.” And there is no accountability of the kind that would disincentivize a repeat of the behavior. (That the Post ultimately corrects its false story does not distinguish it from classic Fake News sites, which also sometimes do the same.)

And while it’s true that all media outlets make mistakes, and that even the most careful journalism sometimes errs, those facts do not remotely mitigate the Post’s behavior here.

In these cases, they did not make good faith mistakes after engaging in careful journalism. With both stories, they were reckless (at best) from the start, and the glaring deficiencies in the reporting were immediately self-evident (which is why both stories were widely attacked upon publication).

As this excellent timeline by Kalev Leetaru documents, the Post did not even bother to contact the utility companies in question - the most elementary step of journalistic responsibility - until after the story was published.

Intelligence officials insisting on anonymity - so as to ensure no accountability - whispered to them that this happened, and despite how significant the consequences would be, they rushed to print it with no verification at all.

This is not a case of good journalism producing inaccurate reporting; it is the case of a media outlet publishing a story that it knew would produce massive benefits and consequences without the slightest due diligence or care.

The most ironic aspect of all this is that it is mainstream journalists - the very people who have become obsessed with the crusade against Fake News - who play the key role in enabling and fueling this dissemination of false stories. They do so not only by uncritically spreading them, but also by taking little or no steps to notify the public of their falsity.

The Post’s epic debacle this weekend regarding its electric grid fiction vividly illustrates this dynamic. As I noted on Saturday, many journalists reacted to this story the same way they do every story about Russia:

They instantly click and re-tweet and share the story without the slightest critical scrutiny.

Related: US Intel Report on ‘Russian Hack’ Still Lacks Proof

That these claims are constantly based on the whispers of anonymous officials and accompanied by no evidence whatsoever gives those journalists no pause at all; any official claim that Russia and Putin are behind some global evil is instantly treated as Truth

That’s a significant reason papers like the Post are incentivized to recklessly publish stories of this kind. They know they will be praised and rewarded no matter the accuracy or reliability because their Cause - the agenda - is the right one.

On Friday night, immediately after the Post’s story was published, one of the most dramatic pronouncements came from the New York Times’s editorial writer Brent Staples, who said this:

Now that this story has collapsed and been fully retracted, what has Staples done to note that this tweet was false? Just like Baron, absolutely nothing. Actually, that’s not quite accurate, as he did do something: At some point after Friday night, he quietly deleted his tweet without comment.

He has not uttered a word about the fact that the story he promoted has collapsed, and that what he told his 16,000-plus followers - along with the countless number of people who re-tweeted the dramatic claim of this prominent journalist - turned out to be totally false in every respect.

Even more instructive is the case of MSNBC’s Kyle Griffin, a prolific and skilled social media user who has seen his following explode this year with a constant stream of anti-Trump content.

On Friday night, when the Post story was published, Griffin hyped it with a series of tweets designed to make the story seem as menacing and consequential as possible.

That included hysterical statements from Vermont officials - who believed the Post’s false claim - that in retrospect are unbelievably embarrassing.

That tweet from Griffin - convincing people that Putin was endangering the health and safety of Vermonters - was re-tweeted more than 1,000 times. His other similar tweets - such as this one featuring Vermont Sen. Patrick Leahy’s warning that Putin was trying to “shut down [the grid] in the middle of winter” - were also widely spread.

But the next day, the crux of the story collapsed - the Post’s editor’s note acknowledged that “there is no indication” that “Russian hackers had penetrated the electricity grid” - and Griffin said nothing.

Indeed, he said nothing further on any of this until yesterday - four days after his series of widely shared tweets - in which he simply re-tweeted a Post reporter noting an “update” that the story was false without providing any comment himself:

In contrast to Griffin’s original inflammatory tweets about the Russian menace, which were widely and enthusiastically spread, this after-the-fact correction has a paltry 289 re-tweets. Thus, a small fraction of those who were exposed to Griffin’s sensationalistic hyping of this story ended up learning that all of it was false.

I genuinely do not mean to single out these individual journalists for scorn. They are just illustrative of a very common dynamic: Any story that bolsters the prevailing D.C. orthodoxy on the Russia Threat, no matter how dubious, is spread far and wide.

And then, as has happened so often, when the story turns out to be false or misleading, little or nothing is done to correct the deceitful effects. And, most amazingly of all, these are the same people constantly decrying the threat posed by Fake News.

A very common dynamic is driving all of this: media groupthink, greatly exacerbated (as I described on Saturday) by the incentive scheme of Twitter.

As the grand media failure of 2002 demonstrated, American journalists are highly susceptible to fueling and leading the parade in demonizing a new Foreign Enemy rather than exerting restraint and skepticism in evaluating the true nature of that threat.

It is no coincidence that many of the most embarrassing journalistic debacles of this year involve the Russia Threat, and they all involve this same dynamic.

Perhaps the worst one was the facially ridiculous, pre-election Slate story - which multiple outlets (including The Intercept) had been offered but passed on - alleging that Trump had created a secret server to communicate with a Russian bank; that story was so widely shared that even the Clinton campaign ended up hyping it - a tweet that, by itself, was re-tweeted almost 12,000 times.

Related: In Stunning Last Minute Power Grab, Obama Designates Election Systems As "Critical Infrastructure"

But only a small percentage of those who heard of it ended up hearing of the major walk back and debunking from other outlets. The same is true of The Guardian story from last week on WikiLeaks and Putin that ended up going viral, only to have its retraction barely noticed because most of the journalists who spread the story did not bother to note it.

Beyond the journalistic tendency to echo anonymous officials on whatever Scary Foreign Threat they are hyping at the moment, there is an independent incentive scheme sustaining all of this.

That Russia is a Grave Menace attacking the U.S. has - for obvious reasons - become a critical narrative for Democrats and other Trump opponents who dominate elite media circles on social media and elsewhere.

They reward and herald anyone who bolsters that narrative, while viciously attacking anyone who questions it.

Indeed, in my 10-plus years of writing about politics on an endless number of polarizing issues - including the Snowden reporting - nothing remotely compares to the smear campaign that has been launched as a result of the work I’ve done questioning and challenging claims about Russian hacking and the threat posed by that country generally.

This is being engineered not by random, fringe accounts, but by the most prominent Democratic pundits with the largest media followings.

I’ve been transformed, overnight, into an early adherent of alt-right ideology, an avid fan of Breitbart, an enthusiastic Trump supporter, and - needless to say  - a Kremlin operative. That’s literally the explicit script they’re now using, often with outright fabrications of what I say (see here for one particularly glaring example).

They, of course, know all of this is false. A primary focus of the last 10 years of my journalism has been a defense of the civil liberties of Muslims. I wrote an entire book on the racism and inequality inherent in the U.S. justice system. My legal career involved numerous representations of victims of racial discrimination.

I was one of the first journalists to condemn the misleadingly “neutral” approach to reporting on Trump and to call for more explicit condemnations of his extremism and lies. I was one of the few to defend Jorge Ramos from widespread media attacks when he challenged Trump’s immigration extremism.

Along with many others, I tried to warn Democrats that nominating a candidate as unpopular as Hillary Clinton risked a Trump victory.

Reality Check: 5 Problems With CIA Claim That Russia Hacked DNC / Podesta Emails

And as someone who is very publicly in a same-sex, inter-racial marriage - with someone just elected to public office as a socialist - I make for a very unlikely alt-right leader, to put that mildly.

The malice of this campaign is exceeded only by its blatant stupidity. Even having to dignify it with a defense is depressing, though once it becomes this widespread, one has little choice.

But this is the climate Democrats have successfully cultivated - where anyone dissenting or even expressing skepticism about their deeply self-serving Russia narrative is the target of coordinated and potent smears; where, as The Nation’s James Carden documented yesterday, skepticism is literally equated with treason.

And the converse is equally true: Those who disseminate claims and stories that bolster this narrative - no matter how divorced from reason and evidence they are - receive an array of benefits and rewards.

That the story ends up being completely discredited matters little. The damage is done, and the benefits received. Fake News in the narrow sense of that term is certainly something worth worrying about.

But whatever one wants to call this type of behavior from the Post, it is a much greater menace given how far the reach is of the institutions that engage in it.

At the rate that they are trying so hard to discredit themselves, a full 2017 may be too generous a timespan for them to collapse.

Cybersecurity Legend McAfee: 'Russian Hack' Is Not True

Related: Putin says: “If only I could hack your elections. I could have saved you from Obama.”

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Former CIA Agent Blows Whistle On Secret Shadow Government
January 17 2017 | From: InformationClearingHouse / Various

Why don’t more “whistle blowers” come out to expose illegal or unconstitutional secret government operations? If these activities are so illegal, why are people not coming forward to report them?

Over the last fifty years US government intelligence agencies have perfected a complex, sequential system to systematically silence or destroy any employee, including his or her family, who attempts to reveal illegal or unconstitutional activities conducted as part of secret government operations.  

Related: Forbidden Knowledge - History of the Khazar Empire

As a condition of employment, military and intelligence employees recruited for secret operations are required to sign a “secrecy agreement,” or “nondisclosure agreement,” before being given access to the position, which offers high pay and status in the organization. 

This agreement threatens civil and criminal penalties if the employee reveals ANY information regarding the program. Thinking the agreement will only be used for legal purposes and will get them the coveted job, all employees eagerly sign it. 

This secrecy agreement was originally designed to protect legitimate classified information, to protect military personnel during wartime and protect legitimate national defense information and technology.  

Related: The Khazarian Mafia (Part II) Updated

However, because of the binding power of the agreement, government agencies began using it as a powerful tool to silence federal employees who question the legality of certain government operations. It was the perfect tool to threaten, silence or jail any whistle blower who dared to challenge the secret operations of government.  

Today, the secrecy agreement is routinely used as an efficient weapon to intimidate or silence employees. Annual refresher briefings are given to remind employees of the penalties for violating the agreement. 

These penalties include huge fines, termination, financial ruin and even prison – all of which mean the destruction of their lives and their families. 

Most will not reveal any wrongdoing, no matter how egregious, for fear of calculated, severe retribution.

When employees sign the secrecy agreement and are cleared for classified programs, they are not told they are giving up their right to a jury trial, or to sue the agency that hired them. If they try to do so as a whistle blower, they find they have no right to be heard in federal court. Many have found this out when their case was denied; then it was too late. That is part of the system.

If the employee attempts to contact their Congressman or Senator, their representative is blocked from receiving any information about their case, because they do not have the necessary “clearance.

When the employee attempts to blow the whistle to the Congressional intelligence committees, their response is ignored. It is made clear to committee members that they are not to touch such cases, so they refer them back to their Senator or Congressman, who cannot access information involved in their case. 

Related: Tragedies never end until the Truth is widely known

If a courageous employee continues to proceed and blow the whistle, a system of personal and career destruction follows. This begins with promotions being denied, being turned down for sensitive or career enhancing assignments, and their files being flagged, ruining their reputation inside their agency. 

At this point their career is over. If they go quietly, the retribution stops.

When the employee still continues their effort to report the information, their travel records, personnel records, medical records and security records are searched for mistakes or damaging information that can be used to threaten them with termination. 

Their telephones and computers are monitored searching for incriminating information. If no substantive information can be found, it is fabricated and placed in their file.

Employees who refuse to back down are then subjected to internal “security investigations,” multiple, hostile “interviews,” attempting to get them to recant their information, and multiple polygraph interrogations.

In many cases, the employee is commanded to report to the internal medical office for psychological evaluation. If they comply, the evaluation labels them as paranoid, unstable, or disgruntled. This information is placed in their file and is used later to justify the agency’s action in the event of outside scrutiny.

If the employee contacts a member of the news media, they are immediately cited with violating their secrecy agreement and criminal penalties are filed against them. Several news media outlets are connected to the CIA and NSA and notify them of the employee’s contact.

Finally, the employee is forced to resign after being threatened with termination in kangaroo court meetings where the information fabricated in their files is used against them.  

After termination or forced resignation, interest rates on their internal credit union loans are raised to make the payments unaffordable. The release of the employee’s retirement funds needed provide for their family are blocked (a felony). The agency black lists them from gaining employment with other government agencies or contractors, further ruining them financially.  

Dehumanized, financially ruined and under severe emotional and mental pressure, the employee’s family begins to break apart. If the family’s foundation is not strong, this results in alcoholism, depression and divorce

In some cases, it has resulted in the employee committing suicide, the ultimate goal of the program of destruction. This silences the employee permanently, obscuring the agency’s role in their destruction. It is the perfect crime.

Should the employee still have the resolve to endure this program of career and personal destruction and continues to press for release of the information, or if his family members attempt to sue the agency for the illegal activity, classified agencies will invoke the secretive State Secrets Privilege, which orders the employee and his family not to reveal the information or face prison. 

If the family’s case reaches federal court, the State Secrets Privilege is invoked and the case is shut down – and sealed.  Federal judges rubber stamp the censoring of the case without reviewing the case facts.  

Now that the employee’s case, and in some cases their family’s case, is shut down and under seal, citing “national security,” the process of silencing the employee is complete. Many are never heard from again, fearing prison if they talk to anyone, including an attorney.

Using attractive awards of multi-million dollar contracts, the US government military industrial complex convinces private corporations that their employees must be cleared and sign secrecy agreements. 

This includes employees at all levels, from secretaries to CEOs. Once they have signed the secrecy agreement, they are bound to keep all information, including potentially illegal information, quiet, being threatened with the same penalties.  

Related: The 5 Biggest Threats To Humanity Exposed

To date, over five million Americans have been required to sign this secrecy agreement and now fall under the shadow of the State Secrets Privilege.  

Only a few federal employees have made it through this systematic process of destruction to reveal what they know about the illegal operation they observed.  Sadly, some whistle blowers have died “mysterious” deaths or committed “suicide.”

Employees in intelligence agencies are aware of penalties contained in the secrecy agreement and the huge risk in violating it, even to expose corruption. Most look the other way to protect their careers, retirements and families. 

Many have observed the outward signs of the system of personal and career destruction used on others and a culture of fear exists. But, they are not fully aware of all that is being done. 

The full scope of the system is only known at the higher levels of the organization and is hidden from employees, until its use is necessary.  

This is why we do not see whistle blowers coming out and reporting what they have seen. This system has been used and perfected for over fifty years. It is being used because it works.  

It works, unless the system is exposed, the whistle blower knows what is coming and prepares for it, and they are supported by private organizations and individuals dedicated to truth in government.  

This support is essential, not only to protect the whistle blower and their family, but also to defend our Constitutional form of government from tyranny.

However, the time of that control system is up.

Who Controls the World?

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Snowden: Truth Is Coming & It Cannot Be Stopped
January 16 2017 | From: TheMindUnleashed / Various

Soon after Edward Snowden went public with his information that exposed the NSA’s secret spying program, Snowden spoke some words that still ring with curiosity in the ears of many:

"All I can say right now is the US Government is not going to be able to cover this up by jailing or murdering me. Truth is coming, and it cannot be stopped.”

Related: The Handbook of Human Ownership: Why Humans are the Livestock of the Ruling Class

Truth is coming, and it cannot be stopped. While those are some exciting words for most free thinkers, they are not so exciting for a certain few in Brussels, Washington D.C., London, New York, Vatican City, Frankfurt and other areas.

If we look closer at his words and the timing of them, which was after, and not before he went public with his information, it appears that something is still in play. There is more truth left to be revealed. There are people still working to reveal even more truth. There is an end-game in sight

While it might be difficult for some to believe that the shadow government / cabal will have their darkness and corruption exposed, the truth is that we are already seeing some of those things come to light, and with so much more to come.

Indeed, there are “good guys” within “The System” working to take down this banking and political elite

Related: Virginia Woman Feeds 150 Hungry People for $20: More Proof That the Government Is Obsolete

The first piece of evidence we have on this is what Craig Murray, a former UK ambassador recently said when he told the world that the CIA is lying about Russia being the source of the Wikileaks revelations.

Zerohedge reported on what Murray said:

“I know who leaked them. I’ve met the person who leaked them, and they are certainly not Russian and it’s an insider. It’s a leak, not a hack; the two are different things.”

In other words, a “good guy” working within The System leaked the information. Someone on the inside is working to expose the shadow government.

The next piece of evidence, though not so covert, is the bill that Tulsi Gabbard proposed in early December of 2016. The “Stop Arming Terrorists Act” proposed by Gabbard aims at stopping the U.S. government from funding and arming ISIL, al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups. Tulsi stated about her proposal:

“If you or I gave money, weapons or support to al-Qaeda or ISIS, we would be thrown in jail.

Why does our gov get a free pass on this?”

So yet again, we have an insider who is publicly calling out and seeking to end a portion of the madness that the shadow government has created: Funding and arming the same terrorist groups the governments claim to be fighting against.

Though Gabbard’s action on this was public, it was nonetheless a clear move against the shadow government. Of course, her action entirely vindicated what Zerohedge reported all the way back in May of 2015: That the U.S. created and has been funding ISIL.

This move also shows us that something big is still in play. The shadow government hasn’t yet been fully exposed, but there are forces out there in the process of attempting to do so. 

Another event we must recall is back in November of 2015 when Vladimir Putin exposed to the world the fact that Russian Intelligence gathered information that 40 countries were/are funding ISIL.

Though it was later revealed that Turkey was one of those nations, what is most important to evaluate from this disclosure is that this situation is also still in play. Are we really to believe that Putin and Russia will indefinitely sit on their information of the other 39 countries that fund ISIL?

Could it be that Russia is simply waiting for “right timing” to reveal such information?
If such information does come out, and we have every reason to believe it will, then it will be a revelation that will impact every aspect of our world. The fallout from it will be enormous.

Perhaps this is one of the biggest reasons the Elite and their media outlets try to demonize Putin as an “evil dictator.”

It appears as though Putin has “the goods” on the global elite…and they know it. Time is almost up

According to Wikileaks’ latest big announcement, time indeed may almost be up. Yesterday Wikileaks announced that 2017 would be a very big year:

“If you thought 2016 was a big Wikileaks year 2017 will blow you away. Help @Wikileaks prepare for the showdown.”

This latest announcement falls in line nicely with the belief that there is something still in play.

That an end-game is in sight

After all, a showdown is nothing less than a culmination point. It is the end of something that has been in play. 

If there are massive revelations coming in 2017, then what could they be? In an interview with Katie Couric of Yahoo News in December of 2016, Couric asked Edward Snowden: Are there still bombshells (revelations) in this cache of documents that have still not seen the light of day?

Snowden responded:

“I was very careful when I came forward to make sure I never revealed a single secret. This I believe quite strongly is the role of free press in our society. This is why the first amendment is first. They’re charged with making these decisions about what we should know, when and how.

They should contest the government’s monopoly on controlling information, particularly the classified spaces. So I’m not going to say if there’s something else coming, or when, but I will say this: In 2013, before this started, the idea that the government was collecting records of every phone call in the United States was a conspiracy theory.

It’s not anymore.” 

Did Snowden just elegantly and indirectly say that more conspiracy “theories” will be revealed as conspiracy “facts” in the times ahead? Possibly.

While it remains to be seen how this possible end-game plays out in the weeks ahead, it is interesting to ask what, if anything,

Snowden and Wikileaks know about the global collateral accounts; a story which is regarded as the shadow government’s biggest financial cover-up and would certainly be important to the entire political, financial and social sphere of our world.

Related: What’s Happening Outside Keenan’s Reach - The Illegal Casinos Are Closing Down

If an end-game existed, revealing information about these global collateral accounts would certainly become important at some point. Back in August of 2016, former CIA spy Robert Steele became one of the first major figures to publicly speak about these accounts.

Will there be more revelations coming? Is there some sort of positive alliance actually working to expose the lies of the shadow government? Will more “theories” be revealed as “facts?” Will Snowden himself reveal more information?

The Cult Almost Everyone is a Part of:

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Draining The Pharma Swamp: Donald Trump Announces Plan To Hammer Big Pharma’s Monopoly Profits By Requiring Competitive Bidding For Government Drug Purchase Contracts
January 16 2017 | From: NaturalNews / Various

In a welcome announcement during a press conference today, President-elect Donald Trump announced a plan to shatter the monopolistic pricing of Big Pharma that has been draining literally trillions of dollars from the government for the past two decades.

“Pharma has a lot of lobbyists and a lot of power,” said Trump. “There’s very little bidding on drugs. We’re the largest drug buyer in the world, and we’re going to start bidding. We’re going to start saving billions of dollars on drugs.”

Related: How Big Pharma Controls Medical Schools

Trump is referencing the fact that all the former Presidents in recent memory - Clinton, Bush and Obama - have maintained what can only be called a “monopoly pricing drug cartel” in the United States, where the U.S. government pays outrageously high prices for prescription medications purchased via Medicare, federal health coverage plans and VA Hospital operations.

The utter lack of competitive pricing has been kept in place by an army of pharma lobbyists “bribing” complicit lawmakers and bureaucrats to keep high prices in place and eliminate competitive bidding for prescription medication purchase contracts.

$324.6 Billion a Year in Overpriced Prescription Medications to Appease Big Pharma Lobbyists

As a result, the federal government is spending hundreds of billions of dollars on overpriced prescription drugs each year, dolling out a whopping $324.6 billion on prescription drugs in 2015 alone.

Related: More Doctors Confessing To Intentionally Diagnosing Healthy People With Cancer To Make Money

“Spending on prescription drugs outpaced all other services in 2015,” says a Centers for Medicare and Medicaid report entitled National Health Expenditures: 2015 Highlights.

That same report reveals that U.S. health care spending has now reached $3.2 trillion annually, or nearly $10,000 per person. If this spending isn’t curtailed, it’s going to bankrupt America and will soon hit an astonishing 25% of GDP, meaning 1 out of every 4 dollars generated in the entire U.S. economy will be going to drug companies, cancer treatment centers, hospitals, doctors and medical device manufacturers.

High Drug Prices Weaken U.S. Worker Competitiveness in Global Marketplace

Obviously, that rate of expenditure is unsustainable. It also makes U.S. workers far more expensive than workers in overseas regions, harming the economic competitiveness of U.S. companies.

In order for U.S. workers to remain competitive, U.S. health care costs need to be drastically reduced… and that means finally forcing drug companies to compete on pricing rather than receiving “full retail” monopoly-priced reimbursements from the federal government.

Making America Great Again, in other words, means stopping the federal government from being ripped off by Big Pharma.

Comment: Great journeys even must begin with small steps.

Notably, Hillary Clinton’s campaign accepted millions of dollars from Big Pharma sources, and there’s little question that Clinton, if she had won the election, would have maintained the status quo of monopoly prices.

Related: Growing Incidence of Cardiotoxicity and Heart Damage After Chemotherapy

See “Hillary Clinton will not challenge FDA Monopoly” and “If you support Hillary Clinton, you support big pharma and mandatory vaccinations.” (RELATED: Find more news on Hillary Clinton at Clinton.news)

In contrast, Donald Trump is genuinely “draining the swamp” by eliminating waste, fraud and abuse across many sectors of the federal government. Big Pharma just got served: The era of easy profits and a compliant federal government writing unlimited fat checks is now coming to an end.

Every American fed up with unaffordable drug prices, outrageous health insurance premiums and the corruption and influence of lobbyists in Washington D.C. should applaud this announcement by Trump.

Related: FDA suggests new limit on lead used in lipstick… are you painting your face with toxic heavy metals?

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1080 Poison Dropped On Fishing Guide And Clients On West Coast River
January 15 2017 | From: Uncensored

A 1080 drop over a West Coast river broke no rules, operators say.

Murchison-based fishing guide Scott Murray said hundreds of 1080 pellets were dropped from helicopters as he and other fishing parties were on the Mokihinui River, north of Westport, on December 2.

Related: Could This Healthy 23 Year Old’s Cardiac Arrest Have Been Caused by Exposure To 1080? + The Stock Deaths From 1080 Poison & How DOC Is Hiding Them In The Paper Work

Murray said many pellets landed in the river and some landed on him and his American clients who were appalled by the operation.

“[My client] talked about whether it was even worth coming back to NZ. He said he thought this was clean, green NZ. The rest of the world is shocked at the fact we use this bloody crap basically. It makes me quite angry just thinking about it.”

The aerial drop was carried out by contractors completing pest control work for the Department of Conservation’s Battle for our Birds programme and primary industries organisation Ospri’s TBfree programme.

In a statement Ospri said details of the incident were unclear as no report had been received. It said all 1080 application operations were clearly regulated under the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms (HSNO) Act and consents were issued by appropriate authorities including the Ministry of Health.

No breaches of consents in the Mokihinui operation had been recorded.

Related: 1080: NZ Animals Killed For No Reason In $80m Yearly 1080 Drops

Ospri said the timing and location of aerial operations was notified to all land users and operators in the region, and was publicly available. Factsheets containing maps detailing the location and boundaries of the operation, which covered 46,000 hecatres, were published, and there were also public notices.

Ospri said tourism concessionaires were provided with operational maps and details on the planned timeframes, including contact details for the contractor.

For the Mokihinui operation, concessionaires were notified on three separate occasions. The operation was completed on December 2.

Murray, co-owner of Murchison’s River Haven Lodge, said he had been notified that a 1080 drop would take place in the Mokihinui catchment, but were also told that the operators would be careful to avoid the waterways.

Related: Satanists Escape Plan Involves Killing Natives Of New Zealand

He said the drops continued throughout the day, and with a strong north-westerly wind blowing, there was no way to control the spread of pellets.

During a break for lunch, he fished out about nine pellets from the river, and saw others in deeper water, but gave up because there were too many.

“All I want to do is get the word out there that people think this 1080 thing is carefully placed and dropping it from the air into the bush. They’re not. New Zealand really needs to wake up, it’s an absolute abomination, it really is.”

“Word’s getting around that the NZ green image is getting tarnished. It’s not good for tourism.”

In 2014, two fishing guides caught up in a 1080 drop on the Mokihinui complained that they had not been notified of the operation despite holding permits requiring them be told.

Related Articles:

Drop ‘tarnishes tourism’, says guide

Fishermen furious at 1080 drop

1080 drop queried

Aerial 1080 across the country

Arrest after 1080 protest

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How To Realise Your True Calling & The 5 Stages Of Awakening: Are Demons Walking Among Us?
January 15 2017 | From: AustralianNationalReview / DiscloseTV

We are all searching for our true calling in life – something that would make us really happy and satisfied.

Researchers have also agreed to this way of life. They have proven that finding your true calling can help you live seven years more than you normally would.

But finding one’s true calling can be really abstract. Andrew Merle from Medium.com explains in an article that to find your true calling, you essentially have to identify three important things: Strength, Interest, and Benefits of others.


It is very important for people to find what they are good at to truly find their calling. Researchers have claimed that doing something you are better at also increases your satisfaction and productivity.

You can find out your strengths by taking online surveys that analyse your personality to deduce the stronger points of your personality, or what you would be good at.


While most of us might think that it is very easy to figure out our interests, it isn’t that easy. Often we have no idea what our interests really are.

We might have to develop interests over time. Try to jot down things that you like doing or would like to do and do them more often. This way you will eventually recognise your special interests over time, if you don’t already know.

Benefitting Others

To truly find your calling you shouldn’t just stop after recognising your strengths and interests. You have to look beyond them to find how your work can benefit others, in any given way possible.

Medium’s Andrew Merle writes;

“For me personally, I found that I was reading every book I could get my hands on related to happiness, health, productivity, and success.

I would underline key passages and then, after finishing the book, would transcribe my key takeaways into a one-pager.

I was initially doing this for my own use, but then realized that others could also benefit from my research and writing about these key insights for living well.

I have now been writing about these topics for almost two years, and find it very meaningful to leverage my top talents (focus, analytical nature) and interests (reading and writing about personal improvement) to help other people lead happier, healthier, more productive lives.”

With all this in mind, start your journey to find your true calling, and do what you were truly made to do.

The 5 Stages Of Awakening: Are Demons Walking Among Us?

2016 was a year of terrible news stories that have spread discontent and unhappiness to all corners of the world.

People have been stunned by the revelations about the lead-poisoned water in Flint, Michigan and the full extent of the large pharmaceutical company’s profiteering from the illness of ordinary people.

There has also been a continuation of governmental mendacity, in conjunction with their cronies in the media to continue to exploit the population in favour of their corporate overlords. At the same time, the financial services industries are heading for another world wide meltdown.

Despite all of this, there are still people across the world who refuse to open their eyes to the sinister occurrences going on all around them.

This has led some people to put forward a model referred to as the ‘five stages of awakening’. This model is loosely based around the famous ‘five stages of grief’ but works in reverse.

Five Stages of Awakening

The first stage essentially amounts to acceptance. People in this stage believe that the world is working just fine and they credulously accept the words of the politicians, large corporation leaders and the media as truthful.

The average person enters the second stage fairly easily when they realise that there are contradictions in the official narrative put forward by the media and what they can see happening in their day to day lives. This stage can be termed ‘scepticism’. It is estimated that around 50% of the population of the United States are currently at this stage.

The individual might then come to enter stage three after that they will realise that the people who hold power in society are actively working to profit from this misfortune of the general population.

Eventually, they may come to realise that things are even more sinister than that and that there are networks and means in place to perform an operation of depopulation across the planet.

Realising this has been seen as stage four.

The fifth stage of awakening occurs when one realises that the problems in the world can be attributed to a spiritual war of good vs evil and that demons are actively waging war against the people of Earth to lead to the complete destruction of humankind.

Recently, sources within the Catholic Church have become increasingly concerned about the extent of demonic activity on Earth. According to Patheos.com, Mexican authorities have been so concerned about this that they have carried out a quiet national exorcism in the cathedral of San Luis Potosi.

Now, the National Catholic Registry are calling for the same procedure to be carried out in the most powerful country on Earth, the United States before it is too late.

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‘You’re Fired!’ Donald Trump To Sack Obama’s Diplomats + Trump Trolls “Fake News” Mainstream Media Over Yellow Journalism
January 14 2017 | From: TheDuran / Infowars / Various

Donald Trump unilaterally fires all of Obama's ambassadors. This will allow Trump to create a new set of diplomats appointment for their talents rather than how much they donated to the Democrats.

Obama’s ‘operation sabotage’ has just backfired. Reports coming out of Washington say that Donald Trump has unilaterally told all Obama US ambassadors abroad, ‘you’re fired’.

Related: Rappoport "Trump Asking RFK To Look At Vaccines Will Get People Thinking About Vaccine Safety."

This comes after Obama’s expulsion of Russian diplomatic officials and their families just prior to western Christmas.

The New York Times first reported that a State Department cable was sent to all ambassadors on December 23 informing them they have to vacate their posts by Jan. 20 “without exceptions.”

Trump has been taking to Twitter to express his consternation over Obama’s campaign of hatred against Russia in his final weeks in power.

By sacking many Obama appointed diplomats, Trump is both symbolically and materially taking the wind out of the foreign policy sails of the Democrats.

The move however has implications beyond the tit for tat psychological war being waged between a lame-duck Obama and the President-elect.

Tucker Carlson Grills Glenn Beck Full Interview on Donald Trump

Trump had long derided Obama for rewarding important diplomatic positions to those who gave substantial financial contributions to his campaign. Famously, Trump mocked Obama for making Caroline Kennedy the US Ambassador to Japan because ‘she was bored’.

Whilst the mainstream media criticise Donald Trump for being a loving father to his children, the reality is that Obama practiced cronyism in politics, far more than Trump ever did in business.

The idea that one could buy an ambassadorial position in an age of terrorism, strained relations between superpowers, and economic uncertainty, is worse than a crime, it is a blunder.

I remain optimistic that as he has already done with his ambassadorial appointment to China, Trump will continue to appoint ambassadors based on talent rather than boredom.

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Britain’s Involvement In CIA Bid To Block Trump’s Inauguration Is Truly The Funniest Fake News Story Yet

Trump Trolls “Fake News” Mainstream Media Over Yellow Journalism

Trump destroys fake press: President-elect Donald Trump trolled “fake news” mainstream reporters trying to smear him, including the “reporters” who claimed he paid Moscow hookers to pee on a bed Obama slept in.

Trump destroyed one reporter in particular who was still asking him about his tax returns – after the election.

“I’m not releasing the tax returns because, as you know, they’re under audit,” Trump told the reporter at a press conference on Wednesday. “…You know, the only ones who care about my tax returns are the reporters.”

The reporter then retorted by claiming “every president since the 70s has released his tax returns.”

“Gee, I’ve never heard that,” the president-elect responded. “I won… I mean, I became president.  No, I don’t think they [the public] care at all.”

The audience cheered.

“First off, I think you learn very little from a tax return,” Trump continued.

“What you should do is go down to federal elections and take a look at the [business income] numbers… people have learned a lot about my company - and now they realize my company is much bigger, much more powerful than they ever thought.”

Trump also congratulated the news organizations present who, unlike CNN and Buzzfeed, refused to publish the erotic Trump fan fiction as real news.

4Chan took credit for the fan fiction in which Trump paid prostitutes to pee on a bed President Obama slept in at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Moscow.

The CIA ultimately used the fan fiction as “evidence” in its “report” linking Trump to the Kremlin, to which CNN and Buzzfeed reported as fact without verifying the claim.

“I’m not going to give you a question,” Trump told a CNN reporter at the conference. “I’m not going to give you a question.”

“You are fake news!”

Trump To CNN: You're Fake News!

CNN Is Now Least Trusted News Network Among Viewers

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As Americans Freaked Over Russian Fake News, FBI Quietly Released New Clinton Investigation Docs
January 14 2017 | From: TheFreeThoughtProject

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has released a new batch of documents cataloging the investigation of Democratic Presidential Nominee Hillary Clinton.

The documents were released Sunday on the bureau’s website, which has a page dedicated to the investigation of Hillary Clinton.

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WikiLeaks called attention to the release on their Twitter account with a link to a web archive listing showing the updated page. The FBI did not make an announcement related to the release.

The lack of comment by FBI officials has generated more questions than answers about the scale of the investigation into Clinton. The file is 299 pages and many of the documents are part of the basics of building a federal case including the preservation of records, evidence chain of custody, and listing many seized items.

There are many redactions in the documents, however, the context shows the investigation made significant progress before the contested Democratic primary race started in 2016, as most of the documents are dated in 2015.

Many of the documents also reveal the procedures used to conceal details of the FBI’s investigation.

The first document in the file is the initial report titled “Opening of Full Investigation on a Sensitive Investigative Matter (SIM),” which is dated July 10, 2015. It states the investigation is designated as a SIM because of the “connection to a current public official, political appointee or candidate,” which kept the status of the case out of the public domain.

Related: Ministry of Truth: Facebook Launches ‘Journalism Project’ to ‘Improve Media’

The same report also lists the case as a prohibited investigation, which receives special classification for counterintelligence needs.

Due to the extremely sensitive nature of this investigation and the damage its disclosure could cause, the case will be designated as a prohibited investigation in accordance with Counterintelligence Division Policy Implementation Guide,” the report states.

FBI’s Counterintelligence division requested the preservation of records for multiple lists of email accounts. One list included 422 redacted accounts and another listed 912 accounts. All of the requests are dated August 18, 2015.

On page 235 of the documents, the FBI admits the Office of Inspector General found classified materials on Clinton’s server. This means the FBI knew about this leak well before anything was made public - and while Clinton was publicly denying it the entire time.

Related: U.S. appeals court revives Clinton email suit

The files are also showing signs of details corroborating some pending theories about Hillary Clinton’s corruption scandals, as evidenced by internet forums. Conversation on Twitter has been continuous as users replied to the WikiLeaks tweet, and a lengthy Reddit thread featured many popular users citing specific facts from the documents.

The FBI’s timing in releasing the documents has been questioned as it comes just days after the full report ordered by U.S. President Barack Obama to investigate Russian influence on the election in favor of Donald Trump.

The US government claimed Russian intelligence facilitated a hacker persona named Guccifer 2.0 to steal emails and documents from the Democratic National Committee. The emails were then published by WikiLeaks in July 2016, days before the DNC’s convention.

The claims of Russian responsibility for the hack have been heavily criticized by security experts in the US intelligence community. The original hacker Guccifer, whom the 2.0 moniker is referencing, has also dismissed the US government’s claims as ‘crazy’ in an interview last week.

Related: CIA News Network (CNN) Busted By Wikileaks: Mainstream media continues to be exposed

‘Americans are crazy about the Russian thing and that Russians are invading the United States,’ Guccifer said regarding the Russian hacking claims. ‘It’s crazy … it’s this hysteria you know?’

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has repeatedly stated it was not Russian hackers who were responsible for the DNC leaks. Assange also hinted that it may have been murdered DNC staff member Seth Rich who leaked the documents.

American news media has used the claims of Russian responsibility to dismiss the importance of the information revealed by the email leaks which showed DNC officials favoring the campaign of Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders.

The scandal revealed detailed and continuous efforts by DNC officials to get Hillary Clinton selected as the nominee, the most controversial of which involved the DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. Schultz was forced to resign the day before the convention began, and was immediately hired by the campaign of Hillary Clinton.

American news media has continued to claim that Russian efforts to influence voters was the cause of Hillary Clinton losing, but largely ignores the content of Hillary Clinton’s numerous scandals, even after the election ended. The result has been a campaign of anti-Russian sentiment which blames the political dysfunction in America on Russian agents, instead of the Democratic party officials who actually influenced the election in favor of Hillary Clinton.

Last week, President Obama quietly deployed U.S. Special Forces troops to positions along the Russian border, representing one of the more dangerous consequences of the fake news campaign to distract Americans with Russian hacking claims.

Related: CNN RATTLED: Jake Tapper Scrambles to Defend ‘fake news’ report

Anti-Russian sentiment escalated in November after the collective claims of American news media that websites publishing “fake news” were largely responsible for the change in public opinion about Hillary Clinton, which they claim benefitted the campaign of President Donald Trump.

The Free Thought Project was named on the list referenced, however, the list has since been largely discredited.

The fake news campaign was recently punctuated by the provision meant to “counter propaganda and disinformation directed at the United States,” which was embedded in the new National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

The fake news campaign has also led to the censorship of alternative media organizations, who have had a significant part in spreading information about corruption such as the DNC sabotage of Bernie Sanders and the various scandals surrounding Hillary Clinton. The Free Thought Project has continuously reported on how American news media has used their own fake news stories to create anti-Russian sentiment, and even profits off of it prior to retractions forced by the facts.

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Outspoken Vaccine Skeptic, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. To Head Federal ‘Vaccine Commission’
January 13 2017 | From: TheFreeThoughtProject / Various

President-elect Donald Trump has undoubtedly ruffled feathers in staffing his administration, but the choice of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - known for his skepticism on the safety of vaccines - to chair a commission tasked with studying the efficacy of and issues concerning vaccinations, will undoubtedly raise eyebrows from both sides of the issue.

Kennedy, according to USA Today, will chair the presidential commission “to make sure we have scientific integrity in the vaccine process for efficacy and safety effects,” the environmental activist and politician told reporters after meeting with Trump on Tuesday.

Related: Trump Asks Critic of Vaccines to Lead Vaccine Safety Panel

Kennedy noted the incoming president requested the meeting, as he “has some doubts about the current vaccine policies and he has questions about it. His opinion doesn’t matter, but the science does matter and we ought to be reading the science and we ought to be debating the science.”

While advocates of the heavy vaccination schedule might find the choice of Kennedy - who has been castigated as an anti-vaxxer - quite startling, he insisted Trump remains “very pro-vaccine, as am I,” and only seeks to ensure “they’re as safe as they can possibly be.”

Related: Robert F. Kennedy Jr On Vaccines: Big Pharma Has Captured The Scientific, Regulatory, Law-Making Processes

Corporate media hastily attacked the appointment of a skeptic to such an important commission; however, Kennedy insisted in the press conference public health and safety remains the topic of concern.

President-elect Trump has some doubts about the current vaccine policies and he has questions about it,” Kennedy said, as reported by NBC News. “He says his opinion doesn’t matter … but the science does matter, and we ought to be reading the science and we ought to be debating the science.”

Vaccination has frequently been a topic of bitter public dispute over the last few years, as parents of autistic children have pegged the ingredient thimerosal - which, in part, contains notoriously toxic mercury - as the culprit for the affliction.

President-elect Trump has, himself, spoken out about blindly supporting a medical practice without thorough and long-term investigation, as he stated in 2015 during a Republican primary debate;

“I am totally in favor of vaccines. But I want smaller doses over a longer period of time. Same exact amount, but you take this little beautiful baby, and you pump - I mean, it looks just like it’s meant for a horse, not for a child, and we’ve had so many instances, people that work for me. … [in which] a child, a beautiful child went to have the vaccine, and came back and a week later had a tremendous fever, got very, very sick, now is autistic.”

Countless anecdotal cases of the onset of autism coincidentally following a certain round of vaccinations have left a growing population of parents excoriating the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for failing to diligently investigate effects of contents of certain vaccines.

Related: Vaccine efficacy: Junk science at its worst

For its part, the CDC scoffs at such comparisons and has painted the anti-vaxx movement - and anyone daring to question vaccination - under the broad brush of hysterics.

“Research does not show any link between thimerosal in vaccines and autism, a neurodevelopmental disorder,” the CDC’s website advises - and the conglomerate agency has ostensibly ‘debunked’ the autism link numerous times.

A vocal movement of parents whose children’s autism abruptly took hold after immunization, however, find grave fault with the CDC’s failure to at least address their concerns.

Autism Speaks, an advocacy organization for individuals with autism, which aligns with the CDC, told NBC News in a statement, “Over the last two decades, extensive research has asked whether there is any link between childhood vaccinations and autism. The results of this research are clear: Vaccines do not cause autism.”

Kennedy stated about vaccines at a documentary screening on the subject in 2015;

“They get the shot, that night they have a fever of a hundred and three, they go to sleep, and three months later their brain is gone. This is a holocaust, what this is doing to our country.

Coming under intense backlash for the capricious use of that term, Kennedy later apologized, stating,

“I employed the term during an impromptu speech as I struggled to find an expression to convey the catastrophic tragedy of autism which has now destroyed the lives of over 20 million children and shattered their families.”

Indeed, with the growing pandemic of autism - and the increased number of immunizations deemed necessary through childhood - it would seem the appointment of someone who finds safety and study relevant would be crucial to the interest of public health.

Related: The Shaken Baby Martyr: Top brain doctor who was struck off for controversial claims speaks out on how jailed parents could be innocent

Kennedy is not, as the mainstream portrays, an unabashed anti-vaxxer - rather, he would like further study to prove or disprove either side in the issue.

After all, as the new chair of the presidential commission to study vaccines, Kennedy said in 2015;

“They can put anything they want in that vaccine and they have no accountability for it.”

Perhaps more imperative than sounding alarms over skepticism, it would behoove the public to give Kennedy’s commission a chance to either prove vaccinations safe and viable - or deleterious to the children they’re supposed to immunize from disease.

Related Articles:

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SIRVA: A Risk With Every Vaccine

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Have You Been Seeing 11:11 Everywhere? What Is The Significance Of 11:11?
January 13 2017 | From: CollectiveEvolution / In5D

11:11 make a wish! I’m sure you remember this saying, and maybe you still say it today. It is the only time of the day (using the 12 hour clock) that all the numbers on the clock are the same.

Where does this saying come from? Should you even bother to make a wish? What makes this time so important and what is the significance of 11:11?

Related: The Zen of 11:11

The Phenomenon

It seems everyone today is talking about seeing 11:11 everywhere. In fact, in the popular movie I Origins, the concept comes up yet again. A highly scientific guy begins seeing 11:11 in many places and is guided to follow the numbers until he eventually meets a highly spiritual girl and there personalities collide. It’s a fascinating film about reincarnation and it truly makes the view think. But back to 11:11!

Why are so many of us seeing this right now. Is it a biological thing where our bodies get in the habit of looking at a clock during this time? If so, what about when we randomly keep seeing it even on clocks that are out of sync with other clocks?

For me personally, as I started to awaken, I began to see this number all the time.  After a while I started to notice that there was some sort of spiritual connotation that went a long with the numbers 11:11.

I sometimes go through phases in my life where for a month I see this number on the clock twice a day, and sometimes there are periods where I hardly see it at all.  What does it all mean? Am I more enlightened during the times when I see it? Is my soul or the universe trying to express something important?

Theories Behind 11:11

There are many different theories out there to express exactly what this apparent phenomenon of seeing the numbers 1111 is all about. The most common theory is that when you see these numbers you should simply make a wish, and it is believed that it will come true.

Some people claim that when this number is seen it means that there is some kind of window opening up in your life and you should ask for the guidance of your ‘angels’ to find out what it is. Other theories state that there is something significant happening in the moment that you are in and you should pay attention to what is going on in your surroundings.

One of my favorite ideas that I read was that when you see 11:11 you should simply stop, and recognize the significance of the moment.

In my opinion and what resonates with me, is that when you see ‘11:11’ whether on a clock, a license plate, your bank statement or wherever you happen to see it, is like a friendly little sign from your soul, source, higher-self, or the entire Universe, whatever you choose to call it, God, if you will, that everything is in alignment and you are exactly where you need to be, right here, right now.

According to numerology the number 11 possesses the qualities of patience, honesty, spirituality, sensitivity, intuition and is idealistic.

I have read on a website that seeing 11:11 can be viewed as a glitch in the matrix, it is a very real way for the spirit world to communicate with us.

I don’t know if we will ever find out exactly what it means, I think you can decide for yourself what it means to you. I know I always get a smile on my face when I see it, it definitely makes me feel good and I love to share with others, ‘Hey look! It’s 11:11!’

What is the Meaning of 11 11?

There is a global 11 11 phenomenon that is perplexing many individuals in regard to numerical synchronicities and in particular, the number and the meaning behind 11:11. From teenagers to senior citizens, these synchronistic numbers seem to appear on a daily basis. What does 1111 mean?

For example, you might be putting gas in your car and when you’re done, you’ll notice that you put exactly 11.11 gallons in your car.  Or you might be at the checkout line in a store and the cashier gives you $11.11 in change. 

As you’re going home, you might notice a license plate with the numbers 1111 on it.

This happens most often when looking at the clock.  We’ve all seemingly had this experience:  You just happen to look at the clock and it’s 11:11 am or pm.  It’s not like you are constantly waiting for this magical number to appear, it just does.

From an esoteric standpoint, 11:11 appears to be something that is genetically coded within our “junk” DNA as a cue to spiritually awaken.

Related: 11:11 And Other Repetitive, Synchronistic Numbers

What does 11:11 mean? 16 Meanings for 11:11

11:11 is subjective to the interpreter and to the interpretation.  In other words, YOUR interpretation is the only interpretation that matters!  Here are the many interpretations of 11:11.

11:11 Awareness: The first thing you should pay attention to when you see a synchronistic number is what you’re either doing or thinking at that particular moment.  You should also be cognizant of your surroundings, such as the song that you’re currently listening to or even something as simple as the rays of sunshine coming in through your window.

The actual word synchronicity was coined by psychologist Carl Jung, who described it as events that have “meaningful coincidences” if they occur with no apparent causal relationship, yet seem to be meaningfully related

Related: 11:11 And Synchronicity – What Does It Really Mean?

11:11 Gateway or Portal:  11:11 is the doorway between two worlds – between the 3rd dimensional and the 5th dimensional worlds.

Angelic Humans:  According to George Barnard, 11:11 is “the calling card for beings that are half angels and half humans”.

Angels and Spirit Guides: Your guardian angel or spirit guide is trying to connect with you.

Balance:  Your life is either gaining or becoming more in balance when you see 11:11.  This might also be an affirmation that your life is in complete balance as well.

Binary DNA Code: The brain is like a computer, which relies on binary codes (1’s and 0’s).  In this premise, 11:11 is the binary code that awakens your dormant (junk) DNA.

Digital Time Code: This theory encapsulates several theories within the same premise.  11:11 unlocks your DNA and opens the subconscious mind through physically seeing these digital numbers and re-remembering why your brain was coded to remember the importance of 11:11.

DNA Activation: The number 11 represents twin strands of DNA, so for some people, this is a sign of a DNA activation or upgrade.

Edgar Cayce: As I mentioned in a previous article, Edgar Cayce was quoted as saying, “The first lesson for six months should be One-One-One- One; Oneness of God, oneness of man’s relation, oneness of force, oneness of time, oneness of purpose, Oneness in every effort-Oneness- Oneness!”  Edgar may have meant, “The first lesson for six months should be 11:11.”

Fibonacci Sequence:  The first two numbers of the Fibonacci Sequence are 1,1.  The Fibonacci Sequence is basically tied into Sacred Geometry and the Golden Ratio of Creation, so this number would represent an end to physical reality as we know it.

Global Consciousness: When you see 11:11, you feel connected with the Universe and everyone else who is currently experiencing this phenomenon. You completely understand what “we are all one” means.

Make a Wish: Many teens are playing the 11:11pm game without really even knowing the significance behind 11:11.  If they notice that it’s 11:11pm, they make a wish.  Is it possible that these children are indigos and 11:11 represents an awakening code for them?

Numerology: The number 11 is a Master Number and represents impractical idealism, visionary, refinement of ideals, intuition, revelation, artistic and inventive genius, avant-garde, androgynous, film, fame, refinement fulfilled when working with a practical partner.

Spiritual Purpose
: 11:11 presents you an opportunity to reflect on your spiritual purpose for being here.

Synchronicity: Your life has become total balance and the lesson you need to learn will appear before you.  “When the pupil is ready, the master appears”.

Wake Up Call:  11:11 signifies your spiritual awakening, as this number seems to be predominantly noticed by those who have begun their spiritual journeys. It may also be seen as a code to unlock your subconscious mind.

Also see: 11:11 Synchronicity - Repetitive Numbers and Their Meaning

Also see: 11:11 Glitch In Time Anomaly

Most likely, you are reading this article because you have also experienced the 11:11 phenomena.  If you haven’t experienced 11:11, then chances are, you will in the near future.  What is it really about? “Time “ will tell.

Related:  Number Sequences From Our Spirit Guides

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Facts You Need To Know About Syria & Syrian President Bashar Al Assad Fields Questions From French Media And Defends Alternative Media
January 12 2017 | From: AustralianNationalReview / 21stCenturyWire

The Assad family belongs to the tolerant Islam of Alawid orientation.
Syrian women have the same rights as men to study, health and education.

Syrian women are not forced to wear the burqa. The Sharia (Islamic law) is unconstitutional.

Related: Ron Paul on Aleppo Aftermath: We Need a New Syria Policy

Syria is the only Arab country with a secular constitution and does not tolerate Islamic extremist movements.

Roughly 10% of the Syrian population belongs to one of the many Christian denominations, all fully integrated in Syrian political and social life.

In other Arab countries the Christian population is less than 1% due to sustained hostility.

Syria has banned genetically modified (GMO) seeds, stating his decision was made in order “to preserve human health,”

Syria has an opening to Western society and culture like no other Arab country.

Its media and universities openly debate the global power elite’s influence in things. This means that they fully grasp the fact that real power in the West lies not in the White House but rather with the complex and powerful grid of elite think-tanks and central banks.

Throughout history there have been five popes of Syrian origin. Religious tolerance is unique in the area.

Prior to the current civil war, Syria was one of the only peaceful countries in the area, having avoided major wars or internal conflicts.

Syria was the only country that admitted Iraqi refugees without any social, political or religious discrimination.

Syria clearly and unequivocally opposes Zionism and the Israel government.

Following a massive oil find in Syria’s Golan Heights, occupied by Israel since 1967, Netanyahu recently asked Obama to recognize its annexation of the territory. To consolidate its hold, plans are afoot to quadruple Israeli settler numbers to 100,000.

And The Most Two Important Points:

Syria is one of the only countries in the Middle East without debts to the International Monetary Fund (Pre-invasion Libya & Iran the only others)

Syria is the only Mediterranean country which remains the owner of its oil company, with an oil reserve of 2,500 million barrels, the operation of which has avoided privatization and is reserved exclusively for state-owned enterprises.

So now ask yourself, why are we truly attempting to overthrow yet another government?

What are we hoping to fix here?

If the recent invasions and illegal assassinations of Presidents like Qaddafi and Saddam have taught us anything, it should be the understanding of the blowback effect of such lawless actions by the West and the vacuum of chaos that always supersedes it.

Debt Conquer. Invent a reason to invade and destroy, then offer $Trillions in IMF funding to rebuild… conveniently paid back by control of your oil fields and the free access to build gas pipelines to the west.

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Syrian President Bashar Al Assad Fields Questions From French Media And Defends Alternative Media

Recently we reported on the targeting of a French delegation to Syria, led by politician, Thierry Mariani, by the US backed FSA (Free Syrian Army) Company 23.

Aleppo airport was shelled by this group of primarily US supported “moderate rebels” led by a defected Syrian Arab Army colonel, Hassan Rajoob, just prior to the planned take off of the plane ferrying the delegation back to Damascus.

Related: US, UK Paid “White Helmets” Help Al Qaeda Blocking Water To 5 Million Syrians

The delegation then met with Syrian President, Bashar Al Assad, on the 9th January 2017. Following the meeting, President Assad met with and fielded questions from French media.

Related: US Backed “Moderate Rebels” Target French Delegation in Aleppo

”We always have hopes that the next (French) administration, or government, or president will want to deal with the reality, to disconnect themselves from the disconnected policy from our reality. That is our hope..and they can work for the interests of the French people.

The question now, after six years, as a French citizen, do you feel safer? I dont think the answer is yes. The immigration problem, has it made the situation in your country better? […]

This is the question the next administration, government, president should deal with in order to deal with our reality not what is in their imagination as has been happening for the last six years. 

(Fillon’s) rhetoric regarding the terrorists, or lets say the priority to fight the terrorists and not meddling in the affairs of other countries are welcome, but we have to be cautious, because what we have learned in this region, during the last few years, is that many officials would say something and do the opposite.

I am not saying M Fillon would do this, I hope not, but we have to wait and see because there is no contact. But so far, what he is saying, if it is implemented, that will be very good. 

If I want to send (a message to French politicians) I would say the self evident thing, that we have to work for the interests of the Syrian citizens, and for the last six years the situation is going in the opposite direction. The French politics harmed the French interests.

For the French people, I would say the mainstream media has failed in most of the west, the narrative has been debunked because of the reality and you have the alternative media, you have to look for the truth. 

Truth was the main victim of the events in the Middle East, including Syria.

I would ask any citizen in France, please search for the reality, for the real information, through the alternative media. When they search for this information, they can be more effective, in dealing with their government, or at least not allowing some politicians to base their politics on lies. ”

Related: Who Are Syria's White Helmets?

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Facebook Knows A Whole Lot About Your Offline Life + The World's Best Security Engineers Are Working On Flappy Bird
January 12 2017 | From: Digg / Inverse

Facebook has long let users see all sorts of things the site knows about them, like whether they enjoy soccer, have recently moved, or like Melania Trump.

But the tech giant gives users little indication that it buys far more sensitive data about them, including their income, the types of restaurants they frequent and even how many credit cards are in their wallets.

Related: How a 2011 Hack You’ve Never Heard of Changed the Internet’s Infrastructure

Since September, ProPublica has been encouraging Facebook users to share the categories of interest that the site has assigned to them. Users showed us everything from "Pretending to Text in Awkward Situations" to "Breastfeeding in Public." In total, we collected more than 52,000 unique attributes that Facebook has used to classify users.

Facebook's site says it gets information about its users "from a few different sources."

What the page doesn't say is that those sources include detailed dossiers obtained from commercial data brokers about users' offline lives. Nor does Facebook show users any of the often remarkably detailed information it gets from those brokers.

"They are not being honest," said Jeffrey Chester, executive director of the Center for Digital Democracy.

"Facebook is bundling a dozen different data companies to target an individual customer, and an individual should have access to that bundle as well."

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When asked this week about the lack of disclosure, Facebook responded that it doesn't tell users about the third-party data because its widely available and was not collected by Facebook.

“Our approach to controls for third-party categories is somewhat different than our approach for Facebook-specific categories," said Steve Satterfield, a Facebook manager of privacy and public policy.

"This is because the data providers we work with generally make their categories available across many different ad platforms, not just on Facebook."

Satterfield said users who don't want that information to be available to Facebook should contact the data brokers directly. He said users can visit a page in Facebook's help center, which provides links to the opt-outs for six data brokers that sell personal data to Facebook.

Limiting commercial data brokers' distribution of your personal information is no simple matter. For instance, opting out of Oracle's Datalogix, which provides about 350 types of data to Facebook according to our analysis, requires "sending a written request, along with a copy of government-issued identification" in postal mail to Oracle's chief privacy officer.

Users can ask data brokers to show them the information stored about them. But that can also be complicated. One Facebook broker, Acxiom, requires people to send the last four digits of their social security number to obtain their data. Facebook changes its providers from time to time so members would have to regularly visit the help center page to protect their privacy.

One of us actually tried to do what Facebook suggests. While writing a book about privacy in 2013, reporter Julia Angwin tried to opt out from as many data brokers as she could.

Of the 92 brokers she identified that accepted opt-outs, 65 of them required her to submit a form of identification such as a driver's license. In the end, she could not remove her data from the majority of providers.

ProPublica's experiment to gather Facebook's ad categories from readers was part of our Black Box series, which explores the power of algorithms in our lives. Facebook uses algorithms not only to determine the news and advertisements that it displays to users, but also to categorize its users in tens of thousands of micro-targetable groups.

Our crowd-sourced data showed us that Facebook's categories range from innocuous groupings of people who like southern food to sensitive categories such as "Ethnic Affinity" which categorizes people based on their affinity for African-Americans, Hispanics and other ethnic groups. Advertisers can target ads toward a group 2014 or exclude ads from being shown to a particular group.

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Last month, after ProPublica bought a Facebook ad in its housing categories that excluded African-Americans, Hispanics and Asian-Americans, the company said it would build an automated system to help it spot ads that illegally discriminate.

Facebook has been working with data brokers since 2012 when it signed a deal with Datalogix. This prompted Chester, the privacy advocate at the Center for Digital Democracy, to filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission alleging that Facebook had violated a consent decree with the agency on privacy issues.

The FTC has never publicly responded to that complaint and Facebook subsequently signed deals with five other data brokers.

To find out exactly what type of data Facebook buys from brokers, we downloaded a list of 29,000 categories that the site provides to ad buyers. Nearly 600 of the categories were described as being provided by third-party data brokers. (Most categories were described as being generated by clicking pages or ads on Facebook.)

Related: Facebook Kills Pro-Trump Account In Free Speech Crackdown

The categories from commercial data brokers were largely financial, such as "total liquid investible assets $1-$24,999," "People in households that have an estimated household income of between $100K and $125K, or even "Individuals that are frequent transactor at lower cost department or dollar stores."

We compared the data broker categories with the crowd-sourced list of what Facebook tells users about themselves. We found none of the data broker information on any of the tens of the thousands of "interests" that Facebook showed users.

Our tool also allowed users to react to the categories they were placed in as being "wrong," "creepy" or "spot on." The category that received the most votes for "wrong" was "Farmville slots." The category that got the most votes for "creepy" was "Away from family." And the category that was rated most "spot on" was "NPR."

The World's Best Security Engineers Are Working On Flappy Bird

Fewer people want to engage in a modern "spy vs. spy."

Eugene Kaspersky explains hacking like it’s a bank robbery:

“Imagine you visit your bank and there are a thousand people crowding the office,” Kaspersky tells Inverse.

“There are so many of them, you simply can’t get inside. They’re just messing around asking irrelevant questions, shouting, and acting silly. Most workers at the bank won’t be able to serve you or anyone else that day. That’s a DDoS attack."

“Later that night, someone unarms the alarms, breaks into the bank, cracks the vault, and steals all the money. That’s hacking.”

The bank in his metaphor is a server, and hackers in 2016 have had a banner year screwing with them. In October, a chunk of code known as Mirai hijacked thousands of internet-connected devices to launch a record-size DDoS attack.

Together, they spewed access requests at a DNS server - a switchboard for the internet, basically - and brought down some of the biggest sites on the internet: Twitter, Reddit, and Spotify among them. Again, merely an annoyance.

The more sophisticated attack on a server is when hackers - either lone wolves, loose collectives, or state-sponsored snoops - retrieve information from a server and release it to the public to influence public opinion and even sway elections. This scenario should be familiar to everybody by now.

The problem is, there just aren’t enough people smart enough to guard the vaults. Kaspersky would know. He’s a big deal in the world of cybersecurity.

As the founder and CEO of cybersecurity giant Kaspersky Lab, he’s often in the news for spotting security flaws for his clients. He also can’t find enough people to work for him.

There are more than 1 million unfilled security jobs worldwide, a number that could grow to 1.5 million by the end of the decade, according to a report from technology conglomerate Cisco Systems.

Would a healthier cybersecurity industry have stopped the year’s biggest hacks - Wikileaks and DDoS attacks - from being pulled off?

Eugene Kapersky

“Protecting against these two threats requires different skills and different technologies, including the software and hardware needed,” Kaspersky tells Inverse. “To some extent, there’s an overlap of skills simply because IT security people get to learn about both threats.”

But DDoS attacks are ham-fisted and blunt. They don’t do much damage and often don’t keep a website down for long. What’s more dangerous are targeted attacks carried out to destroy machinery or collect information. And there aren’t enough security experts to stop those, either.

Perhaps the most famous example is the so-called “zero day” virus named Stuxnet.

Although the United States government still won’t even address it, the destruction of uranium enrichment machinery in Iran in 2009 - the kind that could provide ingredients for a nuclear bomb - is widely seen as an American ploy. The machinery was destroyed after malware infected the program that regulated centrifuges.

It was brilliant, but it spread beyond its target of the Iran nuclear facility.

Eric Chien, an engineer at California-based security company Symantec, helped track how the weaponized code used in Iran known as “Stuxnet” worked. (Kaspersky Lab also analyzed the virus over the course of about two years.)

At a panel after a screening of Zero Days, a documentary about the attack, Chien lamented that the next wave of computer science graduates might be more interested in making freemium apps rather than uncovering international intrigue.

“We go into the office thinking about how we are going to defeat these adversaries.”

“We see a lot of people getting into things like mobile or social, and people are creating Flappy Bird and people are making millions of dollars",
Chien said.

“But what we both really love about this job and why we’re super-passionate about this, is it’s unique in some sense. While we have competitors in our business - also creating security products - when we go in the office, we’re not thinking about, ‘Oh, how do we make another dollar? How do we beat our competitor?’

We go into the office thinking about how we are going to defeat these adversaries. How are we going to defeat these actors. And those actors are constantly changing.”

Bruce Schneier, a cyber security expert and author, gets it. “Young engineers might not see security as sexy,” he says. “Which is weird to me, because I think it’s the coolest ever. It’s spy versus spy.”

At a hacking competition at New York University this year, one could find a lot of students who would agree with that sentiment.

One of the annual competitive formats during NYU’s Cyber Security Awareness Week is known as “Capture the Flag,” or CTF, and it attracts the kinds of students who could help fill the computer security talent gap.

This year, students from all over the world competed in a 36-hour marathon, scrolling through endless lines of code to crack security challenges.

“The skills you learn in a CTF are exactly the type of outside-the-box thinking that is required,” says David Kohlbrenner, a Ph.D. student in security and systems at UC San Diego.

He got involved in cybersecurity “purely through CTF,” and is an original member of the Plaid Parliament of Pwning, a dominant CTF team from Carnegie Mellon that won this year’s competition.

“What the companies need are people who can solve a variety of different challenges and can approach them from different angles,” Kohlbrenner tells Inverse.

Kohlbrenner says the Mirai botnet responsible for October’s massive DDoS attack was “honestly trivial to set up,” and a continued dearth of security engineers (and, Schneier argues, a market failure to make the Internet of Things decently secure) could keep it that way in the future.

Click on the image above to open a larger verion in a new window

It’s clear companies need more manpower, whether that’s to ward off DDoS attacks or server hacks. But when it comes to recruiting, Schneier says new technology companies have the upper hand in attracting talented young programmers.

“You don’t want to work for Procter & Gamble,” he says.

"You want to work for Google, or you wanna go work for Facebook, or the next high tech startup,”
Schneier says.

"But Procter & Gamble, turns out, needs maybe a couple dozen cybersecurity people.”

Nick Winter, the co-founder of a gamified coding community called CodeCombat, agrees. “No one is thinking, hmm, I’m gonna get a job at an insurance company".

Doesn’t matter if they have all these interesting technological problems to solve and tons of important data to protect. They’re at a huge disadvantage there compared to any start-up in San Francisco or even, like, a tech-focused, big tech company like Cisco.

Both Schneier and Winter’s examples are reminders that it isn’t just tech companies - from router manufacturers to dating apps - that have a lot to lose when security engineers are in short supply.

“All companies become software companies,” Winter says. “And all data becomes more important and mission critical.”

Half of the 4,000 companies in a recent survey by Kaspersky Lab cited cybersecurity as a concern.

“The findings show a general shortage in full-time security staff and expert talent availability, which calls for the need for more specialists in the field,” reads a press release about the survey results.

It’s up to universities like NYU to prepare students for an ever-changing field, Kaspersky says. Server attacks in the future shouldn’t feel like bank robberies that change elections.

“The job market is changing too fast for the education system,” Kaspersky says.

“Universities are fairly conservative institutions, plus, of course, it takes considerable time to educate people.

We see that there’s a growing number of IT security programs, and more and more people are getting interested in the field, but the job market is expanding faster.”

His advice for young programmers? Learn how to prevent attacks.

“There are many skills that are in deficit that require very focused technical training” Kaspersky says.

“Intrusion detection, development of secure software, digital forensics. All these skills are in high demand, but there are not many folks who have them.”

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
US Deep State In Deep Trouble + A Deeper Understanding Of Technocracy
January 11 2017 | From: Sputnik / JonRappoport

US ruling power is in deep trouble because there are growing signs that the mass of citizens are no longer beholden to the supposed authority residing in Washington.

Once the legitimacy of would-be authorities begins to collapse in the eyes of the people, then profound political change is in the offing, as history shows us through countless empires that came and went – often ignominiously.

Related: Creeping Technocratic Dictatorship: Google Can Access Medical Records; Microsoft Storing Data On Your DNA

"The so-called American Deep State comprising the military-intelligence apparatus and its operatives in the political and media establishment has put its credibility on the line over allegations of Russian interference in the US elections."

Those allegations are threadbare, indeed baseless, despite concerted, overweening attempts by the Deep State to conjure up something of substance.

Related: US Intelligence 'Laid Itself Open to Ridicule' by Accusing Russia of Hacker Attacks

The latest high-level intelligence report from the CIA, NSA, FBI and other US spy agencies on alleged Russian cyber hacking may have “wowed” President Barack Obama, various members of Congress and the corporate-controlled news media. Not so for ordinary Americans. Among rank-and-file citizens the reaction has been underwhelming to say the least.

And that should be a matter of anxiety for the ruling establishment. If the people can no longer be commanded, then the whole foundation for power begins to erode like a sandcastle.

As a New York Times report put it:

"What’s the big deal? asks Trump’s supporters on Russian hacking report”.

Trump is quite a hit in Russia - here he is on sugar packaging in a Russian store

Related: How Trump May Have Just Caused Russia to Fall Back in Love with the USA

Among ordinary voters far removed from the Washington Beltway Bubble the consensus is one of derision towards the once-revered US intelligence community.

"Sore losers”, “sour grapes”, “crybabies” and “absurd” were just some of the disbelieving responses from ordinary folks about claims that Russian agents directed by Russian President Vladimir Putin had tipped the US November election in favor of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton."

“I don’t believe the [US] intel report,”
said one man in Louisiana. “Why is everybody so afraid of Russia? I’m not against Putin.”

Related: WikiLeaks: US Intel Report on Russia Hacking 'Has Poor Sourcing and No Evidence'

Another man, a retired US air force officer, added:

"From the parts of the [US intel] report I’ve seen it seems silly.”

President-elect Trump, once again, seems more in tune with the real, pressing concerns of common citizens.

He emerged from his so-called “briefing” by US intelligence chiefs last Friday and pointedly refused to join the Washington blowhards accusing Russia of “an act of war”.

Trump in fact followed up with a comment that it was only a “stupid” person would not want to have good relations with Russia

This was not the response that the spooks wanted from Trump. The CIA and their surrogates in the Obama administration, Congress and the media were building up the US intel report like a witch-hunt against anyone who dares to dissent from the allegations of Russian cyber interference.

Unlike warmongering Congress members such as John McCain and Lyndsey Graham, Trump has not jumped on the bandwagon to demonize Russia.

"And the thing is that people beyond the thrall of the Deep State centered in Washington appear to agree with Trump.

At a time of immense social challenges from poverty, unemployment, financial indebtedness, deteriorating infrastructure and public services, and so on, a US policy of hostility towards Russia seems like an alien distraction. A contemptible waste of priority and resources, not to say a reckless drumbeat to war between nuclear powers."

Shocker: 'Proof' of Russia's Trump Support Was Compiled During Obama's Election

The US intelligence agencies, aided by the Obama White House and mainstream media, tried to muster gravitas to play its “Russian card” against Trump.

But Trump and the popular sentiment out there are not responding in the deferential manner expected by the spooks.

In fact, despite sensationalist headlines in the mainstream media about “Putin ordering an influence campaign to help Trump win the election”, the US intelligence agencies are now in real danger of being exposed as ridiculous liars.

The collapse of the US establishment has been underway for sometime, but lately the momentum has quickened with the election of Trump and the mainstream media’s penchant for “fake narratives”.

Last week the Washington disgraced itself by running a story about Russia hacking into the US electric, a story which was quickly exposed as “fake news.

On the latest US intel report, as well as Trump and ordinary Americans, many observers from around the world were taken aback by the amateurish dearth of evidence and generally low quality of analysis. Independent cyber security experts, including US-based ones, poured scorn on the claims against Russia.

Related: US Readiness to ‘Throw Rocks’ at Russia Marks Need for Policy U-Turn – Ex-Adviser to Trump

The US spy agencies claim that they have “supporting evidence” that Russia hacked Hillary Clinton’s emails, but they say, unconvincingly, that they can’t disclose the information in order to protect “sensitive sources and methods”. Such a conjuring trick just makes the US spooks and the subservient news media look even more ridiculous.

A major giveaway was the disproportionately huge focus that the US intelligence report devoted to trying to discredit Russian news media outlets, RT and Sputnik.

The report claims that the news services are part of the Kremlin’s “influence campaign” and then cites its own ropey rationale as “evidence” that Russia hacked the US election.

If that’s the best that America’s “national security guardians” can come up with then we can be sure their case against Russia is null and void.

There was a time in the American past when shadowy, unelected elites could control society through monopolistic, servile media and servile politicians kowtowing to their supposed authority.

There was also a naive belief among people that the secret services were defending the nation’s best interests.

Not any more alas. People have got wise to the massive manipulation and criminality of such shadowy powers who orchestrate wars and regime changes all around the world for the narrow benefit of elite corporate power.

Ordinary Americans pay with their lives and livelihoods for the machinations of the ruling cabal.

"The Deep State intel chiefs may have been fawned over by Obama, Congress and the media in their outlandish claims of Russian subversion. But growing numbers of ordinary people in the US and around the world can see through the lies and blatant agenda of hostility towards Russia – an insane hostility that only serves the elite interests of the Deep State."

The once feared, and revered, US Deep State is now facing a deep dilemma and maybe even an existential crisis. For it knows deep down that its erstwhile credibility and authority are shot to pieces.

Down through history, the American rulers got away with their charade of inciting wars and conflicts through false flags and contrived catastrophes: the not-so-secret Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the fabricated Gulf of Tonkin incident that escalated the US genocidal war on Vietnam, the dubious 9/11 terror attacks and Iraq’s non-existent weapons of mass destruction, to mention just a few.

This same warmongering American ruling class want another arms race, Pentagon-pumping Cold War with Russia. But this time they have played a card that is all too evidently blank. The US spooks and their elitist establishment know that Trump, the American people, Russia and the rest of world all know that they have nothing to offer.

No credibility, no morals and no authority, the US Deep State is in deep trouble.

A Deeper Understanding Of Technocracy

Technocracy is the basic agenda and plan for ruling global society from above, so we need to understand it from several angles.

Consider a group of enthusiastic forward-looking engineers in the early 20th century. They work for a company that has a contract to manufacture a locomotive.

Related: Technocracy: A Scientific Dictatorship

This is a highly complex piece of equipment. On one level, workers are required to make the components to spec. Then they must put them all together. These tasks are formidable. On another level, various departments of the company must coordinate their efforts. This is also viewed as a technological job. Organizing is considered a technology.

When the locomotive is finished and delivered, and when it runs on its tracks and pulls a train, a great and inspiring victory is won.

And then…the engineers begin to think about the implications. Suppose the locomotive was society itself? Suppose society was the finished product? Couldn’t society be put together in a coordinated fashion?

And couldn’t the “technology of organizing things” be utilized for the job?

Related: "Smart City" Is Really Government Spying On An Unimaginable Scale

Why bother with endlessly arguing and lying politicians? Why should they be in charge? Isn’t that an obvious losing proposition? Of course it is.

But engineers could lay out and build a future society that would benefit all people. Hunger, disease, and poverty could be wiped out. Eliminating them would be part of the uncompromising blueprint.

This “insight” hit engineers and technicians like a ton of bricks. Of course! All societies had been failures for the same reason: the wrong people were in charge.

Armed with this new understanding, engineers of every stripe began to see what was needed. A revolution in thinking about societal organization. Science was the new king. And science would rule.

Of course, for an engineered world to work, certain decisions would have to be made about the role of the individual. Every individual. You couldn’t have an air-tight plan if every human were free to pursue his own objectives.

Too many variables. Too much confusion. Too much conflict. Well, that problem could be solved. The individual’s actions would be tailored to fit the coordinated operations of the planned society.

Related: Technocracy: evolution told as a fairy tale

The individual would be inserted into a pre-ordained slot. He would be “one of the components of the locomotive.” His life would be connected to other lives to produce an exemplary shape.

Yes, this could imply a few problems, but those problems could be worked out. They would have to be worked out, because the overriding goal was the forming of a world organization.

What would you do if one bolt (an individual human) in one wheel of a locomotive was the wrong size? You would go back and correct the error. You would re-make the bolt.

Among sincere technocrats, the overall vision superseded the glaring problems.

But…other people entered the game. High-echelon Globalists saw technocracy as a system they could use to control the population. Control was their goal. Period. What happened to the individual in the process was of no concern to them. The individual had freedom or he didn’t have freedom, and the Globalists overtly intended to wipe out that freedom.

Erasing hunger, poverty, illness? Nonsense.

For the Globalists, those realities would be exacerbated. Sick, weak, and debilitated people were easier to rule and control and manage

Essentially, a vastly misguided vision of a future technocratic utopia was hijacked. Something bad was made much worse.

In a nutshell, this is the history of technocracy. A locomotive is a society? No.

That was the first fatally flawed idea. Everything that followed was increasingly psychotic.

Unfortunately, many people in our world believe in Globalism, if you could call a partial vague view a legitimate belief.

They dreamily float on all the propaganda cover stories - greatest good for the greatest number of people; no more poverty; equality of sharing; reducing the carbon footprint; a green economy; “sustainable development”; international cooperation; engineering production and consumption of goods and services for the betterment of everyone; and all of this delivered from a central platform of altruistic guides.

If you track down the specifics that sit under these pronouncements, you discover you discover a warped system of planning that delivers misery and de facto slavery to the global population.

Related: Fabian Socialist Society

The collective utopia turns out to be a sham. Waking up is hard to do? Breaking up is hard to do? They must be done.

A workable technological fix is a very nice achievement when the project is a machine. But transferring that glow of victory to the whole of society is an illusion. Anything that calls itself education would tackle the illusion as the first order of business.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
The Trees Will Teach You Telepathy + Now You Can Hear Chemistry​
January 11 2017 | From: WooWooMedia / NaturalNews

Have you ever wondered what “telepathy” really means? Have you ever experienced it? Have you ever wanted to experience it? Well you can, and you should.

Telepathy is commonly known as ”mind to mind” communication, without the sounds of linguistics or speaking, it is an instant form of transference of thoughts and senses. Some think it is merely ”language-less”…..it is not. Telepathy alone may be, but Empathic Telepathy is a language full of silent communion and it is this form that is natural to us.

Related: German Forest Ranger Finds That Trees Have Social Networks, Too

Some of us know that thought-forms can be transferred from person to person, and even some technologies have been developed which can do this. And there are spiritual beings and entities who can be telepathic with us. They can transfer either thoughts or feelings, or both. This is a mixed cornucopia of input.

But what I am talking about is Empathic Telepathy which is natural and organic to living beings, a way of being that is fulfilling, and we can Be this way with all Living Beings.

Nature has a language that communicates itself through its sounds, scents and colors, textures and more... including its history and panoramic complexities of sentience we are at a loss to detect much less describe, and whose composition is communicated often so profoundly beautifully, countless poems throughout history have been written in humble attempts to write in words what all has been received.

Many readers of such poems sense the beauty of them but it is mostly the writers response to their communion with Nature which is being conveyed through the poems and often apologetically for an egregiously inept ability to capture in writing all that was received.

The reader cannot experience what has been telepathically conveyed to the writer, only what the writer has sensed and is trying to convey. This is second hand but it is still rich.

Empathic Telepathy is more than transference of thought, this is a sad left brained (sans-sentience) explanation. It is communion, communion of the highest order. It is a ”language” of a multi complexity of feelings within and around the communicator which includes the entire spectrum of experience of what is being communicated.

A higher consciousness being, especially those of the Natural Kingdoms have many senses, and many of these can be expressed.

You not only get the thoughts around the communication, you get all the sentience that occurred at the moment of the experience being expressed, as well as the current feelings of the one communicating.

Often what has been conveyed includes history. It is a sentient rich communion between those who are expressing, of feelings, thoughts, ideas, scents, and sounds all simultaneously, ambient with the communicators unique sensations, surpassing space and time, in an instant.

You may have noticed I am using the term communicator and not just ”person” as it is certainly not limited to people. Telepathy is achieved most successfully with not only people, but with animals, and the Green Kingdoms, and Mineral and Etheric Kingdoms.

Related: Animal Communication + The Latest Study On Human-Pet Bonding Says You May Be Under A Spell

This involves listening rather than merely hearing.

Listening and hearing are two different things. Hearing is the detection of audible sound being spoken whose words are open to infinite interpretation. Such communications when received with a tempered mind is hearing only. You have often heard people say “I hear you” and yet you find yourself feeling a void, waiting for appropriate response and left unfulfilled.

Listening involves sentient rich receptivity and is deliciously complex and filling.

Empathic Telepathy is not just ”mind to mind” communication but consciousness to consciousness. This involves a greater use of the brain, a multi sensory complexity within the body with which we are naturally endowed.

The loss of telepathy and empathy comes from all institutionalized forms of ”education” and ”training”. These are processes that temper ones mind much like a steel blade is made. It is hammered and pounded, and heated, and hammered and pounded, over and over, on and on... until it becomes a blade.

It has been tempered and molded by the black-smith. And so the steely mind has been indoctrinated and inculcated into being left brain dominant being likened more to a computing processor.

This is a form of mind control. These are well funded and organized institutions whose goal is to make you learn what they want you to learn, most if not all of it lies, for at the very least it is incomplete.

It is not education, is it fractionalized and desensitization.

Even those who consider themselves smart will hear a stream of words from a speaker and often formulate a response before one has even finished speaking. This is computing. It has a projectile nature of being a one way transaction. It is box like and of the intellect alone.

It is the way of the black-word smithy to form minds into computized instruments. Information bits are chosen and pieced together and spun into deliberate creations with artistic license.

It is the way of the Empathic Telepath to commune openly and fully the precise truth.

Empathic Telepathy listens will full brain and body capacity and is able to receive infinitely much more information, wisdom and knowledge, sentient rich, in a nano second. Unlike the tempered steely mind which needs to acquire information and experience in a linear time/space continuum.

For Empathic Telepaths, communicating with such steely mind word smiths is entirely frustrating and fruitless. One is left with a bitter aftertaste, mixed with a complexity of discordance, a feeling of some kind of void, or being given ”spin” or manipulation.

With Empathic Telepathy there is a sweet taste left, one is left satisfied, respected and well received, filled with much more than itself, no matter the truth.

How Can We Become Empathic Telepaths? Where is the Teacher?

Thought-forms can be conveyed by people and technologies now, it is a one way transaction projected unto another, often without our knowing, and these kinds of projectile transferences are usually of the regressive kind. I would find a more benevolent source.

To regain our natural abilities we need to first and foremost desire to be receptive as this desire is itself receptivity and one begins to open and soften the tempered mind, make it malleable again. It is a deliberate act of will and discipline.

Then we need to find a source of true telepaths, and the most benign and gregarious ones will be found in Nature. Trees especially are willing to be our sources of communion again and our friends. To find out the truth of that statement you will need to experience it for yourself.

No tree will lead you astray nor lie to you, nor commune to you anything that has any ”spin” or ”distortion” within it. They are as incapable of this as an infant is capable of lying.

Nature in all its forms are our relatives in truth and in essence, in physicality and in origin.

All of Nature is us, people, trees, grasses, mountains, water, plants etc, we are all of the same essence….and so they are our relatives in another form yet deeply informed of us.

Go to Nature to commune. Don’t just go to speak, but go to listen.

This may take some practice for those who are not used to being receivers, but it can be done when you become soft of mind and receptive. They will find you. You will need to spend more time with Nature especially trees which are everywhere and many are willing to communicate with you, though not all. You will find only Truth.

You can nurture an opening of your mind which acts like a portal of connection with them and they will use this portal to commune with you. Sometimes this connection can happen quickly, surprisingly so, and some will need some time.

A type of trust is needed to develop, not with the tree or whatever your source, but with your own mind... you must trust in your mind to become soft and vibrant with receptivity. For everyone it will be different.

But I can see a world of Empathic Telepaths coming into being, coming ”online” so to speak, and this is only the beginning of regaining our connection to Source, to our Divinity, our true Natures and to feel at home both in our own skins and on this planet we were born on.

We must commune with our relatives and love them, live with them. This is harmony. When all forms of communication and communion are open, flowing in all directions and natural feelings and senses permeate our beingness, this is where we sense our Family and Love.

Now You Can Hear Chemistry​

Health Ranger translates molecules into music in stunning video demonstration that will blow your mind.

What you are about to witness is something I first performed live in Dallas at The Truth About Cancer symposium in 2016, in front of an audience of tens of thousands of people (live + online streaming).

It was so astonishing to the audience - truly jaw-dropping - that people couldn’t stop talking to me about it for days. They wanted to hear more about this extraordinary harmonic code found in the Table of Elements and the laws of physics and chemistry.

In the video below, I demonstrate what I now call “Elemonics” - the science of translating chemistry and molecules into audible music by sequencing elements using the inverse of their atomic mass units (i.e. frequencies) as documented in the Table of Elements.

In essence, I have discovered a way to map the elements to a standard 88-key keyboard using their documented atomic masses. Hydrogen is mapped to 3,520 Hz (high A7 key on the keyboard) as the only arbitrary choice in this mapping, and the rest of the elements are mapped in relation to Hydrogen.

Since Carbon has a mass of 12, for example, it gets mapped to 3,520 / 12 which equals 293.3 Hz. That corresponds to the D4 key on an 88-key keyboard.

Read more at: NaturalNews

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American Pravda: How The CIA Invented "Conspiracy Theories"
January 10 2017 | From: UNZ / ActivistPost / Various

With the sudden, bizarre rise of the “Fake News” accusations throughout the entire Corporate Media megaphone and the equally bizarre and totally unsubstantiated CIA allegations that the Russians had stolen the election for Donald Trump, this topic is highly pertinent.

A year or two ago, I saw the much-touted science fiction film Interstellar, and although the plot wasn’t any good, one early scene was quite amusing. For various reasons, the American government of the future claimed that our Moon Landings of the late 1960s had been faked, a trick aimed at winning the Cold War by bankrupting Russia into fruitless space efforts of its own.

Related: Trump Plans to Shrink, Reorganize CIA, Other Intel Agencies

This inversion of historical reality was accepted as true by nearly everyone, and those few people who claimed that Neil Armstrong had indeed set foot on the Moon were universally ridiculed as “crazy conspiracy theorists.” This seems a realistic portrayal of human nature to me.

Obviously, a large fraction of everything described by our government leaders or presented in the pages of our most respectable newspapers - from the 9/11 attacks to the most insignificant local case of petty urban corruption - could objectively be categorized as a “conspiracy theory” but such words are never applied.

Instead, use of that highly loaded phrase is reserved for those theories, whether plausible or fanciful, that do not possess the endorsement stamp of establishmentarian approval.

Related: The 70 Greatest Conspiracy Theories in Pop-Culture History

Put another way, there are good “conspiracy theories” and bad “conspiracy theories,” with the former being the ones promoted by pundits on mainstream television shows and hence never described as such.

I’ve sometimes joked with people that if ownership and control of our television stations and other major media outlets suddenly changed, the new information regime would require only a few weeks of concerted effort to totally invert all of our most famous “conspiracy theories” in the minds of the gullible American public.

The notion that nineteen Arabs armed with box-cutters hijacked several jetliners, easily evaded our NORAD air defenses, and reduced several landmark buildings to rubble would soon be universally ridiculed as the most preposterous “conspiracy theory” ever to have gone straight from the comic books into the minds of the mentally ill, easily surpassing the absurd “lone gunman” theory of the JFK assassination.

Even without such changes in media control, huge shifts in American public beliefs have frequently occurred in the recent past, merely on the basis of implied association.

In the initial weeks and months following the 2001 attacks, every American media organ was enlisted to denounce and vilify Osama Bin Laden, the purported Islamicist master-mind, as our greatest national enemy, with his bearded visage endlessly appearing on television and in print, soon becoming one of the most recognizable faces in the world.

But as the Bush Administration and its key media allies prepared a war against Iraq, the images of the Burning Towers were instead regularly juxtaposed with mustachioed photos of dictator Saddam Hussein, Bin Laden’s arch-enemy.

As a consequence, by the time we attacked Iraq in 2003, polls revealed that some 70% of the American public believed that Saddam was personally involved in the destruction of our World Trade Center.

By that date I don’t doubt that many millions of patriotic but low-information Americans would have angrily denounced and vilified as a “crazy conspiracy theorist” anyone with the temerity to suggest that Saddam had not been behind 9/11, despite almost no one in authority having ever explicitly made such a fallacious claim.

These factors of media manipulation were very much in my mind a couple of years ago when I stumbled across a short but fascinating book published by the University of Texas academic press. The author of Conspiracy Theory in Americawas Prof. Lance deHaven-Smith, a former president of the Florida Political Science Association.

Based on an important FOIA disclosure, the book’s headline revelation was that the CIA was very likely responsible for the widespread introduction of “conspiracy theory” as a term of political abuse, having orchestrated that development as a deliberate means of influencing public opinion.

During the mid-1960s there had been increasing public skepticism about the Warren Commission findings that a lone gunman, Lee Harvey Oswald, had been solely responsible for President Kennedy’s assassination, and growing suspicions that top-ranking American leaders had also been involved.

So as a means of damage control, the CIA distributed a secret memo to all its field offices requesting that they enlist their media assets in efforts to ridicule and attack such critics as irrational supporters of “conspiracy theories.”

Soon afterward, there suddenly appeared statements in the media making those exact points, with some of the wording, arguments, and patterns of usage closely matching those CIA guidelines.

The result was a huge spike in the pejorative use of the phrase, which spread throughout the American media, with the residual impact continueing right down to the present day. Thus, there is considerable evidence in support of this particular “conspiracy theory” explaining the widespread appearance of attacks on “conspiracy theories” in the public media.

But although the CIA appears to have effectively manipulated public opinion in order to transform the phrase “conspiracy theory” into a powerful weapon of ideological combat, the author also describes how the necessary philosophical ground had actually been prepared a couple of decades earlier.

Around the time of the Second World War, an important shift in political theory caused a huge decline in the respectability of any “conspiratorial” explanation of historical events.

For decades prior to that conflict, one of our most prominent scholars and public intellectuals had been historian Charles Beard, whose influential writings had heavily focused on the harmful role of various elite conspiracies in shaping American policy for the benefit of the few at the expense of the many, with his examples ranging from the earliest history of the United States down to the nation’s entry into WWI.

Obviously, researchers never claimed that all major historical events had hidden causes, but it was widely accepted that some of them did, and attempting to investigate those possibilities was deemed a perfectly acceptable academic enterprise.

However, Beard was a strong opponent of American entry into the Second World War, and he was marginalized in the years that followed, even prior to his death in 1948. Many younger public intellectuals of a similar bent also suffered the same fate, or were even purged from respectability and denied any access to the mainstream media.

At the same time, the totally contrary perspectives of two European political philosophers, Karl Popper and Leo Strauss, gradually gained ascendancy in American intellectual circles, and their ideas became dominant in public life.

Popper, the more widely influential, presented broad, largely theoretical objections to the very possibility of important conspiracies ever existing, suggesting that these would be implausibly difficult to implement given the fallibility of human agents; what might appear a conspiracy actually amounted to individual actors pursuing their narrow aims.

Even more importantly, he regarded “conspiratorial beliefs” as an extremely dangerous social malady, a major contributing factor to the rise of Nazism and other deadly totalitarian ideologies.

His own background as an individual of Jewish ancestry who had fled Austria in 1937 surely contributed to the depth of his feelings on these philosophical matters.

Meanwhile, Strauss, a founding figure in modern neo-conservative thought, was equally harsh in his attacks upon conspiracy analysis, but for polar-opposite reasons.

In his mind, elite conspiracies were absolutely necessary and beneficial, a crucial social defense against anarchy or totalitarianism, but their effectiveness obviously depended upon keeping them hidden from the prying eyes of the ignorant masses.

His main problem with “conspiracy theories” was not that they were always false, but they might often be true, and therefore their spread was potentially disruptive to the smooth functioning of society.

So as a matter of self-defense, elites needed to actively suppress or otherwise undercut the unauthorized investigation of suspected conspiracies

Even for most educated Americans, theorists such as Beard, Popper, and Strauss are probably no more than vague names mentioned in textbooks, and that was certainly true in my own case. But while the influence of Beard seems to have largely disappeared in elite circles, the same is hardly true of his rivals.

Popper probably ranks as one of the founders of modern liberal thought, with an individual as politically influential as left-liberal financier George Soros claiming to be his intellectual disciple.

Related: George Soros’ World is Falling Apart, Blames Everyone but Himself

Meanwhile, the neo-conservative thinkers who have totally dominated the Republican Party and the Conservative Movement for the last couple of decades often proudly trace their ideas back to Strauss.

So, through a mixture of Popperian and Straussian thinking, the traditional American tendency to regard elite conspiracies as a real but harmful aspect of our society was gradually stigmatized as either paranoid or politically dangerous, laying the conditions for its exclusion from respectable discourse.

By 1964, this intellectual revolution had largely been completed, as indicated by the overwhelmingly positive reaction to the famous article by political scientist Richard Hofstadter critiquing the so-called “paranoid style” in American politics, which he denounced as the underlying cause of widespread popular belief in implausible conspiracy theories.

To a considerable extent, he seemed to be attacking straw men, recounting and ridiculing the most outlandish conspiratorial beliefs, while seeming to ignore the ones that had been proven correct.

For example, he described how some of the more hysterical anti-Communists claimed that tens of thousands of Red Chinese troops were hidden in Mexico, preparing an attack on San Diego, while he failed to even acknowledge that for years Communist spies had indeed served near the very top of the U.S. government.

Not even the most conspiratorially minded individual suggests that all alleged conspiracies are true, merely that some of them might be.

Most of these shifts in public sentiment occurred before I was born or when I was a very young child, and my own views were shaped by the rather conventional media narratives that I absorbed. Hence, for nearly my entire life, I always automatically dismissed all of the so-called “conspiracy theories” as ridiculous, never once even considering that any of them might possibly be true.

To the extent that I ever thought about the matter, my reasoning was simple and based on what seemed like good, solid common sense. Any conspiracy responsible for some important public event must surely have many separate “moving parts” to it, whether actors or actions taken, let us say numbering at least 100 or more.

Now given the imperfect nature of all attempts at concealment, it would surely be impossible for all of these to be kept entirely hidden. So even if a conspiracy were initially 95% successful in remaining undetected, five major clues would still be left in plain sight for investigators to find.

And once the buzzing cloud of journalists noticed these, such blatant evidence of conspiracy would certainly attract an additional swarm of energetic investigators, tracing those items back to their origins, with more pieces gradually being uncovered until the entire cover-up likely collapsed.

Even if not all the crucial facts were ever determined, at least the simple conclusion that there had indeed been some sort of conspiracy would quickly become established.

However, there was a tacit assumption in my reasoning, one that I have since decided was entirely false. Obviously, many potential conspiracies either involve powerful governmental officials or situations in which their disclosure would represent a source of considerable embarrassment to such individuals.

But I had always assumed that even if government failed in its investigatory role, the dedicated bloodhounds of the Fourth Estate would invariably come through, tirelessly seeking truth, ratings, and Pulitzers. However, once I gradually began realizing that the media was merely “Our American Pravda” and perhaps had been so for decades, I suddenly recognized the flaw in my logic.

If those five - or ten or twenty or fifty - initial clues were simply ignored by the media, whether through laziness, incompetence, or much less venial sins, then there would be absolutely nothing to prevent successful conspiracies from taking place and remaining undetected, perhaps even the most blatant and careless ones.

In fact, I would extend this notion to a general principle. Substantial control of the media is almost always an absolute prerequisite for any successful conspiracy, the greater the degree of control the better.

So when weighing the plausibility of any conspiracy, the first matter to investigate is who controls the local media and to what extent.

Let us consider a simple thought-experiment. For various reasons these days, the entire American media is extraordinarily hostile to Russia, certainly much more so than it ever was toward the Communist Soviet Union during the 1970s and 1980s.

Hence I would argue that the likelihood of any large-scale Russian conspiracy taking place within the operative zone of those media organs is virtually nil.

Indeed, we are constantly bombarded with stories of alleged Russian conspiracies that appear to be “false positives,” dire allegations seemingly having little factual basis or actually being totally ridiculous.

Meanwhile, even the crudest sort of anti-Russian conspiracy might easily occur without receiving any serious mainstream media notice or investigation.

This argument may be more than purely hypothetical. A crucial turning point in America’s renewed Cold War against Russia was the passage of the 2012 Magnitsky Act by Congress, punitively targeting various supposedly corrupt Russian officials for their alleged involvement in the illegal persecution and death of an employee of Bill Browder, an American hedge-fund manager with large Russian holdings.

However, there’s actually quite a bit of evidence that it was Browder himself who was actually the mastermind and beneficiary of the gigantic corruption scheme, while his employee was planning to testify against him and was therefore fearful of his life for that reason.

Naturally, the American media has provided scarcely a single mention of these remarkable revelations regarding what might amount to a gigantic Magnitsky Hoax of geopolitical significance.

To some extent the creation of the Internet and the vast proliferation of alternative media outlets, including my own small webzine, have somewhat altered this depressing picture.

So it is hardly surprising that a very substantial fraction of the discussion dominating these Samizdat-like publications concerns exactly those subjects regularly condemned as “crazy conspiracy theories” by our mainstream media organs.

Such unfiltered speculation must surely be a source of considerable irritation and worry to government officials who have long relied upon the complicity of their tame media organs to allow their serious misdeeds to pass unnoticed and unpunished.

Indeed, several years ago a senior Obama Administration official argued that the free discussion of various “conspiracy theories” on the Internet was so potentially harmful that government agents should be recruited to “cognitively infiltrate” and disrupt them, essentially proposing a high-tech version of the highly controversial Cointelpro operations undertaken by J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI.

Until just a few years ago I’d scarcely even heard of Charles Beard, once ranked among the towering figures of 20th century American intellectual life. But the more I’ve discovered the number of serious crimes and disasters that have completely escaped substantial media scrutiny, the more I wonder what other matters may still remain hidden.

So perhaps Beard was correct all along in recognizing the respectability of “conspiracy theories,” and we should return to his traditional American way of thinking, notwithstanding endless conspiratorial propaganda campaigns by the CIA and others to persuade us that we should dismiss such notions without any serious consideration.

Related: ‘Conspiracy Theorist’ Max Spiers Found Dead Days After Texting His Mother to Investigate if Anything ‘Happened to Him’

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Pharmaceutical Company Misleads Consumers, Caught In Painkiller Scam + Painkiller Drugs More Fatal Than Heroin Or Cocaine
January 10 2017 | From: NaturalSociety / AustralianNationalReview

Drug giant Reckitt Benckiser was ordered by the Australian Federal Court to pull its so-called “targeted” ibuprofen products off the shelves after the company admitted that these were identical to the standard tablets.

Marketed under the name Nurofen, all products contained 200mg of ibuprofen, whether they were labelled as “standard,” “migraine,” “period pain,” or “back pain.”

Related: DA Deliberately Conceals Fraudulent Studies Regarding Drugs

The specific products are about double the price of standard Nurofen. Fortunately, the court ordered that the “specific” tablets be removed from Australian shops within 3 months, with a subsequent hearing planned to decide on a possible fine. This ruling followed legal action by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission in a rare victory over the pharmaceutical industry.

The Nurofen line is also sold in the UK and New Zealand, but the British government’s MHRA said there was no concern, as it is not involved in the control over pricing. The company has also been ordered to pay the ACCC’s legal costs, explain itself to the public, and implement a consumer protection compliance program.

5 Alternative Pain Solutions

But what are some natural alternatives to ibuprofen?

In one clinical trial involving 150 female students, different groups were prescribed either 250mg of ginger powder, 250g of mefenamic acid, or 400mg of ibuprofen, 4 times daily for the first 3 days of their menstrual period. Check out other health benefits of ginger here.

The severity of their pain decreased in all groups, and there was no difference between the three groups in severity, pain relief, or satisfaction with the treatment. Ginger is an anti-inflammatory as well as a circulatory stimulant, and has not been associated with the side effects caused by ibuprofen.

Another study involving 204 patients with osteoarthritis compared the benefits of arnica (one of 5 natural pain relievers we mentioned before) and ibuprofen, both as gel preparations, prescribed for 21 days.

In terms of pain and hand function, there were no differences between the two treatment groups, but there were slightly less adverse effects reported by the arnica group, at 5 patients instead of 6.

Additionally, fish oil can be an alternative to pharmaceutical painkillers. Over three months, 250 patients with osteoarthritis took either 1200mg (78% of participants) or 2400mg (22%) of the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish (EPA and DHA).

Fifty-nine percent of all patients stopped taking their prescription NSAID drugs for pain, while 60% said their overall pain improved, and 60% again said their joint pain improved.

Eighty percent said they were satisfied with their improvement and 88% stated they would keep taking the fish oil. No significant side effects were reported from the fish oil either.

While still illegal in most areas, cannabis is an increasingly popular natural alternative to pain of all levels of severity. In fact, standardized extracts of cannabinoids such as Sativex have been approved in some regions for pain conditions including neuropathic pain from multiple sclerosis and intractable cancer pain.

THC, which is responsible for the “high” of cannabis, has many anti-inflammatory mechanisms of action which contribute to pain relief, including PGE-2 inhibition and decreased platelet aggregation.

It has 20x the anti-inflammatory potency of aspirin, and twice that of the steroid hydrocortisone, but without the horrible, disfiguring side effects. CBD, which is antipsychotic and gives no high, relieves pain by the same mechanism as capsaicin, as well as being anti-inflammatory by inhibiting TNF-alpha and by its antioxidant abilities.

Other cannabinoids, such as CBG and CBC, have their own painkilling properties.

With all of these alternatives and others, why support a dishonest corporation and aid them in paying for their well-deserved legal costs?

Related: Big Pharma Dangerous Drugs and “Drug-Injured Patients” - Confessions of a "Medical Heretic"

Painkiller Drugs More Fatal Than Heroin Or Cocaine

A research conducted by a reputed pathologist has revealed that a prescription painkiller is taking more lives than Class A narcotics like Heroin and Cocaine.

Prof Jack Crane of Ireland has said that the Tramadol painkiller is killing more people than any other drug and will therefore be included in the Class A category.

Related: Non-Addictive Natural Pain Killer Kratom Relieves Chronic Pain, Depression - Leave Rx Drugs Behind

The UK has Tramadol listed in Class C drugs, which are considered the least harmful. If Tramadol is taken with alcohol or other drugs, it can have life threatening effects. Tramadol is prescribed for medium to severe pain for patients.

Crane emphasises on the risks of Tramadol and suggests that it needs strict regulation. While many people in the UK are illegally trying to acquire the drug, Crane feels that if Governments and law enforcement do not actively try to regulate illegal Tramadol sales, it could cost many lives.

The report by Crane is revealed in opportune time with cannabis activists trying to legalise medicinal cannabis use and growth under license.

A West Briton report revealed that Tramadol had claimed 20 lives in the UK in 2014.

In the USA, many patients have opioid addictions. A recent report by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administrations revealed that a large number of Americans abused prescription painkillers.

1 out of 20 Americans above the age of 12 used psychotherapy drugs at some point. Many people blame Obamacare policies for such drug and opium usage. The laws of Obamacare reimburse the fees of the patients depending on the satisfaction the patient had during his or her stay at the hospital.

It is a rather tough choice for doctors and hospitals where on the one hand your reimbursement is on the line and on the other hand you are fuelling psychotherapeutic drug addiction among your patients.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
150 Terabytes! Norway Busts Largest Dark Web, Child Porn Networks In History - US, UK Media Ignore Story
January 9 2017 | From: TheNewNationalist / IllegalNews / Various

It’s one of the largest child sex abuse cases in history. A year-long special investigation called “Operation Darkroom” resulted in the seizure of 150 terabytes of data material in the form of photos, movies and chat logs containing atrocities against children as young as infancy, Norwegian police announced at a news conference in late November.

Among the 51 perpetrators said to be involved, 20 have been arrested. The list of the accused includes “highly educated” individuals, including two former or current elected politicians, one teacher, a lawyer and a police officer.

Related: Massive Evidence Emerges That Satanic Voodoo Doughnuts of Portland May Be Heavily Involved in Child Sex Trafficking

Yet, English-language media both in Europe and stateside in the U.S. have ignored the story.

As Norwegian news publication Tadens Krav reports, the material shows penetration of toddlers, children being tied, children who have sex with animals and children who have sex with other children. One of the accused men had a pregnant girlfriend and planned with another to commit offenses against the child when it was born, police said.

Some of the accused performed abuses directly online, including atrocities against their own children. Police stressed that the case involves a network. The investigation is ongoing.

Related: Has John Key been Implicated in the #PizzaGate Child Sex Trafficking Ring?

So while the U.S. media busied itself with its campaign of denial, lies and cover ups involving Pizzagate and “fake news,” this huge child sex abuse story broke in Norway. The story did appear on Associated Press’ wire, but did anyone run it?

The infamous crime syndicate rags The Washington Post had the story briefly on Nov. 20 but has since taken it offline, as did The New York Times. German state news group Deutsche Welle and UK Independent provided a brief story, and Sputnik ran a more thorough article. Fox News still has this up – but would a thinking person even call this coverage?

It is a truly remarkable story with global implications. Take special note of the shocking file size - 150 terabytes! It’s too horrible to even contemplate. To put this into context, the Library of Congress holds about 600 terabytes of Web data. Its online archive grows at a rate of about 5 terabytes per month.

Also note the horrifically sadistic nature of the material seized. And note that police are investigating the reach as worldwide, which means it involves a massive scale of evil filth. But nobody in the criminally compliant mainstream media thinks its newsworthy.

Adding insult to public-service journalism injury, the crime syndicate has shifted gears and rolled out entertainment media to mock and lecture you. If you can stomach it, watch Stephen Colbert (below) reading unnaturally off of a script about fake news, Pizzagate and Michael Flynn.

He engages in the same straw-man arguments we covered in our critique of the The New York Times’ skuldruggery. Colbert puts forth all the usual deceptions involving Hillary Clinton, tunnels and basements before declaring Pizzagate was politically motivated and fake. When you see this particular narrative, know that you are being gas-lighted and diverted. 

Yeah, laugh it up, fellas. The New Nationalist (TNN) has said from the beginning that Pizzagate is a poor term. We prefer pedogate. This goes far beyond just one perv hangout pizzeria. And, of course, it transcends the political spectrum, which explains why there is no investigation

The assertion that Pizzagate “fake news” is “right-wing” inspired is a scam. Perhaps it’s because of the word “nationalist” in the name of our website that the media keeps citing us in its narratives.

And just below our masthead, it very clearly states that TNN is third position, meaning beyond the Hegalian left-right dialectic. 

We are true humanists, who insist on protecting children from criminals.

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They're covering for a child trafficking and abuse ring operating in Washington, DC. That is not okay. None of this is okay.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
False Flag Terrorism: Murdering The Innocent In Order To Support The Lie + 15 Ways To Detect A False Flag Operation
January 9 2017 | From: PaulCraigRoberts / ActivistPost / Various

As my readers know, I reported, factually, on the Boston Marathon alleged bombing case. I interviewed carefully the pro bono attorney, John Remington Graham, who intervened in behalf of the Russian aunt, a lawyer in the Russian Federation, in behalf of the falsely convicted younger Tsarnaev brother, Dzhokhar, the older brother having been murdered by the FBI.

Graham conclusively proved that the FBI’s own evidence proved beyond any doubt that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was innocent, which means so was the older brother.

Related: False Flag Terrorism explained: A Star Wars Analogy

It is clear beyond reasonable doubt that there was no real bombing at the Boston Marathon and that the alleged terrorist event, using crisis actors, was an orchestration designed to convince dumbshit Americans that they really were under a “Muslim threat.” The entire foreign policy of the United States in the 21st century is based on an orchestrated “Muslim threat.”

The orchestrated threat was also used for a practice exercise in closing down one of America’s largest cities in order to manhunt with intent to kill a young man chosen as the villain for the orchestrated event.

Related: Here’s why Nazionists Launched Multiple False Flag Operations this Year

American citizens were forced at gunpoint out of their homes while Homeland Security, a Nazi reminiscent name from the Hitler era, disrupted the life of an entire city and its airport service in behalf of this orchestrated event that murdered American civil liberty.

The entire exercise was based on a lie, an event that never happened, like Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction, Assad’s use of chemical weapons, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and so forth. Just another lie in behalf of the “exceptional people.”

A number of websites have disproved the false case against the Tsarnaev brothers. Attorney John Remington Graham has brought the case to the justice authorities, but the US Department of Justice (sic) has no interest whatsoever in justice.

Now comes forward an attorney, Mary Maxwell with a book. It is available online free. I read the first eight chapters, which was sufficient to comfirm me in my independent conclusion that there was no Boston Marathon bombing by terrorists.

I recommend to you Mary Maxwell’s account. However, I will say that I believe that she uses irony excessively and that on occasions her irony gets in the way of the factual message. Knowing this, stick with it, and read her account.

Irony is the style that she has chosen, and we must respect a person prepared to stand up to the murderous American establishment and to challenge one of the founding myths of the American Police State and Washington’s wars against the world.

Read her book Marathon Bombing - Indicting the Players here.

Any US citizen that believes the falsified case of the Boston Marathon bombing is a dangerous and direct threat to American civil liberty and to the lives of millions of people on planet Earth.

If Americans do not wake up to the orchesrations to which they are subjected, they will forfeit their freedom. The Russians and the Chinese are individually and together more powerful than Washington, and they are not going to put up with the lies with which insouciant Americans are content.

If Americans cannot take back their country from self-serving oligarchs, Americans are doomed.

Related: 9/11 False Flag Conspiracy - Finally Solved (Names, Connections, Motives)

15 Ways To Detect A False Flag Operation

A false flag formula is becoming readily apparent in the face of so many mass shootings and bombings in the US. The phenomenon has become so commonplace in the last 3 years that it’s becoming more American than apple pie.

According to ShootingTracker.com, there have been 353 mass shootings in the USA for 2015 so far. However, as scary as that number is, the good news is that you don’t have to be afraid of them like you may think. A very large number of them - and all of them with any mass media significance and attention – are false flag staged terror events.

Related: False Flag Terror. A Historical Overview

Some have real victims, some do not, but either way, the most criminal of all institutions – the Government – is the orchestrating force behind them.

They are scripted, pre-planned operations which are definitely not the result of random gun violence. Just as Obama stated (by hiding the truth in plain sight), there is a pattern behind these mass shootings. The Controllers are following a definite false flag formula.

Below is a list of the top 15 elements of this formula, which you can now use to detect a false flag operation as it occurs:

False Flag Formula #1: Drill at the Same or Nearby Time and Place

The exercise or drill – at the same time, at the same place – has became the sine qua non or indispensable element of the recent false flag operation. Sometimes there are slight variations on this when the Government plans a drill nearby (a few miles away) rather than at the exact place, or plans a drill earlier on in the day, so it can just coincidentally “go live”.

There was a twist in the case of the recent San Bernardino shooting: the Government planned regular drills in the building where the shooting took place every month! (Think about it – what are the chances of a real mass shooting occurring in a building used for mass shooting drills?)

As Captain Eric H. May, a former US Army military intelligence officer, stated:

“The easiest way to carry out a false flag attack is by setting up a military exercise that simulates the very attack you want to carry out."

In the case of 9/11, there were no less than 46 drills occurring simultaneously during the event, according to Webster Tarpley, author of Synthetic Terror: Made in USA.

In the case of the London 7/7 bombings, Peter Power admitted on radio that he was leading a team who were training for that exact scenario when it unfolded!

There were active shooter drills in all of the false flag attacks of Sandy Hook, Boston Marathon, Charleston, San Bernardino, the Norway attack, the 2nd Paris attack of 2015 and many many more.

What’s the point of having a drill at the same time and place? Here are a few of its purposes:

1. Distract and remove key personnel who would otherwise be at the scene to contain and investigate it;

2. Confuse other personnel who will treat the whole event in a different way if they think it is a drill rather than a real event;

3. Slow down, reduce or eliminate an effective response, especially of police and other law enforcement, given the removal and confusion of personnel;

4. Distract and confuse witnesses, the media and the public in general;

5. Provide a great cover and period of lower defenses and security to carry out an attack, which would otherwise be difficult or impossible if defenses were at their usual or optimal operating level.

False Flag Formula #2: Foreknowledge

Another way you can tell that a mass shooting is a false flag op is if you find proof of foreknowledge of the event. As it so happens, all of the notorious and publicized mass attacks of late have had evidence of foreknowledge. Going way back in time, there was foreknowledge of the Pearl Harbor attack of 1941 that got the US into World War 2.

There were many aspects of foreknowledge on 9/11, including the BBC reporting WTC7 falling before it actually did, and mysterious calls to people like author Salman Rushdie and San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown advising them not to fly to NYC on Sept. 11th. Sandy Hook had blatant foreknowledge (with various webpages put up days before the event), as did the Boston Marathon.

False Flag Formula #3: Eyewitnesses Have Conflicting Accounts

You can also spot a likely false flag operation when you see or hear of multiple conflicting witness accounts. In the case of the Aurora Colorado “Batman” mass shooting, eyewitnesses claimed they saw an entire team of shooters, rather than the single shooter James Holmes of the official narrative.

With Sandy Hook, we saw multiple scenes of law enforcement chasing men into the surrounding forest, yet the official narrative declares the only shooter was Adam Lanza. In San Bernardino, too, witnesses stated they saw 3 white athletic men, not the 2 brown husband-and-wife team we were told did the shooting.

Related: 1 Trillion Dollar Lawsuit Filed Against MSM For Staging 'Sandy Hook'

Conflicting eyewitness accounts can destroy the official narrative no matter what the detail is. On 9/11, various fireman told us there were bombs in the building, contradicting the official story that planes alone took down the Twin Towers. With Sandy Hook, Gene Rosen’s testimony itself was full of holes and was contradicted by that of the school bus driver and the official report.

False Flag Formula #4: MSM Quickly Name and Demonize the Patsy

Have you ever wondered how quickly the MSM (Mainstream Media) discovers the name of the patsy? They had somehow deduced that Osama bin Laden was responsible for 9/11 just hours after the attacks.

Have you ever wondered why the Government is so good at telling us who supposedly executed these attacks right after they happen, with almost no time to investigate, yet can’t seem to manage to actually stop these alleged terror attacks?

Related: President Putin Reveals Possession Of 9/11 Satellite Imagery Evidence Indicating US Government Complicity In False Flag Attack

Without any evidence, the MSM endlessly repeated “bin Laden” like a crazy mantra after 9/11, despite the fact bin Laden himself denied involvement in the attacks and that in the end he was never formally charged by the FBI. 

Have you ever wondered why many of the patsies, or sorry, deranged mass shooters, are Muslim? That wouldn’t have anything to do with the fact that the Zionist Government and MSM are trying to paint all Muslims as crazy and scary, would it? Nothing like a good dose of Islamophobia to take your freedom away …

False Flag Formula #5: Patsy Has No Military Training, Yet Shoots Extremely Fast and Accurately

Another element of the false flag formula is the skilled and lethal patsy.

According to the official narrative of false flag ops like Sandy Hook and Aurora, we are supposed to believe that skinny and non-muscular youths, without any discernible military training, were able to acquire expensive military gear (including armor, guns, ammunition and more), wear that gear without getting bogged down in speed, and shoot incredibly fast and accurately.

In San Bernardino, we are supposed to believe that a young mother was strong and skilled enough to participate in killing 14 and injuring 17 people while she was strapped up with body armor and holding heavy weaponry!

In these cases and more, the official story would have you believe that it’s no big deal or just a coincidence that the patsy can acquire all this high-end gear and use it so well.

False Flag Formula #6: Patsy Gets Killed, Drugged or “Suicided”

It is also part of the false flag formula to ensure that the patsy, who is earmarked before the event to take the fall, cannot speak out to rationally defend themselves. This is achieved in a number of ways. The simplest is to have the patsy kill himself or herself by committing “suicide”.

Related: Case Closed: JFK Killed After Shutting Down Rothschild’s Federal Reserve

Another favorite way is to take the patsy out in a thrilling high speed chase, which has the added benefit of drawing clueless people in through the MSM and gushingly promoting the police state. Sometimes a patsy is killed in plain sight, just because it’s so important to suppress his testimony (e.g. Lee Harvey Oswald in the JFK assassination). 

A third way is to mind control and drug the patsy to such an extent that they become a zombie vegetable unable to articulate anything, as was the case with James Holmes.

False Flag Formula #7: Shooter Leaves Manifesto

In this day and age, writing a manifesto is a strange and anachronistic thing to do. Yet, for some strange reason, shooters’ manifestos seem to crop up an awful lot after mass shootings.

Conveniently for the Controllers, these manifestos provide a perfect explanation for the official narrative, and help fill in the missing (non-existent) motive for the attack – which probably pushes those on the fence over into believing the Government’s version of the event.

While the manifesto is not an element in every false flag operation, it is present in enough of them to be regarded as part of the false flag formula.

False Flag Formula #8: Evidence Gets Conveniently Destroyed

Another element of the false flag formula is the deliberate destruction of evidence, so that the Controllers can cover their tracks.

In 9/11, the scrap metal (in the smoldering ruins of the WTC towers) was immediately shipped off to China right from the start; with Sandy Hook, the entire school was demolished; in San Bernardino, the supposed landlord of the supposed shooters actually allowed MSM reporters into the suspects’ house to poke around and touch all their stuff, in complete disregard for what could be a possible crime scene!

Could it get any more blatant?

False Flag Formula #9: No Obvious Motive for the Mass Attack

Have you ever wondered why there is no obvious motive in any of these mass shootings? Crimes are supposed to be solved on the merit of motive and opportunity, yet to hide the reality of a false flag op, the MSM just lies about the motive part, and chalks it up to a deranged shooter.

Other times we are offered the flimsiest of motives, such as people going on an all-out rampage because they had a grievance with a co-worker. In San Bernardino, we were told the young mother, with a 1-year-old child, was aggressive and psychotic enough to help kill 14 and injure 17 people – at the risk of never seeing her child again!

Meanwhile, the real purveyors of these operations profit immensely from the ensuing fear, yet somehow the majority of people don’t seem to see that motive...

False Flag Formula #10: Immediate Calls for Gun Control

Gun control is obviously one of the key agendas behind all of these false flag mass shootings, since a disarmed population is far easier to exploit and manipulate than an armed one. It is an obvious aspect of the false flag formula. Sometimes gun control is even pushed in the immediate aftermath of the event when people are still in a highly emotional and suggestible state.

Take a look at the behavior of Andy Parker, who we were told was the father of a victim killed in the Virginia mass shooting of 2015.

Within hours of hearing the news of the death of his child, Parker had already contacted and talked with the Governor of Virginia, and then appeared on TV saying he would be devoting his entire life to gun control.

In a similar fashion, Richard Martinez, the alleged father of a Santa Barbara mass hooting victim, appeared on TV right after the death angrily pleading for more gun control. In both cases, the political agenda of gun control angrily dominated their reactions, rather than grief or other emotions.

False Flag Formula #11: Fake “Victims” = Crisis Actors

The above 10 points are a useful outline of the false flag formula as it pertains to mass shootings with real victims, i.e. where real people die. However, ever since the surreal Sandy Hook event, which still contains many unanswered questions, we have entered the twilight zone of the false flag hoax.

This is a term used to describe the false flag mass attacks where no one dies – where fake bodies, fake blood and fake victims are used instead. In this way, the entire operation is more tightly controlled and less messy. A hallmark of the false flag hoax is that the authorities never produce a credible piece of evidence showing an actual dead body of a victim.

Is this the same girl crying at all three massacres - Aurora, Sandy Hook and Boston?

The following 5 points relate to false flag hoaxes, and specifically to the people employed to pull them off – crisis actors. It is truly a testament to just how utterly fake our normal world is (the Matrix) that false flag ops have now descended to the level where we have to question whether the event even happened at all

There are organizations of crisis actors in the US (such as the IIF), and there is clear evidence crisis actors were used at Sandy Hook, Boston Marathon and many others.

Related: Charlie Hebdo: French False Flag Terror Event

Government officials have been caught using the word “actor” to describe various players in these dramas; the MSM has even resorted to calling them actors too (it was one of the buzzwords of the recent San Bernardino mass shooting).

False Flag Formula #12: “Victims” Get Killed Twice

The surreal quality of the false flag hoax reached point of absurdity when it was discovered that one of the “victims” was reportedly killed twice!

We were told that Noah Pozner was one of the victims of the Sandy Hook shooting, yet his picture was also among those killed in a Pakistan Taliban attack.

Apparently the recycling of fake victims is another part of the false flag formula.

False Flag Formula #13: Families of “Victims” Have Elite or Acting Backgrounds

Is it just a coincidence that the families of mass shooting “victims” have either elite or acting backgrounds? At the Sandy Hook event, local CEO of the Newtown bank John Trentacosta (whose house was next to the Lanzas and had a lot of unusual activity occurring there the day of Sandy Hook) was connected to the New York Federal Reserve (and thus the international banking elite). 

Francine Wheeler
was formerly the personal assistant of former chief Democratic National Committee fundraiser Maureen White whose husband Steven Rattner is a Wall Street investment banker and member of the Rockefeller CFR (Council on Foreign Relations)!

Related: Censorship Shock: Amazon.com Bans Investigative Book ‘Nobody Died At Sandy Hook’ Because It Disagrees With Government Version Of What Happened

It was also noteworthy at Sandy Hook how acting showed up in the resumes of so many of the key players there. Gene Rosen, David and Francine Wheeler (both professional actors) and others all had a background in acting. Father of Virginia mass shooting “victim” Andy Parker is an actor (and a politician too). This fact supports the idea that another element of the false flag formula is to watch for people with elite connections and acting backgrounds.

False Flag Formula #14: Families of “Victims” Show Little to No Emotion, and Even Snigger and Laugh

Luckily for truth seekers, the majority of crisis actors used in these false flag events are poor actors who are utterly unconvincing in the roles they play. The majority display little or no emotion after an alleged tragedy like losing a family member child to a random and violent mass shooting.

It is true that humans do vary widely with emotional response and expression. However, with many of the crisis actors, judging by their reactions, it simply strains credibility too much to believe that they have just have been through a harrowing and traumatic ordeal.

Related: The Great ‘Terrorism’ Hoaxes – from Boston to Berlin – #CrisisActors Exposed

Given the range of possible reactions to a tragedy like losing a loved one in a mass shooting, what are the chances that many of the “victims’” family members are so non-emotional, or so understanding, or so quick to forgive?

It’s shameful enough that the crisis actors playing these roles are perpetrating a monumental deception on the public, tugging at the average person’s heartstrings solely to trick them.

However, on top of that, these actors have the gall to actually laugh – to smile, snigger and giggle – while pulling off their atrocious stunts. The only conclusion to draw from this is that it must be pretty funny to get a paid gig like this fooling millions of people…

False Flag Formula #15: Families of “Victims” Receive Millions in Federal Payoffs

In the US, the land of the lawsuit, people are generally pretty fast to initiate a lawsuit if they feel they have been wronged. It is highly strange, therefore, that none of the alleged parents of the Sandy Hook event decided to sue the Government for negligence or to demand redress for any other grievance. 

Additionally, many of the alleged parents received a total of millions in unsolicited federal payouts (check out the free houses they magically got on Christmas day 2009) – that’s right, unsolicited.

The Federal Government just gave it over to them without asking! Ask yourself: is is more likely the Government would just do this out of the goodness of its heart, or that the money was more like a bribe/blackmail/payout all rolled into one, awarded to actors playing a part in a role and being sworn to silence?

Related: Sandy Hook Truth Bomb Patch Media's Blatant LIES About Jonathan Reich

Conclusion: Use the 15 Elements of the False Flag Formula to Be More Aware

These are 15 elements I noticed forming the false flag formula. There may well be more.

Meanwhile, use the knowledge you have of the false flag formula to become more aware, wise and hip to the deception, so that the next time it unfolds (as it surely will), you will be among those that spot the fakery, rather than among those who are too scared, shell-shocked and gullible to do anything other than buy the official narrative.

Related: Articles:

Turkish Nightclub a False Flag: Mistaken Prime Suspect? Turkish Nightclub’s Security ‘Taken Over’ Prior to Attack

Saudi survivor: There were three killers at Reina nightclub on New Year

Convenient? ‘Active Shooter’ Kills 5 in Fort Lauderdale, CNN Claims Voices in His Head ‘Told Him to Join ISIS’

Florida Governor Reaches Out to Trump “Multiple Times” after Shooting – Bypasses Lame Duck Obama

Berlin False Flag Faked - Video Hoax

Analysis by Ole Dammegard of Norway Breivik Massacre as a False Flag Event

Ian R Crane - The False Flag Agenda

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Trump Confirms "No Effect On The Outcome Of The Election" Following Intelligence Briefing + Experts Reveal The Tricks Mainstream Media Uses To Brainwash And Control The Masses
January 8 2017 | From: Zerohedge / NaturalNews / Various

President-elect Trump has issued a statement following his briefing with various intelligence agencies over the Russian hacking allegations, seemingly rejecting the Democrats' charges that it was the Russians alone and that it had any effect on the outcome of the election.

Additionally, Trump promised to appoint a team to give him a plan to combat cyber attacks within 90 days of taking office.

Related: Fake News, Mass Hysteria, And Induced Insanity

Not quite the "stunning" reaction that Nancy Pelosi had.

The mainstream media is very disappointed...

Related: Hacker Guccifer Calls US Allegations Against Russia 'Fake Cyber War'

Experts Reveal The Tricks Mainstream Media Uses To Brainwash And Control The Masses

You may not know this, but intelligence agencies around the world have, for decades, infiltrated “target” countries by having their agents and operatives pose as journalists (no, I’m not an intelligence operative).

That served two purposes: 1) it provided the operative with legitimate cover; and 2) it allowed the operative’s government to use the operatives “media” position to shape public opinion in the host country.

Related: Ten basic forms of fake news used by major media

Brainwash them, in other words, with propaganda.

But in truth, that kind of propagandizing and brainwashing is also done by institutional media pushing a specific political agenda. Think back to our recently concluded presidential election cycle and what the “mainstream media” did in a failed effort to get its anointed candidate, Hillary Clinton, elected.

They lied, made up narratives out of whole cloth, and tried to smear her opponent, now-President-elect Donald J. Trump, in an effort to defeat him.

As reported by The Waking Times, experts denote a number of techniques that are used by the establishment media to brainwash the public and create/control the daily narrative.

The Mainstream Media Are the Real Purveyors of ‘Fake News’

Edward Bernays is known as the father of modern propaganda. He was the first to use social engineering techniques spread via the mass media of the day. In the early 20th century, he laid the groundwork for what became cultural programming at the societal level by assisting in the transformation of a mostly rural, agrarian-based American society into a homogenized culture of devout statists and consumers.

The principles he developed and implemented have greatly influenced the growth of American culture, how it grew and the direction it took.

Having picked up Bernays’ torch in the 21st century, several experts on modern brainwashing, mind control and propaganda have recently given insight into their craft.

Think about what is ailing our countries today, in terms of societal problems. There is corruption of so-called “grassroots movements” that are actually funded by Left-wing billionaires such as George Soros and Bill Gates, and yet the movements are portrayed by the establishment media very often as spontaneous and locally brewed, but all are attempting to achieve a specific social and political result.

The efforts of these allegedly organic groups are amplified many times their size by the media, which gives them both credence and a megaphone with which to shout their views. And what do they shout?

America is racist, bigoted, homophobic, unfair, politically broken, etc. Never are the calls for unity or praise for our country given any attention at all.

Related: Former CBS Reporter Exposes Media Lies, Internet Shills & Astroturfing

Much of this is done via a technique known as “astroturfing.” Seasoned veteran investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson explains;

“Astroturf is a perversion of grassroots. Astroturf is when political, corporate or other special interests disguise themselves and publish blogs, start Facebook and twitter accounts, publish ads, letters to the editor, or simply post comments online, to try to fool you into thinking an independent or grassroots movement is speaking.”

Controlling Our Thoughts by Creating False Narratives

Another technique used is subliminal messaging. This is a cornerstone of mind control, and when a person is unwittingly bombarded with cleverly concealed information, an emotion can be trigged leaving a person’s intellect and better judgment subjugated in favor of a mental process like fear or sexual desire.

You may never consciously understand or realize why you begin to adopt certain behaviors, products of lifestyles, but the attraction is nonetheless real and that manifests itself through actual personal choices.

In a 2011 documentary called Programming the Nation, filmmaker, graphic artist and digital media producer Jeff Warrick, a former advertising sales rep, provided examples of how subliminal messaging and other subconscious methods are employed by ad executives and other media to create cultural ‘norms’ and social programs like consumerism, materialization of women’s bodies, health choices and the glorification of violence.

“Could such techniques really be contributing to a variety of social, political and economic problems currently present in our culture? Such as obesity, anorexia, and other eating disorders? The ongoing war on terror?

And what about the ever-increasing amounts of debt, that has tightened its grip on a growing percentage of the population?”
the documentary says.

Other techniques include fake news - yes, by the mainstream media - omission (not covering an issue as though it wasn’t real or important); slanting coverage through the use of biased “expert” sources; and publishing falsified data and science as though it were legitimate.

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CIA Training Handbook: How to Fake Intelligence Plus Case Study on Faking Russians Hacking US Election

A Case Study in the Creation of False News

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The European Union Initiates Cashless Society Project
January 8 2017 | From: GlobalResearch

A few months back The Guardian ran an article stating that “Swedes are blazing a trail in Europe, with banks, buses, street vendors and even churches expecting plastic or virtual payment” as if the cashless society was something to be celebrated by modern society.

“I don’t use cash any more, for anything,” said Louise Henriksson, 26, a teaching assistant. “You just don’t need it. Shops don’t want it; lots of banks don’t even have it. Even for a candy bar or a paper, you use a card or phone.”

Related: Europe Proposes Confiscating Gold, Cash, Bitcoin, & Prepaid Cards to Fight ‘Terrorist Financing’

Cash transactions are already outdated in Sweden. According to central bank the ‘Riksbank’, cash transactions will make up up barely 0.5% of the value of all payments made in Sweden by 2020.

Likewise and according to The Independent, Denmark has moved one step closer to becoming the world’s first cashless society, as the government proposes scrapping the obligation for retailers to accept cash as payment – because, as they say, its to do with the “burden of managing change and notes.”

Strange then that all this is happening in an environment where EUR bank note circulation is still rising.

The European Payments Council (EPC), a subdivision of the European Central Bank, are taking steps in their quest to fully eliminate all cash. The reason is not to lift the burden off retailers or to make transactions more convenient but in reality to raise desperately needed taxes.

Highly respected ‘ArmstrongEconomics‘ reports that the EPC are going full steam ahead to enable immediate payment systems throughout not just the Eurozone but the entire European Union.

The Single European Payments Area (SEPA) has been devised with the ultimate goal of eliminating ATM cash machines and force everyone to use their mobile phones or plastic cards, the project starting as early as November 2017.

In the absence of confirmed information on this point, it is likely that tourists and business people will be forced to pre-pay Euro’s onto an App if they come from a country outside the eurozone, currently made up of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Spain.

The final goal of the EU Commission is best described in their own words:

“The Single Euro Payments Area (or “SEPA” for short) is where more than 500 million citizens, over 20 million businesses and European public authorities can make and receive payments in euro.

SEPA also means better banking services for all: transparent pricing, valuable guarantees ensuring that your payments are received promptly and in full, and banks assuming responsibility if something goes wrong with your payment.”

This year, meetings and conferences called “Towards a cashless society” were started to get the information transfer across to the infrastructure, supported very heavily by the banks.

It looks as though the initial battleground for banning cash will be… Greece.

“Greek banks propose a series of measures to combat tax evasion, strengthen the electronic transactions and limit the use of cash in the economy. One of the measures proposed is a special tax on cash withdrawals. 

Bankers reportedly stress that cash money can easily and largely be channeled in the black economy. Therefore, a tax on cash withdrawals will drastically reduce cash transactions and by extension the black economy.”

- From KeepTalkingGreece (27/11/16)

The proposal includes reforming the tax system by introducing a revenue-expenditure system. Households and/or workers will only be taxed on the amount of income that is has not been spent. In this way, people will have a strong incentive to seek receipts for any expenditure in order to increase their expenditure and reduce the tax amount they will have to pay.

There will also be an obligation for all businesses and regardless of their size to pay electronically every salary and wage.

There is another tactic in play to push the cashless society even quicker. As Sratfor Global Intelligence reports:

“The eurozone has found a new scapegoat for international crime: the 500-euro note.

The Continent’s leaders are seriously discussing decommissioning the euro’s highest denomination, which is favored by crime groups for transferring massive sums across international borders.

Eliminating the bank note could help temper criminal activity, but in reality the implications are much broader. The idea is just the most recent step in an ongoing process moving Europe, and indeed the world, closer to an entirely cashless economy.”

None of this will go down well in both Germany and Austria who experienced periods of extreme hyperinflation after the world wars. This, along with life under dictatorships and in high-surveillance societies, has given both populations a fierce desire to protect their privacy (please note) - something that is afforded by the anonymity of using cash - and to keep wealth in physical form to avoid relying on systemic institutions.

There is another more sinister reason for forcing a cashless society. TruePublica reported last September that a deal had been signed by the administrations of the US, UK and EU when it comes to bank depositors. We said that:

“Procedures in the event of the failure of a systemically important bank clearly states that depositors are to be protected – that is, until options have ceased to exist.

Next time, the state will be last in line, not first. Depositor bail-in schemes are now a reality.”

 In other words, if a big bank fails you will be unable to cause a run on a bank by withdrawing your cash.

Indeed, the rescue of Italy’s Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena, reported by all the press as imminent has one other thing in common, none of them are sure if this will be full or partial nationalisation, state bail-out or a depositor bail-in.

What the authorities want to do is avoid this nightmare scenario that happened on Britain’s streets: The Economist (Sept 2007 just before the full blown financial crisis erupted) - The queues that formed outside Northern Rock, the country’s fifth-biggest mortgage lender, represented the first bank run in Britain since 1866.

Related: Washington is Behind India’s Brutal Demonetization Project

The panic was prompted by the very announcement designed to prevent it. Only when the Bank of England said that it would stand by the stricken Northern Rock did depositors start to run for the exit.

Attempts by Alistair Darling, the chancellor of the exchequer, to reassure savers served only to lengthen the queues of people outside branches demanding their money.

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The run did not stop until Mr Darling gave a taxpayer-backed guarantee on September 17th that, for the time being, all the existing deposits at Northern Rock were safe.

In addition to all of this, the use of negative interest rates, never implemented in 5,000 years since the invention of money, is designed to force money out of the banks and into the economy which can be manipulated simply by changing the rate when required.

The holy grail of economic measurement is rising GDP, which has eluded the ECB policymakers since the financial crash reared its ugly head leaving wave after wave of social crisis.

Its answer was to print money and push 50% more into the economy and yet achieved an inflation rate barely above zero. Taxing cash at ATM’s or forcing it out of banks via punitive interest will be the norm in a few years.

Finally, with all money moving electronically the banks and government have another distinct advantage over you.

Eighteen months ago, there was a run on the banks in Greece so the central bank imposed capital controls, highly restricting the amount of cash that could be withdrawn daily. In the few weeks prior to those controls ¢45billion was withdrawn and stuffed under mattresses. This won’t happen again if there are no ATM’s and cash transfers have all but been eliminated.

One way to the other – in the end, you are not going to be in control of your own money in a cashless society, that’s for sure.

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Trump Will Repeal 60-70% Of Obama’s Executive Orders & Trump To ‘Repeal A Lot’ Of Obama’s Actions On Day One
January 6 2017 | From: 21stCenturyWire / RT / TheGatewayPundit / Various

In a recent interview former House Speaker, Newt Gingrich, told Fox that Trump will likely be vetoing out the majority of executive orders made by Obama.

If we examine the mountain of executive orders that were penned under the Obama administration, we must wonder if Gingrich isn’t making a good point and an accurate assessment about President Elect Trump’s intentions with regards to his promise to “drain the swamp.”

Related: The 2 Rules that will guide Trump’s administration

Obama had very little luck getting many of the draconian, unconstitutional policies his administration wanted to see enacted approved by Congress so he leaned heavily on Executive Orders to push policies and conflicts that would not have been approved by Congress otherwise.

Perhaps this will be one of the early indicators of how serious Trump is about rolling back policies that have proven to be detrimental to Americans.

US President-elect Donald Trump may reverse up to 70 percent of President Barack Obama’s executive orders, practically erasing the legacy of the first African-American head of state, Former House speaker Newt Gingrich told Fox.

“I think in the opening couple days, he’s going to repeal 60 to 70 percent of Obama’s legacy by simply vetoing out all of the various executive orders that Obama used because he couldn’t get anything through Congress,” Gingrich said in an interview with “Sunday Morning Futures” on Fox Business.

Related: On Vacation, Donald Trump Announces 8,000 New Jobs for the United States

Obama, who signed over 260 executive orders in his two terms in office, urged Trump, who will be inaugurated on January 20, not to circumvent Congress when trying to enact his agenda. Obama used his executive powers to push through labor, climate and immigration reforms after Congress refused to go along with his proposed programs.

Related: ‘US refusal to veto UN Israeli resolution symbolic gesture by lame duck Obama’

“My suggestion to the president elect is, you know, going through the legislative process is always better, in part because it’s harder to undo,” Obama told NPR last week. “In my first two years, I wasn’t relying on executive powers because I had big majorities in … Congress and we … [were] able to get bills passed. Even after we lost the majorities in Congress, I bent over backward consistently to try to find compromise and a legislative solution to some of the big problems that we’ve got.”

Related: ‘We are rooting for his success’: Obama on Trump victory as he urges smooth transition

Obama noted that Trump is “entirely within his lawful power” to sign new executive orders and “if he wants to reverse some of those rules, that’s part of the Democratic process.”

Gingrich believes that by exercising such power Trump will just sign Obama’s legacy away.

“I think President Obama is beginning to figure out that his legacy is like one of those dolls that as the air comes out of it, it shrinks and shrinks and shrinks,” Gingrich said.

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During the election campaign Trump did promise to repeal Obama’s initiatives, telling his voters in North Carolina in September that his administration would “eliminate every unconstitutional executive order and restore the rule of law to our land.”

That promise now seems a reality especially after Obama failed to honor his promise of a “smooth” transition to Trump after his victory. The rift between the future administration and Obama's office became apparent on Friday when the US abstained from voting at the UN Security Council, allowing an anti-Israeli settlement resolution to pass, despite a strong calls for Trump to “veto” the document.

He [President Obama] is in this desperate frenzy. What he’s actually doing is he’s setting up a series of things to distract Trump, which will make his liberal allies feel good about Democrats and hate Republicans when Trump rolls them back,” Gingrich noted.

ThinkProgress reviewed and broke down Obama’s signed orders, which ranged from allowing military reserves to help with crises abroad to letting federal workers leave early on Christmas Eve.

However international sanctions orders dominated Obama's agenda and covered 34 cases that targeted people from at least a dozen countries ranging from Libya, North Korea, and Venezuela, to Yemen, Somalia, and Russia.

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Trump To ‘Repeal A Lot’ Of Obama’s Actions On Day One

The New American Era

In an interview with ABC’s “This Week”, Trump’s incoming White House press secretary Sean Spicer said that President-elect Donald Trump plans to repeal a lot of President Barack Obama’s executive actions in his first day in office.

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Spicer said that the Trump administration will immediately “repeal a lot of the regulations and actions that have been taken by this administration over the last eight years that have hampered both economic growth and job creation.”

"It was one of two moves Spicer said Trump will make immediately after he takes the oath of office.
He didn’t specify which executive actions Trump will repeal.

However, Trump has long been critical of Obama’s moves on immigration, energy regulation and foreign policy, and could look for ways to undo those and other actions.

Spicer also said Trump will begin reforms intended to “bring a new brand to Washington”
with a restriction on members of his administration becoming lobbyists for a period of five years after they leave Trump’s government.

“It’s very forward-thinking,”
Spicer said.

“What we’ve had in the past is people who have looked in the rearview mirror. This time, we’re thinking forward. If you want to serve in a Trump administration, you’re going to serve this country, not yourself.”


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Le Pen: Let’s Frexit, Bring Back National French Currency & Frexit: Le Pen Promises To Take France Out Of EU & NATO
January 6 2017 | From: Infowars / RT

Trump effect spreads worldwide as globalists lose control: French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen said she wants to take France out of the Euro and reintroduce a new national currency after a potential “Frexit.”

Le Pen, leader of France’s far-right party National Front, said she would hold a referendum on France’s place in the EU and pledged to hold a vote within six months of winning the election.

“More and more European citizens realize their economies have been suffocated by the euro,” she told reporters at a Paris press conference.

“The French want less Europe and more France. I want a national currency with the euro as a common currency.”

Le Pen is referring to the ECU (European Currency Unit) framework, which is a basket of currencies that served as an aid in reducing fluctuations between European state currencies for two decades until the euro was introduced in 1999.

“The ECU existed alongside a national currency,” Le Pen stated. “A national currency co-existing with a common currency would not have any consequences for French daily life.”

Le Pen’s deputy Florian Philippot explained that this proposal did not mean that Le Pen has changed her position about leaving the euro.

“A currency following the ECU model is not a currency you have in your wallet or your bank account. It’s an accounting currency between countries,” he said.

“It could be a model, maybe even a transitory one,”
he added.

Le Pen’s economic adviser Philippe Murer echoed a similar sentiment.

“With a return to the ECU, we could retain a trace of the euro,” said Murer, who is also Le Pen’s assistant at the European Parliament.

“We will only determine these questions after consulting the French people. The nation must be able to decide for itself.”

The two-round French presidential election will take place on April 23 and May 7 of this year, with Le Pen set to win at least the first round of voting. Her political rise has been propelled by deep discontent with the refugee crisis, the economy, and EU trade policy.

Frexit: Le Pen Promises To Take France Out Of EU & NATO

French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen said that NATO exists only ‘to serve Washington’s objectives’, and that she planned to hold a Brexit-style referendum, in an interview with a Greek newspaper.

Le Pen, the leader of France's far-right National Front and a candidate for the 2017 presidential elections, is known for her Euroscepticism and anti-immigrant views. Together with France, she also suggested that Portugal, Italy, Spain, Ireland, Greece and Cyprus should also leave the European Union.

“Frexit will be a part of my policy,” she said in an interview with Dimokratia.

“The people must have the opportunity to vote for the liberation from slavery and blackmail imposed by technocrats in Brussels to return sovereignty to the country.”

Flowers and candles are placed near the Christmas market at Breitscheid square in Berlin, Germany, December 23, 2016 © Hannibal Hanschke ‘Schengen must go,’ populist politicians say following deadly Berlin attack

Along with her main rival, the center-right Francois Fillon, Le Pen has called for closer ties with Russia and has criticized NATO expansion into eastern Europe.

Le Pen said that she would take France out of the alliance if she became president because, as she said, its existence is no longer needed.

“It was established when there was a risk from the Warsaw Pact and the expansionism of the communist Soviet Union,” said Le Pen. “The Soviet Union no longer exists, and neither does the Warsaw Pact.

Washington maintains the NATO presence to serve its objectives in Europe.

On the topic of immigration, Le Pen said she supported measures to restrict the flow of asylum seekers into Europe.

“I am against the policy which would promote the entry of immigrants into Europe, which cannot accept them … this tsunami of migrants should be limited.

Europe does not have the power to ensure they all find work and opportunities to enrich themselves. Immigrants are illegal since once they set foot on European soil... they have violated the law.

They must be sent back to their homeland."

However, when asked whether the National Front has ties to the far-right Greek party Golden Dawn, a group often described as extremist, Le Pen said she “neither has nor wants” relations with them.

Le Pen is running against former Prime Minister Francois Fillon of the Republican Party in the French presidential elections due to be held in May next year. A left-wing candidate for the Socialist Party has not yet been nominated, as incumbent President Francois Hollande has stated he would not be running for a second term.

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Part 3: 8 Signs That The Global Elite's Ship Is Sinking + The Bilderberg's Website Hacked By Anonymous: "We Will Watch You"
January 6 2017 | From: TheMindUnleashed / Various

The last few weeks of 2016 brought with it some dramatic and tangible events that the political and banking elite are scrambling to try and reverse the changes that have been happening.

To catch up, check out Part 1 and Part 2 as well.

Related: Wikileaks: Leaks Coming In 2017 'Will Blow You Away'

21. December 10th, 2016: U.S. House Representative from Hawaii Tulsi Gabbard introduces a bill that aims to stop the U.S. government from funding and aiding terrorist groups like ISIL and al-Qaeda. Thought it got some mainstream media attention, this topic is one that should be discussed everyday on the news as she just called out the U.S. government as a nation funding ISIL. She asks, “If you or I gave money, weapons or support to al-Qaeda or ISIS, we would be thrown in jail. Why does our gov get a free pass on this?” Will something big come of this? We’ll see.

22. December 11th, 2016: Researchers in the UK show that solar power is now able to generate more energy than fossil fuels, thanks to a landmark study.

Controlling finance, politics and society with fossil fuels is coming to an end and will accelerate in its demise even quicker now.

23. December 27th, 2016: Turkey’s President Recep Erdogan says that the U.S. is helping ISIL and that Turkey has evidence in the form of pictures and videos. The evidence has yet to be released, but would be a welcomed delight by most of the international community, if true. His overall message corroborates with that of Tulsi Gabbard’s message: The U.S. is funding ISIL. Will more people begin to speak out and voice the same message?

24. December 28th, 2016: Israeli Prime Minister Bejamin Netanyahu is now under criminal investigation for at least two separate cases. Israeli police are investigating claims of bribery and aggravated fraud. Many people have long suspected Netanyahu as engaging in illegal activities and being towards the top of the Cabal’s pyramid. Will the investigations lead to anything major?

25. December 30th, 2016
: The Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte continues speaking his mind freely and calling out major individuals and organizations while he is at it. This time, he has called out the Vatican for pedophilia and gold hoarding. When talking about the fear of hell that the Vatican dispenses, Duterte said: 

“Do not believe it. That is what that religion is all about, they are instilling fear that you will go to hell if you are a sinner. But you will only know if there is indeed a hell if you die… Be careful about religion, it is about gold. It is about gold. They have not done anything. Where is their God and their grace? There is the hypocrisy of it all.” 

He then went all out and made a bold claim: “Catholicism is a sordid religion. It is about time to show you its history. Pope Leo was sired and even had sex with his child.”

With so much attention these days around pedophilia (remember, it is an established fact that the Vatican has paid out of $4 billion to sexual abuse claims in the past 50 years), it is good to see a major world leader call out another major organization (the Vatican) for what they have done.

Duterte also calling for the real history of the Vatican to be revealed is another bold move. Keep your eyes on Rodrigo Duterte. He has gained a reputation very quickly for speaking inconvenient truths.

26. December 30th, 2016:
The Bilderberg Club’s website is taken down by Anonymous and HackBack Movement and is given a 1 year ultimatum to begin working for the benefit of humanity or the hackers will begin targeting the group’s finances and other assets. Their message was simple, yet strong:

“Mind the current situation: We control your expensive connected cars, we control your connected house security devices, we control your daughter’s laptop, we control your wife’s mobile. We tape your secret meetings, we read your emails, we control your favorite escort girl’s smartwatch, we are inside your beloved banks and we are reading your assets. You won’t be safe anywhere near electricity anymore.”

27. December 30th, 2016:
Russia continues to outplay and outmaneuver the U.S. in many regards. After embarrassing defeat in Aleppo, Syria, the U.S. amped up it’s propaganda rhetoric and dismissed over 30 Russian diplomat, sending them back to Russia from the U.S.

Instead of retaliating by dismissing the same number of U.S. diplomats, Putin said he would not sink to such a petty level and decided not to dismiss any diplomats. Putin then invited the children of the U.S. diplomats over to Russia to join their families for a New Year’s Eve celebration. Diplomacy and integrity will continue to win the battles. Times are changing.

28. December 30th, 2016: Neil Keenan releases an update exposing a massive plot that is taking place right now to try and steal from the global collateral accounts. The parties involved are Yoshiaki Kobayashi, the Japanese Imperial Court, the Japanese Royal Family, the Queen of England, Bill and Hillary Clinton and Mino Entebbe, among others.

For those that aren’t aware, the global collateral accounts are what JFK was murdered over as he was to use these accounts to create a gold-backed Treasury note, along with legally exposing and ending The Federal Reserve and the CIA.

For more information on the global collateral accounts, read here.

2016 was quite a ride for most people. For the elite, we have seen tangible results that their plans for a world government are failing. The people are not cooperating as the mass awakening continues.

May 2017 be the year that our world is set truly free

Related: The Stage is Set for A Global Renaissance 2.0

The Bilderberg's Website Hacked By Anonymous: "We Will Watch You"

The Bilderberg Club’s website has been hacked, and the hackers have a big message they have sent to the infamous club: Start working for humanity within the next year, or we’ll hack and go after your assets.

The Bilderberg Club is a group of European and American elite, which comprise of politics, global industry, finance, media and academics, who have met annually since 1954. Their meetings are famously closed to the public and blacked out to press coverage. Their last meeting was in Dresden, Germany, which took place in June of this year.

Related: Anonymous Hacks Bilderberg

On December 30th, the hackers took down the Bilderberg’s website and posted a message of their own:

Dear Bilderberg members, from now on, each one of you have 1 year (365 days) to truly work in favor of humans and not your private interests.” 

The hackers, who claim to be from the HackBack Movement and Anonymous, took down bilderbergmeetings.org and further posted an even more threatening message on the site:

Mind the current situation: We control your expensive connected cars, we control your connected house security devices, we control your daughter’s laptop, we control your wife’s mobile. We tape your secret meetings, we read your emails, we control your favorite escort girl’s smartwatch, we are inside your beloved banks and we are reading your assets. You won’t be safe anywhere near electricity anymore.”

We wonder what kind of backlash this might have, both for the hackers and for the Bilderberg members. It has been said that the third world war is already happening, but happening not on a battle field, but in cyberspace.

Just last month, Barrett Brown was released from prison after serving more than four years behind bars for hacking information related to the U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force. Brown claimed to be the unofficial spokesman for Anonymous and has said he will continue his investigative journalism now that he is out of prison.

In the past couple years, Anonymous has claimed responsibility for dozens of high level hacks, including releasing information about the KKK and affiliated politicians and hacking the ISIL terrorist group.

Anonymous also has released a threatening message to the mainstream media, which happened last month. Just a few days ago, Anonymous also released a message to humanity saying that 2017 would be an exciting year in many regards.

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How Thoughts Create Atoms And Emotions Formulate Time
January 6 2017 | From: Omnithought

It seems that the connection between thought, emotions, space and time is far greater than understood before.

Here is a short introduction to the idea that thoughts can manipulate physical reality, and emotions can render the concept of time:

Relate: DivineCosmos

Part 1: Awareness to Atoms

A serious problem facing the world today is actually a very simple one, and it can be solved easily. The problem is that people are unaware of their own atoms…

People do not have the awareness or an understanding of the atoms that make their own body; how these atoms are created, how they operate and how they draw energy that enables the body to exist. When people are unaware of their own atoms, then they are unaware of how the planet operates…

The prevailing assumption that most people hold is that we all have a body, and the body exists out of its own ‘energy’, out of its own ‘accord’.

Many people seem to believe that the only relation, or ‘exchanges’ between the human body and the exterior world (the surrounding area) is by exchanges of such as water, air and light. Apart of these forms of exchange, people assume that the body exists separately of nature.

However, many studies reveal that this is not so. In effect, the human body seems to draw energies that are beyond what we tend to think. These energies operate on a level that is finer than the atom, and they give the body its initial energy.

The human body draws ‘oceans of energies’ from the universe, in order to maintain the functionality of its atoms, molecules and cells. The body draws ‘oceans’ of information from the planet itself, in a way that still puzzles our sciences.

If you could imagine for a moment yourself laying on an ocean… just imagine that you are there resting on the ocean, and then the whole ocean is pulled up into your body in order to give you the energy that enables you to make simple things as taking a breath.

This is how people draw in a cosmic energy that gives them energy.

Just to take a breath requires a worldwide energy; and this energy is provided free of charge to every single human being on this planet – but people are unaware of it.

The human body is a temple that contains the highest form of cosmic wisdom, and so if we learn to be aware of it, then we can find the solutions to all the problems we face. To do so we need to ask this: Where are the atoms of my body coming from? And where are they going to in the next minute?

Apparently, the human body is not so-called ‘stable, solid’ thing, but rather a complex and interchanging mechanism, where atoms are constantly forming the body, and at the next moment they are discharged off the body; they simply leave the body. It is like breathing in and breathing out, discharging air.

When atoms are discharged, new atoms are coming to replace them in forming the organs of the body. It is believed that in the span of a year the person has a totally new body consisting of completely new atoms that were not there a year before.

When atoms go away, new atoms are willingly coming to form the same single body with the same organs. This allows the so-called soul to have a manifestation of a physical existence, the physical experience of ‘living’.

But, how?

To learn how atoms operate, we must ask ourselves, where do atoms coming from and where are they going to? That question alone will promote social responsibility because people will acknowledge the connection they have with the surroundings, seeing the environment not as separated of them, but as part of them – consisting of atoms that are transformed to become their own body.

People will them want to make sure the environment is well kept because that environment sooner or later creates their own body. You have been created by nature and in turn creating it.

Part 2: In the Core of Atoms are Thoughts

The terms atom, molecules and body-cells are not new. While these terms go way back, still no one knows today what are they. Science is probably not developed enough to understand what is in the core of atoms and what is it that makes atoms. We do know, however, that the mere act of observation alters the result that we measure.

For example, the simple act of researching and observing a quantum field in the laboratory alters their behavior. And this human intervention with reality makes it very difficult for us to understand what is out there, because we know that that which is out there is that which we alter and affect ourselves. See: WhatThBleep

The atom is believed to be a form of energy. But once again, what is energy? It seems that no scientist can give you a definition of energy. Ask a scientist, “what is the energy that makes electricity? What is energy?”, and they will tell you, “We don’t know.” We cannot measure energy; we cannot see energy.

Energy is that which is ‘unknown’. Yet, it is this unknown that formulates not just the physical body but also the energy to maintain that physical body. Is it physical at all? We don’t know… Some scientists suggest that more than 99% of the atom is not solid matter. Deepak Chopra’s arguments are most fascinating, suggesting that energy is a potential, a form of potentiality.

Another interpretation of atom was given to me through a meditation session I have taken. During that meditation I became aware of a ‘presence’ which could simply be my own subconscious, however it felt much ‘wiser’ than myself, and had a sense of being independent of myself. I like to use the terms ‘spiritual guides’ or ‘Angels’ to describe these feelings.

One such Angel provided me with a fascinating outlook on atoms. He said that atoms are simply a form of thoughts… Atoms are a manifestation of what people think… The Angel said that we first need to understand the context of thoughts.

When we use the word ‘thought’, we mean an event on the level of human beings. There are other forms of beings, which do not succumb to the law of our nature. We live on planet Earth and we are bound to the laws of nature as well as to the audio/visual/emotional expressions that we use.

We are under the words that we use to express reality and to understand it. We make sense of reality through our logic, which uses words (see Susan K. Langer on this topic). This is a dogmatic view; a dogmatic perspective on life, and within this dogmatic perspective my Angel said that ‘thoughts’ live.

A thought for you and me, for human beings, can be one thing, whereas to other forms of being it could be something totally different. Thought can behave in few ways. One way is specific to human beings. Other ways are specific to other beings.

And so the Angel said that thoughts formulate what we otherwise know as ‘atom’. Atoms and thought are the same, and this is why we seem to alter reality and change atoms when we observe them. We use our attention – our thoughts – to look at atoms, which are also thoughts…

We use atoms to observe atom, and this is where the alterations of atoms in nature start. This may indeed be seen not as alteration but as a creation. When we put attention and observe reality we perhaps do not alter or change it – but rather create it. We create the atoms of which we observe. As thoughts create atoms, we could say that our body consists of our own thoughts – manifested in an illusion of physicality and solidity…

Thoughts are understood as electrical discharges coming mainly from the brain, whereas in reality they exist everywhere, coming and going from all corners of the Universe. And yet, since we believe that thoughts are localized in the brain, we perceive them as such – localized in the brain.

This is but a small perspective of the overall picture. As we assume thoughts ‘belong’ to the brain (or the mind) we then fail to see that they also make the human body itself; that indeed they are the atoms that make the substance of the body. If thoughts are indeed atoms, then we could say that we ‘think’ with the whole body, or that the body itself is a thinking being.

It is in a thought process which includes the brain, the mind, the body and the whole universe, and yet we are aware of only a small portion of this – the part which operates in the brain.

Part 3: The creation of time and space

Thoughts, which create atoms, operate within the paradigms of time and space. Time and space are yet another form of comprehension; a form in which we imagine things and follow a specific pattern. Yet, in other worlds which do not consist of our paradigms, time and space do not exist at all. Einstein discussed time as a form created by the human mind, and not by nature.

With no time and space, here is also there, and then is also now… Everything exists in the same place and at the same time.

Neale Donald Walsch [author of The Celestine Propecy] suggests that there is no up and no down, no here and no there – but rather all exist together, side by side. Yet, we do not perceive it as such. Rather, we perceive time and space as a linear continuum.

As we perceive atoms as operating within the linear continuums of time and space, we then shift our awareness. We put our attention into the illusory aspect of timespace, and this perception produces the impression that atoms are a solid thing or that atoms constitute solid elements.

And yet, as my Angel told me (read Part 2 to learn who is my ‘Angel’), time is not a given fact but rather a learned perspective. We are born into this world which holds the belief in the existence of time and its linearity. This belief is taught to children to the extent that they do not recognize any more the reality beyond this conditioning.

While time, and indeed space, have a useful function in our life on this planet, they are, indeed, a phantom created by our long historical conditioning. So, what is time? Well, my Angel told me that time is no more and no less the length of emotion… Time is created by the length of people’s emotions. If you have a specific emotion, it creates a specific time experience. If you have a different emotion, it creates a different time experience.

We all know that when we go to a party and enjoy ourselves, we then say, “Oh, it feels as if time passed so quickly.” In different situations where we do not enjoy, we say, “Time moves so slowly.” Time, indeed, is the length of emotion…

Emotions create time, and thoughts create atoms. Yet, in most experiences in our daily lives, the two elements, thoughts and emotions, do not correspond. They operate as two separate occurrences within people. They flow as two different streams. Thought, which create atoms and which produces the body, does not correspond to emotions, which produce time.

This is why many people do not experience happiness, because the body, which is your thought-product, does not correspond to your time, which is your emotion-product. For that same reason, people grow up.

People age, and aging they do not appreciate it, because they are unaware of the process. They do not realize the process; they do not make a coherent existence of thought-body and emotion-time. These two are operating separately, unknowingly to the person.

Being unaware, many people believe that there is such a thing called ‘time’, and it is measured by a tick of the clock. People believe that time is something external to them; something which is right there on my shelf when I look at the clock, and it creates time…

Some people will agree that the clock does not create time but will argue that the clock measures time. So what creates time then? Many will say that the movement of the sun creates time; when the earth moves around the sun it produces a ‘yesterday’; therefore, now is ‘today’. In truth, my Angel argued, the movement of planet Earth around the sun does not creates time.

The only connection between the movement of the planets and time is that ancient man begun to measure his experience of day and night through the use of the shadow that is cast on the earth once you stick a pole in the ground.

Ancient man used the rotation of the earth and the amount of light coming from the sun, which produces shadow, to measure day and night, but not to ‘create’ time.

Yet, many people today believe that time is a substance, a solid thing, which ‘exists’. That belief prevails since people are unaware of their emotions, which create time. People are unaware of their thoughts, which create their body within time.

Part 4: Information From the Creators

Albert Einstein talked about the illusion of time, saying that time is a psychic activity created by the human mind. Emmanuel Kant talked about time and space. He gave a fascinating explanation of time.

For him, time is a tool by which human beings limit the large reality. In the so-called large reality things can happen in a way that is inconceivable to our mind, such as the same person exiting in two places at the same time.

When humans limit this reality, they produce time concept, which enables them to understand how something can be in one place and at another place. With the logic of time people assume that a thing simply moved in time from one place to another.

While in reality all things exists at one place and at all times, to the human mind a thing seemed to move from one place to the other in time. Human beings devised this amazing mechanism called ‘time’ which limits, or splits reality, and render it accessible to the brain.

In order to create a correlation between our thoughts (which are our bodies), and our emotions (which are our time), we must become aware of ourselves. We must become aware of how we think and how we feel. The external world is the projection of humans’ own mind, as Carl Jung suggested and Seth (channelled by Jane Roberts) discussed.

Indeed, the external world is a beautiful creation and the projection of our own selves, and therefore it is a gift as it always reminds us what we are creating. It is a mirror. When we look outside, we look at mirrors reflecting ourselves, reflecting our own thoughts. While we can explore these projections, we also should focus on the creators, ourselves.

In order to stop the calamities and sufferings on this planet, we need to explore how we think and how we enable those creations, unwillingly. Rene Descartes said that to learn and become wiser, you don’t need to leave your room. You can stay inside your own house and just observe yourself.

Now we don’t need to go to that extreme; nature is a beautiful place… the world is a beautiful creation given to us in order to enjoy our own creation. However, it was given to us in order to experience our own creation. Many people look at the outside world and they are unaware that it is their own making.

So they are walking through life like zombies, inside their own dream. They don’t realize that they are walking within their own creation.

So why is it that most people are unaware of their own powers? Unaware of their thoughts? Unaware of their emotions, and unaware of this source of energy, these oceans of energies that they draw every single moment that allow the body to manifest and to live? Because most people do not follow the simple act of stopping for just one minute a day – stopping and trying to look inside.

When I say ‘inside’, I do not necessarily mean to sit, close your eyes, and look inside you. While that is a good technique it does not have to be the only technique.

You can actually look at a flower with your eyes open and just observe the essence that is reflected from you and into the flower and the objects around you.

There are many ways to do so. It becomes so simple once people realize that all it takes is simply to stop. When we stop for a moment in our modern hectic lifestyle, we are enabling our mind to do something amazing. Instead of generating constant thinking, we are enabling the brain to listen, to absorb. This is crucial.

While the act of generating constant thinking is very important indeed to organize your day, yet it can also limit you. When the mind is busy writing the script of your day, in producing thoughts, it is unable at the same time to listen; to receive information. To receive a script, and words of wisdom, coming to you from so many sources that most people do not even know exist.

Part 5: Evolution.

The brain was not designed to be a processor of information and a receptor of information at the same time (on the conscious level). While the brain receives information at all times, this goes to the so-called subconscious level, which Carl Jung describes.

Human beings constantly receive information but if we do not stop, we do not allow this information to be processed and we do not allow ourselves to become aware of it.

The act of stopping gives your brain an opportunity to hear; to listen. This concept is one of the greatest contributions of Judaism to the world’s wisdom. In Judaism they say that silence is worth so much that the act of listening is more important than the act of talking. As some people say, God gave us two ears and one mouth only… so listen twice as much as you speak…

And why is it so important to listen? After all there is too much chattering around me in my world, with too much information constantly bombarding me. I want to listen less because there is already too much…

Well, when I say ‘listening’, I mean listening to the voice inside you; listening to the messages that are coming from within; the wisdom that is constantly spoken to you from your own inner, higher self. I call it ‘the authorial-Self’ - watch ‘interview with authorial-Self’ below.

Interview with Authorial-Self

An interview with the authorial-Self (subconscious) through automatic speech. The authorial-Self describes how he inspires Gil Dekel into writing visionary poems.

This interview conducted through automatic-speech experiment, and edited as a film.

There is a source of knowledge, a source of wisdom, which resides not within you; it resides much further and deeper beyond you… but to reach it you need to go inside. You need to walk the bridge from your external self through your internal self and from there into your authorial-Self.

Many people are afraid to talk about this or to admit that they feel things or that they have inner ‘hearings’. People are scared because they would be deemed crazy.

But it doesn’t have to be necessarily inner-voices. You might feel a ‘knowing’, a feeling of an understanding or a form of wisdom. Yet, to contact that form of wisdom you must allow your brain one minute a day of comprehension; give it the authority to listen. When it listens, it listens to what’s inside.

And when it listens to what’s inside, it gives permission to your authorial-Self to provide you with this wisdom.

Now this wisdom, as I said, does not reside within your body; it does not reside within the atoms of the brain, but rather in a much deeper place. As one poet told me once, “I have become a deeper woman.” I would like to borrow this statement to describe the deeper self, which is the place where all answers reside.

It is the vast ocean from which you draw your energy, the force of life that runs through you at all times. This force contains not just energy but also information, knowledge. (Read about Reiki to learn more about this source).

If we to absorb this knowledge we could then learn who we are. People will then know where they are coming from, and where they draw their life force. People will learn where life is going to after it leaves their own body, and after it has been discharged completely from their own emotions and from their own thoughts.

Then we would know what our purpose on this planet is; what we have been before we came to this planet; where are we going next. And, why this life, this form of being a human, is so necessary to our spiritual evolution.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
What Is The Obama Regime Up To? + Seven Ways Obama Is Trying To Sabotage The Trump Administration
January 5 2017 | From: PaulCraigRoberts / Breitbart / Various

Obama has announced new sanctions on Russia based on unsubstantiated charges by the CIA that the Russian government influenced the outcome of the US presidential election with “malicious cyber-enabled activities.”

The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has issued a report “related to the declaration of 35 Russian officials persona non grata for malicious cyber activity and harassment.”

Related: “It’s A Plot, The Russians Are Coming”: Obama Illegally Sanctions Russia for Nonexistent US Election Hacking

The report is a description of:

“Tools and infrastructure used by Russian intelligence services to compromise and exploit networks and infrastructure associated with the recent U.S. election, as well as a range of U.S. government, political and private sector entities.”

The report does not provide any evidence that the tools and infrastructure were used to influence the outcome of the US presidential election.

The report is simply a description of what is said to be Russian capabilities.

Related: DHS/FBI Issues Joint Analysis Report: GRIZZLY STEPPE – Russian Malicious Cyber Activity

Moreover, the report begins with this disclaimer: “DISCLAIMER: This report is provided ‘as is’ for informational purposes only. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) does not provide any warranties of any kind regarding any information contained within.”

Related: GRIZZLY STEPPE – Russian Malicious Cyber Activity

In other words, the report not only provides no evidence of the use of the Russian tools and infrastructure in order to influence the US presidential election, the report will not even warrant the correctness of its description of Russian capabilities.

Related: 18 Major Scandals in Obama’s ‘Scandal-Free’ Presidency

Thus the DHS report makes it completely clear that the Obama regime has no evidential basis for its allegations on the basis of which it has imposed more sanctions on Russia.

What is going on here?

First there is the question of the legality of the sanctions even if there were evidence. I am not certain, but I think that sanctions require the action of a body, such as the UN Security Council, and cannot legally be imposed unilaterally by one country. Additionally, it is unclear why Obama is calling the expulsion of Russian diplomats “sanctions.”

No other country has to do likewise. During the Cold War when diplomats were expelled for spying, it was not called “sanctions.” Sanctions imply more than unilateral or bilateral expulsions of diplomats.

Second, it is clear that Obama, the CIA, and the New York Times are fully aware that the allegation is false. It is also clear that if the CIA actually believes the allegation, the intelligence agency is totally incompetent and cannot be believed on any subject.

Third, President Trump can rescind the sanctions in 21 days, a third reason that the sanctions are ridiculous.

So why are President Obama, the CIA, and the New York Times making charges that they know are false and for which they have not produced a shred of evidence?

Related: Soros Launches Plan to Bring Down US and Israel

One obvious answer is that the neoconized Obama regime is desperate to ruin US-Russian relations past the point that Trump can repair them. As the New York Times puts it;

“Mr. Obama’s actions clearly create a problem for Mr. Trump.” The question the New York Times says, is whether Trump “stands with his democratic allies on Capitol Hill or his authoritarian friend in the Kremlin.”

Can Trump’s foreign policy be controlled by false allegations?

According to the New York Times, Trump has relented and agreed to being briefed by the CIA about the Russian hacking now that Republicans such as Paul Ryan, John McCain, and Lindsey Graham have lined up with Obama and the CIA in accepting charges for which no evidence has been presented.

However, a briefing without evidence would seem simply to further discredit the CIA in Trump’s eyes.

As I have emphasized in my columns, facts no longer have a role in the United States and its empire. Allegations alone suffice, whether in court cases, interrogation centers, foreign and domestic policies, or classrooms.

The US even bases its military invasions on false allegations - “weapons of mass destruction.” Indeed, the entirely of US foreign policy since the Clinton regime has been based on nothing but false allegations.

The Russian government should have learned by now, but perhaps Moscow still thinks that facts matter in Washington’s decisions.

Possibly we should consider that more is going on than meets the eye. Perhaps the propaganda about the Russian cyber threat to democracy is being used to prepare American and/or European populations for an incident.

The CIA has morphed into a “deep state” that uses disinformation and propaganda to align decisions of Congress, the executive branch, and foreign governments with secret behind-the-scenes agendas. Many books, such as Stephen Kinzer’s The Brothers and Douglas Valentine’s CIA As Organized Crime have described some of these secret agendas.

Related: Truman’s True Warning on the CIA

In order to deter Trump from restoring normal relations with Russia, an incident would have to be severe and irreversible. Rather than accept defeat for their agenda of US world hegemony, the neoconservatives are prepared to take high risks. The willingness to take risks is demonstrated by the public effort of the CIA Director to discredit the president-elect.

As expected, Putin’s response to the latest provocation is low key as the “sanctions” appear to be meaningless on the surface.

Related: Stephen Lendman Reports President Putin’s Response To Obama’s New Sanctions

However, in the event that something dangerous is below the surface, the Russian government might want to consider putting its military forces on alert.

Related Articles:

Stephen Lendman Reports President Putin’s Response To Obama’s New Sanctions

Obama Retaliates Against Russians Over Purported Cyberattack, But Is There a Double Standard?

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Seven Ways Obama Is Trying To Sabotage The Trump Administration

President Barack Obama’s final weeks in office seem dedicated to setting foreign and domestic policy on fire to make life as difficult as possible on his successor, Donald Trump.

Here are some of the biggest mousetraps Obama scattered across the White House floor on his way out:

Related: Assange: Obama Is ‘Obviously Trying To Delegitimize Trump’ - Wikileaks founder says source of email hack is '1000% Not Russia'

1. Betraying Israel at the United Nations: Obama’s refusal to block a United Nations vote against Israel, his administration’s shadowy machinations to bring that ugly motion to the floor, and Secretary of State John Kerry’s long-winded broadside against Israel will leave President Trump with a massive political crisis in the Middle East, and quite possibly a security crisis, if terror groups and their “political wings” are emboldened by the rebuke of Israel.

Obama’s Israel maneuver also damages American credibility, teaching would-be allies that the United States is not the best friend to have. America’s erstwhile battlefield allies in Syria can teach the same lesson, assuming any of them are left alive to take the podium.

This comes at the very moment aspiring hegemons in China and Russia are showing their allies how Beijing and Moscow will go to the mat for them.

Related: Obama Publishes $7.4 BILLION Worth Of Regulations In One Night

Obama’s team thinks it was clever to saddle Trump with an international edict the U.S. president cannot easily reverse. They might not have thought this all the way through, because some of the options that are available to Trump could leave internationalists, and Palestinian leaders, cursing Barack Obama’s memory.

Note that even some commentators friendly to Obama, and sources within the Obama Administration itself, have described the Israel vote as a deliberate act of sabotage aimed at Trump, because Obama is “alarmed” by some of Trump’s appointees.

2. A New Cold War With Russia: After eight years of relentlessly mocking anyone who said Russia was a major geopolitical threat to the United States (most famously including his 2012 presidential opponent, Mitt Romney) Barack Obama suddenly realized: “You know what? Russia is a major threat!”

He also awoke to the dangers of cyber-warfare, after an entire presidency of treating electronic espionage as a purely political problem to be minimized and spun away, because taking it seriously made him look bad. Who can forget how Obama left victims of the OPM hack twisting in the wind for weeks, because the administration didn’t want to admit how serious the attack was?

But then a top Democrat political operative fell for a crude phishing scam, and the Democratic National Committee got hacked, so Obama… well, he still didn’t take cyber-espionage seriously.

He slapped the snooze bar again, because as one anonymous official put it, they thought Hillary Clinton was a cinch to win the 2016 election, “so they were willing to kick the can down the road.

No, it was Hillary Clinton’s loss in the election, and the desperate push to damage President-elect Trump’s legitimacy, that made the president who politely ignored China hacking 25 million American citizens’ private data get tough on information security.

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Until now, states involved in cyber-espionage never got anything worse than a few carefully-chosen words of sour disapproval from the expiring administration, but the Russkies received a sprinkling of sanctions, and 35 diplomats were expelled.

Russia responded by unleashing an army of ducks and trolls from the depths of the Kremlin. The New Cold War is only a few days old, and it’s already weirder than the old one was.

Presumably Obama thinks he’s maneuvered Trump into a position that will make whatever rapprochement he might have entertained with Moscow more difficult, or at least more politically costly for the new President.

Related: Buoyant Putin and Sinking Western Mis-Leaders

The end result might be easier relations between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, and a lingering memory of how little Barack Obama cared about cybersecurity until it was politically expedient for him to freak out.

3. Ban on Oil Drilling: An overt act of sabotage directed at the American economy itself, leaving an especially heavy bootprint on Alaska. Smug administration flacks spent the past couple of weeks assuring media talking heads that Obama’s unprecedented abuse of an obscure law was impossible for his successor to reverse.

It’s like they stayed up all night, looking for executive actions that can’t be undone by the new President four weeks later.

(Amusingly, Obama dropped this bomb on our energy sector just a few weeks after publicly advising Trump not to abuse executive orders.)

It’s likely that legions of lawyers will battle throughout 2017, and perhaps beyond, to determine if Obama’s “latest poke at Trump” (as Politico put it) really is irreversible. What a lovely parting gift from the departing President to the country that elected him twice: a pile of gigantic wealth-destroying lawsuits!

4. National-Monument Land Grab: The other theoretically irreversible presidential edict discovered by Obama’s munchkins is the ability to designate national monuments. Another 1.65 million acres in Utah and Nevada was yanked off the market in the last week of December, bring Obama’s Antiquities Act acreage up to an unprecedented 553 million acres.

Related: Obama seizes Bundy Ranch area in massive last minute land grab

"This arrogant act by a lame duck president will not stand. I will work tirelessly with Congress and the incoming Trump administration to honor the will of the people of Utah and undo this designation,” thundered Senator Mike Lee of Utah.

Sixty-five percent of his state is now under the wise and compassionate environmental protection of the same government that turned the Colorado River into a toxic-waste dump.

5. Eliminating the National Immigration Registry: Just in case Trump got any ideas about using it as the basis for the “enhanced vetting” he has promised for immigrants from terrorist-infested regions, the Obama administration killed a long-dormant program called NSEERS that once committed the unforgivable politically-incorrect sin of tracking military-age males from violently unstable Muslim-majority countries.

It’s highly debatable whether the NSEERS program was of any practical use. When it pulled the plug, the Department of Homeland Security noted that the post-9/11 program called for collecting data that is now routinely collected for most foreign visitors, along with more sophisticated biometric information.

Almost everyone saw the elimination of these roles as a purely symbolic act - i.e. political sabotage directed at the incoming President.

6. The Great Guantanamo Jailbreak: After paying little more than lip service to his promise to close the Guantanamo Bay prison for much of his presidency, Obama went into overdrive in his last years, transferring over 150 detainees. A shocking number of them ended up back on the battlefield.

Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA) of the House Foreign Affairs Committee wrote a Wall Street Journal op-ed this week to sound the alarm about Obama’s “midnight push to empty out Guantanamo.” 

“The White House has repeatedly released detainees to countries it knew lacked the intent and capability to keep the detainees from returning to terrorism. The results have been deadly,” Royce wrote, challenging the wisdom of such Obama administration brainstorms as dropping al-Qaeda’s top bomb maker into Bosnia, a country with “limited security services” but plenty of radical mosques and unemployed military-age males.

Related: 2017: The Year Of Microchipping Americans. The Law Was Just Passed

Royce’s committee has been investigating allegations the administration tried to pay the bomb-maker $100,000 to refrain from passing his deadly skills along to eager apprentices. Hunting down the rest of the transferred prisoners who transferred themselves right back into the global jihad will be a job for the Trump administration.

7. Depicting Trump’s Election as a Disaster: Let’s not forget Obama’s acts of rhetorical sabotage, such as describing Trump’s presidential campaign as a crime against American class and racial harmony, or his wife wailing that all hope was lost for America’s children. Trump himself has taken note of the “many inflammatory President Obama statements and roadblocks.”

It’s hard to remember a previous instance of the outgoing president attacking the legitimacy of his successor this way, especially during the transition, before the new chief executive has actually done anything.

And it’s probably not over yet. The time for big executive orders is growing short, but Obama is always just one day away from calling a press conference and saying something else that will make the transition more difficult.

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Of course he can still talk all he wants after January 20th, and he’s given every indication he won’t follow the dignified path of his predecessors and allow the new president time to chart his own course, but there’s no substitute for the bully pulpit of the presidency.

The timber of Barack Obama’s political voice will be very different on January 21st than it was on January 19th. More likely than not, he’ll use it before he loses it.

Related: Obama’s legacy of debt and disease: National debt doubles in just eight years while 10.7 million more Americans now on food stamps to buy cancer-causing junk foods

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

How To Effectively Manage Social Anxiety
January 5 2017 | From: AustralianNationalReview

The holiday season is a time we wait for all year round. We get out of our houses, meet our friends, families, and loved ones, and try to have a great time.

However, many of us are not very confident, and often suffer from social anxiety that is associated with the tons of gatherings and parties that are common during this time of the year..

Related: How To “Hack” Your Biology To Improve Creativity And Thinking Skills

Kim Felmingham, a reputed clinical psychologist tells Huff Post Australia;

“We have clear empirical evidence and it is very well recognised that this time of year is particularly difficult for people with psychological issues. For people with social anxiety, there are more social occasions so that is going to really escalate their symptoms.

As much as your anxiety is getting escalated, if you avoid all social interaction - which is one of the most common coping strategies for this disorder - that avoidance can strongly reinforce a sense of isolation and loneliness”.

Felmingham feels that this kind of behaviour will eventually let your anxiety win over you. The disorder is commonly known as SAD or Social Anxiety Disorder. The condition can be debilitating and long term if it isn’t diagnosed properly.

However, Huff Post reports that there are various ways to reduce the effect of those SAD symptoms.

Before a Social Event

Felmingham feels that if you are suffering from social anxiety, you should have a plan in your mind. She says:

“Think about what you can and want to go to - and don’t throw yourself straight into the deep end. Rather than having a blanket avoidance or saying yes to everything, establish a graded list of social events. Some may be far more anxiety-provoking then others.”

These strategies help you understand what ‘pre-event processing’ is. She continues;

“When you’re approaching an event, you’re already anticipating what’s going to happen before you get there. You might have images of how bad it is going to be - they are always negative…

If you can, start to work with and challenge those thoughts or images. Ask yourself, ‘Am I thinking of the worst case scenario, here?’

If you don’t do this, your thoughts are winning and that is only going to escalate your anxiety before you enter that situation. That may be going with a friend, or going and staying for a certain amount of time - that is better than not going at all.”

During The Event

Once you are at the event, your anxiety meter will rise above normal.

Here is what Felmingham thinks you should do:

"It is important at this stage to do some breathing and work on bringing your anxiety down… Remind yourself that not everyone is noticing you or judging you.”

Related: Neuroscience Says Listening To This Song Reduces Anxiety By Up To 65 Percent + The Miracle Of 528 Hz Solfeggio And Fibonacci Numbers

She feels that the secret to tackling this rise in anxiety lies in countering your ‘self-focused attention’. She added:

“People tend to have this attention that is focused entirely on themselves and how others are viewing them. What you want to do is try to direct your attention towards conversation or what is happening around you…

No one is the life of the party all of the time. ‘Normal’ at a Christmas party is probably a quick chat with someone for a few minutes before they move on…

Rather than interpreting this as ‘I don’t have anything meaningful to say’, try to re-frame that as ‘This is a normal form of party interaction’.”

Felmingham feels that a lot of people depend on alcohol to get over their anxiety. This is a defence mechanism

She also adds that people with anxiety should not credit their behaviour to the consumption of alcohol. Rather, they should credit themselves whenever they are feeling comfortable at social gatherings.

After the Event

If you are suffering from SAD, try and analyse the different behaviour patterns that make you anxious at social settings.

Felmingham says;

“Post-event processing is where we tend to focus on the negative parts. Think about whether there were any positive conversations that challenged that. It’s about trying to see the shades of grey.

Be compassionate towards yourself and recognise that this is a tough time of year. Don’t be ashamed to seek help if you need it.”

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Erdogan Says He Has "Confirmed Evidence" The US Supports ISIS + US Senator Says ISIS Used As Tool By Saudis, US & Turkey When It Suits Their Interests
January 4 2017 | From: Zerohedge / RT

One year after this website demonstrated that Turkey was cooperating with the Islamic State, in the very least trading cash in exchange for crude oil sold to various Turkish outposts (a trade which was subsequently ended by the Russian air force), Turkey has flipped the tables and on Tuesday Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said he has uncovered evidence that US-led coalition forces have helped support terrorists in Syria - including Isis.

"They give support to terrorist groups including ISIS" Erdogan said during a speech in Ankara on Tuesday, adding that US coalition forces "give support to terrorist groups including Daesh, YPG, PYD. It's very clear. We have confirmed evidence, with pictures, photos and videos."

Related: Erdogan’s Accusations re US Supporting Terrorists A Parting Shot For Obama

Which, incidentally, should also not come a surprise in light of the May 2015 declassified Pentagon report, which claimed that ISIS was created as a Pentagon tool to overthrow Syria's president Assad.

“It’s very clear that the US-led coalition is supporting terrorist groups in Syria, Islamic State. They give support to terrorist groups including Daesh (Arabic for IS).

We have confirmed evidence, with pictures, photos and videos.”

- Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Related: Absolutely Stunning: Leaked Audio of Secretary Kerry Reveals Obama Intentionally Allowed Rise of ISIS

Nevertheless, the "pot calling the kettle black" comes at a sensitive time for both the US and Turkey, which are both pivoting aggressively, one internally from Obama to Trump, while the other is shifting its foreign geopolitical allegiance from the US to Russia, which may also explain today's outburst by Erdogan.

Related: Erdogan tells Israel: "We see Western weapons in Daesh hands"

Saying that the US have accused Turkey of supporting IS, speaking at a press conference on Tuesday the Turkish leader blamed the US-led coalition for assisting terrorists themselves. Apart from IS, he also mentioned Kurdish People's Protection Units in northern Syria (YPG) and Democratic Union Party (PYD) as groups supported by the coalition.

Earlier on Tuesday, Moscow accused Washington of "sponsoring terrorism" in Syria.

Commenting on the latest National Defense Authorization Act signed into law by President Barack Obama, the Russian Foreign Ministry pointed out that the new bill "openly stipulates the possibility" of delivering more weapons to Syria, and added that those arms "will soon find their way to the jihadists," which Russia would view as a "hostile act."

Erdogan's comments echoed those from the Iranian Defense Minister Hossein Dehghan, who told RT that Washington appears unready to play a serious role in fighting Islamic State, as it has fostered terrorists itself and now wants them to remain in the Middle East.

"The Western coalition is of a formal nature, they have no real intention to fight neither in Syria nor in Iraq. We don’t see any readiness on their part to play a truly useful and meaningful role in fighting IS, because it’s them who have raised terrorists and they are interested in keeping them there,” Dehghan said.

According to the Iranian defense minister, Tehran has never coordinated its operations with the Americans and “will never collaborate with them.”

He then slammed the US' motives behind the "war on ISIS' saying that:

"Maybe the coalition forces would like to see terrorists weakened, but certainly not destroyed, because those terrorists are their tool for destabilizing this region and some other parts of the world.”

One wonders how long before Putin is blamed for this latest political scandal, because if indeed Erdogan does provide proof of US support for the Islamic State, then the Pentagon will need a back story very fast, and what better scapegoat than the Russian president.

US Senator Says ISIS Used As Tool By Saudis, US & Turkey When It Suits Their Interests

Speaking to RT on the advance of ISIS militants from Mosul toward Palmyra, Virginia Senator Richard Black (R) expressed doubt that the US-led coalition could have overlooked such a regrouping, pointing to possible interests of the US and regional players.

Given that the territory between areas occupied by Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) and Palmyra is a “very barren” rocky desert, “it is unconceivable that the American-led collation could not have seen this massive army moving towards Palmyra,” Senator Black told RT.

Related: Congresswoman Says US Is Arming ISIS, Introduces Bill to Stop It

"The Western coalition is of a formal nature, they have no real intention to fight neither in Syria nor in Iraq. We don’t see any readiness on their part to play a truly useful and meaningful role in fighting IS, because it’s them who have raised terrorists and they are interested in keeping them there,” Dehghan said.

“I was surprised that ISIS was able to attack Palmyra. It’s important to recognize that the distance from ISIS-held territory [to] Palmyra is approximately 100 miles,” added the senator, who has repeatedly voiced support for Syrian President Bashar Assad in battling the jihadists.

The fact that the US-led coalition seemingly turned a blind eye to the imminent terrorist threat to the UNESCO world heritage site is not a coincidence, he argues, but rather a part of the foreign policy strategy employed by the current White House administration towards Islamic State. 

“Unfortunately, I believe, under the Obama administration, I think there have been great deal of coordination between terrorist forces and the US-led coalition,”
Black said.

While the US, as well as other western countries and major regional players, do not share the same goals as the terrorists, they have been seemingly sparing Islamic State if airstrikes against the terrorist group could have resulted in disadvantage to Turkey, the key NATO member in the region and a US ally, which Black alleges, has engaged in economic relations with terrorists.

Related: ‘Decamped from Mosul ISIS fighters in Syria perfect for US narrative’

“There [the terrorists] have not been loved by anyone, but they have been a major trading partner of Turkey, and the United States withheld any attack when they first seized Palmyra travelling a hundred miles over open territory, and, I confirm, there was not a single bomb dropped by the American-led coalition,” he said.

This very selective approach to fighting terrorists gives reason to suggest that the US-led coalition is battling jihadists only when it does not interfere with the narrow interests of its members, Black suggests, dubbing the coalition’s efforts under such circumstances as “disastrously unproductive.

“I think ISIS is often used as a tool between Turkey and the United States and as long as they are useful to one of those parties they are protected and when they are not useful they are not protected,” Black said, arguing that ISIS served as “tool of Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United States and NATO forces…from the very beginning” of the conflict in Syria.

At the same time, the senator commended the US-led offensive in Iraq, which has centered on liberating its second largest city, Mosul, from militants, saying that the coalition was “doing some very good work in Mosul” and seems to be genially poised to “drive ISIS forces from Mosul.”

Related: 'CIA created ISIS', says Julian Assange as Wikileaks releases 500k US cables

However, US President Barack Obama’s recent decision to lift restrictions on the delivery of weapons to:

"Foreign forces, irregular forces, groups or individuals,” who are supported by US military in Syria, plays into the hands of terrorists and looks like “a desperate last attempt” by the outgoing administration, Black said.

The senator said that the looming change of commander-in-chief in the United States will be marked by a U-turn in Syria, with the US cutting all its ties with militants.

“When Donald Trump comes in, the support is going to be cut for the terrorists. We are not going on to the side of the terrorists anymore,” he said.

Sen. Black has been known as a fierce critic of the current US policy towards Syria, calling it “insane” in comments to the Washington Post in April, when he argued that “it is within our power” to stop the bloodshed.

Related: Actress Angelina Jolie Humiliates Obama for the Whole World to See

In April, Black traveled to Palmyra and met with Syrian government officials. He has said that Syria being entrapped in the military conflict is not the result of domestic issues but of a plot contrived by foreign intelligence, including that of the western countries, Saudi Arabia and Turkey.

“The government and people in Syria want peace, but regional countries don’t,” Black told Homs Governor Talal Barazi at the time, as cited by the Syria Times.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Developing A Non-Judgmental Attitude
January 4 2017 | From: UnboundedSpirit

We expend much of our time and energy judging others. It seems that by judging others we feel a sense of superiority over them which makes us temporarily feel better about ourselves - it boosts our ego.

But this feeling is only short-lasting, whereas our judgmental attitude has  tremendous negative consequences that we tend to overlook: it separates us people from one another, which in turn creates social conflict and suffering.

Related: Mana: The Power In Knowing Who You Are

If we want to feel united with our fellow human beings again, we need to break our habit of judging them, so that we can start seeing them for who they are, without misconceptions.

How to Stop Being Judgmental: 3 Heart-Opening Tips

Below you will find 3 important, heart-opening tips on how to stop being judgmental that will help you to develop a more compassionate attitude towards people and live more at peace with them.

1. Understand Where They Come From

The basic reason why we judge people is because we don’t truly understand them. And because we don’t understand them, we are quick to call them names.

For example, if a person is acting in a hateful way, we call him or her “evil.” The truth is, however, that there is no person alive who is absolutely good or evil, and by calling them so, we build a wall between us and them that doesn’t allow us to get to truly know who they are.

A person who is behaving in a hateful way in reality is nothing but a person with a harsh past - a person who has been through difficulties and undergone traumatic experiences, and who tries to deal with life this way.

By putting yourself in people’s shoes and understanding their story - that is, their background and the conditions they currently live in - you’ll start to develop a non-judgmental attitude towards them that will help you to see them under a new light - you will see them clearly, as they are, without prejudices that distort their true self.

2. Accept Them With Their Flaws

It is an undeniable fact that each and every human being has flaws and makes mistakes in life. No one is or can be perfect and therefore we should not expect people to be as such.

Many times we are judgemental of others because they are not what we expect them to be like or because they don’t fit into the idealized image that we’ve created of them. The reality is that every person on Earth is a unique individual and we need to accept people as they are, without imposing our ideas of how they should be.

We need to embrace others with the totality of our being, and only once we do so, can true compassion arise from within us.

Of course, that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t criticize the ideas and behavior of people, give them our advice, or help them in any way we can to improve their quality of life. But we need to realize that everyone is facing problems and challenges on their life’s journey, and that to judge them for not living perfectly well is nothing but immature and unkind.

3. Love Them Without Conditions

What do we gain by judging others and being harsh on them? Nothing. Judging doesn’t help anyone in any way. It only helps us build walls around our hearts that prevent us from connecting and building healthy relationships with people.

It’s about time we break those walls and destroy the illusion of separation. It’s about time we embrace one another by showing unconditional love.

By judging others, we become separated from them, and only love can help us open our hearts and feel united again.

Love is the ultimate understanding and the only way to heal ourselves and create a more beautiful world.

Related: Key Influence Of Belief

Developing a Non-Judgmental Attitude

Soon after the above article was posted, I received an interesting message from a reader, Paula, who expressed some of her concerns on the issue.

I don’t usually share my email conversations here, but this time I consider it important to do so, since I find that Paula’s experience is common to many people, and I thought it might be helpful to share my ideas with those of you who have similar concerns.

Paula’s message:

Hello Sofo,

I base my whole outlook on not being judgmental, but in the end the people I love still judge me. In fact, I have made it an art to not judge people, so instead I just suffer because I realize that the people who judge me don’t really know me and don’t need to because they can think whatever they want.

I somehow feel extra betrayed though, because I convinced myself that fair play is not judging. I know they are the ones losing because their own misery lies in their own perspective of the world… but when everyone does it, and I’m the only one that doesn’t I am alone.

Is it possible that today the non-judgmental people are the snobs? Because that is the way it feels. Does that make sense to you?

I love your blogs,


My response:


First, one thing has to be made absolutely clear: being non-judgmental is not something that you do - it’s something that you are.

Therefore trying to be non-judgmental will not make you any less judgmental than you are. In fact, the more you try to be non-judgmental, the more judgmental you’ll become, since your mind will be more focused on judgment. Try not to think of an elephant. What are you thinking of? I bet it’s an elephant!

Having a non-judgmental attitude is a result of the understanding that no one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes in life. It’s the realization that everyone has been through difficult times and is possibly moving towards a brighter tomorrow.

It is the acceptance of the fact that every single person is a unique individual, and the comprehension that their individuality should be respected. A non-judgmental attitude gives others space to be who they are, and supports them in their efforts to turn into the best version of themselves.

Of course, the reality is that most people are quick to judge each other, and no matter how less we judge others, it’s most likely that we’ll be judged by them… a lot. Does that mean that judging others would make life easier for you, just because you’re being judged by them? Not at all.

In fact, doing so could create a hell out of your life. In essence, to judge means to have certain expectations from people - to want them to be different than who they are - and the reality is that no one is going to fulfill your expectations. Hence emotional anguish and social conflict is inevitably experienced by those who are focused on judging people.

You say that you feel betrayed and suffer because of others judging you. But what does that mean? That you judge yourself according to the opinions others have of you.

To be non-judgmental means first and foremost to stop judging your very self. How could you stop judging others if you can’t stop judging yourself? It’s impossible, for the way we see others is a reflection of how we see ourselves.

Lastly, yes, you’re right in saying that people who claim to be non-judgmental are usually snobs – they are the ones who try to boost their egos by claiming that they are non-judgmental. Instead of trying to boost their egos by judging others - like most do - they do so by pretending to be saint-like.

But this also comes from a judgmental mentality. If you are non-judgmental, what is the need of shouting to the world that you are so?

If you feel judgmental, there’s no point in trying to show that you’re not. Simply accept the fact that you are, and try to look into why that is so. Why the constant need to judge others? What is the reason behind your judgmental attitude and how does it make your life any better?

Once you start sincerely asking those questions, you’ll change how you look at yourself and others, and this will be a good first step to developing a non-judgmental attitude.

Love and light,


Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

US State Department Blueprint To Oust Duterte Leaked By US Embassy Insider
January 3 2017 | From: Geopolitics / Various

An elaborate blueprint to dislodge the Philippine president, Mayor Rodrigo Duterte, has  emerged through a local newspaper in the Philippines.

The Oust Duterte blueprint was allegedly written by the former US Ambassador Philip Goldberg, who started the verbal tussle with the then-candidate Duterte when the former issued an unsolicited statement detrimental to the candidacy, a few months ago, of the incumbent president.

Related: Duterte Says US Ambassadors Are CIA "Spies" As Alleged US Plot To Overthrow Him Emerges

If you want to understand how exactly the US State Department is conducting its “regime change” program without the use of ground military invasion against a targeted state, just read on.

The Manila Times reports;

“Not only did former United States Ambassador Philip Goldberg leave the Philippines with a legacy of fractured relations between the two countries, he allegedly left behind a “blueprint to undermine Duterte,” a strategic recommendation ostensibly to the State Department for the ultimate removal of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte from office, according to a highly placed source.

It is not clear, however, if the State Department in Washington DC had given its imprimatur to the recommendation by its former ambassador to the Philippines.

A document received over the weekend by The Manila Times from that source said Goldberg had outlined a list of “strategies” to undermine President Duterte and called for his eventual ouster. The blueprint gave a timetable of one-and-a-half years.

Quoting Goldberg, it said the “political actors (the opposition) would need all the political weapons in their arsenal to replace the Duterte administration and replace it with something more to the opposition’s liking.” He noted, however, “that (deposing Duterte) would be a challenge for the opposition.”

Analyzing the President’s weakness, Goldberg said that Mr. Duterte “has no real friends” outside of his region for his propensity to mock and ridicule people close to him. He also said that the President’s “views are shaped not by ideology or personal ambitions, but by old-fashioned nationalism where he holds the United States accountable for the Philippines’ current state of poverty and dependency.”

To bring down Duterte, the Goldberg plan calls for stoking public dissatisfaction with the President over unfulfilled election promises, isolating the Philippines from the rest of the ASEAN by extending military assistance to member countries except the Philippines, and/or through economic “blackmail” that aims to limit trade by some ASEAN member countries with the Philippines.

Goldberg also encourages support for the opposition through aids and grants, sowing discontent among the Duterte supporters and cultivating the cleavage between the congressmen and the senators over the Charter Change issue.

In brief, the plan calls on the US government to employ a combination of socio-economic-political-diplomatic moves against Duterte “to bring him to his knees and eventually remove him from office.”

The paper outlined the Ambassador’s “strategies to be employed” such as:

Political and economic isolation of the Philippines in the region by engaging the leaders of Japan, Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos and by “highlighting the basic question of the risk of doing business in the Philippines.”

Enhanced US military relationship with members of the Asean community except the Philippines.

Blackmail neighboring countries so they would turn against Duterte by reducing trade with the Philippines in favor of Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos.

Deepen ties with Philippine officials (the opposition), the police/military and leaders in the region who share the US concerns over Duterte.

Track corruption cases and highlight the failures of Duterte.

“Focus on the needs of the people at the grassroots and assist the opposition groups in delivering those failed promises through USAID – such as alleviation of poverty, housing and education – to name a few.”

Utilize the media to expose the truth about Duterte – “his false vision for the Filipino people and his dangerous international relationships with China and Russia.”

Goldberg also recommends, “change the political landscape by dividing the core leadership of Duterte” by “sowing discontent among (his) partymates.” He observed that some of the President’s allies are privately becoming concerned over his shift in foreign policy and the twist in the character of his economic and social agenda that veers closely toward the Left.

The former US Ambassador underscores the need to stoke the fire between the “defenders of the rule of law and Duterte’s Leftist group” by highlighting the demands of the Left to free all political prisoners in the country even before a formal peace agreement could be signed between the government and the CPP/NDF/NPA, and an end to US military presence in the Philippines.

It is not clear from what the source said how Goldberg would go about weakening the Philippine currency, but it states that such a scenario would lead to inflation (and would raise prices of food and other commodities).

(Author’s note: He was wrong, though, in predicting that a weak peso would make our agriculture less competitive. On the contrary, a weak peso would help strengthen our exports and make our products more competitive in the global market.)

The paper also quoted Goldberg’s recommendation to “capitalize on a possible stalemate” as a possible course of action if and when the Lower House marginalizes the Senate on the voting on Charter Change. The Lower House has already publicly declared that both the House and the Senate should vote as one and not separately, as espoused by the Senators. Voting as one would, as some senators say, disenfranchise them given the sheer number of the congressmen – 240 representatives versus 24 Senators.

There will be fallout as a result of the Charter Change stalemate. Many legislators will break away from the administration as a consequence, Goldberg predicts.

In his observation, the US former envoy to the Philippines said that while President Duterte has been successful in earning the support of the people for his campaign against drugs, his political and economic program has failed to deliver the desired results. The US government, he said, should try “to understand how Duterte thinks” and what his next moves would be.

“With growing concern about the country’s security situation and economic discontent, the pressure is on Duterte to deliver concrete results,” the paper wrote, quoting Goldberg. “In this increasingly sensitive environment – a country susceptible to favor political disruption, our approach must be measured. Opposition actors across the political spectrum look at us (US) for cues, and our (US) influence is much greater than our footprint.”

Goldberg also advises “restraint in expressing public support for former President Fidel Valdez Ramos and Vice President Leni Robredo, as well as other opposition leaders “so as not to alarm the Duterte administration of an impending “destabilization or a coup.” He admits, however, that the “operation (coup) is obscured with difficulties.”

Two other options were presented by Goldberg, according to the paper: The rift among the Duterte supporters should be exploited, or assist the “Robredo-led opposition groups (to include the Catholic Church and other religious groups, business sectors, civil society groups and the youth) in addressing the international community regarding the shift in foreign policy issue, restoration of democracy and the protection of human rights through constitutional means.”

Goldberg predicts a worsening of the US-Philippine relations, more so on the issue of the US military presence in the Philippines, more particularly during the last two years of the Duterte administration.

The paper also wrote that the former US ambassador to the Philippines wanted to “know the views of Sen. Bongbong Marcos on a variety of issues such as: the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA), China, Human Rights and the US-PH relations.”

- TheManilaTimes

Now, you understand how the United States has been scheming the political and economic affairs of the Philippine citizenry for the last 113 years.

So, who exactly leaked Goldberg’s anti-Duterte plot to the mainstream media?

Congressional Hearing re State Department Oust Duterte Covert Ops

There will be a congressional investigation soon, but allow this writer to disabuse your mind  for a moment and let’s explore as to who could be behind the leaking of the Goldberg Oust Duterte plan.

Related: Philippines President Duterte Calls Out Vatican For Pedophilia & Gold Hoarding

First, we already know that the leak came directly from the “highly placed source” inside the US Embassy in Manila. But we cannot expect that the people there would volunteer the information to the Philippine Congress.

Yet, there are only few specific “highly placed” personalities who should have access to the Oust Duterte “blueprint” left behind by the former American Ambassador to the Philippines Philip Goldberg. In fact, we can only think of one potential silent whistleblower as of now, and he is of Asian blood.

He was directly in front of the president when the latter expressed his candid assessment of the true root cause of the Moro rebellion in Southern Philippines, justifying his preference for a shift to a federal-parliamentary system of government.

“The United States were here. They lorded it over for 50 years… and lived off with the fat of the land. But when they want out, they went out and it was still a unitary type [of government]. And to hear them say,

“We will cut your aid if this thing happens again…” C’mon, shut up!

Shut up! I do not need your assistance. Millennium Challenge? $400 million?

China is going to release to me $15 billion. Go home. I do not need you here."

Duterte further advices the West that;

You should be careful with Orientals… With due respect to the Ambassador of the United States, when you’re dealing with Asians, be very careful of your language. You could not do that to the Japanese, and Koreans… they’d feel insulted.

Why do you have to say, “We’ll cut your aid if…”?

He said these statements point blank to the current Ambassador of the United States to the Philippines, Sung Kim, who was sitting directly in front of the presidential podium at the inauguration of the “Entrepreneurship for Peace in Sulu,” the first collaboration between the Duterte government and the local business community, i.e. progressive sector of the Oligarchy.

New Ambassador of the United States to the Philippines, Sung Kim, from South Korea

Would it be too farfetched to speculate that the newly arrived ambassador, who happens to be a Korean, was the one who leaked the Goldberg blueprint to preempt the Khazarian plot to oust Duterte?

Surely, the ambassador is already making himself available to the children in the country.

On December 22, Ambassador Sung Kim and U.S. Marines from the Marine Security Guard Detachment from the U.S. Embassy in the Philippines distributed toys to children at Reach Youth Ministries, a local organization that provides educational, livelihood, and values formation programs to youth from the nearby San Andres Bukid communities. U.S. Embassy employees and local businesses donated the toys as part of the U.S. Marine Corps’ Toys for Tots program

Yes, it’s all public relations BS, but it’s already a huge departure from his predecessor who prefers to spend his time spewing garbage through the pro-US local media.

Commenting on what the president is doing to better the lives of his people is a big no-no in any foreign diplomacy. Other ambassadors are not doing what he was doing, and quite frankly, he should be slapped with a persona non grata badge on his way out.

He should have tucked his tongue to the bilateral relations only between his country and the host, and not comment on any business involving a third party, unless the former ambassador was sowing intrigue between the people and the president, which is of course what is now being revealed, outlined in the leaked blueprint that he allegedly wrote to begin with.

Why would the US State Department and the CIA want to remove Duterte from Office?

The primordial reasons why would they want to remove Duterte are his decisive Pivot to China and Russia and his highly effective war on drugs.

Related: US Embassy in Manila denies existence of ‘blueprint’ to oust Duterte

The first measure has dealt a destructive blow to the Clinton-Obama “Pivot to Asia” doctrine to mitigate the growing influence of China in the region.

The second one, dented the CIA drug sales in the country, in a big way.

Duterte’s Drug War Banging on CIA Drug Enterprise in Southeast Asia

The Philippine authorities have proclaimed victory over the war on illegal drugs as the largest drug bust  ever in the history of Philippine drug busting, involving PHP 6 billion worth of high-grade methamphetamine, led to the arrest of the most sophisticated drug manufacturers so far.

Said group dismantles their equipment after every cooking session.  Pre-raid NBI surveillance took about 4 months of hard work.

Previous drug busting yielded the discovery of a 4.8 ton monthly capacity drug laboratory in Virac, Catanduanes and hundreds more drug busting operations upon medium scale meth labs spread all throughout the country.

In addition to the domestic efforts to squeeze the fancy world of the local druglords, Duterte has been very active in coordinating the country’s war on drugs with the rest of the ASEAN members he had already visited to, in the last 6 months.

If The Agency that is running the whole illegal drug enterprise is looking at these highly successful anti-drug operations, it will be forced to act just to save its milking cow.

Related: I could sense a good rapport with Trump: Duterte

If the State Department, which sought to destroy the country from within, that’s looking at this same decisive effort to change the economic conditions of the Philippine population, so that they would never be slaves in foreign lands, no more, it must seek to dislodge the authority spearheading these actions.

Duterte must be ousted from his position now.

If the State Department and the CIA should decide to pursue its ousting of President Duterte, as they have done in the past to several Philippine presidents, it would not succeed now that the full spectrum of Philippine society, i.e. class A, B, C, D, E, communist cadres, and Muslim secessionist groups in the South, are all with him in the march towards real and meaningful change for all.

Related: Mayor Duterte is Not Genocidal, The West is. Here’s the proof



Nationwide demonstrations spearheaded by the Catholic Church have so far netted only a few brainwashed students from Catholic schools, and state universities.

Even a military coup is much harder to pull off due to the active engagement of the president as to their plight as the protector of Philippine sovereignty. Duterte is one of the few presidents, if not the only leader, who actively visits the military camps and military hospitals to let them know that a true government of the Filipino people is now in-charge of Philippine affairs.

No wonder that the Presidential Security Guard made an extra effort lately to sing a few Christmas carols to their Commander in Chief. In its entire history, this is the first time that they ever did this voluntarily to a sitting president…


Their loyalty to their Oath and the Republic at large has never been put to question in the past. We can rest assured they won’t fail the president now and in the next 6 years of his term.

It would become even more difficult for the Oust Duterte operators starting next year, when his own national budget will be in full swing and multiple infrastructure projects are being implemented.

The CIA’s and US State Department’s only option would be a lone assassin, just like that was used against the Russian ambassador a few days ago.

Related: Putin Assures Envoy Karlov’s Murderers to Feel the Heat of Russian Response

Filipinos may have long ropes, but when they lose it, they can do the extremes, too, and they are everywhere.

So, we can speculate with a high degree of certainty that if something will ever happen to the president during his term, a destructive effect on the close relationships between the two governments will surely develop in the aftermath of such an event.

To those people seeking his ouster, or his death, Duterte has this to say.

“Some people say that I should be very careful with the CIA, and I’d tell them, well, if it’s my time, it’s my time.

But somebody has to stand up against them and say, you know, don’t fuck with me.

Don’t fuck with me.”

- Mayor Rodrigo Duterte,  President of the Republic of the Philippines


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Duterte to Putin at APEC summit: Western nations start wars they are scared to fight themselves

Vatican Does Nothing to Help Drug Addicts, Just Collects Money at Mass | Duterte

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Diary Of A Person Of Interest & Oxford PHD Katherine Horton "Intelligence Agencies Are Attacking Me With Direct Energy Weapons!"
January 3 2017 | From: Endarken / Stop007.org

Kiwi journalist and activist Suzie Dawson has been extensively targeted by Western intelligence agencies and their contractors. This video and the following one are very important. The second one more so if you want to understand the how and why of exotic microwave 'Non-Lethal Weapons'.

In the wake of several attempts on her life, she had to leave New Zealand to live in exile in Europe.

Related: Electronic Torture + 21st-Century Bio-Hacking And Bio-Robotizing

In this unique documentary, Suzie discusses what it is really like to be a target of the Five Eyes; why she was targeted, who she was targeted by, how they targeted her, what their end game is and how to try to counter it.

UPDATE: Since making this documentary Suzie has applied for asylum in Russia.

Suzie's original article titled 'Diary of a Person of Interest' can be found here.

Her debrief and speech notes from her 2015 talk of the same name can be read here.

The extent of the havoc wreaked by American political interests in New Zealand (particularly since 2008) is best explained by Suzie's colossal article "The Desecration of New Zealand" which can be read here:

The Desecration Of New Zealand

Suzie says:

"Hey guys, thank you for watching and sharing my first film. The events depicted in it roughly cover the period October 2011 to January 2015. Some may find the topics discussed here terrifying - but it is reality in this day and age and to change it we have to face it.

There is a lot more yet to be revealed about my story, what I did and what has happened to me since becoming exiled. So you can expect more content from me and soon. If you want to reach out, or to walk with me on my journey you can follow me on Twitter: @Suzi3D or keep an eye on my website: Suzi3D.com.

The more friendly eyes I have on me, the safer I am and the better chance I have to be able to continue my work. Please, pass this video on to anyone who you think may be a target, as the information presented here can be the difference between sanity and a breakdown, to someone going through it. Thank you so much for your support. Love, Suzie"

Viewing Guide:

Intro: 00:00:00
Part 1: Occupy 00:00:43

- Our Purpose 00:02:25
Part 2: Why You? 00:05:27
- Occupy 00:05:58
- Anonymous 00:06:31
- Kim Dotcom 00:07:06
- Internet Party 00:08:19
- GCSB 00:08:55
- FVEY 00:09:28
- Shihad 00:09:51
- Snowden/Greenwald 00:10:42
- Moment of Truth (#MoT) 00:10:56
- The Intercept/Nicky Hager/NSA 00:15:00
- #TPPANoWay 00:15:41
- #NZ4Gaza 00:16:!5
- #SaveGI 00:16:48
- Exile / Berlin 00:17:12
- WikiLeaks 00:17:42

Part 3: Who Does It? 00:18:42
- State Agencies 00:19:04
- Private Agencies 00:21:37
Part 4: The Targets 00:24:04
Part 5: How? 00:26:43
- Physical Surveillance 00:27:57
- Signals Surveillance 00:29:53
- Public Surveillance 00:31:39
- Harassment 00:35:03
- Isolation 00:43:53
- Sabotage 00:47:56
- Entrapment 00:51:11
- Social Engineering 00:51:57
- Institutionalisation 00:55:09
- Assassination Attempts 00:58:25
Part 6: What Do They Want? 01:01:18
- What You Learn To Do 01:02:53
Credits: 01:04:26

Related: TargetedIndividuals.com

Oxford PHD Katherine Horton "Intelligence Agencies Are Attacking Me With Direct Energy Weapons!"

Related: Stop007.org

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The Top 10 Most Outrageous Science Hoaxes Of 2016
January 2 2017 | From: NaturalNews

Science hoaxes were running rampant throughout 2016, pushed by the fakestream media (CNN, WashPost, NYT, etc.) alongside complicit government organizations working in collusion with dishonest corporations steeped in scientific fraud (Monsanto, Big Pharma, etc.).

2016 saw more science hoaxes than a typical year, with the media placing special emphasis on the Zika virus terror campaign (rooted in total scientific hucksterism) and more climate change propaganda (all based on fraudulently altered data).

Related: Seeding Doubt: How Self-Appointed Guardians Of “Sound Science” Tip The Scales Toward Industry

In every case, those pushing the science frauds claimed to have a divine monopoly on “science” while declaring all opposing views to be “unscientific.”

In this way, much of the “science” in today’s corrupt society has really become nothing more than a cult of scientism, complete with “faith” in the correctness of socially-reinforced beliefs while exercising instant rejection of evidence that contradicts the fairy tale narratives of the science elite.

Sadly, “science” in 2016 functioned more like a priesthood of dogmatists fervently demanding the obedient worship of their unassailable assumptions. On every issue that matters, data were thrown out the window and replaced with fraud.

Related: The Cult Of 'Scientism' Explained: How Scientific Claims Behind Cancer, Vaccines, Psychiatric Drugs And GMOs Are Nothing More Than Corporate-Funded Science Fraud

To drive home the fraud, the scientifically illiterate lamestream media catapulted the propaganda to new heights, even while remaining completely oblivious to the laughably false “science” they were promoting.

Here, I offer a summary of the most outrageous science hoaxes of 2016, along with a few links where you can explore more. By the way, the video on the “Cicret bracelet” invention that claims to turn your arm into a mobile device touchscreen is also a complete fraudulent hoax that has fooled millions of people, and I cover that in detail at the bottom of this article.

My primary message for 2017 is to stop believing in all the fake science being pushed by media, governments, academia and corporate liars.

Science Hoax #1: “Scientific” Political Polling

Through the entire year, we were all subjected to an endless onslaught of so-called “scientific” political polls that almost universally showed Hillary Clinton would win the election.

All the “scientific” polls were wrong, it turns out. (And yes, I called all this well before the election, on the record.)

What we now know is that the word “scientific” was slapped onto these fraudulent polls to try to give them an aura of credibility when, in reality, they were all fabricated or distorted to give Hillary Clinton the appearance of certain victory.

But guess what? All the experts were wrong. But how is that possible if all these polls were “scientific” as claimed? Are the pollsters now telling us that science is broken?

Or maybe, just maybe, they were making s##t up all along and there wasn’t any real “science” behind the “scientific” claim in the first place.

Science Hoax #2: The Zika Virus Terror Campaign

2016 saw the rolling out of an elaborate media-fronted Zika terror campaign designed to scare the entire country into ridiculously believing that mosquito bites would cause millions of women in America to give birth to babies with shrunken heads.

Yeah, I know, it sounds like something a Batman villain would threaten to unleash in Gotham City. “Pay me one million dollars or all your babies will be born with shrunken heads! Mwuah hah hah!”

Related: Who’s Behind The Zika Virus Outbreak & Fearmongering?

But, alas, the American sheeple bought the medical science hoax hook, line and sinker. Belief in the Zika virus microcephaly hoax was so deeply embedded in the psyche of the nation that even when the Washington Post published a story admitting there was no link after all, the vast majority of so-called “scientists” and doctors still believe the hoax!

So, for the record, I’ll say it again in the hopes of educating all the scientifically illiterate “scientists” who still don’t understand actual facts: The original wave of shrunken heads in Brazil was caused by a larvacide chemical that was dumped into the water supply, not by the Zika virus alone.

The “Zika apocalypse” predicted by all the doctors, scientists and TV talking heads simply did not materialize. And when evidence contradicts your theory, you have to start questioning your theory. Otherwise, you aren’t a scientist. You’re just a petty fool.

Science Hoax #3: The Flint Michigan Lead Poisoning Cover-Up

In order to poison a million black children with brain-damaging lead, the U.S. EPA masterminded a large-scale science fraud that deliberately altered heavy metals testing results for the Flint, Michigan water supply.

Eventually, a few of the science scapegoats were charged with felony crimes for engaging in a conspiracy to alter water quality test data, but no one from the EPA was ever charged or prosecuted for their role in the scheme. (This also proves, by the way, that conspiracies are quite real and very much alive in our society right now.)

The result of all this was the mass poisoning of mostly African-American children with a toxic heavy metal that’s well known to damage cognitive function and impede learning.What a great way to raise more democrats!

It’s all part of the new “science” of keeping the sheeple dumbed down so they will keep voting for corrupt criminals like Hillary Clinton.

Instead of “let them eat cake,” the new progressive Jon Podesta version is, “Let them drink lead!”

Science Hoax #4: The Banning of GMO Labeling Nationwide by Scientifically Illiterate Republicans

In the name of “science,” Republican lawmakers passed the so-called “DARK Act to outlaw honest food labeling of genetically engineered foods.

Apparently, Republicans believe that knowledge is a dangerous thing in the hands of consumers, therefore preventing people from knowing what they’re eating is the best solution.

Related: Monsanto Promoting Worldwide Infertility? + Academic GMO Shills Exposed: Fraud & Collusion With Monsanto

This was all accomplished via an unholy alliance among biotech corporate giants (like Monsanto) and right-leaning lawmakers, most of whom have never met a toxic chemical they didn’t absolutely love.

Notably, while Democrats are passing local laws that criminalize Big Gulp sodas, Republicans are blocking labeling laws as a way to say, “If you don’t SEE the poison on the label, it doesn’t actually count!”

Keeping consumers in the dark is now the official science policy of the federal government.

How’s that for transparency?

Science Hoax #5: Climate Change Data Fraud

Democrats have their own science fraud, of course, and there’s no better example than global warming / climate change.

An analysis of climate data reveals that 100% of U.S. warming has been faked by altering temperature data.

Related: Climate Scare Declared Officially Over- Error In Model Calculations Discovered

To the great frustration of celebritards like Matt Damon, the data don’t show any warming at all unless you “cook” the numbers first.

This means “climate change science” is actually more like climate change alchemy, which isn’t science at all. It’s more like Tarot cards mixed with voodoo blended with AlGoratotalitaritopian idiocy.

Note to intelligent people: If the world were really warming, they wouldn’t have to alter the temperature data, would they?

Science Hoax #6: Abortion Organ Harvesting for “Scientific Research”

According to leftists, chopping up living human babies who have just been forcibly “birthed” in order to harvest their organs and brains isn’t unethical at all. Nope, it’s a tremendous advancement for scientific research, you see.

Organ harvesting isn’t just limited to places like Communist China and North Korea: The practice is alive and well in America, too. But in the U.S., it takes on a genocidal milestone because most abortions are carried out on black babies… yep, the very same black babies that were also intentionally poisoned by the EPA in Flint, Michigan (see above).

Hmmm… there seems to be a pattern in all this, but I can’t quite put my finger on it… but it definitely seems to have something to do with killing as many black babies as possible while labeling it all “science.”

It’s noteworthy to remember that Adolf Hitler’s eugenics programs were also conducted under the umbrella of “science.”

It seems not that much has changed in almost 80 years… except that instead of Jews being exterminated by the millions, it’s now black babies being exterminated by the millions while democrats demand an open borders human blitzkrieg to replace them all with socialist-leaning illegal aliens who are uninformed enough to vote for leftists.

Science Hoax #7: The California Vaccine Mandate

Another large-scale science hoax that also happens to place a disproportionate burden on African-American babies is the California “medical police state” vaccine mandate pushed by California’s own “Mercury Joker” Dr. Richard Pan.

After receiving bribes from vaccine makers, the “medical child molesting” California state senator Richard Pan took part in a media-backed medical terrorism campaign against California’s citizens, attempting to scare everyone into falsely believing that the best way to protect the health of children is to inject them with mercury (instead of, I don’t know, maybe feeding them nutritious foods and vitamin D).

Related: Doctors Who Discovered Cancer Enzymes In Vaccines All Found Murdered

The entire vaccine mandate was founded on blatantly fraudulent quack science claims fronted by the child-murdering vaccine industry, which continues to absurdly insist that vaccines pose zero risk to children (i.e. claiming they do not harm a single child…ever). The claim is, of course, rooted in sheer delusion. But that’s also what passes for “legislation” in California.

We can only hope California’s #Calexit effort succeeds soon, so we can build a wall around California and stop the contagious epidemic of lunacy from spreading Eastward.

Science Hoax #8: Janet Yellen’s Libtardtopia Economics “Science”

No summary of science quackery would be complete without bringing in the subject of “economics.” Yes, it qualifies as a science… at least if you ask the economists. (If you ask non-economists, it qualifies mostly as voodoo.)

Nevertheless, according to Janet Yellen and the decrepit “wizards of collapse” who are currently steering the global debt Titanic directly into an array of large shards of icebergs, the best way to keep a global economy in balance is to create endless new money until the whole thing explodes, at which point the system collapses to “equilibrium” where everybody starves roughly the same amount (i.e. Venezuela).

To demonstrate this brilliant hypothesis, Yellen and her crotchety academic cohorts have been busy pumping trillions of fiat currency dollars into the pockets of their bankster pals while raising interest rates to accelerate the debt avalanche apocalypse timetable.

Ideally, they hope to trigger the whole thing to come crashing down sometime during Trump’s first term. Then, they’ll all express total shock and dismay while pleading to the press that we should all “Bring back Obama because he was a monetary genius!” (Or perhaps a radical Muslim sleeper cell working for the communists to subvert America, but that’s another hilarious satire article altogether.)

As a cherry on top, Obama also doubled the national debt in just eight years, all while handing Iran a path to nuclear weapons, dissing Israel, subverting American culture, gutting the U.S. military and secretly telling his Russian counterparts he would drastically reduce U.S. nuclear capabilities.

Yes indeed, the “dream team” of Obama, Clinton and Yellen has pulled off what America’s worst enemies could not: The near-complete financial paralysis of the U.S. economy all while claiming “Everything is awesome!”

Thank God all the pensions across the country are fully funded, huh? Or that would be a real disaster.

Science Hoax #9: Transgenderism and the Lunatic Liberal “Theory of Spontaneous Genetic Transmutation”

2016 also saw many gullible people being convinced to believe that a biological man can instantly transform himself into a biological woman by declaring himself to be a woman.

At least one “journalist” even claimed that a transgendered man could become pregnant after declaring himself to be a woman. Yes, science education in America has utterly collapsed at this point, replaced with liberal P.C. insanity and delusional college lesson plans rooted in “feelings” rather than physical reality.

Across most of today’s gender-confused college-educated youth, belief in the laws of genetic expression have been replaced by belief that a person’s sex is a “choice.” It’s no longer permutations, phenotypes and genotypes… it’s now metrosexual, generation snowflake, pu##ified blathering idiocy with a diploma, “safe space” cry rooms and $100K in student debt.

Sorry to burst their bubble of stupid, but sex classification isn’t a personal choice. A simple genetic test shows you either have XY chromosomes, XX chromosomes, or the far more rare extra-X-or-Y chromosome defect which typically leads to serious physical and mental defects (including infertility).

Somebody please direct gender confused college snowflakes to the National Human Genome Research Institutes fact sheet page on chromosomes.

According to today’s college snowflakes, the National Human Genome Research Institute is a “purveyor of HATE” because their fact sheet page says all these mean things about chromosomal defects:

“Inheriting too many or not enough copies of sex chromosomes can lead to serious problems. For example, females who have extra copies of the X chromosome are usually taller than average and some have mental retardation.

Males with more than one X chromosome have Klinefelter syndrome, which is a condition characterized by tall stature and, often, impaired fertility. Another syndrome caused by imbalance in the number of sex chromosomes is Turner syndrome. Women with Turner have one X chromosome only. They are very short, usually do not undergo puberty and some may have kidney or heart problems.”

Thus, there are only two sexes in the biology of all mammals: Male and female. And no, you don’t get to change them up just because you think it’s trendy to be a gender-confused metrosexual snowflake.

This doesn’t mean you can’t be gay, by the way. Gay men still realize they’re men. They just choose male partners instead of female partners. On the spectrum of personal freedom, I say people should be able to partner with whomever they want.

Gay or straight, it’s all a personal choice as far as I’m concerned, because it’s none of my business… and stop shoving your sexual preferences in my face, all you militant gay mafia activists.

Just be gay and be done with it. The “gay rights” war is over, and you already won it. Stop being bullies and thinking you’re still oppressed victims.

Marry whomever you want, but just #STFU about it already. Obama already lit up the White House with rainbows, for God’s sake.

But to say that yesterday you were a male, but today you’re a female… now that’s just technically bonkers. You’re not really a female. You’re a male impersonating a female and that’s it. Bruce Jenner, take note: You are not a woman, no matter how much you want to impersonate one.

The greatest insult in all this was when some fashion magazine voted Bruce Jenner “Woman of the Year,” instantly declaring that this guy who impersonates a woman is a better woman than all the other women. Dudes with dongs out-women the women?

And that’s celebrated by the women? Yeah, it’s insane. And all these same “progressive” women also insist that pervs with dongs should be able to invade women’s restrooms, too, because that’s “embracing gender identity and inclusiveness” blabbity blah blah.

Get a grip, people. Check your drawers and briefly fondle your hardware. If it’s junk, you’re a dude, and stop playing with it already. If it isn’t, you’re a woman. If you have both, go ask a doctor to run a genetic test and find out if you have ovaries.

Science Hoax #10: Every Science “Journalist” Working for the Fakestream Media

This is more of a collection of hoaxes rather than a single hoax. It all centers around the hilarious fact that most science “journalists” are scientifically illiterate morons who only think they understand science.

I remember reading a science column in a major U.S. publication that claimed cell phones could run on water. (Yeah, I know. I tried that by dropping my cell phone into a glass of water, but it turned off all the power for some strange reason. Maybe I need “special” water?)

There has also been a wave of hilariously stupid media coverage for this bracelet computing project called “Cicret” that ridiculously claims to “turn your arm into a touchscreen.”

The entire video promoting this “Cicret” bracelet is a complete fraud. Racking up almost 25 million views on Youtube, the video shown here is accomplished purely with special effects overlays. The bracelet does not exist and cannot exist as depicted in the video for the simple reason that light cannot bend around the curvature of your arm.

Incredibly, countless “journalists” across the mainstream media fell for this total hoax, stupidly believing that a hi-res touchscreen rendition can be projected onto your skin from a bracelet that barely sits just a few millimeters above your skin in the first place.

Question for brain dead “science” journalists: Do you really believe light rays from the Cicret can bend around your wrist and then magically bounce off skin that isn’t in a direct line of sight with the bracelet projector?

Seriously, you have to be incredibly stupid (or scientifically illiterate) to think the Cicret bracelet, as depicted in the videos, can actually function. But that sure didn’t stop publications from all across the world pushing the hype and convincing their readers that this “cool tech” was real.

Related: Western Media Credibility In Free Fall Collapse: Case In Point: UN Peace Council: The US Media Is Lying To The American people. The War In Syria Is Not A Civil War, It's A Proxy Invasion By The United States

And yes, the younger people are on social media these days, the more gullible they are, too. So special effects “viral videos” can be very successful at raising millions of dollars in “Kickstarter” funds for devices that cannot ever exist because they violate the laws of physics.

It’s a whole new kind of financial scam that’s legal because it only extracts money from people who are too stupid enough to believe the viral videos. In summary, “Kickstarter” viral videos are a tax on stupid progressives the same way that the lotto is a tax on stupid conservatives.

And now that I’ve thoroughly offended everyone, let’s wrap all this up…

2016 Was a Bad Year For the Credibility of Real Science… Let’s Hope 2017 is Better

In summary, 2016 saw the pushing of numerous science hoaxes by the fakestream media, governments, academic institutions and corporate propaganda whores like Forbes.com. (Oh, and we can’t leave out the actual whores running SNOPES, who were exposed as prostitutes and fetish bloggers.)

So how do we rescue science in 2017? It’s simple: We start using science to tell the truth instead of allowing governments and corporations to use science to lie.

A few fundamental scientific truths I’d like to see finally embraced in 2017 would include:

Yes, there is extraterrestrial intelligence in the universe.

Yes, there is (or was) microbial life on Mars.

Yes, human consciousness is non-material and not located in the physical brain.

Yes, vaccines cause autism.

Yes, flu shots still contain mercury.

Yes, there are many anti-cancer foods that can help prevent cancer.

Yes, transgenderism is a mental disorder, not a “choice.”

Yes, glyphosate causes cancer.

Yes, DEET is toxic to human neurology.

Yes, genetically engineered crops seeds are a genuine threat to the environment and the food supply.

Yes, water can retain non-physical properties that subtly alter its interactions with living systems.

No, carbon dioxide is not the enemy of mankind.

No, chemotherapy does not “cure” cancer. It often makes it worse.

No, harvesting organs from living human babies is not “ethical science.”

No, science journals are not unbiased, objective arbiters of truth.

No, “scientific” political polls are not reliable. They are bunk.

No, the “experts” are not as smart as they think they are. Mostly, they’re idiots who have attained high positions of “persistent idiocy” in academia or government, and their job is to protect the idiocy for as long as possible, making sure no one overthrows idiocy with intelligence.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Study: Manuka Honey Kills More Bacteria Than All Available Antibiotics
January 2 2017 | From: NaturalNews

Not all honey is created equal. While the benefits of raw, unprocessed honey have been well-documented over the centuries, Australian researchers have found one type of honey, called Manuka honey, to be better than all known antibiotics.

Manuka honey is produced by bees that forage on the nectar of Leptospermum Scoparium, or New Zealand’s Manuka bush, as well as tea trees, native to Australia and New Zealand only.

Related: The End of Modern Medicine?

This remarkable type of honey not only effectively kills bacteria, but none of the bugs killed by it have been able to build up immunity. In a world where many of the last resort antibiotics are failing against antibiotic-resistant superbugs, Manuka honey may hold the key to fighting resistance issues, saving thousands of lives worldwide.

Manuka Honey Fights Superbugs

Dr. Dee Carter from the University of Sydney’s School of Molecular and Microbial Biosciences noted that antibiotics not only have short shelf lives, but the bacteria they attack quickly become resistant as well, making them useless over time.

The report, published in the European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, claimed that Manuka honey killed almost every bacteria and pathogen it was tested on. Unlike all antibiotics available on today’s market, none of the bugs tested were able to survive the honey treatment.

Related: Garlic's healing properties are so intense that it is 100 times more effective than antibiotic treatments

According to Dr. Carter, there are particular compounds, like methylglyoxal, in the Manuka honey that cause multi-system failure in the bacteria, killing them before they are able to adapt and build up immunity.

What Manuka Honey Can Do For You

Manuka’s biological properties range from antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, antibiotic and wound healing, to immune-stimulatory. However, what separates Manuka honey from the rest is that its antibacterial powers challenge even the toughest superbugs, such as the life-threatening methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).

Manuka honey is marketed for cancer treatment and prevention, high cholesterol, chronic inflammation, diabetes, the treatment of gastrointestinal problems, and eye, ear and sinus infections. However, it might be most useful in treating skin wounds and leg ulcers.

According to one study, published in the scientific journal Peer J, chronic wounds are becoming a major global health problem, due to antibiotic resistance issues. They are costly and difficult to treat, and bacterial biofilms are important contributors to the delay in healing. There is an urgent need for new, effective agents in topical wound care, and honey has shown some great potential in this regard.

Related: Pineapple juice is 500% more effective than cough syrup

For their study, researchers reviewed Manuka honey in particular as an alternative treatment for wounds because of its broad-spectrum antibacterial activity and the inability of bacteria to develop resistance to it. Their study indicated that honey might prevent bacterial biofilms and eliminate established biofilms.

Furthermore, they reported that Manuka honey could successfully be used to kill all MSSA and MRSA biofilms in a chronic wound, supporting the use of this type of honey as an effective topical treatment for chronic wound infections.

In recent years, word of the biological benefits of Manuka honey has spread to every corner of the world, turning it into one of the most popular superfoods out there. Its fame and the over-demand, however, have caused shortages, resulting in fake, usually cheaper, products to enter the market. So, if you are going to spend your money on honey to reap its benefits, make sure you are buying the real thing.

Related: This Magic drink cures over 50 diseases

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Mathematical Report Proves Human Society Is Too Complex To Be Ruled By A Government
January 1 2017 | From: TheMindUnleashed

Society is past the point of being governed. We no longer need a president to function as a healthy society. In fact, the idea of central bodies of government ruling over differing classes of people is just absurd.

We are all just too complex for a ruler! At least, this is what a recent report suggests.

Related: Open Source Government: True Government Of The People, By The People

Is There Hope for Us?

Prior to election day, Vice’s Motherboard published a report called Mathematics, which included proof that democracies are irrelevant to our society today. Social policy, or the idea that one process can work for everyone, has been deemed ludicrous as society is much too complex, and government always fails us in our expectations.

A Complex Organism

We, as humans, have become increasingly complex over time, which has no relation to democracy or communism. And this complexity matters, says Yaneer Bar-Yam, the New England Complex Systems Institutes (NECSI)’s director,

“There’s a natural process of increasing complexity in the world that at some point will run into the complexity of the individual. Once we reach that point, hierarchical organizations will fail.”

Bar-Yam realized how ridiculous it was to organize society into sections of a few. Government officials are, in most cases, detached from individual situations from lack of experience in the area.

Bar-Yam told Motherboard,

We are raised to believe that democracy is good for us.”

Is this true? I think Democracy is over-rated, and so are other systems such as dictatorships and communism. Their centralized processes and democracies only focus on one or few groups of individuals, still leaving others with no ample representation. It just fails!

Human Complexity

When discussing the individual needs of society, “human action” takes form as a possible solution to this problem. If you look at the human as a unique creature as compared to another, you may get the idea of why we are much too complex to be ruled as a group.

Humans are made from atoms, which make cells and then organs. If you try to describe an individual atom, it’s almost impossible. It’s only possible in relation to collective behavior of the whole. At least, it’s a bit easier.

This works in much the same manner when describing an individual person in a job, as opposed to a workforce. It’s easier to understand the pattern of an entire workforce than to catalog the daily behavior of one worker.

Is There a Solution?

Bar-Yam suggests a solution called a “control hierarchy”, which enables an individual to control only their own actions separately from others. With this, one individual can influence others into taking the same actions.

If this works, it will prove much more effective than hoping the government will influence a larger group into following their lead.

In fact, what government does, in a nutshell, is control groups of people as if they are much simpler beings.

Human Action

In fact, these aren’t new ideas. They are, in fact, ideas that surfaced in 1949 as well. Praxeology, or the study of purposeful behavior (human action), said that humans exist and act for a reason, basically.

“Action is will put into operation.”

Economist Ludwig von Mises said that those who are detached from a situation cannot possibly know what will happen inside the situation. Although science is pretty accurate at predicting what will happen in a situation, it cannot predict the future without question.

Related: Government Versus Anarchy

And no matter the similarities from one situation to the next, there will always be incomplete knowledge with any given event or within any new group. It’s apparent that Mises understood the complexity of society way before Bar-Yam was involved in the study.

Mises writes in “Human Action”;

“Government means coercion and compulsion and is the opposite of liberty.”

Both Mises and Bar-Yam concluded that complexities of the human being, especially the level in which humans have attained at this point, makes it almost impossible for the government to rule effectively.

As we saw with the elections, numerous people refusing to vote, the desire for the governmental rule is on the decline. Choosing leaders obviously doesn’t matter as much anymore, and working as individuals to solve problems may just be what we need to thrive as human beings.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Toxic Relationship Habits Most People Think Are Normal
January 1 2017 | From: QZ

There’s no class in high school on how to not be a shitty boyfriend or girlfriend. Sure, they teach us the biology of sex, the legality of marriage, and maybe we read a few obscure love stories from the 19th century on how not to be.

But when it comes down to actually handling the nitty-gritty of relationships, we’re given no pointers… or worse, we’re given advice columns in women’s magazines.

Related: The Difference with Men and Women

Yes, it’s trial-and-error from the get-go. And if you’re like most people, it’s been mostly error.

But part of the problem is that many unhealthy relationship habits are baked into our culture. We worship romantic love - you know, that dizzying and irrational romantic love that somehow finds breaking china plates on the wall in a fit of tears somewhat endearing - and scoff at practicality or unconventional sexualities.

People are raised to objectify each other and to objectify their relationships. Thus, our partners are often seen as assets rather than someone to share mutual emotional support.

A lot of the self-help literature out there isn’t helpful either (no, men and women are not from different planets, you over-generalizing prick). And for most of us, mom and dad surely weren’t the best examples either.

Fortunately, there’s been a lot of psychological research into healthy and happy relationships the past few decades and there are some general principles that keep popping up consistently that most people are unaware of or don’t follow.

In fact, some of these principles actually go against what is traditionally considered “romantic” or normal in a relationship.

Below are six of the most common tendencies in relationships that many couples think are healthy and normal, but are actually toxic and destroying everything you hold dear. Get the tissues ready.

1. The Relationship Scorecard

What it is: The “keeping score” phenomenon is when someone you’re dating continues to blame you for past mistakes you made in the relationship.

If both people in the relationship do this it devolves into what I call “the relationship scorecard,” where it becomes a battle to see who has screwed up the most over the months or years, and therefore who owes the other one more.

You were an asshole at Cynthia’s 28th birthday party back in 2010 and it has proceeded to ruin your life ever since. Why? Because there’s not a week that goes by that you’re not reminded of it. But that’s OK, because that time you caught her sending flirtatious text messages to her co-worker immediately removes her right to get jealous, so it’s kind of even, right?


Why it’s toxic: The relationship scorecard develops over time because one or both people in a relationship use past wrongdoings in order to try and justify current righteousness. This is a double-whammy of suckage. Not only are you deflecting the current issue itself, but you’re ginning up guilt and bitterness from the past to manipulate your partner into feeling wrong in the present.

If this goes on long enough, both partners eventually spend most of their energy trying to prove that they’re less culpable than the other, rather than solving the current problem. People spend all of their time trying to be less wrong for each other instead of being more right for each other.

What you should do instead: Deal with issues individually unless they are legitimately connected. If someone habitually cheats, then that’s obviously a recurring problem. But the fact that she embarrassed you in 2010 and now she got sad and ignored you today in 2013 have nothing to do with each other, so don’t bring it up.

You must recognize that by choosing to be with your significant other, you are choosing to be with all of their prior actions and behaviors. If you don’t accept those, then ultimately, you are not accepting them. If something bothered you that much a year ago, you should have dealt with it a year ago.

2. Dropping “Hints” and Other Passive-Aggression

What it is: Instead of stating a desire or thought overtly, your partner tries to nudge you in the right direction of figuring it out yourself. Instead of saying what’s actually upsetting you, you find small and petty ways to piss your partner off so you’ll then feel justified in complaining to them.

Why it’s toxic: Because it shows that you two are not comfortable communicating openly and clearly with one another.

A person has no reason to be passive-aggressive if they feel safe expressing any anger or insecurity within the relationship. A person will never feel a need to drop “hints” if they feel like they won’t be judged or criticized for it.

What you should do instead: State your feelings and desires openly. And make it clear that the other person is not necessarily responsible or obligated to them but that you’d love to have their support. If they love you, they’ll almost always be able to give it.

3. Holding the Relationship Hostage

What it is: When one person has a simple criticism or complaint and blackmails the other person by threatening the commitment of the relationship as a whole.

For instance, if someone feels like you’ve been cold to them, instead of saying;

“I feel like you’re being cold sometimes,” they will say, “I can’t date someone who is cold to me all of the time.”

Why it’s toxic: It’s emotional blackmail and it creates tons of unnecessary drama. Every minor hiccup in the flow of the relationship results in a perceived commitment crisis. It’s crucial for both people in a relationship to know that negative thoughts and feelings can be communicated safely to one another without it threatening the relationship itself.

Otherwise people will suppress their true thoughts and feelings which leads to an environment of distrust and manipulation.

What you should do instead: It’s fine to get upset at your partner or to not like something about them. That’s called being a normal human being. But understand that committing to a person and always liking a person are not the same thing. One can be committed to someone and not like everything about them.

One can be eternally devoted to someone yet actually be annoyed or angered by their partner at times. On the contrary, two partners who are capable of communicating feedback and criticism towards one another, only without judgment or blackmail, will strengthen their commitment to one another in the long-run.

4. Blaming Your Partner for Your Own Emotions

What it is: Let’s say you’re having a crappy day and your partner isn’t exactly being super sympathetic or supportive at the moment. They’ve been on the phone all day with some people from work. They got distracted when you hugged them. You want to lay around at home together and just watch a movie tonight, but they have plans to go out and see their friends.

So you lash out at them for being so insensitive and callous toward you. You’ve been having a shitty day and they have done nothing about it. Sure, you never asked, but they should just know to make you feel better. They should have gotten off the phone and ditched their plans based on your lousy emotional state.

Why it’s toxic: Blaming our partners for our emotions is a subtle form of selfishness, and a classic example of the poor maintenance of personal boundaries. When you set a precedent that your partner is responsible for how you feel at all times (and vice-versa), you will develop codependent tendencies.

Suddenly, they’re not allowed to plan activities without checking with you first. All activities at home - even the mundane ones like reading books or watching TV - must be negotiated and compromised.

When someone begins to get upset, all personal desires go out the window because it is now your responsibility to make one another feel better.

The biggest problem of developing these codependent tendencies is that they breed resentment. Sure, if my girlfriend gets mad at me once because she’s had a shitty day and is frustrated and needs attention, that’s understandable. But if it becomes an expectation that my life revolves around her emotional well-being at all times, then I’m soon going to become very bitter and even manipulative towards her feelings and desires.

What you should do instead: Take responsibility for your own emotions and expect your partner to be responsible for theirs. There’s a subtle yet important difference between being supportive of your partner and being obligated to your partner. Any sacrifices should be made as an autonomous choice and not seen as an expectation.

As soon as both people in a relationship become culpable for each other’s moods and downswings, it gives them both incentives to hide their true feelings and manipulate one another.

5. Displays of “Loving” Jealousy

What it is: Getting pissed off when your partner talks, touches, calls, texts, hangs out, or sneezes in the general vicinity of another person and then you proceed to take that anger out on your partner and attempt to control their behavior.

This often leads to insane behaviors such as hacking into your partner’s email account, looking through their text messages while they’re in the shower or even following them around town and showing up unannounced when they’re not expecting you.

Why it’s toxic: It surprises me that some people describe this as some sort of display of affection. They figure that if their partner wasn’t jealous, then that would somehow mean that they weren’t loved by them.

This is absolutely clownshit crazy to me. It’s controlling and manipulative. It creates unnecessary drama and fighting. It transmits a message of a lack of trust in the other person.

And to be honest, it’s demeaning. If my girlfriend cannot trust me to be around other attractive women by myself, then it implies that she believes that I’m either a) a liar, or b) incapable of controlling my impulses. In either case, that’s a woman I do not want to be dating.

What you should do instead: Trust your partner. It’s a radical idea, I know. Some jealousy is natural. But excessive jealousy and controlling behaviors towards your partner are signs of your own feelings of unworthiness and you should learn to deal with them and not force them onto those close to you. Because otherwise you are only going to eventually push that person away.

6. Buying the Solutions to Relationship Problems

What it is: Any time a major conflict or issue comes up in the relationship, instead of solving it, one covers it up with the excitement and good feelings that come with buying something nice or going on a trip somewhere.

My parents were experts at this one. And it got them real far: a big fat divorce and 15 years of hardly speaking to each other since.

They have both since independently told me that this was the primary problem in their marriage: continuously covering up their real issues with superficial pleasures.

Why it’s toxic: Not only does it brush the real problem under the rug (where it will always re-emerge and even worse the next time), but it sets an unhealthy precedent within the relationship. This is not a gender-specific problem, but I will use the traditional gendered situation as an example.

Let’s imagine that whenever a woman gets angry at her boyfriend/husband, the man “solves” the issue by buying the woman something nice, or taking her to a nice restaurant or something.

Not only does this give the woman unconscious incentive to find more reasons to be upset with the man, but it also gives the man absolutely no incentive to actually be accountable for the problems in the relationship. So what do you end up with?

A checked-out husband who feels like an ATM, and an incessantly bitter woman who feels unheard.

What you should do instead: Actually, you know, deal with the problem. Trust was broken? Talk about what it will take to rebuild it. Someone feels ignored or unappreciated? Talk about ways to restore those feelings of appreciation. Communicate!

There’s nothing wrong with doing nice things for a significant other after a fight to show solidarity and to reaffirm commitment. But one should never use gifts or fancy things toreplace dealing with the underlying emotional issues.

Gifts and trips are called luxuries for a reason, you only get to appreciate them when everything else is already good. If you use them to cover up your problems, then you will find yourself with a much bigger problem down the line.

Related: Healthy relationship habits most people think are toxic

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

2016: A Revolutionary Year & Why 2017 May Be The Most Astonishing Year Of Our Lives
December 31 2016 | From: NaturalNews

As we approach the end of 2016, we have all shared extraordinary successes, breakthroughs and revolutionary realizations that have reshaped human history.

2016 was a year when the corrupt establishment realized they could be defeated by passionate people calling out for real change.

From the BREXIT vote in the UK to the rejection of the deep corruption of Hillary Clinton and the DNC, people everywhere voted to overthrow the corrupt establishment and choose something radically different for human society.

All of us have been instrumental in seeing these changes take place.

We helped defeat the evil Clinton machine while exposing the “fake news” lies of CNN, the Washington Post, NYT, MSNBC and all the other propagandists who pretend to be engaged in journalism

In response, the Empire is determined to strike back. Fakebook has now appointed a cabal of actual whores at SNOPES to censor independent journalism by labeling it “fake news.”

India’s financial minister has all but outlawed large denominations of cash currency, thrusting the entire nation into financial chaos as part of a plan to exercise police state control over citizens’ financial transactions.

Germany is launching an actual Ministry of Truth to silence dissent, and the Obama subversion machine has announced a wholly fabricated scheme to “punish” Russia for its so-called “election interference”... but it’s actually a thinly veiled attempt to start World War III before Trump gets inaugurated on January 20.

Everywhere you turn, the globalist establishment is operating in panic mode to control financial markets, manipulate public opinion, override common sense and silence the truth in all its forms.

This Can Only Mean We Are Close to Achieving Their Defeat

We now stand on the verge of a global revolution in freedom and transparency that could make the entire globalist system of subterfuge, collusion and conspiracy all but obsolete. And you have a front row seat to all the action!

Great heroes of humanity like Edward Snowden, Julian Assange and Sharyl Attkisson have helped make this happen. Champions of journalistic freedom like Glenn Greenwald at The Intercept have accelerated this trend, and I hope you agree that we here at the Natural News network have made meaningful contributions in the same direction.

Truly remarkable movies have also gained recognition this year while waking people up by the millions to the shocking matrix in which they’ve been living. If I were to name the three most important films that gained traction in 2016, they would be:

The Big Short

Snowden (by Oliver Stone)

Boom Bust Boom

As more and more truth keeps coming out about really big issues - the massive global scandal of central banks and the Federal Reserve; the great harm caused to millions of children by vaccines; the massive “treatment” scam of the corrupt cancer industry; the total political corruption of the DNC and the Clinton mafia machine; the fake news propaganda of the “mainstream” media; the George Soros agenda to initiate a race war in America; the Barack Obama “sleeper cell” KGB subversion agenda to dismantle America; the total quack science hoax of man-made global warming; the Common Core agenda to teach our children false history - the appetite for even more truth just keeps accelerating.

People have been fed lie after lie for so long that they’re now starving for truthful, honest information on every topic imaginable
. The collective job of the 'alternative media' for 2017 is to replace the imploding left-wing “fakestream” media.

Some Plans to Help Expand Human Knowledge and Consciousness

In 2017, NaturalNews is launching a live daily news video broadcast and they are also releasing a documentary film along with launching dozens of new websites targeted to specific news themes (such as Enviro.news, which focuses on environmental news).

Their goal is to bring expanded awareness, critical thinking and intelligent analysis of world events. The entire left-wing media is an enemy of truth, and it’s joined by right-leaning organizations (such as Monsanto) which are also steeped in deep-rooted evil.

The globalists are on the verge of criminalizing cash. The police state surveillance of private citizens has never been more intense. The global banking cartels are right now plotting a major market crash and debt collapse in order to blame Donald Trump for the ensuing financial turmoil.

2017 may be the year when the banks freeze all our accounts and transactions. Independent journalism websites may be targeted for extreme censorship. Many patriots may face unprecedented escalations of death threats and attempted acts of violence against us.

Yet none of these are sufficient reasons to stop marching forward for truth, transparency and the creation of a more free society for everyone.

We must face tremendous evil head on… and then defeat it. Otherwise, we will never know truth, freedom and real contentment in our lives.

Recognize You Are Participating in a Spiritual Battle of Good vs. Evil

The time for humanity to fully awaken is now upon us. Yes, it means facing some disturbing realizations about the true nature of the deep evil that infests our society.

From the pizza parlors in the US capital (that don’t actually serve pizza, if you know what I mean), to the Satanic worship across Hollywood and the pop culture elite, 2017 is most likely the year in which evil gets exposed and then destroyed across every sector of our society.

It is time that we recognized the true nature of the epic battle between good and evil playing out before us… and embraced our roles in fighting on the side of truth to defeat deception. These are divinely inspired goals for our time, and they can empower us to keep moving forward, even when we are bombarded by lies, smears and the politics of personal destruction.

Never surrender to the obedient masses. Never give in to the evil that infests our sick culture. Never look at a living human infant and tell yourself it’s okay to chop that baby into pieces to be harvested for “science.”

Draw the line with strong ethical and moral boundaries. Reject seduction, conformity and self-destruction. Invest in your knowledge, your health and your awareness, and you will be richly rewarded in 2017.

Trust in Your Expanded Consciousness and Critical Thinking… Do NOT Worship any Human

Finally, do not ever surrender your dignity to any “guru” or “leader” or any cult of personality. Believe in yourself and your God… do not be deceived into worshiping any human being or the ground upon which they walk. Reject cultism in all its forms, including political cultism, religious cultism and guru worship.

Do not ever fall for the false belief that you must be directed by someone else in order to find your higher truth. False prophets abound. Many seem incredibly convincing. Most are complete frauds.

Be wary of false prophets. Seek truth in Mother Nature, God and the divine. Only in those realms will you be presented with genuine truth, untainted by the selfish whims and thirst for power found among too many humans.

For the last eight years, many Americans have worshiped pure evil in the White House. Catholics have been deceived by their Pope. Healing arts practitioners have been suckered into following many false prophets. Techno-cultists have been suckered into believing that technology is their God. All of these have been convincing but false illusions.

We need to dispel the illusions that still infect the consciousness of the masses so that our global society can break free from the false programming by which you’ve been indoctrinated.

There is much work to be done, and achieving it will require partnership among all truth tellers.

That’s why when you find the truth on any important topic, the most important thing you can do is share it with others.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

‘So Correct’: Trump Responds To Putin’s Holiday Letter + Putin To Democratic Party: You Lost, Get Over It
December 31 2016 | From: RT / MSN / Various

President-elect Donald Trump has praised a “very nice” holiday letter from Russian President Vladimir Putin, expressing hope about renewed cooperation between Moscow and Washington after the change in management.

Extending his “warmest Christmas and New Year greetings” to Trump, Putin wrote that “relations between Russia and the US remain an important factor in ensuring stability and security of the modern world,” according to an unofficial translation of the letter made available by the president-elect’s transition team.

Related: Putin’s Withering Scorn for Barack Obama Laid Bare

“I hope that after you assume the position of the President of the United States of America we will be able – by acting in a constructive and pragmatic manner – to take real steps to restore the framework of bilateral cooperation in different areas as well as bring our level of collaboration on the international scene to a qualitatively new level,” said the letter, dated December 15.

“A very nice letter from Vladimir Putin; his thoughts are so correct,”
Trump said Friday, in a statement to reporters accompanying the letter. “I hope both sides are able to live up to these thoughts, and we do not have to travel an alternate path.”

The statement comes a day after Trump posted a cryptic tweet advocating that the US “must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes,” sparking fears of a renewed atomic arms race with Russia.

During the campaign, Trump has repeatedly argued it would be “nice if [US] could get along with Russia,” prompting accusations from his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton that he was “Putin’s puppet”.

Democrats have also said that “Russian hackers” were responsible for the disclosure of emails both from the party and the private account of Clinton’s campaign chair John Podesta, which were released by WikiLeaks prior to the November 8 election.

Recent Developments:

The NWO globalist establishment are in a desperate frenzy, kicking Russians out of the US in a frenzied attempt to give credence to their lies about Russian hacking - while George Soros has a meltdown:

US expels Russian diplomats, closes compounds in cyber attack sanctions

Putin Announces Nationwide Ceasefire in Syria; Obama Expels 35 Russian Diplomats

Russia Warns Of "Proportional Response" To Obama's "Paranoia"

Time to move to bigger and better things - Trump after sanctions on Russia announced

Soros: Trump is a “Would Be Dictator” Who Threatens the New World Order

CFR Fears Collapse of UN Under President Trump

Russian Embassy: Obama Sanctions Attempt to Restart Cold War

Judge Jeanine: I'll Tell You What Hope is, Michelle

Putin To Democratic Party: You Lost, Get Over It

Russia’s President Vladi­mir Putin has a message for the White House and Democratic leaders who accuse him of stealing their victory: Don’t be sore losers.

That was how Putin answered a question Friday about whether Russia interfered in the U.S. presidential election in favor of Donald Trump at the Russian leader’s nationally televised annual press conference.

Related: Russian Foreign Ministry: Entire World 'Disgusted' by Obama's Disastrous Foreign Policy

“Democrats are losing on every front and looking for people to blame everywhere,” Putin said in answer to a Russian TV host, one of 1,400 journalists accredited to the marathon session.

“They need to learn to lose with dignity.”

The Kremlin leader pointed out Republicans had won the House and Senate, remarking “Did we do that, too?”

“Trump understood the mood of the people and kept going until the end, when nobody believed in him,” Putin said, adding with a grin.

“Except for you and me.”

Related: Donald Trump Wildly Cheered at Christmas Eve Church Service

Putin has repeatedly denied involvement despite the accusations coming from the White House, and the Kremlin has repeatedly questioned the evidence for the U.S. claims. On Friday he borrowed from Trump’s dismissal of the accusations, remarking “Maybe it was someone lying on the couch who did it.”

“And it's not important who did the hacking, it's important that the information that was revealed was true, that is important,” Putin said, referring to the emails that showed that party leaders had favored Hillary Clinton.

Putin has given one press conference a year at the end of December for the 12 years he’s been president (taking a break for the four years he was prime minister). He deflected a question from an American reporter about whether he will move up 2018 elections.

Some have speculated that the Kremlin leader might want to hold the elections earlier while his popularity soars above 80 percent. Putin has not made it clear whether he will run, though any suggestion that he might retire also seems premature. 

Putin restated his interest in improved relations with the United States after the inauguration of Trump, who has promised work closely with Russia in the fight against terrorism.

Related: ‘Voters wanted to Make America Great Again!’: Trump Slams Obama’s Third Term Remarks

In the wake of the assassination of Russia’s ambassador to Turkey this week, Moscow and and Ankara have made a show of their willingness to work together and, along with regional power Iran, bring a settlement to Syria.

Putin moved back the press conference a day to attend the funeral of his slain ambassador to Turkey, Andrei Karlov, who was assassinated in a brazen public shooting by a man shouting slogans about the war in Syria. 

Putin deflected a question about Trump’s promise to upgrade the U.S. nuclear arsenal, saying Russia was also upgrading its nuclear deterrent, “so that it will be stronger than any aggressor.” He blamed U.S. efforts to develop anti-missile technology for creating “conditions for a new arms race.”

“Preconditions for the new arms race were created when the U.S. withdrew from the anti-missile treaty. We are not violating any agreements,” Putin said. “Representatives of the current U.S. administration started to say that they are the strongest and most powerful in the world. Yes, indeed, they have more rockets, submarines, and aircraft carriers. We can't argue with it."

Putin, always concerned about his high popularity rating, touted a few good-news items about the Russian economy, hailing what he called record-low inflation of 5.5 percent, and congratulating villagers on this year’s harvest.

Related: Neocon Panic and Agony

In recent poll by the Yuri Levada Analytical Center that gave Russians an opportunity to select which events they consider most important, 30 percent mentioned inflation, 28 percent mentioned the election of Trump, and 22 percent mentioned Syria. Russia’s efforts to mediate the civil war are at the top of nightly news.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Senate Quietly Passes The "Countering Disinformation And Propaganda Act" & Obama Bans Free Speech In The Dead Of Night
December 30 2016 | From: ZeroHedge / Infowars / Various

While we wait to see if and when the Senate will pass (and president will sign) Bill  "H.R. 6393, Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017", which was passed by the House at the end of November with an overwhelming majority and which seeks to crack down on websites suspected of conducting Russian propaganda.

President Trump is going to have an awful lot of un-doing to do...

It calls for the US government to "counter active measures by Russia to exert covert influence… carried out in  coordination with, or at the behest of, political leaders or the security services of the Russian Federation and the role of the Russian Federation has been hidden or not acknowledged publicly,” another, perhaps even more dangerous and limiting to civil rights and freedom of speech bill passed on December 8.

Related: Gun Control FAIL: Mass Shootings Surge 240% During Obama’s Presidency

Recall that as we reported in early June;

"A bill to implement the U.S.’ very own de facto Ministry of Truth has been quietly introduced in Congress. As with any legislation attempting to dodge the public spotlight the Countering Foreign Propaganda and Disinformation Act of 2016 marks a further curtailment of press freedom and another avenue to stultify avenues of accurate information.

Introduced by Congressmen Adam Kinzinger and Ted Lieu, H.R. 5181 seeks a “whole-government approach without the bureaucratic restrictions” to counter “foreign disinformation and manipulation,” which they believe threaten the world’s “security and stability.”

Related: "Ministry of Truth" now active in America

Also called the Countering Information Warfare Act of 2016 (S. 2692), when introduced in March by Sen. Rob Portman, the legislation represents a dramatic return to Cold War-era government propaganda battles.

"These countries spend vast sums of money on advanced broadcast and digital media capabilities, targeted campaigns, funding of foreign political movements, and other efforts to influence key audiences and populations,” Portman explained, adding that while the U.S. spends a relatively small amount on its Voice of America, the Kremlin provides enormous funding for its news organization, RT.

“Surprisingly,” Portman continued, “there is currently no single U.S. governmental agency or department charged with the national level development, integration and synchronization of whole-of-government strategies to counter foreign propaganda and disinformation.”  

Long before the "fake news" meme became a daily topic of extensive conversation on wuch mainstream fake news portals as CNN and WaPo, H.R. 5181 would rask the Secretary of State with coordinating the Secretary of Defense, the Director of National Intelligence, and the Broadcasting Board of Governors to “establish a Center for Information Analysis and Response,” which will pinpoint sources of disinformation, analyze data, and - in true dystopic manner - ‘develop and disseminate’ “fact-based narratives” to counter effrontery propaganda.

Related: Epic Montage Video Illustrates How Badly the Media Failed in 2016

Fast forward to Thursday, December 8, when the "Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act" passed in the Senate, quietly inserted inside the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) Conference Report.

Here is the full statement issued by the generously funded Senator Rob Portman (R- Ohio) on the passage of a bill that further chips away at press liberties in the US, and which sets the stage for future witch hunts and website shutdowns, purely as a result of an accusation that any one media outlet or site is considered as a source of "disinformation and propaganda" and is shut down by the government.

How North Korea and the Obama regime Both Use the Same Mind Control Techniques Against Their Citizens

This eye-opening new video details how U.S. government propaganda under Obama parallels the socially-reinforced mind control tactics used in North Korea, a radical left-wing dictatorship rooted in the cult worship of its leader.

Related: Obama Signs Portman-Murphy Kill Alt-Media Bill into Law Under X’mas Cover

Barack Obama is simply a more polite rendition of the same social control tyranny used by Kim Jong-Un. Angela Merkel, in many ways, invokes the same tactics of disinformation and linguistic social control, deliberately lying to the people of Germany in order to control them while the country is systematically destroyed to appease globalist interests.

As I also state in the video, most Americans would be obedient Kim Jong-Un worshipers if they had grown up in North Korea.

The vast majority of individuals in western society today falsely believe they are independent thinkers, but that’s only because they’ve been indoctrinated under a system of mind control that’s very good at pretending to be based on “freedom.”

Watch the full video to see for yourself. (This video was recorded before the Nov. 8 Trump election victory, which provides a least some glimmer of hope that the globalist agenda might be slowed.)

Senate Passes Major Portman-Murphy Counter-Propaganda Bill as Part of NDAA

Portman/Murphy Bill Promotes Coordinated Strategy to Defend America, Allies Against Propaganda and Disinformation from Russia, China & Others

U.S. Senators Rob Portman (R-OH) and Chris Murphy (D-CT) today announced that their Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act – legislation designed to help American allies counter foreign government propaganda from Russia, China, and other nations – has passed the Senate as part of the FY 2017 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) Conference Report.

Related: How the Crackdown on Patriots Will Occur: Dissent Will Become Unthinkable

The bipartisan bill, which was introduced by Senators Portman and Murphy in March, will improve the ability of the United States to counter foreign propaganda and disinformation by establishing an interagency center housed at the State Department to coordinate and synchronize counter-propaganda efforts throughout the U.S. government.

To support these efforts, the bill also creates a grant program for NGOs, think tanks, civil society and other experts outside government who are engaged in counter-propaganda related work. This will better leverage existing expertise and empower local communities to defend themselves from foreign manipulation.

The passage of this bill in the Senate today takes us one critical step closer to effectively confronting the extensive, and destabilizing, foreign propaganda and disinformation operations being waged against us. While the propaganda and disinformation threat has grown, the U.S. government has been asleep at the wheel.

Today we are finally signaling that enough is enough; the United States will no longer sit on the sidelines. We are going to confront this threat head-on,”
said Senator Portman.

“With the help of this bipartisan bill, the disinformation and propaganda used against our allies and our interests will fail.”

“Congress has taken a big step in fighting back against fake news and propaganda from countries like Russia. When the president signs this bill into law, the United States will finally have a dedicated set of tools and resources to confront our adversaries’ widespread efforts to spread false narratives that undermine democratic institutions and compromise America’s foreign policy goals,said Murphy.

“I’m proud of what Senator Portman and I accomplished here because it’s long past time for the U.S. to get off the sidelines and confront these growing threats.”

NOTE: The bipartisan Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act is organized around two main priorities to help achieve the goal of combatting the constantly evolving threat of foreign disinformation.

They are as follows:

The first priority is developing a whole-of-government strategy for countering foreign propaganda and disinformation. The bill would increase the authority, resources, and mandate of the Global Engagement Center to include state actors like Russia and China in addition to violent extremists.

The Center will be led by the State Department, but with the active senior level participation of the Department of Defense, USAID, the Broadcasting Board of Governors, the Intelligence Community, and other relevant agencies.
The Center will develop, integrate, and synchronize whole-of-government initiatives to expose and counter foreign disinformation operations and proactively advance fact-based narratives that support U.S. allies and interests.

Second, the legislation seeks to leverage expertise from outside government to create more adaptive and responsive U.S. strategy options. The legislation establishes a fund to help train local journalists and provide grants and contracts to NGOs, civil society organizations, think tanks, private sector companies, media organizations, and other experts outside the U.S. government with experience in identifying and analyzing the latest trends in foreign government disinformation techniques.

This fund will complement and support the Center’s role by integrating capabilities and expertise available outside the U.S. government into the strategy-making process. It will also empower a decentralized network of private sector experts and integrate their expertise into the strategy-making process.

In other words, the Act will:

i) Greenlight the government to crack down with impunity against any media property it deems "propaganda", and

ii) Provide substantial amounts of money fund an army of "local journalist" counterpropaganda, to make sure the government's own fake news drowns that of the still free "fringes."

So while packaged politely in a veneer of "countering disinformation and propaganda", the bill, once signed by Obama, will effectively give the government a full mandate to punish, shut down or otherwise prosecute, any website it deems offensive and a source of "foreign government propaganda from Russia, China or other nations."

And since there is no formal way of proving whether or not there is indeed a foreign propaganda sponsor, all that will be sufficient to eliminate any "dissenting" website, will be the government's word against that of the website. One can be confident that the US government will almost certainly prevail in every single time.

Obama Bans Free Speech In The Dead Of Night

America adopts Soviet style media controls.

By slipping through the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act, President Obama has signed the “Countering Disinformation And Propaganda Act” into law, effectively putting all speech under federal control.

Related: So Called ‘Fake News’ Could be a Thing of the Past

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The Healing Benefits Of Spending Time Alone
December 30 2016 | From: TheUnboundedSpirit

In our culture, most people don’t seem to spend any time alone, in silence, doing nothing but enjoying their own presence.

They are continuously doing something or being with someone, distracting themselves in all sorts of ways, just so they won’t experience a moment of aloneness.

Afraid of Ourselves

Why do people always feel the need to be distracted from themselves? Mainly because of the fact that they have become disconnected from who they are.

Since we were children, many of us had to go through difficulties in life, some of which caused us immense suffering and were emotionally traumatic. Later on, in order to avoid experiencing any further suffering, many of us tried our best to repress our emotions that are associated with those traumatic experiences.

But no matter how much we repressed them, they are still hidden deep inside our psyche, calling us to pay attention to them all the time, but we choose to not even stop for a moment and focus on them. We are so afraid to come in contact with our emotional world that we try to avoid it in any way possible.

In essence, we are trying to escape from ourselves. Not surprisingly, whenever we happen to find ourselves alone and unoccupied, we quickly start to feel uncomfortable. To avoid that discomfort, we rush to do something that will distract us from ourselves.

This is the main reason why so many people watch TV for hours without end or mindlessly surf on the internet. Or why so many people overwork. Or why so many want to be constantly in the presence of others. This also explains why before going to bed at night, many of us consume sleeping pills, so as to avoid confronting the repressed, darker part of our psyche.

We are so scared of our very selves that we are constantly somewhere between keeping our minds occupied and keeping our minds shut.

The Healing Benefits of Spending Time Alone

By avoiding to face our inner world, we’ll never be able to live in harmony with ourselves. We’ll always be insecure, stressed, depressed. That’s why, no matter how painful coming in contact with our deeper selves might be, we should gather courage in our hearts to take a look within, and then our life will be totally transformed, in an incredibly positive way.

These are some ways spending time alone will make your life better:

You’ll feel unburdened from toxic, repressed emotions.

You’ll be more in tune with your emotional world.

You’ll better understand yourself.

You’ll make friends with your past.

You’ll be more mindful of the present moment.

You’ll be able to make more conscious choices.

You’ll overcome feelings of loneliness.

You’ll be less stressed and more calm.

You’ll feel less afraid and more strong.

You’ll be more honest with yourself and others.

You’ll find more peace with yourself and the world.

Learning to Be Alone

To reap all these healing benefits, you need to make some space for yourself. Every day, make it a habit to spend some time on your own (I’d recommend at least 30 minutes).

Find a silent room in your house to stay, sit on a chair or lie on a bed, turn off any electronic devices, and be sure to let the people close to you know that in this period of time you don’t want to be disturbed.

While all alone, in silence, start paying attention to your sensations, feelings, and thoughts. If you’ve not done such a thing for a long time, chances are that you will soon start feeling uneasy - your body might start shaking, disturbing emotions might be felt and unwanted memories might pop up.

If and when this happens, don’t rush to escape from what’s happening, no matter how scary it might seem. Stay there, mindful of anything that you’re experiencing, physically, emotionally, and mentally.

As I mentioned already, what most people are afraid to encounter is their past traumatic experiences. But when you are all alone, doing nothing but being attentive, hidden memories are bound to jump into your awareness, and it’s very likely that they will awaken a lot of repressed emotions, which might make you burst into tears, feel sadness, and bring myriads of thoughts that will agitate your mind.

When, however, all these memories are brought into the light of consciousness, a healing process starts taking place. The divided mind begins to come together.

The darker side of your psyche merges with the brighter one. And then, through that process, you start experiencing inner harmony. You feel physically relaxed, emotionally cleansed and mentally refreshed. You become revitalized, reborn into a healthier state of being.

By choosing to spend time alone on a regular basis, you’ll learn to live at peace with yourself.

You will stop distracting your mind with superficial things that are wasting your time and energy, and you will not want to shut yourself from life - on the contrary, you’ll be able to experience each and every moment to the fullest, squeezing the juice out of life, without feeling chained to the burdensome fears of your past.

You will stop trying to hide your deepest parts of your psyche from yourself and those around you by pretending to be someone you are not - you will feel free to express your authenticity, finding that there’s nothing left to hide.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The Sovereignty Of Sidekicks & John Key Era One Giant Facepalm
December 29 2016 | From: Katehon / NewZealandHerald

It should surprise no honest human being that New Zealand, along with Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom, is a part of history’s first “global” empire.

This “Atlanticist” English-speaking empire first partially established itself after the defeat of Napoleon, and then cemented itself more firmly after the First and Second World Wars.

Related: New Zealand Prime Minister John Key Resigns - Warned Of Arrest Status By John Kerry

It is headed by the United States, of course, but includes the United Kingdom in a grandfathered “special relationship” that increasingly resembles the role a ventriloquist’s dummy plays in a cringe-worthy comedy routine.

The United Kingdom’s former colony, New Zealand, thus, cannot honestly be described as a sovereign, independent, nation-state, however much its citizens would like to believe this to be the case.

Rather, this small nation of fewer than five million souls continues very much as in the past, an extremely junior – and therefore even more extremely disposable – sidekick who is good for a little public relations coup now and again but otherwise of small importance.

Related: Former Head Of The NSA And CIA Makes Statements That Imply John Key Is Lying About Mass Surveillance

Before Kiwi readers throw up their hands in disgust, let it be argued that the good citizens of Aotearoa New Zealand should be glad of this status. It gives them the opportunity to strike out for actual statehood. The imperial core may chafe and lash out, but the stakes are so low it will likely allow full independence in the end.

The immediate obstacle remains New Zealand itself. Its elites, especially in the National Party (an ironic misnomer if ever there was one), identify completely with the Atlanticist Empire.

This is proven by the career path of its globalist Prime Minister, who cut his teeth as a servile hatchet-man for The City of London and whose most expensive residential property cuts a fine sky-line in Hawaii, USA.

Fortunately for New Zealand national independence, Prime Minister John Key has decided to resign his position. This surprise move ultimately stems from the Atlanticist imperial defeats in Syria, Libya, Ukraine, and the reversals to globalism in Britain, the EU, and the United States itself.

Sending Kiwi troops to Iraq over a year ago could even land Key in the dock at The Hague someday. He has certainly breeched a fistful of United Nations binding resolutions, and may have directly contravened New Zealand statute law by sending New Zealand forces to support terrorism in the Middle East.

Related: New Zealand Troops To Stay In Iraq For Another 18 months: John Key

In 2015, Key dispatched New Zealand armed forces to Camp Taji, Iraq, a former US base and prison north of Baghdad. There soldiers train the Iraqi 16th Mountain Division, whose area of operation lies northward from Taji to the Turkish border.

It just so happens that this Kurdish region is known for the theft of oil belonging to the nation of Iraq and the sale of this illegal commodity to Turkey, whose ruling clique uses it to launder ISIS-pirated oil from both Iraq and Syria.

Thus, the now running-for-cover, Key involved Kiwi armed forces in the furtherance of ISIS funding, arms and explosives purchases, and terror attacks (including those in Paris, Egypt, Mali, and elsewhere).

Proof that the 16th Mountain Division is involved in this oil-running lies in the assassination of its commander outside his home in July, 2015 (i.e., it is embroiled in a turf war over protection rights among Iraqi army units).

Related: Banker John Key’s Corporate Repackaging Of War

Proof that the former Prime Minister knows this lies in the very recent Official Information Act lawsuit by Minister Ron Mark which reveals that New Zealand’s armed forces are conducting absolutely no “after action” analyses on how the 16th Mountain Division has used its Kiwi training.

Turkey’s involvement in supporting ISIS has been an utterly open secret for many, many years.

Surely the New Zealand Security Intelligence Service briefed the Prime Minister. The mainstream press has been briefing the public on the issue since before 2013. As former US intelligence officer G. Murphy Donovan writes, Turkish support for ISIS is “the worst kept secret in Mesopotamia”.

Turkey receives more US foreign aid than any other nation, apart from Israel and Egypt. This number-one son seeks and receives permission for absolutely everything it does, including its laundering/brokering of ISIS oil and oil sales, and the shootdown of the Russian Federation’s Su-24 bomber on November 24, 2015.

Related: What Is The Real Agenda Behind John Key's Drive To Change The New Zealand Flag: Due Authority - A Very Silent Coup?

Its security services also provide ISIS with weapons and domestically manufactured explosive compounds. Most recently, its military has invaded both Syria and Iraq in exactly those areas traversed by illegal oil and arms convoys.

And yet, the United States stoutly refuses to censure its tool, for reasons that should by now be pretty obvious – ISIS is an “Operation Gladio”-style manufactured enemy upon whom interventions may be blamed, because of whose existence popular sovereignty, political liberty, and political equality may be restricted, and by whom, lastly, false flag attacks may be conducted.

ISIS resembles the Contras of the 1980s or UNITA of the 1970s. The phenomena is, at its core, a mere intensification of the Al Qaeda model, which has served US imperialism so well since 1980. As former Reagan Administration official, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, states in a recent article:

“Washington is not opposed to terrorism. Washington has been purposely creating terrorism for many years.

Terrorism is a weapon that Washington intends to use to destabilize Russia and China by exporting it to the Muslim populations”
of those countries.

Related: Key Must Explain How GCSB Spying On Citizens Is Lawful + Pacific Action Needed Against Spy Net

The ultimate aim remains Atlanticist global hegemony and the looting of those two nations in order to repay twenty trillion dollars of government debt, sixty-four trillion dollars of overall debt, and six-hundred and fifty trillion dollars of derivative overhang.

This being the case, New Zealand involvement in Operation Inherent Resolve amounts to criminal participation in aggression, theft on a global scale, and wholesale – as opposed to retail – terrorism. The United Nations has passed many resolutions on these issues: for example, it declares all “direct or indirect” support for ISIS oil smuggling to be a breach of international law.

New Zealand statute law clearly prohibits all contravention of UN resolutions, whatever their nature, so its wilful entrance into the ongoing violence in the Middle East, organised by the United States, the EU and NATO, is a crime of aggression.

Former Prime Minister John Key, as then commander-in-chief, has ordered New Zealand armed forces to train and assist Iraqi military units who are culpably engaged in indirect support of ISIS. New Zealand troops, therefore, indirectly support ISIS. 

This is expressly sanctioned by the United Nations and is a violation of international law. And it must be stressed that this was done with full knowledge. The Prime Minister cannot claim he did know that Turkey laundered ISIS oil with oil smuggled through the operational zone north of Camp Taji.

Everyone in Iraq knows this. The Russian Federation has filmed the immense, and impossible not to notice, scale of the theft. Footage shows at length oil heading for processing in Batman, Turkey, just across the border from Mosul. 

Related: First It Was The Christchurch City Rebuild, Now It’s The Skycity Convention Centre Contract: John Key Fattening His Masters Again

With full knowledge but little concern, John Key has committed acts expressly prohibited by New Zealand statute law and is pretty clearly subject to prosecution. This is the most likely reason for the banker-turned-politician to have resigned.

Now that John Key has removed himself from the office he has hesitated not one second to sell to Atlanticist hegemony, perhaps the citizens of Aotearoa New Zealand can see to it that their country becomes an actual independent nation-state with full sovereignty, complete with its own foreign policy (based on positive and respectful interaction with all nations, rather than blind and cringing obedience to the global torture-master). 

No honest human being could object.

John Key Era One Giant Facepalm

I'm not gonna lie. I'm glad to see the back end of him. Clothed, of course.

I could have chosen to dress up my column today with all sorts of nuanced, insightful, and charitable words about John Key's departure. It'd be akin to going to someone's funeral that you consistently bagged - both publicly and privately. Tacky.

Related: Penny Bright Talks Tough On Corruption

My motto: Why waste time being anything other than honest?

There were three issues (from the multitudes) that got to me personally during his time in power. Like everyone, it's why we either like a politician or we don't. In 2008 I ticked National for my party vote. Like most of the rest of the country I was well and truly over Helen Clark and Labour, with the Foreshore and Seabed debacle being the final straw for me.

Key appeared fresh and new, and above all, keen. He wanted the job of Prime Minister, and his childlike zeal on election night was endearing. Within a year I was uncomfortable. Within two, it felt like I was sitting on a bed of nails.

I'm not sure of the exact moment I knew the Key train had uncoupled from its charisma caboose. All I know is the train thundered on without me onboard.

Related: John Key Wants War Between Maori And Pakeha. Are You Going To Let Him?

Logically, it was likely when I realised that Key had no understanding of, or respect for, the environment. He seemed to me to care only for running New Zealand like a huge corporation by squeezing every last dollar out of it - no matter the downstream consequences.

I say "downstream" because my focus back then was firmly on water quality. The Key-led Government has played a massive role in the funding of dairy and irrigation intensification since, leading in turn to the steady decline in the quality of our nation's waterways.

I'm not so naive to think he was solely responsible for such cynical fare. However, as the frontperson for the tragedy of losing our swimmable rivers, one must understand that some of us will never forgive such recklessness. A good money man? Key's bold and brassy belief that he managed the Global Financial Crisis well is, shall we say, deluded. He got lucky. Pure and simple.

I'll wager that within the next 12 months, and well before the 2017 election, our economy will match the global outlook perfectly. It'll be munted. He is less an economic guru and more a tinny bastard, frankly.

Related: UK Minister Holds Top-Level Defence Talks In Wellington + John Key Called Out

I say this in complete awe at Key's uncanny ability to ride the rollercoaster of pure providence. Despite the poor getting poorer, and the rich getting richer, he somehow managed to convince the wider electorate that he was a financial whizz - as opposed to the money trading gambler he ultimately is.

Inequality has never been worse in this country, and that has to be the test. Key's reign encouraged many to hate on the poor. Little did he and his cohorts comprehend, it also taught just as many to hate on the rich.

This will not be solved by a new face at the top, or by an obsequious media happy to create corny commentary for those of you who actually care that he is exiting stage right.

My biggest thumbs down is reserved for the free licence he issued to a particular segment of male culture. It's never a good thing when the public learn about the pubic. Key's predilection for appearing on trashy radio means we all possess the knowledge - like it or not - that he doesn't trim his "downstairs", has urinated in the shower, and had a vasectomy.

Call me passé but the title of Prime Minister should mean something. Jumping in a cage and picking up a bar of soap - in a nod to prison rape - is probably not a component of that.

Ponytail-gate sealed it. The man sent a message to the world - and I mean the world - that he was an unsophisticated fool at best, and a creep at worst.

Since then the planet's got Trump, so maybe Key won't be remembered for those weirdnesses. However, his legacy is that he contributed massively to the type of male culture in New Zealand that sees women as not much more than just pom-pom girls cheering from the sidelines. On a good day.

So, those are my top three gripes, and you'll have yours. Is there any redeeming feature about Key that I could mention? Yes, I think there is. Work ethic. He had a good one.

Related: Does John Key Run The NZ Meth Trade?

It's the end of an era that I'm glad to wave goodbye to. It was eight years of teeth gritting, face palming, guttural groaning, a fair bit of drinking, and throwing things at the TV. If you think he's aged, you should see me.

So long John, and thanks for all the (dead) fish.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Why Are Public Officials Protecting GMO And The Pesticides Industry? Digging Down Into The Cesspool Of Corruption
December 29 2016 | From: GlobalResearch

It is based on a cesspool of corruption that is most probably responsible for more death and disease than the combined efforts of the tobacco companies ever were. It is sheer criminality that hides behind corporate public relationsmedia misrepresentations and the subversion of respectable-sounding agencies which masquerade as public institutions.

The ‘agrochemicals-agritech industry’ should not be regarded as some kind of faceless concept because that lets individuals off the hook. It is run by identifiable individuals who sell health-and environment-damaging products,co-opt scientistscontrol public institutions and ensure farmers are kept on a chemical treadmill.

Related: Bayer and Syngenta knew: Ag giants discovered in secret tests that pesticides severely harmed bees

From CEOs and scientists to public officials and media/PR spin doctors, specific individuals can be identified and at some stage should be hauled into court for what amounts to ‘crimes against humanity’.

In her numerous documents, Dr Rosemary Mason has described the devastating effects of agrochemicals and has singled out certain individuals who, in a different world, would probably be standing in the dock to answer for their roles they have played in poisoning the environment and damaging public health.

Mason has supplied ample, strong evidence to highlight how agrochemicals are killing us and how public institutions and governments collude with the industry to frame legislation and polices to ensure it’s ‘business as usual’.

However, individuals act within circumstances not of their choosing; capitalism corrupts and it is not the concern of the managers of private corporations to look after the interests of the public at large. A CEO’s obligation is to maximise profit, capture markets and defeat the competition.

The naive hope by many is that ‘corporate social responsibility’ and consumers’ perception of a company will oblige corporations to act in a manner that in some way serves the wider public interest. The other hope is that public officials and institutions will safeguard this interest by holding private interests to account.

But in the cold, cynical world of ‘free’ market capitalism, an interlocking directorate of state-corporate interests have for a long time ensured that state institutions in ‘liberal democracies’ are shaped and manipulated to facilitate the interests of private capital.

The ‘free’ market only exists in the warped delusions of those who churn out clichés about its sanctity. We need look no further than the billions of taxpayer dollars that prop up US agriculture and agribusiness profits, for example, or, more generally, how the state facilitates taxpayer-funded corporate welfare across the board.

The bottom line is to maximise profit for private corporations – and, in Monsanto’s case, by all means possible, including the unflinching defence of the health- and environment-damaging (but massively profitable) product glyphosate. Through political influence and co-option, policies are put in place on Monsanto’s behalf, and the public is expected to sit back and take the poison.

It’s for their own good! And the relentless message is that there is no alternative, when, in reality, there are genuine alternatives to a pesticide-drenched food and agriculture that is both commercially and politically motivated.

Related: Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and the Mentality of Propaganda Control

Within the cesspool created, corporations bank on their political influence, media hacks, bogus science, lobbyists and public relations departments and firms to churn out the message that they are serving the public interest, while clearly acting against it.

And this leads us back to Dr Rosemary Mason and her new open letter to the European Chemicals Agency. As with her many other open letters to officialdom, Mason takes us on a journey by naming names and shedding light on how corporate power works to encourage scientific fraud and subvert public watchdogs and policy-making institutions with the aim of getting toxic agrochemicals, especially glyphosate, onto the market and ensuring they remain there.

She addresses the letter directly to European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) Executive Director Geert Dancet.

Key Points From Mason’s Open Letter

Readers are urged to consult Mason’s 5,000-word open letter (open-letter-to-the-european-chemical-agency-about-scientific-fraud-and-ecocide), where they can find all the relevant links, charts and references to support the points below.

1. Scientific fraud and glyphosate. The German government has accused the German Rapporteur Member State Federal Institute of Risk Assessment (BfR) and the European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) of scientific fraud for using Glyphosate Task Force (GTF) statistics that for some considerable time claimed them to be BfR’s own work.

Mason demands that the ECHA must act to ban glyphosate immediately and asserts that human health and the environment are being totally destroyed by it as well as the hundreds of other chemicals that have been registered illegally.

Mason writes:

“The current EU legislation was originally set up to protect the pesticides industry. Monsanto and other agrochemical corporations helped the EU to design the regulatory systems for their own products and chose which country should be appointed as Rapporteur Member State. 

Regulation 1107/2009, Article 63 specified that: “All confidential data …shall be deleted or redacted.” Much of the industry data submitted to the German RMS was redacted.”

2. Glyphosate, conflicts of interest and PR masquerading as scienceBy naming names (Alan Boobis, Angelo Moretti, Chris Wolf, Michael Pragnell and others), Mason notes how key positions are held by individuals with proven links to the agrochemicals industry. As a result, crucial decisions and documents are slanted accordingly.

Related: Verdict: Monsanto Guilty Of Crimes Against The Planet And Humanity

Mason mentions Critical Reviews in Toxicology and how, in 2016 Volume 46, Monsanto commissioned five reviews published in a supplement to Critical Reviews in Toxicology. Monsanto also funded them. The whole point was to raise serious doubts about the adverse effects of glyphosate by using junk science and to confuse the whole issue. Mason says that this is what Monsanto paid the scientists for.

3. The ECHA might be preparing itself to support EFSA, the European Commissioners and the Glyphosate Task Force (GTF) to re-license glyphosate in 2017. This is despite the fact that, of the 293 responses to ECHA’s consultation, an overwhelming majority supported the International Agency for Research into Cancer (IARC) position that glyphosate is probably carcinogenic for humans.

4. The German government summoned Prof Dr Andreas Hensel before the Committee on Agriculture and Food where he accused BfR of scientific fraudBfR stands accused of endangering the population and of intentional falsification of the content of scientific studies. In addition, Prof Dr Eberhard Greiser, a retired epidemiologist at the University of Bremen, says of BfR’s actions, “I’d say this is an intentional falsification of the content of scientific studies.”

5. Evidence given to the International Monsanto Tribunal. Toxicologist Dr Peter Clausing:

“Ample evidence has been provided above showing that European Authorities twisted or ignored scientific facts and distorted the truth to enable the conclusion that glyphosate is not to be considered a carcinogen, thereby accepting and reinforcing the false conclusion proposed by the Monsanto-led GTF.

The German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) committed scientific fraud.”

In his evidence to the tribunal, Clausing systematically demolished arguments that the EU authorities used to dismiss the significant findings of glyphosate-induced malignant lymphoma in mouse carcinogenicity studies.

Mason then goes on to discuss the wide-ranging evidence presented to the tribunal, including Lawyer Koffi Dogbevi’s discussion of Monsanto and ecocide (destruction of the environment), which is a crime against humanity that is likely to be subject to prosecution in the International Criminal Court.

She notes the vicious media campaign mounted against Professor Seralini and his team that was instigated by ‘interested circles’ from the chemical industry as well as the industry-financed British Science Media Centre.

6. Industry pressure on the EPA. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), having concluded that glyphosate is not a carcinogen, invited public comments.

Public comments were invited on 16/09/2016 to the Scientific Advisory Panel of FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act) on US EPA Glyphosate Issue Paper: Evaluation of Carcinogenic Potential.  However, only four days before the meeting it was suddenly delayed.

Related: Transgenic Wars - How GMOs Impact Livestock and Human Health Around the Globe

Why did US EPA delay the FIFRA SAP meeting at such short notice? Mason provides compelling evidence indicating the industry’s hand in trying to remove certain scientists from being included on the panel. The suggestion is that the EPA bowed to intense industry lobbying from CropLife America (a US trade association representing the major manufacturers, formulators and distributors of crop protection and pest control products).

7. EPA collusion with Monsanto. In 1991, an archival document showed that the US EPA Health Effects Division colluded with Monsanto: glyphosate was to be changed from a Group C carcinogen to Group E (evidence of non-carcinogenicity for humans).

Members of US EPA’s Toxicology Branch of the Hazard Evaluation Division Committee, in a consensus review on March 4 1985, had classified glyphosate as a Group C carcinogen, based on the incidence in rats/mice of renal tumours, thyroid C-cell adenomas and carcinomas, pancreatic islet cell adenomas, hepatocellular adenomas and carcinomas in males, but on June 26 1991 the Health Effects Division Carcinogenicity Peer Review Committee met to discuss and evaluate the weight of evidence on glyphosate with particular emphasis on its carcinogenic potential.

In a review of the data the committee concluded that glyphosate should be classified as Group E (evidence of non-carcinogenicity for humans). However, three of the Committee refused to sign and wrote: DO NOT CONCUR.

8. Monsanto’s sealed secret studies from the US EPA obtained under Freedom of Information. US Scientist Anthony Samsel analysed Monsanto’s sealed secret long-term studies (15,000-20,000 pages) from the US EPA (on mice, rats, rabbit and beagles) and showed that Monsanto knew that glyphosate was carcinogenic from the 1970s.

9. Glyphosate causes cataracts and interstitial damage and a range of diseases. Among Monsanto’s long term studies, an unpublished study on albino rats in 1990 showed that glyphosate entered the eye and caused cataracts and tissue damage.

The rate of cataract surgery in England “increased very substantially” between 1989 and 2004 from 173 (1989) to 637 (2004) episodes per 100,000 population.

A 2016 study by the WHO also confirmed that the incidence of cataracts had greatly increased: ‘A global assessment of the burden of disease from environmental risks.’ says that cataracts are the leading cause of blindness worldwide. Globally, cataracts are responsible for 51% of blindness – an estimated 20 million individuals suffer from this degenerative eye disease. In the US, between 2000 and 2010 the number of cases of cataract rose by 20% from 20.5 million to 24.4 million.

It is projected that by 2050, the number of people with cataracts will have doubled to 50 million.

Mason then goes on to describe in some detail how the municipality’s spraying of glyphosate effectively destroyed her nature reserve near Swansea, Wales, and is “responsible for cancers, neurological diseases and cataracts, just as Monsanto found in long-term studies before it gained illegal registration with the US EPA.”

10. The UK State of Nature Report 2016. One of the report’s authors, Mark Eaton, says:

“The report includes a new “biodiversity intactness index”, which analyses the loss of species over centuries. The UK has lost significantly more nature over the long term than the global average with the UK the 29th lowest out of 218 countries.

It is quite shocking where we stand compared to the rest of the world, even compared to other western European countries: France and Germany are quite a way above us in the rankings. The index gives an idea of where we have got to over the centuries, and we are pretty knackered.”

Mason provides a great deal of statistical evidence to highlight the massive increase (by crop type) in use of pesticides over the years, not least glyphosate.

And she also provides a great deal of shocking data that highlights the increase in major diseases and the loss of biodiversity, as set out in the State of Nature Report.

In finishing her open letter, Mason asks the various agencies responsible for protecting health and the environment:

“Why are you all protecting the pesticides industry?”

Then she adds:

“Monsanto has been lying to you for the sake of money. They wanted to control the food… CEO Hugh Grant and the US EPA knew that glyphosate caused all of these problems. The corporation concealed the carcinogenic effects of PCBs on humans and animals for seven years.

They have no plans to protect you and your families from the tsunami of sickness that is affecting us all in the UK and the US.”

Related: Maryland To Become First State In U.S. To Ban Bee-Killing Pesticides

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The Beginning Of The End Of The War On Medicine
December 28 2016 | From: GreenMedInfo

The writing is on the wall, and conventional medicine should stop resisting change and start to embrace it.

For nearly 100 years, there has been a serious war going on between the proponents of allopathic (conventional) medicine and those who support natural or  functional medicine.

Related: Arrested For Selling What?!

Functional medicine in the form of herbal, Ayurvedic, and Chinese medicine was dominant around the world for hundreds of years. Then, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the germ theory of disease began to take over, along with technological advances such as x-rays, the electron microscope, and the use of antibiotics.

Related: The Flawed Germ Theory; Unfortunately The Basis Of Modern Medicine

A new breed of medical school emerged to teach future doctors how to utilize these new diagnostic tools, medicines, and operating procedures to defeat the external invaders of the body. Doctors became thoroughly convinced that most diseases were caused by germs, bacteria, viruses, or rogue cells that needed to be cut out, killed, or controlled by these new medical breakthroughs.

Natural medicine was dismissed as being outdated and unscientific. Medical schools stopped teaching this form of medicine and medical licenses were given only to those who graduated from the new medical schools that had been established across the world.

Naturopathic doctors were branded as quacks, as were chiropractors, nutritionists, acupuncturists, and all of the other so-called natural medical practitioners.

But in the late 1940s and early 1950s, proponents of natural medicine started to push back. Under the unofficial leadership of Linus Pauling, a small group of scientists and doctors began treating brain-related illnesses, such as depression and schizophrenia, with diet and nutritional supplements.

Related: Nutritional Links To Cure Depression And Mental Illness

They were pleased with the results of this new approach and Pauling eventually coined the treatment protocols as “orthomolecular psychiatry.”

While Pauling and other pioneers, like Abram Hoffer, were making strides on brain-related disorders, the rest of the human body was also getting some attention. The hippy movement of the 1960s created a mini-groundswell of interest in nonconventional treatments.

Nutrition and herbal remedies became the rage for these counterculture types. Others soon became believers as conventional medicine proved to be less successful than many had hoped for. Visits to naturopaths, chiropractors, and acupuncturists began to increase while reports of dangerous side effects from prescription medications continued to surface.

Related: Australia, New Zealand, Canada, England, USA: Medical Dictatorship

Early leaders in this holistic movement, such as Andrew Weil, Bernie Siegel, and Dean Ornish, emerged in the 1980s after publishing groundbreaking books. Another early leader was Joseph Pizzorno, who co-founded Bastyr University in 1978 to educate naturopathic doctors. It is now recognized as one of the premier schools in the world for natural medicine.

In the late 1970s and early 1980s there was also a movement to show that the brain and the body actually worked together for the benefit of the whole person.

This flew directly in the face of over 400 years of traditional medical thinking, which started when French philosopher Rene Descartes declared that the human brain was totally separate and not relevant to the health of the human body. Many doctors have since disproved this theory and clearly established the connection between mind and body.

Another Step Forward

The nonconventional medical model has been called many things over the past 50 years, including:







Integrative and complementary became the key names in the early 1990s as efforts were beginning to bring the two medicines together in order to better meet the needs of a confused and frustrated public.

This effort at integration took a major step forward during the 1992 presidential campaign. Apparently, Ross Perot, a third-party candidate for president of the United States, asked Hans Nieper, a German physician, for some ideas on how to reform the American Health Care System.

Dr. Nieper had gained considerable notoriety for his treatment of cancer and MS with totally natural substances.

Jon Eisen Submission To Health Select Committee

His reform proposal eventually made it into the hands of Bill Clinton who, after being elected, asked his close colleague Bill Richardson to put together legislation that would help to accelerate research into, and utilization of, these natural medicine protocols.

With the help of Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah, the legislation passed under the title “The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA).” This bill not only protected the right of people to use dietary supplements, it eventually led to funding for research on the efficacy of various nutritional supplements and natural treatments.

In the past 20 years, since those significant changes in policies were made at the national level, there have been many other changes in the medical paradigm. Evidence has been mounting that the conventional medical model was simply not working.

Related: Australian School Kids Recreate Price-Gouging Pharma CEO’s $750-a-Pill AIDS Drug for $2

Dangerous Signs Of Failure

While natural and holistic medicine are getting a big positive push forward, equally negative developments are occurring regarding conventional medicine:

The percentage of our GDP allocated to healthcare expenditures is gradually increasing; it was 5.2% in 196021 and is estimated to reach nearly 20% by 2021

The US spends nearly twice as much as other industrialized countries on healthcare (per capita) and yet ranks near the bottom in practically every measure of population health.

About 95% of every healthcare dollar is spent on treatment and less than 5% on prevention, despite the fact that over  70% of many deadly diseases, such as type II diabetes, coronary artery disease, stroke, and colon cancer are preventable by lifestyle choices.

An article in the New England Journal of Medicine reported that over $100 billion was spent on balloon angioplasty and coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) in 2007, yet only 3% of bypass patients experienced prolonged life span.

Prescription drugs cause 700,000 emergency room visits each year and over 41,000 deaths.

Recent evidence estimates that there are over 400,000 avoidable hospital deaths each year.

In the book Death By Medicine by Gary Null, et al., the total number of avoidable deaths by conventional medicine was placed at over 783,936 per year.

Dr. David Eddy did a study on the scientific evidence behind conventional medical treatments. An article in Business Week Magazine in 2006 quoted Dr. Eddy’s study and declared that only 20 to 25% of what was being done to treat patients has been proven effective.

The Journal of Clinical Evidence reports that only 11% of typical conventional medical treatments may be categorized as beneficial, by randomized controlled trials.

There are a few positive things to report on the conventional medicine front. In terms of acute care, there have been tremendous strides made in the technology related to operations. Surgery has become less invasive with higher rates of success for many operations.

However, there is still a problem related to the number of unnecessary operations being performed and prime examples include knee surgery, back surgery, angioplasty, and heart surgery. If unnecessary operations were eliminated, acute care could become the shining star for conventional medicine.

While conventional medicine was acquiring a very dismal track record on the treatment of chronic disease, the exact opposite pattern was emerging for holistic/functional medicine.

Some examples include the following:

A large study published in the British medical journal Lancet Oncology found that diet (plant-based), yoga, meditation, and lifestyle changes increased the length of telomeres. Shorter telomere length has been associated with conditions such as hypertension, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and prostate cancer.

The Institute of Medicine reported in the Wall Street Journal that a holistic approach to health care - which uses the best of conventional medicine along with alternative therapies like meditation, yoga, acupuncture, and herbal medicines - has been scientifically documented to be medically effective and cost effective.

The book Nutritional Medicine has over 15,000 scientific references proving that healthy foods and nutritional supplements can prevent, and often reverse, nearly every chronic disease.

This pattern of strong evidence for holistic/functional medicine protocols has been reported in hundreds of articles in peer-reviewed journals and yet the money-driven medical establishment has been able to hold off this trend with some clever political spin tactics.

They have consistently attacked natural medicine using orthodox medical associations while big pharma uses its enormous wealth to control Congress, large swaths of academia, and the media. Conventional medicine was thus able make it appear that natural medicine was unscientific.

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These tactics have weakened in the Internet era as more people are able to access information that is not controlled by the mainstream media and their big pharma advertisers.

The Beginning Of The End

Conventional medicine’s house of cards is about to begin its big fall from grace with the recent announcement that the prestigious Cleveland Clinic is going “functional.”

President and CEO of the Cleveland Clinic Dr. Delos “Toby” Cosgrove recently announced a number of significant actions including:

The establishment of the first functional medicine grand rounds titled “Functional Perspective on Food and Nutrition: The Ultimate Upstream Medicine,”

Research to test functional medicine models head-to-head against conventional medicine for a number of chronic diseases, such as diabetes, asthma, and autoimmune diseases,

The creation of a Wellness Institute and the appointment of the nation’s first Chief Wellness Officer,

Creation of a Chinese Herbal Therapy Clinic, one of the first of its kind in the country,

The movement of the clinic’s $6.2 billion network of hospitals, family health centers, and outpatient clinics in a decidedly holistic direction.

This is the most significant push in the holistic direction by any mainstream health care network in the United States and much of the credit must go to Dr. Mark Hyman, who met with Dr. Cosgrove several times over the past two years. Dr. Hyman is the Chairman of the Board of The Institute of Functional Medicine and one of the true leaders in the functional medicine movement.

Related: Your Body is Designed to Heal Itself. Why Not Help it - Rather Than Hinder it?

For two years, Dr. Cosgrove tried to bring Dr. Hyman to Cleveland. Dr. Hyman resisted the CEO’s overtures and actually told him;

“Toby, you don’t want me there. Because if I go there I’m going to tell you that most of what you are doing is wrong; that in fact, you are harming people, that I would want to implement programs that are going to empty out half your hospitals and clear out most of your procedure rooms, and reduce hospital stays and doctor visits dramatically.

Are you okay with that?”

Dr. Cosgrove did not waiver in his commitment to the new direction and has moved ahead with Dr. Hyman’s full support and assistance.

Related: Introduction / Overview: The ‘Healing Computer’ Technology

This dire pronouncement about conventional medicine is a very similar to a statement Dr. Hyman made at a US Senate hearing on health care a few years ago when he said:

“You will not solve the current healthcare crisis if you simply continue to do the wrong things better.”

The writing is on the wall, and conventional medicine should stop resisting change and start to embrace it.

This is a battle that those who believe only in conventional medicine cannot win, and the more they resist, the more credibility and respect they will lose. This is truly the beginning of the end of the war in medicine.

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Mainstream Media Confirm Dalai Lama Is A CIA Asset
December 28 2016 | From: Geopolitics

That the Tibetan Dalai Lama is a CIA asset was just a conspiracy theory, has now been confirmed as fact by the Los Angeles Times and the agency itself.

This brings to question how much of what the media consider as theory now would end up later on as fact?

Related: How Can We Stop Drug Trafficking When It’s The CIA That’s Running The Show / The Philippines Fight The Cabal

How much of what the media consider as “fake news” right now would end up later on as the accurate account of an event?

In short, what gives them the authority to determine what is factual and truthful when their own journalistic standards and ethics include telling their readers mere half-truths for a while, i.e. when it is in the best interest of other institutions they are still working with in the interim?

The Los Angeles Times reports:

For much of the 1960s, the CIA provided the Tibetan exile movement with $1.7 million a year for operations against China, including an annual subsidy of $180,000 for the Dalai Lama, according to newly released U.S. intelligence documents.

The money for the Tibetans and the Dalai Lama was part of the CIA’s worldwide effort during the height of the Cold War to undermine Communist governments, particularly in the Soviet Union and China. In fact, the U.S. government committee that approved the Tibetan operations also authorized the disastrous Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba.

The documents, published last month by the State Department, illustrate the historical background of the situation in Tibet today, in which China continues to accuse the Dalai Lama of being an agent of foreign forces seeking to separate Tibet from China."

The CIA’s program encompassed support of Tibetan guerrillas in Nepal, a covert military training site in Colorado, “Tibet Houses” established to promote Tibetan causes in New York and Geneva, education for Tibetan operatives at Cornell University and supplies for reconnaissance teams."

- LA Times

Is the mainstream confirmation of the Dalai Lama as a CIA asset now can be considered the whole truth, or is there something more to the story?

“To “dispel” the Dalai Lama supporters’ doubts, the representatives of the Tibetan leader claimed in an interview with The New York Times on October 2, 1998 that “the subsidy earmarked for the Dalai Lama was spent on setting up offices in Geneva and New York and on international lobbying.”

However, the devil is in the detail.

Verkhoturov emphasizes that the denial was intended for those unfamiliar with the documents and facts. The documents say that in 1963 the CIA allocated considerable funds for the Dalai Lama’s entourage in Dharamsala, India, where his residence was located. There were no offices at Geneva and New York at the time.

Furthermore, soon the role of the CIA in the 1959 Tibetan Uprising and the formation of the government in exile also surfaced.

The US government viewed Tibet as a potential bulwark against China since 1949, when Chinese Communist leader Mao Zedong declared the creation of the People’s Republic of China (PRC).

A picture released by Chinese official news agency in August 1965 with a caption saying: “New buildings are going up at the foot of the Potala Palace (in the background, the former home of the Dalai Lama) in Lhasa. © AFP 2016/ JU SHUI-CHU / XIHNUA

“According to Memorandum for the 303 Committee (1968), the so-called CIA Tibetan program was partially initiated in 1956 “with the cognizance of the Committee, is based on US Government commitments made to the Dalai Lama in 1951 and 1956.”

“The program consists of political action, propaganda, paramilitary and intelligence operations, appropriately coordinated with and supported by [less than 1 line of source text not declassified],” the document read.

The declassified memorandum stated that in September 1958 the 303 Committee approved the “CIA covert support to Tibetan resistance” - just a year before the all-out uprising in the region erupted.

According to the publicist, the Dalai Lama’s exile opened the door to the CIA’s covert program aimed at recruiting and training the Tibetan leader’s followers and supporters in reconnaissance operations, sabotage, guerilla tactics, data encoding and radio operator skills. According to some estimates, about 170-240 Tibetans had undergone this special training.

The Memorandum for the Special Group (1964) reveals that the CIA planned to create a spy network in Tibet, including “approximately 20 singleton resident agents… two road watch teams in Tibet to report possible Chinese Communist build-ups, and six border watch communications teams.”

Verkhoturov believes that this spy activity could have targeted China’s nuclear program and the country’s first nuclear tests on October 16, 1964.

However, China’s Cultural Revolution - a sociopolitical movement that took place in the People’s Republic of China from 1966 until 1976 - dealt a heavy blow to the Tibetan spy network and eventually brought an end to the espionage activity in the region.

As a result, the budget of the CIA’s Tibetan program decreased to $1,165,000 in 1968.

According to Jonathan Mirsky, a historian of China, the CIA program finally ended with President Richard Nixon’s visit to China in 1972.

Still, in the early 1970s the CIA continued to allocate funds directly to the Dalai Lama, however, the amount of these subsidies remains shrouded in secrecy.

“In 1999, I asked the Dalai Lama if the CIA operation had been harmful for Tibet,” Mirsky wrote in 2013, ‘Yes, that is true,’ he replied. The intervention was harmful, he suggested, because it was primarily aimed at serving American interests rather than helping the Tibetans in any lasting way. ‘Once the American policy toward China changed, they stopped their help,’ he told me, ‘Otherwise our struggle could have gone on’.”

- Sputnik

Indeed, there’s more to the story and so, we need to continue exposing the false idols right at their own home turf.

Beyond the Dalai Lama’s engagement with the CIA, his conviction to his own teachings has come to question when he was caught wearing a Rolex while he preached about the great scourge of materialism in this world.

What Kind Of Man Wears Rolex?

When you think of Political figures who wear a gold Rolex you might think of U.S. Presidents, Dwight Eisenhower, Lyndon Johnson or Bill Clinton, or even former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney. When people think about Civil Rights Leaders who have worn yellow gold Rolex watches, they might think about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., or Jesse Jackson.
One man who might surprise people with wearing a Yellow Gold Rolex President, is no other than His Holiness, The Dali Lama of Tibet."

“As mentioned, The Dalai Lama typically goes out of his way to make certain his watches never appear to be fancy or ostentatious.

His holiness does so, by typically putting them on inexpensive stretchable Speidel Twist-O-Flex watch bands. In this recent photo, we see the Dalai Lama with Prince Charles, and the Dalai Lama is wearing a yellow gold Rolex Day-Date with a cobalt blue dial."

- RolexMagazine

From another site glorifying his love for watches…

“The Second War was still going on, and the Allies wanted to make a road over Tibet from Assam, in India, to China.

So two American military representatives came with a letter from President Roosevelt and a box containing a gold watch. A Patek Philippe.  I was very excited. It was a very beautiful, very smart model. I still have it and it still works.”

The watch is most likely a Patek Phillipe Perpetual Calendar Ref. 1526 from around 1942. No doubt it has been opened and dismantled more than once in it’s lifetime.

Besides this cherished first watch, His Holiness has also been photographed in public wearing a Rolex Day-Date and this two tone Rolex Datejust with a jubilee bracelet. I can only speculate what his collection might be worth should it ever go up on auction.

- EdgarDaily

What about the holiness of his preachings on vegetarianism and non-violence?

Well, the CIA didn’t just finance his rebellion against China, the agency also trained and supplied arms to those who were willing to fight for him, according to Newsweek:

“In the midst of this cold-war playground was Gyalo Thondup, who helped choose the first batch of trainees from Kalimpong. But the big brother kept his younger sibling - the Dalai Lama was then in his early 20s - in the dark about the spook business.

“I didn’t inform His Holiness about my contacts with the CIA and Indian intelligence,” says Gyalo Thondup. “This was very dirty business.”Under a full moon in October 1957, the first two-man team of CIA-trained Tibetans took off from an old World War II grass airstrip in East Pakistan, near Dhaka. They rode in a B-17 “sanitized” of all markings.

The parachutists were Athar Norbu and another Tibetan named Lhotse - “Tom” and “Lou” to their handlers. They were equipped with everything from dried beef to radios, from signal mirrors to folding-stock submachine guns.

They landed smack on target, 60 miles from Lhasa, and quickly hooked up with the local resistance leader, Gompo Tashi Andrugtsang, an influential trader whose legendary Khampas had been battling the Chinese for years.

The ragtag resistance waged a desperate struggle. In early 1958 many guerrillas were surrounded by 1,000 Chinese soldiers with artillery.

“All our leaders were wounded, including Gompo Tashi,” says one survivor. “We kept hoping the CIA would drop us some weapons, but they never came.

… Help was on the way. In 1958 more than 30 Tibetans began training secretly at Camp Hale, not far from Leadville, Colorado. Here about 300 Tibetans in all - assigned names like “Jack,” “Rocky” and “Martin” - were schooled in the black arts of covert warfare, from spy photography and sabotage to Morse code and mine-laying.

“We had great expectations when we went to America; we thought perhaps they would even give us an atom bomb to take back with us,”
said one trainee, Tenzin Tsultrim.

- Newsweek

Enjoying the benefits of conniving with a certain entity while feigning ignorance of what crimes that same entity has committed is the height of one’s hypocrisy.

It’s not only that one practices what one preaches, but the same must clean his own house first before he ventures out into the world, and begin finding faults against another.

“This week it was reported that a five-year old Tibetan girl had been allegedly raped by two Tibetan adult males in the settlement of Mundgod, South India. As shocking as the alleged crime was the revelation that the Mundgod camp officer and settlement officer had encouraged the father of the child not to pursue criminal charges against the men.

Why? Out of fear of shaming HH the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan people. Sadly, I and others living in the Tibetan community in exile were not surprised to learn this."

HuffPost web cached article, Not in the Name of the Dalai Lama: Tibetan Reaction to Child Rape Reveals a Deeper Malaise”

Kalu Rinpoche says that he was molested by elder monks…”sexually abused by elder monks,” and when he was 18 his tutor in the monastery threatened him at knifepoint.

“It’s all about money, power, controlling. And then I became a drug addict because of all this misunderstanding and I went crazy.”

A gang of older monks who would visit his room each week... This was hard-core sex, he says, including penetration.

“Most of the time, they just came alone,”
he says. “They just banged the door harder, and I had to open. I knew what was going to happen, and after that you become more used to it.”

It wasn’t until Kalu returned to the monastery after his three-year retreat that he realized how wrong this practice was. By then the cycle had begun again on a younger generation of victims, he says. Kalu’s claims of sexual abuse mirror those of Lodoe Senge, an ex-monk and 23 year old tulku who now lives in Queens, New York.

“When I saw the video,” Senge says of Kalu’s confessions, “I thought, ‘Shit, this guy has the balls to talk about it when I didn’t even have the courage to tell my girlfriend.’” Senge was abused, he says, as a 5-year-old by his own tutor, a man in his late twenties, at a monastery in India.

False idolatry and false institutions are two great scourges on this planet. Both have created a strong, opaque barrier between the mind and the Truth it is seeking.

The only way to know the Whole Truth and free humanity at last is to launch a great rebellion against them both.

Be prepared for what the mainstream media are doing right now, which is to publish some chosen truths to regain the people’s trust, as they start filtering the social media networks for “fake news”.

Let’s not fall for this shenanigan, not anymore.

Related: Are You A Mind-Controlled CIA Stooge? + The Term “Conspiracy Theory” Was Invented By The CIA In Order To Prevent Disbelief Of Official Government Stories

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This Astonishing Girl Can Read Blindfolded After Activating Her Third Eye
December 27 2016 | From: Omnithought

Nine year old Yogamaatha, from India, astonished onlookers in the United States recently, as she applied three blindfolds over her eyes and proceeded to read sentences from the piece of paper in front of her. How did she do this?

Yogamaatha claims that she attended a course at Gurukul, in India, where she was initiated by a Guru and now possesses the unique ability to see with her third-eye. 

Related: Is The Pineal Gland The Gateway To A Spiritual Awakening?

She states that this mystical power is a “learned ability”, opposing those who believe that gifts like these, are only for the chosen few. Not only can she read blindfolded, this nine-year old states that she can also ride a bicycle through traffic and dodge cars.

In this short video, Yogamaatha’s curious abilities bring her all of the way to Capital Hill, where her eyes are covered and she is tested.

She then makes her way to a Vedic Temple in Southern California and the results were astonishing, proving to onlookers that not only that she could read entire sentences, she also was able to play games, and even beat another child without blindfolds, at tic-tac-toe!

Girl Demonstrates Cool SuperPower (Third Eye)

The Pineal Gland: How To Take Care Of Yours

Yogamaatha, is not the only child who has facilitating the teachings of the Guru’s in India. 12-year-old Ma Nithya Maheshwarananda from Dallas, USA says she opened her third eye just over a year ago while attending a three-week program.

In this program the Master, by use of initiation and meditation, cultivates the inner dimension of yourself, by activating the pineal gland and nourishing the extrasensory abilities.

Related: 4-year-old Russian girl stuns crowd by speaking fluently in 7 languages

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Exxon Mobil Is Fighting To Keep It's Dangerous Chemicals In Children’s Toys
December 26 2016 | From: TheIntercept

Most of us know Exxon Mobil Corp. as an energy giant, which makes sense given that it is the world’s largest publicly held oil and gas company.

Rex Tillerson, the company’s CEO, has spent his entire professional life prioritizing Exxon Mobil’s corporate interests over human rights, the environment, and the diplomatic interests of the U.S., all of which has prompted many journalists and commentators to point out that his appointment as secretary of state is not just a terrible idea but a joke seemingly ripped from the pages of a Marxist comic book. [Comment: Blah blah blah, if you aren't properly informed neither will your judgements be from afar].

Related: Yes, women are being poisoned by toxic chemicals from feminine hygiene products

What’s less well known is that Exxon Mobil is also one of the world’s biggest chemical companies, and that its chemical interests also sometimes run counter to those of people in the U.S. and beyond.

Petrochemicals accounted for more than a quarter of Exxon Mobil’s $16 billion in net profits last year and wound up in wide range of consumer products such as plastics, tires, batteries, detergents, adhesives, synthetic fibers, and household detergents.

Among Exxon Mobil’s chemical products are phthalates, a family of chemicals widely used to make plastic pliable. Phthalates are in everything from food containers and plastic wrap to rattles, pacifiers, bottle nipples, and teething toys for babies. More than 75 percent of Americans have at least five of the chemicals in their body, according to a 2000 study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Exxon Mobil insists its products pose no harm. In response to inquiries for this story, the company emailed a statement to The Intercept saying that:

“Exxon Mobil phthalates have been thoroughly tested, and evaluations by multiple government agencies in the U.S., EU, and Australia show they are safe in their current applications.”

(The email also included a link to the company’s webpage on the health and environmental impacts of phthalates.)

But numerous independent studies have linked the chemicals to health problems, including cancer, neurodevelopmental effects, endocrine disruption, and adverse harm to the male reproductive system.

Given the risks, Congress permanently banned several phthalates in 2008, temporarily banned a few others, and directed the Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) to study whether several other phthalates should also be removed from kids’ products. The law required the CPSC to act within 180 days of its final decision.

An expert committee appointed by the CPSC came out with its final report on phthalates in 2014. After years of meetings, public comments, and peer review, the panel of scientists decided that eight phthalates should be banned from use in children’s toys.

Related: Warning: USDA allowing over 20 synthetic substances in organic foods

The report cited studies showing that babies who were exposed to higher levels of some phthalates in utero tended to have smaller “anogenital distances” and other reproductive tract problems, effects that were also seen in animals exposed to phthalates.

Despite the clear directive of the scientific experts and the Congress-mandated timeframe, the CPSC has yet to finalize its ban. During the almost two years since the deadline passed, Exxon Mobil has been working hard to slow and reverse the commission’s decision, drafting at least one legislative rider designed to keep some of their phthalates on the market and submitting lengthy comments and objections to the ban.

“Exxon has been sending letters, having meetings, they’re just constantly in CPSC’s face in a way designed to suggest that, if you go the wrong way on this, we’re going to sue you,” said Eve Gartner, an attorney with Earthjustice.

Related: Artificial turf fields linked to cancer in young athletes

Gartner and a few other environmental advocates try to attend these meetings whenever possible, but they describe being outgunned by the big company’s lobbying efforts.

“I don’t have the time to attend all Exxon’s meetings, but they have the time to attend all of ours,” said Jennifer Sass, a senior scientist at Natural Resources Defense Council. “There’s a lot more of them and they have a lot more resources.”

As a political force, kids are no match for one of the world’s biggest chemical companies, and they’ll suffer for the lack of clout. While the CPSC fails to finalize its own rule, more and more kids are exposed to phthalates.

The inaction “speaks to the power of Exxon to frighten federal agencies away from doing their jobs,” as Earthjustice’s Gartner put it. And that was before the company’s CEO had a top government job.

Related: McDonald’s Engages in Massive Fast-Food-Is-Nutritious Propaganda in US High Schools

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New Zealand's Israel Resolution: Peacemakers Seldom Win Friends
December 26 2016 | From: MSN

A UN Security Council resolution, calling for a ban on illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied territories, has passed, with NZ taking a major role. Phil Smith outlines the background and the blowback.

New Zealand has dared to go where even Egypt's strongman, President el-Sisi, feared to tread.

Related: How Britain wrought destruction on the Palestinian homeland

Abdel Fattah el-Sisi put a forward a resolution demanding an end to Israeli settlement building, but after an incredibly inappropriate call from Donald Trump, el-Sisi withdrew it again. Exactly how Trump achieved that is anyone's guess, but America's $1.5 billion aid package to Egypt may have been threatened.

President el-Sisi said he wanted to let Trump's incoming administration have first crack at the issue. It was obviously an excuse. Trump's nomination for Ambassador to Israel is a hardliner who wants more settlement construction and who has compared Jews who advocate for a 'two-state peace' to Capos (Jews who assisted in Nazi death-camps).

When el-Sisi retreated, New Zealand stepped up. Together with Venezuela, Malaysia and Senegal, New Zealand called for a vote on the resolution, and for the first time since the Carter administration, the US declined to veto a rebuke over illegal Israeli settlements.

The US noted that settlement construction had accelerated since the US vetoed a similar resolution in 2001, and that the Obama administration has been warning Israel for eight years that this 'trend-line' was both making peace more difficult and isolating Israel from the international community.

The Foundations of the Settlements

Settling population in militarily-occupied territory is contrary to the Geneva Convention, to international law and previous United Nations rulings.

Settlement building is usually strategic. Settlements create 'facts-on-the-ground', making it more difficult to give back captured territory (in this case, territory captured during the 1967 Six Day War). Hardliners believe the territory is theirs by God-given right, but its return, at least in part, would be necessary for a lasting peace based on a two-state solution.

The tracts that are currently Palestinian controlled areas are an unworkable, disconnected patchwork of territories.

Related: Top Israeli General Speaks Out Against Israel’s Crimes Against Palestinians + Parallels Between Israel & 1930's Germany & Ten Facts Why Netanyahu Is A Criminal And That Israel Is A “Rogue State”

Settlements also increase local conflict by expropriating land and resources to construct and sustain the townships. Moderate Israeli administrations have tended to restrict or demolish settlements, while hawkish governments look the other way, or - like the current one - are gung-ho on expansions which push Palestinians into an ever-diminishing corner.

Related: Water war against Palestinians: Israel planned to supply West Bank with 40% less water than settlers

Former US President Jimmy Carter has repeatedly stressed that peace in Israel/Palestine is only likely when the Palestinians also have a viable state, where middle class citizens have a reason to hope and work for a future. Some form of two state solution has been American policy for decades.

Seeing this may be about to change, and after significant antagonism from Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu, President Obama apparently believes it is time to allow a line in the sand.

Kiwi Peace-Broker

A few years ago, after the successful Bougainville peace talks, New Zealand imagined a role for itself as an international peace broker. It was a nice idea that turned out to be harder than it sounded, but it marked an increased New Zealand confidence to act independently, for good purpose.

This week's action is a further brave step from New Zealand. It has no obvious ulterior motives, but instead seems an attempt to simply do the right thing and bugger the consequences.

A nation like New Zealand cannot throw its feather-weight around internationally in order to win friends. Frequently, the opposite is achieved. A friend won with one action is alienated with the next, and nations often remember sleights more strongly than support.

The Blowback

The blowback has already begun. Israel is apoplectic and has recalled its envoys to New Zealand and Senegal, and stopped its Senegal aid programme. It called the resolution "despicable" and "an evil decree". The Israeli Ambassador to the UN said the vote was "a victory for terror, a victory for hatred and violence."

New Zealand was already in Israel's bad books. In 2014 Israel refused to accept New Zealand's ambassador because he was also to act as an envoy to the Palestinian Authority. In October 2015, Israeli officials reprimanded our Ambassador after New Zealand dared propose a Security Council resolution that dared encourage a return to peace negotiations. Palestinian supporters were equally upset, seeing the wording as supporting Israel.

But this time is worse. Israeli-New Zealand relations haven't been so poor since 2004, when New Zealand imprisoned 'Mossad spies' for attempting to fraudulently obtain a New Zealand passport. After a year, Israel apologised and relationships were slowly mended.

Related: Israeli ministers okay draft bill to legalize Jewish settlements on private Palestinian land despite Supreme Court ruling

This new rift may take longer. Much of the anger is being directed at the US, where President Obama could have chosen to veto the resolution.

But Netanyahu's conservative government will not take kindly to us fronting a resolution that pointedly calls East Jerusalem "occupied Palestinian territory".

New Zealand's government will have known blowback was likely. It has decided that, if you ask to be on the Security Council you need to appear from behind the parapet and take a stand.

In an era where the world's mood seems to be trending towards resentment, aggression and extremism, a country wins few friends by calling for tolerance or asking for restraint. But that doesn't mean that working for peace and goodwill isn't the right thing to do.

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Vigilant Citizen: 2016 Holiday Post
December 25 2016 | From: VigilantCitizen

Wow. 2016. Saying that it was a bad year would be the most unoriginal thing one could say.

Compliments of the season from New Zealand, wherever you may be.

But, seriously, it was a bad year. 2016 was, all at the same time, sad, divisive, horrifying, worrying and confusing. It left many with a foul, disgusting taste in their mouth combined with a sense of dread for things to come.

Fortunately, there is more to life than what happens through the noise amplifier that is mass media.

I could go on for a long time about how 2016 annoyed the heck out of me, but I won’t. Because, in the grand scheme of things, what happens in mass media is ultimately unimportant.

Us getting caught up in the fear, the anger, the turmoil and the confusion of world events is what “they” want. Mass media amplifies all of this destructive energy and forces the masses to bathe in it. People that are scared, hateful and confused can easily be manipulated, and this is happening right now.

The Vigilant Citizen is about the exact opposite. It is about understanding what is toxic around us and rejecting it. Ultimately, it is about focusing on what is truly important in life.

The global torment of the past year might actually have a silver lining. Indeed, faced with ugliness of recent events, many will feel a need to be more “self-centered”... but in a good way.

Instead of giving attention to power-hungry psychopaths, they will want to pay attention to those immediately around them. They will look for a deeper connection with friends, family and anybody that can bring more joy and warmth to their lives. They will have further appreciation for things that are still pure, beautiful and wonderful.

Although mass media wants us to believe that everything is spoiled and corrupted, that is simply not the case. The same timeless things that were revered and cherished thousands of years ago are still here today.

We are made to be in nature, to bask in its beauty and to be in tune with its harmony. We are meant to inhale fresh air and to enjoy the sound of birds chirping. We are meant to reflect on life to the sounds of fire crackling and of water flowing. We are meant to admire the night sky and to contemplate the stars.

We are meant to translate this beauty and harmony into love and care towards others. We are meant to seek deeper truths, to discover spirituality and to express ourselves through artistic creation. In short, we are meant to be fulfilled, awakened and enlightened human beings.

Unfortunately, everything in mass media goes in the opposite direction. It is about replacing beauty and harmony with fear, dread and confusion. It is about unbalancing the mind and debasing the soul.

Do not let “them” have this power over you. Do not allow their sick mindset to poison your existence. This year, I’ve published several articles exposing the horrifyingly sick mindset of the elite. I cannot yet comment on why I had to remove some these articles from the site, but I can confirm that there was nothing “fake” within them. Like a worm slithering in dirt, the elite fears being exposed to the bright light of truth. It causes it to dry up and die.

Although some sick people might be in power for the time being, their time will come. In the words of the immortal Johnny Cash, God’s gonna cut ’em down. Meanwhile, our time on Earth is short and precious. Will you spend this time fearful and cowering or will you work on becoming the fulfilled, awakened and enlightened person you were intended to be?

This is what being a Vigilant Citizen is truly about. So please take advantage of this holiday season to fully connect with what is truly important in life. Hug your loved ones, help those in need, read a good book, cook a great meal, enjoy nature, pet a dog, play an awesome tune on the trombone and yell at a tree.

Because, despite the doom and gloom, the beautiful truth of this world is right there. You just need to look in the right direction. To all Vigilant Citizens around the world, thank you for reading and thank you for your support. Have a merry Christmas, a happy New Year and I will see you in 2017!

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The Occult Origins Of Christmas
December 25 2016 | From: OmniThought

What most people do not know about Christmas is that it is a ritual contract created by the Dark Forces to trick people to give them their consent.

What you need to know about rituals is that they have energetic binding forces attached to them.

These binding forces are not dependent upon personal knowledge or beliefs. By simply taking the ACTION to perform the ritual, the effects and results are achieved, and therefore the people who performed the ritual are bound to whatever the ritual is designed to do.

Christmas is saturated with occult symbolism linked to dark magic that is designed to bind you to the Christmas contract. This contract is used by the Dark Forces to drain your energy and enslave your soul.

However, when you become aware of it and remove your consent and stop performing the ritual known as Christmas, the magic spells of the Christmas contract cannot harm you anymore. Be aware that magic can be used for good or evil purposes.

If you have a hard time believing that magic is real, read my informative article titled How Words Can Be Used as Magic Spells. This article gives you a short introduction to how magic works. If you plan to celebrate Christmas, it would be wise to mediate before doing so.

During meditation, tell the Universe that you refuse to give your consent to the Dark Forces. Furthermore, tell the Universe that you are getting together on December 25th to spend time with your family and friends, not to celebrate Christmas.

When you say these things, your mind generates energy signatures and then projects them out into the Universe. These energy signatures tell the Dark Forces that you are aware of their Christmas contract and refuse to give them your consent.
If the Dark Forces do not honor your decision and harm you, they would violate your free will and therefore would have to face the consequences for their actions. All thoughts, intentions, and actions are known by the Universe and there is no escaping its laws.

I will be writing my own article about the hidden secrets of Christmas in about a week, so if you are interested in the occult version of Christmas, keep an eye out for it. - PL Chang

Is Christmas really magic mushroom, sun and Saturn worship in disguise?

Christmas has come around again, and as we all scurry about hanging lights and stars everywhere, and adorning our trees with red and white ornaments, how many of us reflect on the occult origins of Christmas? How many of us realize that this merry festival has roots, in fact, in ancient traditions of magic mushrooms, Saturn worship and sun worship?

Jesus again pictured in religious artwork with magic mushrooms [beneath his feet]

Today’s Christmas is truly a hodgepodge of ancient rituals and celebrations, with roots as far back as 4000 years to the Mesopotamians. This is not surprising, for Christianity itself is a borrowed religion, built on top of previous Coptic (Egyptian), Mesopotamian and Babylonian religions.

Christmas really has nothing to do with the alleged historical birthday of a human called Jesus. Let’s take a look at some of the traditions which have formed Christmas, so we can gain a deeper understanding of its symbolism.

The Christmas-Magic Mushroom Connection

John Allegro was a free-thinking Dead Sea Scrolls scholar and archeologist. In 1970 he wrote a fascinating and highly controversial book entitled The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, whose subtitle was A Study of the Nature and Origins of Christianity within the Fertility Cults of the Ancient Near East. In it he put forth the unique idea that Christianity was an expression of an ancient cult which worshipped sex and mushrooms.

To straight-laced scholars and prim-and-proper Christian apologists, this idea was simply too much for them to contemplate, but Allegro (left) provided an impressive amount of evidence to back his claims.

He showed how the mushroom – specifically the red-and-white magic mushroom Amanita muscaria – came up again and again in Christian art.

He explained how the Eucharist – where Christians believe the bread wafer is transformed into the body of Christ – is a re-enactment of the sacred ceremony of ingesting the flesh of the Amanita magic mushroom.

Allegro argued that the entire story of the Jesus in the Gospels was a code for the ancient journey of conscious self-exploration, the hallucinogenic “trip”.

You can imagine how the majority of people reacted to his “sex-and-mushroom cult” theory in 1970 in England!

Yet his ideas have merit. James Arthur and others after Allegro further developed the idea of the Christmas-magic mushroom connection. 

Amanitas are also linked to fertility and sex; they have a sexual appearance, representing both the male and female. At different stages of their growth life cycle, they resemble a phallus, breast and yoni.

It is interesting to note that Jesus pictured in religious artwork with amanita mushrooms around him. Is the red-and-white Santa Claus or St. Nicholas a modern representation of the village shaman who had the knowledge of pharmacopeia? Is the holy grail actually the mature Amanita with its edges curled up? 

Is the Amanita magic mushroom the fabled Holy Grail?

Were Amanitas the source of power and insight for the old ruling class of priests? And perhaps most importantly, what part does the Amanita play in humanity’s origins and the extraterrestrial Annunaki who were mining for “gold”? These are interesting questions to ponder as you decorate your tree in red-and-white with mushroom ornaments this year.

Note: Masonic and other insider have stated that the 'Holy Grail' actually has nothing to do with a cup or grail, that it is a veiled reference to the 'Royal Bloodlines'.

The Christmas-Sun Worship Connection

Thanks to groundbreaking research of investigators like Jordan Maxwell (whose work was the basis of one major segment of the hit movie Zeitgeist), people have begun to become aware of the link between Christmas and sun worship.

At its core, the Illuminati and secret societies that run the world are deeply into black magic, which, defined, is the use of mostly unseen and unknown forces to gain power and control over others. The Illuminati are black magicians.

They utilize certain powers and then, through their control of the media and academia, put out disinformation and lies to prevent people from believing in and accessing those very powers, lest their power base be eroded.

A typical Christian art interpretation of Jesus. Note the sun cross at the back

Christmas is all about the birth of the “son”. But what if it is actually the birth or rebirth of the “sun”? A sun that goes through a “spring”, ascends to a height (summer solstice), then goes through a “fall” (autumn)? Christianity tells us that Jesus the son is our savior. Yet literally speaking the “sun” is our savior; without the sun there would be little or no life on Earth.

So it is only natural that sun worship was practiced by early cultures all over the world, especially in the keys days following the winter solstice, when the sun disappears over the horizon in northern latitudes for 3 days. Jesus was dead for the 3 days. Is this the symbolic “death” of the sun?

December 25th is the first day when the son or sun makes his triumphant return. Many people make fun of early religions and brand them as primitive, without actually realizing that Christianity itself has either stolen or built upon (depending on your viewpoint) these exact traditions.

Is it purely a coincidence that the date of Christmas is always December 25th every year, exactly 3 days after the 22nd (or night of the 21st), the date of winter solstice? Is it another coincidence that Jesus is pictured everywhere throughout Christian art on top of a sun cross, showing the sun’s journey through the 4 seasons every year? Is Christmas an elaborate ritual to lure back the “prodigal sun” from death?

The Christmas-Saturn Worship Connection

Finally, we come to the Saturn connection. The Christmas-Saturn connection is far from the only connection Saturn has with many modern (dark) activities. Saturn is the ancient roman god of time, harvest, law, tyranny and death. In the ancient Greek pantheon he was Chronos, meaning time, and from which we get words like chronological.

Saturnalia was an ancient Roman festival in honour of the deity Saturn, held on 17 December of the Julian calendar and later expanded with festivities through to 23 December. The holiday was celebrated with a sacrifice at the Temple of Saturn, in the Roman Forum, and a public banquet, followed by private gift-giving, continual partying, and a carnival atmosphere that overturned Roman social norms: gambling was permitted, and masters provided table service for their slaves.[1] The poet Catullus called it "the best of days."

For those investigating the global conspiracy, Saturn has particular significance. Why? Because Saturn – and what it represents – is the object of worship of some of the secret societies that are running the planet today. Indeed, the worship of Saturn is a theme running through the priest, the lawyer and the academic classes, as can be seen by the use of gowns and square mortarboards in the color of black – Saturn’s color.

To quote Jordan Maxwell:

“When you graduate from high school you come out processionally with a black robe … and wear the square mortarboard on top of your head. The square mortarboards are, of course, used by the Freemasons for their plaster, so that is why you wear a square mortarboard when you graduate, ultimately becoming an Alumni. It all has to do with Freemasonry; it all has to do with the control of education in this country.”

In the early first centuries A.D., Saturn had a very strong presence in the most powerful city in the world: Rome. Every year from December 17th to 25th, there was a wild, licentious festival in his honor, named Saturnalia. For these 8 days of the year, people would cut loose in a period of utter lawlessness; Roman courts were closed and Roman law dictated that no one could be punished for damaging property or injuring people during the festival. 

There was widespread intoxication, people running around naked, rape and orgies. There was even human sacrifice – a theme that continues to underly some of the strange, dark rituals practiced by today’s ruling elite at places like Bohemian Grove.

According to some sources, Christmas was invented to compete with the pagan celebrations like Saturnalia, because it was just so popular. It was a successful strategy. Over time, the Church adopted many pagan rituals in their attempt to make Christianity more attractive to converts.

What Does Christmas Mean to You?

Ultimately, we all imbue our lives and activities with our own sense of meaning. You can decide what Christmas means to you.

However, it is always good to be aware of the occult origins and hidden symbolism of traditions and events, for as Confucius said, the world is ruled by signs and symbols, not words or law. Symbols communicate directly with our subconscious and guide our lives from behind the scenes, so choose consciously to which things you give your attention and energy.

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