Volume 85, Issue 4 p. 800-825

Clark Wissler and the Development of Anthropology in the United States

Stanley A. Freed

Stanley A. Freed

American Museum of Natural History

STANLEY A. FREED is Curator of Ethnology, American Museum of Natural History. Central Park West at 79th St., New York, NY 10024.

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Ruth S. Freed

Ruth S. Freed

American Museum of Natural History

RUTH S. FREED is a Research Associate, American Museum of Natural History.

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First published: December 1983
Citations: 15


Wissler receives scant notice today although he was a major figure in American anthropology. During the decades when the historical particularism of Franz Boas dominated American cultural anthropology, Wissler's theories provided a nomothetic alternative. His theories are in current use in various guises. The importance of Wissler has been obscured to some extent because he is often misclassified as a Boasian. However, he consciously worked outside of Boas's influence.